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Faction [GA] Heroes of Coruscant — GA Awards and Promotions


7 9 ' S

War was good business, not only for weapons manufacturers or arms dealers, but also cantinas. Lots of young people looking to blow off steam or calm nerves before a fight, and then either drown their sorrows or celebrate victory once the fighting's done. Tonight was no different, as cantinas on even the most wartorn levels of Coruscant became packed beyond their limit. 79's historically catered to military personnel, dating all the way back to the Clone Wars to the point of being labeled as a 'clone bar'.

Everywhere one looked there were uniformed men and women drinking, laughing, dancing, arm-wrestling, even throwing a few punches at each other. They were watching sportscasts on big holoscreens and gambling amongst themselves on pod racing. Some cheered loudly, others kept to themselves, thinking of fallen comrades. It was fair to say the Ironsides fell into both camps.

Cain and Mira, the young couple from Sev Tok, had taken to the dance floor where they became locked in each other's arms. Rrauros the Red Dread was dominating at arm-wrestling to the point of nobody being willing to risk their limb getting torn off by a wookie. Trek, Pac, and Hak'ken were hitting the bar, doing shots of who-knows-what.

Watching the festivities from atop the balcony was Gaunt, ever preferring the high ground, sipping from his drink while Balor fussed over him, the good doctor reminding him to watch his alcohol intake. Yarrick was in the corner reviewing their bar tab, watching the numbers go up at an alarming rate, whilst Creed, Belial, and Chief Ironside himself shared a drink in peace and relative quiet.

"Whatever, Doc," Gaunt threw up his hands, spilling a portion of his drink while huffing on a death stick. "I'm breaching and entering, you got my six or what?" Balor coughed and dispersed the cloud of foul air blown in his face. "Always faithful, Brother," he replied, well aware that the horrifically-scarred black hole of charm needed all the wingmen he could find if he wanted to successfully pick up ladies.

Creed let out a bellow of laughter, slapping the knee of Yarrick sitting behind him, knowing it would annoy him and got batted with the blunt end of a datapad in response. "Hey! No hitting a superior officer," he jested, making Yarrick roll his eyes. "You can't pull that card every time, Ezekiel." Thirdas smirked at the antics of the 'old married couple', as they were called. He turned to Belial, ever his loyal shadow, noting the blind weequay's attempt at reaching for his drink. Twice he missed, and would have missed a third time unless Thirdas hadn't slid the drink into his grasp out of pity.

"How come you can dodge incoming blaster fire and tell friend from foe, but you can't find a drink you yourself put down," asked Creed, moments before plucking a peanut from a bowl and flicked it at Belial, who caught it without issue. "Because it's not trying to kill me," the wizened warrior relied, stone-faced as usual before popping the peanut in his mouth.

Another smile from the Chief, his gaze drawn to the small container sitting in front of him on the table. Its lid had been left open, and from it shone the Star of Coruscant, posthumously awarded to those who gave their all to achieve victory. A drink had been poured and left standing next to it, its contents untouched.

Thirdas reached for his drink and stood up, prompting the others to follow his example.

"To Tulan Kor Tulan Kor and the men of Dorn. He's back with the old breed now, like he would've wanted. Oorah!"


They drank, emptying their glasses to the point where Creed and Yarrick left to buy another round. The Chief slumped back in his seat, clinking his empty glass against the untouched one. "Oorah, Gunny. Hope Setter was there to welcome you."

He adjusted the bandana now tied around his head, still getting used to it.

"Don't wait up for me. I've got a life to live first."

Sitting in the back, Gress waited his turn. He knew Revenant Squadron was gonna make a whole shpeal about accepting their award. Navy guys always did. Not that they hadn't earned it, but Gress knew those pilots always had their horns a bit too sharp.

His eyes wandered as he looked around the massive senate room. Soldiers from all over the Alliance had made it, as well as some mandos. His eyes paused as he spotted Nyles Kote Nyles Kote , the Davronian man smirking and letting out a chuckle as he silently shifted seats over closer to the armored figure, just behind his little detail. His men looked to Gress with confusion, but Gress couldn't help but a little bit nosey.

"So, I take it you're the crazy bastards who parked a battlecruiser in the middle of a war zone, for what I can only presume was originally to sit there and watch with popcorn."


"You saved my life", uttered the Mandalorian quietly as she turned to face the one whose fate had entwined with her own, if only briefly. "I stood alongside those who visited fire and death on Axilla, called them my kin for so very long; and still, you chose to save me. That lightning... I have felt it before. Any more of it, and I would be dead."

Cora had moved without hesitation, drawing the Sith lighting away from Jenn. She found a measure of pride in that - that she'd intercepted without reservation - but it was quickly muted by the loss of life around them. This battle may have been won at an incredible cost, but the war was far from over.

When she closed her eyes, Cora could still see the cityscape of Axilla as it burned. The destruction of Coruscant had been at least tenfold, but witnessing the devastation of Ukatis would forever be engrained in her mind's eye.

Jenn bowed before her, a gesture that held a depth of meaning to the Mandalorian. It hadn't been expected - Cora almost bid her to rise - but it wouldn't be graceful to interrupt Jenn's gratitude.

"You chose to come to our aid, knowing that you might perish. Some of your clansmen paid the ultimate price for our survival."

Cora dipped her head and placed a hand on the Alor's shoulder.

"You're very unlike those who sacked my home, Jenn. That is a good thing. I am proud to call you my friend."

Her other hand had been hovering behind her back, and now she drew it forward. A slim bottle of dark glass was presented to Jenn.

"Ukatian elderflower wine. It's rather strong; we drink it at funerals."

A bottle of wine couldn't replace the lives lost, but like much of the parallels that ran between Alor and Princess, it was symbolic.

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
Location: Aboard PROSPERITY


Luckily for Elias, he was already aboard the Jedi temple ship Prosperity when he received the summons from Valery Noble Valery Noble to meet in the center of the vessel. With a groan, he moved to the edge of his bed and let his feet meet the floor. No matter how slowly he moved, his temples still pulsed with a thudding pain from the Dark Side psionics that afflicted him on Coruscant. The attending healers assured him the energies, while residual, were not permanent and nothing to be overly concerned with. He'd been lucky to dodge the cruel visions and dark tendencies that often accompanied this sort of Sith hexing, but damn if the headache wasn't worse than the morning after a night out on Nal Hutta.

Elias moved through the corridors tenderly, trying to focus more on the destination rather than the journey; some halls were quiet and clear, but many were crowded with Jedi ranging from rambunctious younglings to worrisome Masters. Some stopped to check in on him, others moved silently to let him by, and some ignored him altogether - an almost preferable disposition for Elias given the state of his mental currently. At least Valery's call seemed positive. Soon, he could see her face ahead, waiting for him in the courtyard. Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka was present as well, along with Jonyna Si Jonyna Si who he'd worked with before. And then, he saw Efret Farr Efret Farr alongside them. A small hitch caught his footsteps, making him appear as if he was second-guessing his approach. It was a split-second motion that he hoped none of them noticed.

"Master Noble, Master San Tekka," Elias said with a respectful nod of his head. "Master Si," he went on, then looked to Efret with soft eyes that clashed with the tightness in his jaw and chest. "Master Farr," he said after a moment, then turned back to the pair of Council members. "I got your summons. How can I help?" Elias asked.

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Jenn treasured the words uttered by the young woman before her - more so than the recognition granted to her and her Clan for their actions, perhaps. There was something far more personal about a profession of friendship, a bond created through their stand against the encroaching darkness. To earn the respect of one whose warmth and light had all but safeguarded her from the worst effects of that baleful corruption was an honor she would not soon let go of.​
"Hard to believe you and I met practically at blasterpoint", chuckled the Ersansyr with- just the slightest touch of mirth. There was a certain weariness to her voice, still, something even her helmet's modulator couldn't hide. And then, she did something she... hadn't quite cared to perform for others, for the longest time. Something that came more easily to her with time, perhaps, but remained a conscious effort. Something... Corazona had certainly earned. More than merely a fleeting look before the beginning of the battle, a reassuring smile given to her.​
Although no longer the size of daggers, her fingers remained sharp- sharper than they should have been, were she human. Her gloves had been torn apart by her uncontrolled transformation in the temple, allowing the Princess of Ukatis to gaze upon those unusual hands of hers as they came to rest upon her helmet... and, with that telltale hiss of depressurization, the Alor of Clan Kryze removed her helm. The pitiless Y visor she had known the woman by for so long, left behind; and yet the visage beneath wasn't quite what it had been before the Sith assault on the Temple.​
Hers was an ethereal beauty, something otherworldly, brought into being by the skillful artistry of Darth Prospero. No two Ersansyr were exactly alike, differing in the extent of their shapeshifting abilities as well as their human-adjacent attributes; some were more monstrous than others, and Jenn seemed to dance on the razor's edge. Sharp fangs served as distant reminder of Prospero's use of Sangnir DNA in the creation of his Songbirds, but they were, by far, the more subtle of changes. Scales had formed all around the woman's eyes, descending on down towards her cheek in a surprisingly flowing pattern, their hue shifting from one shade of blue to the next with each passing moment. A tantalizing sight, to be sure.​
"Whatever path you choose", she called out in that captivating, sing-song voice of hers, "be it that of a monarch or a Jedi... I will be there to repay this debt I owe you, may it be in war or peace."
A solemn promise, made all the more tangible by the way the echo of her voice seemed to hang in the air. That helmet of hers remained held under her arm, kept in place with one hand as the other reached out to grasp the bottle offered to her, a faint smile pulling at her lips.​
"Thank you. If this beverage is to wine what noctum blend is to tea, perhaps brave Pollux may just convince me to accompany him in his next little escapade." A small measure of levity, gentle and kind; aggrieved as she may be by the death of her warriors, there was pride, too, in the bravery they had shown. Indomitable Pollux had all but led the charge against the stormtroopers trying to make their way past them, fighting like a lion; when the dust settled, a shaken Karrys recounted how he seemed to have been the least affected by the horrid manifestations conjured by the Princess' opponent, rallying the rest of the Nite Owls around him and driving out the retreating force.​

From: Personnel Command
ATTN: LTC(Reserve) ROCHE, Sara K.
Due to excess casualty rating, 314th Reserve Battalion will be disbanded effective immediately. As an assigned personnel of the Battalion, and in view of your request dated [REDACTED] to join an active unit, you have been transferred to the following units effective immediately.

Due to newly reactivated status, there has been administrative adjustment of your rank.

You qualify for reserve service backpay and injury/cremation benefits as per RESERVE SERVICE ACT

Previous Rank (Reserve)New Rank (Active)Personnel NameSpeciesPrevious UnitNew UnitStatus
Lt. ColonelMajorROCHE, Sara K.Human, F.CO, 314th Reserve Battalion, Coruscant Defence CommandOC, Marine Complement. 34th Walker BattalionWIA

No rest for the wicked...

Sitting in the back, Gress waited his turn. He knew Revenant Squadron was gonna make a whole shpeal about accepting their award. Navy guys always did. Not that they hadn't earned it, but Gress knew those pilots always had their horns a bit too sharp.

Sara spotted her new CO from her side of the hall. Moving on her crutches, she made her way past the throng of soldiers. Her injuries were still healing, but she needed the exercise again- keep her mind and body sharp.

She took a seat nearby, seeing as the Devaronian was still busy. She never did get to thank the medics that rescued her...
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if they're watching anyways
Strange, how these things drew people together. She smiled gently back to the saluting Flight Officer. The two pilots went beyond camaraderie, in a way that for whatever reason filled her with hope. Destruction was not the only thing brought to Coruscant; love of a stronger sort was required to withstand such dangers.

"Congratulations," a brief smile, then to the crowd. "Our ideals are upheld by the valour of the members of our Defense Forces -- our Alliance is no alliance at all without the cooperation, dedication, and loyalty demonstrated by these soldiers, pilots, and sailors. I call forward Lieutenant General Lupa Visz to present the Golden Starbird."

She nodded to Captain Draav again -- even though it was an honour to receive the award, it was equally an honour to give it. Per his request, he'd pin the medals for Revenant Squadron; they were a reflection on his service as much as theirs.

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:
  • Tra'verd detail led by Varan Kyrr.
Units in Reserve: Naval detachment led by the Darasuum Morut in orbit.
Tag(s): Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Galactic Alliance and Allies


"That's the dini'la Devaronian who assaulted the aru'e akaan'me'sen with walkers?" asked Varan as soon as Gress D'ran Gress D'ran stepped into view. Nyles let out an involuntary, but quickly stifled hearty laugh, and then nodded. He had a feeling he'd see Gress here. If the Alliance didn't give him a medal he didn't know who the haran deserved it, not that the rest of the Defense Force had been caught slacking. A logical commander would have evacuated his men once they found themselves on the hull of that ship. A bold commander might have had his men board the ship to conduct sabotage. Sometimes it took the absolutely dini'la osik that Gress had pulled off to achieve results.

"So, I take it you're the crazy bastards who parked a battlecruiser in the middle of a war zone, for what I can only presume was originally to sit there and watch with popcorn."

The mental image conjured up by Gress' words elicited an amused hearty chuckle from Nyles. "That we are, though you have to thank our worm riding vod for it, really," said Nyles, reaching up and removing his buy'ce with one swift motion. There was a genuinely friendly, warm, grin plastered on his face that belied the genuine respect that he had for Gress. "Which makes you the crazy Devaronian I spoke to on comms. They decide to give you a medal for that whole thing too? Presuming they get to us before all the tapcafs close that offer for drinks is still open." This was also presuming there were still tapcafs that were intact enough that still had stock to sell. Worse come to worst, they could always bring their own gal, but half the point of the mercenary life was drinking other people's gal, or so the song went anyway.

Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

"Thank you Chancellor." She smiled as she approached the microphone, looking out to the crowd.

"I understand not everyone receiving this award is here to take it. I ask all who are to remember those you lost to get this. Those you fought to protect. This war isn't over, but we won the day, no matter what anyone says. Remember that tomorrow, and the day after and the next and the next. This was a victory for the Alliance."
She looked out on the crowd, "With that, I'd like to ask Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania first. I remember not too long ago we lost the battle for Ukatis. I'd like to think she deserves this for more than just what she did on the battlefield."

To Lupa, it was a gesture of hope. Ukatis had been rebuilt after the Enclave ravaged it. Coruscant could be too.


Tag: Sara Roche Sara Roche Nyles Kote Nyles Kote
She took a seat nearby, seeing as the Devaronian was still busy. She never did get to thank the medics that rescued her...
"Which makes you the crazy Devaronian I spoke to on comms. They decide to give you a medal for that whole thing too? Presuming they get to us before all the tapcafs close that offer for drinks is still open."

"That's me. Crl. Gress D'ran, 34th Walker Battlion. The Hellstompers. You should come see the Cerberus some time." He joked. "Probably not as fancy as a mando battlecruiser, but she's a beaut when she's not a roll cage for my head."

While Gress was busy, another soldier, a Toydarian that seemed to have a custom set of armor looked over to Sara Roche Sara Roche with a smile.

"So you're joining the 34th, eh? I'm Radar, the Comms officer for the Cerberus. Nice'ta meetcha." He offered a smile and a handshake. "We'll be gettin' you yer new armor soon. There's a bit of a shakeup going on at HQ right now from what I heard. Somethin' about the marines getting their own set of armor while the infantry are sticking with the Nemean."


Ashley sat towards the middle of the massive stands that sat the horde of GADF and allies. Phoenix Platoon had earned themselves a commendation, and Ashley had to be sure she was there to accept it. She nearly wasn't, old habits dying hard as she had spend the morning scrubbing her armor till it shined. It was her time at basic that had instilled in her a matter of professionalism in these kind of events. She needed to act as the face of the unit. The smile that kept the rest of the platoon happy even when things were dire.

They had achieved their objective back on Coruscant, and now they were here to reap the reward.

She just needed to fight off falling asleep....


Cora's somber smile became a tad wistful when Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze recalled their first meeting. Oh, they had not liked each other then. A mutual respect for Valery Noble Valery Noble had kept them from tearing the other apart.

Jenn's webbed hands reached for her Y-visor, drawing the Jedi's attention to their unique indigo hue. Her helmet was removed, revealing the face she'd only been afforded a glimpse of before the battle had began in earnest. Smooth, nearly poreless skin flecked with iridescent scales, shifting in color as they caught the light at every little angle. Sharp fangs poked from under her lips, matched only in intensity by her eyes - there was a dangerous sort of beauty to Jenn, and Cora found herself mesmerized by the Ersansyr's appearance.

Out of decorum, she managed to break that spell when Jenn accepted the bottle.

"I do not yet know where the Force will lead me-"

There was some hesitance to the way she spoke, and it lingered in her eyes as she continued.

"-but wherever it does, I'm certain that this will not be the last time I call on you for aid."

She nearly snorted at the idea of Pollux managing to drag Jenn along on his next adventure, but the humor in her expression faded as the medaling ceremony began. Chancellor Auteme Auteme opened with a speech before passing the mic to Lieutenant General Lupa Visz Lupa Visz .

"With that, I'd like to ask Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania first. I remember not too long ago we lost the battle for Ukatis. I'd like to think she deserves this for more than just what she did on the battlefield."

Then, her own name came up.

Cora shot Jenn a startled look before reaching into her pocket, fumbling for her compact.

"If I had known I'd be on stage today…" she mumbled. Certainly she wouldn't be the focus of today's proceedings, but her eyes were ringed with dark circles from lack of sleep, and Cora would rather be dead than look a mess during a public event.

After patting some undereye concealer in place with her ring finger, she used the compact’s mirror to ensure that her bags were sufficiently covered. With that done, she smoothed down her hair - and her outfit - and approached the stage.
Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

After patting some undereye concealer in place with her ring finger, she used the compact’s mirror to ensure that her bags were sufficiently covered. With that done, she smoothed down her hair - and her outfit - and approached the stage.
As Cora got up to the stage, she noticed something about the general.

She hadn't slept either, and was also trying to hide it with make up.

Before she approached the mic once more, Lupa gave Cora a soft smile. "Sorry for putting you on the spot. Figured putting you on first would set a precedent. You know how it is, always playing the game."

She paused, shifting her posture to stand up straight once more, and approached the Mic. "For valor in the face of the forces of darkness, I present you, Jedi Knight and Princess of Ukatis Corazona Con Ascania, this Golden Starbird." Lupa pushed the small pin into Cora's dress, making sure not to prick her in the process. "Wear it with pride, and show the galaxy we are not afraid." She gave Cora a sympathetic look as she leaned away from the mic just far enough to where her voice wouldn't pick up.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but a speech might do some good for the soldiers."


Auteme Auteme Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Wedge Draav Wedge Draav Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis

Golden Starbird Dorks | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Amani Serys Amani Serys Mahsa Mahsa Sara Roche Sara Roche Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Astri Elyse Astri Elyse Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Braze Braze

Cora held still as Lupa pinned the Golden Starbird onto the breast of her tunic; shoulders level, spine straight, hands clasped neatly in front of her. The title of Jedi Knight was expected, but Princess of Ukatis touched her ears in a way that didn't feel quite right.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but a speech might do some good for the soldiers."

As Lupa pulled away from the mic and made the suggestion for a speech, Cora blinked in surprise. It was swiftly replaced with a more even expression, then a muted, almost melancholic smile.

Cora stepped up to the podium. She hadn't prepared any remarks, so it would be best to keep this brief.

"Thank you, Lieutenant General Lupa. I commend you all - those who are here with us today, and those who cannot be here - for your valiant efforts in defending Coruscant. Today, the Light and her allies have triumphed over the Dark."

At the cost of so many lives, she thought, at the cost of your-

The Knight paused, tired eyes sweeping over the crowd, perhaps searching for faces that she'd never see again. It never felt quite like a victory, when the cost of survival had been so very high. Their technical victory at Ukatis held the same grim undertone, but when had war ever truly been a joyous affair?

She forced a perfectly measured smile. Now wasn't the time to let what Isar Isar had done to her drag her too far from the moment.

"May Ashla guide our soldiers, and may she protect those under our care."

With that, Cora bowed her head to the crowd and stepped away, yielding the stage.

Wedge stood silent as Cora spoke, looking over at Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis when Lupa Visz Lupa Visz spoke as well. He was careful not to make a face, or even a twinge of emotion. The Captain took a deep breath as Cora finished, nodding and clapping along. It was his turn, and rather not his, but his time to honor his team.

He stood up tall and proudly, adjusting his coat before marching to the podium as Revenant Squadron assembled on the podium. Wedge reached into his dark green Starfighter uniform, and pulled out something peculiar-

A handwritten paper.

"I hope you all don't mind.." Wedge didn't have a posh accent, in fact it was rather plain with a slight drawl. His voice was low and charismatic, emphasizing his calm and collected nature. Wedge might've been reckless in the sky and in the stars, but ground-side he was cool as ice.

"For those of you that don't know me, I am Captain Wedge Draav, the Commander of Revenant Squadron." His hand brushed the front of his jacket, a small signet ring on display as he looked over at his team. "I think I have one of the great privileges in the Alliance, to lead some of the most elite pilots and also have the opportunity to serve alongside them." He smiled at the gathered pilots, unable to feel an overwhelming sense of pride. His knuckles rapped the podium, before he continued.

"Revenant Squadron represents the best of the best in Starfighter Pilots in the Alliance fleet. Each member is hand-selected after completing a grueling course, serving a minimum term of service in the Alliance, as well as a selection course. Each member of Revenant Squadron must also be a confirmed Ace Pilot, meaning successfully shooting down five or more enemy aircraft. Many of Revenant Squadron's members are double, or even triple aces. I am going to recognize a few members of the team, present here today. Keep in mind that not all members of Revenant Squadron can be present, but still, nonetheless, earn my gratitude, respect, and deepest admiration."

Wedge left out that he was in fact, nearly a 10-times over Ace. He had shot down well over 50 enemy fighters, perhaps more, especially after Tython. Wedge was a lot of things, but he had seemingly been spared of the braggadocious nature of many pilots. Or perhaps he was, at one point, but the responsibilities placed on him as a Commander made him set aside such things.

"I would like to take this time to explain the daringness of the actions undertaken by Revenant Squadron during the Battle of Coruscant. Revenant Squadron was tasked with undertaking an extremely dangerous, but important mission- keeping the skies of Coruscant clear of enemy fighters, and targeting elite Imperial pilots. It is from this mission that several notable actions were conducted by members of Revenant Squadron."

Wedge gestured to Shar Sieu Shar Sieu .

" Shar Sieu Shar Sieu , a veteran member of Revenant Squadron, while flying an unfamiliar aircraft- normally flying a B-wing or other aircraft, successfully defended his fellow pilots, and saved the lives of many Alliance defenders on the ground by interfering with the enemy's ability to conduct air-to-ground operations. It is my pleasure to offer my deepest gratitude, as well as informing you all here that this pilot helped saved my life after I myself, was shot down."

Wedge smiled at Shar, giving him a firm salute, before gesturing to the next pilot.

" Addison Porte Addison Porte , another experienced Pilot, accomplished a similar mission, aiding with many other members of Revenant Squadron in the destruction of the Imperial Elite, the Crimson Linings, who have fought with Revenant before on other occasions. For her actions undertaken during the grueling conflict in the sky, I am pleased to promote Flight Officer Porte to Flight Lieutenant, effective immediately."

Wedge smiled at Addison, letting the clapping die down, before gesturing to the next pilot after saluting her.

"Additionally, due to the hectic defense of Coruscant, there were some Allied pilots, unaffiliated with the Alliance, that were given a Revenant Callsign. These pilots, without pay, duty to the Alliance, contract, or committment other than their conscience, put themselves in great harms way to help defeat the enemy. For fear of retribution, I will not say their names publicly here, but know that they are a great asset to the Alliance, a testament to those they represent, and firm in character beyond words can measure. I thank them all dearly."

Wedge finally turned to Reima.

"Many of you saw Flight Officer Reima Vitalis-" He did not address her as Lady. She was given that title, no, he only would call her by things she earned and the things she got for herself.

"Receive the Skywalker commendation for actions undertaken during the battle. I will, without permission from anyone, elect now to tell you why Flight Officer Vitalis deserves such a commendation, such an award. Flight Officer Vitalis, during the course of the battle, in the process of defending me from an attack by a vicious member of the Crimson Linings, suffered catastrophic damage to her x-wing, and by deliberately crashing, also aided myself and the rest of Revenant Squadron to regroup, and ultimately defeat many more Imperial Pilots, as well as completely eliminate the Crimson Linings."

He sat there for a moment, letting his words sink in.

"However, undeterred by her brush with death and the Grim Reaper, Flight Officer Vitalis was rescued by Alliance members, and refusing beyond immediate medical care, commandeered a Gunship that was ready to be used from the fleets above after being taken to be treated and cared for. It was there, that Flight Officer Vitalis and the daring Commandos she helped onto the massive Sith Ship, the Eclipse-"

He put his hands up, looking over everyone with a small caveat-

"I swear everything I'm about to say is true."

He looked down at his paper, almost unbelieving himself.

"By lowering her a hook down, so that the commandos, who had all tied themselves to a tow line from a destroyed tank, could land on the Eclipse and cut into it, ultimately leading it safely above the atmosphere after one of their members, Tulan Kor, sacrificed himself to ensure the delivery of the Eclipse into a safe distance away from Coruscant. Again, I want to emphasize the expertise needed not only to grab a small target, such as a tow line, but to safely transport these Commandos over an active battlefield is nothing short of astounding, and a miracle. Flight Officer Vitalis, then- after delivering these Commandos to their mission, returned to attack the enemy. Additionally, after I, suffered massive mechanical damage after shooting down the Crimson Lining's Leader over the Jedi Temple, began to crash and was nearly mortally wounded by a piece of my X-wing cockpit cutting into my torso-"

He seemed to tear up a little. He wiped his eyes.

"While still in an active battlefield, Flight Officer Vitalis, along with her Co-Pilot, pulled me from the wreckage, saving my life. Flight Officer Vitalis is a testament to her people, to the Alliance, and a model for all future Revenant Squadron pilots to aspire to."

He folded the piece of paper, looking over the crowd.

"It is my great pleasure to recognize these pilots, their actions, and to be their Commander. They are all so dear to me, and I am very happy to be alive, among them, leading them, and watching them grow in their careers and in their heroic actions against the forces of darkness."

"For the Alliance, and for us all."

He turned finally, giving his squadron a salute, instead of them saluting him first. He smiled that broad, toothy smile, before cutting his salute and sitting back down. He teared up a little, wiping his eyes again. Wedge was just happy that he didn't make any mistakes reading his paper, and nothing he wrote down was incorrect.

Good heavens, he was so proud of them.

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Tirin stepped up beside Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , his long violet and deep wine-red robes billowing behind him, and offered him a glass of sparkling cider. "The more things change, the more they stay the same," he sighed softly, sipping from his own glass. "A credit for your thoughts, Master Pryce?" Tirin asked gently. "Any plans or visions for the future?" He paused, perhaps trying to spark some dialogue.

Heliotrope-colored eyes settled on the man, dark lashes fluttering slightly. He had adorned his face with dark coal-colored liner and carried the sweet scent of Corellian Rose, having made himself presentable for this evening's event.


Gabriel pulled the glove from his right hand and stuffed it into the breast pocket of his vest, the night air of Coruscant rushing between his fingers. He smelled the cider, horstberry, before the familiar scent of the Corellian rose. He turned and eyed the Jedi Master. A celebration. Had the Jedi fallen so low? Fires still burned in the undercity.

"Not the future, Master Raene, the past." He placed his bare hand against his desk and took in the memories. Explosions thundered. Turbolaser fire turned glittering skyscrapers to slag. He saw the roof above crumble into the rubble piled near his desk. Their halls were empty as the Temple burned, as his home of the last thirty years crumbled.

He gasped as he pulled his hand away and rubbed his hand, a sad smile on his face.

"At least no one died here." It was a minor consolation.


His gaze followed Gabriel's hand to the desk, a silent witness to unseen devastations. "It haunts us, doesn't it? Even here, amidst attempts at celebration, the shadows of what was lost loom large," Tirin said, his voice a soft echo of the night's whispers.

He paused, considering Gabriel's words and the sad smile that seemed to hold more resignation than relief. "No one dying is indeed something, though we know the cost of such survivals," Tirin murmured. "How do you find peace in such memories, Gabriel? Is there a balm potent enough to soothe the scars they leave behind?"

After a moment's reflection, Tirin shifted the conversation toward his own path. "My time here grows short, unfortunately," he continued softly, the weight of impending departure tinting his tone. "I've set my sights on healing some of the deeper wounds that lie at the very edges of our star maps," he explained, taking a thoughtful sip from his glass.

His eyes surveyed the damage around them, then returned to Gabriel's face. "There is much to be mended here, yet there is more to be addressed elsewhere."

He let the thought linger a moment before concluding, "My immediate goal is to establish a sanctuary—a piece of paradise ideally suited for rejuvenating both mind and body. A place where, perhaps, the shadows of the past can be outshone by the light of recovery and renewal."


Major Sara "Roach" Roche
34th Walker Battalion, OC, Marine Detachment

Equipment: Crutches and dress uniform
Location: Coruscant

Gress D'ran Gress D'ran
"So you're joining the 34th, eh? I'm Radar, the Comms officer for the Cerberus. Nice'ta meetcha." He offered a smile and a handshake. "We'll be gettin' you yer new armor soon. There's a bit of a shakeup going on at HQ right now from what I heard. Somethin' about the marines getting their own set of armor while the infantry are sticking with the Nemean."

Sara shook his hand, leaning on her crutch.

"Pleased to meet you, Radar. I look forward to working with you all- that was a tough fight out there."

She looked around.

"I would like to get to know the other Marines in the 34th if time permits- but it's no hurry. It'll be some time before they scrape together the transport to bring us to the front, I think."

"You know, I never did get to operate with walkers back in Second Hyperspace. It's been quite an eye-opening experience, the kind of mobility and firepower you can bring."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"It is time." She looked at Master Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka and dipped her head. While his new mask hid his facial features, she could tell something brewed underneath. Today was a moment of mixed emotions. The tragic passing of Romi Jade echoed through the Jedi Order, causing a great deal of pain. But while she had taken her last steps among the living, others were now rising up to lead the Order into a better future.

Three of these Jedi now stood before them.

"Apologies for bringing you three all the way out here, but this was important enough to come together here," Valery said, knowing at least one of them would have much preferred to be elsewhere. She glanced at Efret Farr Efret Farr for a moment, offering her a grateful smile, then turned to the others as well.

"All three of you have given so much to the Order, and not just at Coruscant either. Your duties have helped shape the Order and given our new upcoming generations of Jedi to look up to and learn from. You are leaders we can rely on, and now more than ever before, we need you." Valery paused and stepped in front of Elias Edo Elias Edo first. She was handling their promotions together, but each of them deserved to be put in the spotlight alone.

"Master Edo, you've been a dear friend for many years, not just to myself but to so many. Your kindness and compassion are almost unique, and your dedication has made entire planets thrive. I, for one, know that your name will be marked in Bogano's history books forever." She chuckled and dipped her head with a warm smile tugging at her lips.

"On behalf of the Council, and for all of what you've given to our Order and especially to our young Jedi, I'm hereby offering you a seat on the Jedi Council, as our new Quartermaster."

She paused, her eyes focused on the Jedi Master. If he were to accept, she'd turn to face Efret Farr Efret Farr next.


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