Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]



Location - Iziz, Onderon. Approaching Sky Ramp.
Beskar'Gam - Main- Side
Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Careena Fett Careena Fett

“Inmate MB-046372 you’ve aged out, you’re to be transferred to the Inner Rim Reformation Center. If you’re not careful this can spiral into a longer sentence,” the peace officer had droned, might as well of set up a droid to do this job as he read off legal jargon from the data screen. Her eyes hyper fixated on the flickering aurebesh, dust filtered through the air of the small office.

“It was only supposed to be a one year sentence, it was an expired flight license without a guardian present,” Biala had responded, it had always been the same. It had been contraband on her former ship one year, insubordination during time served, and then the claims of assault of a Peacekeeper had been thrown around.

The man’s face scrunched, but she didn’t hear his words-drawing in another breath as she gripped a handful of her own hair. Her knuckles taped heavily, still raw from savaging the plexiscreens that had separated their cells. The decrepit detention facility rattled as another freighter passed overhead, drowning out the conversation. She had spent three years in Galactic space. Three years in juvenile detention and the young woman had done her fair share of waiting.

“You aunt was able to be contacted in lieu of your mother’s death, she will be your new emergency contact during the transfer-”

A voice had barked some sort of question, the officer across from her leaning across the desk. Her shoulders rose and fell with another slow fall as Biala looked at the wiry man. Doubt passed over her visage. Something crushed in her chest. she had doubted any of her transmissions home had actually made it but her..mother? There were no good terms to be on if you were Mandalorian. Biala’s hand crumpled as she drew them back to her side, nails digging into the arms of the edges of the seat. The officer at the Starport had a bad day, the Consular after him had had a bad day, but she hadn’t been allowed that. Her lip curled as she chewed on her words, the look sparking anger in the man-a hitch in her breath betrayed her.

“’s nothing personal I’m just having a bad day,” Biala spat, voice low as she rose-chair clattering behind her. She couldn’t hear much over the ringing in her ears as she lunged for him. Biala wasn’t going to disappear into the system, she’d die right here if necessary...

The memory came to pass. Her visor reflected the harsh cast of light from the fires as they took Iziz, the tremble of bombardment and explosion rocking the foundations of the old city. Vents wirled, the faint stench of tibanna strong as her HUD flickered-spacial warnings raced across in a blur of symbols. The only path left for them lay ahead as they were dogged down by stray blaster fire in their approach. The basilisk war droid lumbered beneath her form as she surveyed the war party from the rear, Hakon Fett Hakon Fett was not far ahead leading the charge. The Sky Ramp was heavily congested, blockades, resistance-it didn’t matter as they had saddled up for a fight. Alliance this, Alliance that-it didn't matter to the woman it was just time to put them down like the dogs they were.
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EQUIPMENT: Borrowed Lightsaber (Real one this time, not a training saber)
ALLIES: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Vince Vince | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze

It wasn't right what was happening on Onderon. The Mandalorians, a people he knew barely anything about, were attacking with the clear intent of taking over, and probably even killing the queen. He felt for her. As someone of royalty himself, the idea of them killing her brought back memories of what had happened to his parents. He didn't want that to happen to Onderon and he would make an effort to keep it from being so. And, at least, this time he wasn't alone when he arrived.

Also this time, unlike Tython, he had informed Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic of his intentions of going to the aid of the people of Onderon. He'd also let Arhiia Voronwe Arhiia Voronwe know that he would be going, and that this time he would do his utmost to avoid getting into as much danger as he had last time. It was a promise he meant to keep, but this time he was also better equipped to fight if needed.

The queen was watching what was going on in the world around her, especially through cameras within the building itself. Others had entered, clearly hostile, and one of them, even though nowhere near the Queen as yet, was calling out to her. He was certain he'd heard the word Aunt in what he'd said. Why would the queen's own family desire her death? How cruel was it that her own blood would seek to kill her? He would never believe one of his own family members could do such a thing. They had peace on Lazerian, even though the world wasn't totally united.

Well, peace when the royal family wasn't murdered by outsiders.

"Do not worry, your majesty," he said as he stood nearby. "I understand what you're going through, but you had friends here and we will help you."

ALLIES: MANDOS | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
ENEMIES: GA | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Vince Vince
ENGAGING: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
GEAR: In bio


Yuri was dead silent as he moved alongside the strike team towards the palace. His mind was struggling to stay centred on the conflict around them. Just the other day, he was invited by Vince to attend a party as a means to stay out of jail. He laughed and talked with these people, and shared a glass with them. Vince was probably the closest thing he ever had in his life to a true friend.

Now he had a rifle in his hand and a Basilisk flying overhead. Baby was ready in case Yuri needed to summon him, however the Shistavanen desperately didn’t want to do that. What kind of sick person was he? To break bread with the prince of Onderon and then shoot his people a few weeks later.

“This palace is well fortified,”

“They’ll use the limited movement and space in hallways to their advantage. You have to move fast and hard.”

The report in his ear drew him back to reality for a moment. No, he knew why he was here. This was his best chance to hurt the people responsible for the pain in his heart. At the end of the day, nothing else mattered. The only thing that mattered was the lightsabers he took as trophies and the pain it caused the Jedi’s perfect Grand Master.

"Been itching to drag a godling all week!"

”Leave some for me, I wanna get a slice of my own.” He remarked.

At least, that’s what he was trying to convince himself to believe…

Domina was a familiar face for him. It seemed that she did not recognize him, but he would struggle to forget her enormous stature striding through Tor Valum’s streets. Even now, he felt as small next to her as he did as a pup.

His attention was drawn to a group of palace guards attacking the little group. Several blaster bolts screamed through the air as Yuri shifted to a nearby pillar. He didn’t need to get his armour banged up already. There would be plenty of time for that. The firefight was over as quickly as it began. These guards were good, but they were no match for a squad of highly trained, highly motivated Mandalorians.

It was going to be a slaughter.

Pretty soon the group was engaged again, this time by a team led by none other than his best friend. Yuri ducked behind a nearby pillar the moment he saw the prince’s figure. Once again those pesky thoughts of his own mortal soul rose up.

The Shistavanen opted to continue on. Sig would take care of the Queen, guy was practically foaming at the mouth for that chance, while the rest of them secured the palace. A great plan and an easy execution.

A plan that also allowed him to stay as far away as possible from Vince. He desperately hoped that the prince didn’t notice him. ”Hey, Dima! Let’s keep pushing. Sig can handle this, we got a palace to secure.” He spoke up as he nodded to a nearby hallway. He didn’t know much of the layout, but he did know a little bit of how to get to the throne room… via the scenic route filled with palace troops and turrets.

The hallway quickly turned into a gauntlet which forced Yuri to take cover behind a nearby decorative pillar. He flicked his rifle to full auto and dispensed an entire magazine at the incoming guards, though the turrets were going to be an issue. ”Got an idea to take care of those?” He asked the tall figure next to him.

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Feydrik swiveled his rifle up to his chest, watching the big Jedi come at him. He was a big target, a big bastard. He flicked the selector switch to fully automatic- and aimed it at the Jedi as he marched along, sliding in a fresh charge pack. He picked up the pace, moving and shooting. Feydrik picked up his feet- his physique, his physicality carrying him forward. Not the force, not stims, not fancy armor.

Just him.

And he unloaded on the Jedi, a barrage of red bolt fire coming accurately at him. Feydrik didn't say a word, he didn't scream, yell, or offer a debate. He abandoned thought, reason, and logic here. There was only war.



| Location | Onderon Throne Room, Iziz
| Directly Interacting | Varys Amun Varys Amun Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Standing behind Jenn was Herrel Eldar. As a Talz he loomed heads and shoulders above the Alor of Clan Kryze. Herrel was an intimidating presence wherever he went by virtue of his species and his culture. But as he looked out the ornate windows to the side,the slightest fractures in his normally stoic demeanor were visible to those with a keen eye. His head was ever so slightly bowed. Neither was he paying as much strict attention to the conversations in the room as he normally would. He wasn't even stretching his clawed fingers, which he always did before battle. Herrel Eldar was troubled.

Herrel watched the Mandalorians wage war upon Iziz. He had not seen such great quantities of his people in some time. It brought to mind old battles and those he had waged them with. A defeated state, a scattered culture, a lost community. In that moment Herrel mourned The Enclave. He wished that they had been stronger. That they had overcome their Ani'la Akaan. But they had not. They had failed to prove their right to exist. He had failed. What right did Herrel have To join the Neo-Crusaders or the New Mandalorians? He who still abided by the ways of a dead people? No right. None whatsoever.

Still, it was not The Way to lay down and die. He had kept busy. Some time ago he had first visited Jenn. He had tested her. He had advised her. He had predicted the future. Now, after some that he had predicted had come to pass, he had visited her again. To sit by her hospital bed as she recovered from mortal wounds. When her recovery was near complete and he had prepared to leave again, she had invited him to be her guest. To see what she had sworn her loyalty to.

It was supposed to have been a brief diversion.

Herrel's blood boiled standing next to these Jedi. All that he had ever been taught, all that he had ever known screamed at him to Fight. They were his people's enemy. He was disgracing his ancestors' memory by not firing upon them right here, right now. But he was a guest and this is a sacred thing. If he disrespected this, the souls of his forefathers and foremothers would reject him and he would never be allowed into the Manda. So Herrel restrained himself.

Herrel had been Jenn's shadow, walking behind her as she made her rounds and gave her speeches. But this was something he did on autopilot, he had paid little attention to what she said. Consumed by his brooding.When she spoke to him, this changed. The subtle signifiers of unconfidence left him, but the true transformation was internal. To those who were force sensitive and were looking, it was as if orange had become blue. Doubt, uncertainty, hesitation, fear, anger. All of these left Herrel and were pacified by surety of self and sense of purpose. The same cultural customs and religious traditions which had caused Herrel's conflict so too were what his soul drew strength from as he accepted this sacred duty.

One of Herrel's large fists was driven against his beskar chestplate with excessive force. The impact of his thumb's claw against the metal produced a unique ringing. “Catechism 2. Ibaac haar Yust.” Herrel paid no more attention to Jenn as she left, she was already forgotten. Herrel crouched down to speak to the foundling eye to eye, or at least so much as it was possible for someone of his size. “Adiik sushir,” He said. "Battle is coming and you will be tested. Gar alii’nar cuyanir. You will hide. You will take cover. If you attack you will only do so when you are absolutely sure it is safe. If I die, you will run. Gar vencuyot.” Harold raised a fist and pushed it against Varys' chest plate. It was normally a boisterous gesture of camaraderie that he had performed many times to fellow warriors. But this time it was meticulously gentle.
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Engaging: Livia Cadera Livia Cadera
Allies: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Varys Amun Varys Amun Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Vince Vince Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

To be a member of a royal family painted a target on one's back.

Cora felt bad for the Queen. It was an odd sort of kinship to be felt - and likely one way - with a woman she did not know. What she did know, was that Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze held the woman in high esteem. Duty brought her to Onderon, but loyalty to her friend had brought her to the palace.

Alor Kryze and her clansman had helped her to defend Coruscant. A debt that could not be repaid in Cora's mind, but she would assist in the defense of their new home.

The throne room was staged to be the site of an impending showdown, but the Jedi knight had stationed herself in one of the feeder corridors. Even still, she could hear Jenn's impassioned voice and the chorus of stalwart agreement that followed. One corner of her lips lifted into a little half-smile. This was no stealth operation; the Nite Owls were nearly rattling the halls as they challenged this new Mandalorian war machine.

Come and get us, they seemed to say.

Jonyna was with her, too. The Siren and her Storm. Each placement was a calculated one, meant to maximize the Queen's safety. For her part, Cora patrolled the halls, spreading her sense along the Force to catch whatever tried to slip through the cracks.



A Deal With The Devil Is A Deal With Me
That Deal Is Forever. As Long As You Breathe~

LOCATION: Second Floor of Palace
Primes Beskar'gam
OBJECTIVE: Throne Room

With a primal roar that echoed through the Palace Corridors, Domina Prime surged through the halls like a tempest of fury and fire. The air crackled with the scent of smoke as she barreled through the Grand Palace, her presence igniting chaos in her wake. Royal guards, draped in their finery, scrambled to intercept the strange Xeno as Mandalorians shot their way through the establishment.

Tragically however, they were little match for the storm that had descended upon them.

She swept through the corridors like a comet, dragging hapless guards by their hair, their screams drowned out by the roar of her devilish cackles of delight. Each step propelled her higher, a visible skip in her step with each room she shattered a testament to her unyielding might. The walls seemed to tremble as she moved, her four arms a blur of lethal intent, striking with the force of unholy destruction.

"Shhh, stop with all that whining boy you're ruining this for Prime. Killing the fucking vibes~" She chittered impishly to the guard trapped in her clawed grip. Hoisted into the air by their hair as they sobbed and struggled.

"Force save us, not like this. P-please!" He squealed, causing Domina to grimace in slight disgust as she rolled her many eyes from behind her mask. Struggling to navigate the palace now that she had torn through most of it.

"Tell ya what. This one is a little LOST ya know? Big, fancy place ya'll got here and all. Your Prime would be SO grateful if you could sayyyyy…maybe point This One in the right direction. Do that and Prime will find new champions to test. Then you can go home and do....whatever the fuck frauds and fakes do`" She explained rather simply, sweeping her hair back and peeling away her military-style cap.

Flames licked at her heels, consuming tapestries and furniture alike, engulfing the palace in an inferno that cast her figure in an ethereal glow. Smoke swirled around them, wrapping her in a shroud of azure and flame, making her appear more a specter of destruction than a warrior. The echoes of her laughter mingled with the crackling of fire, a haunting melody that sent shivers through the hearts of those who dared to stand against the might of PRIME~

The soldier in her grip was quick to lose his nerve.

"T-there is a s-secret passage! On the west side of the palace! B-but the door is hidden, only the royals can get in!" He cried out shamefully. Domina scoffed and loosened her grip on his scalp, dropping him back down to the floor as he crumbled to his hands and knees swiftly.

One of her arms reached down towards him again. His instinctive reflex to guard his face as if she were going to strike him. Instead, she merely raked her claws delicately through his hair as if he were a child.

"Sweet sweet boy. Unfit for war…keep your head down yeah? Prime needs you to show the way…buuuuuuut. First~" She purred, stroking her claws along his cheek and delicately pushing him behind some shattered rubble as the palace burned.

The heavy clattering of boots on tile surrounded, causing a surge of electrical current to blister through her bones.

Room by room, she dismantled the royal stronghold, her five eyes gleaming with ferocity. She crashed through ornate doors with that massive Beskar shield, splintering wood and scattering debris, her movements fluid and relentless. Guards bashed by her shield, slashed by her claws and pierced by that deadly tail. Scattering the fodder like dry leaves in a storm, their armor clanging uselessly as she swept them aside.

"IS THIS IT? ALL YOU HAVE TO OFFER PRIME?!" she taunted, her voice a dark lullaby, resonating through the smoke-filled air. Each defeated guard was a step closer to her goal, the Throne Room where the royal family cowered in fear from her unholy wrath. "Di-fucking-sgusting~"

And then the sound of Mandalorian blaster fire sounded as her comrades finally closed the gap Domina had created between them. Covering and pushing forward past reinforcements only to quickly be pinned down when the Palace defenses.

"Please, i told you what you wanted! Just let me go i'm begging you!" The boy pleaded, crawling along the marble floors to avoid the explosives and blaster fire flying through the air.

"Hush! Mamas busy Jr gimme a minute~" Dima shushed him, putting a clawed finger on his lips.

Peering her head out the doorway where mandos held the line, the blast from a turrent nearly took her hat off! Causing her to quickly duck back into cover. Across the hall however tucked behind a fallen pillar was Yuri Maji Yuri Maji , blasting back and putting on quite the fine display that caused Domina to lick her lips.

"Mmnf, you good over there sweetness?" Nothing she loved more than seeing a fellow Mando struggle and claw their way through battle. "Ya look a little uhhhhh." She rolled her wrist, looking for the word but losing her focus from all the crying and whining behind her. "…well ya know~"

"Hey, Dima! Let's keep pushing. Sig can handle this, we got a palace to secure!" Yuri barked at the xeno, exciting the beast of a woman even more as her tail rattled and swished in delight. "Got an idea to take care of those?" He questioned, gesturing to the turrets still raining hellfire down the corridor.

"Woah woah woah woah woah hey now...first of all...FUCK these palace grunts! Prime demands finer champions!" She called out, re-activating her beskar great-shield. "But yeah aside from that lets see what we've got here~" She scoffed, leaning out the door and suddenly bursting out of cover. At the same time, that elongated tail lashed out and SNATCHED the soldier she had taken hostage and wrapped him into her tail. Putting the shield in front of her the turret focused it's fire on her, the pressure from its torrent of blaster fire slowing Domina only slightly as those taloned feet sliced into the stone floor and those piston-like legs propelled her forward. "C'mon! MORE! GIVE PRIME MORE!"

And she ascended through the corridor, the poor lad being dragged behind her the very structure trembled under the weight of her fury. The walls, adorned with lavish murals and gilded accents, became mere obstacles in her path. She unleashed a primal howl, a sound that reverberated through the halls, swinging her shield and bashing into a few soldiers, sending them colliding into the walls and causing a grand chandelier, sending shards raining down like stars falling from the sky.

And as she neared the end of the corridor where the turrets were safe behind its allies Domina scooped up another soldier, noticing he had explosives strapped to his person as she pressed a button on a grenade and proceeded to twist her body and TOSS his entire body into the end of the hallway beneath the turrets.

In that moment, she faced the explosive as fire and rubble came flying towards her from the force of the explosion. Holding the shield up to protect herself as the turrets were reduced to malfunctioning shredded steel.

Her tail loosened around the Royal Guard she had captured. The boy crawling and cowering in the dirt and rubble as Domina looked back towards Yuri, gesturing him down the hall to join them.

"Psst, hey! Hey Cousin! This One thinks she did good yes? And the sugar on top? This sweet little thing knows another way to the Throne~" She called out to him, dragging her razor claws through his hair delicately as the traumatized soldier prayed to the force. "What would you ever do without your beloved Prime?" She chirped girlishly. Reaching up with one of her many hands and playfully twirling her snowy hair in those sharp claws. Looming menacingly over Yuri yet bashful like a schoolgirl. "Would you like to bring the godborn to their knees with This One?" She cooed to Yuri as that massive tail rattled and flicked flirtatiously to the canine. Fire, smoke and embers shrouding the xeno dangerously in an aura of devastation. Offering out a clawed hand like a lady offering their hand for a dance. "The Allfathers will bare witness to our might. Ha'rangir will bless our path, yes? Sweet kin of mine~"



CRUSADE | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Domina Prime Domina Prime
ALLIANCE | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Vince Vince
The Hunter's Quarry | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
Armor | Gun | Side | Blade



<"Hey! Hey! We got a breach! Behind us! Sector Aurek-Four! Move- fuckin'- move, move!"> The panicked cries of a non commissioned officer among the Palace Guard barked out. His pitch a bit higher than it should've been. A well fit man, well trained for the job. But this detail was a ceremonial one at best. Comprised likely of men and women who had hardly known war. Combat? Perhaps...but not war. War was...distinctly different.

To delve out to some foreign world, place the boot heel of government down on some unclaimed savages only to return home with full bellies to warm beds. That wasn't war...the Alliance hadn't seen war in some time. It showed in that primal fear in the eyes of the security detail of this palace. They once were chosen of the best of Onderon. In truth, they all saw it as a snowflake gig, a term used for those odd assignments in the military that kept you away from the action and kept higher ups rather out of your business. A little drill and ceremony, changing of the guard, that was all this detail required. Not a single one of them thought they'd be looking down the barrel of a blaster to see a Beskar clad.

But war is the ancient, foundational reality to the Galaxy. The blood of its fruits was the lubricant to the ever moving cogs and gears of this wretched machine. And it was belting out, screaming in metallic anger for more souls lain to waste at the altar. Trajan opened the next door way to find another fire team of Security Detail waiting for him. His eyes widened beneath the helmet, he immediately snapped the pistol sights to his eye line and delivered a burst, his other arm reaching out to fire a volley of whistling birds out toward the group which exploded in beskar fury after his HUD painted each of them as hostiles.

Within seconds, a defiant squad was laid to waste, leaving nothing but their smoldering corpses in return.

<"We're getting closer. Bralor, take Mereel to set the charges. We'll take it from here."> He said to his counterpart, Harken, who nodded, adjusting the satchel of explosives over his shoulder.

<"Vode An."> Harken said in a deep voice.

<"Vode An."> Trajan replied before he snapped to Saxon, the more junior Mandalorian operative he'd taken with him.

<"Set the breaching charge, I'll cover you."> Trajan said, holstering his pistole before he unslung his disruptor carbine, posting near the door from a stable, knelt stance as he aimed down the sights, slowly creeping toward the other wall to peak around the corner of the approaching corridor.

<"Wait, it's unlocked we-"> Saxon hit the door switch and not a second later, an explosive charge linked to the door's locking mechanism went off. It was a violent pang that immediately sent a ringing through Trajan's head as he buckled forward, cradling his rifle closer before he stood up with a stumble. He turned toward the younger Mandalorian. It was hard to register what he saw, a mess of Beskar, blood, gore and human flesh.

He looked it over with a deadpan gaze beneath his helmet. Hardly the first time he'd looked upon a gruesome sight of this nature. He let off a low grunt before he stepped over the man's corpse, crouching down near it he reached down, grasping ahold of the 'Iron Heart' on what was left of the man's torso before he wrenched it off of his chest. He clutched the bloodied beskar for a moment, shoving it away into a pouch on his belt before continuing forward, holding his carbine rather lazily high on the stock as he drew his pistol again only for the next blast door to pull itself open with a metallic hiss.

And there waited...a Mandalorian. A Nite Owl. He had Kryze's head in the sights of his pistol but stood still. His gloved finger rested over the trigger before he eased it off, extending it outward along the barrel of the pistol. He lowered it, tilting his head, an unseen brow lofted behind his visor.

<"Nite Owl."> He said briefly.

<"Shame."> He said, planting his heel into the floor before he fired off a cluster of four micro missile from his knee pad, bouncing back as he aimed down the sights of his pistol again, snapping it up to deliver a burst toward Kryze.

Location: Second Floor of the Palace
Objective: Defend the throne room
Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Yuri Maji Yuri Maji Domina Prime Domina Prime Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Varys Amun Varys Amun Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

Just once, Rayia wished that war would not follow her wherever she went. She’d come to Onderon in order to meet the woman destined to be a part of her true mother’s, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , life. But as Rayia was waiting for Jonyna to facilitate that eventful introduction, trouble came calling. Crusaders were attacking the royal family of the planet which had hosted Rayia’s soon to be second mother.

The Felacatian wished she had a chance to rest after the invasion, but such was not to be. You did not attack a member of the tribe without answer. ‘I suppose that is one lesson engraved within me. No thanks to the woman who taught me it,’ Rayia thought to herself as she flitted amongst the wreckage and chaos caused by the attacker’s push. The screams and trembling booms caused her blood to thunder in her ears. Trails of liquid fire infused her veins as her beast blood began to sing. Her bestial side’s chains clinked and grated against one another as its slumber grew fitful.

Utilizing her Felacatian ability to detect the vibration of motion in her vicinity through the sensory organ in her tail and her inherent strength and speed, Rayia laid deadly ambushes. Lying in wait behind some of the broken rubble, she would find the perfect opportunity to pounce on unsuspecting soldiers before disappearing within a few heartbeats. Claws capable of carving durasteel, with monstrous strength behind them, found gaps in Mandalorian beskar, flaying its wearer open along its seams like butter. ‘Not too dissimilar from harvesting oysters in Vossport. Apply enough pressure and they split right open,’ Rayia observed, before flitting back into the smoke and rubble once more.

She was not a warrior of glory. The word held little meaning to her. She was what she had always been. A huntress and a beast. But she would do what she could. And the situation demanded she answer.

Golden eyes narrowed into slits as they flashed with recognition at one of the individuals stomping her way through this floor. Picking up a broken tile from the floor as she dashed away, she hurled the jagged stone towards the tall, blue alien’s head. Rayia knew that one well. She had stolen her brother’s eyes.
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| Location | Throne Room Adjacent
| Objective | Throne Room

And just like that, the waiting ended. Sooner than he'd have imagined, but so much the better. Impatience was, for the most part, a vice he'd largely left behind along with what passed for his childhood so very long ago, but in truth, nobody liked waiting. Patience would not be a virtue at all in that case, never mind a virtue so rarely possessed in any great measure. And it wasn't as though he was waiting on an overdue shuttle with a book to occupy his mind. Good men and women, comrades and those he'd have liked to count as friends were being butchered out there. Removed as he was, he could yet hear screams punctuating the blaster fire while he stood and stared at the finery. And he knew it no empty pride to say that he could be saving lives down there.​
But the ugly truth was that those lives were a necessary price. Those were soldiers out there, and in time of war, the life of a soldier was an asset to be used as needed, lost as needed. And this slaughter had a purpose. When Mandalorians clinging to the old ways went on the attack, they almost never did so with the advantage of numbers. Speed, shock and brutality were their tools. When they could overwhelm a defense before it stiffened enough to oppose them, they won. And while these Crusaders may have found their way past the exterior defenses, they were being slowed down inside, robbed of the surprise enabled by a lightning assault. And if they could be slowed, they could be stopped.​
The palace guard were doing their jobs, and paying for it. So Haliat Kryze did his, and maintained his position...until at last the situation changed when a resounding boom sounded down the corridor.​
"The failsafe! The upper level is breached!" Immediately, a senior palace guard was at his shoulder, and the man just as immediately realized what the explosion portended. Trajan had, of course, been broadly correct earlier. Unblooded these soldiers may have been by Mandalorian standards, but professionals all the same. Trapping themselves in one position with no capacity to maneuver on their own home ground was hardly sound strategy, and alternate means of moving about the palace did indeed exist. But those hidden paths were a persistent weakness in their security if discovered, and so additional security had been left in place against unauthorized access. It seemed the intruders had discovered this rather dramatically.​
"There will be more such breaches before long," Haliat declared, extending a gauntleted hand to forestall any notion on the part of the guard of charging off to engage this incursion. "Hold to your assigned positions. Be prepared, should they pass me."
And with that, blaster drawn and energy shield active, Haliat proceeded to where Trajan found him, and if the following exchange was stilted, his own greeting was even more terse than the Crusader's. Even as Trajan's pistol lowered, so too did Hal' a couple of inches, as he bent his hand downward to expose the nozzle of his wrist mounted flamethrower, which proceeded to belch forth a gout of flame at Trajan's face. And while this certainly presented some danger on its own, its main purpose was to spoil Fett's vision while he darted to the side and sank to one knee. In this way, very little of his body remained uncovered by his shield...which quickly proved most fortuitous as the missile cluster came screaming at him, eliciting several well aimed blaster shots directed at Trajan's head in response.

| Friendly | @
| Hostile | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett


Ran Serys was among the first Knights to arrive at the Capital. She saw the fires, the destruction, and the negligence. The neo-crusaders tore through the mid rim while the unlucky beings of the mid rim were torn through. Those remaining were asked to sink or swim. Ran wondered if the same fate would befall Onderon. It seemed so, but she wouldn't abandon all hope. She would protect that hope and act to preserve it. She knew her place was on the bridge defending it until there was no doubt who was in control of it, and maybe even after that.

So from the back of a dogged and scarred drexl she flew over the Sky Bridge. She waited and watched for an opening, a weakness, or a danger she'd have to prevent. With the mandalorians the latter was the more likely option.

As Ran soared on the drexl, she could feel the moment of battle closing in. She glanced at the beast riders on her left. She took note of the way their ruping and drexl reflected their own dour and sour faces. Then she glanced at the beast rider on her right, the young Jedi padawan, Mahsa. The ruping, Rupert, and Mahsa looked markedly more youthful. Ran wondered what the trait or characteristic she shared with the beast beneath her was, but she wouldn't get the opportunity to ask as her mount screeched alongside the others. They screeched at the war droids that began to rain down on the bridge.

It was time for action. The drexl was ready and so was Ran. The beast riders of onderon flew in first.

"Mahsa! It's time!" Ran announced as their beasts glided in tandem.

"Listen to your instincts! Listen to the force! If you do, I will see you on the other side." She continued before they'd fly into a barrage of laser fire all in the hopes of taking down a couple of hulking basilisk war droids.

"Stay close! Don't lose me!" Ran warned the Jedi padawan, before diving down at a brilliant speed.

Loadout: Battlefield (Fennec Pistol replaced with a VSF Shiba)
Enemies: Mandalorians ( Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Biala Prahl Biala Prahl Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin )
Allies: GA Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad

Shadow danced beneath him, the massive fox pawing and growling as she peered down the bridge at the coming threat. At his flanked, Vulpesen could see a platoon of his personal guard, each mounted on their own similar beasts Throughout the city, Cyclone Regiment was doing their bes to fight back the mandalorian menace. Some of the Alliance's very best were laying down their lives to hold the line and mitigate the damage. But here on the skybridge, where the Valde sat mounted, saber ignited in hand, it was the proud Zorrens of Trident company who would bare their fangs against the marching tin cans.

"Gentlemen! I don't know about you, but I need the latrine! Perhaps a bucket will do!" His blade pointed down the bridge at the proud suits of beskargam. "FIND ME A BUCKET!" With a kick to his mount's side, Vulpesen launched down towards the mandlorian menace, a howl ripping from his throat to join the chorus of whoops and howls of his men. Once again, the two warrior culture's would meet on the field of battle, one hellbent on conquest and destruction. One proudly serving to protect the innocents of the galaxy.


Location: Onderon - Medical Examiners Office
Objective: Apprehend Serial Killer
Tags: Connel Vanagor [Note: Not open to others at the moment]

Katarine heard quite the commotion coming from the other side of the building where the officers bullpen was. She got up to check but before she could make it through the doors she was greeted by Connel.

She smiled at him, and let her deep green eyes travel behind him as the doors swung shut. "Connel its nice to see you. The looting is already started." It wasn't a question. She could hear the officers shouting and dealing with the mess behind them. She sighed and motioned for Connel to follow her away from the door, into the small waiting room the medical examiner was letting her use.

Like most cops Kat was obsessed with catching her unsub, but she also knew she couldn't ignore full scale criminal riots being caused by the battle. She might have to face the fact that her talents were needed elsewhere. Of course that meant The Reaper might walk free, though she knew he would turn up on another planet. The question was how many bodies he would leave before she got his scent again.

"Well as you know I summoned you here to help me track down one criminal but with the invasion I'm starting to think we might be doing better by protecting citizens from rioters, looters, and other crimes of opportunity. How bad was it when you were making your way here?"

Mount: Rupert the Ruping

It had been some time since her last visit to Onderon, the arduous battle fought on the Badlands one of Mahsa’s first combat experiences shortly after joining the Order. She had followed her master to this place, the seasoned Echani one of the many seasoned fighters stationed in the throne room to ensure the protection of the Onderonian Queen.

She would’ve followed Master Jigora there too, but the excited warble of a particular creature had quickly vetoed those plans.

"R-Rupert?!" Surprise and excitement had rippled through the snowy strands in shades of warm honey and vibrant citrine, recognition finally dawning on the young padawan as the creature had lowered his head enough for his unusually colored eyes to gaze directly at the small Kazelrrian. "It’s really you—w-wait, did you get bigger?!"

A thrill of amusement had escaped the ruping before his snout nudged the girl, the padawan more than happy to oblique to the wordless request as her hands sought to scratch a particular spot under his chin. His delight echoed in pleasured rumbles as the nictitating membrane closed over his teal eyes, content to be reunited with his chosen rider once more.

─── ⋆ ⁺ ∘ ₊ ⊹ ☽ ⋆ ◯ ⋆ ☾ ⊹ ₊ ∘ ⁺ ⋆ ───​

"Ready for today, Rup?" A hand reached to softly scratch the taut hide of her flight partner, the leathery skin rippling as his muscles kept them airborne. She had learned much about the ruping and what he’d been up to after her return: unbeknown to her Rupert had been just a juvenile when they’d first met and, once they had parted ways, the ruping had vehemently refused any rider—though he had continued to protect the roost and the young ones fearlessly.

His head tilted just enough that teal eyes could peer at the tiny rider in his saddle, eyelids slowly closing and opening as if agreeing before Rupert had turned his attention to the front once more. Fascinated by them Mahsa had read any book she’d been able to find about the species upon returning to the Temple, and she couldn’t help but wonder if some of the hypotheses surrounding their unexpected ability for flight despite the laws of nature dictation otherwise might’ve held some truth.

"Mahsa! It's time!"
"Yes, Master!"

Determination shone within her irises as the loud roar of Rupert echoed along with Ran’s drexl, the creature following its lead as they diverted from the main force of the beast riders to find their own targets. The basilisk war droids were known for their power, and would undoubtedly be the cause of many casualties if they were not dealt with quickly.


Things had a tenancy of cycling. Fighting Sith, fighting Imperials, and fighting Mandos. Those were the big three pretty frequent enemies that traded out in regards to whoever was making life worse for people in the galaxy. They seemed pretty prepared to fight too, these Crusaders. Jasper took note of their anti-air turrets as he flew in, piloting an Epo-1 Interceptor with his student in the navigational seat.

Not that it would stop him. Jasper was a seasoned pilot and this was a ship of his own design, engineered to be fast and unruly. It would get them into the fire. Not exactly what a sane person would be doing, but that wasn't really Jasper's mo.

"Right then," Jasper began. "We're gonna fire off our Magnetic Pulse Warhead payload and pop the lid so we can jump down to the ground. Should soften the guns on the ground for us. Expect it to be pretty hot though, so be ready."

And with that Jasper fired off the two warheads the starfighter had onboard, targeting the primary turrets on the ground. Magnetic pulses rippled out from the blasts, the initial impacts also causing some good kinetic damage as well as the shells reduced to shrapnel and scattered about the area below. With that done, Jasper opened the top of the Epo-1 and set the ship to autopilot before leaping out, Braze sure to follow. As they hit the ground the starship would race off back to safety, where it would wait until it was needed again.

With a sigh Jasper drew his Chill Out Rifle, priming the slug thrower for first engagement.

"Remember, Force push whip-cables, redirect wrist rockets," he added. "Only way to not get overwhelmed is to overwhelm them back. Keep your head on your shoulders."

This was gonna get messy. But then again it always got messy.

Such was his curse.




Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]

Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


"Understood," Braze said, acknowledging the plan as he moved hot on Jasper's heels. He was in rare form today, seemingly fully recovered after Abraxas Colt's nasty little trick. Determined to guard Jasper well, Braze had brought along a few playful tools of his own—paint grenades and spray paint. Mischievous plans played out in his mind, though he'd need the right opportunity to put them to use.

Darting slightly ahead of Jasper, Braze focused on maintaining Soresu, weaving through the chaos with the Force as his shield. His practice with stasis, Force barrier, telekinesis, and Force push was paying off, as he skillfully combined them to deflect the worst of the incoming attacks. Energized and practically bouncing from foot to foot, Braze moved with terrifying speed. It was clear that someone had been running elaborate speed drills with Aether, showing off his improvements thanks to that intense training.



Location: Second Floor of Palace.
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Main, Sidearm, Polearm, Belt of "goodies"
Beasts: x2 Oggdo's
GA: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Vince Vince Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Vode: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Domina Prime Domina Prime
Hunting: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

The faint scent of fear and desperation hung in the air, mingling with the sweet and acrid tang of iron. Ninurta moved silently through the wide, opulent corridors, his tanned bone armor blending with the shadows. His senses were like his blade, heightened by his Falleen pheromonal control, which surged invisibly through the air, ensnaring the minds of his two hulking companions, Oggdo beasts. The Oggdos, fearsome, large, toad-like monstrosities with thick, leathery skin that shimmered in the low light. Scanned the rooms with bulbous eyes that gleamed with an unnatural intelligence, utterly bent to Ninurta's will. Their mouths gaped open, revealing rows of jagged teeth capable of crushing bone and ripping through armor. Thick, muscular tongues flicked out, lightning-fast and precise, ready to snatch any unfortunate target within range.

The Onderonian guards were not prepared for the terror slinking through the palace's second floor, their footsteps echoing in the halls as they rushed to fortify positions and defend their queen. They didn't expect the ambush. Not one like this.

With a subtle gesture, Ninurta sent a silent command to the Oggdos, their hulking forms rippling with power as they pounced from the shadows.

One of the guards turned, only to be met with a horrific sight. A monstrous tongue lashed out from an Oggdo's maw, wrapping around his torso with bone-crushing strength. The guard barely had time to scream before he was yanked across the floor with terrifying speed, slamming into the creature's waiting jaws. The sickening crunch of bones echoed in the corridor as the Oggdo bit down, blood spraying across the priceless art lining the walls. Another guard, frozen in horror, tried to back away, but the second Oggdo was already on him, its agile form bounding forward with surprising speed for its size. Its massive tongue shot out, wrapping around the man's leg, and yanked him off his feet. The guard flailed helplessly as he was dragged across the floor, clawing at the stone tiles. His cries for help were cut short as the beast's maw closed over his head, crushing it in one brutal bite.

Ninurta moved with a casual ease through the carnage, his vibroblade humming in one hand, but he didn't need it yet. In his vision he caught movement—a straggler trying to flee down a side hallway. With precision, Ninurta raised his carbine, the shots finding its mark in the guard's back before the man even realized he'd been spotted. The body crumpled to the ground with a lifeless thud and emitted a smell of fresh carbon scoring and ozone.


TAGS: Biala Prahl Biala Prahl | Mahsa Mahsa | Ran Serys Ran Serys
"I'm not a warrior. I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer. They – they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent – mostly from warriors."
"Nice speech. I bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep. But I am accept who and what I am. I don't have to justify it with words. Victory in battle is my justification."

―Carth Onasi and Canderous Ordo
Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Vanguard
The Sky, Sky Ramp Front Lines

The battlefield stretched below into a ragged expanse of scorched earth and flickering embers. Smoke billowed from a hundred positions blurring the sky with the thick fog of ruin. The famed sky ramp drew nearer in the distance as Hakon Fett and his retinue of Mandalorians cleaved through the horizon; the skies above it hung defiantly blue and clear compared to the grey clouds of destruction enveloping the city of Iziz, valiantly protected by the plethora of anti-air defenses that created a no-fly zone above.

The impossible odds. The knot that could not be unravelled.

Adrenaline surged through Fett's veins as he tightened the grip over the basilisk war droid's controls. His heart pounded to the rhythm of blaster fire, to the thunderclap of artillery; pounding like the hammers of a Mandalorian forge, stoking the fire within, casting his very soul in iron.

Iron within, iron without.

And in the heat of that same forge, from that molten lava that shaped their existence, a deep clarity emerged–this was their way, this was who they were. Not the dishonor of toiling for a Hutt, a Senator or a Darth's coin; not the miserable, forgettable death in the service of others. It was battle that called them. Manda that beckoned. Honor lied in the struggle, in the fight against oblivion itself that defined them.

They swooped down, flying low for their brethren to see their flight. Roars and raised crushgaunts followed in their wake, ignitingthe flames of their conviction in their passing.

"OYA!" the word–the call–ripped through the cacophony of war, and the Mandalorians below, his vode, answered in kind, their shouts deafening the battle itself all across the city. A warrior's roar for the enemy to hear, to rattle their resolve, their belief; to kill them before they even fell.

To his side, Thorin's laughter rolled like thunder through the din of battle. "Do you hear it, Fett?" he shouted, his voice alive with ferocity. "The song of war—the pulse of life itself! This is why we fight! To feel that power only the maw of death itself can conjure!"

He despised the man, but he couldn't resist the wide smirk pulling his lips. For the truth was worth the jubilation.

"CONTACT!" a Mandalorian voice cracked through the air and Hakon's visor caught the beast riders diving into their ranks. A life of martial training and instinct kicked in and the Mandalorians dispersed into a scattered formation, then banked to tackle each one of the beast riders individually.

Fett yanked his basilisk upwards, giving chase to one of the beast riders ( Ran Serys Ran Serys ), his fingers flicking on the fire controls and unleashing a salvo of lasers at winged beast and rider.


| Location | Iziz - Throne Room
| Objective | Rise above


"Ni guuror gar, ner'ad."

"Ni guuror gar, Buir."

Varys released herself from her mother's embrace and gently pushed her away. She missed her the moment she stepped back. It was the first time she had seen her in months, and yet they had barely even had the chance to speak, so imminent was the threat from the invaders. She had spent the evening hours preparing with the Palace denizens. Every nook and cranny of the castle had been trapped, sealed or fortified. But alone, that would not be enough. The enemy circled, encroaching on the throne room. Close now.

Varys inclined her head to her mother, bowing low.

"Parjai. Fight well and live."

She turned heel, pulling from the magplate on her back a shining metal javelin, which she with both hands in front of her.

"Su cuy'gar, Vod." said Varys, jogging to join Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar

As she had trained many times at the Clangrounds, Varys slipped into a position by Herrel's side, covering the flank of the senior verd, and providing space to cover herself and use her deadly javelin.

Frantic communications reverberated through her helmet, and Varys paused only long enough to understand what they meant: a monster was coming. The harried descriptions of the Palace soldiers who had escaped were all she needed to confirm it. This enemy was known. Famed. Varys switched off the commlink. She needed to concentrate.

"A fell being approaches. It does not hide itself." Varys murmured to Herrel in Mando'a. "Be ready."

Varys' voice shook as she spoke the last syllables. This time. She would be ready. She had to be. Varys' heart thundered in her chest. She held her spear in a white-knuckle grip. Visions of Echnos, of the death and devastation, swam through her mind, threatened to drag her into the fear and hopelessness. But she would not succumb today. Today she was surrounded by her kin. Her family.

Varys slowly let out a held breath, lightened the grip on her weapon, and waited for the clash.

But then, the warrior turned.

"Battle is coming and you will be tested. Gar alii’nar cuyanir. You will hide. You will take cover. If you attack you will only do so when you are absolutely sure it is safe. If I die, you will run. Gar vencuyot.

His too-gentle shove was like a punch to the face. Varys blanched. She took one step back, then two.

Varys' blood rushed to her head. She opened her mouth to protest. To tell the man how capable she was, how much she had already endured, to tell him exactly where to shove his dogma. A moment before the words came tumbling out, a phrase rung through her head like a chime.

I sacrifice my Pride.

Varys made a choking sound, and then shut up.

She looked at the floor, face burning. If she was to walk the Path of Sacrifice. She would have to learn humility, to be a realist and keep herself alive and able to help those who needed it. As much as she desperately wanted to, Varys couldn't rush headlong into battle and risk death, not until she had earned it.

Varys bowed her head.

"Ni sushir, verd." Varys said reluctantly. "Ni alii'nar cuyanir

Last edited:


Location: Onderon Royal Palace
Objective: Spill as much blue blood as possible
Gear: Beskar'gam, Skeleton, shotgun, Ship
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The Firrerreo's heart pumped steadily and with purpose in her chest as she ran along the long corridor that overlooked some garden that held the remains of three of her victims. Her facial recognition had flagged the clearly less armoured of the three as some junior royal, barely sixteen and into double digits regards his turn in succession. The other two, mandalorians under the orders of the Alliance had given her much better sport when they contested her landing. She felt warmed up and ready to go.

A map on her HUD showed her the route she would take to find more HVTs along her path. She was here for assassination, the violent dismantling of the Onderon Royal family and anyone else who might support their bloodline.

She rounded a corner and slid to a stop by a small wall. There was a young woman, a little older than her and blonde. Even without her face, her HUD gave her an 82% match, Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania . A jedi and a royal... "Must be my birthday!"

Livia wasn't one for lofty introductions or monologues so she quickly raised her shotgun and let the round she had chambered be here introduction

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