Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Onderon | OBJECTIVE: 1 | POST #: 3
TAG (ALLIES - Nearby) : @ | @
TAG (FOES) : Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Nearby: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett


“Power is not strength.”​

The Mandalorian stopped firing for a split second, so Caltin continued to move his way. This lull in weapons fire was nothing more than to change to automatic fire. It took some serious farsight and Tutaminus (though his were more thanks to his Force toughened skin) to keep from being caught by it all. He was hit in the arm by the first shot, but it was nary a flesh wound and was already beginning to heal(though it was not showing it).

Now that he was ready for it, Caltin stopped… and simply stood there.

Force, guide my hands.

Caltin stood there and not only blocked the shots of the fighter’s rifle, but redirected as many of them as he could, right back at the source.


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ALLIES: MANDOS | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
ENEMIES: GA | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Vince Vince
ENGAGING: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
GEAR: In bio


Yuri blinked with surprise at Dima’s rather explosive remark before she charged ahead without a care in the world. He elected to stay behind and let her handle the brunt of the push… she seemed to handle it quite well. Hell, from how things seemed to be looking, she wasn’t going to need any backup with how she went ahead.

He couldn’t deny that it was kind of hot.

In mere moments the hallway was cleared by the Xeno, allowing Yuri to freely move up alongside her. To add some more curiosity to the spectacle, her entire demeanour shifted to her apparently seeking approval. The Shistavanen couldn’t help but smile behind his visor as he stared up at the woman.

"Would you like to bring the godborn to their knees with This One?"

"The Allfathers will bare witness to our might. Ha'rangir will bless our path, yes? Sweet kin of mine~"

A chuckle escaped him as he shook his head. ”Sweetheart, it’ll be my absolute pleasure.” He accepted her hand and tapped it with his helmet before turning to continue. ”After that display back there, I wanna see more of what you got.” He continued with a wink behind his visor.

He set the moment of peace aside to open a comms channel to the rest of the infiltration squad. :: All units, this is Vandal. Be advised, we have a potential path into the throne room. Movin’ to investigate. :: He reported, cutting the line to continue on.

It didn’t take long for them to come under fire once again by another squad. Yuri had half a mind to simply fire a salvo of Whistling Birds or even a missile, but he decided against it. He needed to conserve his utilities for the Jedi.

”Care to dance, darling?” He quipped with a glance at Dima.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Onderon | OBJECTIVE : 4 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : @

It’s chaos out there. Connel did not know the irony of that statement, there is no way that he could, but he was not wrong in the observation. There’s fighting, looting, rioting. This station is either full of (censored) or their dirty,

Again, something a statement that he was not happy about making, but…

It’s almost like there was a spell, or a rune, or something that was affecting them. He shook his head, as if almost not believing his own observation. It makes no sense, I had to keep to the shadows to not be in a fight every step I took and it still didn’t work. It wasn’t natural.


Captain Grissuk shifted his attention from the dice table to the imposing anti-aircraft artillery stationed along the southern perimeter of the camp as a Magnetic Pulse Warhead launched from Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's Epo-1 Interceptor slammed into various shell deposits as they exploded in the face of Mandalorian Gunners.

A wave of alertness washed over him; his seasoned instincts compelled him to rise from the makeshift stool and distance himself from his fellow Gamorrean comrades, who were still in the process of retrieving their weapons, ranging from axes to blaster cannons, from the nearby armory.

His tusks tightened as he adjusted his stance, with the dim sunlight filtering through the thick canopy, casting a menacing shadow over the military encampment as the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders made their movements under the command of Rally Master Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl who was likely reprimanding the nearby sentries for permitting the Alliance to advance this far into the camp's vicinity without facing a barrage of firepower.

"Come on, pipsqueaks. No one disrupts my game of dice." His deep voice boomed through the chaos, spurring the other Mandalorians nearby into action as they moved to intercept the Alliance's offensive and maintain control of Dxun.

He arrived at the scene as the anti-aircraft guns came into view, smoldering and dismantled - marks of a sudden and brutal assault, the acrid smell of burnt metal and scorched earth stinging his massive nostrils, clouding his vision with red fury.

Gritting his teeth, he summoned the fiery spirit of Mandalore as he barked fresh commands. "Secure the southern edge near the fuel deposits! No one enters this camp alive without the permission of our Rally Masters." His voice sounded as a rallying cry, igniting resolve within the Gamorrean fighters around him. The adrenaline surged, pumping strength into his limbs as he witnessed other Mandalorians taking up positions among the trees.

Through the chaos, he saw the flicker of movement moving fast towards their position in the form of Braze Braze , shadows shifting in the foliage beyond their makeshift defenses. Grissuk felt the familiar thrill of combat adrenaline surging through him. This was what they were made for—the Mandalorians would not bend nor hide from a direct challenge.

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Some shots went wild, and a few pinged against his Neo-Crusader beskar armor- but he wasn't a fool, he saw that it wasn't working, he stopped shooting. He was a maneuvering man, tactical and violent, and he had a stationary target. He broke into a sprint, faster than most humans alive in the galaxy, a physicality that he had yet to meet in equal- save for the Jedi and their infernal usage of the force.

He didn't laugh, smirk, smile, or anything. There was only the darkness in the force around him- violent intent, cruel and unyielding. But not malicious. For Feydrik, this was nature, this was reality, this was righteous.

Feydrik aimed his head down, tucked his shoulder upwards, holding onto his wrist-

And activated his jetpack, aiming for center mass of the stationary Jedi, blazingly fast. He screamed at him- and went to slam his body into his to begin the bout.

Anna Carden Anna Carden | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Others

Careena Fett Careena Fett | Others
The Sky Bridge was a buzz of activity. It had been for quite some time, even before the Neo-Crusaders had made planetfall. Defenses being set up, supplies being routed, Mandalorians and Alliance soldiers alike digging in to defend Iziz, and Onderon as a whole. There was much to be done. And not enough time. Never enough time.

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze had handed the defense of the Sky Bridge to Atin and Anna, despite their relative new addition to House Kryze, compared to some of the more senior members. But both had taken to their charges with single-minded determination. For his part, Atin had focused on the bridge itself. It wasn't exactly a narrow passageway, but it served to funnel ground troops into a bottle neck, as small as it was. And the bridge's sloping nature put the defenders at the top at an advantage. They could fire down over the heads of their comrades and the enemy could not.

These were Mandalorians though. And that meant they would not attack just from the ground, but from the skies as well. It'd be Minerva Fhirdiad and her Talon's would be responsible for maintaining control in the air, and striking where they saw the need. A flexible unit, whereas Atin and his modge podge collection of Kryze warriors and Alliance soldiers would be the immovable wall the Crusaders crashed against.

They'd made all the preparations they could. The time was upon them.

Atin was not one to make speeches. He was a man of few words, let alone the well-worded ways of leaders. He couldn't rouse his men the way his Alor could. But, if this was to be the last stand of House Kryze...

Atin stood at the head of the Sky Bridge's defense. "They call us dar'manda," he said, looking to those clad in beskar. "Jetii sorcerers," the Jedi, with their glowing swords of light. "Hut'tuun. Cowards." The soldiers of the alliance. "Today, we show them we are all, each and every one of us, Mandalorian." Atin pointed towards the other end of the bridge. "Make them bleed." With his rifle hoisted into the air, Atin made one last cry. "Oya manda!"



The dropped payload crashed against the turrets that would’ve directly obstructed the way of the interceptors. Sparks and electricity crackled, as they halted just long enough to slip through the hail of fire that bloomed across the sky. Thankfully, the rest of the fringe emplacements would ensure that no dropships or more concerning craft would follow. The Alliance’s main assault force would have to contend with the elements of the jungle, first, and whatever surprises the Mandalorians had in store.

Having taken up a position of overwatch upon the outlying battlements, a pair of electrobinoculars were placed to the mended helm as he spied the ships swooping over the fortress in tandem with the surgical strike.

His gaze narrowed as he saw a pair of figures leaping down from the craft, not far away from his position.

Bold. Bold pilots of a single spacecraft charging into the fray meant either they were fools, or a worthy fight.

All the more likely t’was a Jedi, given how far they fell. They had just isolated themselves for a gambit.

With that thought as several troops surged past him, he passed the electrobinoculars to Garrus. “See to the movements against the main force. Basilisk Riders are to deploy now - have them cover the gap in our defenses. T'would seem I have stragglers to tend to.”

“Alone?” Queried in return, a hint of skepticism in his voice as he took up the binoculars and viewed the damage to the outer anti-air guns. Two jedi at once seemed like much, even for his Alor. Ever a pragmatic and practical thinker, he did not think it prudent to engage in such a pitched battle when others were unfolding.

In reply, Carduul's gaze tilted over his shoulder towards the undoubtedly riled group of Gamorreans and other assorted Neo-Crusaders, who had just had their enjoyable game ruined. “Hungering for glory, Grissuk?” He called over, just as the hulking figure rose from the stool. He had not yet witnessed the Captain of Clan Ung Kusp fight, and such a battle would be a true test of a Mandalorian. “There's Jetii to hunt.”

With that, he hefted the poleaxe as he vaulted over the battlements of the outpost. A short burst of flames from his back saw him land gracefully upon his feet, where he would confront the pair of Jedi directly in mere moments. And so it was that he came face-to-face with them soon enough - a Master and Padawan. Whereas Grissuk had spotted the lithe and nimble student, he remained intent on the grander challenge - one Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . The brush parted, the crimson armor making itself all the more apparent as he emerged. The weapon was placed into both hands, uptaking measured stance with the approach.

“There is nothing but death for you here, Jetii. T'was a bloodbath to take this land in the Mandalorian Wars, and you have not brought enough bodies to do so again on this day.”

The Rally Master felt little need to hide in the shadows, to shy away from what would undoubtedly be a fight worthy of great honor. Amidst the jungles of Dxun, he felt at home.

And he would fight like the Wrathful returned to defend it.
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How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Onderon | OBJECTIVE: 1 | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES - Nearby) : @ | @
TAG (FOES) : Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Nearby: Careena Fett Careena Fett | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett


“Your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them.” - Jedi Proverb made famous byObi Wan Kenobi​

He tucked his weapon.

This would be “hand to hand”...

Caltin would oblige…

Disengaging “Conservator" back into the weapon’s “sheathe” , he barely had time to crack his neck as Feydrick burst into a sprint. He’s not that stupid… a charge? Caltin had thought to himself as the Mandalorian had tucked his head down.

He wasn’t stupid…


If the big man did not have the benefit of “Force Vision” this would have really hurt. Caltin is a huge, physically imposing human without the Force, but that would have hurt…

… a lot worse than it already did.

The helmet to the chest sent a jolt through his body, but the Broken Gate specialist used one of the “take-downs” to try and throw the Mandalorian to the ground onto his back. Once back to his feet, Caltin would take a moment to loosen up. He had spent more time around Mandalorians than this one had been alive and one thing he had learned about them above all else was their religion of weaponry. He was waiting for everything from flamethrowers, to wrist cables, to wrist or even knee rockets (yeah, he met the guy who made those famous).

If Feydrik tried a weapon, Caltin would reach out through the Force and crush it. However, that was an ace in the hole he would not play yet.



Feydrik didn't try a weapon.

He was the weapon.

Mandalorian tradition dictated that the Beskad magnetically attached to his jetpack would be the response to it. But his crushgaunts, his body, was the weapon. He was a trained, brutal fighter. His stamina, his power-

He didn't meet anyone equal in the galaxy in the ring, from the Core to the Outer Rim, all who tried him failed.

So when Feydrik stood up after being tossed aside- his armor and shock gel negating anything other than kinetic impact which he was quite accustom to, he dropped his carbine, put his hands up- and spun on his heel, dropping his body low. He was fast. Very fast. He made even Jedi look slow when going hand to hand. And a straight-leg snap kick came at the center mass of the still-standing Jedi, aiming to impact the side of his torso, or his arm. He could kick high- lifting his leg up six inches didn't seem to be a problem for him, even in armor.

A scary thought as to what Feydrik could do when unencumbered, as fast as he was.

His kick was fast, blindingly, and most importantly-

Came with about 3500 pounds of impact force.

A lot, in a short amount of time.

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"You Can See A God When I Take My Mask Off~"

LOCATION: Second Floor, Near Secret Royal Passageway
Primes Beskar'gam
OBJECTIVE: Throne Room

ENEMIES: Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Vince Vince

CHOSEN CHAMPIONS: Rayia Si Rayia Si | Varys Amun Varys Amun | Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar

Domina prowled through the smoldering remnants of the area for a moment, her five eyes scanning the carnage with delight. Through the haze of smoke and debris, Yuri regrouped with the Xeno and despite the deranged madness of the Primarch it seemed Yuri at least was in the mood to play along with Domina after her invitation for a hunt.

"Sweetheart, it'll be my absolute pleasure. After that display back there, I wanna see more of what you got." Yuri smoothly replied, sending the feral xeno into an audible chitter of delight as her azure glow radiated even brighter in a brief moment.

Domina's grin widened, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction as she released her hold on the hostage. She twirled toward Yuri, her voice suddenly playful, almost childlike, as she clasped her hands together. "Oooh, heh, you are right! Dimas heart is very sweet, it's true! How exciting! Come on, sugar, you and This One…we're gonna TEAR SHIT UP!" She purred, her tail swaying seductively as she tilted her head, casting Yuri a look that could only be described as feral longing.

"Think of it," she added with a dangerous smile, "A little date in the palace, just the two of us." Her tone was dripping with mischief as she reached up, twirling a lock of her snow-white hair in her claws, her many eyes sparkling with amusement.

Yuri's visor stared back at her, unmoving, but Domina could sense his approval. ":: All units, this is Vandal. Be advised, we have a potential path into the throne room. Movin' to investigate. ::," he replied gruffly, giving a small nod.

Domina, ever the enthusiast leaned in as he made the comms call and also spoke into the communicator.

"Hey guys! Dima is here too! Ok bye~" She informed, wanting to feel included in the 'Operation'. Some things might never change…

Before they could make their way to the hidden passage, the thunder of boots echoed through the corridor, heralding the arrival of MORE reinforcements. A squad of palace guards appeared, their weapons trained on Domina and Yuri. The soldiers moved with urgency, desperation etched in their faces, clearly shaken by the devastation left in the wake of the two warriors.

"Care to dance, darling?" Yuri quipped, making Dima grin wide behind her mask.

Domina's eyes gleamed as the fresh meat arrived. "Baby we're about to make a fuckin name for ourselves~" she growled, her body quaking with excitement as she prepared to unleash hell, bouncing from one foot to the other as if to loosen and limber up.

Domina took point. With about a dozen guards, she directed herself towards the five on the right wielding blaster rifles while the other guards used energy shields and spears. She moved like a blur, one leg lifting high as if to kick, but in a flash, she shifted her weight to the other leg, her tail whipping around and knocking the barrels of their guns aside. With lethal grace, Domina flipped through the air, her hooked talon flashing as it came down on the nearest soldier's head. His helmet split like a piece of fruit, the sharp edge of her foot slicing through bone and skull with savage precision.

Domina barely paused as she turned her attention to the next. She acrobatically twirled, her body a whirlwind of claws, tail, and brute strength as she leapt into the fray. In one fluid motion, she planted a foot on the wall, propelling herself off it with a vicious kick that sent her flying toward another set of guards. They barely had time to react before she activated her beskar greatshield, crashing down on them like a meteor from the heavens. Her feet slammed into one unlucky soldier with such force that his spine folded backward with a sickening crack, his body collapsing in on itself like a broken doll.

"Mmn, yuck," she muttered, stepping out of the carnage with exaggerated disgust, flicking bits of blood from her skirt as the bodies piled up around her.

The remaining soldiers exchanged panicked glances, their radios crackling with frantic pleas. "They keep pushing through! We can't hold them! There's some abomination with them—she's tearing us apart down here!" one soldier shouted, his voice breaking with fear.

Domina's ears twitched at the sound of the word, her head turning sharply toward the trembling guard captain. The mere utterance of the insult made her eyes narrow dangerously, her body quivering with fury.

With Yuri handling the other half of the guards who arrived Domina quickly became distracted.

Without warning, she appeared before the captain, towering over him with a menacing smile. "What was that?" she asked, her voice low and deadly. She glanced at Yuri, her head tilting as she tapped the side of her skull as though trying to clear out an annoying buzzing bug in her ear. "You heard it too, yes? Sounded like someone was talking that sweet shit... but that couldn't have been you, right?"

Her claws traced a slow, deliberate path along the captain's shoulders, the tip of one razor-sharp talon lightly grazing his throat. His breath hitched, and he dropped the radio, his face pale with terror.

"You wouldn't dare speak ill of the mighty and generous Lady Prime, now would you?" she teased, her voice dripping with saccharine malice as she ran her fingers through his hair. The guard's legs shook beneath him, his fear palpable, as the hostage from earlier looked on in shame, trying desperately to avoid the gaze of his captain.

Their silence was deafening.

Domina's wicked grin returned as she toyed with her prey. "Great, great great, fan-fucking-tastic. Now be good boys and reveal to us the path we seek~" She demanded, taking the other hostage she had captured and throwing him down to the floor with his captain. "And chop chop, Dima's got a hot date~" She cooed, and in that moment jogging her memory. "Oh fuck, shit, that's right. Yuriiiiiiiiii! Yuri baby you doin alright over there?" She turned to look over her shoulder to see if the hound was dispatching the other half of the royal guard.

He seemed…busy at the moment. And Dima thought it rude to steal his glory…

She just returned her gaze to her hostages and gestured with her four arms. "The FUCK ya'll still sitting there for? We got WORK to do? Door! Door! Show Prime the FUCKING door!" She snapped and barked madly, lunging a leg out dully and kicking the captain in his rump which sent him yowling. They both went to stand and just as quickly as they picked themselves up Dominas tail WHACKED them back down. "Mice and rodents don't stand…they crawl~" She purred like a cat toying with its prey. The two men exchanged looks and hesitated for a moment only to comply. Making like rodents and crawling their way through debris, rubble ashes and fire. They took a turn into another hallway, Dima watching them lead the path to the passage as Dima then looked back at Yuri again. "That's it baby! Sometimes you just gotta pop out and show em! Bigger teeth bigger fucking bite!" She barked towards Yuri followed by elated laughter. Clapping her four hands together as if to cheer the hound on.

"Hello? Hello? Captain Reevs we need an update! What's the position of the enemy?" A static, glitchy voice sounded from below. Dima glanced down and noticed the radio the captain had was still lying there in the rubble. Curiosity got the best of her in seconds as Dimas' tail scooped it up and placed it into her claws.

"Umn…hi?" She greeted. Followed by a moment of silence.

"...Who is this? Where is Reevs~" The voice asked back, making Dima make a face behind her mask, looking back at the captain who was currently crawling through the chaos like a rabbit.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…well he's alive. Ego will probably never be the same again though~" She joked, burning a little time while she waited for Yuri to catch up.

"Ahh i see. So this must be the Abomination. You Mandalorian SAVAGES are a sickness~" The radio spat, causing Dima to freeze in her tracks as that word radiated in her skull like a microwave.

Her teeth nearly cracked from how hard she was grinding her jaws.

"...Prime sees how it must be…no respect or love for the game." She growled. And upon hearing that name the voice on the radio immediately tried to backtrack.

"Wait a minute…Prime…i know of you. Many post-battle reports have many references to the destruction left in your it's YOU? Listen we're all a little stressed and saying things we don't mean i think we got off on the wro-"

"No no it's fine…This One understands. Just keep that same energy when your beloved Queen becomes the newest pet in Primes Menagerie. You heard of This One yes? Well Prime can promise you this." She leaned into the radio and hissed through her mask. "Ya'll ain't heard NOTHIN YET!" She finished insidiously before crushing the radio in her claws. "YURI! Lets go! Right now! We're flipping this whole palace upside-fucking-down!" She roared, dragging her claws through the walls and absolutely shredding through the stone in a fit of agitation as her tail rattled violently behind her as she closed the distance between her and the crawling captives. "The hell ya'll crawlin around for? RUN MOTHERFUCKER RUN WE'RE ON A DEADLINE!" She snapped at them, reaching down snatching the captain and grunt by their collars to HOIST them back up to their feet and THRUSTING them ahead as they stumbled and tripped on themselves while jogging with their wounds to escort Domina and Yuri Maji Yuri Maji to the Tapestry that the passage was hidden behind. Just a few rooms away by now and then they could progress through the tower much faster than their comrades securing the lower levels.

And at this point, Domina was itching to get to the top. The objective be damned, to Prime this was about the message to the gods and crowned ones.

The Wrath of Prime would not be stopped.

And then, in that exact moment of thought a daring champion sought to test that notion. Rayia Si Rayia Si had managed to slip into the corridors under the cover of the smoldering embers and burning tapestries left in Dominas wake. Using the force to lift a piece of debris and CHUCK IT towards the tall xeno as she was in the middle of frothing at the mouth losing her marbles.

CA-CLUNK! The tile SMASHED into her mask, sending her hat flying off her head as all four of her arms reached up holding her cranium.

"OUCH! Dimas head!" She whined, shaking her head of the ringing before realigning her focus on who tossed the thing as the guardsmen continued. Dimas five eyes locked onto the padawan for a long moment before suddenly gasping and leaning in curiously. "Cheap shot kitten! Lets see ya do it again~" She chittered with a grin, lifting her four arms and slowly backing away into the smoke which shrouded the xeno. "Come show mama what those claws do~" She taunted, brandishing her own azure razors as she gestured a flick of her tail towards Yuri Maji Yuri Maji to follow the captain and the grunt to the hidden passage as Domina covered their retreat. Scooping her hat back up with her lashers and returning it to her hand. Brushing it clean against her armor before returning it to her snowy head of hair.

Come along then kitten. Follow Prime Into the unknown~

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Location - Iziz, Onderon. Approaching Sky Ramp.
Beskar'Gam - Main- Side
Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Mahsa Mahsa Ran Serys Ran Serys

The shrill cry of beating wings over head darkened the war path, the cry of the Vod as they signaled the counter attack in approach over their very helms. It was time and she breathed deeply, leather creaking as her fist tightened. One gauntlet guided the reigns of the war droid, thrusting her hand forward in to the fray as the war party broke apart to tear their quarry down.

“Oya!” Biala cried, snarling unseen behind her t-visor. Adrenaline fed her, fire in her veins that she clung to.

From her hips she upholstered her blaster pistol as the basilisk bounded across ruined ground. Each movment jostled her sights but she waited, finger on the trigger. The great winged beasts would be a nuisance in conjunction to the bombardment alas. Her visor flashed with a red mark tracking one in particulsr, the Ruping catching her sights first as she opened fire on it and its rider. The mechanical beast at her command lumbering and dashing between the chaos of the others to close the distance. Downing the beast that was so swift would not be easy but here she was grounded, and she did not fancy burning her fuel packs to reach their heights. Her visor swiveled, dark helm tracking the war party-Hakon appeared to be in similar throes of combat and she nodded to assure herself.

The HUD communicated with the droid mount as its defenses whirled to life as it skidded to a halt. The first rhythmic burst of lazers loosed, her hand adjusting the module as the auto cannons whined to life. Metal groaned and the heat permeated off the barrels as red lazers began to hammer the skies, dogging the rider and mount's tail.
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Battle of Onderon

Tag: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

For a bit of time, Vince and the Royal Guard who accompanied him would lurk in the passageways of old. There weren't many guards to be found in there, in fact, few even knew of where they were and where they ran. But then, with Sig among the attackers, it was hard to tell what their foes knew: For the cousins had explored many a ways during their youth. It was way so many of the small paths had been blocked or trapped. Regardless, when the opportunity arose, the two defenders would make their presence known, strike with lethal force before returning to where they came from.

Eventually, Vince heard a familiar voice over the comms. It was not that of the Sig he knew from his youth, but rather that of the adult traitor whom had tried to kill him on Manaan. Vince brought the comms device to his mouth to speak to the @defenders in the Throne Room "Sig is here, they know of the passageways. We will move to intercept, there might be more of them coming through." he said, knowing that Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze and the Royal Guard were aware of their existence and the traps that had been installed inside.

He would not respond to Sig's message itself, however. Instead, he would double his pace in an effort to find the man. The two of them had moved through the pathways many times in the past. It was not hard to predict which way his cousin would take.

Soon enough, just as they entered a small chamber, did they spotted the Mandalorian. With a single swift movement, Vince pushed the Royal Guard back whilst jumping forth, narrowly evading the barrage that came towards them. The Prince then pushed a button by the door to close it whilst hollering to the guard, now on the other side of it, to move back to warn the others.

With that, Vince found himself behind the relative safety of the wall of the chamber - all that separated his room from the one Sig was in was a narrow corridor. With that, he got back up onto his feet and flicked a switch on his rifle before firing a single shot. It made a distinct metallic sound and fired a relatively slow projectile. Once it had flown past the wall keeping the lost cousin safe, it exploded, causing multiple small fragments to shower over the room and, more than likely, Sig. The fact that many fragments appeared to be laced in a green liquid upped the stakes.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

Metallic fragments and chunks of rock from the wall had launched towards Sig, a result of Vince’s singular retaliatory strike. Thankfully the beskar’gam held and Sig only suffered some minor physical force, falling backwards into the wall from the explosive device’s sudden appearance.

Returning to a stand he gritted his teeth in anger. Holstering one of his pistols he turned the corner and began firing with the one that remained. All the while his other arm came forward and the flamethrower mounted to his wrist began projecting a ball of fire forward.

Using the combined blaster fire and wall of flames before him, Sig wasted no time charging forward. He knew that, even if Vince avoided his pistol shots, the flamethrower would force his rival to reconsider their strategy.

This brief moment of having the upper hand was one he intended to capitalize on. As he neared the midway point of the hallway, dead center from where he started and from where Vince was standing, he quickly holstered the pistol and grabbed one of the thermal detonators on his belt. Activating it with an uncontrollable laug, Sig’s arm lowered and then launched the Grenada straight into the air.

As it impacted the ceiling above the explosion sent chunks of ceiling down and outwards. Just then the light of his flames would vanish and in its stead would be the smoking ash and smoke from the ruined ceiling.

He had used all this for a simple purpose: distraction.

As the smoke would clear Vince would find Sig behind him, using everything before as a way to slip past his cousin. Before he could react Sig grabbed and launched a second grande forward.

This explosion would give him the cover he needed to continue on: the throne room, and his destiny, was just ahead.



Location: Onderon - Medical Examiners Office
Objective: Apprehend Serial Killer
Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor OPEN

"It makes no sense, I had to keep to the shadows to not be in a fight every step I took and it still didn't work. It wasn't natural."

Katarine closed her deep green eyes for a moment, as if she was silently asking for patience. When she opened them she glanced down at her datapad, which had The Reapers profile on it. She took a deep breath and closed the file. Now was not the time. She felt that realization like a stabbing pang in her gut but she ignored it. Whatever was going on outside was the pressing concern. She would just have to trust that her profile would lead her this close to her unsub in the future.

"Alright we need to deal with the situation outside. We can assist the local riot squad. Maybe figure out whats going on." She motioned for him to follow her and they walked back into the depths of the building where officers were getting dressed in riot gear.

"Captain Harvoc, we are here to assist."

The captain took a long look at them and nodded. She could tell he wasn't pleased but he was desperate given the situation outside.

"Stay close. We have detention vehicles ready. Round up whoever you can and protect those still on the streets. A curfew has been issued to try to get people off the streets. Let's just hope it doesn't come to a planetary evacuation."

She nodded to show she understood the captains orders and glanced at Connel. This wasn't the assignment she was hoping to work together but she was sill glad to be working with him.


Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

The jungles here were thick with life and death. Armor and weaponry. The tang of tibanna gas, undergrowth rot, and slugthrower cordite was more than apparent for Jack. It was a singular mixture that had his 'heart' racing and his 'adrenaline' flowing.

A tip from a certain Grandmaster had him making his way through GA space to the nexus between GA space and Mandalorian space. It was odd - not long ago he had been working alongside Mandalorians against Sith zombie creatures. But that was war. Allegiances were slippery and alignments shifted. He kept telling himself he was unaligned, and then he went ahead and started working for the Jedi.

He let out the breath he had been holding, opening his eyes to take in the jungle around him. He was maybe a kilometer out, maybe two, from the opening skirmish that was beginning to echo in the distance. Good enough. Time to get moving.

Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
Grissuk Ung Kusp Grissuk Ung Kusp
Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Braze Braze



EQUIPMENT: Borrowed Lightsaber (Real one this time, not a training saber)
ALLIES: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Vince Vince | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
ENEMIES: Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

"What is that?" Caelan asked, as he watched the screens along with the queen.

There was a being, a strange one ( Domina Prime Domina Prime ) moving amongst the attackers. It felt out of place to him and he couldn't put his finger on it. There were bigger problems, though, as the enemy was drawing really close to the throne room, which meant they would soon be inside and seeking a way to kill the Queen. At that moment he wished the Queen would see reason and allow him to take her and leave, but she felt it necessary to remain for her people. He understood. His mother and father would have done the same. In fact, they had, and that was why they were gone now.

"Your majesty, will you please allow us to move you?"

She shook her head, but remained silent, watching the screens.

Caelan sighed, but he wasn't about to force the issue. She was too strong for mind tricks, and it was her wish to remain, so he couldn't do anything about it.

Some from the group had broken off from the others, approaching from a different direction. They were starting to split up to make it harder for them to keep up with the various attackers. He could only hope that his fellow Jedi were prepared to face the fights ahead of them, and that he could face his own if the time came. His task was to ensure the queen's safety. An absolute fallback should the other defenders fall. The queen had seemed comfortable with him because of his royal status and his understanding.

"At the very least, promise that when they break through, you'll do as I say."

"If that comes to be I will listen, Prince Valoren, but I will not flee. I trust you to do your best to keep me alive."

"Thank you."

Stubbornness was one of those royal traits he wished that so many hadn't had, but he had it too, and so he understood it. Dammit all if she wasn't going to end up getting killed because she wouldn't leave. He sighed and activated his saber, a blue blade springing forth. Least he'd be ready when they breached.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

LOCATION : Onderon | OBJECTIVE : 4 |TAG (FRIENDLY) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOE) : @

While he didn’t question what she wanted to do, (he would do the same thing in her position) Connel was not happy with the idea of working with the same police who just tried to arrest him. He felt bad for feeling the way he did, but Connel stood by the fact that the Captain “sizing them up” annoyed the snark out of him.

Schutta. He mumbled under his breath after the Captain’s “orders” he was trying to give them. Connel was here to help, and he would not allow the Mandalorians to destroy this society, but the attitude of the police was garbage. They made good ones look bad, it was almost like there was someone telling this story of the young Knight who was once in Law Enforcement themselves and took this personally.

I’ll get their attention. You round them up.

Then, he sprinted into a crowd using the Force and started disarming stone throwers. Sprinting to the next group, he yanked the cloth out of several potential “Explosive Cocktails” (OOC- There’s no “Molotov” in SW ;-)) This was working in that it was drawing attention of those who would prefer chaos at the moment.

When another group started to rush a street corner market, Connel followed and started taking them to the ground. He was not really hurting anyone, but using his Broken Gate training from father. There were several police out there who probably did not know that he was helping who drew their weapons on him. Again with the assistance of the Force he slapped their hands down. Kriffin’ Nerf Herders! I’m helping you!

Master Ryiah could yell at him later. He was out to attract the attention of those rioters to make the police’ jobs easier.
Battle of Onderon

Tag: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo

The battle in the narrow passages continued. The Mandalorian fired another burst but the Prince was once more hiding behind his piece of cover. Time was on Vince's side: especially considering the acidic properties of the green liquids which could be found on the shrapnel. But as things stood now, time was not much of a factor. Instead, the Mandalorian pushed on, aggressively.

His flame thrower came alive as he rushed down the corridor. With his foe in an exposed position with little room to maneuver, the Warrior Prince took his chance to fire another round of the same shrapnel round as before with the obvious risk being the knockback effect it might have on impact. Regardless, it carried the same acidic properties as the last one. It was all he had time to do: Switching weaponry or even peeking around the corner for too long would be deadly indeed.

What was not deadly was reaching up for the button over his head. The door promptly swooshed shut, blocking both flames and his foe's line of sight. Vince quickly sheathed his rifle to produce blaster and sword, obviously planning on opening the door once the flame had hit it. But before he managed to do that, a grenade would go off, blowing it open with a loud bang. The Prince's ears rang and he felt hot pieces of shrapnel against his armour, burning through some of the thinner layers at the side.

At the same time, Vince's brows rose: This was almost expected by now. He pushed his back against the wall whilst readying himself as if preparing himself for a fight. But his stance indicated that he was expecting something else too: Arrogance. He had fought his cousin in the past. He had heard him talk. They had known each other as kids. And just like that, his opponent seemed to rush through the door as if thinking that Vince would not catch him in the act.

But he did.

With a swift step, the young Royal rushed up behind his foe to stab him by the side of his core where a gap in the armour could be expected. Meanwhile, his blaster was directed to Sig's right elbow at point-blank range when the trigger was pulled. Whether the attacks landed or not, Vince would follow them up by directing a slash at his cousin's mid-section, once more where armour usually had a gap to allow for mobility. While his upper body indicated that he was fully committed to aggression, Vince's footwork suggested that he had mobility in mind. He was ready to take a step back, should a sudden threat present itself.

“There is nothing but death for you here, Jetii. T'was a bloodbath to take this land in the Mandalorian Wars, and you have not brought enough bodies to do so again on this day.”

Jasper didn't respond with words, simply raising his slug-thrower and firing off four rounds. The Cryoban slugs would fly towards the target that seemed to like waxing poetically, made easier by his bright red armor. It didn't take long for Jasper to spot the other, a giant Gamorrean.

"Two hostiles," Jasper alerted Braze, "One bright red one large."

He took a moment to assess the equipment on either of his opponents. It seemed to be more melee based, which meant that EMP grenades weren't gonna be of much value at the moment. They would simply have to remain cautious of whatever equipment they were packing on their vambraces. Jasper ignited his lightsaber, returning the slug-thrower to his back before squaring up with the red one who was talking in a strange manner.

"Man... I always get the weird ones," he muttered to himself.



| Location | Iziz - Throne Room
| Objective | Prepare thyself!
| Focus | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

The increasingly alarming reports from the security forces guarding the palace clued in the honor guard as to the inevitability of the situation before them. Although automated systems and devoted protectors alike put up as good of a fight as they could, the Neo-Crusaders smashed through the defenses, tearing a path deeper and deeper into the palace itself... but their wayward kin would not find the warriors of the House of Kryze unprepared. Especially with Vince Vince giving them advance warning of his traitorous cousin's presence, and the knowledge of secret passageway he possessed. All entrances, secret or otherwise, were now covered by the Nite Owls and the Onderon Royal Guard; explosive charges were ready to welcome any would-be intruders, and so too were blasters pointed towards doorframes and secret passageways.
Jenn, for her part, finally parted her hand from Jonyna's own, drawing her beskad in one smooth motion. The time for talk was past. There was nothing for it now but to await the inevitable, steeling their hearts for the bloodshed ahead of them. Turning her gaze towards the Queen, the Alor afforded her liege a nod of approval when she refused Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren 's cautious advice. When cornered, a true monarch did not flee. Besides, it would be far easier for the honor guard to protect her if she stayed put, rather than risking being ambushed if she tried to escape through one of the hidden passageways, compromised as they were now.
"Check your fields of fire. I want two warriors, two blasters on each entrance; melee specialists in front. No matter what happens, do not chase after the enemy, and do not flee; you will only be isolated and picked off. This is where we stand, and they fall."
With but a gesture of her hand, her personal shield hummed to life, projected directly from her vambrace. A sense of calm washed over the Mandalorian as she prepared themselves for the battle ahead. Peace was all but anathema to her, daughter of war that she was, but those moments before conflict? They allowed her to see clearly, and to know herself more intimately than ever before. Such was the gift of a warrior's heart, and a visionary's mind.

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