Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction [GA/NEO] Battle of Onderon [junction of Onderon and Vjun]

Location: Second Floor of the Palace
Objective: Defend the throne room
Domina Prime Domina Prime Yuri Maji Yuri Maji Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Varys Amun Varys Amun Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Rayia blinked in surprise as she heard the tile collide with Domina Prime Domina Prime ’s facemask. If she was being honest with herself, she hadn’t really expected her little ploy to work. Likely why Domina had managed to spot her and call her out. Two burning, golden eyes lifted upwards and met five pale blue ones as the Felacatian turned to regard her opponent. She shrugged at Domina’s comment regarding it being a cheap shot. It was. There was nothing wrong with that though.

Normally Rayia would have remained silent in the face of her opponent. She didn’t exactly enjoy conversing with an opponent during a fight. It was distracting, and she was walking a fine enough tightrope as it is in suppressing her bestial side. But given Domina’s parting remark as she stepped into the smoke, she felt compelled to reply. “Well, since you asked so very nicely…”

Rayia grimaced in the face of the smoke however, raising an eyebrow. The soot filled her mouth with a chalky taste that threatened to singe its roof. Worse, it was filling the vicinity around herself that her tail could detect with ambient motion creating a soft haze as the particles of soot drifted slowly downwards. Not enough to smother Rayia’s keen senses, but enough to be an annoyance.

‘Surely, she doesn’t expect that I’m going to walk into so evident a trap?’ Rayia thought to herself. Golden eyes strayed towards the hidden passage where Yuri Maji Yuri Maji and the others were forcing their way in. It was tempting to go after them. But Rayia realized then that she didn’t have much of a choice. Domina was forcing her to make a choice. Either she pursued her, or Domina would make a nuisance of herself somewhere else.

Kneeling down towards one of the fallen Onderon soldiers, she grabbed for their radio. “
I am engaging Domina Prime Domina Prime . There are others attempting to make their way through another passage. I leave that to you,” she said simply. There was no point to insulting her opponent, nor did she understand why others seemed to hold that in such high regard.

Spotting one of the Mandolorian defenders that had been felled before her, Rayia knelt down and slipped their left bracer onto her arm. Golden eyes softened as she looked down at them. “
Do not fear. I do not intend to dishonor you by keeping it. But my enemy is great, and I must borrow your strength if I am to protect your tribe. Forgive me this one time.” With that, Rayia darted away into the smoke after Domina.
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


"Death is inevitable. Those who fool themselves into believing otherwise are only causing more pain in the future.” -Mandalor the Ultimate
The Crusade: Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
The Opposition: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Rayia Si Rayia Si
Direct Tag: Vince Vince
As the very tip of Vince’s blade pierced his skin, he pushed his cousin away with an open palm strike. It did cause a puncture that, while not fatal, was deep enough to cause some minor bleeding. As the blood rushed over and painted his armor with a fresh coat, he had enough time from his own retaliation to avoid the new incoming strike.

Falling backwards he raised his arm and fired his vibroblade wiring in the hopes of temporarily tying his foe up.

Landing with a hard thud, the Mandalorian warrior quickly rolled backwards and into a stand. Again he drew his pistols, firing a barrage upon Vince as he dove behind the next hallway corner, which was a three-way t-shaped hall.

The throne room, at least the most direct route, would be right. Sig, however, knew he couldn’t just march into the enemy’s most defended space. Yet he also had the undeniable knowledge that his childhood brought.

Even if his cousin warned them, the two of them knew it would only serve to hinder Sig’s progress. Standing against the wall he glanced down the hall to his left; the less direct route.

Rolling forward, firing a few more shots randomly as he did so, he once more landed against the wall. He was ready to move, but opted to wait.

Vince would do all he could to stop him. Sig knew drawing the fight out would be essential in the endgame.

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"You Can See A God When I Take My Mask Off~"

LOCATION: Breaching Throne Room Through The Floor~
Primes Beskar'gam
OBJECTIVE: Capture The Queen

She smoothly slipped into the dark of the smoke as Rayia hesitated for a moment before pursing the Mandalorian Primarch, the palace groaned and shuddered under the relentless assault of the Crusaders. Smoke and embers curled in the air like serpents, casting the ruins in an eerie glow. Her breath came in eager huffs as she and Yuri pressed toward the throne room, the thrill of conquest still dancing in her eyes. The path was nearly within reach when a ripple of energy coursed through the smoke.

Domina's ears twitched. She could smell it before seeing it—the unmistakable presence of Jedi.

The Cathar pursued her, the padawans calm, focused demeanor stood in sharp contrast to the chaos and whimsy Domina radiated. Dominas azure lashers flickered ominously as they closed in, their movements fluid and precise, a deadly ballet.

Domina's lips curled into a snarl, baring her fangs as she relished the challenge closed in. "Oh, little light has heart…might have to take it" she murmured to herself, her many eyes gleaming with savage glee.

But as she moved deeper into the palace, it became clear that the hidden passage was no safe haven. The royals had anticipated an intrusion. The corridors were filled with traps—mechanical whirs and clicks echoed from the walls as stone slabs shifted, sharp blades sprung from the floor, and defense turrets popped from concealed alcoves, spitting laser fire. The air crackled with impending danger.

"Yuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," Yuri growled, into her communicator at her strike partner. "The Big Sig has made contact in the passages. We need to change strategy~" She informed simply as she rolled her shoulders in agitation as the Guard Captain who was leading her towards the tapestry where the hidden entrance was located nervously slowed down.

Domina was far from discouraged. In fact, the chaos only seemed to fuel her. A wicked grin split her face, and with a low growl, her monstrous back tendrils began to twitch and unfurl, like the awakening limbs of some ancient, otherworldly beast likely just as Rayia managed to close the distance.

"Primes patience wears thin! So FUCK IT yeah? Lets get evil~" she cackled, her voice dripping with dangerous amusement. Her four organic tendrils—long, armor scaled and immensely powerful—sprung from her back like coiled serpents, their ends shaped like sharp, alien claws. They twitched, flexed, and then tore through the palace structure with a savage force, brick and stone crumbling under their might.

"GRRRAH! Yuri! This One will clear a new path to our victory!" She chittered audibly as her thirst for devastation overwhelmed her feral mind.

The palace groaned under the force of her fury. The tendrils surged upward, slamming into the ceiling above with a sickening crack. Stone and mortar shattered in clouds of dust as the tendrils worked like monstrous, mechanical arms, ripping stone by stone, tearing through beams, marble pillars, and walls alike. Each swipe of her alien limbs tore chunks of the palace away, creating massive fractures in the floors above.

"C'mon! EVERYTHING! TAKE EVERYTHING LEAVE NOTHING!" she howled, her voice resonating with primal fury, echoing through the shattered halls as debris rained down around them.

Hopefully Yuri backed up a bit during this outburst of biblical destruction, taking defensive shots as their pursuers advanced, but Domina barely paid any mind to the Royal Guard by now. At this point, they knew to flee if faced with the xeno. Her focus had shifted entirely to one thing: DECIMATION. The palace above began to shake as the very floors cracked and crumbled. In her mind, there was no need to sneak through passages. No trap could hold back Prime. Her way would be forged by raw, unfathomable might as tribute to her beloved God of Destruction.

After carving through four different ceilings the spider-like mando scuttled her way to the final barrier to their quarry. If the Jedi was still following after her, then they'd be in for quite the horrific sight.

The floor above them, where the Throne Room lay, buckled and groaned under the pressure of her relentless assault. The tendrils smashed through beams, tearing apart centuries-old stone as if it were nothing but butter to a hot knife. The Jedi tried to close in, but one swipe of those whirling and lashing tendrils could easily send the padawan flying back into the rubble, buying Domina the precious moments she needed to execute her plan.

There would be many who could hear it...the crashing and crackling of the palace foundations rattling beneath their feet as the @Defenders of The Queen remained stationed in the Throne Room awaiting the worse.

Her talons, sharp and gleaming in azurite, dug into the marble of the ceiling above her as the FLOOR of the throne room above began to cave in. Dust and chunks of stone fell, and the regal space, once pristine, now trembled beneath Domina's relentless wrath. With a final, savage strike, her tendrils punched through the marble stone of the Throne Room, ripping an enormous section of the floor from its foundation.

Above, the royal family and their attendants would be greeted with horror beyond understanding as the polished marble cracked, jagged fissures snaking outward. The very floor of the throne room began to shatter, great chunks of stone falling away as Domina Prime tore her way upward, her talons bursting through the center like monstrous claws from the abyss reaching towards the regalia of heaven.

And then, with a deafening crash, the floor collapsed entirely.

A small half of the palace throne room center exploded in a shower of debris as Domina Prime made her entrance, her body emerging from the gaping crater like some nightmarish force of nature. Her five eyes gleamed with malice behind her mandalorian mask, her tendrils thrashing as they pulverized stone and wood. The royal guards scrambled to defend the throne, but there was no stopping what had already been unleashed.

She rose from the desolation, smoke and embers framing her terrifying silhouette. Her massive tendrils swayed menacingly, cracking the remaining columns and sweeping aside debris as though it were nothing. The ground beneath her feet seemed to tremble, her towering figure illuminated by the glow of fire and ruin.

Domina's laughter filled the air, a wild, cackling sound that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. "Witness Prime and Tremble, little lights~" she taunted, her voice carrying over the devastation as her talons scraped against the shattered marble.

Her gaze settled on the terrified royal, The Queen… huddled near the back of the throne room. "Come now," she called mockingly, her voice a cruel lullaby. "Did you really think you could hide from the hunt?" she cooed as those five eyes flicked towards others in the room. All five of her azure optics twisting, flicking and examining those around her as Domina collapsed two of her lower arms behind her back neatly while crossing her upper pair over her chestplate.

She noticed a few Mandalorians already there, distracting Dima almost instantly as she turned her head towards Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , Herrel Eldar Herrel Eldar , and Varys Amun Varys Amun . Gasping audibly and gesturing towards them. "Ah, woah, hey! How did you guys get up here SO fast?" She called to them full of whimsy and sisterly love. A stark contrast to how she reacted to the others.

It was obvious that Dima considered them kin and thus friendly. She unfolded her four arms and gave the three of them FOUR WHOLE THUMBS UP as she winked and clicked her tongue behind her mask. "Don't worry, This One's got this~" She assured them before re-aligning her focus on a few of the others. Namely Jonyna Si Jonyna Si as Dima scoffed slightly and leaned in to greet the cathar.

"Kitten~" She would muse simply, standing tall and aligning her posture. "We gotta stop meeting like this baby. People will start to talk about us and the things we do to each other~" She cooed with a flirtatious tone as that massive tail rattled in delight. Ears fluttering like birdwings for a moment before Dima returned her focus to the many others in the room. Mainly Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren who stood closest to the queen.

"Mmm, you there! Boy! Let's make a deal yes? Give This One your beloved Queen as tribute...and This One will spare your palace AND your Queen. She'd make a FINE addition to Primes Menagerie. Such sweet flesh...would be a terrible shame to waste it~" The xeno chittered while staring daggers into The Queen and his bodyguard.

Her tendrils slowly pulling themselves back inward as Dima lowered herself to the ground smoothly. Brushing her shoulders of dust and debris as her massive, dangerous tendrils shrunk, folded, and returned to her core and removed some of the panic from them as her lashers swished ominously behind her. "Or ya know we can do this the old fashioned way...either way is fun for Prime...not so fun for you. This One likes her meat bloody~" She brandished her four claws and slowly sauntered her way towards the Throne. All four arms opened wide as if she were lifting them in surrender, showing she had no tricks up her sleeve.

No tricks here. Just a tyrant looking for their fill of conquest just like all the others.

But this was a tyrant whose thirst could not be quenched. Prime would not go so easily~



Location: Navigating through emergency passages..
Equipment: Beskar'gam, Main, Sidearm, Polearm, Belt of "goodies"
Beasts: x2 Oggdo's
GA: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren Vince Vince Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Vode: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Domina Prime Domina Prime
Hunting: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

Ninurta stepped over the mangled bodies of the Onderonian guards, his boots leaving faint traces in the blood-streaked floor as the Oggdos lurked behind him, their tongues still twitching with hunger. The corridor ahead was quiet now, but the echoes of distant fighting and panicked shouts reverberated through the palace. As he advanced deeper into the palace, his eyes caught sight of a small, recessed alcove tucked behind an ornate column. In it, a dimly lit terminal glowed faintly, its flickering light barely noticeable amidst the chaos. Intrigued, Ninurta approached, the soft hum of the terminal standing in contrast to the violent scene behind him.

With a quick glance over his shoulder to ensure no immediate threats, Ninurta knelt down in front of the terminal. Inserting a Anti-security blade briefly, His fingers then danced across the interface, swiftly bypassing its initial security measures.

He did not have too much time.

The terminal's holo-display lit up brighter as he delved into its system. He sifted through layers of encrypted data, searching for anything that might aid him in navigating the labyrinthine palace and closing in on the throne room. After a few moments, a detailed map of the Royal Palace appeared before him, highlighted with current patrol routes, emergency passageways, and restricted zones. The palace was a fortress, layered with defenses and secret passageways that most intruders would never notice. But Ninurta honed in on one particular detail—a series of emergency corridors, little-used and nearly forgotten, that wound their way toward the throne room with minimal guard presence. These passages would allow him to bypass the heaviest concentrations of guards and security forces, enabling him to strike swiftly.

He studied the map as quickly as allowed, memorizing the critical turns and markers in mere seconds. However, as he reached deeper into the palace's security schematics, the terminal's screen flashed red. An error message appeared, then the entire system went dark, locking him out.

A faint alarm began to hum in the background—an alert that someone had been tampering with palace systems. Ninurta's eyes narrowed, but there was no panic. The lockout would force him to move quickly, but his memory had yet to fail him now. He didn't need to linger. Rising from the terminal, he gave a subtle gesture to the Oggdos, their massive forms lumbering behind him in eerie obedience. With the palace map firmly etched in his mind, he navigated through the halls, recalling every turn, every passage he had seen on the terminal.

The emergency corridors were close now, hidden behind a false wall that Ninurta pried open with minimal effort. Behind it lay a dimly lit, narrow hallway that snaked its way through the heart of the palace, bypassing heavily guarded areas. He slipped into the passage, the Oggdos following close behind, their hulking forms adapting surprisingly well to the tight space.




C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Sky Bridge, Onderon
| Objective | Seize the Sky Bridge

Hours into the Assault on Onderon...

The assault on the sky bridge was in full swing as Neo Crusader forces descended upon the natives and allied defenses. Jetpacks, fighters, beasts, war droids all scattered across the surrounding airspace to claim aerial superiority over the sky bridge. Despite Careena being the clan's Alor, the task of leading the direct assault was relegated to Hakon Fett Hakon Fett . Careena had stepped to the shadows to sabotage the enemy's defenses and soften them up for the crusaders, striking from the shadows and disrupting the enemy's attempts to entrench and keep themselves organized. Keeping them on their backfoot was the most sure way to keep the situation level for the Neo Crusader's to fight.​
Fighters and transports laden with additional Neo Crusaders approached from the west with the anti-air cannons turning to face the incoming threat, waiting for them to get in range. A robotic screech was heard overhead, though nothing could be seen, the unseen Basilisk war droid Dha Prudii specially modified for stealth and moving unseen across the skies as it maneuvered through the air space. The Onderonians and Galactic Alliance had entrenched themselves as best they could, but it would be difficult to anticipate the unseen threat. The only indication of the imminent danger approaching was just as Dha Prudii came closer to the edge of the bridge, the subtle hum of thrusters as the air seemed to ripple and shimmer. Dha Prudii's cloak disengaged as it let loose with its laser cannons, conducting a surprise strafing run from the east and letting loose with several missiles that primarily targeted the stationary anti-air cannons turned in the opposite direction. Those observant enough to notice as the Basilisk passed by overhead uncloaked was its lack of a rider.​
With some of the soldiers in disarray from the initial strafing run, Careena took the opportunity to strike. The sound of boots thundering on metal was heard as the air shimmered and seemed to warp, a soldier turned to see a strange silhouette coming at him. Several soldiers getting back on their feet would feel a hand slapped against their backs, shoving them towards their comrades. Careena's own personal cloak disengaged as her figure materialized, her rocket boots activating as she sent her knee into the nearest soldier's stomach causing them to double over as Careena grabbed them by the harness with one hand and subsequently flung them to the ground using her shoulder, raising her blaster pistol up and opening fire. Beeps could be heard from the soldiers that were shoved as they turned their heads to see detonators stuck onto their backs, shouting as they fumbled to get them off, unsuccessful before they went off, creating further confusion. Smoke and dust filled the air as the Ghost of Clan Fett lived up to her reputation, making full use of the environment and chaos to her advantage.​


| Location | Onderon Throne Room
| Directly Interacting | Domina Prime Domina Prime Varys Amun Varys Amun
| Involved | Rayia Si Rayia Si

Upon receiving the foundling’s assent, Herrel nodded and swiftly stood up. His thoughts then went to what Varys had said when she first approached. A fell being. For the first time since the battle had started, Herrel tuned in to the local comms. He was bombarded by a deluge of reports, panic, and fear. But Herrel was not unaccustomed to the chaos of war and he was able to sift through the noise to spot the thread. What was described was something familiar to him, something he recognized.

Herrel felt a tremor underneath his feet.

Two of Herrel's weapons were magnetically clamped to the back of his armor. This was necessary, as for the average humanoid they were both very heavy. Herrel was not the average humanoid and they did not trouble him. He removed one of them, the Maji Ironworks Model 21 Rocket Launcher. It was soon braced against one of his shoulders, but it was not the only thing he removed. He also detached a pouch containing spare ammo for the Model 21 and gave this to Varys. “Hiibir tebec. Haaranovo,” he said.

Then he waited and when the ground erupted he was ready. He sidestepped a large piece of debris that had come hurtling at him. Hum, there had been a mosaic on it. Dust settled upon his formerly pristine armor as a visage of fear emerged from the smoke and fire. He knew her name. “Su cuy’gar Dima. Gar etyc’or beskar’gam.” Of course he did. They had been a part of the same foundling tribe in The Enclave.

Of course, that is not to say they had been especially close as adults. They had drifted apart once their times as foundlings ended. Herrel had chosen the life of a Chaaj and Dima had chosen the life of... Dima. Still, it was nice to see a familiar mask. A shame it wasn't under better circumstances. "Gar aarikir havur,” Herrel said.

He would have to fight her, of course. But that didn't mean that all things were forgotten, least of all the rules he lived by. “Catechism lll,” To Dima terse statements such as that would be familiar, something that would remind her of days spent in class feuding with a know-it-all teacher's pet. But it was also a declaration of intent. He would not kill her. However...

Ni kadala gar,” He said and abruptly fired the Model 21 at the floor in front of her. Dima herself had already substantially damaged the structural integrity of the throne room, so it was easy enough for the Model 21 to make the floor that she herself was standing upon crumble and fall. However, Herrel was under no illusions that this would be the end of things. Merely a delaying tactic so he could get some space.

His jetpack ignited and propelled him backwards. As he did so, he discarded the Model 21. Of course he did, it was a single shot weapon and he would have no time to reload it. What a coincidence that it happened to land close to wherever Varys was. His flight terminated at a ceremonial column, but Herrel remained high In the air as his clawed feet bit into the column and held him in place. Natural adaptations meant to help survive in an arctic mountainous environment served well to give him a safe place to brace his back.

Bracing his back was necessitated by the other weapon magnetically clamped to his back which he had removed during the flight. The Maji Ironworks Model 39 Heavy Repeater. It was a weapon meant for emplacements and to be mounted on vehicles. As Herrel let loose a deluge of suppressive fire, the recoil of the weapon slammed him violently against the column. The harsh red light of the laser cannon’s shots were a vivid sight.
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Tag: Anna Carden Anna Carden Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya

The Talons waited, getting more restless as they observed the battle escalating. Soon enough Irni reported behind her.

"Cap we got a wave of hostiles, flying over their comrades on the left flank. Lots of them!"

Immediately Minerva spotted them. Now was the time to strike.

"Talons forward! Execute Plan Ionizer!" She broadcast through her unit's shared comm channel. Hearing both orders the commandos suddenly rocketeer off their position, flying a counter-charge toward the enemy formation. Leading in front Minerva glared through the visor toward the Crusaders. She can hear them roaring with excitement.

No doubt they were thrilled at the challenge presented. Well she intended to give them more than that. Gripping her particle rifle she switched to ion mode. Her commandos had already done so, having prepared for this scenario repeatedly in training by their Mandalorian commander. A selected few commandos wielded rocket launchers and fired their payloads toward the invading warriors.

As the crusaders would attempt evasive actions when the specially made missiles gave brief beeping before igniting EMP blasts that caught multiple warriors still in range, de-powering their jetpacks and armor systems. Those affected suddenly were dragged down by gravity added by weight of their own gear. Soon any defenders and invaders if they looked up there would note dozens of young crusaders falling to their death into the ruined and burning city. Some who had roared in cheer now cried out in terror at their collective, violent descent.

The onslaught scattered the remainder into smaller groups as both sides began to exchange once in range.

The Crusaders unleashed blaster bolts, mini-missiles and particle rounds where else the Talons mostly fired ion blasts from their rifles and repeaters and droid poppers from grenade launchers. They were using the Mandalorians' own passion for flight against them. Yet even still commandos were wounded and killed, falling as well in this large dogfight.

Minerva dashed to the left side, shooting ion blasts into one crusader, then two crusaders who now plummeted helplessly back down. Behind her she heard an enraged voice exclaim.


She rolled out of the way from blastefire maneuver back to exchange it with the angered warrior. Each kept missing until her foe was hit in the jetpack by several particle rounds and the resulting explosion consumed him and he too fell. Minerva flew by and saw a commando nod.

Meanwhile the commandos wielding the launchers had withdrawn back to their original positions. They were preparing for the next wave. Soon enough Minerva and the other Talons slew their remaining opponents who refused to retreat or surrender, returning back to their post. Ten dead and three wounded. The only reason why such few casualties was because they took their foes by surprise with that trick.

Once the Talons were all on the ground Gakot came over to Minerva saying.

"That five you owe me Cap."

Grateful Minerva answered. "Indeed but this battle is far from over LT."

As if to emphasize the point a great explosion erupted down at the city. Yes they and the Neo-Crusaders were only just getting started.
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Ran decided that the determination of youth was infectious as Mahsa shouted an affirmative. She saw a light in the young Jedi's eyes that flickered like a fire. Mahsa was focused and Ran was happy to see it. She knew they could be nothing less as they met the Neo-crusaders head on. So Ran focused too, on her instincts, her awareness, and her connection to the beast beneath her.

The drexl's and Ran's raging roar resounded as they whipped past the war droids that invaded their sky. They were of one mind and one body since Ran summoned the creature. Through the force they came to a partnership. They were equals in the sky, equals at the helm, and equals on the hunt. Together they would ground their prey and more.

A neo-crusader( Hakon Fett Hakon Fett ) gave chase. Ran knew he was there and because of that so did the drexl. It liked the touch of the force, the advantage it gave them. They dived harder, a personal challenge to outfly the bolts volleyed at them and when they couldn't outfly them anymore, Ran ignited her sapphire lightsaber and swatted the fading lasers up and away. Finally she turned to the neo-crusader to let him know she was well aware.

"Our turn." She mouthed as the drexl's back straightened. Its wings caught a gust and twisted its body one hundred and eighty degrees speedily and with little effort. They charged the war droid, well aware of its obvious arms. It was what remained hidden that they kept alert for.

Ran stood from the saddle. Her bare feet navigated scales and winged arm as winds rushed past her, threatening to knock her off the beast's back.

"Cut a different path, Crusader! The Sky Bridge is not yours today and it won't be yours tomorrow! Onderon will never be Mandalorian!" She shouted.

As they passed their attack was two pronged. Ran swung her saber at the neo-crusader while the drexl attempted to rip one of the war droid's arms from its mechanized and reptilian-like body.

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CRUSADE | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Feydrik Munin Feydrik Munin | Yuri Maji Yuri Maji | Domina Prime Domina Prime
ALLIANCE | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze Vince Vince
The Hunter's Quarry | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
Armor | Gun | Side | Blade



After he delivered the volley of bolts, he'd find his 'FLIR' filtered HUD white-out with a burst of flame sent toward him. He jolted back, a forearm across his visor as his internal vision snapped to real vision. He pulled his arm down to see a pistol trained on his head. He kicked himself from his feet, falling back as he let his carbine clatter to the ground, his left hand twisting downward before he sent a sparking jolt from the wrist mounted bolt caster to try and disable the shield or at the very least, disrupt the inbuilt electronics of Kryze's armor before he immediately brought himself to his feel following the impact unto his back.

He tilted toward, painting Kryze with his HUD, wholly prepared to launch the jetpack mounted rocket only to find its fuze and firing train had shorted from the explosive impact of the blast door's electronically activated booby trap. He grit his teeth for a moment, his free hand grasping for the hilt of his vibroblade at his waist. He whipped it open, the telescopic blade slipping free with a slick, metallic hiss of the material, its full length triggering the crossguard at the top of the hilt to spring out all the same before he levied his pistol forward again, his thumb flicking the fire mode before he closed the cap with a fast and carefully measured walk, delivering a round from the underbarrel sonic blaster toward his chest before he wrenched back the longsword to deliver an upwards cut, the vibroblade whirring through the air with a vicious cut from his stomach, diagionally up to the man's chin.

In the leverage, he twisted his hip the opposite direction to muzzle thump the pistol into his abdomen, firing off the sonic blaster into the man's stomach if able to try and buckle the weight of the beskar chest plate into his abdomen and ideally force catatonia from the Mandalorian's instinct and brutally drilled method of killing.

No words. Just violence of action.


Location: Onderon - City Streets
Objective: Apprehend Criminals
Tags: Connel Vanagor OPEN

The party made their way out to the streets. It was pandemonium. People were running and somehow a building had caught fire. Kat could smell explosives not far off and wondered if the battle had started yet.

She made haste to the building on fire, intending to evacuate whoever was inside. Immediately she felt the heat and the smoke wash over her face and began to cough. Luckily the family had already made their way downstairs and Kat was able to help them outside. She called out to see if there was anybody else but felt no other life forms in the Force.

When she got back outside her eyes were streaming but she could still see that things had gotten worse. Connel was attempting to lure out rioters so the police could apprehend them. Unfortunately he ran into a group of officers who didn’t know the plan.

“We are here to help!”

The officers saw Kat standing beside two men in riot gear and nodded though they still looked at Connel with suspicion before moving on.

“You weren’t kidding. This is insane. I know war attracts rioters but … this feels off…”

She didn’t have time to explain more. A window two stories above them blew out and glass rained down upon them.


"Oya manda." She nodded as Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze 's projection dissipated. "I am a Mando'a and nothing they do will ever change that." Her conviction had never been this strong since the Alor of House Kryze accepted her into the ranks. She was here not to prove anything but her code of honor; to protect the weak against the oppressive.

With determined eyes, the Raven scanned her allies; There were the Jetii, who she still hadn't used to working together like this, normal soldiers of Iziz were standing by and ready to sacrifice their lives while holding the perimeter, and even the elite special force, Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad 's Strike Force Talon, ready at their disposal.

Anna's fingers wouldn't stop fidgeting around, checking her wristpad every now and then, ensuring that the charges she strategically planted as a trap against ground units were active and operational. Perhaps she shouldn't worry too much. The Jetii's on their side this time, after all. She still remembered how it was to face one, and in hindsight, there was probably never any chance for her to edge out in that fight.

The wristpad beeped, and her eyes widened as one by one, her traps and defenses were deactivated. There was no report of anyone in sight, how could this be possible?

A screech.

"Stealth attack, take cover!" An attack was coming, but none could pick up where it was approaching. Scanning with her helmet, it was then a flying war droid uncloaked and started a strafing run, and the anti-air cannons couldn't keep up. "We might need the Talons on that war droid." She spoke to Minerva through her comms. Anna aimed down her high-powered anti-material blaster, trying to steady her aim on the Basilisk before chaos suddenly erupted among the crowd of soldiers.

As the assailant uncloaked, the Raven managed to take a glance at the arriving opposition, recognizing the beskar'gam. Bad news.

The Ghost, Alor to the clan Fett.

Multiple explosions ensued, with the group of Onderonian soldiers were wiped out easily. "You see her, Atin?" Trying to see past the smoke and dust through her scanner, she kept her eyes on the rifle scope while coordinating with Atin Tracinya Atin Tracinya . "Engage, I'll cover you." The Raven fired several high-powered blaster bolts through the smoke and dust after ensuring no friendlies were in the way, hoping one would hit or graze the enemy. Her sidearm would be ready if it came to a close-range combat.
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Before all this started, Jonyna had had an argument with the Onderonian Royal Guard. Her old ways had come back, and she figured the best bet to beat these damn crusaders would be to ambush them outside the temple. Spare the lives of the Royal Guard.


They had insisted they be the first line of defense. That Clan Kryze and the jedi be the final wall against the oncoming horde.

Now they were dying needlessly. Now they were being slaughtered. None of them had stood a chance. None of them had put up a worthy fight. It had all been for naught. Now the floor had erupted, and Domina came crashing through, with her daughter in tow.

"Dima..." Jonyna growled simply, as suddenly a pipe from under the throne room burst from the floor, violently splashing Domina Prime Domina Prime with high pressure water, freezing cold and under constant pressure.

She wouldn't make the same mistake.

She wouldn't let anyone more get hurt.

"Jenn! We need to focus fire! They're coming from every direction!"

This wasn't going to plan. It was never going to be. "Vince, get the royals out of here!"

No. She wouldn't let this fall. She wouldn't let this go to chit. The air hummed with energy, as Jonyna ignited her saber, her ruby blade searing the air, as she redirected the high pressure water right at her saber, the room filling with a thick, heavy fog as she prepped for what came next.

Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , despite the fog, could hear her Lyrana's voice right in her ear.
"Whatever comes next, we face it together. I'm right at your back love."


OBJ II - Outside the Throne Room

Tiny hairs prickled the back of her neck. The Force flared in warning.

"Must be my birthday!"

Cora had just enough time to duck behind a large, ornate vase that sat atop a display podium as the shot rang out. The distinctive sound of metal hitting ceramic crackled in the air, and what was once a magnificent piece of pottery shattered to the floor.

It was nothing compared to the din that came from inside the throne room. A great rumble shook the halls as Domina Prime Domina Prime tore through pristine marble while carving her way toward the royal family.

"Stars," Cora mumbled as she reestablished her footing. "What in Ashla are they doing in there?"

Her focus quickly returned to the Mandalorian who'd fired at her, proclaiming that today was her birthday.

"You have an unconventional way of celebrating."

The pedestal levitated in front of her. With a thrust of Cora's hand, it hurdled through the air towards the bucket-headed wench.

Livia Cadera Livia Cadera



EQUIPMENT: Borrowed Lightsaber (Real one this time, not a training saber)
ALLIES: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Vince Vince | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze
ENEMIES: Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r | Domina Prime Domina Prime

He could hear a cracking sound. At first he thought it was the walls, but then a bit of dust fell from above and he realized it was the ceiling itself that was falling apart. As quick as he could, he grabbed the Queen and covered her with his own body to shield her from falling debris, placing a bubble of protection around them as the ceiling gave way and the strange creature that he had seen before entered the room with them. Clearly it was a Mandalorian, but not the friendly variety. Definitely not the friendly variety from what he could see of it. It was massive and unlike anything he'd ever seen in his life.

Once the ceiling was no longer falling down upon them, he stood again and helped the queen to her feet, though kept her behind him. His role here was not to attack this thing that had entered the room, but to allow the others, the good Mandalorian's and the other Jedi, to intervene unless they were all too occupied to otherwise do so. As a padawan, he was not considered strong enough for the main defense, relying solely on the others to do so.

However, the creature spoke, directly to him and he brought his saber up and assumed an offensive stance that belied his martial combat training and his intention of fighting in an offensive manner if need be.

"I cannot allow you to take her," he said, keeping himself firmly between the queen and the beast.

Thankfully the others were quick to act and he didn't need to fight just yet. He still kept himself at the ready should his assistance be required, but he also heard one of the others yell for someone to get the royals out, which he assumed probably also meant him since he wasn't going anywhere without the Queen and he wasn't letting her go anywhere without him. Though, he had a nagging feeling that something else was wrong, that something was coming from another way, and so he backed himself closer to his charge.

ALLIES: MANDOS | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
ENEMIES: GA | Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Haliat Kryze Haliat Kryze | Vince Vince
ENGAGING: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
GEAR: In bio


Dima didn’t hesitate to charge ahead and tear half of the encroaching squad apart. Even with adrenaline pumping through him and his focus on the fight ahead, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for these soldiers. For him it was kill or be killed… subjecting them to Dima’s wrath was simply cruel.

Sadly, there wasn’t much he could do. The monster had been awakened and he was simply in the wake of her destruction. With a sigh he jetted forward with his rifle hurling deadly bolts toward the remaining guards. His approach took a bit longer than hers, he wasn’t some supercharged crazy beast. The guards fought hard and a few hits scored hard against his armour, but ultimately they were down. One by one they fell by his feet with nothing more than a smoking hole in their chests.

With the distraction gone, Yuri quickly caught up with his psycho ‘date’ for the day. He wished that he could say that this was the worst date of his life… but somehow he could think of worse. Much, much worse than a bloody rampage next to a seven foot tall alien dismantling troops as far as she went. Besides, nobody could say that Dima wasn’t fun.

The duo continued on until the arrival of a Padawan halted them for a moment. Before he could even move, Dima took point in engaging the Jedi. The two disappeared into the smoke, with Yuri following after the two hostages while Dima did what she did best. At least until he heard her voice over the comms reporting that the secret passage was compromised. A long sigh escaped Yuri, who was now doubling back to link up with Dima. He didn’t need to wonder if she had another plan, she was likely making her own path through the walls or something.

Reaching the alien, all Yuri could do was stand back and watch as she was doing exactly what he suspected. A hand came up to shelter his helmet from small chunks of debris bouncing off his armour. ”Well… that’s definitely one way to make an entrance.” He remarked with a soft chuckle. It wouldn’t take much time for her to carve a path for them, and soon they moved up a level. Then another. He didn’t know whether to feel useless or not, it would’ve taken a whole case of thermal detonators to achieve the same results. At least, when it came to violence, Dima was extremely efficient at doing her job. He simply kept watch for the Padawan until Dima finally breached the throne room’s floor, allowing the duo to enter the throne room through a very unorthodox opening.

Yuri immediately blasted into the air with his rifle spewing blaster bolts and the gathered defenders. To his surprise, most of them were Mandalorians guarding the queen. He groaned with annoyance as he thought back to the Rook he fought on Umbara. If these schuttas were going to lecture him as well, he would drop a seismic charge on the palace. The last thing he needed was another one of those on top of his guilty conscience.

"Ah, woah, hey! How did you guys get up here SO fast?"

”They’re not with us, Dima!” He warned, immediately taking shots at the Cather Jedi and what looked to be the Mandalorian rallymaster.

:: All units, we’ve made contact in the throne room. There’s a bunch of Mando loyalists up here, requestin’ immediate backup. :: He reported over the comms as he touched down by a nearby pillar. All of those previous thoughts came back with the familiar armour between the loyalists. He recognized some of these people. A few years ago they were fighting side by side, now they drew weapons against each other.

Then there was the royal family. A few weeks ago, he was invited as their friend. He was sick to his stomach, despising himself and his stupid decisions that led him to this point.

He had made his bed. Now it was time to sleep in it.

”Hey, furball!” He called out to Jonyna Si Jonyna Si with a snarl behind his visor. ”The pet shelter’s a few blocks away! Go on, scat!” He taunted, trying to draw the Cathar’s attention to him. It was time to see if he was worthy of his armour.


| Location | Throne Room Adjacent
| Objective | Fight

No words suited Hal just fine. He'd never had even the vaguest notion of proceeding in any other fashion.

Under other circumstances, of course. To take a life was profane; necessity could perhaps forgive that profanity, but never erase it entirely. That Haliat Kryze could point to no endeavor for which he was better suited was profanity again. And so, whenever possible, he would seek another way. In getting an enemy to see reason, in reminding them of the peril of continued hostility, even in simply pointing out that there was still an opportunity to stand down with everyone still alive, there were few tools more potent than speech. He did not credit himself with any special skill in the art of persuasion, but he knew well the value of at least trying, to his own spirit if nothing else.

But they were past all that now. Battle had been joined. As Trajan had noted, this was war. It was the time when people like him were needed, doing exactly what they did best. And in this war, these two men were plainly on opposite sides. That was literally all the knowledge that Haliat Kryze required. He cared not what this invader called himself, nor what great deeds he claimed, nor even what deeds the man's father's father's father had accomplished in whatever great campaign of institutionalized murder they held up as the high point of their mis-spent existence.

If this intruder wished to announce any of these things anyway, to stop in the middle of a fight for some idle chatter? Well, then splendid. It was usually easier to kill an enemy when that enemy was an idiot. But until that moment came, Haliat would assume as he always did, that his opponent would kill him very quickly if he made a mistake. And so on he pressed against the relentless assault thrown at him.

The electrical assault landed true. The shield stopped the projectile itself short of making any contact with his armor, but the voltage was still delivered, and the energy shield began to flicker erratically before it was deactivated entirely. He had no luxury of a proper diagnostic, and would therefore have to assume the defense could not be counted on. But it had done its job, weathering two assaults already in his place. The rest was up to him.

Advancing to meet Trajan’s assault head on, he fired off two more shots at Trajan’s center mass. Even at such close range, he knew there was virtually no chance of actually penetrating the enemy’s cuirass, but he’d deliberately chosen a brutal bastard of a pistol. It was a heavy, long barreled number, which made all other concerns secondary to the sheer energy dumped onto its target. A good hit should at least rattle. Trajan’s weapon certainly had that effect on him. Hal’s helmet, like any Mandalorian kit worthy of the name incorporated both insulation and electronic hearing protection which spared him the worst of the sonic assault, but no armor save that on a tank could completely negate the bone jarring impact that ran through his body. Against that, he had only sheer bloody mindedness, but it was enough. It hurt him, but it didn’t stop him from surging the last little bit to close into melee range.

He didn’t bother to actually block or parry Trajan’s blade. Proximity and trust in his armor would do for that. He simply got in close enough that his beskar clad torso intercepted the swing before it could get to his head, for he knew that couldn’t possibly be the true threat. Not when that gun rested still at the ready. And so, as the sonic blaster came up to deliver the point blank pulse which would have ruined him, armor or no, Hal’s empty off hand seized Trajan’s wrist to deny his weapon its proper shot.

As for retaliation, the arm holding Haliat’s own pistol snaked around Trajan’s neck to pull them into a literal embrace. And as he leaned in, it turned out that Hal had been wrong before. There was still some utility in words.


With that brief verbal cue, Haliat’s own jetpack surged to life. And his posture ensured it would carry them not just up, but forward. Well, backward in Trajan’s case. Violently backward, into the nearest wall if he couldn’t free himself in a hurry.

| Friendly | @
| Hostile | Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
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| Location | Iziz - Throne Room
| Objective | Defend the crown, repel the dar'manda!
| Focus | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Yuri Maji Yuri Maji

Though her charismatic speeches and skill in the art of diplomacy were certainly worthy of note, they were a distant second to the Alor's skill in battle as a tactician and a warrior both; where many found themselves overwhelmed by the flood of information imposed upon them, the Mandalorian excelled when put under such a daunting set of circumstances. The explosive charges laid in key passages and the blasters trained on all entrances were of little help when the floor came undone, and yet she remained placid as the waters of a lake in the face of such a development. When her voice rose, it lacked the bite often reserved for the Neo-Crusaders.
"Hello, Dima", spoke the Duchess politely, in a sharp contrast with the tone employed by the woman standing next to her. Many who walked under the banner of the Crusade were soulless destroyers in her eyes, but some were merely astray - and Dima? Well, Dima was Dima. Tall, menacing, alien... but hardly deserving of hatred nor spite, even as she levelled such words against Jenn's liege. Perhaps it was a lapse of judgement on her part, prone as she was to feel sympathy for outcasts and atypical individuals, but that thumbs-up the towering figure gave her and her peers was just too genuine for her to brush aside with dismissive words. "I'm afraid we can't let you do that, Primarch."
Mercifully, Herrel devoted his entire attention to the threat at hand, removing that particular problem from the equation, if only for the time being. The Redeemer knew better than to count Dima out of the fight from a mere fall, but the Chaaj 's quick thinking had just bought them a little more time, even as more of their enemies poured into the breach. Even as bolts of plasma began filling the air and explosions sounded out all around, the Ersansyr kept a level head, looking back at the monarch in the wake of Jonyna's words.
"Belay that order!" called the siren authoritatively, the siren's song within her voice in full effect. "We let the Queen go through a hidden passageway, they'll ambush and murder her before we have the time to react! Nite Owls, redeploy; form a defensive position around her!"
Some gave but a ping on her HUD by way of acknowledgement; others were more vocal, barking out a simple "Copy!" or a less formal "I'm on it!" - but, all the same, the best warriors of the aliit converged on the throne itself, shielding her from the line of fire with their beskar-clad bodies as well as their personal shields. The Jedi standing by her side, they barely regarded; experienced killers that they were, they all too easily dismissed what he could bring to the table if it came to defending the mission objective. They had fought enough Jedi in their time to know a greenhorn when they saw one.
When her beloved's actions led to the room filling with fog, she was quick to flip her helmet's rangefinder in place, the horribly antiquated system within granting her thermal vision... for her right eye, at least. Too late to split hair over it now. The sound of her Moontide's voice set a fire within her heart, reminding the fierce siren of what she fought to protect within the throne room; more than merely the life of her liege, as duty commanded, but that of her family.
No time for heartfelt declarations on her part, however. The song of war called to the wind, and she answered it readily.
The pair of them were soon under fire from another wayward vod, following in Dima's trail of destruction; lifting her shield to absorb the projectiles, the Alor prepared to charge the foolhardy foe... when her heart all but stopped.
No. Nononono.
The aliik etched upon his chest... evoked a memory of years long past. A Mandalorian whose mark had been left on all those who crossed her path, friend and foe alike; an indomitable foe and an inspiring ally, who died a hero's death at the hands of her dearest friend. The same woman Jenn would go on to befriend herself.
Jenn's fingers immediately moved to the side of her helmet, communicating frantically to the Nite Owls still firing on any target they could see - as well as her embattled allies.
"Aliit! Whatever you do, you are not to kill the Shivastanen!"
She was hardly ever one to call for mercy in the middle of a fight. There was a time and place for it, after all.
But Shai Maji Shai Maji had offered her a place, once, when she still shunned the company of her people, and fashioned herself a Crusader. One of the last true Mandalorians, looking down upon those who diluted the meaning of such a word, openly antagonizing the likes of Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla when she sensed but the slightest sign of weakness.
"Shai must weep, if this is what has become of her aliit", rose the Alor's voice over the din of battle, ignoring the jab made at her girlfriend. It was inconsequential, compared to the grief she felt in the face of such tragedy. "If the dead weep."
Her jetpack roared to life as she charged, moving with the speed and grace of a dancer; quick, conservative bursts of that jetpack allowed her to evade incoming fire, closing the distance between the pair to force the wayward warrior into melee. By beskad and shield would she win the day-
But she would not take the life of one of Shai's own. Once upon a time, the Rallymaster had been her ideal of what a Mandalorian should be, and she would repay her debt to the Shivastanen and honor her memory as well through her actions.
Jenn pulled back her arm, and moved to slam her energy shield against Yuri's buy'ce.
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Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]


There is nothing but death for you here, Jetii. T'was a bloodbath to take this land in the Mandalorian Wars, and you have not brought enough bodies to do so again on this day.”

Braze's grin widened as he muttered to Jasper, "Damn, they think they can count that high."

Without hesitation, Braze dashed forward, his feet pounding the ground with barely a sound. He moved like a blur, his small frame defying expectation as he charged toward the towering, corpulent figure of Grissuk.

"Come on, pipsqueaks. No one disrupts my game of dice."
"Secure the southern edge near the fuel deposits! No one enters this camp alive without the permission of our Rally Masters."

In an instant, Braze launched himself onto a nearby crate, springboarding into the air with startling speed. He vaulted over Jasper, twisting his body mid-flight as he aimed his boots straight for Grissuk's snout.

Braze intended to rebounded off Grissuk's face, flipping through the air with his two blades flourishing in his hands, blurring as they cut through the air in a cascade of light. His attacks came with blinding speed, Force-enhanced strikes creating a dizzying display of spinning arcs as he zipped through the battlefield.



Captain Grissuk observed the imposing Rally Master Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl as he emerged from the command bunker, armor reflecting the sunlight and polearm within hand displaying a noticeable pace in his stride amidst the bustling activity surrounding the camp as the remaining anti-aircraft guns fired shell after shell into the air as a warning against anyone else foolish enough to approach.

The atmosphere had transformed since the Gamorrean first observed the charred remnants of several anti-aircraft guns, signifying that the Alliance was preparing for further action. They had sent forth two formidable opponents ahead to neutralize as many defenders as possible before the GA Defense Forces had to advance through the dense jungle and harsh terrain, contending with numerous creatures that had previously defeated even Mand'alor the Indomitable millennia ago.

"Hungering for a snack and a bit of glory, Rally Master." He responded with a robust laugh, but his expression quickly shifted as his eyes narrowed in concentration upon uttering the word 'Jetii,' which struck him with the force of an arrow piercing his heart.

"We'll kill em all, and offer them up to Kad Ha'rangir." A further comment with a snort of his massive noise, knowing that the The Jedi Order had long been an adversary of Mandalorian culture, and they had once again assumed the role of enemy, albeit concealed behind the facade of a formidable entity known as the Galactic Alliance.

As Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el advanced to confront the Rally Master, the agile student known as Braze Braze darted forward with the swiftness of a shadow carried by the breeze, undoubtedly enhanced by the light sorcery commonly associated with the Jedi.

Braze intended to rebounded off Grissuk's face, flipping through the air with his two blades flourishing in his hands, blurring as they cut through the air in a cascade of light. His attacks came with blinding speed, Force-enhanced strikes creating a dizzying display of spinning arcs as he zipped through the battlefield.

"Gnaaarrr!" he bellowed, as the jedi's boot struck the Gamorrean's beskar helmet before unleashing a flurry of attacks with his dual blades.

Grissuk executed a feint to the left, leveraging his weight to divert Braze's focus, before abruptly pivoting to the right.

He employed the extended handle of the Shogar Tok Vibro-axe to generate a formidable arc, effectively intercepting Braze's subsequent dual strikes with deliberate and measured precision. In a rapid and forceful motion, he targeted the Padawan's midsection, intending not only to counteract his momentum but also to destabilize his balance.

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Anna Carden Anna Carden | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Others

Careena Fett Careena Fett | Others
Blaster bolts flew back and forth between the two sides. The Kryze-Alliance defensive held its ground, yielding nothing to the invaders, who's endless charge gave no signs of ending anytime soon. With his slugthrower resting atop the barrier between him and the Neo-Crusaders threatening his home, Atin let loose volley after volley of rounds into the Crusaders. Their beskar might have been a strong defense against blaster bolts, but the kinetic impact of an armor-piecing slugthrower rounds was far more effective. And incendiaries. Too bad Atin had run out of those already.

The report of Atin's rifle was joined by the sounds of other weapons firing, clashing, explosions, and the screams of the dead and those plummeting to the ground as the Talon's deplyed EMPs in the skies above. A brutal kind of warfare. But beneath it all, something else began to make itself known. A quiet thrumming that grew and grew, until Atin paused.

"Stealth attack, take cover!"

No sooner had Anna's voice come over the comms did a series of explosions rock the battlefield, and a massive war droid flew past over head, suddenly uncloaked and blocking out the sun. Atin's eyes tracked it through the sky as rained a barrage on their anti-air defenses. "Minerva! Can you handle that beast?"

There was no time to wait for a proper reply though, as another series of explosions and screams drew Atin's gaze once more. Much closer this time. "You see her, Atin?"
"Hard to miss her..."
the man replied with grave tone as the Ghost of Clan Fett hovered over what was left of his fallen bretheren.
"Engage, I'll cover you."

A blaster round shot out from somewhere far away, where Atin knew Anna hid. One last volley into the breastplate of another Crusader, and Atin tossed aside the spent weapon, making his way towards the Ghost as she wreaked havoc through the ranks of House Kryze. Another Crusader stood in his way, the man raising a blaster to fire at Atin. Beskar-clad crushgaunts intercepted the bolts until Atin was close enough to bat the blaster away and deliver a hefty blow to the Crusader's helm. Brought to his knees, it took only a couple more punches before he was lying on the ground, with half his helmet caved in.

"Ghost!" Atin called to the woman, the dull-grey of her armor silhouetting her against the blue sky. Atin pounded his fists together in challenge. "Fight me!"

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