Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA] The Hapan Crisis | Rise or Ruin


Aris returned the nod to Eve. It was odd, seeing her here, especially after the last time they'd seen each other. She'd changed. A lot. The nervous girl who didn't want to fight had been filled with determination. Given what was going on, he didn't blame her. They'd have to handle this together, the three of them. He shut down his saber, hooking it on his hip for the time being. Him running around with it was more dangerous to others than without for now, and he didn't need it to stay safe.

He turned his gaze, scanning around to see if there were others close by. Someone was likely in danger right now, right? So they had to-

"Well done, sweetie."

To his credit, he didn't even flinch at the words. To the observant though, an embarrassed blush had already started to take over his ears. Even in a situation like this, mom was still a mother it seemed. It brought a smile, despite the flushed sense of embarrassment. "Right, we stay together."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Everest Vale Everest Vale

Gorak chuckled as the sneaky interloper slinked off leaving an EMP as a treat, disabling the girls lightsaber.

"You know the nice thing about Vibroaxes, Jedi girl?"

The squealing laugh reached a crescendo as the pigman raised his giant axe over Reina Daival Reina Daival , towering over her.

The EMP rendered the Vibroaxe powerless, leaving it as a... Fully functioning sharpened cleaving implement.

" Its just an axe with extra bite"

The axe came down with killing intent-
One aimed to impact against the Gammorrean's wrist tendons to disable the weapon from his grasp while the second aimed to embed itself into the crook's collarbone near the shoulder.
a bladed object thrown from the shadows loosened Gorak's grip at the last second, a second embedding into the thick flesh of his shoulder, throwing the cleaving swing off course.

Not enough to save the girl, of course. The sheer mass of the downswing wouldn't clear Reina Daival Reina Daival from the savage arc from two small slicing Implements.

The axe met flesh and crimson sprayed across its blade, but before Gorak could see where he injured the girl-
Before leaping from the shadows to strike at the thug's jaw.

A much heftier punch from the shadows staggered the Gammorean.

"You'll pay for that, Sleemo!"



Objective I — Future of Hapes

Lehvi resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but couldn't keep the incredulousness and disdain out of his voice.

"Do my ears deceive me? Is the Representative from Lazarin IV attempting to justify the late Queen Mother's actions? That she refused to enforce the ERA because she disagreed with the law? That in doing so, it exacerbated a tense situation in the Cluster? That when taken to task, she decided the most reasonable course of action was to hold Senators hostage, challenged the CHANCELLOR TO A DUEL, and attempt to MURDER him when she lost? And she was killed in her attempted murder? Because she was grieving?"

He successfully held in a snort. You could really tell who had actually fought in battle, and who thought politicking was warfare.

Lehvi allowed a sympathetic look to Chancellor Organa to linger, before he turned to the Queen Mother.

"But I digress. We're bandying a lot of words around here, Queen Mother, but I do find your grasp of the realities on the ground rather...refreshing. My question to you is this: you seem to realize that some of your late sister's policies- particularly enforcement of the ERA, or lack thereof- has some bearing on the situation at hand. I am still of the belief that the Alliance's role here is to- at best- act as an legitimate actor in the negotiations for a new Hapan government, not a rubber-stamp for you or this Union."

He leaned forward, eyes piercing into Nimaa'ri.

"That being said: What is your vision of the new Hapes? What role will the monarchy play? What will you do to make sure ensure the tragedies borne out of dogmatic adherence to tradition don't play out with your successor?

Onderon Remote Landing Zone The Shadows
Objective 2
Direct: Reina Daival Reina Daival | Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin || Indirect: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin

Blood had been drawn. Not his but the padawan's. A predatorial growl rumbled from the back of his throat before he drew his fist back again. Another blow struck across the Gammorean's face—another shot at the jaw. The axe became inconsequential as the Fiend's grasp grabbed ahold of the axe handle, overpowering the crook's own strength and leverage with almost-supernatural ease, before swinging the back of his fist towards the Gamorrean's skull. A swift kick to the chest followed in the assault as the Demon activated the repulsors on the sole of his boot to force the Gamorrean into a short-lived flight from the kick—straight towards the side of the transport.

The metal would ring from the impact.

Holding the axe firmly in his grasp, the the Living Nightmare slowly paced towards the criminal scum, creeping ever so closer. Tapping the handle against his palm patiently as he approached, the Demon raised the axe before drawing his arm back. It would be a fitting end for the crook. The final chapter to the cruelty.


The blade itself sunk into the metal mere millimeters from the Gamorrean's face. Enough to drive the fear of death and more into anyone were they in his position. The Black Ace's palm violently pushed the skull of the beast against the metal transport's outer shell, forcing the confrontation to an end as the thug laid unconscious from the final blow.

"I won't."

Peering over his shoulder, his attention now spared towards the injured girl. His own breathing slowed for a moment before his eyes widened slightly behind the mask before narrowing.

No . . .

Sprinting to her side, his visor began inspecting the wounds the padawan had sustained. His utility belt contained a medical kit; tools that he began to prepare on-site with surgical precision. His efforts should at least help stop the bleeding and seal the wound, if nothing else. As for more intensive care, that would require a medical transport or hospital. He would need to deliver her there if her backup did not arrive in time.

And he would need to take the pig too. For interrogation later.

"Steady your breathing, Davail."

She would not die on him. He would not allow it.

Location: Onderon
Objective: 2
Tags: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin DEVILMAN DEVILMAN Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Outfit - Lightsaber


She needed to move. Every fibre of her being was telling her to run. To move. And so that's what she had tried to do. Using the Force to try and throw herself off to the side and away from the axe. She should have brought her harpoon, but she didn't think she'd have needed the extra weapon. How foolish she had been and she was about to pay the price as she tried to dive through the air. She could deal with pain! She just had to make sure it didn't hit any vital an-


Her scream echoed through the sky. Pain shooting through her body and through her nerves as the woman threw herself down to the ground, landing with a hearty thud. The pain was like liquid fire running through her body. She had to get away. Through the pain, Reina pressed her hands against the dirt beneath her and tried to get to her feet. Leave the Pig to fight whatever this guy was and run. Yet as she tried to get up to both of her feet, she stumbled and fell straight back down, barely able to protect her face. With gritted teeth, she looked down at her legs, where all of the colour drained from her face.

Well. You've done messed up, haven't you? You can't even say you have a leg over me. You have a leg over there instead.

The voice in her head seemed to find cruel amusement at the sight. The sight of a singular leg laying where Reina had crawled from and a trail of crimson leading to where she was. She needed to think and act quickly, but her hands were slow and clumsy. Struggling to find anything to stem the bleeding.

"what happens when that shield breaks?"
Another voice echoed in her mind. With a question that she had stubbornly refused to answer. And now she was paying the price. Serina had implied that Reina would have to pay a price for not getting that shield. She never would have guessed that it was her own leg...Everything was going numb around her, even as the masked man started to try and seal the wound and the bleeding. Her gaze hazy and unfocused as she stared at the skies above her, feeling the sun against her face.

I just...want to feel...the sea.

And with that, the woman fell back onto the ground as the darkness of unconsciousness overtook her.

<This is Padawan Daival. I need assistance urgently. I've came across an unexpected threat.>

"Go, Shem," the elderly Master Karos Spinner spoke. "Retrieve the padawan."

"Understood, Uncle!"

Jedi Knight Shem Spinner was quick to take to the skies, weaving through the chaos of the ongoing crisis towards the location of the young Padawan Daival. He flew as fast as his wings could his Rishi eyes quick to examine the situation as he took in every possible threat around the padawan. A masked man looming over her, an enraged Gammorean in the distance. The situation was worse than he could have expected. She was missing a leg now, and certainly seemed to be suffering from blood loss. He would have to be quick to extract her to the best of his abilities.

He knocked two arrows with his trusty plasma bow, firing them off from his talons aimed at the chest of the Gammorean. Then the Rishi warrior tucked the bow onto it's holster and swooped down, using his powerful talons to pluck up the girl as though she were a fish in the ocean. In an instant they were back in the skies, flying off towards the distance and no doubt leaving behind a trail of blood.

"Keep it together, padawan!" Shem shouted back to Reina. "I've got you! We're gonna get you all patched up!"

He'd ensure that she was carried to safety.


The Gammorean coughed up a bit of blood, woken from his unconsciousness by two plasma arrows sinking into his chest.

The irony of the masked figure's mercy beeing ended by another's actions not lost on him.

At least he hacked off a leg from that little brat. For Drevik, Klarta, and Jeory. His boys, killed by redhead with an accent. All that was left was himself and the interloper. The self fashioned hero who, admittedly, gave it a good attempt.

Not much longer now Gorak thought to himself, coughing out another chortle, spitting more blood upon his chest.

"Tell me, Shadow-Devil." Gorak coughed out at the vigilante, pulling a thermal detonator from his vest, still leaning against a vessel full of captives. The Gammorean intended a last act of spite, in revenge for his crew.

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"

Gorak primed the thermal Detonator.


"You have quite the measured assessment. Hopefully my training has had at least something to do with that."

"Maybe." She probably wouldn't have been so measured a year or two ago. "I'm glad you don't consider me a 'pick me girl' for thinking that hating and oppressing men is bad."

"I think you're right, though. We cast a blind eye to problems within our own borders. And now it's blowing up in our faces. It's giving me a lot to think about. Of course, I've now had... much deeper involvement than most. Perhaps there is more I should be dwelling on than just the Alliance's shortcomings."

"Like what?" Eloise asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't tell me you feel guilty about killing that man-hating skank. If someone tried to mind control my boyfriend into killing himself, I'd have done worse to them than you did to the Queen."

Location: Her own mind
Objective: ???
Tags: ???
Outfit - Lightsaber


Once again, Reina found herself in that dark ocean of oil and liquid darkness. Yet this time, she was on the solid ground of a boat, feeling the sway of the waves beneath her as they rocked her back and forth. There was no beacon of light guiding her way this time, no bright lighthouse illuminating her surroundings. Instead, she was surrounded by the oppressive dark, the only source of light being a faintly lit sun far in the sky, as she looked around in disbelief. Trying to rack her head to remember what had happened and how she had managed to get here.

"So your shield has broken."

She spun around at the sound of that voice. It was familiar. But it wasn't the voice she normally heard. That dark version of her own. No. It was familiar for a different way as she turned to face a...friend. That was what Reina said she would have called Serina but this didn't feel very friendly. The smirk on her face. The cocked eyebrow. Reina had to take in a deep breath to steady herself, even as the boat kept rocking from side to side.

"Why would you choose to go into battle with something weaker, something more fragile, something that—when the moment comes—may fail you?"

It was strange. That voice didn't come from the Serina in front of her. It came from within Reina's own head. Serina's words were stuck in Reina's mind. The ones that she tried to refuse. To deny. They were the truth. Did that mean Serina had been right about it all? That Reina would fail the people she wanted to protect? That they'd have to suffer because of her own mistakes? That they were hurt because she had too much faith in her own weapons.

"Yes. Yes it is."

There was that familiar voice. As Reina saw her own reflection stepping out of the murky darkness to stand alongside Serina. Their own smirk evident as they stared directly at Reina, who's eyes darted around. Trying to find some kind of escape. But how does one escape their own mind? How does someone escape from something that feels so very real?

"You thought that wielding a lightsaber would make you undefeatable. That you'd be a Knight of Shining Justice. But you aren't. You're a fool. You're weak."

They were right. Being a Jedi had made Reina feel like she was undefeatable. Like no-one in the Galaxy could take her down, but in reality she was taken down by some masked man and a damned Pig. She had to think. Breathe. Calm herself down but that was far easier said than done. Closing her eyes to focus. None of this was true. No. It was just bad luck. She was still alive. She could still fight. Reina hadn't failed anyone. Not yet. She could still keep moving.

"This isn't real. You aren't real. It's all in my head."

A refusual to accept it. Her stubbornness. It was the main thing Reina had going for her. She refused to give up. All she had to do was keep moving forward. Marching forward. As long as she had the wind to her back, nothing could her down. At least that was her thought process. Yet she was about to learn otherwise, as the Imaginary Serina pushed Reina backwards, causing the woman to stumble. When Reina tried to get up to her feet however, she find herself unable to, looking down to spot her missing leg.

"We aren't real, are we? Well. You're right. But that leg wasn't real. Neither is this boat."

And with that, the solid ground beneath Reina vanished, plumetting her into the oily liquid below her. She had to get out of here. She had to wake up but she couldn't get out of the dark ocean that threatened to pull her down. It had been a struggle when she had all of her limbss

You did say you want to feel the sea again.

Her own voice echoed in her head. Reina did not care for the irony in that statement. As she started to sink beneath the dark depths, her vision starting to turn darker and darker, Reina suddenly felt herself get jolted as she was yanked out of the muck and brought through the air, out of the dark. Carried higher and higher up into the air towards the sun before the light blinded her vision. When her vision came back to her, she'd have awoken on the Freebird, confused and lost but more importantly alive.

The Freebird, Above Onderon
Tags: Reina Daival Reina Daival


Epo-1, R5-T399, The Freebird, Lightsaber

When her vision came back to her, she'd have awoken on the Freebird, confused and lost but more importantly alive.

"Hey, you're still kickin'! Good showing, kid."

Shem craned his neck to look down at the ginger mammalian, his stature notably taller than her own. He tipped up his hat so that his eyes were better seen, his beak curving into a grin. He had felt the inner turmoil as it radiated off of her, so it was reassuring that she had come to after what seemed to be a nightmare-like feeling. No doubt the blood loss had left her rather delirious.

"Hey, you did good out there," Shem told her. "That was a lot to do on your own. I respect the gusto. Fortunately you were quick to stabilize once my crew got the bleeding taken care of."

It didn't much matter if she was still out of it. Shem took the padawan's hand into his own winged hand and gave her a proper handshake, firm and polite. He certainly wouldn't be caught not offering a greeting.

"Shem Spinner, Jedi Knight," the Rishi stated. "You're aboard my ship right now, above Onderon. We're going to send word to the Order that we'll be taking you back to Coruscant. In the meantime, I have a few of my engineers looking around to see if we cant find a temporary replacement for that leg of yours. You seem like the type who prefers to walk on their own."


Location: The Freebird
Objective: ???
Tags: Shem Spinner Shem Spinner
Outfit - Lightsaber


"You're a bird..."

That was the first words out of her mouth. Not a thank you. Not some kind of scream or sob. Just an incredulous statement as she tilted her head to the side. She was confused to say the least, especially as he took her hand and gave her a firm handshake. It felt like he was about to pull her shoulder out of it's socket though as her arm was basically a wet noodle right now. Her entire body just felt like a packet of overly-cooked noodles.

"I could have done better...but I'm Reina. Reina Daival. Padawan."

There was something incredibly ridiculous to her about needing to be saved by a Bird. Not that she thought any less of Shem. It was just strange to think about herself getting plucked up and carried off into the air. There was some irony in a way though. It was like a stork carried her away. Perhaps this was a chance for her to try and rethink her life. Though her eyes travelled down to where her leg should be when Shem said she seemed like the type who liked to walk on their own.

"...Maybe I should slow down."

It was a small confirmation to herself. That her headstrong beliefs would get her caught up in more situations and cause her to get into worse conditions. She needed to try and take a step back from rushing into fights. Rushing into being strong.


//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //: Everest Vale Everest Vale //: Aris Noble Aris Noble //:
//: Open //:
//: Obj 2 //:

Everything had settled, and a slight relief washed over the Corellian. At least she didn't have to step in, nor did she have to reveal that she was there. She stood from where she was crouching and moved away from the rubble. There wasn't much more for her to find here - it seemed looters and their kin had wiped the place clean. Frowning, Allyson was still in disbelief that Hapes had fallen this far. What had happened that day?

A voice caught her attention. It seemed the Grandmaster had appeared, and the Spy's guess was correct—the boy was her son. Allyson clutched her chest as she silently groaned. He looked grown, which only made the woman feel so old. She let her mind wander for just a moment, wondering how the other little one was doing. Was she also in the field? Allyson tapped her face lightly, pulling herself back into reality.

Crouching down again, Allyson watched the trio. One of Valery's students seemed to be Echani, but she didn't have the grace that most of them did. The Spy could tell just by the tiny twitches of muscle she wasn't a fan of being here - probably. Allyson thought quietly; from what she gathered, the palace wasn't too far off. She could run there, slip in, and quickly get what she was looking for…or be a problem for the trio. Mainly the woman who was there to guide them.

Allyson looked over her shoulder, seeing the old signs that directed crowds hanging off their posts, but still enough to show her place concerning the palace. Looking back, she let a thin, devilish little grin spread across her face.

No one said she couldn't have a bit of fun.

Taking a wide turn, she moved silently through the space - her eyes locked onto the small padawan. She was the least of the three that would sense her, but Allyson focused on drawing as much of her presence into her. Remembering Woostri, even that wasn't enough to thwart Valery for long. But the temptation to be a nuisance prevailed. She drew closer and closer till she was just behind Everest. A cheeky little smirk plastered on the Corellian's face as she gently held the fabric of the padawan's robe - she gave it a gentle tug, just enough to feel unnatural but not hard enough to make her fall.

Once her little prank was finished, the woman quickly and quietly scooted off, keeping her head low enough in case of any wild flailing from the young Echani. She would move somewhat behind Valery, mainly to be daring - also stupid.

If anyone was going to pick up on her movements, it would be the Grandmaster - but avoiding the Grandmaster was the Corellian's favorite game.
Onderon Remote Landing Zone The Shadows
Objective 2
Direct: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin || Indirect: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin

A calm observation, devoid of any dissatisfaction or frustration. Many, including Jedi and Sith alike, actively chose to act and react recklessly. He had not finished operating the woman's wounds which meant her life hung in the balance of the avian Jedi. If the trip did not kill her, the medical staff would have to act quickly to save her life. But that was not the forefront concern on his mind at the moment. No, his trained hearing and cowl's sensors alerted him to movement behind him.

The plasma arrows. The Fiend's eyes narrowed at this new development. The injuries and subsequent pain from the plasma arrows had roused the Gamorrean from unconsciousness. Without even needing to peer behind him, the Black Ace's cowl detected a new electronic transmission: a detonator. It was keyed into the thermal explosives rigged into the transport.

To erase evidence and opposition. Or insurance.

Utilizing the few moments the lowlife provided as he spoke, the Proto-Predator stealthily opened a compartment on his belt and dexterously slipped a small package into his hand before slowly standing up. His sleight of hand unnoticed, and both clawed hands closed into fists. Standing to his full height, the Demon peered over his shoulder for a moment as he studied the crook before turning around. Equations and potential threats developed inside of his mind as his eyes briefly flickered under the cowl's visor back and forth between the gang boss and the thumb over the primed detonator. There was no dead man's switch on the detonator, which meant this would be a simple maneuver.

The Living Nightmare spoke, a finality held within his tone, "I'm no hero."

In quick fashion, his gloved hand opened up and released the palmed grenade in his hand. A flashbang but the Gamorrean would be unable to discern it until it was too late. Unlike the thug, the Fiend's cowl had been designed to fit flash and sound suppressants, allowing him the full range of his senses no matter the interference a stun grenade would provide. Sprinting forward with the aid of his boot's repulsors to launch his entire body forward before raising his forearm to aim, a singular shuriken fired forth from his gauntlet before the projectile knocked the Gamorrean's detonator from the pig's loosened grasp into the air.

Lowering his shoulder and ramming into the Gamorrean at rapid speed, the Black Ace's momentum ceased to an immediate halt upon impact before stretching out his clawed fingers to catch the mid-air detonator within his grasp. With simple expertise and clawed digits, the Demon defused the device by simply removing the detonator's battery. No transmission signal simply meant there was nothing to trigger the thermal explosives.

The children would remain safe and sound. Always, under his watch and care. Affixing both battery and detonator along his belt, the Fiend lowered himself down unto one knee before fixing his mask's demonic gaze upon the dying Gamorrean. Not a word more before he began to removing the medical implements from his belt. The thug's prognosis remained uncertain, but an effort had to at least be made.

The Alliance would be here soon. One of their Jedi arriving on the scene was proof enough. It meant he would need to leave soon with any evidence he could collect and Davail's leg for cold storage. The children would be treated for any medical conditions by the Alliance.

But here and now, a man was dying and something had to be done. There had been enough death here. One more would benefit no one.

He had to try and save him.

They had hoped that would be enough to tide over his detractors. A response that took responsibility, without falsely bearing it all. A focus on the Queen's agency in the negotiations. Naming, in no small terms, that he believed in telling the bully no, especially if they were within the Alliance's borders. The plan, in no simple terms, was to leave it here. In no small part because that was all Alicio had written on the subject.

But oh, the mask wanted to shout into the mic as Representative Thalorin continued to speak, talking about this 'internal dispute' as if the Hapan were innocently minding their business before the greater Alliance arrived. That was his problem- he'd studied Alicio Organa's mannerisms for years, in preparation for situations exactly like this. How he paused mid-thought to gather his words, the low murmur at which he spoke, even the subtle shifts in his mouth that gave away his flashes of happiness or unease. But he could never replicate the blue chill Alicio seemed to always carry, as if he were always a second away from staring melodramatically into the distance. Instead, the mask only got angry.

He wanted to say a lot of things. Least of which being 'if the Queen was incensed to madness after ten minutes of debate, perhaps that says more about her than us'. But he stayed quiet. That would be petty and unhelpful, least of all to the current Queen. It was dangerous to go off-script now. What would Alicio do?

Thankfully, waiting was the right call. Too much protesting himself, and the galaxy would view it as desperate. But others speaking up meant he didn't have to. Senator Sonya Provost Sonya Provost checking the monarchists with a reminder on governmental responsibilities. Senator Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau mentioning past precedent and demanding productive discussion. Senator Das Hydia Das Hydia forwarded the discussion and defended Master Serys, while offering a realistic view of the proceedings. Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass ' oration said everything the mask could've ever hoped to about his thoughts on the matter, but much more eloquently. Even the Queen herself asked directly for aid.

"Again, I ask that you help me not merely restore the throne of Hapes, but to create a better world. A better Alliance, one which upholds the dignity and respect deserving of the last true bastion of democracy in the galaxy."
"That being said: What is your vision of the new Hapes? What role will the monarchy play? What will you do to make sure ensure the tragedies borne out of dogmatic adherence to tradition don't play out with your successor?"

Finally, the form of Alicio regained the floor. "Despite our differences, I believe we all agree that, to have the deepest impact, it is ultimately you and the people of the Hapan Cluster that must decide for themselves how to move forward. That being said, you have asked for assistance. And we will provide it."

"The Crimson Veil, now the Hapan Union, was made of disenfranchised civilians, pushed to extreme violence because they had no voice in your government."

"They offer public representation, and that resonates with those who feel powerless in the face of the monarchy. If you are looking for advice... you can undercut their support, and unite your people, by offering the same. A voice."


Objective 3 - BYOO
Royal Palace, Hapes

- Kalen Kalen -

Alicio kept his face passive as the former guard spat at him, just continuing to study Kalen, and Oukranos as well as the Pylantian moved. He'd finally read the man's intentions- he wasn't here as a member of the Union, he was here as a Jedi Knight.

Or, perhaps, he wasn't as good at reading people as he thought. Which was a distinct possibility, given recent events.

"The Galactic Alliance doesn't generally side with terrorists that attempt to overthrow our governments." Humor? Perhaps. But he wasn't smiling. "The Hapan Union will not succeed, not with the Alliance backing the Monarchy. You will either have to go back to the shadows, or make a final, glorious stand on the steps of the palace."

"But I have an alternative."

"Currently, I am... multitasking."
The Chancellor took a few ponderous steps closer to the Hapan, lowering his voice as he let the man in on his secret. "Officially, I'm on Fondor, leading the discussion of how to stabilize the Cluster. Assuming all goes well, I'm going to suggest to the current Queen to create a new branch of government to lead alongside her. A parliament, or elected prime minister, or something to that effect. I believe she and the Senate will be open to it, though I suppose I won't know until it happens."

"I doubt you led the Crimson Veil so you could personally gain power. If my read on you is correct, you've done all this because you truly believe in your cause."
Alicio frowned. Despite his personal feelings towards the Veil, he didn't want to see them slaughtered. They did what they thought was right.

"If the Queen acquiesces, your support among the common people demanding change will waver. They, or the Crown, may seek retribution against the assassins that nearly destabilized the region." Alicio gave the man a knowing look. There were multiple groups at fault for the crisis, the Alliance included. But the Union was as easy a scapegoat as they came. "In the event of that happening, you could save your people from retaliation, and help this new branch of government succeed, by surrendering yourself to Alliance custody."

"You can wait until you've had time to examine the legitimacy of this new democratic process before turning yourself in. In fact, I recommend it. And..."
He spared a somber glance at Elaan. "I promise, I wouldn't allow you to be harmed."

Senator of Cato Neimoidia

The Neimoidian had heard many arguments against representative democracy, asserting that it was flawed and misaligned with the interests of the populace.

For instance, what relevance did the situation in Hapes hold for the inhabitants of Mechis III or Fondor, particularly when the Alliance Capital was so distanced from the conflict? To them, it appeared to be an issue best resolved through direct negotiations with the Hapan Monarchy and the Hapan Union.

Though as Monaray looked across the room, noting the concerns of Senator Lyandra Thalorin Lyandra Thalorin , The Queen Mother ( Kalen Kalen 's Writer), Senator Helios Ardemark Helios Ardemark , Senator Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau , Dishonorable Duros Das Hydia Das Hydia , and Represenative Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass there was something to be said about how the Alliance had managed to stick together this long without tearing itself apart due to special interests.

The Trade Federation was one such interest; however, he would never support the disbandment of the largest market in the galaxy.

If the Federal Assembly failed to take action regarding Hapan, it could potentially embolden other systems to engage in acts of rebellion, leading to a widespread insurrection across numerous planets, a situation that the Galactic Alliance Defense Force would be ill-equipped to manage.

Dod pressed the button on his pod once more,

"Chancellor Organa, I don't need to remind you that this is a democracy and in such a democracy, we vote on important issues such as providing assistance to the Hapan Monarchy. To strip such a right from us and unilaterally declare our support for the Hapan Queen is not only a dangerous precedent but against the spirit of the Alliance Charter." The Neimoidian expressed somewhat support for providing such assistance, but emphasized the necessity of adhering to the appropriate procedures to guarantee that the results would remain beyond question.

" Vote now - Senators and Delegates as is your right in this chamber. " Dod finished with a firm expression.

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The Senate, she decided, was full of weirdos and morons who couldn't stay on topic to save their lives. A rather damning assessment, but there was something to be said of its relative stability over the years. Empires came and went, but the Alliance had always remained in one form or another.

She pondered the question posed by Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass . The Chancellor was right. The people of Hapes were clamoring for representation within their local governments, not just on the galactic stage. It was strange to think that she had the ability to grant that power to even the most lowborn Hapans. After all, she was the Queen. Her word was law, even if she would ironically be giving up that absolute authority.

"With the assistance of the Alliance, we will rearrange the Consortium into a constitutional monarchy," Nimaa'ri said at last, finally remembering to use the royal we. "We will look to other democracies for inspiration, though how we structure our government will be unique to us. It won't be perfect, but no system of governance ever is."

She could practically hear the uproar from the elites back home. They would probably find ways to worm into leadership roles, with whole systems being conveniently "represented" by the same noble houses who had ruled them for generations. But in time that might change.

"And for the record, the right of men to vote will not be infringed. We will accommodate the ERA and all other Alliance laws."

The Chancellor was right. Kalen had already drawn the same conclusions about how this would go down as soon as Nimaa'ri slipped through his fingers, escaping the assassination attempt he had planned and fleeing to Fondor to plead for aid. The Hapan Union, for all its ambitions and the support they had garnered from the common people, could not survive a protracted conflict with the mightiest faction in the galaxy. The same people chanting their name today would curse it tomorrow.

As for the alternative... At the mention of multitasking, Kalen permitted a brief glance over his shoulder at the displays, specifically the one streaming live footage from the Assembly floor, before facing Alicio again. He snorted. "Which one's the real you?"

"Assuming all goes well, I'm going to suggest to the current Queen to create a new branch of government to lead alongside her. A parliament, or elected prime minister, or something to that effect. I believe she and the Senate will be open to it, though I suppose I won't know until it happens."

"I doubt you led the Crimson Veil so you could personally gain power. If my read on you is correct, you've done all this because you truly believe in your cause.
If the Queen acquiesces, your support among the common people demanding change will waver. They, or the Crown, may seek retribution against the assassins that nearly destabilized the region. In the event of that happening, you could save your people from retaliation, and help this new branch of government succeed, by surrendering yourself to Alliance custody."

"You can wait until you've had time to examine the legitimacy of this new democratic process before turning yourself in. In fact, I recommend it. And... I promise, I wouldn't allow you to be harmed."

Kalen studied Alicio. He looked older in person than he did on the holo. It was in the eyes, which held a breadth and width of experience comparable to Kalen's own. Not necessarily wisdom, but knowledge gained from years of being kicked down and having to find a way to get back up again. He recalled the reports he'd heard, that during their final confrontation the Queen Mother had tried to have him executed in the Hapan style.

"It's like a dream, isn't it?" he murmured. "Being shot by a gun of command. It turns you into a sleepwalker. When you wake up, you feel... less than human."

Kalen's late wife had her own personal gun of command, a custom model with electrum-plated grips. She never ordered him to take his own life, obviously, but he often wished that he was dead in the aftermath.

Elaan took a step or two closer to him, not touching but physically present. Kalen squared his shoulders and set his jaw. "I won't go back to prison," he said, voice low and measured. "But I can disappear until I'm needed." If he was needed again. Despite having devoted his life to fighting for freedom, he had a hard time believing it would ever truly arrive. There was always the next tyrant to overthrow. "And if I should die in exile, it would be a more fitting end than rotting in a cell."


Outfit: Padawan Robes, Tunic
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Eve couldn't help but let a small, shy grin tug at her lips as Master Noble greeted her son and the rosy warmth crept along his face. He kept his cool — very Aris of him — but Eve knew, and she would keep that satisfying secret to herself. The thought of it made her have to work extra hard to stifle the giggle that would have otherwise left her.

Valery gave her next instruction, and she pulled her feelings back in, reminder herself where she was and she was doing; as if she could forget. She nodded with a determination she worked hard to bring out, but she was starting to find it came easier and easier, the more the adrenaline guided her actions.

she said under her breath, perhaps even too quiet for either of them to hear. If anything, it was to assure herself that she was still there, still going, and was indeed as ready as she was capable of for... whatever was going to come.

And then...


Something very clearly tugged at her robe, startling her away from her musings. With a tiny squeak, she leapt in place, swirling around and raising a tiny fist, brow furrowed.

But there was nothing there. Maybe it was just her imagination.

Awkwardly, she looked back at the two Nobles, hoping they didn't catch her very obvious — albeit tiny — exclamation. She cleared her throat, as if that would help move things along.

They both saw that, Eve.


Gorak laughed, the chortle turning from spiteful to sardonic to self pitying.

"I can't even die well" the Gammorean said as the vigilante started treating him. The Gammorean was sturdy - while these wounda would have instantly killed species of less fortitude, the Shadow-Devil's healing might even work.

He looked over to the corpses.

"Drevik was always too stupid to know better." Gorak muttered through the coughing. Klarta only was in it for the money - gambling caught up to him and the Hutt's work kept him from wasting away on spice all day.

and Jeory. He never wanted any of this - he wanted them to get "real" work. Gorak kept the Rodian along with the promise of 'one last job.' He meant it each time, but life caught up to them.

This wasn't supposed to be the way he kept his word.

"The... Rodian there..." The Gammorean coughed, tearing open some wounds further trying to get the words out, pointing to the corpse. "Jeory. Family is on Rodia... sent money home...".

The Gammorean's pig squeal was muted and fading, the comedown of adrenaline and pain getting to him. "Tell.. them"

It was all he could manage to speak before the wounds took his consciousness, no longer able to wonder why the devil-person was attempting to spare him.

Jeory should have been the one to live.

Kark it all.



Lyandra stared at the person making baseless accusations, but spoke softly to her aid.

"Who is that?"

"Some Ambassador from some government I can't find any information on, unfortunately."

Taking a deep breath, she stared at Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass and gripped the rail of her senatorial pod with one hand. The other held her datapad.

"Well, Ambassador," she began, heavily emphasizing his title, "I suggest you make an appointment with a physician to have your hearing checked because I said nothing of the sort. I firmly agree with the statement made by my cousin regarding the events and his purpose for being there being to attempt to stop her from doing what she was doing. Perhaps you could read that while you wait for your hearing appointment. Assuming you have good eyesight, of course."

There was nothing further to say on the matter. His indication that she supported the Queen not complying with Alliance law was as ludicrous as his belief that he, an ambassador from a foreign government, had any say in the affairs of the Alliance. Also, it wasn't as if she had no experience on the matter considering her world had been invaded by a foreign organization that had taken over the majority of it, enacting a reign of terror which included the slaughter of the King and Queen of Devit and the attempted murder of her cousins, the children of the King and Queen.

Additionally, she further ignored the words of the Montitian senator who had no representation at the event in question, and the senator from Empress Teta, whose world was currently not a member world, and who was making a big deal of wanting to censure people despite the fact they were complying with the Chancellor's opening of the floor to dissention and discussion of his own remarks. Some people were just really high on themselves without recognizing that the point was they were supposed to be representing the interests of their worlds, and the interest of her world was in making sure the Alliance wasn't going to be engaging in regicide or using the ERA to depose monarchs.

That being said, she was grateful that someone finally proposed they move this past discussion, especially considering there was really nothing to be discussed. There was a single legitimate government within the Consortium and that was the one represented by the Queen that stood before them. It was not represented by the terrorist organization that had rebranded itself the Hapan Union. That terrorist organization might have represented some disenfranchised Hapans, but the majority would undoubtedly NOT have wanted violence to resolve the issues at hand.

"I agree. At this point we should vote. The Queen has made it abundantly clear she intends to follow the laws of the Alliance, even going so far as to alter her government structure to a constitutional monarchy to achieve that end. As the legitimate ruler, following order of secession, we owe it to her and the people of her world to support her reinstation of order upon Hapes and within the Consortium. Senators should vote in support of that fact."

She knew her vote: yes in support of reinstating the Queen.




Tag: Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn Thea Nyko Thea Nyko
Vera barely registered anything beyond the task at hand — the weight of the rubble beneath her fingers, the sound of Teyla's sniffled cries, the urgency thrumming through her veins. She was so focused, so locked into the moment, that when Kaelos spoke to the little girl, his voice warm and reassuring, she nearly didn't process what he'd just said.

I really like her, and I'm sure you will too.


Heat rushed to her face before she could stop it, a faint blush creeping along her cheeks. He really likes her, huh? She swallowed, glancing at him briefly, but he was still focused on Teyla, completely unaware of the way her stomach had just flipped over itself. Shaking it off, she exhaled and gave Kaelos a firm nod. "Alright," she said, shifting back into the moment. "I'll be fast. Just don't get crushed trying to show off."

Before they could move, another voice cut in from nearby. Vera turned sharply, her stance still tense, but the moment she saw the approaching figure, she relaxed just slightly.

Perfect timing.

Vera nodded to her. "Yeah, we could use an extra set of hands," she said, quickly explaining the plan. "Kaelos is gonna lift this section, but he can't hold it for long. We need to pull Teyla out fast and get clear before it comes down again."

She turned back to Kaelos, rolling her shoulders. "On your mark."


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