Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA] The Hapan Crisis | Rise or Ruin

Objective II


The extra pair of hands came at just the right time.

Sniffles came from under the pile of rubble, scared and wanting a parent. There was no telling how long Teyla had been buried, how long she'd been on her own. There was no telling the damage that such an incident would have on her mental health.

Vera was explaining the plan to the Jedi who had approached, which Kaelos appreciated. It gave him time to breathe and gather together all of his strength. It was going to be difficult, one of the heaviest things he'd ever lifted. He just needed to hold it long enough so that Vera Noble Vera Noble and Thea Nyko Thea Nyko could get Teyla out.

"No intention of getting crushed, trust me." He was attempting to tease, although his voice was laced with a mixture of nervousness in relation to the task at hand and concern for Teyla. "I'll count down from three. On go, I'm lifting"

Even if he was crushed, it didn't matter so long as they managed to free Teyla from her prison. His only concern was the young girl. His thoughts were all on keeping her safe, so much so he hadn't even noticed that Vera had turned red at his comment.


He took a deep breath. He allowed the Force to flood into him and he shot out both of his hands directly in front of him. His eyes gently closed and his entire focus shifted to the big block of rubble that needed shifting to allow Teyla to be free.


It had been a single second and already his mind was worrying. There was no much that could go wrong. He could struggle to hold it, crushing Vera or their new Jedi friend. He could crush Teyla. He shook his head. He needed to keep his mind on the task.


He began to picture the rubble lifting in his mind, the Force flowing through him and towards the rock. Very gradually, and with a lot of straining noising from the young Jedi Padawan it began to raise from the floor and up into the air.


Thea didn't have much time to process anything, as she quickly knelt down, and got in position. She was already in motion the second Kaelos said 'Go.' Her hands worked quickly, hooking them under Teyla and pulling her free from the rubble. "Help me get her clear." Thea said to Vera, urgency to her tone, as they didn't have long while Kaelos was holding up the slab.

Vera Noble Vera Noble Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn
I'm scarier with my mask off.
Objective II: Refugees Dignity
Ta'a Chume'dan
Refugee Camps

The Hapes Consortium, once a beacon of regal beauty and secluded prosperity, was now a canvas of ash and desperation. Hapes Capital City, the jewel of the system, lay shattered. Elegant spires, once piercing the cerulean sky, were now jagged teeth against a bruised horizon. The air, thick with the acrid stench of blaster fire and burning plasteel, vibrated with the incessant whine of distant engines and the sickening crackle of energy weapons. The Consortium's forces, stretched thin and demoralized, battled desperately against the Crimson Veil, a criminal syndicate whose depravity knew no bounds.

Amidst this maelstrom of violence, a lone figure moved with grim purpose. Connel Vanagor, a Jedi Shadow, was a whirlwind of controlled fury. He was not here to strategize, to negotiate, or to uphold the political complexities of the conflict. He was here for one reason: to save the innocent. The nuances of galactic politics meant nothing when children were orphaned and families were torn apart.

Vanagor, clad in the muted greys and blacks of his order, was a stark contrast to the vibrant tapestries and ornate armors that once defined Hapan society. His lightsaber, a weapon usually reserved for Sith and rogue Jedi, hummed quietly at his belt, a constant reminder of the darkness he was sworn to combat. But the darkness he saw now, etched onto the faces of the refugees huddled in the city's ravaged underbelly, was more insidious than any Force-wielding tyrant. It was the darkness born of apathy and greed, a darkness that allowed the Crimson Veil to thrive.

Vanagor’s weathered face, etched with the lines of countless battles and countless tragedies, betrayed the turmoil within. He was a Jedi adrift, clinging to the core tenets of his order – compassion, justice, and protection – as the galaxy spiraled into chaos. The Council's pronouncements on neutrality rang hollow in his ears, a betrayal of the very people they were meant to serve here.

His current mission was simple: shepherd a group of refugees to a makeshift transport ship waiting at the edge of the city. The ship, an old freighter salvaged from a junkyard, was their ticket to the refugee camps orbiting the Hapes system, a temporary reprieve from the horrors unfolding below.

Stay close, Vanagor commanded, his voice a low growl that cut through the din of battle. And stay silent.

The refugees, a motley assortment of Hapans, Byzantians, and even a few stray Duros, clung to his every word. Children whimpered, clutching tattered dolls and worn blankets. The air was a palpable thing, thick with fear. A young Hapan woman, her face streaked with grime and tears, held a baby tightly to her chest, her eyes wide with terror.

As they moved through the shattered streets, Vanagor used the Force to sense danger, deflecting stray blaster bolts with his lightsaber and guiding them through the safest paths. He was a shield against the storm, a beacon of hope in a sea of despair.

Suddenly, a burst of crimson fire erupted from a darkened alleyway. Crimson Veil soldiers, their faces hidden behind grotesque masks, emerged, brandishing blaster rifles. They were scavengers, preying on the weak and vulnerable.

"Jedi!" one of them snarled, his voice distorted by a vocoder. "We've been waiting for you!"

Vanagor ignited his lightsaber, its silver blade casting an ethereal glow in the gloom. He pushed the refugees behind him, his stance radiating an aura of unwavering resolve.

Leave them, Vanagor said, his voice dangerously calm. They are not your concern.

The Crimson Veil soldiers laughed, a cruel, mocking sound that echoed through the ravaged streets.

"Everything is our concern, Jedi," their leader spat. "Especially you."

The firefight was brutal and swift. Vanagor moved with a speed that defied the eye, deflecting blaster bolts, disarming opponents, and disabling them with precise strikes. He did not kill; he only incapacitated. Even in the heat of battle, he clung to the Jedi code, to the principle that all life was sacred.

But the Crimson Veil soldiers were relentless, driven by a fanaticism fueled by greed and power. They pressed their attack, forcing Vanagor to retreat, inching closer to the huddled refugees.

One of the soldiers managed to flank him, raising his blaster to fire on the group. Vanagor saw the movement in his peripheral vision, his heart lurching with icy dread. He was too far away to intercept.

Without hesitation, the young Hapan mother threw herself in front of the group, shielding her baby and the other refugees from the blast. The blaster bolt struck her squarely in the chest, sending her crashing to the ground.

A collective gasp filled the air. The baby began to wail.

Vanagor roared, a primal sound of pain and fury. The Force surged through him, amplifying his speed and strength. He moved like a wraith, striking with blinding speed, his lightsaber a blur of violet light. He disarmed and disabled the remaining soldiers with ruthless efficiency, leaving them groaning on the ground.

He rushed to the fallen woman, kneeling beside her. Her eyes were already glazed over, her breath shallow and ragged.

"I... I had to protect them," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Please... take care of my child."

Vanagor cradled her head in his hands, anger at his failure rolling down his face. He had failed. He had sworn to protect the innocent, and he had failed.

I promise, he said, his voice thick with emotion. I promise I will.

The woman smiled faintly, a peaceful expression gracing her lips as she drew her final breath.

Vanagor closed her eyes, his heart heavy with grief. He picked up the wailing baby, holding it close to his chest. The child's cries were a constant reminder of the price of war, the cost of indifference.

He looked at the refugees, their faces etched with shock and sorrow. He saw fear in their eyes, but he also saw a flicker of hope, a spark of resilience.

We must keep moving, he said, his voice firm and resolute. We cannot let her sacrifice be in vain.

Vanagor led the refugees through the ravaged streets, his grip on his lightsaber tightening. The image of the fallen mother burned in his mind, fueling his resolve. He would not fail them again.

As they reached the transport ship, the sky above them erupted in a fiery display of blaster fire. Consortium and Crimson Veil forces clashed in a desperate battle for control of the city.

The pilot of the transport ship, a grizzled Rodian with a cybernetic eye, waved them aboard. "Hurry, Jedi! We can't stay here for long!"

Vanagor ushered the refugees onto the ship, securing them in the cramped quarters. He placed the baby in the care of an elderly woman, entrusting her with its safety.

He turned to face the city, his eyes filled with a mixture of grief and determination. He knew that his work here was far from over. He would continue to fight, to protect, to serve as a beacon of hope in the darkness.

As the transport ship lifted off, soaring above the burning city, Vanagor felt a surge of the Force, a connection to the fallen mother, a bond forged in sacrifice. He knew that she would be watching over them, guiding them, protecting them.

He was a Jedi Shadow, a warrior of light in a galaxy consumed by darkness. And he would not rest until the innocent were safe, until justice was served, until the Crimson Veil was crushed. He would be the shield, the protector, and the guiding light in their darkest hour. The myth of Vanagor, the Shadow who cared, had begun.


Valery Noble Valery Noble Everest Vale Everest Vale WIDE OPEN​

Sonya dipped her head in a conciliatory manner, "I did not mean to imply the Union was a legitimate government. Seeing as their ascension to power has been both unconstitutional and unpeaceful." Most everyone seemed to at least be in agreement on ushering back in the monarchy, "It is our duty to see this through. To not would only reflect even worse on this Alliance."

Lehvi Vass was quite outspoken regarding his distaste for the critique being lobbied at the delegation— and the lack of critique toward the late Queen Mother. Perhaps overstepping his position slightly, but the Lazerian representative's response to him earned a disgusted look from Sonya, who could not help but reply, "Check yourself, Senator Thalorin, before throwing around schoolyard insults in this august body; It doesn't reflect well on your constituents. And Ambassador Vass has been a part of Alliance politics far longer than you." Really if she wasn't trying to make excuses for the Queen, she wasn't doing a particularly deft job of making that clear in Sonya's eyes.

Several were desperately trying to keep discussion on track. Sonya turned her attention back to the new Queen Mother, "I trust you will do what is necessary and right by your people. And I hope this Senate-" She looked around at the others present, "Will recognize the role it's own neglect has played in this Crisis. We must hold ourselves, and our member states, to a higher standard of accountability."

Amani allowed herself a laugh, "I'd say that's a pretty reasonable moral direction."

"Don't tell me you feel guilty about killing that man-hating skank. If someone tried to mind control my boyfriend into killing himself, I'd have done worse to them than you did to the Queen."

Her expression turned more awkward, "It's not quite that simple." She stepped behind her council chair, running her hand across the back of the seat, "Guilt might not be the right word for it, but… A Jedi should always be prudent when it comes to taking a life. It should never be done lightly. For me, that means a great deal of introspection, meditation, and yes, sometimes a little inner turmoil," She smirked momentarily, before letting it fade away again, "I'd be worried if I didn't feel that way about it. It's what keeps me tethered. Even if I believe my decision was the best course of action, I can't lose sight of what it means. Not just for me, but for everyone else."

"The senate is no doubt having quite the discussion about the events on Hapes. And no doubt the involvement of a Jedi in its climax will have some political minds quite incensed."

Then, her resolution seemed to steel, "Whatever decision they make will be their own. I only hope Alicio doesn't face consequences for anything pinned on me. I, on the other hand, await the Council's verdict."

Eloise smiled a little as Amani laughed at what she'd said. It still felt weird to her, conversing and joking around with her master like this. After all, only a few days ago she had thought...

No sooner had she begun musing on how things weren't so bad, Amani started moralizing over killing the Queen Mother. She let her master talk for as long as she could tolerate it (which was about four sentences in—four sentences more than she would've been able to stomach a year ago) before she made her opinion known.

"Master, I know you didn't overthink this hard right before you killed the psycho queen, because if you had Alicio wouldn't have survived." And as far as Eloise was concerned, there was no point getting all introspective after you killed someone. Especially if pretty much everything turned out for the better because of it, apart from a few disgruntled politicians.

"The Senate is no doubt having quite the discussion about the events on Hapes. And no doubt the involvement of a Jedi in its climax will have some political minds quite incensed."

"Yeah, well, we don't have anyone representing us in the Senate anymore." Which is a good thing, Eloise thought. Jedi weren't supposed to get involved in politics unless absolutely necessary. "As for the Senators, I'm sure they'll forget about the whole Crisis in a week or so. There's always the next big thing to feign outrage over."

"Whatever decision they make will be their own. I only hope Alicio doesn't face consequences for anything pinned on me. I, on the other hand, await the Council's verdict."

"You're getting put on trial too, huh?" Eloise crossed her arms over her chest. "I heard there was a Master and Padawan who ended up on opposite sides of the conflict. I guess the Council will decide their fate too."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery had already seen it — the faintest blush creeping up Aris' ears, betraying him even as he kept his composure. Just like his father. She smirked to herself but said nothing, letting him have his moment of quiet embarrassment. There was enough chaos around them already, no need to add to it. Then, just as she turned her attention back toward their path forward—

A shift. A flicker. A subtle tremor in the Force that triggered her internal alarms. Valery's fiery gaze flicked toward Everest just as she let out a tiny squeak, spinning around with a raised fist at… nothing. Valery stilled, her stance adjusting, her senses stretching outward. There. A ripple, a presence that shouldn't be there. Someone trying to move unseen. Someone playing games.

"Aris," she said smoothly, glancing toward her son. "Take Everest ahead. Lead her deeper in."

She didn't explain why. Didn't need to. She had something else to handle — someone who clearly needed attention. Someone who had just provoked the one person able to find her. Her fiery gaze shifted, scanning the ruins, searching for the flicker of movement she knew was there.

A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, sharp and knowing, as she sent a quiet ripple through the Force.

"Ally, I'm coming for you."



Objective I — Future of Hapes

Lehvi, chuckling lightly, shot a quick look of gratitude at Senator Provost before turning to face the Senator of Lazerian IV.

"Apologies, Senator, for assuming that the... statement of the events by your cousin, His Majesty, leading up the Queen Mother's demise could in any, way, shape or form be attributed to you, or in any way inform your view on the events in question. It was simply out-of-turn to infer anything of the sort", he responded sincerely, a suspiciously beatific smile on his face.

The Korun sovereign paused, smiling widening.

"Or any subsequent statement by the good Senator."

"With the assistance of the Alliance, we will rearrange the Consortium into a constitutional monarchy," Nimaa'ri said at last, finally remembering to use the royal we. "We will look to other democracies for inspiration, though how we structure our government will be unique to us. It won't be perfect, but no system of governance ever is."

She could practically hear the uproar from the elites back home. They would probably find ways to worm into leadership roles, with whole systems being conveniently "represented" by the same noble houses who had ruled them for generations. But in time that might change.

"And for the record, the right of men to vote will not be infringed. We will accommodate the ERA and all other Alliance laws."

Leaving it at that, he turned to Nimaar'i.

"Queen Mother, it warms my heart to hear you say that. I say this to you from experience- the process of democracy is difficult. It requires sharing power, hard compromises, sacrifice, and strange bedfellows. The people of Haruun Kal fought a long, bloody, hard war for our freedom to govern ourselves- but the process of figuring out how to make democracy work was the hardest part. It was keeping the peace that was the most perilous path for our Federation."

Lehvi's eyes turned misty and distant, remembering what it took for Haruun Kal to be free, before snapping back to reality.

"Do not be dismayed by setbacks, Queen Mother. There will light."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Monaray Dod Monaray Dod | Kalen Kalen | Feridade Parthi Feridade Parthi | Lyandra Thalorin Lyandra Thalorin | Helios Ardemark Helios Ardemark | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Hailcen Irdo Hailcen Irdo | Hal Karjos Hal Karjos | Sonya Provost Sonya Provost

Objective 1 - The Future of Hapes
Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor
Hal Karjos pinched the bridge of his nose, mildy annoyed at how this hearing has went so far. The grand standing and need to respond to such...petty remarks left him speechless. This was the body of government in charge of a multi-cultural galaxy spanning Alliance? If only his father had warned him how pathetic Fondor politics were he might have never accepted this appointment by his King.

Foregoing even bothering to respond to any of the remarks made so far, seeing as he had some damn sense and decorum, Hal simply gazed from pod to pod as Senator after Senator voiced their concerns and often unneeded opinion about things they should not even be focusing on considering the situation. As soon as Ambassador Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass finished speaking, who Hal was still waiting to hear back who the hell he was or why he was even allowed to speak on such important Alliance matters, Hal gazed one last time around the hall. Ensuring no other was waiting to stand and make yet another remark before he finally voiced his own words.

So far he agreed with Senator Lyandra Thalorin Lyandra Thalorin , though noted her lack of grace in addressing some gathered which no doubt only spurred them on. Senator Monaray Dod Monaray Dod , a fellow he knew well from his dealings with the Trade Federation as a sitting member of the Committee on Finance, also made good points. The decision to supply aid, which he no doubt agreed they should do, was a Assembly issue. One which he had not been informed had been voted on as the Chancellor seemed to take it upon himself to offer.

Hal may have been young and no doubt new to his position. But seniority does not make one more suited to their position. Something a very vocal Ambassador had tried to point out. Clearing his throat and attempting to ease his nerves, the young man pressed the button on his pod and moved forward to address the Hall full of Senators and every camera recording to Force knows how many.

"My fellow Senators, Chancellor, and the new Queen-Mother. If I may have a quick minute to address this august body and those important guest sitting in today." Hal smiled, giving off a charismatic and calm vibe belying his current nervousness, gazing around the room as he spoke. "Many have spoken and voiced their opinions so far. So now I should do the same."

"Alsakan views the events of the Hapan Crisis simply. It is Hapan business. Make no mistake, the events that have unfolded have been...concerning, to say the least. As a member of the Committee on the Judiciary I can assure every person here there will be an official investigation into the events that took place within that royal court room. The findings will happily be shared to the rest of this body post-investigation."

"In regards to how we should move forward? The Queen-Mother-"
Hal glanced towards the young woman and gave a brief smile. "-has already offered to bring her new government into respecting and enforcing the ERA. Her new government has already claimed it will support a constitutional monarchy to better support the concerned voices that have taken to violence to get their way. Hostile acts against sovereign governments supported by this Alliance is not something taken lightly, regardless of said individuals reasons for doing so. I also hope our Assembly, and Chancellor, will not take future attempts on other worlds so...liberally."

Hal paused for a moment to gauge reactions to his words so far. He didn't think he was doing too badly, was he?

"Alsakan supports the rightful government of Hapan. The Queen-Mother should be able to return to her home and go about bringing peace to a delicate and quickly deteriorating situation. The quicker we provide the correct, and voted on, aide the quicker this crisis will be done with."

"So let's get to it, eh?"

The young Senator from Alsakan took his seat. He had said his peace and prayed to everything he considered dear that this will be moved forward to some type of decision. Any concern some Senators have voiced have already been answered and addressed by Hapan's representative. Time to move on.

There was a rather quick protestation from the Senator from Cato Neimoidia. The face of Chancellor Organa remained serene, but the Mask underneath almost chuckled. That was more in line with what he and Alicio Organa had prepared for- Monaray Dod attempting to bog down the proceedings with bureaucracy. 'Keeping us honest', Alicio would say with a shadowed grin. He just called it being difficult.

"With the assistance of the Alliance, we will rearrange the Consortium into a constitutional monarchy. And for the record, the right of men to vote will not be infringed. We will accommodate the ERA and all other Alliance laws."

An assertment of royal intent, a declaration of democracy, and a promise to observe the act that had been the spark to this wildfire in the first place. He was hard-pressed to find a better set of words to play to a Senate divided between sovereign and popular support. Again, the Mask had to fight his instinct to smile widely, instead remembering to study Nimaa'ri with a curious glance. Alicio wasn't one to celebrate- he was always thinking.

It was then that Representatives Vass and Thalorin got into a brief exchange, with Senator Provost stepping in on the former's behalf. The form of the Chancellor didn't react, simply watching, and waiting. Despite the... playground-esque nature of some of the insults, they didn't bog down the proceedings, so he let them slide. It helped that, in the end, he was confident they would all vote on the same side, what with Lyandra outright saying it, and Lehvi congratulating the Queen on a difficult first step in a more difficult process.

Of course, the freshman Senator Hal Karjos Hal Karjos ' decision that the whole ordeal wasn't the Alliance's business was a concerning one. Concerning enough for the form of the Chancellor to offer one final note before closing their discussion. "Thank you for your voice, Senator. As you are a member of the Judiciary Committee, I applaud your respect for law, order, and regulation. I, of course, am happy to comply in your investigation. I'm sure you would also agree that as the authority on Alliance law, it is your direct responsibility to ensure our member-worlds aren't committing sentient rights violations against their own people. Or, perhaps that's just 'Hapan business'." Yeah, that was a little off-script, too. Oh well. The Mask couldn't help it, this time. Senator Provost had just gone over what a government was supposed to do.

"The call to vote has been made by Senator Dod of Cato Neimoidia. I apologize for getting ahead of myself, thank you for keeping me honest." He nodded to one of his aides, who began to type furiously at a console. No better time than the present. He took a quick breath in. Here we go. "We reach the final stage of our discussion. Our support of the Hapes Cluster's continued governance is a critical one, and I ask that you offer it your deepest considerations. The precedents we set will echo out, far beyond these walls, and far beyond this single issue. I trust that no matter your decision, your vote is informed by the Alliance's guiding principals, and the belief that it will build for the people of Hapes a better tomorrow." He glanced at the Queen, a hidden smile on his face. "A better world. A better Alliance."

"Representatives of the Alliance, please cast your vote at your station."


Objective 3 - BYOO
Royal Palace, Hapes

- Kalen Kalen -

"Which one's the real you?"

That got a smirk from him. He didn't respond, but the arching brow seemed to say 'what do you think?'

All hints of humor evaporated, though, when Kalen brought up the Gun of Command. Alicio crossed his arms in front of him, one of his hands briefly caressing the skin where his neck met his neckline- where his skin had boiled and bubbled at the touch of his own lightsaber. "Like a dream. Or a nightmare you can't wake from." To him, it had been a haze. A fog over his mind, banishing all thought, except the single, choking need to follow her command. He understood what he was doing, knew in every fiber of his being that he shouldn't, but he just... did. It was hard to describe the feeling of helplessness. Of violation.

"Well... I suppose that answers your first question."

Alicio felt an odd mix of disappointment and resigned relief at Kalen's response. He wouldn't turn himself in, but neither would he hinder the Queen's efforts. "I understand." With a flip of his hood, the Chancellor's face was obscured by shadow. He gave a long, lingering look to Oukranos, before the hood turned back toward Kalen.

"My offer stands, regardless." There was no final admonishment or congratulations from Alicio. Neither would do any good.

Instead, he simply disappeared from view, as if he'd never been there in the first place.



Tag: Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn Thea Nyko Thea Nyko
Vera didn't hesitate. The moment Kaelos gave the signal, she was already moving, her fingers digging beneath the rubble to find purchase. The weight of it all, the urgency thrumming through the Force — it didn't matter. All that mattered was getting Teyla out. Thea had already grabbed hold of the little girl, and together, they worked quickly, carefully pulling her free from the crumbling wreckage. Dust and debris kicked up around them as the weight shifted, the strain of it evident in Kaelos' stance.

"Got her!" Vera called out, her voice tight with exertion as she and Thea pulled Teyla clear.

The moment the child was free, Vera turned sharply, looking up at Kaelos. "Let it go!"

With a heavy, shuddering groan, the slab of debris crashed back down, sending a wave of dust rippling outward. Vera barely registered it — her arms loosened, her muscles burning, but she didn't care. She let herself drop down onto the ground beside Teyla, taking a deep breath before glancing over at the girl.

Teyla's wide, tear-streaked eyes blinked up at them, her breath shaky. She was covered in dust, shaken to her core, but she was alive. That was all that mattered.

Vera let out a relieved sigh, offering the kid a small, reassuring smile. "Hey," she murmured, reaching out to brush some of the dust from Teyla's hair. "You okay?"


Objective II


The rubble crashed to the floor with an almighty bang.

Teyla jumped at the sudden loud noise, throwing herself straight into Vera's arms. Behind them, Kaelos dropped to a knee and let out a breath he hadn't even realised he was holding. Sweat dripped down the young Kiffar's forehead, a sign of the effort it had taken out of him to hold up the rubble even for just a few seconds.

With a glance towards Thea, he offered her an exhausted smile. "Thanks for the assist" he said softly.

In the clear daylight, Teyla could be seen a look more clearly. She was a young girl, dressed in a simple cream coloured attire. At least it started off cream before the dust and dirt had gotten to it. She had a small cut above her right eye which had clearly once been bleeding but had stopped long before the Jedi had found her.

She sobbed against Vera, occassionally pausing to comment "I want my mommy" before starting again. At one point she even casually threw in a look towards Kaelos and added a "I want my mommy, he said we could find my mommy" which stung the young Jedi Padawan to his core.

Between the three of them, they'd gotten her out. He hadn't even considered how they were going to find her mother, or someone who at least knew who she was and could look after her. He looked between Vera Noble Vera Noble and Thea Nyko Thea Nyko just hoping one of them would spitball ideas.

Then it came to him, an idea that Shan Pavond Shan Pavond had once had him utilise. He got up to his feet and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his sleeve. He was already exhausted, but what other option did they have? Kaelos couldn't think of anything, they couldn't just walk around Hapes forever.

Kaelos crouched besides Vera and Teyla, and smiled towards the young girl softly. "Hey there little duck, I'm just going to take your hand okay? It'll help us find your mommy." Teyla looked at him for a few moments before extending to him her small, trembling hand.

He cast his eyes to Vera Noble Vera Noble and offered her a wink, clearly laced with exhaustion.
"Just like Aruza" he said, his voice tired. He was trying to keep going but even he wasn't sure what he had left. Lifting the piles of rubble had taken so much out of him.

Having never used Psychometry on a person, he took a breath to prepare himself before he felt the Force flood through both of them. Memories and emotions flooded straight into him and he could feel every bit of worry and fear that the young girl felt.

The young Kiffar's own eyes filled with tears as the emotions flooded him. He completely understood in that moment why Teyla was so scared. She'd felt so alone for so long, had resigned herself to the fact that no-one was going to rescue her.

Then there was nothing.

"Teyla, come on"

It was mum. Her name was unknown but her face was clear. She looked a lot like Teyla yet aged. Hapens had a natural beauty and the young girls mum was no different. Her long blonde hair reached down her back, her face seemed almost too perfect to look at.

It was just the two of them, Teyla and her mum. They were together under the bright Hapes sun, walking down the street like any other day. Teyla's mum was stopping and speaking with people every so often whilst Teyla was exploring the streets of Hapes.

Then the noises started.

The shouting. The screaming. It was all too much for Teyla. The fighting that had broken out had been relentless and the young girl was caught in the middle of it. Her mum sprinted towards her, Teyla had watched it all. Her mum had been so close yet had fallen at the last hurdle, taking a blaster bolt from behind.

Teyla was all alone.

Kaelos let go of her hand.

He fell backwards, almost as if his body had just given up on him. He'd demanded more of himself and his force abilities than he'd ever done before. He'd felt every single emotion from Teyla rush into him and once and he'd watched the exact moment that Teyla became alone.

She didn't remember it. She'd blocked it out. To her, her mum was still alive out there somewhere. To Teyla, her mum had to still be out there. She'd just completely blocked out the trauma of watching her mum get shot in the back. A casualty that never should have occurred.

The young Jedi Padawan looked at both Vera Noble Vera Noble and Thea Nyko Thea Nyko and shook his head.

"I think... I think we're all this girl has"

Even his voice sounded defeated. He was exhausted and he'd failed to keep his promise. He'd promised Teyla he would reunite her with her mother and he couldn't. He wouldn't be able to. "I don't know what we do now, where we go with her"
Thea exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down her face before crouching beside Kaelos. She could see the exhaustion written all over him, feel the weight of everything that had just happened pressing down on all of them. But there was no time to dwell.

She glanced at Teyla—so small, so heartbreakingly lost—and then back at Kaelos. Her voice, when she spoke, was quieter than usual but no less firm.

"We don't leave her. That's what we do."

She looked over at Vera, then back at Kaelos, then stood up. "For starters, we get her somewhere safe. One of the refugee camps. We get her food and medical treatment if needed. Then we go from there."

Vera Noble Vera Noble Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn

Marya had said nothing throughout the debate. She had no interest in getting involved with Hapes and its quaint little battle of the sexes disguised as a proletariat revolution, but as with anything to do with identity politics these days it had everyone else in an uproar.

As always, she would vote in whatever direction the wind was blowing, so long as it didn't interfere with her personal goals. It was clear that the bulk of the popular support was for the new Queen Mother.

"Necropolis is in favor of supporting the restoration of the monarchy," she announced. Hopefully the next time the Assembly met, it would be to discuss something more interesting. Like her new universal healthcare bill…

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa + @Senate​



Tag: Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn Thea Nyko Thea Nyko
Vera sat there, letting the weight of it all settle as the dust still swirled around them. Teyla clung to her, small hands curled into the fabric of her robes, her face buried against Vera's shoulder. The sobs were quieter now, but they still came in soft, shuddering waves. And then Kaelos fell back, his exhausted voice barely above a whisper.

"I think... I think we're all this girl has."

Vera swallowed, her gaze flicking to Thea as she spoke. She was right. They didn't leave her. That wasn't even a question.

She nodded, shifting slightly so she could glance down at Teyla. "First, food and medical care. We get her checked out, make sure she's okay." Her voice was steady, but something in her chest still ached. "Then…" she hesitated, exhaling through her nose. "Maybe I can contact my mom. She'll know what to do."

It didn't sit right to just leave Teyla at a refugee camp. Sure, they'd be able to keep her safe, but it felt... wrong. She had already lost everything. Just handing her off to strangers, letting her disappear into a system that didn't care about her specifically — Vera's stomach twisted at the thought.

She looked down at the little girl, still holding onto her like she was the only solid thing left in her world.

Yeah. No. That wasn't happening.

Vera exhaled sharply and glanced back at Kaelos and Thea, determination settling behind her emerald gaze. "We're gonna figure this out." She wasn't sure how yet, but she meant it.


Objective II


Thea Nyko Thea Nyko was right.

Teyla wasn't being left under any circumstances. She'd clearly taken to them and as Jedi they had a duty to protect her. She had no-one else, unless there was a father hiding out somewhere. But even then, if there was why hadn't he come looking for his daughter?

On top of all of that, looting was still widespread across the city. A young girl wandering could come to any amount of harm. Kaelos didn't want it on his concious if something happened to Teyla because they left her to go on and help someone else.

"For starters, we get her somewhere safe. One of the refugee camps. We get her food and medical treatment if needed. Then we go from there."

His stomach twisted, and he saw a look on Vera's face that suggested similar had gone through her mind. If they took her to the refugee camps, she'd become just another face. Chances are, she'd be booked into the system where she'd grow up without ever been truly cared for.

Kaelos himself had spent much of his life without parents. He was the first to say that it wasn't a pleasent experience. He sometimes wondered how his life would have turned out if he hadn't of been taken from Kiffu, if the incident hadn't occurred.

Well, for starters he wouldn't have met Vera Noble Vera Noble .

Instantly he felt his cheeks go red and looked away briefly. He took a second to compose himself before casting his eyes back towards the Jedi. "She very clearly likes you Vera" he acknowledged with a smile, pushing himself back up to his feet. "So I vote you get to hold our new friend's hand. All in favour?" he joked, a little of his usual charm coming back to him.

"To the refugee centre we go"

And so off set three Jedi and their new friend Teyla, blistfully unaware of the looters who'd been watching their every move.
"Well, aren't you just full of ideas today?" she quipped at Kaelos, before giving Vera a knowing look. "But hey, I won't argue. You're the one she seems to like best, after all." Her tone was teasing, but there was warmth behind it. Teyla deserved that comfort, and if Vera was the one she trusted, then so be it.

She stretched lazily, but her gaze flicked toward the surrounding streets. Something about this place still put her on edge, but she kept her usual demeanor. No need to spook the kid. However, she would be keeping an eye out. She still had the small group she was leading before, and now they had a little child to watch over.

As they walked, Thea took brought up the rear of the group, head scanning around. She couldn't shake this bad feeling, and was waiting for the perverbial shoe to drop.

Vera Noble Vera Noble Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn

Objective 1 - The Future of Hapes
Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor
Hal stood up once more, with less to say but with a more impactful statement. It was but a formality as he already made clear his own, and by extension his worlds, vote.

"Alsakan votes in favor of restoring the Hapan Monarchy."

He quickly retook his seat, having had enough of the spotlight this day.


| Location | Fondor, Senate Building
| Objective | Discuss the future of Hapan & more

The Galactic Alliance was treading a razor's edge a little too light-heartedly given the circumstances regarding the events of the Hapan Crisis, a little too lax for the Echani senator's liking. However, any further comments on the matter would be glossed over as was expected from the Senate, illicating a subtle, annoyed expression on his features.
He sighed as he listened to the call for a vote to take place - He was of the belief that it was not their place to interfere with how a system handled their own internal affairs, the fact that they even had to vote on the Hapes Cluster maintaining their monarchy baffled him. Feridade leaned forward as he curtly spoke, casting his vote,
"Eshan votes in favor of returning the Crown to its rightful place."
It disturbed him deeply with how the Hapan situation was handled and concluded, but all he could do was pray that the same fate never fell upon another planet. Eshan itself did not differ much from the Hapans, as they were more prone to resolving their issues through fighting, worrying the senator even further.
The Alliance had far more issues at hand than interfering with local governments when they were actively at war and losing. Such a brazen display on behalf of the Alliance against its own people while the Sith, Imperials and Mandalorians were all encroaching on their borders was simply madness.



She could have told the ambassador that if he had a problem with the words of her cousin he could feel free to travel to Hapes and speak with him about it, but she had a feeling the man was all talk and no action. He'd rather sit and enjoy lavish dishes and wine and dine than actually get his hands dirty like the monarch of the Kingdom of Devit was. Well, one of his hands. He has a prosthetic now, she believed, but he'd lost an arm at Woostri defending citizens of the Alliance world from the Sith. She wondered if the Ambassador or any of his people had been there? No?

As for the Montitian senator, why would she indulge someone who didn't even know what the word constituents meant? Lyandra did not have a voting base that elected her to her position, ergo she didn't have a constituency. She represented the entire populace of the world of Lazerian IV, but she was appointed to the position, not voted into it. The use of the word constituents to refer to the people she represented might be common place, but it was an incorrect usage of the word.

But no, she said nothing, because she had nothing to say to such drivel, and because the Chancellor had called for the voting to begin. As others chimed in, she waited for her turn, and then spoke.

"Lazerian IV votes in favor of restoring the Hapan Monarchy."

She would not be party to anyone deciding against such a thing. Regardless of what the previous Queen had done, this one had given assurances of new direction and she was the legitimate successor to the throne. Nobody else had any claim to the government and it was not the right of their governing body to overthrow monarchs in favor of instituting different governing systems just because some of them may not be in favor of it. There was no right or wrong government if run properly. Even a dictatorship could be benevolent.


TAGS: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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