Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Alliance Dominion of Terminus and Manpha

Terminus | Objective #2 (Sponsorship) |Post : 13/15 | Algae BioFuel

"No,I don't." A long pause. "Yet since you've stopped all work here, I guess I don't have much of a choice."

Offered hand was was ignored as the middle aged Rodian woman sat on a stack of crates, using it for their makeshift meeting. Judah looked around and found he would drag his own crate over, taking a seat across from the maintenance supervisor. He was wise enough to leave a wide berth.

"Don't think I caught your name Miss..?.."

"Jannac Takka.Jan is fine."

"Right, Miss I won't waste any more of your time. I own a company that produces a biofuel. One made from algae, we're planning on a refueling center not far from here. I'd like to offer enough fuel for your fighters for three months. If you like the product there would be a substantial discount."

"No, not having it. I've seen this before. You're going to cause so much disruption to fuel filters and lines I'm going to be replacing them left and right. Free comes at a price in this case."

"We've done nearly a year of research, compared to your regular fuel there is the same amount of buildup, same amount of issues."
[member="Adele Adonai"]

The answer frustrated him. There was a flash of annoyance and he replied without thinking: "How have you found your reading so far then?"

Jealousy was indeed the emotion that cut through his words then. He almost instantly regretted them. Despite the healer's demeanour he expected her to stop her checks and slap him across the face for such a remark. Trextan looked down at his lap feeling ashamed of himself.

"Sorry," he added meekly. "It's been a bad week, but that's no excuse."

He looked up at those piercing blue eyes. "It's strange to meet people it seems know my father. When I barely know him at all."
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

If Trextan was quick enough, he just might catch the subtle twitch at the corner of the Iridonian Jedi Healers mouth. In fact, she had to remind herself to maintain her bearing, that even that tiny bit should be held in. This in the knowing light that ever since she'd met Master Voidstalker, it had become increasingly more difficult to maintain that facade. All the more when he already had been witness to the terrible truth she had kept to herself all along.

Much to the disappointment of Trextan, or perhaps relief, the Jedi Healer did not strike him. Instead, she maintained her calm, tranquil demeanor, those ice blue eyes delicately studying him.

His emotions were so volatile. To where his father had been the curious, inquisitive buzzing of a Honey bee, Trextan was perhaps akin to that of a bumbling Bumblebee. A little awkward, a bit overly excited, only to retract.

"I have found that a diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections." the same Caamasi proverb that Adele had given to Jacen when they had first met.

"And that where laws control a lesser person; right conduct controls a greater one."

Icy blue ellipses settled upon Trextan.

"To know another, trust in their actions, not their words. Seek and you shall find, young Voidstalker on the merit of the man that is before you."
[member="Adele Adonai"]

He caught the twitch. The teenager's eyes returned down to his lap. He felt a warm rush of shame at what he had done. A different time and he might have pressed until he elicited a reaction, but he was tired.. Two spells in a bacta tank in as many months wasn't even the start of it. It was the constant frustration, confusion and not knowing his place that had left him mentally exhausted. Speaking to Choli had brought just a glimmer of clarity. Or just perhaps one little truth: he found it easy to hoist the blame onto other people and find something to latch his anger onto.

Adele knew all too well that his father, for all his bravery, could also turn away from a daunting problem that couldn't be solved with stoic resolve and martial prowess.

"He doesn't really seem a diamond with a flaw to me," he murmured. Jacen had made him feel a micrometer tall when he'd doled out the dressing down in front of Choli. He was still a little sore about that. "He does care thought," he admitted.

With a sigh he looked up, canting his head to one side curiously. "Do you always speak in riddles?" Was she the reason Jacen seemed to be able to deflect any of his insults? Trextan didn't know just how much his initial burst of anger had deeply wounded Jacen, but he had spoken of it to the healer. Jacen's very worst fears had come true right before his eyes on Coruscant.
Terminus | Objective #2 (Sponsorship) |Post : 14/15 | Algae BioFuel

"You do know how much maintenance is right? Its expensive. If we start burning through parts faster its on me. I'm responsible for this entire facility and every moving vehicle inside. Fighter pilots get up in the sky, running from who knows what, last thing I need back on me is mechanical problems."

Judah could respect her concerns. Anything that failed would ultimately be an issue. One that could easily costs lives and a lesser concern, credits. He would have to figure out a way to win her over. It wasn't going to be easy but he didn't expect it would be. Weight shifted on the crate and he leaned forward a little, arms resting on his knees.

"What if I drew up a warranty of sorts? Guaranteed performance, comparable part wear, coverage of any mechanical failure related to the new fuel. If something goes wrong, I pay for it in full for brand-new parts, nothing refurbished."
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

[SIZE=9pt]By now Adele had brought her hands over to his collar bone and upper chest, paying particular attention to the sore muscles there. That gentle warmth and slightly tingling sensation would increase as the Iridonian healer used the Force to help aid in accelerating his natural healing abilities. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Master Voidstalker once inquired the same.” only that Jacen had properly termed them as proverbs. They were a part of her as breathing. “I do.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“They are Caamasi proverbs.” she admitted, her seemingly calm demeanor providing no other tidbit for a frustrated and curious teenager to latch upon. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Pithy sage sayings meant to provide direction and advice.” she elaborated. “Much like the Jedi tenets or the Jedi Code.”[/SIZE]
Trextan’s expression had turned to more neutral ground when Adele had started moving her hands down to his chest. Whilst he had questions she was also his healer right now and he felt there needed to be a line there. She had called Jacen by his title. Perhaps they weren’t very close at all.

The warm was at the same time comforting and uncomfortable. Like a heavy stretch of a tired muscle. When the warmth reached the fibres that were still healing awareness bloomed of the damage that had been down. It was worse across the right side of his body. He’d turned that shoulder into the waves of destruction. His left arm from the elbow down was the next worst. That had been held high towards the U-Wing as he’d tried to slow its descent.

“He was different when I knew him. I wouldn’t have seen him having a friend… like you. Sorry that was rude again. I guess I’m trying to say he didn’t seem a proverbs and Jedi Code type?”
[SIZE=9pt]Terminus | Objective #2 (Sponsorship) |Post : 15/15 | [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Algae BioFuel[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Jan stared at the man, not quite believing it. He was driving a hard bargain and seemed determined to leave with a deal of some sort. Rodians mouth twitched in amusement, a gesture normally lost on humans. At this point she could have easily asked for new tools for every technician in the fleet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She would go out on a limb. Didn't have much to lose in the deal anyways,seemed the ball for the most part was in her court. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"I'm willing to try under my own terms. Six months of free biofuel. Twenty-five percent discount afterwards."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Six months free biofuel. Fifteen percent discount after that."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Twenty percent."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Judah wasn't going to get overly critical of small percentage discounts. Hand moved off his knee and extended towards the Rodian for a handshake. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Miss Takka we're in business. Your fuel will be here by the end of the week. There will be some calculations at first of how much you're burning through, I'll have someone in the biofuel project get with you to assist at every step. Trust me, you won't be disappointed."[/SIZE]

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador
Aboard Galactic Alliance Diplomatic Vessel the Dawn of Sullust.
Major Faction Sponsorship confirmed for Salacia Consolidated

ATTN: [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Salacia Consolidated

Mr. [member="Judah Dashiell"]

The Galactic Alliance along have reviewed the your bid and we are greatly impressed by your contribution.

As such, we would like to extend Alliance sponsorship to continue your efforts across Terminus Space. Pleasenote, this is under the understanding that Salacia Consolidated will not be convicted of illegal wrongdoings, provoke the displacement of any Alliance citizen from their homes, or contradict the wishes of the Planetary Governor(s).

The funds to fulfill the contract will be transferred to your account.

Thank you once again for your contribution.

Ambassador Arieth zh'Vranthi
The Galactic Alliance
[SIZE=9pt]Adele’s hands came to a hovering halt just over [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]’s chest. Those pale eyes, framed by the violet tattoos that decorated her face seemed to study the young Justicar in training. Perhaps his words had struck a cord?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There had been a reason why Adele and Jacen had crossed paths. An incident at Graush that had led to the then Jedi Knight’s trial and, following his rehabilitation, the close monitoring of a warden. Adele had been tasked by Grand Marshal Omai Rhen to be Jacen’s overseer. Odds were, that if he had not made such a decision, then the curious interaction and relationship the two shared would not have grown to what it was now. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It wasn’t her place to go into the details. Not to mention, young Trextan had, as had others, bought into the superficial presentation Adele had done her best to emulate for over a decade.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Not until just before dawn do people sleep best; not until people get old do they become wise.” [/SIZE]

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