[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[SIZE=9pt]The Golden Sun Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The Caamasi proverb went echoing quietly within the recesses of the Iridonian’s mind. As if [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]’s thoughts had managed to brush up against the healer’s own, Jedi Master Adele Adonai gracefully gave a turn of her head towards the direction of the younger Voidstalker. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]As a member of the Circle of Healers, and due to Jacen’s near breakdown, Adele had quietly offered support and aid when it came to the tending of the young Justicar. With so much ongoing since Coruscant, Kaeshana, and her recent return, there had hardly been a moment to truly be able to breathe, let alone, discuss the intricacies of why Adele had left. All the more when Jacen’s own mind had been troubled by concern over his son.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Perhaps it was a welcomed distraction. Another method for the Healer to be able to divert attention towards another. At the time, perhaps the former Hound simply had grown tired and weary, not ready to push the boundaries of a conversation that was sure to increase the tension upon that delicate spider’s web. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]There was not a moment in which Jacen did not have Trextan in his thoughts. Perhaps, in that avoidance of their own ghostly demons, the pair had connected with a new path for A’dele to once again offer comfort in the silent, meditating companionship. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Ice blue listless eyes seemingly went drifting over the younger Voidstalker. The bacta bath had sealed the more grievous of wounds, yet there were still thin, pale pink and red lines that ran their length upon his face, shoulders, and chest. Those would heal and fade with time, perhaps with another session in the bacta tank or with a Healer. Yet it was his silent if probing stare that made her linger. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]There was an echo of familiarity that had more to do than just being Jacen’s son. No, it was a shift of emotions there, the way that his eyes ever so slightly would narrow in a short echo of resentment only to have his pupils widen in paradoxical intrusiveness. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]No, the Golden Sun Apple most assuredly doesn't fall far from the tree. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]There had been quiet assurance with Jacen departure that Adele would tend to the teenager among others who had come to harm on Skor. So it would be no surprise to see the Jedi Healer making her rounds. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Good evening, young Voidstalker.” from under her cowl, those lavender tattoos delicately reflected the overhead light, her gentle steps bringing her near Trextan’s medical bed. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Do you feel any discomfort?”[/SIZE]