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Galactic Republic Restructure.

Varus Shatterstar said:
Sounds good to me. [member="Aimone"]

Now, back on track. Anyone else have something they need to bring up or point out?
Sounds good to me. [member="Aimone"]

Now, back on track. Anyone else have something they need to bring up or point out?
I would dig having Senate committees back, with the right limits. They didn't really get in the way of things so far as I saw when I was in them, and they gave people some fun and non-intuitive RP opportunities. Once or twice they even made a positive difference at minimal cost. We've got like twenty senators on the roll - might as well give them a way to contribute.
[member="Varus Shatterstar"]

I think we are well on track. And my posts have been relevant to an degree and from a certain point of view. If you'd like, we can discuss other items in private. If not, then that's fine.
Ahem, I am a member of this board for a mere nanosecond, but I hope I can provide some input as the things you are discussing are directly connected to what I do OOC. Namely, I am a game-theorist working in field of political economy(a social scientist) who directly investigates how democracies become dictatorships and vice versa. I've read all four pages of your thoughts and feelings and I must say - things you are discussing are really far from trivial.

Esentially, since this is the Galactic Republic, I think we all agree on the fact that it has to be a democratic society, where politicians wield real, but limited power. Designing a mechanism to keep GR a democracy rather than an oligarchy or slipping towards dictatorship is going to be hard. Politicians have allegiance only to their ego, with very few exceptions. I am not saying I have some magical solution which postulates how people should RP their characters, but it would be of essence to consider the following when performing a dominion - have dominions which are purely political influence, like joining the European Union. There is no revolution, no war, just a "friendly" takeover. Don't know if you had these in the past...
Back in ages past the Dominion of Cato Neimodia and Antar were Military dominions. We had the republic coming in as a peacekeeping force to stop Pirates and other rabble. Another thing you can do to is do dominions as battles with the cooperation of other factions. There is ways to do Military/Senatorial/Jedi dominions. And it would be great.

The key is getting the activity. So for senators that means helping in dominions. Doing banquet threads, setting up negotiations. People need to get out there. And while yes it is the Faction Admins job in part to spur activity it isn't their job alone.

I joined the senate fairly recently made a new character who is just going to complain about money and reparations for Manaan all the time... I thought it would be funny and enjoyable to RP just an obstinate fish. But I have to admit it is hard to figure out what has actually been done in the senate and looking through old bills and such. That being said I have a few idea's to get activity for senators regardless of any changes that I will probably post sometime after dinner.

Here is the main thing though. And I'd REALLY like to actually hear comments on this. Senators are a resource. To increase activity, I think the committee's are a good start. I think sending 2-3 senators to IC negotiate relationships for approval by the senate is another good start. Negotiating with companies is a great start. I mean we have large trading companies and military supplies. Now I happen to agree with the Republic Military rep that they use it they should get to say what they use but let the actual IC negotiations be carried out by some senators. You know? There is plenty of artificial activity we can create to add to the story of the forum. That is all well and good but most senators don’t feel they are allowed to do this kind of stuff. At least this is the impression I’m getting from my own experience joining.

So how do we solve this. Well simple give them something to do. I’m serious right now there is a war. Send reps to the techno Union Send Reps to the Mandalorians. Hell lets try to get a non interference treaty with the Primeval. The senators are resources for establishing IC agreements. Lets use them. There is an opportunity with new senators for [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] to send people out to negotiate with whomever and create new activity.

As a matter of fact there is a bunch of new Senators. Someone should make a welcome party thread and get together shindig thing like.. right now. As a matter of fact… after dinner I’m making a Selkath Party. Volko will serve his native dish of seaweed and freshly caught fish.
[member="Damian Starchaser"]

I can agree with this. However, a committee cannot exist without a movement. Last time we had a bunch of committee chairmen who did absolutely nothing and were only in those positions because they 'called it'.

In the real world, people are not entrusted with special positions unless they prove themselves active in some form or another. I can't simply hand out authority to a senator who has made five IC posts about how their planet isn't receiving enough ice cream appropriations.

Obviously, I am trying to be a little humorous, but I seriously have not seen much positive activity from the majority of senators that would justify giving them a chair and watching them do nothing with it except pretend they're important. We had so many committee chairmen prior to the restructure, and only one of them had actually done anything with their position.

I saw Crassis and Balor being positively active (and in more than just Senate votes), and with one of our bills being mostly agreed to, we went ahead and worked out their leadership of the intelligence division. I will add chairs as we become truly active. I will take away chairs if we stagnate. Yes, we have a long list of senators (perhaps the longest in this faction's history), but not even half of them make regular appearances.

As they say, you can't complain about the government if you don't vote.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Well here is the thing committees don't have to be permanent positions. You can make a Committee to discuss a specific thing like a committee to open up negotiations with Mandalore. A Committee to discuss trade and how the One Sith's occupation of the core effects Republic Military ship supply. These ad hoc committees would be a good way to gauge who is active and able to do more permanent positions.
When I was running one of the committees (and we did some very fun stuff with Finance), I saw pretty much the same things that [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] did. A substantial fraction of Senate-related positions, from committee head to Chancellor/Chief of State, have often been more about prestige than about actual function in RP. Just as often, though, they've been opportunities, and I'm pretty sure that if their limits and functions were better defined, it would make people more interested in playing their Senate characters. The 'no activity -> no special positions' argument is true, but the flipside is also true: give people interesting and individualized roles, in line with how the faction leadership sets things up, and activity will swell. I've seen it happen more than once, and my gut feeling is that conditions are good for it now. Heck, I might bring my old senator out of retirement if senate RP gets more traction.
[member="Damian Starchaser"], [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Geneviève Lasedri said:
a committee cannot exist without a movement.
Give me a movement, and I will give you a committee. :)

People seem to forget that I am here to lead the IC development of the faction. If you have an idea and would like to formulate a plotline/political discussion, I am flexible and always available in PM.
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Foreign Relations.

Get some Senators set up to discuss getting aid to and from our allies. Talk to the Healers Guild to act as a neutral third party for our dominions and invasions. Have them submit extradition requests to anyone who has someone we want...
This I like to see. Committees, by and large, vanished because not much was being done with them. But the intelligence community began to take off and the intelligence committing (of my senator Mark Crassis, Faith, and Ater) has now begun to form.

If we want committees to get senatorial involvement come up with one.... Come up with a cause an start the legwork. If it's going to sty active it'll be established (assuming it's not something ridiculous, like the we love Kian Karr committee!).

As for other avenue to increase activity, I've seen some great ideas. Senatorial dominions, count me in!!! We can talk the planet into submission. Parties/banquets, sounds great (Mark Crassis has a slight drinking issue.....we should all be very worried!).

Keep the great ideas coming!
I know I'm late coming in the thread, but if senators don't feel they have enough they can do around here, I always liked that in the Clone Wars that Padme was doing more than just being a senator. There were so many times she was actively involved in different situations then being in the Senate during the Clone Wars.

As for the IC aspect of the Senate, as much as Mak despises politicians, he does see them as necessary, seeing that Jedi can't be politicians, that the Jedi are the guardians of peace while the Senate and the military are the main force of defending Republic space. So, if the Senate does need a Jedi to stand with them, Mak might be your guy.

To a certain extent...

Mak dislikes politicians... :p
Military oversight, finance and other Councils worked fine.

All we say is bring them back and extend the powers back to the Senate as they were. There was a whole thread to this that isn't in the archives anymore or cannot be found where it described each council.

This can be ratified to an extent be I do not believe special powers lie within the military or office of the Prime Minister.

I had zero issues running Security, enjoy it even and proposed several successful bills as such. Then that all went away which sorted inflamed sore tissue if that makes any sense.

I tried to encompass military and intelligence as we once discussed but threat isn't a one person job. I believe corvus has a Senator which would fit the bill better for that now but either way, I'd like to see those types of things ad would others apparently.

I would love to resume duties as head of internal affairs and organize a party for new Senators and elected leaders but as it stands until the status quo changes, we cannot.
I realize a couple people have said, "hey this isn't a bad idea.", but you make it seem as if there's a collective of people supporting your opinions here and it doesn't look as extreme as that to me. Do you have a list of names that are in agreement and active as politicians or would some of them rather speak up for themselves?

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