Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal

Location: Mawite Camp/Yuuzhan Vong prison camp ruins, Selvaris
Objective: 1
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Auteme Auteme

The stalwart defenses of the Maw camp had been broken, and there had been a sense of chaos that only proceeded to spread across the camp. The Mawites themselves were driven into an angry frenzy by the opening of explosions, and soon by the arrival of the GA into the very midst of the operating base. A Mawite alarm would blade across the camp to quickly gain the attention of what Mawites weren’t killed just yet in what would be a bloody confrontation in their own territory no less.

Meanwhile Kyrel was absolutely livid as he watched the Chaos erupt all around him, and into a burning inferno the likes of which he couldn’t control. “Open fire!” He would hear a man shout, and soon started to feel blaster fire press against his body, and Kyrel would at first give a glare of annoyance in their direction noting that he felt they would be a bit of a nuisance. “To think I am low enough that blasters would stop me… You are mistaken.” He said with a deathly growl that slipped past his dark raspy voice, and soon pointed the likes of the red spear in his hand towards them. Just as quickly as he began admits the hail of blaster fire the spear in his hand would shoot out a red beam, the men would find themselves screaming in agony as the howling red beam would drain them of all life force.

As the screams disappeared and soon the GA soldiers were soon reduced to lifeless husks, barely recognizable and only as such as through the armor that they had worn. His eyes watched as the Mawites fierce and wildly attacked any GA soldier that was within reach. The chaotic horde even beating through one another to take a shot at what GA was starting to emerge as soldiers were starting to pour in from all sides. Kyrel was fully immersed in his rage, and the bloodlust that came from the heat of battle was potent as ever. The hulking behemoth would then set his eyes on what appeared to be a woman.

The woman from afar would call out for a challenger. Kyrel didn’t look amused in this regard, and had adorned a scowl with copious amounts of the same dreaded black fluid slowly dripping from the maw of his mask facial hybrid. His black eyes from his visor would stare her down, and wondered if he should give this foolish foe a mere taste of what he had felt when he devoured Panatha. He thought against such extremes this quickly into her declaration for a challenge.

Instead Kyrel would slowly raise the big red forked tipped spear, and unlike shooting the red draining beam, he opted to toss the spear, and as it made its way to her she would hear the familiar screeching sound the weapon was often rumored to make. As it flew towards her cloaked in red furious energy it looked as if it was only a lightning bolt while traveling in her direction. If the spear didn’t hit her, someone was going to take the first blow dealt by the Maw’s Wrath. All the while his gaze didn’t dare turn away from her.
Near him: Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor
Farther away: Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Mrir'ik'amorn Mrir'ik'amorn
Future enemy: Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos

The air beat at his robes as he tumbled through the air.

Osarla always thought it was better to push him into the deep instead of giving him time to acclimate. It was probably reasonable. If not for her unceremonious shove he'd probably still be in the shuttle. Debating height versus survival rates and other things. Still, Sion couldn't help but stare at the ground growing closer and closer by the breath.

Calm, steady, peace.

In Sion's panic he began to draw from around him and realized something. It was completely empty here in this moment. Instead of accidentally sucking in foreign panic? He was alone in the air. Blissfully.

Somehow that calmed him down and just in time. He managed to pull open his chute and several minutes later he was rolling in the dirt. Until he collected himself off his knees and onto his feet. "Kriff me. Alone or not... never again, thanks." Muttered to himself as he yanked off the chute pack and quickly took stock of his surroundings.

The Yuuzhan Vong had done a number on this place decades ago. Even now the ground and area around him didn't seem natural. It seemed to pulse and groan to its own beat.

"I could try and-" Before Sion could offer his assistance Mrir'ik'amorn appeared out of the reeds. The words were slightly muffled from the comms, but seemingly she knew how to handle the beasts. Instead he moved so they could regroup. Any moment wasted was a moment too much. "Master, this place... why was it never healed properly?"

Then again, was it even possible to fully heal a vongshaped world?

"I just think that-"

About to say more Sion suddenly stopped mid-step. Something was wrong. He looked around and then up towards his Master. "Master-" Then the ground gave away beneath him. The last thing he saw was Osarla's look of concern, before Sion was swallowed by the darkness.

Location: Orbital Space Station, Jakku
Objective: BYOO - Golden Opportunities
Tags: Annasari Annasari | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Ruto Tane Ruto Tane | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Tarish Galland

Talia had remained silent once the Senator of Jakku rose to speak. It was interesting to be holding a senatorial meeting around a conference table, rather than the Senate building on Coruscant. Such an environment reminded her of more mundane meetings on Kuat, or above on the shipyards themselves.

But as Annasari spoke, it became apparent why they had a change of scenery. They were to debate on the current Chancellor’s succession, and the lack of a present Vice Chancellor at present. It was a valid concern, given Auteme’s tendency to still fight on the battlefields of war.

Wouldn’t shock Talia if the young woman was amidst the Alliance’s latest assault on the Maw as they spoke.

Familiar faces spoke up, one of which was Senator Organa. He voiced a concern over why this was being decided without the Chancellor’s input, or rather that the choice wasn’t hers to make.

But no answer was given, not a direct one anyway. Talia had no desire to oust Auteme, to bring forth a vote of no confidence. Of what information she knew of the young Chancellor, she doubted the latter would even happen in the first place. But much like Alicio, it bugged her that this was being done behind closed doors.

Senator Stark spoke up again, voicing a line of thought that had begun to settle in Talia’s mind. Auteme was young, and Dracken Pryce had been an excellent choice to back her up. But now he wasn’t, and the Chancellor was left alone without a suitable VC at her side.

The Senator of Humbarine spoke, and well…even from this distance Talia could see the mood Arage was in. She knew well of the woman’s thoughts on a Jedi being the Chancellor. Talia had similar thoughts, not to the exact degree, but within the same wavelength.

After that, Talia finally spoke up for the first time since arriving.

An office divided is not that much better than one in ruin. It’s potentially worse, depending on how you look at it.” She said, eyes flickering over to Jakku’s senator. “Division causes cracks, cracks allow for insidious elements to get inside. Hidden, they root themselves in, grow and infest, until it’s far too late.” The Alliance already went through it twice, one with the Jedi and more recently within the Senate.

Talia’s thoughts on this were aligned with Arage’s. Whatever the decision, it needed to be sorted immediately. They couldn’t afford debating back and forth constantly when there were wars being waged.

I too am supportive of this committee. But I agree with Senator Bao’s sentiment.” She began, pausing to glance around at those in attendance. “It seems most of us present here agree with the need for this committee. But we need to avoid this falling into an indecisive debate that could go on for weeks. We need a Vice Chancellor yesterday, not in a few month’s time.

With her piece said, Talia remained quiet and listened to those that followed. She refrained from rolling her eyes when Senator Du Couteau talked about conflating the discussion with mention of the New Imperial Order’s actions. Arage was just speaking facts. Of course their primary focus was on the North, to end the war with the Maw. But it wasn’t going to stop the Imperials from using their super weapon again. And who knows what the Sith were planning, no doubt watching as things unfolded around the Core.


Objective I : As Above, So Below


Fleet Comp.
Starfighter Compliment :

From his position onboard the bridge of the Purifier, Admiral Hamilton watched as the Alliance Task Force moved into a Pattern V Formation, a fleet formation in which he was familiar with especially after the Galactic Alliance successfully utilized that tactic against the Final Dawn over Mustafar. From what he knew, it was often utilized as a defense maneuver to counter Akbar Slashes by creating a bulge that would allow enemy forces to briefly punch through their lines before enveloping the vanguard force and annihilating them from all sides. As such, the Final Dawn Admiral was confused as to what his opponent was planning considering his use of such a tactic, however Hamilton would get his answer soon enough.

"Admiral Hamilton, sir! The Enemy Fleet has launched 12 Starfighters of unknown design." a Sensor officer reported. That was another thing about this particular task force, half of the warships utilized by the Galactic Alliance were models that were a complete mystery to the Admiral as they did not appear on any of the Final Dawn's databases, meaning they did not know what their strengths or weaknesses were. "What's their target?" the Admiral asked. The Officer took some time before responding in a confused tone. "Uh, it's...headed straight for us." As soon as the officer gave his response, Star Destroyers began opening fire upon the approaching Starfighters aiming to cut them down before they could reach the flagship. "Sir, should we deploy our fighters" the Captain of the Purifier asked. "No" Hamilton responded. "We'll be playing right into their hands if we do so. For now, intensify forward firepower. I don't want a single enemy starfighter reaching my ship"

As ordered, the Star Destroyers of the Final Dawn Fleet intensified their barrage of Anti-Starfighter Weaponry upon the attacking Starfighters hoping to destroy them all before they could reach the Purifier. However as they were distracted with the attacking Starfighters, the enemy fleet broke formation and began to advance towards them. "Sir, the enemy fleet has resumed it's advance and has begun opening firing upon us. Although it seems their primary batteries are only firing with a fraction of their power." An officer cried out. "Another attempt to lure us into breaking formation and charging at them. Have all ships maintain their positions, they will have to come to us." Hamilton said in response.

It was at that moment, that a group of mixed TIE variants began approaching the Final Dawn Fleet closing in on one of the Star Destroyers at the front of their formation. The Captain of the Purifier was quick to notice that even pointing at them from his position on the bridge as he began to speak. "Uh, sir. Did you deploy any starfighters?" the Captain asked. "What? No i didn't-" immediately, Hamilton realized what was up, but it was too late. Soon enough the FDS Dread Omen's bridge tower was struck by a heavy bombardment from those TIEs although they hadn't scored any critical hits thanks to it's shields. "What just happened?" the Admiral asked. "It would seem a group of unidentified TIEs just attacked the Dread Omen" the Captain said. Another officer then interjected giving an update on the state of the recently attacked warship. "The Dread Omen's Shield Integrity has dropped by 15%"

"Sir what are your orders?" the Captain said to the very surprised and confused Hamilton. It was clear the Alliance were making use of tactics he had never seen them implement before, but he also knew that they were most likely waiting for him to make some sort of stupid move and as such he would hold his position and wait until the Alliance had fully committed themselves to the battle before making any significant moves. "I don't know what they are thinking, but i do know they want us to move out of formation in order to execute whatever plan they might have in store for us. As such for now, my previous orders remain. The Fleet will hold it's position and we will keep our starfighters in reserve. I won't budge until those fools show me their true strength."

Tags [Galactic Alliance] | Don Don Dono | Jack Versio Jack Versio





678th Frontier "Lanever Villecham" Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi


The Final Dawn Flotilla was still holding their formation even with his task force swiftly approaching their main battle line. There commander must have figured out the strategy currently being employed, thus the initial offense would have to be adjusted accordingly. Although they had successfully launched a full squadron of 12 starfighters towards the Flagship in an attempt to disable it but they were under heavy bombardment by Anti-Starfighter Weaponry. The slow moving dots on the displayed bridge tactical screen did not provide much of an answer to the Command Staff on board the ANS Vober Dand.

"Sir!, We have detected a group of TIE Variants approaching the enemy to assist us." A technical officer on board informed him as the tactical screen shifted once again. It would seem that reinforcements had arrived either in mercenaries looking for a payday from the Alliance or a new starfighter squadron that had just been formed. Either way they could serve the task force well in their upcoming maneuver being attempted. "Open a secure channel to the unknown squadron." Commander Dono said receiving a nod from the communication's officer. Once the secure channel was established.

"Attention unknown squadron, this is Commander Dono Dono of the Alliance 678th Task Force. We are glad to have your assistance in this battle. I am request that you perform a double o'niner on the wedged shape bogus." Dono said into the transmissions to Jack Versio Jack Versio , even though it was a secure channel he made sure to speak in military code with (double o'niner meaning distraction, and wedged shape bogus meaning flagship) to prevent the enemy from being able to learn of their strategy.

Clicking the switch on his switchboard in front of him as the personal transmissions was cut. Glancing over the open window of his MC85 Star Cruiser to employ his next deployment. Deciding to preform a rather risky move in order to force the Final Dawn to finally break formation.

"Core Leader Yavurn. I want you to break off engagement on the flagship and target the engines of the ships in front of the formation." Don Dono said. "Acknowledged, Commander. All wings form up on me." Core Leader Yavurn replied shifting gears as the 1st Squadron of C59 Crossfire Starfighters shifted gears and diverted away from the flagship. Although several starfighters were destroyed by the Heavy Anti-Starfighter Weaponry.

The 1st Squadron was down to 8 Starfighters although they would be more than enough for the plan.

"ENGAGE PROTON TORPEDOS!" Core Leader Yavurn said as each of the C59 Crossfire Starfighters came equipped with 6 Proton Torpedos stored.

Proton Torpedos were released from the starfighters with 16 each slamming into the rear of the FDS Dread Omen, and FDS Fortitude in an attempt to lower their shields.

"Full Primary Batteries, Full Charge on those destroyers hit." Commander Don Dono said as the Task Force began to target those warships with full heavy batteries as the Task Force came nearer and nearer to full engagement with the Flotilla.

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton

Objective: Engage enemy space forces
Location: Selvaris Space
Equipment: TIE Advanced X-1, squadron of mixed TIE variants
Alongside: Don Don Dono
Engaging : Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton

Orders came in across the squadron comm, they all heard the voice of the Alliance Commander, ordering them to switch targets. Slipstream Lead, Captain Delvardus commed back. "Will do, Commander." She understood what he had meant, even if Jack did not, being new to the GA.

Following the lead of Captain Delvardus, the other eleven TIEs of Slipstream squadron weaved through the enemy flotilla between avenues of fire from the big ships. The enemy had noticed them, as the fleet of Star Destroyers opened fire with their anti starfighter weaponry. The fighters wouldn't last long against the intensified firepower of the fleet. They needed another option, and Jack thought he had it. His eyes scrolled across the data feeds, the enemy ship had taken all the punishment they had been giving it piecemeal, and absorbing the damage. They needed to change strategy.

He commed the squadron leader. "Lead, they're giving us an opening." Captain Delvardus' voice was clipped and guarded, not wanting her authority undermined. "Go ahead, Seven." Jack bored in "Combine all our fire into one location, overwhelm their shields, maybe?" As he had hoped, she put the mission ahead of whose idea it had been. "Got a target in mind, Seven?" Jack's grin would be audible across the comm. "Kinda hard to fortify an exhaust port, Lead." She got it quickly. "You heard Captain Versio, let's coordinate our fire, all at once, right into their tailpipe."

The twelve fighters, all still alive despite the waves of fire coming their way, were able to evade because they didn't have enemy starfighters to worry about. That also allowed them to do what they were about to do. In seconds, all twelve fighters had come around to make a coordinated attack run on the flagship's stern.

Following targeting coordinates provided by Slipstream One's TIE Interceptor, the twelve of them let the ship have everything in their arsenal, laser cannons, ion cannons, proton torpedoes, and concussion missiles. All targeted on one precise point on the massive ship, the combined firepower of the entire squadron at the same time at what was generally the most vulnerable point on any capital ship.

For now, another advantage the fighters had was that they could use their target as cover from the other Star Destroyers, who would otherwise risk peppering its shields with their attempts to blast the mixed TIE squadron out of space. The stern was almost always a vulnerable location on a capital ship, with the difficulty of mounting plate, shielding and defensive emplacements onto engine housings. This vulnerability was what Jack was banking on. With no fighter cover to swat them away, he and his comrades could lurk behind Purifier and pound its engines to pieces.



It was quite illogical for senators to congregate within some run down station orbiting the backwater of Jakku for all places. Senator Laborr was indeed unimpressed for the most part but made it a point to conceal his apparent disgust with the exterior. However the interior was mostly sanitary but the decorations were completely last decade. He would have frozen the designer in carbonate and hung them up in front of his senatorial pod for sheer amusement.

The bronze table was occupied for the most part by well known delegates that had quite a reputation within political circles. Senator Annasari Annasari was the first to speak amongst them, no doubt eager to spell out some grand design that would see the Galactic Alliance turned into a personal toy box for the senate to play in like pathetic children. It was quite clear from her meager speech that she was looking to oust the Elected Chancellor because Vice-Chancellor Pyrce had vanished for a time.

There was no glance to the bill presented before them for it was written for fools who needed everything spelled out for them. This 'Special Committee' was the only thing of interest to him as it might bring him additional profit margins. But he would hold his tongue for now to see what the other delegations might think of her initial proposal.

There was Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix , thinking like a statue but not saying anything of note. Even a bird-brain could run a planet he supposed if they had effective second in commands or the populace was equally bird-brained.

Another vote for the initial proposal came from Ruto Tane Ruto Tane who was in the upper percentile of smart people currently within the senate. Although that list was only about 5 people in his mind.

Next was the young but experienced Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau who officially announced his support for the proposal as well. Before asking a rather important question in the form of 'Would the Current Chancellery support this proposal from the senate' and Laborr could assume that the Chancellor would object this proposal most quickly if brought to the floor.

Count Alicio Organa Alicio Organa was next to voice their opinion on the matter. It would seem that they finally had some semblance of opposition within the room of yes-men and women. Rather firmly pronouncing his belief that Chancellor Auteme should appoint her own vice-chancellor and wanting further clarification.

The Honorable Caulder Dune Caulder Dune of the Commerce Guild with his permanent scowl would reject this proposal swiftly as dividing the Chancellery would not benefit the Galactic Alliance Overall. Clearly going up in years due to his long service within the senate. Well better for him if the old umbaran finally went out of commission.

Eyes shifted back to Annasari Annasari who doubled down for the most part and went over the classic personality attack. Even bringing the possibility of a vote of no confidence forward if the vice was not chosen quickly enough for her. Her following answers were logical for someone thinking about the current picture. But not so much of a larger picture beginning to form.

Those words were enough to stir, Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix from her statue like state. Announcing her support if the proposal was meant to solve the current predicament. However she did have some concerns that were valid to some degree, a blatant power grab was not one that she would support however. The people were their main concern as elected delegates, a naive point of thinking since he was certainly only here for himself after all.

Round and round the senate went, with a few words from Ruto Tane Ruto Tane . Who further added that they needed someone within the senate that could control the Bureaucrats. It would seem that this committee was also on his mind if only to protect the chancellor from powers and evil influence.

The uptight and militaristic Arage Bao Arage Bao drove her word sword into the political puddle as it where. Going on a rather long rant that was best saved for political campaigns and not a simple gathering of the senate as this was. But she was supportive of the committee as well as long as it didn't blind itself to the current reality.

It would seem that her rather blazen bluntness had attracted an admirer of sorts in the Du Couteau Heir. Who agreed with the Senator of Humbarine and announced his own concern of the Imperials in the North. The Brotherhood was dangerous, but the Imperials was where the Trade Federation made their coinage. A bad situation for his coffers if the alliance engaged in a full offensive.

Even Senator Organa was pulled into supporting the proposal. There was little reason to believe that the bill would not pass the senate if it went to the floor right at this moment. But there were still opinions to be heard and debate to be had.

The Senator of Kuat Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr had her own opinion finally. She was also supportive of the measures being proposed. With all these voices announcing support for the 'committee' there was little for him to argue moving forward. But he would anyway to get his voice on the record.

"Since a majority of this body is in favor of the proposed committee. There is little point in trying to argue for anything different." The Senator from Skako said into his droid vocabulator.

"But is there not a slight chance that the Chancellor would pull her remaining influence and favors within the senate to sway some votes away from the bill. A young chancellor she might be, but without options she is not." He further emphasized with vivid hand gestures.

"What I would propose hypothetically, is that if the chancellor was on a humanity mission when the bill was called to the floor. It would be rather unfortunate if she could not provide her own opinion on the matter." Was the statement that soon followed, using the word hypothetically to not make him seem like he was actually proposing this incase this room was bugged.



BYOO - Golden Opportunities

Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr Annasari Annasari Ruto Tane Ruto Tane Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Arage Bao Arage Bao Tarish Galland Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Holly Starstorm

Tiresh nodded back at Alicio Organa Alicio Organa with a soft smile. This was a rather intense proceeding, and she respected everything he had contributed. His concerns were valid, and despite the promise of the legislation, one could not factor out the risks.

Tiresh was already shaking her head in disagreement with the suggested proposal of Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr for Auteme to be inexplicably absent for when the legislation was brought forth to the chamber. She immediately followed up when he had finished,

"If our goal is to make the Chancellor look as young and incapable as possible, then yes, that would be an excellent strategy. However, I can assure you all that I will personally be having a conversation with the Chancellor about this proposed legislation as soon as possible. And I assure you, I will be able to garner her support for the legislation, because in truth, it is coming whether she likes it or not. For her to choose to support this legislation and the establishment of such a council would be seen as wise, forward thinking, and looking to the interests of the people more than consolidating her own power. It's the right move. It's the only move."

She took a sip of her water with a light sigh. She hoped Auteme Auteme would be willing to listen to reason.


// Objective II // Oyokal, Enemy Territory // Establish a Beachhead //
Allies: Mrir'ik'amorn Mrir'ik'amorn | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Nova Corps // Enemies: Open

A sharp exhale accompanied grip tightening on Teshi's weapon. A foreign voice sent her into a panic of survival, but it was only a moment she realized tone did not match that of an enemy. A glance beside her revealed the pathfinder. They were survivalist's on spice - Teshi would have never been able to pick her out from the surroundings.

"Can you cough or something next time?!" The hiss matched volume of the new arrival. With sap in her joints, she melted downwards, joining in crouch. "You nerfherders are late. Couldn't have warned command of these things?"

Her frustration was feigned. Face covered, the smile laced her words.

"Alright, so how many more are there?"

Allowing her rifle to hang from the crossbody harness, Teshi reached for her belt. It was not the first time she had encountered their experiments - but this time, she was prepared. Two bound coils were removed from the hooks. One, handed too her pathfinder, was a gadget she had crafted herself - a vibrowhip. The other, she kept for herself. A thin rope of iron, weights on end, to lasso and maneuver the beasts.

"Major Ocano, by the way. Nova Corps."


Chaos had taken the room. With silence broken, everyone had an opinion. When Arage Bao Arage Bao spoke, Annasari found herself nodding. Time was of the essence -- but bureaucracy clawed at it like a dying man did life. Ruto Tane Ruto Tane brought an angle she had not perceived. Perhaps a promising sign. Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr 's suggestion was diabolical - but only in the headlines. Extreme, she had expected no less than staunch outrage - which Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix provided wholly.

The datapad vibrated, and an eyebrow raised to meet it. Halifax Hewitt, HNN reporter, had been good on his information. His debt to the guild would need be reevaluated, after this circus was said in done. The link he sent her was brought up for all in the room to see. Auteme, the very topic of the hour, stood in an active warzone with real danger around her.

"COME OUT," her voice boomed, traveling further than any human's could. "THE AVATARS CAN'T KILL ME. WHO ARE YOU TO TRY?" A crude challenge, maybe -- something that would surely be edited out, given the ten minute delay on the coverage. But her duty to draw the Maw's forces was just as important as her duty to inspire the Alliance. If that was what she was doing, anyways.

Cut, it was not - and Annsari couldn't help but notice the parallels with the galactic phenomena that was TRAA. Good tv? Questionable. Foolish? Absolutely. Resisting the urge to shake her head, she instead met the holograms gaze head on, palms coming together in front of her mouth. When the clip finally cut to commercial, the blue glow faded from the table.

"Time is of the essence." She reaffirmed. "This war may be drawing to a close, but it is not the final battle yet - our Chancellor still has time to find herself in the line of fire. Would someone so wise take such measures, ignoring the council that must have surely advised against this - or has she created an echo chamber, coming to the conclusion her desire is law?"

The rhetorical question accompanied a pointed gaze at those who had protested. A deep sigh, encompassing disappointment, escaped Senator Vahl's chest.

"It is not the chancellor's wroth I fear, but the time to gather such a measure on the floor. The assembly is at recess, focused on their committees and the Maw. Yet there are always other options." Another document hit their pads - the charter of the Alliance. "Under article 64, section 4 of the Galactic Alliance Charter, at wartimes and in face of extreme threat to national security, a proposal may be declared an emergency measure and enacted on emergency terms, highlighted on your sheet, with only a measure of Assembly support. This has only been utilized in the Byss and Yinchorr crises."

Breath held, she waited, counting. They only needed a majority of those gathered.


Arage Bao Arage Bao was an interesting character. The great Lord Admiral, the imperialist Queen herself. Her points were something to consider. "I'd just like to mention the fact that I warned the Senate about the rising threat that is the Empire". With that he returned to silence, observing the exchanges between the other Senators with a vested interest. Scoping out rivals in a potential future Chancellor election, perhaps?

The proposal from @Rulowas met with the faintest whispers of a smile from Iago. Icing out the Chancellor? It hadn't been done in decades. Generally, Chancellor's were powerful individuals who used their political power and numerous allies to execute their agenda. In this case, Auteme had neither. It didn't matter if she was there for any hypothetical vote or not, Iago did not believe she had the influence to stop it.

It was unlikely she could even if she tried. Bringing the bill to the floor in its current state wasn't an option, but Iago was intent to see it through. In some way, shape, or form this was going to get done. Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was correct. Auteme would just have to fall in line.

The hologram though, now that was unexpected. Though not surprising. He simply sighed and waited for the others to react. He didn't have time to be an impatient father or a scolding adult. Auteme was the most powerful person in the galaxy, she could make her own decisions.

And reap what she sowed. "Aye"



Asmundr Varobalder | Open
The circle of seers gathered on Prosperity, offering support to the more militaristic below. Asmundr and Henna had broken from the meld and sat cross-legged across from one another, eyes closed. She didn't need to see him to see him. The force offered them both all of the vision they could need. The pair were interlinked as they fell through time, probing the the future for the path to victory.

Though those who need know were aware it was a fool's gamble - the only real goal fell to their galactic east - it was not in their nature to allow Jedi lives sacrificed in vain, without any attempt to secure the planet. Walls of glass curved, ended, bounced back against pressure in their search. It was time-consuming. Finally, a deep crack exposed itself, shining iridescence catching the light of Ashla.


Here words echoed through their bond, alerting Asmundr of the shatterpoint. They fell through the crack together.

They did not land where expected. Selvaris was a plethora of life, only violated by war and the Maw. Yet still, jungles and creatures had persisted the trials. This was anything but. The sky above them was gunmetal, lightning crackling every few moments. The surface was somber. Ruins of civilization stood sentinel against eternities in ebony sands.

What is this place?

The light lent it's knowledge to the question - an indicator this is what they were meant to see. The birthplace of darkness. There was something familiar about the voice that offered it - though Henna could not place it through the echoes of days past.


No answer. Henna looked to Asmundr, then to the fortress looming in the distance.


Anxiety hissed and spun like a firework in her chest. It was bad enough that if Cordé stretched out her legs and arms she could touch at least half of their shared, enclosed space — and then Frea was using words like creative? Hope this works?

Belatedly, Cordé was going to point out how near that shot had been, and that there was a new colour blinking on the dashboard — but then their scenery changed. The brilliant luminescent tunnel of stars they’d been travelling in faded and darkened into something more natural, blue, and..not space-like at all.

“What—” she started, but the question answered itself with a few more of Frea’s deft machinations across the random dials and switches between the dashboard and ceiling.

“Where are we?!” She changed her question, brain scrambling to fill in the gaps of what was happening. By now, her grip had punctured the leather on her seat. The scenery she was looking at might have been Shihon, but based on their last nav update they’d passed through Shihon and were streaking closer to Oyokal.

And where were their pursuers? The radar reported no more bogies.

Her answer came not as words, but as a shift in their trajectory to tilt into a smaller place. The idea of their small ship, trying to wedge into an impossibly small canyon, nearly kicked Cordé’s claustrophobia out of control. She was silently watching, wide-eyed, and tenuously keeping it together when Frea said something wasn’t working.

The firework in her chest hardened and dropped to her stomach, fully formed and heavy as fear.

“What?” She asked again, dumbly. Oh! Throttle! Okay!

“Got it, yeah, yeah I —” both hands wrapped around the stick. Her knuckles had been white for most of the ride, so it was hard to pin the intensity on her new task.

Her eyes darted between the throttle, Frea, and the viewport. Everytime she got back to the viewport in her trio of perspectives, the big blue waters seemed to be getting closer and closer. Cordé still didn’t know where they were, but it shouldn’t have been underwater. Frea seemed to know that, and the ship lifted so sharply the pair were shoved back into their seats.


She yanked.

The throttle didn’t move. It shook in her hands, and she yanked again. It still didn’t give.

The window of the “Now” Frea had asked for was quickly closing. Cordé planted her feet to the ground to add counterweight, grit her teeth, and yanked again.

It was sticky, unused like this — some safety lock had activated — but the second urgent tug overrode it somehow. Didn’t matter. Cordé didn’t care. She just wanted confirmation she’d met the deadline.


F R I E N D S | GA | NJO | SIA | Frea Sheplin Frea Sheplin


Commodore Cynthia Alucard
Through the Stars
Actions: Send out her Battlegroup into battle and assist the rest of the Alliance forces
(Flag Ship) Strict Justice Hydian-class Tactical Carrier
Terrible Star CR-37 FarStar-Type Corellian Carrier (Only Remaining CR-37 with Strict Justice)
Cruel Justice CR-37 FarStar-Type Corellian Carrier (Sent to escort Transport Ships)
7x Starbird-class Patrol Ship
20x Squadrons SS01 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter (only 5 Remain with Strict Justice) (10 Have advanced into the main Dog Fight)(5 have been tasked to escort the Transport Ships)
8x Squadrons B-wing Assault Starfighter (All sent to provide Air-Support to the ground troops)
5x Liburna-class Low Altitude Dropship (5 More awaiting onboard the Cruel Justice for fast response missions)
10x Navy Commandos
30x Marines

Cynthia made a clicking sound with her tongue against the top of her mouth as she watched the holo-map display. The situation was hardly turning against them severely, but it was not moving along smoothly either. Establishing a foothold on the planet proper proved to be rather difficult, logistics were rather unfavorable with the presence of the Maw fighters in orbit alone. But the planet itself proved a fickle beast to tame, the gaseous bags were just infuriating in Cyn’s opinion. Space was deadly, inhospitable to those without proper equipment, and even then quite dangerous; but at least random pockets in space didn’t spontaneously explode.

The battle against the Maw itself, sans the planet, was continuing to develop and Cyn figured she could stretch her battlegroup a tad. Ace pilots fighting alone provided heroics that would go down in the annals of history, but not using superior numerical advantage was just not strategically sound.

“Launch what is left of our X-Wings and B-Wings from our hangers, and have those already on standby to push ahead on a search and destroy mission. Then issue my command to the patrol ships to advance and provide further support to the rest of our friendlies.” Cyn wasn’t too terribly uncomfortable with this split of her forces, but being seen as too skittish would reflect poorly on her record.

It was time to let her pilots hunt and allow them some sense of justice against a foe that dared to strike so deep into their homes. Her Comm Officers were dutiful in their tasks and Cyn watched her holo-map display as her own dots were advancing in the ordered direction. The B-Wings would have their hands full in providing air support for the ground troops but it was only fair that they were offered a chance to fire their weapons in anger.

Cyn watched as the battle continued and wondered when the shoe would drop, the Maw were rather passive in their presence. But perhaps their main focus was back at Selvaris, which would make sense but logic and sense weren’t exactly traits she’d describe the common Maw zealot. If reason worked on religious zealots they wouldn’t be called religious zealots anymore.

But as Cyn continued to monitor there was a distress call from a B-Wing, now for the most part she left those situations to her junior officers to organize recovery but the identity tag was registered to the famed Revenant Squadron, and their leader. This was quite a misfortune, and one Cyn could not allow to stain her career. How would it look to my superiors to allow such a tragedy to transpire while I had a chance to help?

“Track the final location of the final transmission, I want half of what remained of our X-Wings to provide escort for our transport ships as well as Cruel Justice. Have our Commandos and Marine squadrons sitting in our Liburna’s now.” Cyn barked out her orders, her Comm Officers quickly organizing the orders to effectively have this mission begin at once. She was a pilot once, and new that if she crashed and survived the only was her allies would notice was her tracking FOB, but they would only arrive if they had a chance to fly in for a rescue. And that meant securing the orbit away from the Maw and allowing the transport ships a chance to navigate the hostile nature that mostly engulfed the planet.

“Have the Cruel Justice also ready their own compliments of Commandos and Marines at the ready for deployment as well. We can conduct our Search and Rescue operation and provide some help for the rest of the Alliance army down on the surface with fresh troops.” Let it be known that Cyn wasn’t charitable when the time came for it, if anything she was perhaps pushing a tad too much of her own resources. But if what remains of my battlegroup with me, I can always push forward where the rest of my ships are. . .imagine retreating forward. Cyn almost broke a smile but kept her stern thin line across her face.


The Manifold listened in stoic silence as Mercy made her offer, and as Freedom made her presence known from within the woman's mind. The despair they had learned to feel did not fade. They weren't sure whether Mercy had somehow influenced Freedom, forcing the drone who shared her mind to say what she wanted in order to persuade The Manifold, or if Freedom truly believe that this wasn't over yet. If it was the latter, that was only because she had not yet seen how utterly Oblivion had come to ruin.

One drone could not restore it, and one more would make little difference. There were too few of them left anywhere to accomplish that. Omni had been powerful beyond mortal comprehension, a digital death god capable of manipulating reality so completely that It had restored entire planets from destruction and reshaped the very nature of the afterlife. Its servants had aided It, but they had mostly wielded Its power, not just their own. Now that Omni was gone, that power had faded from them.

Only an entire Heavenly Host of them could have come close to restoring Oblivion... but the Host was long gone.

Yet perhaps there was a reason to heed this woman. The mortal souls that flowed through The Manifold's circuits had taught more than just despair. They had taught bitterness and hatred. They had taught The Manifold about the nature of vengeance, the satisfaction in striking back at those who wronged you. The drone had been about to refuse, to break the communication link and wallow once more in isolation and sorrow, when Mercy's words caught their attention again. Taskmaster.

The same Taskmaster of the Brotherhood who had orchestrated The Manifold's enslavement, no doubt.

"Restoration: Beyond Our Power," the last drone replied, a mournful note faintly detectable in their flat digital voice. "Alternative: Revenge. Taskmaster's Death: Worthy Goal." Yes, they would help Mercy put an end to Tu'teggacha - not because they cared about her children, or even about Freedom, but because they despised the tyrannical Ebruchi. When that mission was over, when the last bit of satisfaction had been wrung out of revenge, they did not know what they would do.

Freedom and The Manifold would still just be the last of their kind, helpless to complete their intended purpose.

But that was still in the future, beyond the revenge they intended to execute. There was no purpose in dwelling on after. If this act of retribution could stave off the feelings of meaninglessness, give The Manifold a temporary but strong sense of purpose, they should embrace that. "Your Plan: Against Taskmaster?" the drone inquired. They would play whatever part was needed in that plan. Though their powers had somewhat faded, they were still formidable, bending spacetime to their will through the Force.

There were many ways that The Manifold could help in the final attack on Tu'teggacha.

Keilara, as always, spoke reassuringly. She painted a beautiful picture with her words, a picture of a future where they would both be physically present, released from the shelter and prison of this shared mind. Kallan tried to embrace that vision, tried to use it as a shield against the hopelessness and despair he sometimes felt. Sometimes it seemed they were alone against the galaxy, just a few voices in one shared head standing in the way of a teeming horde of evil. But that wasn't true. They had allies now.

Kallan tried with all his might to feel the hope that Keilara shared. He had to stay strong, because he would be needed in this one last fight. Everyone in this shared mind had to be strong together, for if any of them fell apart under the pressure, the Taskmaster would be able to exploit that division and defeat them. So Kallan focused on that imagined future: a physical body all his own, a safe place that war could never reach, a family reunited. He just had to hold on a little longer, and all of them could get there.

~ A quiet place, just for us, ~ he replied, smiling at the thought. ~ For our family. That's worth fighting for. ~
The stick got stuck? Frea smacked the side of the panel that it rested on real quick before the lights began to streak across the viewport. The ship's drag and the pull of gravity eased up for a moment, almost as if the two were falling backwards after a bad slip. Frea's stomach rumbled, the hairs on her neck stood up straight. "Ha-haaa! Woo!" Her voice nearly cracked under the equally ecstatic and relieved, impulse-driven yell. "That was… SO close."

It was finally possible to breathe. Frea's heart began to slow down to a more agreeable rate, the goosebumps were allowed to sink back into her skin. Her attention fell from the ceiling and over to the readouts from before their skip. There was a brief moment where they were visible on the screen before Frea quickly changed them over to display their fuel instead. There was no need for Cordé to be aware of just exactly how close they were to death. Because it had been way too close. Like the "fifty more meters and they would have been human paste inside of a metal pancake" kind of close.

"Good job, Cordé! Exce-fething-llently done." Frea put her hand on the doctor's shoulder with a shake before she went back to the controls. "This should buy us some good, valuable time."

The pursuers were most likely regrouping by now, unless they had gotten themselves blown up on the cliffs of whatever planet they just escaped from. The streaking lights disappeared again and Frea got to work thinking of her next step. There was a nearby asteroid field. Perfect.

She dove into it and quickly began to make a sharp U-Turn. The cover for the torpedoes was flicked open, yet she did not fire them off just yet. The ship slowed down as she boosted the shields slightly to the front again and began to push one of the bigger rocks towards their entry point into this system. And gravity being like it was in the vacuum of space there wasn't much needed to get the results that she needed. Just because Frea and Cordé had popped into open space didn't mean that their pursuers would need to be granted such a privilege.

The rock sped up assisted by the ship and split from its innumerable siblings in the asteroid field. Given enough of a boost it would begin to turn around the area with a wider orbit than the rest. Given that this maneuver worked as Frea hoped it would, that wouldn't be much of an issue. Their ship slowed down but the rock did not. With no force beyond the increasingly distant gravity well of a nearby planet to act upon it the rock sped up for a little while longer before it was, rather inevitably, struck by a torpedo.

The big rock fractured into hundreds of smaller pieces that all scattered across a wider field, the trajectory of which included a wide swath of the point where Frea and Cordé had been inserted to.

"And naturally, with that out of the way…"
Frea reached for the hyperdrive throttle again. The lights were already green for the nearest skip. She pulled it towards herself and let the lights streak past them yet again. "We go for their throat."

The hyperdrive exited into realspace with a loud bang, no doubt from the pressure that Frea had put it through. Frea went over the statistical analysis on her dashboard and began to assess the situation. They needed to land, they needed to let this thing rest. Which was, most likely, no issue at all. Ìn front of them was the battle-torn landscape of Oyokal as seen from near-orbit. No sooner than their little transport had reached the system it was already in the process of piercing atmo.

"We will need to play this smart." Frea muttered and flicked off the anti-grav engines the second they had reached the atmosphere to let the ship, and the contents therein — including the two women — enter a free fall. If Cordé had not strapped herself in she would have REALLY regretted it by now. But then, given how many time Frea had told her to strap in, she really ought to have been.

From afar their ship was just another casualty. It was a dead husk casually stalling out and diving to its death. Frea gave it to the count of five. One, and the worst of the attention would pass them by, aided by the smoke that had come from their hyperdrives. Two, and their ship would have caught the attention of local garrisons. By the five, Frea flicked on the engines and yanked the ship up, burned enough to level out the gravitic pressure and get them into a stable low flight across the ground as the smoke from their engines ceased.

"Safe and sound, right where you wanted me to take you." Frea sighed with relief and looked over at Cordé. "Where do you want me to put us down?"

Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo



It became quite apparent that his genius suggestion was going to be squashed by the more free-thinkers within the meeting hall. Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix was the first to respond and did lay down some logical points if only to save face. Chancellor Auteme certainly didn't have the political backing that Chancellor Tithe had from the Corporatist Bloc, but he doubted she would be foolish enough to weaken the chancellery by not fighting back some. The public perception would be that the chancellor is nothing more than a tool of the senate. Merely a figurehead with little actual power to defend the Galactic Alliance from dangerous foreign elements if the senate was enthralled by foreign powers.

Talking was good and all, but there had to be someone here with a permanent solution. He was not exactly surprised when the videos emerged that the Chancellor was engaged in an activate warzone. But he certainly had to agree with Senator Annasari Annasari that time was the one thing that they lacked. Article 64, Section 4 of the Galactic Alliance Charter was indeed a powerful maneuver only used sparingly. If they could pull it off than they would have little problem, however the potential backfire could cause his profit margins to be hit most considerably. Laborr would not allow that to happen.

They only needed a simple majority of the senators gathered here and already Ruto Tane Ruto Tane announced his support.

"I will only support enacting such an article if you will" 'Oohohohohoh' "support me on a future bill that I bring to the floor regardless of your personal opinion on it." Laborr said; readjusting his pressure suit to fix the noise disturbances. He certainly didn't want to leave this chamber without a favor to cash in on at another time. If she refuted his generous offer than he would have no choice but to recuperate his lost investment by more violent means.

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Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom
Mongrel's Shadow and his widow; Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe; Guardian of Mongrel's armour and sword
Objective: Try to contact Manifold and ask his help.
Location: Ancient ruins, Selvaris
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Writing With: The Manifold The Manifold (and as Kallan) | Closed
[ Come back… ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

~ Mercy ~
<< Restoration: You need a new perspective. Method: We can create new drones. A new generation, our generation. A new hope. You: I told you before, I made the calculations. Result: you were and you are the strongest drone. You will replace Omni, you will lead the new generation. Omni's Legacy: If nothing happened, it's still in the Netherworld. A new legacy can be built from the ruins, as Omni did with us. He was alone before us. Concluded: We need to do again, what he did once. >>

Freedom told her, even though I knew that she had calculated these countless times since she sensed Manifold on Tython. Tython; my fist clenched again. Asher died because of me, because of my own weakness and because I wasn't good enough. It occurred to me again, was he waiting for me over there? Does he long to be with me the way I long for him to be here by my side? The dread and fear, that because of the many disappointments that he may have felt, he forgot me. Maybe centuries have passed for him and I'm just a faint memory; or even less.

I shook my head, I knew his thoughts when our minds melded, he was never disappointed in me. I know it was the truth, but I still felt it wasn't true. I know he said he was all mine; but there was the dread and fear that he was able to move on and find happiness with someone while I just wanted to be with him.

My plan? Yes, of course I knew, I worked out countless options before making contact. I thought about everything if he said yes and if he didn't.

<< I know the coordinates of where Tu'teggacha is. He probably thinks he's in a hidden and safe place, so he doesn't expect an attack. My idea was to teleport in with your help. The more damage we do, we take back the kids, and leave the base and we'll go into the Netherworld. About the death of the Taskmaster… >>

I was silent for a moment, this question was not nearly so easy. Killing him was too easy. I would have loved to stab the dagger in his stomach and then slowly draw the blade up to his heart to see the fear and terror in his eyes as he realised that he would be dead in moments. Or I would have tortured him to death with the thoughts he used to use on others. I would have wiped and erased him out the same way he did with Kallan and Asher. I would have hurt him the same way he hurt us.

But on the other hand, these would have been too slow or too fast. I wanted to see how he had to watch everything he fought for his whole life be lost. As his world collapses, as we take everything from him, as he did to us. Or may his soul never rest as he threatened me to, he'll keep me away from Asher. And then I had a better idea.

<< I want him to suffer the way Asher suffered, the way I did, or Kallan, or you. I want him to be you and Freedom's first drone, to serve you forever. For him to suffer the same way we suffered because of him… is that acceptable to you, Manifold? >> I asked him.


~ Keilara ~
I waited in silence as I felt him struggle. I moved closer to him and hugged him again, using my own mental and astral power to not just wrap my arms around him. I wanted him to be able to draw strength from me at least as well as I was able to do so. Just his presence and knowing that I can see him, be with him and know that he loves me has given me so much strength. After all, I, that is, Ziare at the time, was the reason why we started fighting to reach him, because we were afraid and alone.

When I saw his smile, I smiled at him again. I remembered when he also said at Empress Teta that he also wanted to walk on that meadow with me. It was one of our shared dreams, and now it was really so close. Even if in a twisted way, but there was no evil in it. This is what happened to us, even though we weren't fighters, it didn't mean we wouldn't fight in any way we knew how. Because we did. We did it from the first moment, together.

~ Yes, the place we always wanted, almost that life that we wanted. And we will fight together, my love. The Maw took everything from you and the Sith from me. But we are together... We defeated them together, together, helping each other. After all, we've been fighting together since the moment we saw each other's cages in Asher and Mercy's subconscious. We struggled to find out who could be in the other. We were afraid, we were weak, oppressed, we were just a spark. ~ I told him. ~ I was always afraid when you disappeared that I might not see you again. At first we were just strangers, partners in fate, then friends and confidants, soul mates and lovers. Finally a family. ~

I looked up at him and smiled again. When Ziare or I found out who he really was, after the two cages merged and we were finally with each other for the first time, we were afraid of him for a while. But I forgave him because I knew he was just a victim too.

~ But now, we are the brightest flame. Our fate has been shared since Carlac. We healed each other and became strong together. No one can take these away from us. And we no longer only fight for each other, but also for the children. Together we are stronger than anyone and no one can separate us anymore. We have suffered enough, we deserve happiness and peace, together, with the twins. ~ I told him.

I was silent for a few moments, thinking about whether or not to continue. But in the end I decided to do it.

~ I don't care if we don't get out of here. I'm happy here in Mercy's mind, with you. For me, my home is where you are, and that and your happiness are important to me. ~ I whispered to him. ~ Unlike you, I don't remember the life when I had a body, I was too young. But I'll follow you anywhere, and I'm learning astral projection to give you and the kids even more joy. And then maybe we can have a regular wedding, in reality too, not only with vows to each other, but an official one, where they can be there too. ~ I smiled again at the thought.


Sion Lorray Sion Lorray Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor

The wheel of fate was spinning. Inexorably. Unceasingly. Years ago, the star of the One Sith Empire had burnt brightly. It had crushed the Galactic Republic, humiliated the Omega Protectorate and the Mandalorian Clans. Galactic domination had been in reach.

But even the most glittering reign must come to an end. As so often, its demise had come about due to internal rot, though the nascent Galactic Alliance - the first post-Gulag Virus incarnation - liked to take credit. In truth, it had finished off a broken husk. New polities had risen and sought to exact their vision upon the galaxy - and in turn fallen. Such was the way of the cosmos.

But though they had collapsed in ignominy, just like their predecessors and successors had, the One Sith had left their share of secrets behind. One of them was the facility the cyborg was presently exploring.

The door creaked open as mechu-deru overrode decades-old controls. The air was foul and stale. The corridor ahead of her was bathed in darkness, for this facility had not seen use in years. But the actions of its prior owners had left an...echo. A cry of terror that resonated across the hallways for those sensitive to the psychic imprint.

Terrible things had transpired here. A typical Sith would revel in the darkness, a Jedi would presumably be repulsed by it. Enyo simply considered it...inefficient. Messy. How very organic. She spotted some long-dried bloodstains on the floor. The heavy armour-clad form of the Cyborg moved with purpose, cautious though the facility was inert. Technology designed by the One Sith during their twilight days said to be stored on the servers and in the vaults buried in the depths of this facility. After all, there had been no shortage of test subjects when the Sith got tired of inflicting numerous forms of torture on them.

The information provided to her by her contacts - former One Sith servitors, now detritus of a galactic war that had long been superseded by more recent horrors - had been reliable so far. Turrets picked up by her scanners had remained as inert as the security droids. But it paid to be alert. Her eyes flashed when she heard a thunderous noise, like the ground above itself was caving in.
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Objective 3: Open the Gates to Exegol
Equipment: Blackwolf (Launchers 1&2 loaded with Intruder Missiles, Ventral Launcher loaded with Discord Missiles)
Allies: GA, R9-K4 "Keeper", Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Iris Arani Iris Arani
Enemies: Maw, Khione Khione
Commanding: 1x Squadron of 8 T-65XN "Wolf-X" fighters ("Nemesis"), 1x Squadron of of 12 ES01 E-wing multirole starfighters ("Watchman")

Each of Nemesis's X-wings would pair up with an E-wing from Watchman, the remaining 4 E-wings holding in reserve. Ari's instructions to them were clear - They were only to engage if they had allies nearby - their opponent outnumbered them and were bred for combat - so their tactics were going to have to be equally unorthodox, using themselves as bait for enemy fighters and the terrain and obstacles to hide their allies until the last second. This was going to be difficult - but Ari had gathered some of the best expats from around the Galaxy, she was confident they could put a dent in the enemy forces.

Ari craned her neck to look backwards as the Palliduvian's fighter made an impossibly tight turn to follow her. So she's got a little more oomph than the death shades. Juking once towards the jellyfish, Ari immediately snapped back her original heading, cutting her thrusters and pulling the nose up and to the left in a rolling side-slip maneuver, hoping Khione Khione 's Torr'Chirr would overshoot her and allow for a short burst of Phased-Pulse fire. She knew that was unlikely

Anticipating her dance partner would be capable of foreseeing the maneuver, she set her shields to double rear and pushed the throttle back to full, the forces overcoming her inertial dampeners and pressing her into her seat as she pulled the X-wing into a high-G climb.

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