A fair pilot

"Enemy are launching fighters!" Jack heard Lead's call over the comm. Well, they couldn't ignore the TIEs forever, he thought to himself. Almost immediately the first distress call came out. "Three is hit!" from Slipstream Four who'd seen his wingman's TIE Bomber erupt in flames. Flying erratically, the craft was in dire straits, trailing smoke. She'd been hit by one of the big ship guns. "Three, eject!" Called the flight leader, but it was too late.
"Ejection system is fried... cockpit's on fire.. only time for..." Slipstream Three's voice was distant now, and trailed off into static. "Cody! CODY!" Cried Delvardus, as the stricken bomber angled around, still on fire, and disappeared along with its overloading engine and remaining payload into Purifier's hangar bay. Immediately afterward there was a tremendous explosion from that quarter. Down to eleven craft, the mixed TIEs of Slipstream squadron split their duties. Six of them would deal with the enemy fighters, while the remaining five continued to harrass the enemy flagship.
Jack's job was now the incoming enemy fighters, and he had a wealth of targets to choose from. Bracketing one in his crosshairs, he hit his triggers, lancing laserbolts out across space and into the enemy. Heccudon flew tight on his wing, ready to cover Jack from the enemy fighters as they came together. He shot down two enemy craft on the first pass before banking hard and coming around to re-engage with a third. His comrades attacking Purifier made for excellent bait, allowing Jack and his fellow pilots to fall upon their attackers. The odds sucked, but they had plenty to shoot at.
He blasted a third enemy fighter into scrap and lined up on a fourth when his lock alarms screeched and he had to abort the run and go evasive. Jack threw his fighter into a roll to the right, breaking the enemy lock, but not losing the enemy on his tail. "Eight?" He called, almost at the same time as Heccudon's TIE Defender slagged the fighter on his tail. A Karkaradon's grunt echoed back across the comm, as if Heccudon was offended Jack would think he wasn't covering him. Jack smiled. It was a pilot thing.
A moment later, Heccudon had also picked up a tail, and Jack was there to return the good turn, coming around for a deflection shot. Precisely timed, his laser bolts intersected the pursuing fighter and blew it apart, Jack taking a tumble turn through the expanding gas and flame of the explosion, using it for cover as he re-entered the fray. Whoops and cheers from the other pilots told Jack that Slipstream Squadron was giving better than it got from the enemy. Unfortunately for them, with the odds and the numbers against them, that was not going to last. In seconds, they lost two pilots without warning, and they were down to nine friendlies. Jack gritted his teeth, and redoubled his efforts. He'd need to kill a lot more than four to survive today's fracas.