Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton Don Don Dono

"Enemy are launching fighters!" Jack heard Lead's call over the comm. Well, they couldn't ignore the TIEs forever, he thought to himself. Almost immediately the first distress call came out. "Three is hit!" from Slipstream Four who'd seen his wingman's TIE Bomber erupt in flames. Flying erratically, the craft was in dire straits, trailing smoke. She'd been hit by one of the big ship guns. "Three, eject!" Called the flight leader, but it was too late.

"Ejection system is fried... cockpit's on fire.. only time for..." Slipstream Three's voice was distant now, and trailed off into static. "Cody! CODY!" Cried Delvardus, as the stricken bomber angled around, still on fire, and disappeared along with its overloading engine and remaining payload into Purifier's hangar bay. Immediately afterward there was a tremendous explosion from that quarter. Down to eleven craft, the mixed TIEs of Slipstream squadron split their duties. Six of them would deal with the enemy fighters, while the remaining five continued to harrass the enemy flagship.

Jack's job was now the incoming enemy fighters, and he had a wealth of targets to choose from. Bracketing one in his crosshairs, he hit his triggers, lancing laserbolts out across space and into the enemy. Heccudon flew tight on his wing, ready to cover Jack from the enemy fighters as they came together. He shot down two enemy craft on the first pass before banking hard and coming around to re-engage with a third. His comrades attacking Purifier made for excellent bait, allowing Jack and his fellow pilots to fall upon their attackers. The odds sucked, but they had plenty to shoot at.

He blasted a third enemy fighter into scrap and lined up on a fourth when his lock alarms screeched and he had to abort the run and go evasive. Jack threw his fighter into a roll to the right, breaking the enemy lock, but not losing the enemy on his tail. "Eight?" He called, almost at the same time as Heccudon's TIE Defender slagged the fighter on his tail. A Karkaradon's grunt echoed back across the comm, as if Heccudon was offended Jack would think he wasn't covering him. Jack smiled. It was a pilot thing.

A moment later, Heccudon had also picked up a tail, and Jack was there to return the good turn, coming around for a deflection shot. Precisely timed, his laser bolts intersected the pursuing fighter and blew it apart, Jack taking a tumble turn through the expanding gas and flame of the explosion, using it for cover as he re-entered the fray. Whoops and cheers from the other pilots told Jack that Slipstream Squadron was giving better than it got from the enemy. Unfortunately for them, with the odds and the numbers against them, that was not going to last. In seconds, they lost two pilots without warning, and they were down to nine friendlies. Jack gritted his teeth, and redoubled his efforts. He'd need to kill a lot more than four to survive today's fracas.



678th Frontier "Lanever Villecham" Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi

The Final Dawn was on the move as the 1st Squadron of CF9 Crossfire Starfighters underneath Core Leader Yavurn had released their payload of proton missiles into the rear of the FDS Dread Omen and the FDS Fortitude and the Task Force fired their primary heavy batteries into the front of the vessel in order to make them engage. Although even the combined might of the fleet and the missiles were not enough to bring them down which was a testament to Final Dawn Engineering.

"Sir!, The FDS Dread Omen and FDS Fortitude are deploying starfighter squadrons." The technical officer said to him as the green dots became increasingly surrounded by red dots on the tactical screen. The 1st Squadron was in danger of being completely destroyed by the enemy starfighters if they did not receive assistance from the Task Force. However there was only a limited amount of starfighters available within the task force that could be launched without leaving themselves vulnerable to bomber runs on their capital ships.

"Deploy the 2nd 3rd and 4th Squadron into the fray. We can't let the 1st Squadron be surrounded." Commander Dono said turning around to the command staff on board who began relaying those orders to the Hanger Bays. Before anything could be said further the ANS Vober Dand was struck by heavy firepower from the Final Dawn Fleet. With similar damages occurring to the ANS Montorr and ANS Ibdun Dand.

"Damage report!" Dono said turning around in his chair to face the open viewport. "No hull damage reported by the engineering decks, although shield systems took a large amount of damage across all MC85's." was the report given by one of the numerous technical officers on the bridge. Dono was doubtful that without the Mon Calamari's preference on having strong shielding for their vessels, that the crew on board the flagship would still be alive right now.

Once the initial damage was assessed and determined to not hamper operational efficiency. The Squadrons of Starfighters would launch from the hanger bays to begin supporting the 1st Squadron currently being harrassed by the much larger starfighter capacity of the Final Dawn.

The 2nd Squadron of CF9 Crossfire Starfighter would proceed underneath Wing Commander Kuro.

The 3rd Squadron of X-83 TwinTail Starfighters would proceed underneath Squadron Leader Mazui.

The 4th Squadron of X-83 TwinTail Starfighters would proceed underneath Section Commander Gui.

The Combined Starfighter Squadrons deployed would be 36, not a considerable amount but enough to provide adequate support for the 1st Squadron as they engaged with the Final Dawn around the FDS Dread Omen and the Fortitude.

"All Wings move to intercept." Commander Dono said into the communication headset. As the deployed reinforcements would move into the fray after receiving their orders from the top. The Task Force was within range of the Final Dawn Flotilla to begin actual heavy engagement. "Engage secondary batteries and prime point defense systems to engage any starfighters that come our way." Dono further added to the commanders on board each of the vessels within his fleet.

They were going to engage in a costly BRAWL

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton
Jack Versio Jack Versio


Location: Orbital Space Station, Jakku
Objective: BYOO - Golden Opportunities
Tags: Annasari Annasari | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Ruto Tane Ruto Tane | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Tarish Galland | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Externally, Talia kept a cool and neutral expression. Internally though? She wanted to just plant her head into her hands and vent out her frustrations. Talia was beginning to truly understand what Arage had meant during their initial talks together.

And such thoughts even fell upon Annasari, the very person who was proposing the thing Talia supported. What was the purpose of showing Auteme on the battlefield? Surely it was already a known thing. What did surprise the senator however, was Kobitana’s reaction.

How could she possibly not know until now?

Talia internally sighed, she was going to need a drink after all this.

This is not about trading deals for favours,” She began, eyes settling on Laborr for a moment. “Or a shameless power grab, or trying to usurp the line of succession. This is about the fact the Senate has been on shaky political ground for too long.” Talia took a pause to breath, knowing now that she had started, she wasn’t about to stop.

Yes she is young, has plenty of fire in her that wants to run onto battlefields and take the fight to the enemy. ‘A Chancellor that fights for the people,’ it’s a lovely ideal, but if she wants to focus on that, then she should return to the Order.” Another breath, but this time Talia’s eyes shifted to Desric.

Senator Terassi, you talk about procedures, but tell me this…where the hell were those procedures months ago when Pryce retired? There should’ve seen a new Vice Chancellor long before now. And that is why we’re here, why this is a thing.” She said, waving her hand around the table as a whole. “Yes, the Chancellor should be the one to appoint a new VC, but she hasn’t, why? Maybe she plots to consolidate the power all for herself, or perhaps it’s just a simple fact she’s been far too focused on fighting on the battlefields.

I don’t personally know, I’m not in her head. But what I do know, is what the public think and suspect.

There was an undercurrent of passion and annoyance mixed between the surface of Talia’s voice, and it was now turned towards Tiresh. “Speaking of the public, Senator Kobitana. You speak of strengthening their confidence in the Senate. But here’s a newsflash for you, it’s already been shattered.” Talia took a breath, crossing her arms. “Has it been irreparably so? I hope not, but it has been damaged and no one can deny it.

Her gaze finally broke from Tiresh, to look around at the other Senators. “Must I remind you all of what happened with Solipsis? A Sith, the fething leader of the Brotherhood of Maw. Was able to worm his way into the Senate unknowingly. Yes, his plans were thwarted and he was arrested. But it wasn’t soon enough to stop the attack on the Alliance’s very heart, was it? And can you tell me who it was that associated with him while he schemed under the guise of Senator Fossk? Why yes, our current Chancellor.

So tell me, my fellow senators…do you know how the public took that?” Talia paused, admittedly for a bit of dramatic effect. “Because I do.

Doubt. Suspicion. The Maw’s attack left Chandra incapacitated, allowing her second; Tithe, to step up. Who might I add, had previous associations with the Sith Empire? And yes, yes I know he reformed and helped us against them. But that never completely swayed the public. Tithe eventually stepped down, giving our current Chancellor a path to come into power. Who as I mentioned before, was known to have associated with Fossk.

There is an underlying doubt in the public, whether the Sith still holds influence within the Senate. Because the public at large is unfamiliar or cannot understand how the Force works, so they fear it. And fear of the unknown is a powerful thing. You can lecture them about it countless times, doubt and suspicion will always linger.

Talia sighed, sitting back into her chair.

So whether or not this legislation hits the Senate floor with or without finding its way onto the Chancellor's desk beforehand. My vote is aye. Because again this is not about a power grab, or trying to usurp the succession, or dividing the Office of the Chancellor. It’s about the public losing faith in the Senate, in us, because of our indecision. And because the Chancellor is far too focused on the warfront than she should be.


A projection of the Chancellor in the midst of battle was presented, complete with audio of her taunting whatever Mawite barbarians she happened to be facing today. Caulder wrinkled his nose but had no other comment to make. A little theatrical, if you asked him, but nothing to write home about. If she died, she died, and then there would be an election. That was how democracies worked.​
At last - someone seemed to agree with (or even acknowledge!) him: Terassi - a Globex executive and the Senator of Arcadia. Caulder parted his lips in some approximation of a weak, wry smile. What trying times these were when the bleeding-heart stalwarts - Organa and Kobitana - had to follow the lead of a pair of businessmen.​
It seemed Vahl had overplayed her hand with that little spectacle and woken those two up. The Skakoan's meat-fisted overtures for quid-pro-quo (and Couteau's bewildering acceptance of those terms) must have helped. Caulder toyed with the idea of reporting both to the Senate Committee on Rules.​
Just as he was about to speak, Senator Halcorr expelled a great deal of hot air all at once and for what felt like a protracted period of time. Caulder Dune looked squarely at her once she was finished.​
"The Commerce Guild maintains its previously stated position: no."​
He checked his watch.​

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It would seem that he had overreached his hand just a fair bit in demanding concessions for support for the articles. Senator Desric Terassi Desric Terassi broke the silence fairly quickly, wanting them to follow the proper procedures and refused to give any support for the measures. They could spend hours and hours debating within the Senate Chamber and moving through the proper channels but they would still be no closer to having a vice-chancellor than they were now.

The Humbarine Gorilla of Arage Bao Arage Bao seemed to refute the suggestions from Senator Terassi. Moving to support the proposal after saying some rather blunt things about the current chancellor. There was clearly some form of rivalry or intense dislike between them.

Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix made quite the display in calling this a mere power grab and an attempt to undermine their democracy. She did make a good point that the session could be challenged politically as being invalid and thus not legal in a broad sense. Laborr could admire her commitment to the alliance but she was overplaying her own hand by announcing early that she opposed those within this chamber that were more than happy to enact such proposals.

A glance over to Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau as the young heir pledged his support for any proposal that the Senator of Skako would enact moving forward. "Your contribution will be much appreciated." Laborr responded before the heir carried on about introducing such legislation to the senate.

Count Alicio Organa Alicio Organa was less than pleased and went on a rather unhinged rant. The fool actually believed that democracy was for the people, it was merely a way for those with power to command the masses without them believing that they were oppressed. He certainly held to his beliefs which was admirable to some extent. But like Senator Kobitana, he was announcing his opposition early.

The Senator of Kuat Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr proceeded soon afterwards. Rejecting those complaints from the opposition senators within the room and reaffirming her support for the proposal moving forward.

The Honorable Caulder Dune Caulder Dune kept the commerce's guild stance of a no vote.

"It is clear after hearing the complaints from other members. That we would be setting a most dangerous precedent if we moved forward on this. What is to stop the next senate from using our tactic against the next elected chancellor and the chancellor after that. We'd be establishing a Dictatorship of the Minority" Senator Laborr said switching his vote most considerably to avoid having his profit margins be affected if the next chancellor was a corporatist or corporate aligned independent.

"I remove my support merely to protect my profit margins."

He further explained, backing out of supporting the proposal.

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How much will you endure?

Location: Selvaris
Attani Implant:
Tag: Amani Serys Amani Serys

From deep within the Jungles, Nyaeli could not visibly see what was happening out there, but she could feel the terror the Vong-engineered beasts instilled into the hearts of Alliance soldiers. Their attack had been an unwelcome surprise and trapped many soldiers between the Mawite horde and the beasts of the jungle. But these creatures did not behave like wild animals — their attacks were coordinated, targeting weaker cells of soldiers, or even lashing out at wounded troops being evacuated.

There was a purpose and efficiency far beyond what these packs could normally muster, and behind all of it was a single soul. A Puppet Master whose dark strings held a tight grip on Selvaris' jungle. But through this darkness, a single source of light moved to meet it head-on.

A Jedi.

Nyaeli felt Amani Serys Amani Serys ' presence as she left behind a squad of soldiers and immediately sought to challenge her. She felt stronger than many of the others who were here, so there was a need to test her skills. From both her flanks, a Voxyn was redirected from its pack to intercept the woman. The beasts could use their senses to track the Jedi and had a plethora of natural weapons at their disposal to attack.

Soon enough, the first jumped out from the flora, hoping to lash out at Amani with its poisonous tail. The other came moments later, hoping to cut her open with its disease-coated claws.

Kill the Jedi.

Objective: Engage Enemy Space Forces
Equipment: T-65AC4 X-Wing and 4 squadrons of same.
Location: Selvaris Space
Allies: Jack Versio Jack Versio Don Don Dono
Enemies: Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton

Dayjer weaves his X-Wing through the veritable swarm of enemy fighters, more concerned with avoiding a collision than any of the laser fire coming his way,

<R6, boost power to shields.> he tells his astromech, just as one fighter lines up in his sights, he fires his cannons, slagging the ship before it can engage him <Stay together, but don't bunch up, keep the formation loose.> *he orders the pilots of Storm, Thunder, Squall, and Gale Squadrons as they followed their commander into the fray.

<There’s too many of em, I can't maneu....> *the voice of one pilot is cut off as his fighter collides with one of the TIEs, destroying both craft.

<Who’d we lose?> Dayjer calls, not changing a look at his radar screen in this mess.

<Thunder 9, sir.> comes the response.

“Blast it...” he says to himself, “Kriffing rookie, I warned command about that...but they never listen.” he whips around another TIE, taking a shot that misses wide. “How many more rooks do I have to lose before they stop sending them to me?”

The remaining fighters make it through the initial wave and link up with friendly squadrons engaging more enemy forces.
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Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor , Sion Lorray Sion Lorray

Darkness was omnipresent throughout the facility, both in the conventional and metaphysical sense. Enyo was no empath, but she was well-attuned to death and suffering, and this place reeked of it. The torment of the innocent had spawned an echo.

But the sound of the sudden cave-in was like a thunderclap. And amidst the deafening noise, Enyo felt sensations that were...familiar. She felt a jolt in her skull. She had felt this presence before. And abruptly, the facility came to life. Lights long dormant suddenly flashed to life, and alarm sirens blared. Enyo found the noise rather irritating. "Intruder detected," a computerised, feminine voice suddenly droned out over the intercom.

Approaching a terminal, Enyo placed her hand over a port and retracted her gauntlet. Abruptly a spike-like device sprouted from her palm. Her electronic flashed crimson before resuming their normal human brown as she accessed the device.

She switched through camera feeds until she settled on one in particular. I see you now, she thought to herself. The Togruta had earned her grudging respect on Ilum. More than most Jedi merited. For a moment, her gaze focused on what she recalled had to be the Padawan. Then she terminated the connection, and checked her weapons before her armour-clad form walked down the corridor. It was time to hunt.
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LOCATION: Station Over Jakku, Secret Meeting
Tags@ Tarish Galland

"You uh, you two alright? This isn't a good place to take a cat nap."

Holly wasn't as afraid now that she knew they were not in enemy territory, but there was still the chance that some corrupt senator would have them murdered for eavesdropping.

"Well honestly we got on the wrong ship so we aren't sure where we are.... and when he saw all the senators down tehre he just freaked out and.... well..."

She indicated Jimmy sleeping on the floor.

"Is there a medic here? or Can we call for someone to come get us?"

She didn't really want to leave but this might give her a better idea of the danger they were in.
Location: Maw Camp within the Vong ruins
Enemies: Auteme Auteme
Allies: Maw
Objective: 1


Kyrel had gone through two lifetimes now, and in such lives both alive, and something else entirely the Master of Ren was filled with such anger, and malice that often expressed the purpose of his resurrection that had taken place, and each time the Wrath of the Maw had faced death. With each brush with death had often come Kyrel Ren who unlike the Sith, or his former peers that made up the First Order's Knights of Ren, Kyrel was the last and always unwilling to die. Instead he came back angrier and stronger than he had been before, and with such lessons came to him a power of apocalyptic proportions. Unlike the Sith that he despised all his life, he found himself ascending to what had been the deadliest threats often told through the myths and tales that had lived on to survive the four hundread year darkness.

Kyrel would narrow his gaze watching as what seemed to be the Hunger cloaked in a furious red glow was suddenly stopped, and if not outright deflected. This only made the Maw's Wrath let out a snarl that only caused the ground to further soak in the black ooze that had slowly dripped out of his mouth. The monstrous brute that made up all of Kyrel would meet the dark haired Jedi with a predatory gaze that shown the elder Ren eager to go on the offensive against his latest foe, as such what didn't change in Kyrel's two lives for how he had taken a sadistic pleasure in hunting down any Jedi he could get his hands on.

The Wrath's Lightsaber would come flying from his belt, and into his own claw like fingers. The signature lightsaber known as Vader's Bane would ignite with a sharp crack, the lightsaber itself was a bloodshine blood, but after decades of being used carried a slight crackle. This wasn't a surprise given the crystals were birthed from the same place Darth Vader met his fiery birth, and was once the home of Kyrel Ren. The monster would slowly stare down his foe, the crackling of the red blade seemed to be the only sound present outside of the screams, the blasters firing, the explosions rocking, and the fanatical chants of the Mawites and conscripted converts alike.

"Tell me Jedi do you fear death? If not allow me to reveal it's true face to you, for hell hath no fury like a Wrath's scorn!" He would let out with an aggressive growl that would cause the toxic ooze to spill out more from his lips. He stared at her defiantly, as his clawed fingers gripped tightly to the hilt of his red blade. His stare didn’t leave her, as he faced down a force that she unleashed. Kyrel made no moves to block the strike, instead he took the brunt of the attack, and as his surroundings were twisted by the force only for Kyrel to dig his heels into the dirt and being sent stumbling back. He let out an animalistic growl that showed his rage.
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Objective I : As Above, So Below


Fleet Comp.
Starfighter Compliment :

The attack from Hamilton's first wave of starfighters was most certainly enough to turn the tide against the attacking enemy starfighters, as the Final Dawn's TIEs utilized their overwhelming numbers and firepower to eliminate numerous foes within just a few seconds after their deployment. From the bridge of the Purifier, the Sensor officers would soon start to notice that the amount of enemy starfighters on the field was decreasing at a rapid rate, although the rapid decrease would soon come to a halt as the enemy starfighters would regroup and fight back. Regardless the initial shock delivered by Hamilton's first wave of Starfighters was enough to paralyze the Alliance starfighter assault upon his fleet and turn the tides in their favor.

However once more, the Purifier was beset upon by yet another attack, this time in the form of a damaged enemy bomber managing to steer itself into one of the main hangars of the Final Dawn Flagship crashing into the hangar and causing a tremendous explosion that instantly took out a quarter of it's all starfighters and support craft within the Purifier. The bridge of the Purifier shook from the explosion, which immediately caught the attention of Hamilton. "Sir! We...just lost one of our hangars!" one of the Fighter Bay officers cried out. "How? How did this happen?" Hamilton asked. "It would seem that a heavily damaged bomber crashed into the hangar." another officer said. "Taking down as many of our own with him" the Captain noted. "Indeed. I'm surprised those pilots are brave enough to carry out such an attack, even if they are desperate" Hamilton responded.

"Sir, the enemy fleet has deployed three more starfighter squadrons!" a senior sensor officer reported. "Only three? Against the eighteen squadrons we deployed? I expected them to put up more resistance." Hamilton noted. "Perhaps they have a limited amount of starfighters and don't want to leave their capital ships exposed to our bombers?" the Captain of the Purifier suggested. Before Hamilton could respond, another sensor officer spoke up. "Sir, four additional enemy squadrons have also arrived." once more, before Hamilton could say something, the Captain proceeded to respond first. "Did they come from the enemy fleet?" the Captain asked. "Uh...i'm not sure." the sensor officer said. It was at that point that Hamilton stepped in. "Very well then, let's add some more pressure on them shall we?" he said rhetorically. "Have the rest of the Supremacy's deploy their Air Wings. Let's see how they react to our second-wave of fighters and bombers."

Within seconds, a second wave of starfighters and bombers emerged from the hangars of the FDS Buster, Punisher, Crusher and Vindicator proceeding to split up to carry out relentless attacks against the new arrivals from the main fleet and the additional four squadrons while adding additional pressure on the mixed TIE Squadrons. As the second-wave of starfighters and bombers launched their attacks, the main enemy fleet began adding further pressure on Hamilton's force as they began charging straight towards Hamilton's Fleet. "Are they seriously charging towards us?" the Captain said upon noticing this development. "It would seem that they are. It's most likely that they want to initiate a brawl to even the odds. But i do believe we can use their very own tactics against them to our benefit." the Admiral proclaimed. "Are we in range of their ships?" Hamilton asked once more. "Yes, sir we are. All batteries are in range of their capital ships." the senior Weapons officer said. "Good" Hamilton said while smirking.

"All ships form a v-pattern formation, begin advancing towards the enemy fleet and concentrate all firepower upon their Battlecruisers" Hamilton ordered. "All Bombers target their Cruisers, it's about time we took the initiative. Plus i'm quite interested to see what kind of defenses they have." the Admiral proclaimed. As soon as these orders were relayed, the Final Dawn Fleet began advancing towards the Alliance Fleet while simultaneously forming a v-formation as ships at the edge of the formation began to advance faster then those towards the center (Which included the Purifier, Firelord, Goliath and the three Oppressor-Class Battlecruisers) which began to advance at a slower pace. At the same time, the one-hundred and forty-four TIE Annihilators began rushing towards the enemy lines as they would proceed to target the MC140c Battle Cruisers. Hopefully Hamilton's counter-attack would be enough to reveal the first cracks within the Attacking force, which would then enable him to unleash a trick he had up his sleev upon his foes.

Tags [Galactic Alliance] | Don Don Dono | Jack Versio Jack Versio | Dayjer Haspar Dayjer Haspar




678th Frontier "Lanever Villecham" Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi

The Final Dawn had finally broke their formation but it had costed the alliance task force numerous starfighters in the process due to vollies of the anti-starfighter batteries. The Three Squadrons of Reinforcements sent to assist the 1st Squadron were in danger of being overwhelmed and destroyed by the vastly superior numbers of the Final Dawn Starfighter Squadrons on the battlefield. Although they would not go down without a significant fight as the red dots and the green dots moved back and forth across the tactical screen displayed on the bridge.

"Sir!, First Squadron has been eliminated. And we are detecting another wave of starfighters being launched. They are headed towards us." The technical officer said in apparent concern as entire swarm of enemy starfighters could be seen out of the viewpoint advancing towards them at considerable speed. Commander Dono was in a precarious spot, the alliance needed more time on the ground to achieve victory but his task force would be chewed apart by the enemy over time. "Engage anti-starfighter weaponry!" Dono commanded turning around in his chair for just a brief moment, as the final dawn enacted a v formation like they had executed previously.

The v formation was advantageous in terms of firepower but they would fall prey to the trap planned by the command staff of the ANS Vober Dand. The Three MC85's would enact a
FAKE turning broadside against the v formation where they had more of their heavy weaponries than their primary or secondary batteries position up front. The shields of the mon calamari vessels would force the attacking tie squadrons over the top of the ships and around them where they were caught in a literal death trap due to the anti-starfighter box that had been created by the rest of the fleet.

"Engage Full Broadside across all MC85 Vessels, fire everything that we have." Dono said into his communication headset as the order was relayed to the bridge of the ANS Montorr and the ANS Ibdun Dand who began firing several vollies of broadside, bringing numerous batteries to bare against the shielding of the lead vessels of the v formation. Although this would only delay the enemy as was predicted but it should give the ground forces more time to secure victory.

"Send out additional starfighter wings to engage, we need to delay them for as long as possible." Was the further command added by one of the commanding officers on board the flagship's bridge. More reinforcements would soon pour out of the CR-37 FarStar-Type Corellian Carriers and emerge to form a protective Starfighter Screen around the fleet to hold off the final dawn's advance.

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton
Jack Versio Jack Versio
Dayjer Haspar Dayjer Haspar

In the end, effort and desire wasn't enough to save Slipstream Squadron from annihilation at the hands of the Final Dawn. Though the final count would show that they had taken down twenty nine enemy craft, giving a good accounting of themselves, it would cost them their lives. One by one the TIEs were shot down by the overwhelming numbers of fightercraft coming their way. They fought hard, and they fought well, but the bill had come due.

The last two to go were his wingman and the squadron leader, disappearing off the scope without so much as a comm call, it happened so fast. Heccudon was taken out by a pair of missiles that blotted his TIE Defender from space in the blink of an eye, and Captain Delvardus, her Interceptor on fire, had arced in and collided with the Purifier's hull, disappearing in an explosion that splashed fire across the ship but did little damage beyond scarring the paint. Surviving through what he saw as pure luck, throwing his TIE around the sky, Jack dodged explosions and laser blasts.

He had no plan, and figured he had no chance of surviving the next ten seconds, with enemy capital ships and enemy fighters all around. Explosions rocked space closer and closer to his craft, and he went evasive, diving between two curtains of turbolaser fire, and found himself alongside the hole that Slip Three's previous heroic last stand had made in the ship. A chance? "Ah, kriff it." Jack said, angling for the hole. Blackness enveloped his TIE almost instantly, and he slowed to a crawl, using the light from external energy blasts to see where he was. Inside a darkened open space that had been a functioning hangar.

Maybe the confusion and chaos outside had prevented anyone from seeing him slip inside the massive ship through the wound in its damaged hangar, Jack told himself. Otherwise this lame brained plan didn't have a hope of working. He hoped fervently that the enemy aboard ship figured the damage was from secondary explosions and they didn't figure out where he was and what he was doing.

He was the last one left of his squadron, and he'd go down hard. He was angry at the loss of his squadron, and feeling quite vengeful. "Take this, you bastards!" He growled, and began blasting away at the inside of the massive enemy flagship, fully intending to core the ship from the inside out with his laser cannons. He figured the inside of the ship wasn't going to be fortified and shielded like the outer hull, and there were all sorts of fuel lines, ammunition stores, and lovely flammable oxygen for his laser blasts to find and ignite...

Jack didn't figure he had a hope in hell of getting out of the mess he'd found himself in. He just wanted to make sure the enemy knew they'd been in a fight.

Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton Don Don Dono Dayjer Haspar Dayjer Haspar


For a brief second, Senator Stark considered withdrawing his support for the resolution. Afterall, why kill his political career over something that should've been uncontroversial. Why did pesky political opportunists like Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix and Desric Terassi Desric Terassi have to make this so hard. He remained eerily quiet as Desric and Tiresh voiced their opposition, echoing the concerns of the Honorable Caulder Dune Caulder Dune in Desric's case.

But the opposition of Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr was unexpected. At least his reason for opposing the legislation made sense. Iago audibly sighed before turning to address Desric Terassi Desric Terassi .

"You are under the impression that the Office of the Chancellor functions as a partisan institution, that every single member within it identfes politically with the Chancellor". He paused. "It doesn't."

"Formal political institutions like the Federalist Bloc or the Populist Party aside, the Chancellor chose to be an Independent. She governs as an Independent" So far what he was saying sounded logical. Mostly it was political grandstanding but he was a member of the Galactic Senate, when didn't they grandstand? "But alas I can see your objections but the truth of the matter is this is in fact a matter of National security" He directed the last remark to Alicio Organa Alicio Organa .

"The most powerful person in the galaxy is on the ground, fighting against the greatest threat we have seen in decades but you don't support appointing a Vice Chancellor to support her and if nessecary succeed her? We cannot afford to wait until the next election to elect a Vice Chancellor" He gestured to the hologram. "God knows what else our brave Chancellor may decide to get into"

Annasari Annasari | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr | Arage Bao Arage Bao | @Those Who I Can't Remember​


Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Station Over Jakku, Secret Meeting
WEARING: Burial Raiment, Force Talisman
WIELDING: Artifice & Probity
TAGS: Holly Starstorm

The explanation made enough sense for him to relax a bit more.

"Ah. If you were going elsewhere, you got shuffled onto the wrong shuttle." He sighed, connecting to the security line once more.

<Hotel four checking in. Negative tenfourteen. Have two subjects in the observation deck with a failed transportation roster. One in need of possible medical assistance, advise services to my location.> His information burst recieved with a sound cue as a scrawl of text appeared to confirm his location.

His attention diverted back to the woman, still looking at her with scrutiny.

"What was your intended destination if you don't mind my asking."

Seeing another wave of fighters incoming, Dayjer gets an idea, it was a gamble, but likely the only chance he and his boys had of getting through the cloud ahead of them intact.

<All squadrons, form on me, bulwark formation.>

The other fighters formed behind him, as ordered.

<Double front deflectors, transfer all auxiliary power to shields, and reroute power from thrusters to your weapons. If this doesnt work, speed won't matter.>

As he gives the order, he does the same, as the swarm grows ever closer, the idea was simple, when faced with a wall, you make a hole, these pilots had so far shown only a basic and rudimentary aptitude for flying, so he was banking that they wouldn't be able to react in time to counter.

<Hold fire til I give the order...but when I do, don't let up, I want to see a big hole in their formation!>

The fighters continue to close in, Dayjer’s finger hovers over the trigger on his flight stick, sweat beading under his helmet, collision warnings blaring in his cockpit, he tuned all that out, nobody else under his command was dying here.

Once in range, he gives the order.
<Light these bsstards up!>

All at once, the space between them and the enemy fighters was filled with a wall of laser fire, as the fighters in the middle of the formation were shredded by the nonstop barrage, this just might work...

Jack Versio Jack Versio Don Don Dono Kaine Hamilton Kaine Hamilton


"Beautifully stated, Senator Halcorr."

Nodding approval, she decided the comment about so many words was left unvoiced. Stock of the room made clear the great divide. Tarish Galland's departure did not go unnoticed. Considering her words very carefully, in case of interupption, Annasari stood in feigned passion.

"Senator Laborr, I will not act as though a senate vote is equal to a Jedi's virtue, but it is not something to be toyed with, either. That said - The Guild pays it's debts, and whilst I am not in the habit of buying votes, I can appreciate finding a friend in the Assembly to share in my values. If it is profits you worry for, I must point out the precedence in stocks dropping when Chancellor Chandra became incapacitated. Whilst her vice chancellor answered the call, the market is not immune to the business of the Chambers, and it is in everyone's best interest that business flows smoothly, despite what may come."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the fact those words needed stating, Annasari looked to Terassi, Kobitana, and Organa.

"Possibly the greatest threat to the people's confidence in the senate is to find it floundering in a time of need." She stated simply, agreeing with Halcorr. "Whilst you are quick to claim the matter is not one of national security, I must point out the implications of a Chancellery in peril. It would not take the genius of a Sith Lord to take advantage of the situation. Best to prevent such matters by ironing out succession wholly."


// Objective II // Oyokal, Enemy Territory // Establish a Beachhead //
Allies: Mrir'ik'amorn | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Nova Corps // Enemies: Open

What's the plan with the whips?

"Open fire draws too much attention."

The statement was not nearly enough of an answer, but the gears were turning. Only action had a place on the field. One hand opened her comms unit, reaching out to Osarla.

"Nova Actual, this is Flower, requesting authorization to engage."

The static droned for what seemed an eternity.

"Nova Actual, do you read?"

A firm grimace took Teshi's lips, hidden by her helm. The static came to a halt as she flipped the comms unit off. If something had happened to their General, she was expected to take the mantle. Worry was compartmentalized for later.

"Flower, this is Flower, authorization granted, security code fifty-o-three." She joked sourly. Looking to her partner, she indicated the switch on the weapon. "The guards and handler will be easy enough, if we take them unawares. The beasts are another matter -- but with how massive they are, your best bet is to get their footing if you want to put them down."

Creeping forward, Teshi kept the rope in one hand, rifle in the other.

"I'll take the left, you take the right. We'll go after the handler together."



: GA | NJO
: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Thelma Goth Thelma Goth
GEAR: In bio




"I was hoping you'd say that."

A sinister smile had spread on Danika's face at his words before she had thrown him through the air and had turned her attention to the girl.

The testing of her defences reaped the fruits the Lady of Bone had hoped for. She now knew who and what she was dealing with. Her blade was a blur of purple as she protected against the vehement attacks of the young woman. She may have a lack of confidence compared to Danika, but she definitely had strength on her side.

But Danika was not so immersed in the duel that she did not feel the young man regain his balance a few paces away. The usually minor and instinctive Force-barrier around her got directed outward to deflect most of the debris. The few stones that managed to pass through, managed inconsequential scrapes and cuts on the open skin they could find.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily!"

A crimson blade ignited, meeting his just in time, shrugging it harmlessly to the side. Moving a few steps back to get both Jedi in her direct field of vision. Bright, otherworldly teal eyes regarded the two of them.

"If I wanted to get rid of you, your soul would already be mine." the Herald of Death said, her voice echoing ever so slightly with the voices of those beyond the Veil.

The girl seemed to have regained confidence, attacking with much more vehemence while the boy had his own blend of attacks. Danika needed space to deal better with each one.

As the amethyst blade met the pink one, the Lady of Bone flicked forward her fingers to send a pulse of Force right into the face of the young woman just as she drew back her arm, wanting to land another blow. At the same time, the crimson Blade of War kept meeting the young man's own.

If she could send the girl back and win time, she would be able to deal with the boy much quicker.



Outfit: Factory Link | Necklace
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Ally Tag: BB-610 BB-610 Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Enemy Tag: Darth Mori

When Cora couldn't keep it in anymore, Valery's body tensed for a moment. She knew that bringing her Padawan here meant exposing her to danger, but the young woman had progressed a lot in her training. She was ready to be at the front of the war and confront the Alliance's greatest enemy in their final push to end the war. The Sith who was making her approach, however, was a threat far beyond what she had hoped to encounter with them.

The taste of death already lingered within the jungle.

"Cora, Bee," Valery began as the hilt of her weapon slipped into her hand. "Don't take unnecessary risks. I'll keep her as focused on me as I can," she assured them before taking a step forward and assuming her stance. Her eyes closed and without being able to see, she could still watch and feel as trees and vines decayed into dust. The necklace around her neck immediately felt heavier as the familiar presence of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble reached out to further shield her against the Dark Side, and she drew on this strength as much as she drew on her own.

Then, when her eyes opened finally, Darth Mori was there.

"You should have come alone."

Her Dark presence was a stark contrast to the shining beacon of Light Valery formed in the Force — a polar opposite as powerful as the collision of matter and anti-matter. "Underestimating her would be a grave mistake," Valery warned the Dark Voice in response to her threats. She knew that Cora lacked experience, but her innate strength and willpower made up for it. Together with Bee, she trusted that they would be able to resist and fight back.

"This is the end of the road."

The two violet blades of Valery's saberstaff ignited and her body began to shift into an aggressive stance, while her eyes ignited like the fire that had burned down the jungle around them. She couldn't fight passively, she couldn't wait for Mori to make her move and potentially target the others. So only one option remained.

With a burst of speed that ripped up the ground beneath her, Valery exploded toward the Dark Lord and lashed out with her rear blade, hoping to initiate the fight with a fierce clash between the Sword and the Dark Voice.


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