Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Gates of Dawn | GA Invasion of BOTM held Shihon and Oyokal


A subpar station orbiting some impoverished planet or another was not Desric's idea of a good time, but the interior was adequate and the political implications impossible to overlook. As such, here he was.

Patiently listening as his fellow Senators opined, he found himself most agreeing with a voice that stood out both for its conciseness and its opposition. Caulder Dune. Ever the sensible one. Only when Annasari made her latest gambit did he speak up, his lilting voice tinged with scepticism. "With all due respect, the matter at hand hardly seems to qualify. The Chancellor may take unexpected risks, but there are procedures in place should she find herself indisposed."

A single elegant eyebrow was raised questioningly. "Furthermore, if this august body finds itself doubting her leadership, then I am sure there are better ways to influence it than to, as the honourable representative of the Commerce Guild so aptly put it, divide the Office of the Chancellor against itself." Especially during a time of war.

"I cannot in good conscience support such a drastic revision of the composition of the executive branch unless a thorough evaluation deems in necessary." In other words, he wanted a working group and a lengthy report.

The exact opposite of the urgent action called for by the Senator of Jakku.
The Admiralty

If looks could kill than the one currently drilling its way through Kobitana's forehead would have murdered her a thousand times over.

Arage remembered the Senator of Lujo's first foray into politics. As the mastermind behind the Free Alliance Coalition she had taken the Senate by storm and been remarkably ambitious. The clashes between herself and the current Chancellor had been a source of endless entertainment to Arage. You could respect that kind of grit and tenacity.

But somewhere along the way something had happened to Kobitana. Maybe Auteme's surprise victory had snapped her spine in half for good, because the despot didn't know how else one could bend over to kiss the ring so expertly. Without the Jedi parasite being in the room even.

"Golly perfect, the good Senator seems to have done her homework." Arage finally muttered after Annasari sprung the surprise on them. Not only was the committee already being supported by many in this room, but apparently they could push it into existence by a simple majority vote of the very same individuals here.

She had nicely setup the trap, hadn't she?

First start the discussion. Get everyone here and already complicit. Arage would be shocked if someone wasn't already recording every word being uttered here.

Unlike Laborr Arage didn't consider putting her support behind some concessions. If you had power you didn't have to barter. Annasari would know that her support didn't come for free and that at some point the Lord Admiral of the Humbarine Reach would come knocking. And if she wasn't given her due, she might just share the same fate as Elaine, Loghain and his supporters on Kuat.

Terassi's need for lengthy hearings and reports earned a heavy sigh from Arage.

"There is no revision, Senator Terassi. There is an addition considering we are missing a Vice-Chancellor and our current Chancellor enjoys putting herself in the firelane." After this Arage looked back to Anna. "In for a credit, in for a corusca gem, as they say. I vote aye."


Objective I : As Above, So Below


Fleet Comp.
Starfighter Compliment :

The intensification of the Fleet's barrage of Anti-Starfighter weaponry fire would prove to be enough to force the attacking Starfighters to break off their advance towards the Purifer, with a third of the attacking starfighter squadron ending up getting destroyed by the combined might of Battlegroup Solipsis. But given that eight Starfighters still remained, it was clear that whatever fighters the Galactic Alliance had deployed were extremely durable capable of soaking damage from larger more powerful capital ships. Even though some of his ships would take damage from the continued harassment from those starfighters, the actions that occurred within the last few minutes was enough to give the Admiral a tactical advantage over his enemy.

At the same time, the eight enemy starfighters began attacking the engines of both the Dread Omen and Fortitude dealing considerable damage to their rear shielding with the Galactic Alliance Task Force soon unleashing their full might upon both Star Destroyers bombarding them with a relentless barrage of heavy turbolaser fire. "It would seem they have begun to concentrate their attack upon the Dread Omen and the Fortitude" the Captain of the Purifier noticed. "Indeed. Either they want to punch through our formation or simply force us to break our own formation. Regardless they are closing the gap real soon, and we will have to respond soon enough." Hamilton said. "What's the status of the Dread Omen and the Fortitude?" the Admiral inquired.

"They've taken considerable damage to their shields, both the Dread Omen and the Fortitude are reporting their shield integrity to be down at fifty-five percent and seventy percent respectively." an officer cried out. "Interesting, and their primary warships are firing with their primary batteries fully charged?" the Admiral asked once more. "Yes sir." the same officer responded. Hamilton proceeded to stroke his beard for a few seconds pondering on his next course of action, and just as he was about to issue new orders, the bridge of the Purifier shook as the Ship was struck by something. "What-What was that?" Hamilton said in a shock and confused tone.

"Our engines are under attack..." one of the Defense Officers began. "-by those same unidentified TIEs. However our shields are still holding". Hamilton had completely forgot about those TIEs but with the very fact that they had attacked his fleet twice, it was clear they were clearly on the side of the enemy. "Seems like those TIEs are clearly with the Alliance." the Captain of the Purifier pointed out. "Indeed..." Hamilton replied. After another few seconds of pondering, the Admiral proceeded to give new orders at last to respond to this new developing situation. "Have the Dread Omen and the Fortitude deploy their Air Wings, the combined might of Eighteen Starfighter Squadrons should be more then enough to deal with those two starfighter squadrons harassing us along with any sort of backup the Alliance might send to assist them." Hamilton said in response.

Soon enough, eighteen starfighter squadrons, comprised of an equal amount of TIE Fighter, TIE Terminator and TIE Annihilator Squadrons were deployed from the hangars of the Dread Omen and the Fortitude proceeding to move forth to pursue both squadrons of starfighters that had been constantly harassing Hamilton Fleet. With the issue of those Starfighters now dealt with, there was one more issue to face : that of the attacking fleet itself. "Are our ships in range of the enemy fleet?" Hamilton asked. "Only our long-range heavy weapons are, sir." one of the Weapons Officers said in response. "Very well then, target their main capital ships, full charge. But all ships must hold their positions" Hamilton said referring to the three MC85s that were leading the Alliance Naval Task Force. The Weapons officer simply nodded as he began making adjustments to his console while Hamilton's orders were relayed to the rest of the fleet.

Soon enough the long-range weapons of all the warships that had a clear shot on the three MC85s opened fire, with a single volley of rounds from Orbital Autocanons, Hypervelocity Canons, Plasma Canons and Mega-Caliber Six Heavy Turbolaser Canons proceeded to be unleashed upon the three targeted warships with the goal of putting them out of action and blunting the advance of the enemy fleet. With the enemy force still closing in on Hamilton's fleet, it was highly unlikely they would be able to evade such a powerful attack. Once they would be in range of ALL their weapons, Hamilton would unleash the full might of his forces upon them and before long this battle would be over and Selvaris would remain in the hands of the Final Dawn, just as the High Regent had foreseen.

Tags [Galactic Alliance] | Don Don Dono | Jack Versio Jack Versio





Part of masterhood, and having a student, meant that everything had to be a lesson. And lessons with Sion were usually conversations, rather than demonstrations. Osarla was better at the latter. Sion benefitted more from the former.

It was yet another thing that made their student-teacher relationship so mismatched. How useful could she really be to someone so...unlike herself? And the more he learned, the more he advanced, the more obvious their dichotomy became.

Even now, in enemy territory, strife with responsibility and isolation, Sion's curiosity on the world started to generate questions. For once, she was about to silence him, but she felt a shift before she could. And then the ground betray them, mossy, algae-soaked and druxy, it was was the perfect opportunity to eat any trespassers.

"Si—!" She reached out, with The Force, to grip him and slow his descent. It was folly to think though that the ground would be steadfast enough to keep a monolith like herself standing, when it so readily fell away to her much-lighter Padawan.

Still, she didn't release her grip on him. She could perceive him even through the rush of the fall and her own discombobulation — at least perceive him enough to know his relative self in contrast to the inanimate world they collided with below.

Dirt, stone, muck and earth filled in the hole they'd fallen through, threatening to bury on top of the pain that came with the drop. Osarla felt it in her mouth, gritty in her teeth, and it even managed to silt through to her throat. She coughed, or tried to, before she realized she'd been winded from the fall. The thundercrack she'd felt had been her back against an elevated metal base; the size of an average human. She'd also squished against one of her lekku, and it was throbbing like a schutta.

Pain barked from one joint to the other when she tried to move, roll at least to her knees.

"Sion," breathless and dizzied, she blinked into the darkened cavern. Vague lines and poorly lit shapes slowly started to reveal themselves. As did the silhouette of her student.

With a groan, she pushed herself from her knees to her feet. Everything hurt. Her saber was in her hand soon after she stood, turned it on, and bathed the underworld in a blue light.

"You're alright?"

She reached out to him, but felt a sensation at the nape of her neck that felt oddly familiar. Slowly, she looked over her shoulder to detect the source.

"We are not alone."

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray | Mrir'ik'amorn Mrir'ik'amorn


Amani pressed on through the thicket with the squad in tow. But pace was slow given the foliage, and the injury of the man she was helping, "Just a little further…" She murmured, only for one of the troopers behind her to shriek as they where grabbed and hoisted into the air by a pair of, what appeared to be, giant locusts. Their weapon sprayed recklessly across the trees and ground, nearly hitting their comrades in the process. To save both the trooper and the rest of them, Amani launched her saber at one of the creatures, which bisected it. Without the other one helping, the second Grutchin dropped the trooper, unable to support their weight. Before it could escape, Amani called her saber back, destroying the creature on its return.

"The hell was that?!" One of the soldiers said, clearly freaking out over the intestifying situation. Amani crouched down by the one that was just dropped, still writhing in pain from acidic bites. She alleviated some of the pain as best she could, when a heavier rustling came from deeper in the jungle.

"You all need to get out of here. Go. Head back to the rendezvous point. Don't look back," Amani got them all standing and working together, before quickly ushering them away while she dealt with the brunt of the threat.

This jungle had turned against them. Dark energies seeped through wood and soil like a disease. Bent to the will of a lone perpetrator. She would find them, if the woods didn't tear her apart first.
ALLIES | GA | NJO | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Mrir'ik'amorn Mrir'ik'amorn

She lightened his fall and as a result Sion was mostly fine at the bottom. Just... really sore, like he had walked a thousand miles, rather than shattering every bone in his body. Maybe he ought to wear armor after all. His Master seemed fine- no, she was not fine. "I am just fine, more importantly, how are you?" Crouching down next to her and holding her hand.

Pain laced with more... Sion couldn't get to it. The pain was too much and it made him recoil each time he tried to reach out.

"I... okay?" When Osarla mentioned that they weren't alone. He looked up and around them. Metal, durasteel plates, but also the hints of dried blood and rust.

This was not a good place and the Force told him this. The pain he was recoiling from wasn't just Osarla... it was this place. It was everything inside and around it. "I can't pierce through the darkness, but I believe you. More reason for us to go. This place.. it's bad, very bad." Sion wasn't yet sure what it was, but something in the back of his mind screamed.

It recognized it even if his eyes didn't want to yet.

"Can you stand?"

Without asking for permission he immediately began pouring his strength into her. Trying to heal her even a little bit.



Annasari Annasari | Arage Bao Arage Bao | Ruto Tane Ruto Tane | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | Tarish Galland | Holly Starstorm

At the display of Auteme unabashedly exposing herself and taunting the enemy on the front lines of war, Tiresh couldn't help but shake her head in embarrassment as her cheeks flushed a bit red. She knew the Chancellor to be rather brash and ego-centric, but this was simply unacceptable behavior from the highest seat of power in the galaxy.

'Auteme!!' She thought to herself, 'what do you think you're doing?!' She was jeopardizing everything that Tiresh had worked so hard to establish, and she was more than a bit livid. The assassination attempts, the death of her own father, the brutal imprisonment she had suffered… it surely could not all be for nothing. To see the senate thrown back to the wolves, she would simply not allow it. Not if she had any say in the matter.

As much damage as the holo feed did to everyone confidence in Auteme's discernment, including her own, Tiresh found herself drawing towards a crossroads… It had been a perfect setup on Annasari Annasari 's part… she had to admit as much. As the Senator brought down her final hammer by converting this simple session into an article 64, section 4 intervention, Tiresh's mind began to race through the various scenarios…

As more and more senators signed on, it was becoming very possible that the motion would pass with or without her. As much as she had desired to undergird the Chancellor, who despite being almost unbearable to endure socially for Tiresh, was in truth the shining signature of all that the FAC had accomplished… was Tiresh willing to go down with the ship? The Chancellors reputation would be sullied dramatically by this legislation coming to pass in this manner, and if she failed to support the formation of this council, right her and now, she would be viewed as being on the wrong side. She would loose power... Loose influence...

But at the same time, if they were able to interrupt and foil Annasari's deceitful plan, then there would be time to let the legislation see the light of day in a much less destructive manner, preserving some of Auteme's perception to the public and the senate, and still achieving the same desired outcome regarding the proposed council.

Tiresh looked over at Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , a look of uncertainty evident in her eyes as she listened to the others continue their banter back and forth. Finally, she determined that the scales were balanced rather evenly, and that she and Alicio might be just enough to tip things in their favor. She gritted her teeth and stood up after Arage Bao Arage Bao had finished speaking her support,

"This is a shameless power grab as well as an attempt to undermine the natural course of democracy. Even if you were to pass this here in a majority vote, the validity of this session would undoubtedly be challenged. You are framing the reason for invoking article 64, section 4 as there being a threat to national security. As Senator Desric Terassi Desric Terassi has clearly stated, such a description is not accurate. Yes, Chancellor Auteme needs a strong guiding hand to lead her… but you cannot suggest that as your motive in one breath while cutting out her knees in the next! Bring this legislation to the Senate. Let democracy take its course. Strengthen the people's confidence in the Senate, don't shatter it! Not during a time of war!"

She turned her gaze, glaring sharply at Annasari Annasari for a moments pause before taking her seat once again and pressing down the creases of her dress elegantly,

"I vote nay to your overtly self-serving scheme, Senator."

Damian Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective: BYOO


Damian continued to listen but his head was beginning to feel foggy as he realized, once again, sleep wasn’t a suggestion but a necessity. Live and learn were phrases often tossed around in those situations, but if one only lived and never learned, well in Damian’s case he was sure it would all catch up to him soon. But he always spoke of self-sacrifice, in spite of it all, a hero’s duty he called it once, one he believed right to the end.

Damian blinked and felt as if he closed his eyes for far too long before he opened them again. The other Senators were no doubt cautious, and with the little holo-vid of their Chancellor challenging one of the Maw’s favored only made things further interesting. A thought emerged about how it happened and wondered if it was like what was being displayed.

Senator Halcorr’s comment about this body falling into indecisive debate was correct, if only that was the inevitable result when people refused to compromise. But such is politics, working with those who can, and working around those who can’t. The young Du Couteau heir wanted to comment on Senator Laborr’s statement, but it wasn’t his place and he feared his own misspeak to happen once again. Instead Senator Kobitana made her own declaration, and that stirred Damian to full wakefulness, while guarantees were few and far inbetween in this galaxy, assuring that the Chancellor would be okay with this proposal was indeed very interesting.

Senator Terassi though dissented from the majority opinion on the matter and it was clear to him that this was more a less a question on the Chancellor’s ability. Seemingly a vote of no confidence, which in one of the lenses it appears as such, but through a different angle, something else. Damian considered the work needed for a proper media push for the correct framing when Senator Laborr spoke up once again, and this snapped away Damian’s attention. Nobody here would willingly offer a blank check to anyone, nobody. It was a ludicrous offer to even speak among other Senators, it would bring terrible optics that political favors were more akin to a trade market. Too transactional, regardless of how reality work, appearances still count for something.

“Senator Laborr, if you wish assistance with your future proposal, I can guarantee you my help.” Damian finally spoke, his voice soft as ever. I understand the duty as well. “-If that will suffice, I believe except those who explicitly voiced their disagreement, the majority of the body here agrees, so the next step is to discuss introduction to the Senate Chambers.” Emergency Sessions weren’t anything new, he remembered his father scrambling many late nights to attend them.





Metal swords clattered. Lightsabers usually did not.

Today, on Selvaris, in the tunnels of a former Yuuzan Vong deathcamp or whatever, her lightsaber clattered uselessly off the traps of the Sith.

"Nice try."

Normally, surprise would have sailed through her and eviscerated her pragmatic ability to conceive next steps. Gratefully, The Ring of Judgement mitigated the distraction of emotions and Ishida suffered no such hindrance.

Her senses remained precise, and though her gravity and momentum were a little out of sorts, she maintained flexibility.

"My turn."

She saw it because she’d seen it before. Last time, it had meant Mercy’s crab-tasting mouth on hers, and this time it would mean something else. The proximity was an opportunity for both the mouse and the elephant, and when Mercy’s hand clamped around her wrist, Ishida tensed just enough to make it feel like a flinch.

Immediately, Mercy had the advantage. She meant to hurl Ishida with the threat she’d levelled on Coruscant.

"You know, I think I could actually throw you into battle like a little portable explosive knife."

Which gave Ishida double the insight she’d have otherwise missed.

There wasn’t much she could do when Mercy meant to pitch her forward other than hold on. Her hand, free of her weapon, gripped Mercy’s wrist tightly back. With more strength than someone her size should have been capable of. When the throwing motion was complete, Ishida curled that momentum inward and back at Mercy, but angled herself down and to the ground. It was like a giant arc of energy being exchanged, and surprisingly somehow still elegant.

Her feet skittered down to the ground, sliding near Mercy’s and she planted the nose of her saber into the earth to counterbalance the swing. At the same time, every ounce she could gather from both her natural and unnatural sources of power and muscle, transferred to the shift that shoved her weight against Mercy’s stability and twisted her arm over Ishida’s shape.

Any additional driving force would serve to project the motion from just a flip of power, to a hurl.

In the end, it would have looked like Ishida lunged at Mercy, Mercy had caught her, and they’d entered into a cartwheel together — but detached partway through.




As soon as the call to a vote was floated, Alicio had made up his mind.

To the Count, the footage of Auteme on the front lines mattered little. In fact, he admired a leader who would put their life on the line for their people, like they asked their soldiers to do constantly. Perhaps the clip was... unflattering. Very unflattering. But it wasn't enough to sway him.

As soon as Senator Vahl brought up Article 64, Senator Organa's eyes narrowed dangerously at the woman, then scanned the rest of the table as some were quick to offer yeses. Senator Laborr was even quick to offer unconditional support in return for unconditional support. It was corruption. Blatant and ugly.

And Alicio wouldn't stand for it, a sentiment obvious in the setting of his jaw as he shared a look with Tiresh. One that transitioned to look at Desric, as he spoke, outlining his obvious disapproval. Alicio nodded to the man. He'd held hopes that himself and the Corporatist could reach across the aisle, one day.

That day had come sooner than expected.

After Tiresh was finished speaking, Alicio was slow to follow up, thinking a moment too long, and letting Senator Du Coteau get in a moment before him. A shadow of a frown crossed the Count's face, before he straightened up in his seat, letting his voice be known, icy cold compared to Tiresh's righteous heat and Desric's milder weather.

"Have we thrown all pretense of democracy to the side, then?" The senator from Alderaan growled, voice low like a groaning glacier. "Trading favors for votes? Proposing to fundamentally change the structure of our leadership at a last minute meeting, held away from the Senate Building for secrecy's sake, with a fraction of our representatives?" Alicio's tone grew a wicked sarcastic edge. "Finally. I was getting tired of pretending we were a reputable governing body."

"Are you all certain this is the bill you wish to back? Knowing that soon, the Galaxy will know you backed it, too?"
It was one last plea. Perhaps a threat. If telling the truth of how the amendment was established could be considered a threat.

"The issue of succession is an important one. But not important enough to betray the core values of the Galactic Alliance. No."


"Well I figured you marines would need something to complain about, why not make it a compliment too?"

She rolled her eyes with the ever present grin before raising a brow at the offered.. Weapon? A whip? Alright, she wasn't going to question it too much. Instead she just hooked it on her hip. Surely it'd come in handy later. That, or Marines were really the forward thinking kind of people. Something to poke fun at later, when danger wasn't literally around the corner.

"They keep two for patrols. You folks landing probably pulled their attention. Expect at least three, maybe four, patrols total combing the area. One handler, two guardsman. Rika, Eclipse team. What's the plan with the whips?"

Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Sion Lorray Sion Lorray



Miri Nimdok


Vector began to slow clap.

"Clever to the end, old sport. You never liked field work, did you? That's why you always relied on interns."

A smirk escaped his lips at this denouement. Nimdok may think his radical theories made the cultist a complete fool, but Monk would never have survived so many Sith tombs without understanding a little about the nether and its limits. He wasn't afraid of no ghost. It's still breathing allies however posed a problem.

Once enough of the Maw slavers fell many of their captives began to scatter into the jungle. One of them even picked up a blaster and scorched a few more slavers before they were gunned down. A small pack were driven towards Miri either in a desperate panic or the insane hope of trading her life for something closer to freedom.

Blasters and slugthrowers mingled with screams behind him. Vector used the distraction to press on, hacking at dense tropical foliage one handed with a machete while his other still tightly clutched the blaster. He was drawn toward the sound of water which grew into a steady roar. Clearing aside another branch nearly sent him tumbling down a steep cliffside waterfall.

"Is that you out there, Starling?!" his back to the water, Monk peered out into the jungle for any sign of pursuit, "Foul play this little ambush of yours. So unprofessional!"
Last edited:

Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Station Over Jakku, Secret Meeting
WEARING: Burial Raiment, Force Talisman
WIELDING: Artifice & Probity
TAGS: Holly Starstorm Annasari Annasari Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Ruto Tane Ruto Tane Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Arage Bao Arage Bao Talia Halcorr Talia Halcorr Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

The man might have whistled at the highly subtle play that had been made by the Jakku Senator. A maneuver even the Sith would have been applauding had they the patience for such things.

But silence had been purchased, not a peanut gallery.

His HUD highlighted a spot well outside of his normal peripherals, a screen appearing to highlight an area above that he had never given thought to.

A shape dipping out of view from the window as he mentally connected the communication line for the security team that had been posted to the meeting.

<Hotel four requesting replacement to the chatter box. Possible tenfourteen, permission to investigate, please advise.> The silent communication behind his helmet, his body still as he waited for the reply.

His eyes scanning the screens that appeared in the HUD to fill in the blank spots in the scant seconds between request and reply.

<Copy Hotel Four, tensixty one confirmed and en-route. Proceed with caution.>

<Hotel four copies. Will advise.> His words silent as the door to the room opened, another guard entering to switch places as he stepped out into the hallway.

Opening the Omnilink on his wrist, he highlighted the path to what was the room overlooking the meeting area.

Taking the steps in triplicate, he made good time and let the speaker system and annunciator engage finally. His steps loud outside the room given he didn't believe anyone could sneak out without him noticing.

The Raiment letting the whistling resound in the hallway on his approach towards the door. Hands prepared to grab each blade from their resting place.




LOCATION: Station Over Jakku, Secret Meeting
Tags: Tarish Galland

Holly was glancing down at the senators while she tried to find a switch that would let her hear what they were saying.

“Five more minutes mommy.”

She rolled her eyes and looked behind her at Jimmy laying on the floor. The kid really needed to toughen up.

Now that her attention wasn’t consumed by the senators he heard footsteps and froze.


She had to hide but how could she drag Jimmy into a closet in time?
if they're watching anyways

Her senses became inundated with hatred and fear. She was having the effect she wanted, which was probably the most detrimental thing possible to her safety. Beyond the danger, just standing out in the open, surrounded by such terrible emotion, hurt her soul.

Of course, it wasn't her soul hurting that was the most dangerous. The two-pronged spear flying at her looked like it would hurt.

Her gloved hand shot out, expanded to enormous size, and slapped the weapon into the ground. When her hand returned to normal size, she found her gaze locked with the unholy creature that had thrown it. His masked maw dripped with black liquid, thick like blood. Red eyes gleamed with deadly intent. Despite the fear inspired by such a terrible gaze, Auteme could see something that was missing -- recognition.

This creature, this husk, had been robbed of a great many things by now. Perhaps that was the ideal opponent today. He might fight harder if he knew who she was. Still, she suspected she might be in over her head anyways.

Auteme had clashed with some of the greatest Sith of her time. Carnifex was like a black hole of apathy, a void, the calm at the center of a raging storm of darkness; Vulcanus was a gaping maw, an endless hunger screaming for more; Solipsis- even now his mocking cackle would flit into her mind, this terrible joy he took as he moved to destroy everything, shatter even the most solid and sacred. The darkness took many shapes. The one before her was a sharpened instrument of hatred; she sensed no conscience in him, but his shape told her that this had once been a living, breathing person. That person had been skinned, burned, cut, torn, honed, brought all the way down to this raw core of rage.

Her mind emptied. Her hand rose again, bringing her strength to bear in the palm of her hand. It coalesced for a moment before launching forward; a flood of coiling ethereal strands strong as steel storming towards that raw ball of hate to envelop him.

Miri Nimdok

While Vector prattled on, the ghost continued to move through the chaos of the firefight. Like Monk, he wanted to know the identity of the mysterious 'intern', though he was almost unwittingly drawn toward the eye of the hurricane, the calm at the center of the storm.


A stray blaster bolt struck her helmet, cracking the visor. Taking cover behind a tree, she pulled the ruined mask from her face. A small cut over her eye trickled blood, and she was hobbled by a limp where a frenzied slave had managed to hit her in the leg.

Above her the ghost reappeared, shocked to see her. Stunned at how much she had grown. Slowly the Professor reached down to touch her shoulder, but his spectral hand passed right through her.

Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, she whirled around, firing blindly up into the branches. Amid a hail of splintered wood, her father's face stared back at her.

"Dad?" she whispered, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?"

What was he doing here? He was dead! She was talking to a ghost!

Nimdok shook his head, his shoulders hunching in a shrug. Though they could still communicate, it was as if there was a barrier between them, a veil that could not be torn. "I don't know, sweetheart. I was someplace else, and then suddenly I was here..."

A group of slaves was moving toward her, a Mawite at their head. Shouts prompted her to flatten herself against the trunk of the tree, her grip on her pistols tightening.

"Oh Force," the ghost of her father rasped above her. "Why did you send me here? I can't fight. I can't protect her..."

The sound of his voice hurt her. Already winded from battle, Miri's breath caught in her throat, her heart beating against her ribs like a caged bird.

"What am I supposed to do?" he pleaded, unsure of who or what he was asking. "Don't tell me I'm here to bring her home..."

Miri grit her teeth against the sting of hot tears, her body trembling with silent sobs. A blaster bolt struck her in the shoulder, burning through her suit. She stifled her cry of pain, hitting the forest floor, gasping and crawling toward some semblance of safety.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. She was supposed to kill Vector and escape...

"Is that you out there, Starling?! Foul play this little ambush of yours. So unprofessional!"

"Shut up!" the ghost snapped. There was no trace of playfulness or mischief in his tone now. Only rage. Vanishing from view, he reappeared directly in front of Vector Monk. "It's me you want!" he shouted into the tomb robber's face. "Come and get me! Give me the blasted artifact, and I'll bind myself! Call your men off NOW!"



B - W I N G _ D O W N


Galactic Alliance
Brotherhood of the Maw

A new tone rang out through the cockpit of the powerless B-wing as it plummeted toward the surface of Shihon. Chaar didn’t need to consult the instrument panel to know what the ominous tone signified - the alert was to advise pilot that they were well and truly in a death dive, and that without immediate action, collision with the surface below was unavoidable.

The Umbaran toggled a bypass switch, then slapped down on the console when it failed to activate. If the main reactor was still online, some critical failure in the power routers was keeping its much-needed energy far from the starfighter's engines or repulsors. His avionics surfaces responded to fly-by-wire - a genius redundancy by the entering marvels at the Republic Engineering Corporation. Chaar could have glided the B-wing in for a controlled crash if he could pull himself out of the spin, but the stick was too loose to have meaningful control. His port S-foil, locked in the extended position and severely damaged, was causing too much drag to compensate for without a functioning drive.

A lifetime of accolades and glory, all to be splattered across the surface of a backwater world. Dozens of medals, blistering promotions, countless mentions in dispatched, all for naught. An Alliance ace soon to be immortalised on the KIA wall at Celchu Starfighter Base.

Chaar leaned back into his acceleration couch with a sigh of resignation. He unclipped his helmet and discarded it on the floor of the cockpit. The helmet would not make a difference at the speed he was travelling. He may as well die comfortably.

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Tarish Galland



LOCATION: Station Over Jakku, Secret Meeting
WEARING: Burial Raiment, Force Talisman
WIELDING: Artifice & Probity
TAGS: Holly Starstorm

The door panel hadn't been sliced or damaged it seemed, his eyes taking in the scene of the hallway.

No marks on the floor to speak of, the sensor system of his HUD switching to a magnified view while he squinted. Once the scan finished, he turned his attention inside. A probe with the force revealed two live beings within.

The panel dinged with the press of a button, the door opening to a strange scene.

A woman standing over a man. And either she had walloped him well enough to send him to the floor, or something had scared them enough to put them in this spot.

Mindful of their place to the meeting, he stepped forward, keeping the volume low between them as the featureless helmet glanced between the two.

"You uh, you two alright? This isn't a good place to take a cat nap." Sharp humor behind his words as he looked to the one on the floor, settling instead on the woman.

His whole head tilting slightly.

"You look... familiar." His voice kept low through the helmets speaker as he tried to make heads or tails in the dimly lit room.





EnemiesGalactic Alliance - Valery Noble Valery Noble Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania BB-610 BB-610
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw
EquipmentNeedle of Fate

Every blade of grass that crumbled into ash beneath her feet was not dissimilar to the lives being lost with every passing minute in the skies above or elsewhere in the jungle. She no longer saw men and women as individuals meant to be tallied, but quite a bit more like water poured from a cup - all life was sacred in that way, equal, even if nobody truly saw it that way. A simple brush of the back of her hand collapsed a leaning tree onto the ground in front of her, the lightsaber those very same fingers were wrapped around never once needed to shove the obstacle out of her path. Though her enemies treated her like the harbinger of a death of the cruelest order - indeed she brought it wherever she went - it was only because they had crafted from her a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Regarding her own horrific existence, there was never a point in her life that she had gone out of her way to shape herself into what she had become. It would be easy to blame all of it on the late Confederacy, given that they had been the ones to pull the proverbial trigger which forced her to consume out of a need to survive, but she would have hardly found a reason to be on the planet of Rhand when that tipping point had occurred if not for the war that had raged on in the galaxy before the one she was embroiled in now. She couldn't see Valery Noble Valery Noble , not yet, but she could feel that stubborn haughtiness Jedi garbed themselves with whenever they encountered a cause different from their own along with at least one other. Anything, anyone, that stepped close enough to come in contact with the all-consuming hunger that surrounded the woman at its center was in all reality within Darth Mori herself. The figure garbed in black with a red saber at her side was indeed the Sith lord herself but in all actuality was like a container ready to burst.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , the other that the Sith had ascertained to be accompanying the Jedi master, was not quite discovered in the traditional senses that the Jedi and Sith relied on - it was more that she literally stepped directly into Mori the moment she uncovered the sensation of unease that preceded death in most things.

"You should have come alone."

The words were spoken, verbally, by the movement of her lips, chapped as they now were, but also carried immediately through the trees and over every last blade of grass under the sky through some combination of telepathy and a projection of her voice. There wasn't a fiber in her being that would hesitate to separate her enemy limb from limb, but that was because the Jedi knew exactly what she was up against. The frail being that stank of anxiety, however, was alien to her - there was no way they were nearly as prepared as they'd need to be to understand what they were up against. It was expected for someone of Mori's position to lie to her own people, to lead them to slaughter like a shepherd abandoning its flock to a pack of wolves out of self-preservation or some grander goal that required such a sacrifice to accomplish, because she was the villain.

She cleared away tree, brush, and undergrowth with a simple thought that burned them to ash with the slight increase in temper she felt as it steadily began to flare, swept away from where they decayed with telekinetic force.

"I don't know why I expected more from you."

Her voice was like ice, unforgiving like a parent disappointed in a child. It wasn't about skill, or power, not even the difference in their ideals - she knew she couldn't be bothered to convince someone of her vision for a more perfect galaxy, not even the most deranged of her own brotherhood. Seeing Valery and who she could only assume to be a padawan or an inexperienced Jedi knight, something which was arguably more or less the same in the current circumstance they found themselves in, she felt whatever tiny shred of respect for this Jedi and all the rest of them steadily fade away like the grass that had previously been where she was now standing. Color itself had been stripped away from the world around her, and the woman herself, like paint washed from its canvas. Sound was stifled here, now, like the metaphorical throat of the force choked by hands unseen. Certainly death and decay had followed her here, or perhaps was one with her, but it was hardly a surprise given her reputation for hunger.

It was always the perversion of the fundamental understanding of reality that struck real fear in her enemies when they encountered her for the first, and often last, time.

"Killing her yourself would have been a mercy compared to the death you've handed her instead." She said with narrowing eyes.

She lifted her blade, turning slightly at the hip, with hardly a semblance of a disciplined stance; she was poised to strike despite all signs to the contrary - with a blade that carried with it the same aberrant qualities of its wielder.

Mercy had no karking idea what happened.

One moment she was smugly throwing the pin-sized Jedi through a wall, the next she found herself flying right alongside with her, through the hole Ishida's body had made in the rock. Try as she might she couldn't get the infernal rabid woman off of her however. Somehow each time she tried to kick or yank or punch, Ishida managed to rearrange her grip and hold right on.

All the while they smashed their way through rock, ground and more, until suddenly there was an emptiness all around them.

For a single moment they hung in the air.

It must have looked quite graceful.

Until they dropped down like a stone. Mercy acted fast, using Ishida's grip on her against her, by wrapping her arms around the thin form of the Jedi into a bear hug. It might have been mistaken for a moment of protectiveness. Just for a moment, because in a split-second she forcibly turned them in the air and a light shimmer appeared on her skin once more.

Ishida was now aimed directly against the concrete floor as they fell with Mercy's weight on top of her from a sizeable height.

This wasn't going to be fun for her.

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