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Get Rid of Numbers

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Although I've read next to nothing about designing starships in the factory, this resonates with me. Of course a few numbered stats on a ship are a far cry from a comprehensive, prescriptive ruleset behind a game (not to bash it), but it's the general sense of the debate that rings a bell. I've played with a few types of RPGs and always enjoyed the more freeform ones most. Given that a good, fun story is the main goal, and I always try to play my roles realistically and consistently, freeform seems to work better for me.
this thread lol



Smarter than the average bear
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Just want to say, I sometimes get a little carried a way when I debate things I strongly believe in, I'm very sorry in advance, so if you didn't warn/ban me, that'd be wonderful :)

Just know all this is coming from a newbie who enjoys fleeting and sucks at maths. Also someone who loves debates ;)

I've only recently started to learn to fleet, and although it is for the most of it a maths game. Most if it is simple. Honestly if you guys can manage to buy something online and enter it's 'quantity' value, you guys should do more then fine. Most people just have a dead set hating against numbers, which is fair. Everybody hates something, it's nothing new to anyone here. All I think is that the template needs to be re-written (Not changed), just so that it doesn't feel like I need to read a paragraph of writing to understand to write a number between 1-20. Most of you have creativity, you know basic star wars knowledge and most things will just be in your head and you then have to make a decision wether is this stronger or weaker compared to the normal. That is essentially all the number means after all. A number between 1-20 is purely being described by that one sentence. Now if ANYONE on here honestly says that writing a few numbers is 'too hard' or 'off putting'. Well I would series suggest they evaluate what they are doing in life.

*Mic drop*

Hit me with as much debates and counter arguments as you like. I WILL slap you down.
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

The whole debates null, we're not changing the Factory at the moment. At best, if we do agree with a suggestion to revamp the Factory, it wouldn't be until summer that they got enacted.

She runs just fine as is.

But please, go ham.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

Your point is perfectly valid, as I stated earlier, but it's not really an argument against what I was saying.

There are people, some who have posted in this thread, that the numbers really are too much for. Some have even said that they don't understand them after someone has explained it to them. So while yes, your argument is perfectly fine and perhaps even true, it doesn't really solve the problem.


Smarter than the average bear
Alric Kuhn said:
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

Your point is perfectly valid, as I stated earlier, but it's not really an argument against what I was saying.

There are people, some who have posted in this thread, that the numbers really are too much for. Some have even said that they don't understand them after someone has explained it to them. So while yes, your argument is perfectly fine and perhaps even true, it doesn't really solve the problem.
Ok. I completely understand. Numbers, very hard things aren't they? I mean what, we've been taught them since before we were 3? These basic numbers perfected by Pre-Primary. But I do understand.

However since numbers are 'too hard' for some people, perhaps some change is in order. [member="Tefka"] Perhaps you could help him out here?

If numbers are so hard, we should remove the following:
  • Post count, I mean what did we use this for anyways? Not for the factory submissions to stop people from spamming or becoming OP or anything important?
  • Ratings. I mean who would want to rate others and know how awesome they are?
  • Time stamps. Wouldn't it be horrible to say your on vacation, yet no one knows when you'll be back?
  • Oh and don't forget to ban people from saying how many things (For lack of a better word) they've killed. It's too complex, we don't want any of our other members to be too confused and leave us now do we?

Need I honestly continue this list [member="Alric Kuhn"] I don't want to write to much and have that confuse you too.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Not getting upset, but I would like to talk about it. Perhaps we could start with the fact that you are dodging my questions and answers? Too chicken to admit you are wrong? That every thing you've said so far. I've countered?

Also I LOVE the adrenaline that goes through me when I debate.

Besides. I warned you.

Lokthra Dawning said:
Hit me with as much debates and counter arguments as you like. I WILL slap you down.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Lokthra Dawning"]

You have not asked a question. Nor am I dodging anything.

I've readily admitted that you have a point, and stated that while it might be true it's not really effective to those people who currently do not want to use that system. You then degenerated into immediately insulting me and the people in this thread who have stated they don't like the number system by insulting their intelligence.

That's not debate. If you take a more respectful tone I'll happily talk to you, but not when you're insulting people like a child or Republican Presidential Nominee.


Smarter than the average bear
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Sorry, used to more competitive debating. Rules slightly different there(not as much dis'ing though ;/ ). Before I head off this thread. I wanna say one last thing about this mkay? Calm, voice, calm typing.

Hypothetical situation. I was in your house. You let me in, you barely know or trust me. You lost a $50 note. Who would you immediately blame?
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