Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghost Planet [Mando Dominion of Generis]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach tumbled through the hole, flinching at the molten metal, and crashed into the YT-2400. "Good thing you still carry a lightsabre -- I sure as feth don't."

Pirates boiled around the corner, and he triggered his flamethrower, because he wanted to train himself to make Mando options into his first instincts. His knife flicked into his hand, and he lunged right into the press of grungy humans, Rodians, Weequays and so forth. A homicidal Ithorian wrapped long, strong fingers around his neck, and he grabbed the hammerhead right between the eyes.


Force Lightning. A wonderful thing.

He blurred into the fight, knives flickering. Return strikes snagged painfully on his armorweave body glove or skidded off his armor.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
"It's an effective tool." Alliera said, stowing the lightsaber and pulling out a grenade "Now get back." Alliera pulled Rach back to her, and let the grenade cook in her hand for a few moments, before tossing it into the hourd of pirates. Alliera pulled Rach around a corner, just as the grenade exploded. "What did I say about fighting hourds of people in tight spaces?" Alliera asked, taking the tone she took when her daughter had similarly forgotten a lesson she tried to teach her

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Don't condescend to me, honey," said the Dark Master, striding over the bodies of the dead. "Not ever." And for a moment, Alliera might catch a glimpse of the rage which the Sith Poison created in him, the rage he always had to restrain.

He stalked into the cockpit and squatted between the pilot and copilot. They went for their guns; a vibroblade glanced off his armor. He grabbed them both by the backs of their necks and electrocuted them right through his gauntlets. He was, in point of fact, that good.

Slipping into the pilot's chair, he took the controls.
Verz was on the upper ledge that they entered through. He had his rifle ready, and was firing at any pirates trying to get to to him.He killed two, then jumped down, landing with a combat roll.

He charged toward the ship that his foes were boarding, firing at any pirates he saw with his Ripper. A pirate tried to hit him from behind, but his 360 degree vision, thanks to his helmet, so he swung around, punching the pirate in the gut. The unlucky fellow collapsed, vomiting. Verz left him lying there as he got close enough to toss grenades.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
On a whole other ship, in the corner of the hangar, the Bard listened. It became clear that, unless someone was very, very good, he was alone in the ship. He headed back and popped open the hatch. A sharp whistle carried through the rest of the battlefield.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
@[member="Verz Horak"]

"Come on! There's enough mapping sensors in here to tell us everything about this planet...and the pirates too, I guess."

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]

"I'm sorry." Alliera said, sitting beside Rach in the gunner possition "I just worry about you, that's why I'm trying to hammer in these skills and ideas." Alliera took off her helmet, and gave Rach a kiss, before using the yt-2400 turret to rain death on the pirates.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@Alliera Nakamura

Rach grimaced and looped the '2400 through a loose formation of battered starfighters and attack craft. The freighter didn't have any weapons apart from the remote turret that Alliera used; it was a transport ship, and a boarding craft, designed to play a supporting role in the initial assault. Heavy weapons fire hammered the transport he flew...

And then stopped. The sluggish '2400 spun up and away, unopposed -- until ion cannon fire began pounding it, interfering with shields and the systems beneath.

"There's something on this ship that they want intact," he said. "Loot, probably."
Rising from her hiding place Mia holstered her weapons and rested her hands on her knees as the adrenaline subsided and her body gave in to a number of aches. Torture and recovering from it had left her out of practice of battle. She straightened up as the droid approached her and she tilted her head watching him curiously as he offered her credits.

Mia laughed, clapping the droid on the shoulder as she moved past him towards the Bard's whistle. "Keep your credits tincan, its clearly messing with your servers giving them to me. Besides which I get something else out of this." Another planet conquered, their territory expanded.

Well...almost. There was still the pirates and other vermin to remove. But what were a few hounds to the mandalorians? "Hey Tincan, for keeping my credits why don't you help us mop up?" she called over her shoulder as she boarded the ship the bard was on and made her way to the cockpit, slipping into the co pilots seat. "Tell me something, Bard. What do you get out of all of this?"

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
He eyed the armor, knowing that there were very few front-line, combat-ready female human Mandos. He made an educated guess. That, and he had hacked into team communications before landing.

One did not dive into a nest of Mandos without getting at least basic dossiers first, relative to the key players.

Despite her helmet, he had a pretty decent shot of talking to @[member="Mia Monroe"]. My-ah, not Mee-ah.

"I get the company of a woman exactly as lovely as, say Lenavena Martin of Omega Pyre and Alli Wren of Baktoid. Also, I am very, very curious. Always. It's my best feature, aside from, well, my poetry. There's all manner of mysteries around here, even on a world as bland as this. It's always the unassuming ones-" His knuckle rapped the bottom corner of her helmet. "-that hide the most interesting finds."

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]
Alliera was racking her brain for ideas, as she tried to knock off the persuers with the turret, before a devios smile started to grace her features, and she reached a hand over to Rach's side of the cockpit. Shortly there-after, the ship went into freefall, as Alliera had switched off the engines. As the ship fell, it past it's persuers on the way down, Alliera used this chance to shred them with the Turret and Cuncussion Launcher. "And you say I'm not spontanios enough." Alliera said, flipping the engine switch back on. After a rather frightening moment, the engines fired, and the freighter zoomed forward.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"You are the worst backseat driver. Ever."

He stabilized the '2400 with effort, maybe a hundred yards above ground. An unwary pirate skiff dipped too far and impaled itself on the tree.

"This thing handles like it's full of bricks. I legitimately think we're dragging around a pirate hoard. Unless we can throw gold at them, it's not much use right now."

More ion bolts slammed into the '2400.

"We've got to put down, unless someone else gets up in the skies with us."


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
Ranger's twitched "I can...keep the credits?" he asked. Then he ticked again and stated firmly, "I can keep the credits, payment for services in mopping up." And then he looked around and thought about things. Quickly he examined his options. Yes mopping up as payment for this womans share would be worth it. "I shall follow the prety ladies lead?"
The Dreadstar jumped in system and with a flash reverted to realspace. RC had been tracking the mission to Generis from afar and only just arrived. From here above the atmosphere he had no idea what the status was.
"Silas run scans of the surface. Tell me whats going on!"
RCs first mate was quick to respond and the Venators sensors pinged the area picking up multiple crafts. RC watched the screen as they all popped up, they were small blue dots on a light blue background. He didnt remember there being this many ships in the mission profile. Something was wrong here.
"Prepare the Blackfalcon. Im flying down there to see what this mess is all about." RC commanded.
As he exited the lifts to the hangar bay RC's Raiders had already fired up the modded out LAAT, and loaded the Wrecker, his personal AT-TE ontothe bottom. Having toys was a boon, and RC had plundered many places to get them. RC settled into the copilots chair and the engines hummed to life, making him deaf with noise. Seconds later they were diving nose first into the atmosphere.

Jorn Mair

OOC: Im sorry guys been busy.

IC: Jorn was piloting the LAAT that would be taking people down to the surface. He saw the Commander of the Ship take the co-pilot seat. Crap he thought. He was hoping that he would only be taking his crew down there and possibly see that the fighting was between the Pirates and other Mandos. He looked over to @RC 212 and shook his head. he made the trip easy as possible because they would get ruffed up later.

He activated his com to the people on the ground below @[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"] @Alliera Nakamura @[member="Verz Horak"] "This is Jorn Mair. Anybody down there Still alive, I repeat, this is Jorn Mair anybody down there?"
RC glanced over at his Vod and chuckled when he saw the mans apprehensive look. It appeared he was not so thrilled with company, but RC's Raiders couldnt miss a chance to get in the action. If there was no battle to be had and no blood to be spilled, the boys would start killing eachother later out of pent up frustration.
"Sorry Sir, consider It a health and welfare mission!" RC chided him.
"Oh and also Try not to crash my LAAT." RC slapped the bulkhead fondly.
"The Blackfalcons is my favorite piece of junk."

Jorn Mair

Jorn smiled at the co-pilot. he face back to focus on piloting the LAAT and said to only the Vod "Dont worry only crashed one ship, and that was when it was shot down by alot of Sith along time ago." He remembered when that had happened. He found people that would help him escape that planet that still sent shivers up his spine. He was a Mando and Mandos shouldnt feel scared. Then why did he fell that right now....
The Blackfalcon careened down into the battle and RC was tracking several fighter craft already. In his copilot posisition he began to work the switches for the rockets whrring up the servomotors to load the beastly launchers.
"Alright Raiders open fire!"
As soon as the word was given red beams of laser fire poured in all directions from the Blackfalcon. RC's raiders continued to pummel the nemy pirate craft with a vooley of fire.
"Alright I Got locks for the missiles. Keep us steady Vod. We're goign to have some fireworksin a minute!" RC roared over the din of the battle.
The pirates were quick to respond attemting to double back on their tail but RC wouldnt have it. As they started their roll to peel off in opposite directions RC hit the red button and...


Streams of rockets hammered into the fighters, exploding with violent force. Balls of fire and shrapnel expanded around them and RC squinted trying to make out which craft the enemy pirate had been following.
"I think there after that YT. Can you get us closer!" RC said to John.
RC made a mental note to double back later to salvage whatever parts were still intact. He could always sell spare parts for creds, and maybe even install them in some of the Dreadstars systems.

Jorn Mair

OOC its J-O-R-N. lol

IC: the battle had begun He was firing upon the ships that were flying after a YT model. It looked out of place. Though the joy stick in between his legs he activated the missiles that would take out two ships that were behind the YT. Two booms followed the whish of the missiles leaving their pods. Jorn tried to contact the Vessel again with the same words he said earlier This is Jorn Mair. Anybody down there Still alive, I repeat, this is Jorn Mair anybody down there?"

He fired some more when he saw that at his six was a pirate ship with a missile lock. It made a loud beeping go on in the cab. "OH Sh-" he cut himself of as he pulled hard left to avoid the missiles coming his direction. "Hang on!" Instantly after he said that Jorn went into a barrel role and avoided the shots that were fired right after. "Turrets get after that ship I cant see behind me you know!"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Jorn Mair"]
@Alliera Nakamura

The YT-2400 spun and shrieked under the impact of multiple ion cannon blasts, and the controls ceased to respond. Rach released them and leaned back in the chair. Closing his eyes, he stretched out and gripped the vessel with his mind. It cost him in blood to stabilize the ship in its tumble.

The engines flickered back to life, ten metres from the ground, and the freighter blasted straight up, back into space. The comms crackled and reinitialized. Friendly messages poured in.

A few pirate vessels were getting away; others died, and horribly. The last of the pirate flotilla, of course, still put up a fight.

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