Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Gift of Light

"Thanks, Master; you're the best!"

"You're welcome, and don't you forget it."

Hot chocolate it was. Starlin led the way to the nearest vendor, ordering everyone cups of cocoa.

"You uh, wouldn't happen to have any credits you could loan me would you?"

Starlin smirked at the thought.

"You know I'm good for it..."

His master slipped him a few credits to pay for their drinks. While they sipped them, talk turned to Empress Teta. Considering what had happened, Starlin was a bit surprised he could sound so... oh, chit. Did Eli not remember what had happened to his homeworld, either?

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief


"Crystals shaped as animals? Huh." Was that stuff people did? Artisans. .. Yeah. She could see it. There was still a lot she had to figure out when it came to artisans and what they could do, especially Jedi Artisans. Weird to think that was even an option given all the war they had to go into. Did they have to? Still something she wasn't really sure of. It felt like a responsibility, but was it?

Something to think about.

"Maybe they have the stalls up this year. I think they've recovered enough."

Lief Lief | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Maran Maran


"You're always talkin' so cringy, y'know?"

"That is my brand," Jasper remarked with a grin. "It's distinct at least."

That and he didn't hear any protest. It meant that the meaning behind his words weren't falling on deaf ears. That was good. It wasn't long before she was curious why he had called her here.

"Well, I figured this might be a good time to give you something," he admitted. "But I'm afraid it isn't complete yet."

Jasper procured the frame of a small bow. An Energy Bow. He had been trying to make a smaller more portable one for emergencies that Maran could use if ever in a pinch, but he was having trouble working it into a folding design with the specific power source he had been working with.

"It's something you'll be able to use to protect yourself a little more than that training saber," the knight explained, "At least while you still don't have a lightsaber. Non lethal, of course. So, uh, I guess I'll have that ready for you at some point."

He tucked it away and shifted his gaze to the lower level.

"So I guess we should go get some hot coco then," he shrugged. "Since you're cold and all."


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610
Lyrrin had looked forward to the holiday, it had been a nice one prior. Though he'd known that a couple of the faces he'd grown accustomed to were no longer present. At least though Valery would be around, he was certain of that, and with her was Vera unless she left Vera at home for whatever reason. In the distance Lyrrin was able to see the familiar form of Valery and some kids doing a snowball fight with a droid. At least that's all he could see from his distance.

Sneakily and carefully the Farghul tip toed closer and closer to the Jedi Battlemaster. Some bystanders and walkers by watched him with bemused expressions. He was graceful, elegant, in his footwork. Like a cat. His hands with out just a bit before him in a grabbing manner... so close... plomp Lyrrins hands came down on Valery's shoulders and he leaned his head around hers and gave her a bump head-to-head "Is that the Valery Noble? You wouldn't be moping would you?" he lightly jabbed in a sing song tone, apparently he was instantly aware of her mood "Its Lifeday! Cheer up." Lyrrin looked away from her and towards Vera and BB-610 "Would the round one be Vera?" Lyrrin asked coyly "A little more round than I remember, shinier to, guess that's what I get for not being able to see her for so long. What've you been feeding her Val?"


Senate Plaza
Outfit: Casual Coat
Appearance: Link
BB-610 BB-610 Lyrrin Lyrrin

"You've done good, Val."

Even though his voice faded quickly, the feeling it sparked deep inside of her lingered. Her grip on the cup of hot cocoa tightened, and she gritted her teeth as she tried to hold onto it for as long as she could. This was her first life day without him, and it was much harder than she believed it would be. Only his words offered her some comfort, and when she looked up to see Vera laughing and playing, she was able to accept them as well.

Bee soon joined her as well and his rubbing against her leg got Valery to smile a little again, "I appreciate it if you can keep an eye out, but enjoy yourself too. I'm sure she'd love you to play with her," Valery said, and after Bee left to chase Vera, her demeanor shifted a little again. Enough for a certain someone she hadn't seen in a little while to sneak up on her without realizing it. His hands touching her shoulders paired with his head coming around made her jump in her seat, but when she realized it was Lyrrin, Valery began to chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." she said, now leaning back a little to bump against him while she looked over at Vera with a grin on her face. "She's got that from her father. Epicanthix tend to be quite tall, so I fear that it won't be long until she's not my little girl anymore."

Finally, Valery looked back over her shoulder and decided to rise to her feet as well, "It's really good to see you again, Lyrrin." Valery stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his neck for a big, tight embrace. "How has life been treating you?" she asked with a sincere smile, but it was still obvious her own life had been a bit of a rollercoaster.

Meanwhile, Vera watched BB-610 take a closer look at her snowball. "Mhmm!" she hummed in response to his first question, but his second got her to grin widely, "Making a snowman..." she said, but it was an obvious lie. The little Noble was plotting an attack, and it required the snowball to be big.

In fact, it was almost half her own size at this point.

"Want to help me, Bee? I need more snow!"

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Street Plaza, Coruscant |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble |

Such bizarre activities. For a droid, at least, and especially for one coming from The First Order. BB-610 had very little knowledge on organic customs, as a past version of him would consider that information to be nothing but fodder scheduled for deletion - useless trivia that clogged his memory banks. Now that he'd explored the galaxy, however, the astromech's horizons had been broadened, and a thirst for data of any kind was promptly reinstated. BB-610 didn't understand why Vera was so fascinated with forming a snowball, nor did he grasp the proper concept of a snowman, but perhaps not all things needed a reason.

It's not easy for him to deny his programming, to ignore his compulsive urge to dissect every little thing and assign it a purpose, organized neatly in alphabetically assorted folders for him to read like a computer. The comforting sounds of Vera's giggles and the joy plastered on the face of such wholesome youth gave him purpose enough. She was happy, and that made him happy.

That's all that mattered, wasn't it?

So with an eager nod, BB-610 sought to helping her out,
chirping encouragingly that they're going to make the biggest snowball this side of the galaxy! Tool-bay disk opening, the droid's utility arm emerged, claw-like pincers clamped shut as he begins scooping snow up, shaping it into the best orb he could. Grappling it, he'd promptly slap it onto Vera's snowball, gradually assembling more and more as it grew in size. Pausing to consider his options, BB-610 resorted to another idea, inching away from their project.

Motors whirring loudly, the astromech began to roll in place, waves of snow and frost sent scattering in the air. Some would land on the snowball, some wouldn't, and some would even land on Vera. Turning around, BB-610 casts a glance to the young girl, finding the image of her with layers of snow piling on top of her rather entertaining.
A metallic snicker and giggle, and the droid returned to his primary directive of amassing more snow. At this rate, their snowball was going to get bigger than his body!




Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys - Desric Terassi Desric Terassi -

The Senator of Arcadia? Alicio's eyes briefly glittered with recognition, as he tried his best to mask whatever preconceived notions he had. He knew the new Senator Terassi was a corporatist, holding membership in a political party Alicio was diametrically opposed to, on principal.

But Alicio wasn't the kind to weigh someone's character so quickly, or so harshly. Everyone deserved to be judged on their own merit- given a fair shake. He took a moment to hand Amani her steaming beverage.
"Don't burn your tongue," he said, giving his fiancé a lovingly stern look. Alicio knew how accident-prone she was around hot drinks.

"It's good to meet you, Desric," he murmured, offering a black-gloved hand to shake. "I hope we can work together to make the Alliance a better place." A simple sentiment, but not one spoken lightly. He truly meant it.

It was then that the Count's attention was pulled to Auteme Auteme 's speech. He found himself frowning, thinking about the Galactic Alliance. Embattled, bruised,
suffering. Yet, they persevered, lifting each other up, facing each battle together. He clapped emphatically after Chancellor Denko-Durren was finished, something unknowable behind his eyes as he watched her path afterward.

It must be a sad thing, to give a speech about togetherness, only to step out of the light alone.

He stepped just a hair closer to Amani, sipping his cocoa. Simple, yet tasty indeed. He hummed out a note of contentment, before returning his attention to Senator Terassi. "I imagine this crowd is full of people who couldn't make it to their own planets for the holidays." He skewed the corporatist a kind gaze, before staring out over the people. The eclectic mix of faces, sharing in the togetherness that Auteme spoke of. Children throwing snowballs, parents looking on with open smiles, sellers with cheerful grins on their faces, and older individuals basking in the nostalgia.

"It isn't too hard to pretend this is home. For at least one night."
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It was a strange display really, for any who bothered to pay attention. Starlin handing Eliphas the credits, only for Eliphas to pass them over to the vendor. What use was he as the middle man? Well... He did plan on paying Starlin back. Surely that accounted for something? Besides, it felt good to be useful, even if only as a passer on of credits.
Three hot chocolates were fast procured and passed around, and Eliphas leaned back in his chair to nurse the warm cup between his hands. Definitely helped to stave off the chill.
"Thanks" he whispered to Starlin, before he turned his head to glance upon Iris. His previously jovial expression shifted into confusion, and then dropped. Recovered..? Why would they need to--
Eliphas almost dropped the mug. His face turned pale, even his cold cheeks, and his gaze drifted down into his lap, looking over the various embroidered images which trimmed his cloak. Oh. Right... Teta had been attacked, hadn't it? He had vague recollections of that conversation in the ICU, when he'd first come to. There'd been no news on his family, on whether they'd made it off world.
For a moment static seemed to hang in the air, frigid as icicles. For a moment it looked as though the tears in his eyes were going to spill over.
Then Eliphas drew in a slow, measured breath, and blew on the cup of cocoa. "The lights look really pretty, huh?" he said, peering up at the various twinkling fairy lights which shone here and there amidst the merriment. "I bet it's real nice over by the Senate Tower..."


Starlin could feel Eli's reaction through the Force. The shock was more muted than it had been the last time, but it was clear he had forgotten about Teta and his family. Guilt wracked Starlin. He glanced toward Iris, who had triggered the memory to resurface, but she wasn't to blame. She didn't know.

"Do you... want to go to the Senate Tower tonight?" Starlin asked, lightly resting a hand on Eli's shoulder.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief


Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Mylo Thorne | OPEN


“A scare on life day?” She shook her head at Mylo, looking exaggeratedly apologetic until she slapped a massive mit on his shoulder. “Apologies, captain.”

“That’s sweet, Major.”
Osarla eyed the hologram and tugged on her hat’s pom pom, trying to relieve the itch that was growing on her forehead from the fluffy band. “Saved some recruits from being sent to patrol the forest for our own.”

It didn’t take Osarla long to give in and scratch the itch. At the same time, Teshi told her joke.

“S’what the Alliance is all about.” Osarla didn’t address the misidentification of her species, though she felt some of the mirth in her grin fade. The statement was to both the joke’s premise — individuals from different races, backgrounds, and motives, all unified by a harmony of belief and hope — and the Mando’s admission of it being her first time amidst Alliance folk.

No, she couldn't let it slide.

"Can't wait for this Twi'lek to show up. They're always good for a party." Her grin returned to full-beam.

“Perhaps the first of many then, eh? What brought you around this year?” She grinned, flashing her teeth with a jolly chuckle. For years, Osarla’s reputation preceded her, or at least her title, and it wasn’t often she had to introduce herself. She found herself not knowing the Mando, and shoving forward a palm to shake.

“Osarla Ridor,” she offered in salutations, then obliged to give her order to the obviously WASTED Major “—who'll take a Spicebrew if y'all've got it all the way out here." She stretched to check the shelves.

"That's the nice thing about these outposts at least, always relatively stocked."



Objective 3: Such Is Life Day
Writing with: Dominik Borra Dominik Borra !​


“I’ll bear that in mind next time, then.” Came the reply to the first part, as he shifted from the position he was idling in. “Maybe...”

His face scrunched at Dominik’s reply to his offer. Visibly cringed at the mere suggestion.

“If you’re that unexposed to a friendly offer, then it’ll be a long day. Unless your opinion of me is simply that low.” Came a bland, annoyed response. He did not like the insinuation that he was being unfaithful to the only person of which he cares about in that capacity. “The fact you know what’s under the armor and the connections pertaining to it means that I trust you enough to know them.” Shift, and he gestured the other along regardless of the aforementioned perceived slight, dismissing it rather easily. He was not one to hold grudges often.

“...Your woman? Does that mean,” Samuel would glance over his shoulder as he exited the range, “You two are finally official, now?” The question was posed in somewhat of an amused, yet excited manner - he felt it was obvious who the other person he was referring to was. He saw that coming from a mile away, from the first conversation he had with the both of them. “If that’s the case, that’s another stroke of luck; it’s part of the reason I asked you to accompany me.” Spoken with evident delight as he led them towards his next destination; a shopping center, mall, whatever the terminology for it was. Only places he really shopped around like this was for materials for equipment. It was almost comical how vastly different it was, today.


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Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
What were these sweaters made out of? It didn't feel like wampa wool...

Ishida was looking for a tag with some sort of material breakdown, to see the percentages of synthetic fibres, when Jem hit her with the question she'd asked herself a thousand times that day.

"I'm still not sure why you want to go to this thing, no one here wants to see us."

"It's not for anyone here." She replied, and folded her hem down again. There was no tag. This was some homemade atrocity. For al lthe honesty that she and Jem had shared, sporadically, Ishida still couldn't bare to tell anyone her wider plan. Or ploy. Mostly because she wasn't even sure what she was doing was right, or what she was doing. It was like she was forcing herself to try and be more than she was, trying to participate in these stupid events because her Master never had. He'd been on the fringes of The New Jedi Order, disproving so much of their activities, that Ishida felt like she was partly responsible for mending that distance. Closing it somehow...if she were to take on his mantle.

It was too complicated to talk about. When she understood her motives better, maybe she'd share.

At the doors, Jem paused. Ishida mirrored the motion, and drew in a deep breath. It smelled wonderful. When she went to look at the other knight, her companion looked more pallid than before. And the stillness that had seemed to overcome her seemed impossible for someone who was wearing a sweater as itchy as Jem was.

"We don't have to go in." Ishida offered quietly.

"Honestly, you in that sweater enough of a Life Day memory for this year."




Thelma Goth Thelma Goth
Seconds crawl without any further assault of noise. One final thump prefaced a flailing robed form falling past the window. For a moment, there is only silence - were they okay?

Snow flies as the padawan comes flying up out of the bank with hysterical giggles. A shout to the rooftops is barely heard through the muffling of the walls.

"That. Was. Awesome! C'mon Jess, stop being a baby. Jump!"

So much for that lead. Someone should probably stop them before they hurt themselves.​
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OBJ 1 | Senate Square
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | OPEN​

"Arcadia?" Amani asked, evidently unfamiliar with the planet beyond its name. She vaguely recalled a reputation for tourism, but it was all a bit too outside of her purview to investigate further, "I've never been." Desric's appraisal of the cocoa was more than enough for her. Amani took the drink and nearly raised it to her lips when the Count reminded her of her bad habit when it came to hot beverages. She stifled an indignant smirk through pursed lips, and lowered the drink to let it cool a while longer.

The Chancellor soon after drew the Square's attention to her for a speech. It was only now, seeing her in person again, that Amani could dwell on Auteme's position; She had once been a Jedi peer of hers, and now here she was leading the entirety of the Alliance. It was far from a common career evolution, but if anyone was to do it, it would be her, Amani thought.

Such musing were put on hold, as the Life Day orbs were lit soon after, "Ooh- Look," She nudged Alicio's arm, and pointed towards the array of twinkling lights. They helped complete the scene, and the meaning of the holiday as a whole. The distraction they provided was itself short-lived, when their conversation resumed. Specifically, when Desric mentioned Serenno and it's Imperial status, "Oh," Amani frowned sympathetically, "I'm sorry to hear that." Such were galactic geopolitics. And being a mirialan, she knew a thing or two about having an unideal regime change on one's ancestral homeworld.

Alicio's sentiments rang true, at least. As the heart of the free galaxy, Coruscant was a cosmopolitan crossroads. A second home for millions, if not billions. Out of any demographic, senators arguably understood this more than most, "We've managed to carve out a little space for ourselves," Amani concurred, admiring the snapshots of Life Day spirit unfolding across the square, "You grow accustomed to it."
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OBJ I: Senate Square
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Amani Serys Amani Serys | OPEN
--- --- ---
After looking at Alicio assessingly for a moment, Desric shook his hand, an easy smile on his lips. "As do I." His hand was soft, but the grip was appropriately firm. "I can, if nothing else, promise to evaluate any given proposal on its merits."

Not just according to what other Corporatists voted, in other words.

Looking over at Amani, he took a sip from his cocoa. "I am not surprised - the terraforming process was finalised fairly recently. The designer biomes are quite the sight to behold; I can recommend it as a vacation destination." Given their roles in the Jedi Order and Senate respectively, the local authorities were liable to treat them with blatant favouritism.

Nodding at their comments, he turned his gaze down from the orbs. "Right you are. For the most part, I feel quite at home in the Core Worlds. Alas, Denon seems to be growing less hospitable." So much so that Globex was expediting the relocation of administrative capacity to Arcadia. A sorry situation, even if it elevated his own importance.

Worse yet were the Mawites infesting worlds as close as Foerost like a cancerous growth.



Location: Jedi Temple
Tags: Open​

Dreidi looked around as she saw many of the Jedi and friends rushing around to celebrate another Life Day passing them by. Dreidi never hung onto traditions like these, not because she didn't enjoy the fun, the gift giving or the quality time one would spend with others. It just reminded her too much of her family and how she hadn't heard from them in heavens know how long. Dreidi always felt a little downer around the season time since there was so many good memories of her family on Kashyyyk and the joys of life then that now, now it felt whole and tasted like ash. Instead she just decided to wander around the temple, not necessarily take part in the big celebration down by the senate plaza but enjoy what was around the Jedi Temple here on Coruscant and see who might still be around. Tying her hair up and pulling on a long, thick jumper to fight the cold weather, Dreidi smiled politely to those that passed her on their excited ways to take part in events popping up all around the planet.

Humming a quiet festive tune that her parents taught her decades ago, Dreidi wandered around. Looking for somewhere with a pleasant view. Perhaps, since she wasn't feeling particularly festive currently, she could watch the senate plaza stuff happen from a distance. Stepping outside of the Temple, Dreidi looked around for somewhere that would be a bit warm, not uncomfortable and sat down. Looking into the direction of the plaza to see if she could see the lights from here. It was probably unlikely but if she could then it would be a nice touch. Something to perhaps help warm her cold heart this time of year.




Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tags: Aiden Porte
Objective #1: Rockin' Around the Life Day Tree
Soundtrack: The Dawning


"You could help that side, prepare their cookies. And I'll take the other group?" Aiden inquired as he looked to Cailen.

Cailen nodded eagerly, turning to the growing pack of hungry younglings who lined up at his station. He moved as fast as he could, scooping cookies for each of them as they passed through.

"Chocolate chip!" "Ginger!" Sugar!"
One by one, the younglings got their fill of fresh cookies, warm cocoa, and a few laughs. When a much-appreciated break came between the groups, Cailen filled his own cup with more hot chocolate and leaned back against the table. He ran through a mental checklist as he sipped: Another batch of cookies were in the oven, extra cocoa was bubbling on the stove, and all the younglings were satisfied. For now.

He crossed the kitchen to join Aiden, offering a hand with anything he may need.

"I never realized Life Day was so crazy!" he said with a guilty smile.

This was the first year Cailen was asked to help watch over the younglings during the festivities; Until now, he'd been among them, driving the older Jedi mad with sugar-rushed antics. His thoughts dimmed a bit as he realized this was the first Life Day without Tarus Undara. The notion hadn't crossed his mind at all, what with the festivities and his recent reunion with his parents. But now that it came to mind, it darkened his demeanor.

A frown threatened to eclipse his face as he contemplated, but Cailen quickly remedied it with a cookie and more hot cocoa. If Master Undara were here, he'd want his Padawan to enjoy the celebration. Valery Noble Valery Noble would insist the same.

He knocked back the rest of his cocoa and turned to Aiden.

"What's next?" he asked, excited for what the rest of Life Day would entail.


Alora Davani


Alora smiled at the other woman's response about the snow.

When she thought about snow, she often focused on how lovely it looked falling from the sky and how it adorned the landscape. It seemed that Dominique Vexx thought otherwise, about melting puddles and the mess it makes.

She gave Dominique's hand a polite shake before using both hands to craddle her cup again. "Yes," she said, nodding. "I am enjoying myself." A bright smile punctuated her point. "It is nice to see everyone out having fun." Her brows lifted a moment as she glanced to Dominique, hoping that she, too, was having a good time. "You're quite right." It would be nice to have a reason to gather in the kind of hope and peace that Life Day often inspired.

Alora looked thoughtfully at Dominique.

Had she seen her around the temple before? No, she didn't think so. However, the other woman's face was still somehow familiar. "Do you... work here? At the Senate?" Alora asked, nodding towards the building.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610
Lyrrin smiled as Valery embraced him and he returned the hug, giving her several pats on the back with his left hand while his other patted at her pants pockets in an obvious 'im totally trying to pickpocket you' bit "You should ask the council for a raise." he teased and then gave her another quick squeeze then separated from her a bit so he could look at her "Well! Life's been pretty interesting. Can't tell ya what for though because that's classified and stuff but I can tell you that IVI IVI has the worst taste in new recruits. You woudn't believe the type of riff raff she lets in her agency. I'm telling ya Val, its the end of the Alliance!' he dramatically sighed then quickly snapped his expression back to one of oozing arrogant self confidence "So. Are you going to introduce your Epicgrowth or whatever child to her most favorite uncle Lyrrin?" Lyrrin looked past Valery to watch Vera, Bee, and the BB droid with a curious expression "How old is she now?" it was a genuine question but then he realized he had yet another savage tease available to him and he looked at Valery with horror "How old are you now? Leapin lizardmonkies Val its like looking at the ghost of Lifedays past!" obviously Valery was not some form of ancient spectre or aged woman, far from it, though if Lyrrin didn't jab this much lauded hero of the Alliance - who would? She'd invariably become full of pride and lust for power, then turn to the darkside and become a Sith. If anything Lyrrin was a hero of the Alliance for preverbally pulling on Valery's pigtails.


Senate Plaza
Outfit: Casual Coat
Appearance: Link
BB-610 BB-610 Lyrrin Lyrrin

"A 4% percent raise on an income of zero is still zero, Lyrrin," Valery joked with a smirk before pulling back to listen to his update on life in general. It didn't surprise her at all that the SIA was up to new adventures and plans, but it seemed like the quality of agents was going down. It almost was enough to make her consider being part of the agency again, to bring back the squad. Together, they really had gone through a lot.

From retrieving the Maw Wayfinder to daring rescue attempts.

"I can introduce you to her in a moment," Valery then said as they turned to Vera, who seemed to be building a snowman together with BB-610 BB-610 , her newest friend and the droid who would be joining her in her X-wing and on all sorts of missions now. Right now, though, she just wondered how much bigger they were going to make the base of that snowman — it was soon going to be as tall as Vera, so they'd never be able to add more to it. "She's soon turning six, actually, and-" she paused when Lyrrin joked about her age and whacked him against the back of his head with a quick, but a gentle slap.

"Careful or I'm grabbing a laser pointer," she said with a chuckle.


"Ahhh!" Vera called out when Bee sprayed a bunch of snow into the air to cover both the 'snowman' they were building, as well as Vera herself. She seemed to love it and flailed around her little arms for a few seconds until she returned to her creation and looked at it with a content grin. "It's done, Bee!" she said before she glanced around to find a target.

Rather quickly, she managed to spot Auteme Auteme and she even brought a group of friends, so she could hit all of them with just one snowball!

"Okay, Bee, raise your arm. I need your help." She had seen this work on the holo, so she waited for him to assist, and then raised both of her own hands. The snowball was far too big for even an adult to throw, but she hadn't learned telekinesis just to make stacks of pebbles during class, right? Slowly but surely, the snowball began to levitate and with a final grin on her face, she launched it in the direction of the chancellor, who she had voluntold to be the baddie tonight.

"Woooah!" she called out, as she watched it fly, but while Vera was amazed by it, Valery suddenly noticed a huge snowball flying by, looked at Vera, back at the snowball, then back to Vera... and realized the snowman was no longer there.

"Vera!" she called out.

"Bee..." she turned to her little friend. "Run!"


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