Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Gift of Light

ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Street Plaza, Coruscant |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble |

This had gone rather well! BB-610 certainly seemed to think so, at least, and given the excitement in Vera's voice, so did she. Completing a mission without any technical failures or impedements was a rarity for him, and while this particular assignment wasn't forged by the Jedi or handed down with the utmost importance, BB-610 deemed it his primary incentive to keep Vera safe and happy - a resounding success. Wobbling from side to side akin to a dog wagging its tail, overwhelmed with mutual exhilaration coursing through his servos, BB-610 took a few rolls back in order to admire their handiwork. The duo's project had certainly exceeded expectations, having grown dense enough that neither of them could lift the snowball by their lonesome. With a limited knowledge on what a 'snowman' was, BB-610 remained confident that theirs was the best of the best.

Nodding, the astromech redirected his utility arm, raising it skyward and slowly easing their snowball alongside it, aided by - what he assumed to be - the Force, central optic dilating as BB-610 marvelled in the sight of glistening frost, levitated carefully. In a matter of seconds, it's launched with unseen energy, startling the droid with a jump and a flinch, dome head swirling to the side in an instant to watch in surprise as the oversized snowball is hurdled towards Auteme Auteme . Like gazing at a car crash in slow motion, BB-610 found it difficult to tear his attention away from it, a multitude of advanced photoreceptors keenly focused on the outcome.

Valery's voice sliced through the air, ringing in the droid's audio inputs and grounding him back in reality, snapping him back around to stare at her in utter disbelief. Head slowly lowering down the curve of his chassis in an impulsive attempt feel smaller, BB-610 gave a worried 'uh oh...' before hurriedly following Vera's lead, motors whirring to life and carrying him through thick snow, a string of panicked binary meeting the air all throughout while girl and droid make a hasty escape from the most dreaded enemy of all: the consequences of their own actions.



Senate Plaza

Dominique's smile grew. Did she work at the Senate? Alora Davani must have been new, cloistered, or otherwise unconcerned with politics. If there was something Vexx was not it was forgettable. She liked to think she haunted the Jedi Masters while they meditated the same way their crusade for justice haunted her.

"I do." A brief pause. "I represent those that seek to acquire all that life avails to us, and all the people that enable that pursuit." Well if Alora was unaware of who Dominique was or those she represented, far be it from her to lead with that. No doubt someone had uttered Denon in the same breath as a curse even in the great Jedi Temple. No need for preconceptions to color their interaction. "I think the Chancellor would agree, without all the hard work of so many faceless people even a celebration such as this," the Senator gestured to their surroundings, "would not be possible."

Her golden rings slid aside for a moment. "Come with me." Dominique smiled once more before she turned to led the way through the crowd.

In the time it took them to navigate the crowds, a certain youth had gotten up to frozen hijinks, but that did not deter Dominique in the slightest. Though it did draw her up short and to hold her tongue. Introductions between the young woman and the Chancellor would have to wait a moment as this... sudden circumstance was managed.

When Auteme had a moment, however -- whether in brushing herself off, chiding a youth, or some other equally notable reaction -- Dominique would politely clear her throat. "Chancellor, a pleasant Life Day to you." It wasn't that Vexx sought to show off to a Jedi Knight (not that Dominique knew Alora for one yet), but she did want to continue ingratiating herself with Auteme. Just because they disagreed one many things didn't mean they couldn't socialize. Perhaps they'd even come to better understand one another's positions. First hand impressions were better than some third party report on what the woman was up to or how she felt.

Auteme Auteme | Alora Davani | Valery Noble Valery Noble | BB-610 BB-610 | Kei Jinn Kei Jinn
Eliphas didn't look upon either of them to know whether his flimsy attempt at regaining composure was successful or not. He lifted the cup of cocoa to his lips and took a scalding sip that had him wincing. His poor tongue yelled profanities at him for his hasty ways, but the warmth which trailed through his core offset it enough for him not to really care.
His offhanded suggestion seemed well received. After waiting another few seconds for the unseen storm to pass, he turned his head to look at first Starlin and then Iris; a smile was back on his lips, and at talks of Master Noble it broadened and the happiness actually met his eyes.
"I mean, I'm down to head that way if you guys are" he declared, thoughts of keeping himself hidden from view momentarily cast aside for more pressing thoughts he was working to squish down. Even before waiting for their answer he directed the holochair away from the stall and toward the general direction of the Senate Tower.
"How's training with Master Noble going. 'ris?"

Faith Voshal


Location: Jedi Temple
w: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Xeraic had just sat down to watch the lights from the plaza. When a woman in a black fur jacket rushed to sit next to her.

"Shh.." The woman touched her lips with her hurried finger. "...Shh. Just. Pretend we're friends. Okay. ...Haha."

The woman quickly gave a fake laugh and touched Dreidi on the shoulder. Though her eyes quickly flashed to a group of male Jedi exiting the temple with gifts in their hands. They were both dressed in a pilot's brown leathers and boots.

"Oh ma' gosh. Haha. Like, really? That's crazy! No way."

The group of handsome male Jedi walked past the two sitting women. Smiling and giving the pair of females a quick *wink. Instinctively, the hurried woman to Dreidi's right blushed. Like. A lot. Obviously trying to hide from the two men. Rather badly too.

She let the two men walked past a good distance before touching her pink cheeks and looking back at Xeraic.

"Wow. Okay thanks. And gosh, sorry!" She clasped her hands together and smiled. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just really couldn't face Knight Cameron alone right now. Hehe. Thanks. You saved me."

She was referring to one of the men that had past. Knight Cameron. The handsome brunette human male.

"Oh Gods! Where are my manners. Hehe." The fur woman held out her hand for a shake. "...Apprentice Voshal. At your service! You're a life saver."

A flustered, blustered, yet still rather merry, hello.
Eli confirmed his desire to see the Senate Tower by speeding along ahead of them, and Iris mentioned wanting to see Master Valery Noble Valery Noble . "That settles it, then." Starlin took a tentative sip of too-hot cocoa as he followed Eli's lead.

He didn't say much, letting Eli and Iris steer the conversation. The two of them clearly had a lot of catching up to do.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief
If either of them didn't agree, they didn't share it. No doubt spurred on by his decision to just run on ahead. Or.. Hover. His seat did have some perks, it was a speedster when he needed it to be. Nyooom. He smirked at his own thoughts, guiding them through the busy streets toward the Senate Tower, and then peeked across at Iris curiously.
Then with wide eyes.
"By the Empress! That's great news! Congratulations, 'ris!" He fumbled the hoverchair to a halt and shifted it toward her, arms extending for a celebratory hug. "So what's next for the great Knight Arani?"
His gaze then drifted toward Starlin. "Could'a warned me, Master. Now I feel like even more of a fool for not bringing gifts..."
Clearly a lot had happened in his absence.


Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys - Desric Terassi Desric Terassi -

Desric's response to his words was measured, filled with hidden meaning. Meaning Alicio was able to parse, which brought a genuine, grateful smile to his face. It gave him a bit of hope, that the aisle could be reached across after all. "I would expect nothing more of you," he returned.

When Arcadia was brought up again, Alicio offered a shrug to Amani. "Maybe... If we ever wanted to go somewhere warm..." Still, something about the term 'designer biome' made Alicio uneasy. Some Alliance planets were barely able to feed their hungry populaces, and Arcadia could terraform entire swathes of land for recreational purposes. It was probably a lovely locale, but the Count wasn't sure he would be able to enjoy himself, knowing how many credits were spent for that enjoyment.

After Auteme's speech, Amani pointed out the floating lights. Alicio could only smile, the symbolism laid apparent. "A galaxy of stars," he said quietly, reminded of the festivals back on Alderaan. That feeling of togetherness reached even here on Coruscant. For at least one day.

"Alas, Denon seems to be growing less hospitable."

With the utterance of the word 'Denon', Alicio's mood immediately darkened. It was a sore reminder- that the Alliance wasn't together. That there were some citizens living in hostile conditions, that the GA had thus far turned a blind eye towards. A trailing hand silently asked to hold Amani's.

"I've been there, recently. It's... the situation is poor." The Alderaanian senator risked a smile at his new peer, sipping a bit of cocoa. "Perhaps that's one place in the Alliance we can make better together."

Of course, something else caught his eye. A familiar little girl, hucking an enormous snowball at the leader of the free galaxy. His jaw dropped, as he watched the scene between Vera and Auteme Auteme unfurl, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"Could'a warned me, Master. Now I feel like even more of a fool for not bringing gifts..."

"Hey, it was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision to bring her to see you," Starlin said. "You seemed to be avoiding people, so I didn't want to push it. But when I saw Iris here, I thought of you, and figured it would do you both a lot of good to see each other again." He glanced briefly toward Iris, his gaze oddly intense, but merely warm, not hot. "Like the lady said, your return is the gift."

They reached the Senate Hall... just in time to witness Vera's annihilation of Chancellor Auteme Auteme with one well-aimed snowball. Starlin's face lit up like a Life Day tree at the sight, and before anyone else could stop him, he bent down, cupped some snow in his palms, and with a shout of "Snowball fight!" lobbed the projectile straight at Master Noble.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief Valery Noble Valery Noble

Aldric Laurent

OBJ 1 | Senate Square

Since the split, Aldric had tried to make it a personal goal not to completely shut himself out. He had an apartment set up, life still trudged onward, no need to let personal struggles stop him from enjoying himself at all.

Generally, Aldric enjoyed the quieter aspects of the Life Day season, but after having effectively been a recluse for as many years as he had, strolling about in the Senate Square was a nice change of pace. Plenty of people, all enjoying themselves. Even just from observing it all he could feel a bit of vicarious satisfaction.

Aldric watched the Chancellor break away from the center of the proceedings following her speech, only to become the target of a hefty snowball. He blinked in surprise at the sheer audacity of someone to pelt the leader of the free galaxy, only to soon find the source: Vera.

“Oh,” He muttered aloud. Aldric wasn’t sure whether to be surprised, amused, or just worried. It meant Val was no doubt nearby, too. What if either of them spotted him? That information was hard to act on. So he just kept on meandering, hoping to take his mind off it all over again.


It was a hug she didn't hesitate to return. She laughed a little nervously though, scratching at her cheek. Her next step? She couldn't really tell him about the Shadow stuff, not without breaking some rules set out for her. Maybe another time she could. But what could she give?

"I have a Padawan. Two, actually. Though I don't think either of them are here today. You should meet them sometime. Good kids. .. Well. One of them might not be a kid? And the other can be a little shithead. But they're good people for sure."

Lief Lief | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand
OBJ 1 | Senate Square
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | OPEN​

Amani couldn’t claim full knowledge of the Senate’s inner workings, not any more than whatever Alicio shared with her, anyway. But she was definitely aware of some of his more recent struggles with the legislative body. She had, after all, worked together with him to expose corruption on Denon. But before they could do anything with what they had, another senator jumped the gun. Considering Holst’s affiliations, it was highly unlikely that any effort on his part was purely of goodwill, but of greater concern was the Senate’s decision to shut down any investigation entirely. That had struck the Count rather bluntly.

Amani didn’t exactly know Desric’s political leanings, and frankly it was a bit sad that evaluating a proposal on its merits had become a commendable point of view, rather than the expected norm; But- it was an appreciated gesture regardless. A sign that not all nonpartisanship had been thrown to the wayside. If nothing else, she felt Alicio needed to hear it. Especially as Denon was mentioned again.

She stayed put but left the two of them to their shoptalk, finally daring a first sip of her cocoa as she people-watched the plaza. It wasn't long before she saw a snowball hucked right at Auteme, “Oh my,” Amani gasped quietly, tracking the flight path back to its perpetrator. Of course, none other than Vera Noble, “Does that… count as an attempt on the Chancellor's life?” She half-joked with a snort. Hopefully no security guards were crossing the distance to go tackle a five year old. “Glad I’m not babysitting her tonight…” Amani took another sip. Definitely not an event she’d want to be implicated in.
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"I am avoiding people..." he mumbled with a playful pout. "Can't you tell by my cloak..?"
His hug was returned, and Eliphas seemed to relax some in the wake of it. A lot of those pent up emotions melted from his formally rigid form, and he let out a tiny breath. It didn't last long of course, but certainly long enough.
"I'm glad you understood that Iris didn't count" he hummed, before he turned his head toward his newly Knighted friend. Padawans... She had Padawans, multiple? "How long was I out again..?" A brilliant smile lit up his face. "I'd love to meet them, 'ris... Just, uh, maybe when I can get around a little better?"
As much as he was doing his best to avoid feeling ashamed for his current state, it was easier said than done. He wanted to be back on his feet, being useful, before he returned too much to the fold. "They're like me. Lucked out with their Master.." His gaze shifted to Starlin briefly, who had just begun to throw snowballs, before returning to Iris. "Wanna pelt him with snow?"
He reached down as far as he could, even shifting down the hover chair, but couldn't quite reach a handful of it. Without thinking, he just sort of slid himself out of his seat and compacted some snow within his hands. Then he loosed it right at Starlin's head. Clearly he cared more about chilling his Master than keeping himself warm, because the snow was quick to seep through his cloak and trousers.
Grabbing more snow, Starlin had shifted his target to Amani Serys Amani Serys , who was standing next to a couple of dudes. She looked bored with what they were talking about, so he figured a snowball to the face would help. Perfectly logical.

However, he did not anticipate Eli lobbing snow at the back of his head. The impact occurred right as he was making his throw, skewing his aim. The snowball wound up heading straight towards either Alicio Organa Alicio Organa or Desric Terassi Desric Terassi . Flip a coin, gentlemen.

Starlin whirled on Eli. "Eliphas!" he roared, beaming from ear to ear. Bending down, he tossed a snowball straight at his apprentice.

Lief Lief Iris Arani Iris Arani


"All that matters is you're back now."

Shame was a powerful thing. She understood it pretty well. All she could do was give him a smile. He'd get on his feet in his own time. And when he did, he'd be the Jedi he wanted to be for sure. For now though? Iris grinned and nodded before reaching down to get her own snowball. The moment Starlin turned around she let it loose right for his face. Time to join in the festivities!

Lief Lief | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand


OBJ I: Senate Square
Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | OPEN
--- --- ---
The potential for cooperation was there. Good. Unlike most, he had focused on getting to know the opposition.

All the better to work together for the greater good, of course. A greater good he was convinced aligned smoothly with his own corporate interests. Food shortages? Pay a megacorporation to turn a continent into one giant farm!

Alicio's reaction to Denon was sharp - was it personal? Possibly. Either that or a core political goal. Either way, Desric could not fault him for that. The planet was a stain on the otherwise reasonable concept of corporate-run planets. "Quite. I have found Coruscant to make a much more palatable place of residence." It was not entirely clear to what extent the corporatist had taken into consideration that most of Denon's population could not afford to move.

Truth be told, he could barely see the issues of the common man from his ivory tower.

Soon, the conversation turned to more lighthearted manners - the 'vicious attack' on the Chancellor, for one. Chuckling merrily, Desric shook his head in response to the antics of... was that Master Noble's daughter?

That would explain the babysitting. The New Jedi Order was no doubt close-knit.

"Hah. That ought to get a moment of panic out of her security." Speaking of security, an unremarkable humanoid in a parka suddenly lurched forward, blocking a snowball that would have hit Desric with its body. Blinking in confusion, Desric looked over at the thrower, his eyes running facial recognition. "Mine too, I guess. Who is ' Starlin Rand Starlin Rand '?"

The man had apparently been near him in a bar once, but that was about it.


Location: Jedi Temple
Tag: Faith Voshal

Someone abruptly sat down next to Dreidi and she was completely baffled since there was a quick mention of sounding like friends and then fake laughing that Dreidi could only feign an awkward smile towards. Noticing the two Jedi that passed them, Dreidi wandered what the big deal about them was. Were they really good at fighting? Should she be testing her skills against them instead of others? Just so painfully unaware that this situation was all based on attraction and shyness.

"No worries, which one was Cameron? Is he like really good at sparring or more of a Force User?" Dreidi asked curiously. "I think if you want to beat him on the mat, use his overconfidence. They all seemed to have a swagger." Dreidi commented before shrugging, "unless there was another issue you had with him?"

Shaking the other woman's hand. Interesting that she called herself Apprentice and not Padawan, Dreidi wondered if she was a Jedi or not. It wouldn't matter, just something that Dreidi might have in common since while she identified as a Jedi, there were times she didn't feel like one. "I'm Dreidi, Dreidi Xeraic. Jedi Padawan and Witch Initiate."

"Don't worry about it. Was just chilling here anyways." Dreidi smiled gently.

Welp, so much for going unnoticed. His name was yelled across the frigid plaza ahead of the Senate Tower, moments before a heavy thud of snow struck him square in the face. With a resounding oof he fell back against the softened ground and lay there with his gaze fixed overhead. The top level of Coruscant actually had a pretty nice view of the sky, he realized. That it was strung across with nice lights definitely helped matters.
Wrinkling his cold nose, he forced himself back up to a seated position, and grinned in Starlin's direction. The hood of his cloak had come down, and he didn't bother to fix it. It was Life Day, nobody was focused on an individual within the crowd. There was far too much going on for that!
"Oh, you're on Starboy" he guffawed, compacting and lining up a series of snowballs at his side. It was quite nice to sit on the ground again, even if it was cold and damp. Nicer than the hover chair, and even his plush mattress. It had been too long since Eliphas had felt grounded.
Eliphas tossed his second round at Starlin right as Iris joined in the fray. An attack from multiple positions, time to overwhelm him!
"Who you callin' Starboy?" It was better than being called Star, at least. That was a girl's name. "You're gonna get it, Eliphonzo—"

He was cut off by a snowball hitting him in the face. Turning to Iris with chunks of snow all over his face and hair, he groaned. "Et tu, Iris?"

With a little help from the Force, Starlin began fashioning snowballs at an astonishing rate. "I told you you'd have to learn how to fly someday, Eli. To dodge this!" He launched a series of snowballs at him, then more at Iris, each of them acting like guided missiles.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief

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