Objective: Whatever Daisy tells me to do...Tag: [member="Daisy Americus"] | [member="Hisashi"] | [member="Áine"]
"Talking rarely works better than a slugthrower pointed between someone's eyes," Kaden commented. He was never one for talking to solve problems considering he never had any good example of that actually working. From the moment he could remember, Kaden had been raised with war. He fought as a child, killed as child, and grew up among a people that new nothing but conflict and the way of death. He did not mean to sound so flippant or closed, but this was Kaden's reality, and it was part of the darkness and hardening of his heart.
Despite the fact Kaden was rarely seen talking to anyone else, he was not alone, nor was he lonely. The young mandalorian had found comfort in solitude for so long that he was happy with a few close friends. Daisy, despite their way of meeting, was his closest friend. Then there was his mother. She had been silent for a time, despite his efforts to reach out to her. Something had changed. Metus had something, he knew it. It was part of her plan, and Kaden needed to trust it, but he was worried because he had not been this far long without knowing she was there. He needed to smell the scent of jasmine and rain, even that would be enough.
His hand slipped from her shoulder before he made his way to the gunchair. His head nodded at her well wishes. Once he was secure in the chair Daisy's warning came through. A blind spot at four. Kaden grabbed the headset which rest on the controls and secured it to his head. Once the targeting computer was turned on, Kaden made sure Daisy knew he heard her message by releasing a volley of gunfire at the enemy ships following them though. This was not going to be easy.
About the time Daisy felt a queasy feeling over Scherezade, Kaden felt her. [member="Darth Elyria"] was close, and Kaden smiled at the sensation of her presence. It was different. She had a body. Suddenly Kaden knew why he had not sensed her, and offered a short prayer he knew she would not hear. Still he felt as though he needed her forgiveness.
<<< "You okay, Daisy," >>> Kaden asked through the comm system. <<< "If you're gonna make your move do it soon, I can only hold them off for so long..." >>>
Kaden turned underneath, and got a direct hit on one of the four ships remaining. One more was taken out with one of the stragglers which had followed them. If she was going to thread the needle and get in through a back door, she needed to do it soon.