Yes, a drink was about the only thing that was going to get her through this with a smile on her face. She had kept it, tight lipped and miserly, when Itash had greeted their host, and managed to maintain it now, even as he murmured her name against her ear.
"I cannot think of a single positive thing that could come of having such connections, Lord Mecetti," she said, tone a little frosty, the choice of using their 'public' form of address deliberate. She was irritated with him, and it was a small jab in refusing to let him sway her with intimacies. The comment about 'positive' things was equally layered and she trusted him to catch the insult. He was supposed to.
She accepted her drink from the bartender and took a longer sip that she might usually.
The day, she thought, couldn't get much worse.
Which meant that of course it
"Um." Came an awkward sound off to her left. She ignored it, because clearly no one here would be addressing
"Um. Ms. Paige? Miss Cassandra Paige? Of GenPals, Ms. Cassandra Paige?"
Oh lordy.
She rolled her eyes so only Itash could see it before turning around, fitting that smile back deliberately on her face.
"Yes, actually, I-"
Cassandra almost dropped her drink she recoiled so fast.
Harch standing beside her rubbed its chelicerae together. Cass had no idea if it was a sign of pleasure, hunger or what. She briefly debated the merits of being sick (or feigning a faint) to get herself out of this situation. It only got worse when it reached out with four hands, enclosing her free one and pumping up and down vigorously several times.
Maybe she wouldn't have to pretend.
"My name is Rench. It is such an honor Ms. Paige," the creature burbled and she managed to extract her hand, the hair at the back of her neck standing on end at the feel of the prickly fur on those alien digits.
"Oh. Well."
"I just wanted to let you know how delighted myself and my family are with our dear, sweet Rolaru."
Cassandra just blinked slowly at him. Which apparently was enough for him to continue gushing. He rambled on for several minutes- eventually she figured out that a Rolaru was apparently their family's name for a Bantha Buddy. The smile plastered to her face, she kept trying to find ways to excuse herself from this entire situation.
"We bought it for the hatchlings of course," it clacked its chelicerae together and the combination of that statement and the action was enough to entice a horrified *giggle* out of the red head.
"Oh yes I know," it continued with amusement in its own voice.
"It was for them, but I was the one who fell in love. Rolaru is the best companion a Harch could ever hope to have."
Internally, Cass was screaming.
[member="Itash Mecetti"]