[member="Cassandra Paige"]
After exchanging communicators and goodbyes Itash slowly guided Cassandra away from the spider.
If it walked, talked, clicked and looked like a spider, it probably was one after all.
They had left her drink at the bar though, but something told him that Cass wasn't going to return anytime soon there. Maybe after Ranch - or Rench, whatever - had skipped off to do whatever spiders did in their free time, but after a thing like that? Tash wordlessly passed his glass with whiskey over to her for a sip, or two, he barely drank on a bad day and this was amounting to be anything but. Arachnophobia, huh? Now that was something Tash could use.
As was the relief she had experienced at his rescue.
"I need to meet with two faces today," Tash finally said as he accepted his glass back and took a sip. Well, it was more the wetting of his lips, but it conveyed the same meaning. "Then we can leave." Obviously Cass was completely ready to leave right now, but while her investment was moderately secured now... his wasn't, yet.
A whale had been eyeing them - him mostly - since they had entered the room.
The Herglic had kept its distance when the Harch slid up, but now it was approaching. "Haum. Lord Mecetti?" The voice boomed not unkindly, but its depth was enough to imply aggression even where there wasn't any to be found. This whale was named Kilaa and she was one of two faces. Specifically the representative of the 'local' mining guild operating around Jakku and adjacent worlds. They recently had some trouble with other companies engrossing on their profits.
They were looking for a solution.
Tash was looking for profit.