Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graveyard--Justice Shipping; ask for invite

Lady Kay said:
"James!! Denn!! How do we get out of here?!"
Hearing the sound of his sister, James felt wave of familiar rage sweep over his body. He felt ten years younger hearing his sister cry out for help. She was in real danger, real life-or-death danger that he had rarely ever seen her in and that--made him angry. He saw Denn save his life with a sharp shot to the animated carcass on his left. It would have been very appropriate to see him turn green and shout "Hulk Smash" or something.

He nodded to the good man, 'Cover me, going in for Kay!"

He could see her, as the dead began to surround her on her position of the X-Wing. He felt the familiar wave of Force Rage wash over him, fueling him and surging through his body. His eyes swam with a familiar dark purple energy. It was rare for James to use his Force Skills, but times like this merited it. Blaster roaring with death he charged head first into the crowd of carcasses. Their thick, black blood splattered as he put their bodies to rest. His shoulder slammed through one, the power of the Force shattered it into a bloody spray of gore. He brought his heavy pistol down on another, shattering its skull into fragments that went sailing through the air. Spinning on his heel, he brought his other fist down in a hammer fist, tearing through another's exposed brains with ease. He jut his hand out, palm first, sending a wave of Force Push, clearing a path for his sister to a nearby tower--a safe haven.

"Go! Now!" he roared before plunging his fist through another's chest. The body twitched before going limp on his arm. The spacer hurled it at another two, sending them all crashing against the bulkhead of a freighter.

"James look out!" Leighlah shouted.

The spacer felt the sharp feeling as the rotting teeth began to bite down on his leather jacket. He pulled away in time to evade the puncture of his skin, but his jacket still tore under the dead teeth. He lost control, blacking out as the rage took control of his body. The darkside swarmed him, pulsing in a visible, palpitate force. Tendrils of it snaked around his body, cackling with electrical energy. He clenched his fists with a roar, sending the Force out in a shock wave that leveled those closest to him. He swept his arms wide, grasping many with the Force, halting them in their places. He slammed his palms together in front of him, their bodies clashed together into a sickening ball of putrid flesh. His fingers twisted, sending the ball crashing through more of the dead, shattering at last against one of the sheds.

He would have stood there forever, draining his life out, corrupting himself even further forever into darkness if the skies had not darkened with ships. The back up had arrived. Dropships and shuttles began to land, soldiers spewed out of them, helping secure the area. The entire Justice Shipping Fleet was here, here to retrieve their king.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"]
Lights flashed erratically at the horizon of space as Admiral James Varren dropped the Bloodhound out of hyperspace and back into real space just within range of Soceras. The smaller freighter shook slightly as the rest of the armada dropped out of hyperspace after him. Several heavy frigates and bulk freighters all loaded down with supplies and personnel for the ground relief efforts headed towards the planets surface following the Bloodhound. Inside the cargo bay of the bloodhound, Standing row after row shoulder to shoulder, Were nearly two hundred SLAM droids ready to surge forth into the carnage just as soon as Jack landed. Surging forward faster than the Bloodhound and the frigates were several of Justice Shippings larger attack corvettes, Forming a makeshift barricade as the armada made its way towards the planets surface.

A smile forming on his lips, Jack flipped a switch and hollered out over the comms system.....

"You sure know how to pick'em boss.... Y'all look like ya could use a hand, I even brought the fleet this time"

[member="James Justice"]

Lumi Snow

love, hope, and peace conquer all
[member="Tiali Orazio"]

Malintis Moon moved to help them once more on this immovable cart of crap. Lumi was reminded of some sort of greek legend where the warrior who displeased the gods was forced to forever roll the stone up the hill just to have it roll back down again. It seemed sorta like this, a lot of effort, no results. She was about to offer to put her back into things when LAINA pinnged in her earpeice.

"Mistress, we have something happening, something important," the AI warned her.

Lumi took a step to the side, "What? What is it?"

"A whole fleet has arrived on the planet, a whole fleet of ships. There are dozens, maybe even a hundred of them. Beings are making quick drops down into the forest, all over the place, I detect two coming upon your position right now."

No sooner had the AI finished then the rustle of forestry broke through the air, two armored men bearing the Skull and JS of Justice Shipping came near.

''Hey, you lot, what's happening here?" one of them demanded.

"Sir, look, its officer Thraxis, the head of the detention and interrogation," the other said to his mate.

They both snapped into salutes, "Sir, its good to see you alive, sir."
Thraxis continued his push, he needed this cargo dragged to the Sith Temple, he needed to get it fixed up as soon as he could get it fixed. Though it seemed the doctors helpers decided to spend their idle time, chit chatting and refusing to help. If they had a website on Space Yelp, they were most assuredly getting a 2 out of five galaxies. Though that was if they were even who they claimed to be, the ideas rushed through his mind as another wave of sweat dripped from his brow, his muscles pushing themselves as far as they could as he tried his hardest to get movement, something they met with little success. Which was better then none.

As he pushed and pulled he overheard her worrying, his eyes rolling, it seemed this damn planet was getting more traffic then he would have liked. "Oh for.... who is it now? Is this planet just a hotspot for attracting everything in the universe to it?" he sighed as he looked above him, a few metal objects hovering overhead as he squinted, "Oh... so the pirates are here then." he muttered as he drew his guns, they had a bullet left in each of them. His eyes narrowed, focused on the rustle of noise that seemed to just happen all the time on this damned planet.

For a brief moment relief rushed over him as finally someone respected his position of authority, Tiali was never the kind of man who respected him and Lumi seemed to be certain that he was just a deranged lunatic wandering about. "Ahh.... yes... it is... you two." he pauses for a second, realizing that he was higher up in the chain of command then he originally anticipated. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are. Though I have to wander... why are you here?" a look of contusion rushing over him. It seemed James was able to get a message across to someone.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Lady Kay"]
[member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"] [member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Dominik Borra"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Kay did what little she could, firing her blaster while [member="James Justice"] arrived. But the carnage he caused on the living dead gave her pause. She had never seen him go so dark, to see such fury and destruction from someone that she thought she knew. In almost slow motion she watched, seeing the blood fly and the bodyparts torn apart. She just couldn't take her eyes off of it. And then he had cleared her a route. She jumped down from the X-Wing and ran to the tower as fast as her legs could carry her, feeling her heartrate increase with every step. The tower inched closer and closer while she ran, dodging lifeless bodies and pistol whipping them aside.

The Force was not with her as she didn't call on it. Her mind just wasn't there enough to focus. As she climbed the tower, Kay's thoughts were all on James and what he was doing. She looked over her shoulder on occasion as she climbed, seeing the darkness surround him. It was frightening.

But then they came. Beams of light from the dropships descending from above. Kay watched them come, the wind whipping her hair about her face as she held her position on the tower twenty feet above the ground. Who they were, she didn't know, but from this vantage point, she could just watch and wait. Her blaster needed to be replenished anyways, and all that she wanted to do was to leave this planet. There was nothing good about it. Sure she found out about her family history, but what this planet was doing to James wasn't good. The others that came with them probably weren't fairing well either.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Denn Ralto"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"] [member="Dominik Borra"]


Well-Known Member​

Denn watched in amazement, nearly forgetting to fire his blaster as James pushed forward, streaking towards Kay. Coming to after firing that last shot he turned his attention back to the animated corpses. Firing off a few more shots he followed the man's trail, double tapping the few corpses that had simply fallen as he rushed by. What the feth was this mess he had gotten himself into? What was this place? Whatever had happened here had left the shipyard's occupants dead... and yet alive. The thought of the dead being risen back to life had terrifying implications. Denn already knew there was a darkness cast over this planet, like a blanket of shadow but there was also something more, something deeper almost as if the planet itself held some secret power. Whatever it was, he was swiftly deciding he wanted no part in it... at least the dead.

He let loose another few blaster bolts in a rapid spray, hoping to slow down the ever growing mob behind him. He turned to look, seeing James and Kay reach the bottom of one of the towers. He was almost to them but the creatures had begun to swarm towards the pair. As he looked, he saw Kay begin climbing the tower to get at least out of immediate arms reach of the creatures, and that's when he heard it. The low hum of a ship's engines. He clenched his jaw as he nimbly hopped over a corpse James had left in his wake. His eyes cast skyward, he saw the hulls of ships and squinted slightly as they began to fire on the crowded masses of wriggling bodies... corpses. It was a gory scene, one even Denn had difficulty stomaching. The smell of rotting flesh was overpowering and only seemed to get worse as the bodies were blasted from the ships in the air. Nervously, Denn retrieved a bandanna from his satchel, holding it to his face with one hand as his blaster was gripped tightly in the other. Though muffled, he was still audible as he spoke, finally caught up to James and his sister.

"Those your ships?!" he shouted, gesturing towards them with the long barrel of his weapon.
Tiali grunted grinding his teeth, his hands planted on the crate. Another push forces tiali to slide in what is now mud and torn grass or small plants. Tiali kept pushing with no idea if the crate was immobilised or not. But either way this job felt pointless to Tiali. But a well payed pointless job.

With beams of light and engines rumbling in the distance closing in on the the location, Tiali Looks towards the lights Tiali's HUD lights up with multiple targets identifying the gunships over and through the forest's upper layers. Pulling his attention away from crate his hand lowers to one of his two LL-30 pistols ready to pull it from it's holster.

'Hey you lot, what's happening here.'

Quickly turning to face the the direction of the demanding voice he pulls the pistol from his holster, keeping it by the side of his thigh at the ready. But to Tiali's surprise he was faced with Sir... Salutes... Officer... He then looks to Thraxis "I didn't think you'd be the type of person to be getting salutes by solders." He says almost in a questioning tone.

Tiali scratches his head wondering what else he missed while away.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Lumi Snow"]
James felt a sense of relief as the ships descended and his troops secured the area. As the carnage flew around them he looked at Denn and gave a slight smile. A smile of pure relief, 'Aye, mate, they be mine.'

He let out a soft laugh as he felt the weight and the toll of the past 48 hours starting to catch up with him. It felt like they had been at this--months. For months on end, and at last they were safe, safe with men around them to help fight off the enemy with them. Kay was safe. Denn was safe. James was able to return home, and work on getting this place theirs and secure.

Home. It had never felt so real before. It had never sounded so good before. How many times had he said that without grasping the full meaning of the word? Countless times.

He gave Jack a smile and a slap on the back with a hearty laugh, "Perfect timing, mate, ye saved our lives. Let's work on getting me sis found and taken to safety. We got a planet to take."


One of the two soldiers in front of Thraxis tapped himself on the chest, "I am Gonda, this is Bermon. Of course you are, sir. We are here to bring you in to safety before we being to secure the planet, sir." He looked at the men and woman with him, "And, uh, of course, we are supposed to ex-fill your friends too, uh, sir."

((OOC: Feel free to post your exiting posts, we are going to start a follow up exploration thread after some IC-time has passed for those who wanna partake. Thank all of you. You are amazing. Best role play buddies ever. Cheers.))

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"]
Thraxis face was quickly conformed to boredom, all life draining from his at the prospect of being taken away from paradise, "Oh... I see..." the energy quickly drained from him, it was as of time itself finally caught up to his exhaustion, the life from his face quickly dissipating as he fell onto his knees, his breath parched and burnt out, he carried so much pain, dragging himself through hell itself, his muscles feeling as if each individual string was pulled and snapped in a heartbeat as the ecstasy of adrenaline dissipated from his body.

"Over... worked... my... self..." he said with a wheezed breath as he fell to the ground, a smile streaking across his face as he took one look at the forest, "I... claim... this... planet in.... my name..." he squeezed out, before the embrace of unconsciousness took over, his body a ragged mess, his joints on the edge of snapping and tearing as each and every blade of grass felt like just that. A blade sticking straight through his armor and into his body.
[member="James Justice"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Dominik Borra"] [member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="One-Eyed Jack Varren"]
Drop pods rained down like.... Well like rain, as Jack landed the old freighter and the SLAM droids began flooded from the cargo bay and the pods surrounding the area..... The ensuing chaos a thing of beauty as the droids began to decimate the incoming attackers.

Fire flew from the match in his hand as he lit the chewed up old cigar clenched between his teeth as he slowly sauntered down the ramp holding a massive blaster repeater in his hands ready to blast anything he needed to.

@Thraxis@James Justice[member="Tiali Orazio"][member="Denn Ralto"][member="Lady Kay"][member="Lumi Snow"]

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