Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graveyard--Justice Shipping; ask for invite

Hahahah I wasn't moving quickly for me I was simply walking!"she said to [member="Denn Ralto"] as she gave a laugh

Next stardust looked to the transparent woman as she cocked her head to her...who was she? Why was she around James? He seemed happier with her around and that seemed good

She followed [member="Lady Kay"] as she smiled and nodded "me and denn can do a little repair on it while you guys find more parts"she said

[member="James Justice"] [member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Thraxis"]
Gamorreans. Disgusting creatures, green slimy and they squeal. Don't see What Thraxis see's in them, then again probably just living shield's to Thraxis he must of did something right for them to contact Tiali. He was told the coordinates of where the group was heading and type of ship they traveled in. Looking through the star maps Tiali pin pointed plausible habitable planets they could've made an emergency or crash landing.

Setting in a course for the first planet, Tiali hits the hyper drive in his D5-mantis patrol craft speeding towards the target. On arrival He turns to his Astromech "Hey R9 Scan Planet's surface for the ship" After coming up with nothing, Tiali Rubs his hand through his hair and releases a sigh "Where gonna be out here awhile" punching in the coordinates for the next planet he hits hyperspace.

After Multiple attempts scan after scan, He was just about to throw in the towel, when the sudden sound of beeping rings in his ears. In disbelief He spins around on his chair "Check it again R9" He walks over to the terminal checking it himself "huh, What do you know. Let's get a closer look." Tiali moves back over to the pilot seat, Grabbing the controls he begins to take it down into the atmosphere. "R9 Take her down, I'm gonna go get my gear" the AstroMech takes over the ship as Tiali moves out the back to get his equipment.

Tiali is wearing his custom made Urban camo suit Mk-I his visor covering his face. A wrist mounted sonic pistol rests on his right under forearm. And a wrist mounted flame thrower rests on the other. The tikulini leather covering most of his body with durasteel helmet, shoulder pads and chest guard. His belt had an assortment of grenades and a JT-12 jetpack attached to his back. to the lower parts he wore magno-grip boots, with two LL-30 pistols either side of his thighs. A Tazi VibroSword Sits across his back in a sheath under his jet back ready to be used for combat.

Moving back to the terminal he begins to attempt to pin point Thraxis location on the planet. Using the message Thraxis sent to the Gamorreans, Tiali will use the frequency it was sent in and scan the planet's surface for the communicator that it was emitting the signal. Tiali should be able to make a parameter of where Thraxis will be located as long as his Com is still active. With promising results "There I think we got him R9"

Quickly making his way to the airlock, Tiali slides his helmet onto his head.Reaching the edge he walks forward until off the edge then allows gravity to take him, to be swept away by the air, falling towards the surface.The ground appears into Tiali's view through the clouds getting larger and larger, closer and closer. Tiali readies himself and his jet pack for a quick Landing. Igniting his jet pack with a sudden burst, he slows himself down enough to land softly on the ground planting his feet with a solid "thump."

[member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Dominik Borra"]
[member="Daak Dakaara"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Denn Ralto"]
Thraxis took a courteous bow, "Twas a pleasure meeting you as well my good sir." he responded, it was their choice to go off on their own, his name might have been Hunter but on this planet, he was just like everyone else. The Hunted. Though he caught wind of what she said, People? "Mam, I don't know if you know this, but there ain't no people here except you and the Crash survivors. And me of course. As to there name, you would have to ask James." he clarified, maybe she thought everyone was a person in their own right, or maybe their had been some sort of communication error, but felt like clarification was needed.

Thraxis sighed, scratching the back of his head, "Well... I ain't gonna say no if you truly insist. It would at least speed up the process by a bit I am sure of that." he sighed as he turned back to the Cargo Carrier 9000 Mk. V, putting his helmet back onto his skull as he walked to the carrier, coiling the rope around his arms as he began to push himself more and more, his muscles felt close to severing, the pain rushing up and down his body with every passing second. His eyes almost popping from his head as his leg slowly moved up, trying to make the push to land on the ground and give purchase to an advancement.

After a few minutes of pulling, no doubt with some aid of the Doctors assistants assistance, he felt some actually progress being made. A twisted smile sharply forming on his face as he looked up, the familiar sound of rocket boots propelling some object to the ground, a brow raised as he turned to the Doctor, "Another one of yours I take it?" he said as he looked to the almost familiar armor, not able to locate where he last saw it, though he continued his progress, not willing to lose any momentum.
[member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Dominik Borra"]
[member="Daak Dakaara"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]


Well-Known Member
Denn's eyes moved from person to person as they spoke listening and smiling during their discourse. He caught a slight glance from James aimed at where the Twi'lek stood but figured it held meaning for the two and paid it no further attention. He smiled at the man's words. He had a sense of humor at least and seemed amiable enough. He nodded at the man.

"Certainly willing to help you get these parts back to the ship. I kin' offer you all a ride off this rock, might be a little tight if there are any more of you, if you're not too sentimental about your ship there. Though I'd understand if you'd like to get 'er back up'n runnin'."

He nodded and began to follow after Kay, his head on a swivel. Too many times he'd let down his guard only to be caught not paying attention. If he had his way, this wasn't going to be the next. He saw little on their short trek to the hull of a nearby ship, Kay climbing up into it. As he caught up, he spoke in response to James' question, a determined look on his face.

"Well, ran into some trouble up in that asteroid field." He nodded towards the sky. "Took a few more dings than I'd like, dun messed up the main power coupling on ol' Jenny." The Genesis of course was his ship, the renovated hull of an ancient YG-4210. He'd done most of the repairs and construction himself, in secret, as he'd managed to stow away enough funds to finally leave Nar Shaddaa and strike out on his own, away from the Hutt Crime Lords.

"I managed to land 'er on a ridge about three to five kilometers from here, that's where Star found me anyway. Must've seen the smoke trail as I entered the atmos." He continued walking towards the hull, reaching up and ducking up towards the entryway to the ship. Before he fully entered he popped his head back out and looked at James. "I've got some more heavy duty tools stowed away in my ship. Might not be a bad plan to bring the parts there, and then I can just swing by and land at your crash site with the whole kit n' caboodle?"

Quickly smiling, he ducked back into the ship's interior. The place looked musty, old... the air stale. He cleared his throat as he carefully made his way in Kay's wake, towards the cockpit. Seeing the console she was indicating, he frowned slightly. It was an older model, but a proven one. He recalled the last time he worked on one of these... it had been a rough day, outrunning some of their rival Hutt's enforcers, but he'd managed to get the nav computer on their cargo vessel working just in time to jump. The memory faded as he kneeled down before the console.

"Excuse me Miss." He said politely, gesturing at the floor space adjacent to the console.

He laid down his pack, carefully reaching inside and retrieving a small haversack. A solid clinking of metal could be heard within. Laying it out on the floor he unrolled it, the tools inside revealed. An electrospanner and several older looking tools and pieces of electrical test equipment were there, each in their own designated pouch. Stroking his beard, he grunted and reached for a thin handled tool and a small pry bar, gently removing them and going to work on the panel before him. It didn't take long and the bolts had been removed. Setting the tools back in their place, he reached for the panel with both hands. His rough fingers grasped the durasteel cover tightly, forcefully jarring it from where it had been anchored. Inside, circuitry and wires could be seen arcing and tracing from top to bottom, a few further in the back traveling left to right. He squinted, following the leads to where they terminated, mentally creating a picture of what the circuitry looked like. He sat like this for a few moments before rising to his feet and facing both Kay and Star.

"Looks in good order, can't say we've got a live power source though. This ol' thing'll need at least a small power source to get her tested." He bit the inside of his cheek. "I ent got nothin' here to test it with... unless..." He trailed off, lost in thought.

Without another word he turned and headed back out of the cockpit, disappearing down a corridor deeper into the ship. Before he could be gone too long, he came rushing back in, a small rectangular box held in his hands. As he entered, he held up a hand, one finger extended indicated he wanted them to wait. His face held a tight expression of excitement. Swiftly kneeling once more, he lifted the box, holding it in place with one hand while blindly extending his right backwards.

"One of you mind handing me the soldering iron?" He asked, flexing his fingers slightly. He hoped one of them knew what it looked like.

He hadn't done it before, but it was possible that doing what he was about to do would work. In theory. He'd let the results speak for themselves, that way he could either claim ignorance, or credit, whichever suited him. He was a good mechanic, but with a ship of this type and without knowing how long it had remained derelict, the was no telling what would happen.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="James Justice"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Lumi Snow"] | [member="Thraxis"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay let [member="Denn Ralto"] do his work. Fortune was smiling on them as he knew more about what he was doing than she did. And as she figured, they needed a power source. But Denn seemed to be right on that too. She waited until he returned and went straight back to work, keeping silent as she didn't want him to lose his concentration or his train of thought. When he asked for the soldering iron, she glanced through his array of tools before picking it out and handing it to him.

The memories of working on the house and speederbikes with her late husband came into her mind. Oh how she missed those days. Yet she had handled her grief far better than [member="James Justice"] did. She was moving on though, yet not in the way that most would expect. Kay still kept everyone at arm's length for their safety. It didn't matter to her if it meant that she lived alone. What mattered was that others were able to live theirs.

"Any way off this planet would be great, squished or not."

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
Stardust gave a smile and went with [member="Denn Ralto"] as she looked around the place, apparently this place used to have some type of civilization here capable of space travel....she wondered how long it had been like this....a thought for another time

Next her mind drifted to that ghost hung around James like the two were bonded....yet she didn't even know the woman and felt if she asked it would be rude to

Next she moved around again and and found a oooold Droid a r1 by the looks of it" holy crappie these things aren't even in production by me....might as well take it" she said as she gentky lifted it and started walking back

[member="Thraxis"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Lumi Snow"]
Stardust gave a smile and went with [member="Denn Ralto"] as she looked around the place, apparently this place used to have some type of civilization here capable of space travel....she wondered how long it had been like this....a thought for another time

Next her mind drifted to that ghost hung around James like the two were bonded....yet she didn't even know the woman and felt if she asked it would be rude to

Next she moved around again and and found a oooold Droid a r1 by the looks of it" holy crappie these things aren't even in production by me....might as well take it" she said as she gentky lifted it and started walking back

[member="Thraxis"] [member="James Justice"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Lumi Snow"]
"I didn't give my name, Doctor Snow. But know that I will also be landing to help my friends down there. I admittedly brought my normal ship, which only has room for one more passenger." He responded.

He took his ship lower to the ground, flying over the wild jungles and other ship wrecks that peppered the land. He accessed his computer and started sending out a signal on all frequencies. Hopefully they would hear him.

"This is Agent Dominic, here to help with the rescue of members from the Justice Shipping Company... You guys there?"
James chuckled and grabbed the soddering iron and handing it to Denn. He hadn't ever forgotten his tools, the things his father had drilled into his head from the days of his young childhood. It could save your life some day, his dad had said, and in so many ways he was right, "There ye go mate. And I second Kay's opinion."

He gestured to Leighlah's ghost with a winsome smile, "I suppose now is as good a time as any. This be Leighlah, my wife."

"Or what is left of her," Leighlah said with a warm smile. She waved, "hiya. Don't worry, I've been dead five years but--" she shook her head, "Its complicated." she didn't have the heart to say yet that she had been found here and didn't know if she could leave or not. James didn't need to know that, not now. And she doubted he would be willing to ever leave if and when he found out. She turned to humor, 'I don't eat souls, so don't worry, and I don't read minds. Its nice to meet ya."

James heard his comm chirp, the voice of [member="Dominik Borra"] came through in his ear.

"Nice of ye to come to the party mate," James said bringing the comm to his ear, "We got a man here named Denn, he's on our side. And don't mind the ghost, sending a homing sygnal on our location. Its an abandoned ship yard. There's a lot here for us.

Before you finish up and get ye butt over here, I want ye to send for re-enforcements. A crap load of them," he lowered his voice, "We found a second stepping stone."

[member="Dominik Borra"]
[member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]

Lumi Snow

love, hope, and peace conquer all
James. Huh. So that was his name, she wondered if that was also the name of this Benefactor who had been supporting some of her stranger and non-productive efforts. But, that was a thought to have for another day.

"Oh, I figured as much,' she said with a slight shrug, "But I am here for the surviors, so that makes things easier, I suppose." She leaned in with her small amount of strength, along with her strong Malintis, and her equally weak Carl to help shove this heavy carrier. She half wanted to offer to use the shuttle they had come on, but she didn't want to risk him doing damage to it--and she also didn't want to completely shatter this mad man's delusions.

"Mistress, there is an object incoming, I am detecting a single life form upon this and it reads the size of the average human being." said LAINA in her ear.

Was it one of her own? No, not that Lumi knew. She felt Malintis clench his sword and go on guard beside her. This was all too much for his hunter and protective nature.

"I don't think so,' she said with a smile, she waved at where she felt the figure's mental signature, "Hullo there!" She switched on her transmission to Dominik, 'Good to meet you sir, I believe I found someone, did you home in on our position? Is that you with us?"

[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Dominik Borra"]


Well-Known Member
Clasping the soldering iron in his palm, he rotated it around, bringing the heating surface to bear on a few points in the circuitry inside the console. He grunted as he strained, holding up the small box with one hand, nimbly pressing the iron against the contacts as he slowly made sure all the right cables had been connected. Gently lowering the box, ensuring all leads remained attached, he set it down on the bottom of the console. All that was left to do was switch on the breaker. Denn leaned back slightly, reaching in with his left hand and switched the internal breaker on, completing the circuit which was now connected to a power source.

A few quick sparks and fizzles of electricity and a solid hum could be heard emanating from the machine. Above him, the lights on the control panel began to blink in a specific sequence, indicating it was running a system self test. He sighed a breath or relief. He'd managed to get it tested then. it would need to be unsoldered and hooked up to a ship's systems before it was fully functional but according to the initial boot test, the nav computer looked like it was in functioning order, at least as far as the navigation history went. The readout displayed the historical trips, ending with it's desitnation here. He stepped back, motioning towards the nav computer.

"Well, there she is. Care to take a gander?"

He was somewhat curious himself where in all actuality they were. Recalling that they were in an abandoned shipyard gave him a few ideas... but those could wait. Right now, he wanted to know where they were, and what it was going to take to get them back on course and off this rock. He nodded at the woman, slightly unsettled now that he was able to really understand what was being said. He supposed he'd seen stranger things.... no, that wasn't exactly true, but all things considered he wasn't terribly thrown off. He shook his head. *Force users...* Never a dull day with one or more of them around. He nodded politely at the woman... or ghost, he supposed he might as well show the courtesy, he didn't exactly want a ghost haunting him the rest of his life.

[member="James Justice"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"]​
James set his comm back in his pocket before looking at Denn's work. It was nicely done, he was a professional. The spacer made a note of that and to use him later when he needed a professional driver on a job. He looked at the co-ordinates of their last location. Yep, true to his calculations they were just past the Death Wind Corridor in the Wild Space. He felt Leighlah give him a playful jab. He glanced back at her. Her face said it all; I knew you could do it. He chuckled, blushing slightly. Her pride was enough to make him feel amazing. He added the Nav computer to the hover sled, "I'll find ye some power couplings," he promised before disappearing into the rest of the ship. He made his way into the back of the engine room, Leighlah wasn't too far behind him.

He looked over the massive panels for a second before finding the access hatch to the power generator. He pulled it open and moved to step inside, Leighlah stopped him with a touch of her hand, 'Be careful."

He smiled and winked, 'No worries, love,I got ye."

And he stepped into the small room. The power generator before him was a mass of parts. The central reactor stood before him ominously, burned out and looking rather sad. He was glad they didn't decide to try and use this piece of junk as their main hull. He climbed up to one of the side walls. He pulled the hydrspanner from his back pocket and began to unscrew the top of the power coupling unit. Clasping it in his hand he hopped down and removed the bottom too, just like it. It was clean, and a quick glance said the wires inside were good to go too. That was all that mattered. He made his way back to Denn Ralto, offering the part, "Will this do, mate?"

[member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Dominik Borra"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was pleased. It seemed as though their luck was turning for the better. She kept back out of the way, watching as [member="Denn Ralto"] and [member="James Justice"] set to work. Leighlah did her part too, helping James to keep focused on the task at hand. She hoped that the spirit knew how much she was needed to help them escape. If only there was a way for her to come with him. But deep down, she didn't think that it was possible. And once James came to realize that, it would hurt him. Deeply. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to watch when that happens. Yet he would need her.

She wondered who it was that James was talking to in his comms, but she imagined that she'd find out soon enough. More than likely it was a rescue party and that would be fantastic. It was time for them to get home, time for her to get to her home in her ship and continue her wanderings. It was safer to always be moving, rather than settling in one place. She was almost itching to get out of the Graveyard now. But patience was a virtue.

"I'm going to get a bit of fresh air while you guys get what you need." Kay didn't wait for a reply or anything, she just stepped out of the ship and jumped down off of the ramp. She could really use some tea right about now.

[member="Dominik Borra"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Lumi Snow"]
"Abandoned Shipyard?" Dominik voiced his question out loud. Strange that this planet had been inhabited at some point, but no longer. And not showing on any of his maps either. A Secret base of some kind for a faction? He changed his channel over to the Doctor once more after acquiring the beacon that James talked of. Just a few kilometers South of his position. "Yeah, this is me." He didn't want to get fired on when trying to rescue his friends.

He switched back to the open channel. "Seems like you guys got a lot of help. Fool me twice for making me worry."
Tiali makes his way over to lumi and thraxis through and over the undergrowth with loud clicks and cracks from sticks breaking under his weight, He didn't expect anything different but the regular Thraxis, but once the two come into better sight he noticed the girl. Thraxis with a girl and she isn't dieing or at least bleeding, weird but doesn't matter.

Tiali raises his hand up to lumi putting up his pointer finger "shh, the adults have to speak" he Says walkin over to the two watching him carry well drag the crate or the carrynator 5000 thing. "What the Kark are you doing Thraxis? And what happened here?" He grabs the underneath of the helmet taking it off, he releases a relaxed breath and rubs his other hand through his hair.

[member="Lady Kay"][member="Lumi Snow"][member="Thraxis"]

Sorry my post are gonna be low quality
Well, at least she wasn't optimistic was the only thought that ran though his thread, a measure of Sarcasm running along with it, before getting back to his pull, the long strands of Rope wrapping and coiling around his beaten muscles, though with the aid of what seemed like one man who accounted for two and two who accounted for one the first signs of movement was made, he could feel joy run throughout his broken and beaten body as he started to laugh for joy, before cutting silent as he heard the undergrowth start to spring with life, "Oh of course. Now one of them is going to die and then we ain't going to make any progress." he muttered to himself as he slowed down, readying himself for whoever was to emerge.

Thraxis lips pursed as he watched the man move throughout the undergrowth before emerging anew, the leaf litter he left behind, the sight was all to familiar as he came into focus beneath the lighting of the tree. That familiar voice echoing through the mask, quickly he slowly turned to a trawl and then to a halt as he kept looking over the armor, before finally clicking. It had been quite some time since he saw the man. Tiali. He thought to himself before listening to the brazen response, Well. Looks like time has gotten rid of whatever charm he had left. He thought to himself before Listening to what felt like a barrage of questions, though it was the exhaustion that made time feel like an eternity split through a single second.

"Now Tiali, lets calm down. What I am doing here is hauling the Cargo Carrier 9000 Mk V. As for what happened here." he paused as he looked around, scratching his head as he tried to recall what had actually taken place. "I think James got in a firefight with some Pirates, he lost and we all crashed here. I think. All I remember is flying into the atmosphere in some Cargo Bin." he continued, the words flowed like a river, as if what he just said was nothing more then commonplace.
[member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Lumi Snow"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
[member="Dominik Borra"] [member="Denn Ralto"]
James pulled his commlink's earbud piece from his pocket and screwed it in place. It was more so for the writer, so he could communicate with [member="Dominik Borra"] and the rest of the people with him without having to say he pulled out and stowed away his phone every post.

"I do need ye help mate, this is urgent," he hissed, 'Be careful, the wildlife here ain't friendly. And there ain't many reasons I can think of for this kinda shipyard to be abandoned, so quit sitting in ye hands and call the fleet in damn it. Tell them to come in heavy, we are gonna man this place and take it."

James began pulling the cart around to, moving it to get out of the ship and down the hall, "Do ye need anything else mate? Asides this power coupling unit?"

A second thought struck him, now that they were alone for the moment, and by that he meant Kay wasn't around. He preferred to keep her far from his work, as far as he could. For her sake. What he did was bad, very bad. But someone had to do it. He reached into the muck and the mire, culling out evil with his own hands if need be and making something better of this galaxy. Something Kay wouldn't understand; killing, blackmail, extortion, coldblooded murder if need be to get rid of the wrong people. Yes, he was becoming what he hated, but he was doing it for the right reasons. "Denn, when this is over, are ye going to be," he searched for the word, "sans employment? Ye have skills. A set of skills that would come in handy with me line of work."

[member="Denn Ralto"]
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]

Lumi Snow

love, hope, and peace conquer all
Lumi furrowed her brow at [member="Tiali Orazio"]'s words. She was used to being under cut, under appreciated, under estimated and well... all that stuff. She was after all, blind, working in a galaxy that valued seeing over most all other things. But she was also a telepath, able to see into minds, a trait that few possessed. Instead she took a few steps back.

"Lumi," Malintis whispered, her bodyguard and faithful friend, "A word?"

She nodded and took a few steps away with him.

"I believe that now would be a wise choice for us to make our exit," he whispered.

"Malintis is right," Carl agreed, "He has help now, we should go, the man is clearly crazy!"

Lumi shook her head, "We were sent here to rescue the people, we are going to do that, one way or the other."

"Lumi--" Malintis objected.

She shook her head, "I appreciate your help, Malintis, as always. You are kind and good and protective, always taking good care of me. But this time we need to put them first."

[member="Tiali Orazio"]


Well-Known Member
Denn admired his work for a minute more, and then snapped to as they began moving the equipment. As James offered the power coupling, he grinned.

"That'll do the trick, right well too. Much appreciated James."

He noted the pristine condition of it. Surprising considering where they were, and how long this planet had appeared to be dormant. As they walked down the corridor, he looked around a little further, not noticing anything worth mentioning or taking. He supposed there was more here, but he wondered how long he'd be able to explore before he had to return. An idea struck him. He'd wanted badly to get back into space, off this forgotten rock but maybe there was something more here. He'd overheard the man mention that they were staying, and appeared to be bringing in "The big guns". He pondered this for a moment before his thoughts were interrupted. James spoke. Denn listened, an eyebrow raised as the man appeared to be offering him employment.

He carefully played it out in his mind, what did that look like? Where was he now? Where did he want to go? Denn wasn't quite a young buck anymore, but he certainly wasn't old. He hated to admit it, but the man had struck a chord. His employment had been spotty as of late, as always. Enough to pay the bills, keep his ship afloat, but hadn't it always been that way? He'd never really been strapped, but he didn't have a lot of savings aside from a small container of credits hidden in the bulkhead of his ship. What James was offering, seemed to be a full time offer of employment. He cautiously wondered what strings were attached.

"I'll be honest with ya. Haven't been exactly on top of my luck as of late. Might be I'm looking for work, though that you've asked while we're alone makes me curious." He narrowed his eyes. "What might you be thinking?"

[member="James Justice"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] | [member="Lady Kay"]​
"Sounds like you've had it rough. I'll make the call." He cut communications with the ok [member="James Justice"] . If James said that the wildlife wasn't friendly, and described an abandoned shipyard.. Was it a smart thing to take the planet? Or, at least what was left of it? Perhaps the wildlife rose up against the yard, destroying it and killing everyone who worked there like one of those holo-films that civilians enjoyed.

He tapped into his control panel on his ship, and made a message to the fleet like James directed. Sending the coordinates of the star system they were in and of the location of Jame's position, how many ships should be sent down, and with building supplies.

"Alright. It's sent out."

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