John Locke


Location: In Orbit around Talay
SC-013 “Lucrehulk III” Class Super Carrier (60% shields remaining)
Subjugator II (80% shields remaining)
Arjuna-class Artillery Destroyer x 5 (1 vessel on 80% shields, 1 vessel on 85% shields)
Terrus-class Flak Corvette x 5 (1 destroyed, 1 with 20% shields and 40% hull remaining)

The very nature of naval combat was fluid, an ever-changing battlespace filled with energy and ships, citadels of metal and ceramic that drove through the dark of space. Leviathans their ancestors could never have imagined, feats of engineering that put those wonders of the ancient world to shame.The ability to reach for the stars was one of the ultimate achievements available to any species, a sign that they had matured and were worthy of joining the galactic community, that they had moved past their baser instincts.
Only, that wasn’t really the case.
Sentient species reached for the heavens; it was one of the common traits of all sentient species galaxy over. They built these behemoths, these marvels of engineering to traverse the stars, but like so many creations that spilled from his hands they’d been twisted by the vagaries of the galaxy, the darkness that seemed to pulse and beat at the centre of every interaction.
War was the unending beat which drove the galaxy, twisted every invention into a means of waging war, of spreading death and destruction. The drum of war that resonated through the galaxy had taken those ships that were supposed to be the signs of a civilizations maturity and twisted them into the ultimate weapons of slaughter. Sitting in this chair, it was almost impossible to truly appreciate the state of the conflict, of the lives that were lost.
It was an almost sterile way of fighting a war. John knew that every ship was crewed with sentient beings, each one with a family, with hopes and dreams. Each destroyed vessel, each impacting turbolaser could put an end to a person with all the potential for good and evil that they’d carried with them.
He’d tried though.
The Exarch had done his best to pursue the path of peace. In the face of the Agents of Chaos’s unconscionable demands, he’d tried to give them a chance to retreat, to give them a chance for their better angels to come to the fore.
They hadn’t taken it.
The Exarch could only watch sadly as the enemy fleet started to shift, trailing out towards him like a spear released by a hunter. That wasn’t too far from the truth, to be honest, a fleet was like a weapon in the hands of a well-trained artist. John had seen it, experienced it, Had felt the way that a collection of ships could be moulded into something more, an extension of his will, reacting to his commands in a fluid manner.
It was what he needed to do now.
He was going to need every trick he could come up with it seemed, that leading battlecruiser seemed to be soaking up every shot that came it's way. A shield, a battering ram that would blow through his forces, opening them up to the rest of their forces. He could see every shot fired just glancing off the ship, like waves breaking against the bow of a ship, with much the same effect. The sea of fighters that hung between the two fleets parted between them as the fleets inexorably closed with one another.
“All commanders, it looks like that battlecruiser’s just going to absorb everything we can throw at it without scratching the paintwork. It looks like we’re going to need to try something different to get through it.”
The cyborg pressed his lips together before nodded slowly.
“High Marshall Brayde, manoeuvre independently and see if you can threaten his rear. Minister T’shkali, please pull your forces back and form a line. When he breaks through my forces yours will be all that stands between his battering ram and the planet.”
It might seem that the Exarch had given into fatalism, but a plan was slowly starting to crystalise in his mind as commands started to flow from his lips.
The fleet began to shift, reacting the commands of the man sitting at its centre like a spider. The fleet began to disintegrate, splitting it up into its component parts, a part of a dance carried out in one man’s mind.
The cruisers fell below the axis of the system, curling to the left, the artillery destroyers arching up and to the right. The two battlecruisers shifted up and to the left while the grievous destroyers dropped down and to the right. Forming a ring around the line of the ships that were driving towards him as they started to rotate a circle spinning around its axis.
Weapons-fire reached out a sea of energy that threatened to sweep over the approaching forces. Beams of energy stabbing out towards them as they approached.
The cards had been played, all that John could do was try to end this fast without any major loss of life.
Post 1
Fleet in orbit of Talay deployed in a defensive formation.
Post 2
Launched Fighters
Grevious Destroyers targeting Procursator-class Skirmish Destroyers
Arjuna Destroyers targeting Siege Destroyers
All ships to open fire in 8 minutes unless fired upon.
Post 3
Terrus-Class Corvettes moving up to engage enemy fighters
Arjuna Destroyers switching targets to 2 of the Victory Class Destroyers
Grievous Destroyers moving to protect the flank and firing on the Fire Line
Subjugator engaging the ISD-III Star Destroyer
Post 4
Ships shift up into circle formation around the axis of Willam's advance.