Objective/Location: Fight - Talay System
Fighter: Phase I “Ballerina” Star Interceptor - Aurora Eight
Onboard Equipment:
Allies: AoC (
Willam Forlon
Dimitri Lindzinsky )
Enemies: CIS (
Kiff Brayde
John Locke
Visanj T'shkali
Fight was a strong word, Norongachi thought while the enemy fire intensified as the AoC formation pushed into their battle line. If there were sounds in space the hull of the Justice would have rung like a gong under assault by a drummer on glitter stim, with the firepower it was repelling.
Going home might never have been an option but fatalism wouldn't have added a layer of resolve over Bellas fear, which couldn’t have come a moment too soon. The flak fields of the enemy capital ships were what some would call ‘danger-close’ but that was far too sedate a description for the exploding wave of shrapnel and death filling the space between ship hulls, brown trouser time would have been a more apt descriptor if you asked Norongachi. Although none of that would really matter if they stayed still a moment longer, one sure fire way to snuff it in this maelstrom was to become a stationary target.
“Never doubted it.” Sal responded with a half smile behind his helm before he looked at his scanners again and gave a quiet sigh. It probably wasn’t the best time to tell the Togruta that unless the mess of metal in the sky was causing interference, they were the last two members of Aurora Squadron still in the fight. It didn’t change the path before them but a little part of him wished he’d gotten to know them better before this headlong plunge into the warmachine.
Would it have really mattered? Came that insidious voice again somewhere at the lowest recesses of his consciousness. He had to concede the point; It wouldn’t have, knowing their names wouldn’t have prevented their fate unfolding but at least he’d have had names to remember them by, stories to attach to their memories.
The pair darted through the battlefield, the hull of the justice looming to their left like an immoveable object meeting an unstoppable force in the CIS fleets, and did their jobs.
Shrapnel blossomed at every angle and enemy fighters swarmed but they didn’t stop; evade, sight, chase, fire and watch the others six.
At Ryloth he’d had the audacity to call it a hobby day, like he’d stepped out to buy more stamps for his collection. He chastised himself for the thought, it made everything that had and was happening seem cheap, mundane, it discarded all the lives lost on both sides. It made light of the resolve and commitment of friend and foe alike and he knew that in the quiet of the night, sleeping above the nights ruin of the Kark Off, he’d feel the creeping guilt and shame for thinking like that.
He was committed now, no one foot in, one foot out. He was up to his chest in the blood and guts and he didn’t know how long before the monster that roared in his gut would sleep again and he could have delusions of a quiet life once again.
A PD laser cut across Norongachi’s path and sent him into a hectic evasion but to no avail, a second punched his shields out of existence. “This is it,” he thought as alarms screamed at him. “do or di-WHAT THE FRAK IS TH-” the wave of a battlecruiser appearing from hyperspace right in front of them caught his fighter and tossed it like an angry god.
“So thats it then, killed by turbulence…” he muttered before the world went black.
Fighter: Phase I “Ballerina” Star Interceptor - Aurora Eight
Onboard Equipment:
Allies: AoC (

Enemies: CIS (

Fight was a strong word, Norongachi thought while the enemy fire intensified as the AoC formation pushed into their battle line. If there were sounds in space the hull of the Justice would have rung like a gong under assault by a drummer on glitter stim, with the firepower it was repelling.
Going home might never have been an option but fatalism wouldn't have added a layer of resolve over Bellas fear, which couldn’t have come a moment too soon. The flak fields of the enemy capital ships were what some would call ‘danger-close’ but that was far too sedate a description for the exploding wave of shrapnel and death filling the space between ship hulls, brown trouser time would have been a more apt descriptor if you asked Norongachi. Although none of that would really matter if they stayed still a moment longer, one sure fire way to snuff it in this maelstrom was to become a stationary target.
“Never doubted it.” Sal responded with a half smile behind his helm before he looked at his scanners again and gave a quiet sigh. It probably wasn’t the best time to tell the Togruta that unless the mess of metal in the sky was causing interference, they were the last two members of Aurora Squadron still in the fight. It didn’t change the path before them but a little part of him wished he’d gotten to know them better before this headlong plunge into the warmachine.
Would it have really mattered? Came that insidious voice again somewhere at the lowest recesses of his consciousness. He had to concede the point; It wouldn’t have, knowing their names wouldn’t have prevented their fate unfolding but at least he’d have had names to remember them by, stories to attach to their memories.
The pair darted through the battlefield, the hull of the justice looming to their left like an immoveable object meeting an unstoppable force in the CIS fleets, and did their jobs.
Shrapnel blossomed at every angle and enemy fighters swarmed but they didn’t stop; evade, sight, chase, fire and watch the others six.
At Ryloth he’d had the audacity to call it a hobby day, like he’d stepped out to buy more stamps for his collection. He chastised himself for the thought, it made everything that had and was happening seem cheap, mundane, it discarded all the lives lost on both sides. It made light of the resolve and commitment of friend and foe alike and he knew that in the quiet of the night, sleeping above the nights ruin of the Kark Off, he’d feel the creeping guilt and shame for thinking like that.
He was committed now, no one foot in, one foot out. He was up to his chest in the blood and guts and he didn’t know how long before the monster that roared in his gut would sleep again and he could have delusions of a quiet life once again.
A PD laser cut across Norongachi’s path and sent him into a hectic evasion but to no avail, a second punched his shields out of existence. “This is it,” he thought as alarms screamed at him. “do or di-WHAT THE FRAK IS TH-” the wave of a battlecruiser appearing from hyperspace right in front of them caught his fighter and tossed it like an angry god.
“So thats it then, killed by turbulence…” he muttered before the world went black.