Kiff Brayde
The One and Only

Objective: Turn the Agents of Chaos into Space Dust
Location: Talay System
Allied Tag:

Terrorist Tag: Dimitri Lindzinsky |

Theme: x
The roar of battle thundered around the Victator as starfighters and starships swirled in a deadly dance of energy and light. The battle was no longer a carefully-calculated game of Dejarik; it was now total war, a fight for survival between two titanic forces with a destructive power on an unimaginable magnitude. The stakes here were real, and they were high. No amount of jokes, no amount of games, could trivialize the importance of this moment.
What happened now would have dire repercussions for the Confederacy, if not the entire galaxy. What happened here, above this insignificant water world, could change the course of the future for better or worse.
The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Kiff. He was not the type to shirk responsibility, but he was also not the archetypal, honorable warrior that most men and women of his rank were. Kiff had always tried to look at the brighter side of life, to find a light in the extreme darkness that was war, to approach even the most mundane and tested situations with a new and untried unorthodox approach. The consequences, should Kiff fail at his one mission to protect the Confederacy, no matter the cost, would be too great.
But if Kiff did nothing, the terrorists would still leave the battlefield victorious.
As much as he was a High Marshal, he was also a gambler and Sabacc savant; he spent as much time in the casino as he did aboard the bridge of a battlecruiser, and he'd learned that there was more than one way to beat your opponent without having an advantage in numbers or size. And like any true master player, Kiff always knew to keep an extra card up his sleeve. Just in case.
Vulture Droids and terrorist interceptors dove and weaved past the transparisteel viewports of the Victator's bridge. Burnt shells were all that remained of the rear terrorist fleet, yet their interceptors had proven to be a little more resilient than the capital ships that had carried them to Talay. The occasional burst of enemy laser fire rocked the bridge as the deflector shields of the massive battlecruiser absorbed the blast, but apart from that Kiff's fleet was virtually unscathed. Although the remaining interceptors and spheres were a nuisance, the point defense of the flak frigates and Grievous-class Star Destroyers was extracting a heavy toll on the remaining terrorist starfighters.
"Kiff." It was Verryk again. Since the Sabacc game, Kiff hadn't talked to his senior comms officer as much as Jol -- an unfortunate reality of the separation of their roles. Verryk had an entire communications system to manage, while Kiff and Jol's minds were to be present in the situation at hand. But that separation didn't stop Verryk from informally addressing the High Marshal. And Kiff didn't mind, because they were friends. "There's an incoming message from the Exarch again. You. . . might want to see this," Verryk continued, hesitating at his last sentence.
"What is it this time?" Kiff wondered out loud to himself as he made his way over to the comm station quickly, dodging aides and droids as he navigated from the command center to Verry's station. Despite Kiff's outward appearance of nonchalance, he knew that every second counted. Any and every moment wasted was a small victory for their enemy.
"I think you better just listen to what he has to say," Verryk said before thumbing a button. The visual on the console's monitor changed as it began playing the recorded message that the Exarch had sent to the rest of the Confederacy's fleet.
“All commanders, it looks like that battlecruiser’s just going to absorb everything we can throw at it without scratching the paintwork. It looks like we’re going to need to try something different to get through it. High Marshal Brayde, maneuver independently, and see if you can threaten his rear. Minister T'shkali, please pull. . ." the message continued to play, but by that point, Kiff was no longer paying attention to what the Exarch was saying. By battlecruiser, Kiff knew that Locke meant the flagship of the main terrorist fleet.
Kiff whipped around immediately, turning to face where Jol stood, hunched over at the datatable in the center of battle command. "Jol," Kiff shouted over the noise of the active bridge, "Where's our data from the test-fire?"
Jol looked like he was about to speak, but then decided against it and motioned for Kiff to make his way back to where Jol stood Once Kiff arrived, he put his hands up apologetically. "Sorry about that. At my age, I don't think it's really good for my lungs to be shouting over that kind of commotion."
"Don't worry about it," Kiff waved his apology aside. "Were we able to probe the defenses of their flagship?"
Jol's whiskers drooped in a serious frown as he turned to the datatable and began keying numbers and letters into the monitor, bringing up an array of very complicated diagrams. Kiff didn't have the time or technical know-how to decipher them, but fortunately, Jol was happy to translate the technical readouts. "We were able to obtain data from the test fire, but none of it is very good. The Exarch is right -- that ship is one tough nut, and so far we haven't been able to identify any exploitable weaknesses. Not that our cannons would be able to do much damage from this distance, anyhow."
Kiff frowned, waving away the charts and diagrams to bring up the real-time feed of the fleets as they battled above Talay, folding his arms in front of his chest as he mused over his options. "The Exarch wants us to maneuver behind the flagship, but with our speed and maneuverability I don't think we could make it in time," Kiff thought out loud, Jol nodding along. "But if we were somehow able to get into broadside range, the sheer amount of damage might be enough to break its shields, or even cripple it."
Jol nodded in agreement, but his tone was full of reservation. "Even if it worked, High Marshal, how would we get the Victator into broadside range in time? By the time we accelerated to a speed fast enough, they would've had ample time to break through the Exarch's fleet and get planetside. We'll be too late."
"Not if we microjump," Kiff said, suddenly.
Jol's head turned in astonishment from the holofeed to look directly at Kiff. "High Marshal. . . the Victator isn't built for microjumping. It would literally tear the ship apart."
Kiff turned to look at Jol in return, his eyes filled with a stormy grey fire and a sudden resolve. "I know." He left Jol standing there as he walked from the command center to the fore of the bridge, shouting orders as he did so. "All personnel not associated with gunnery command, navigation, and any other non-essentials are to make their way to all port-side and aft escape pods and hangar bays. Navigation, prepare the Victator to microjump to broadside range of the Justice."
"Microjump? Kiff, are you out of your fething mind?" Verryk hissed as Kiff passed his station. Kiff turned on the spot and saw that the bridge had gone silent, everyone -- organics and droids -- looking at him in confusion, and in fear. They all knew that the massive Invictus-class battlecruiser was not built to perform such a precise maneuver, and yet their High Marshal was commanding them to do something that seemed suicidal.
"Listen," Kiff said, steel in his voice that had not been there before. "We are the last card up the sleeve. We are the last hope that the Confederacy has. If we fail -- if these terrorists break through our fleet and take Talay, if they win here and now -- it's all over. The Confederacy. Our lives. The lives of all the trillions of beings who call the Confederacy home. Everything we've ever fought for will be for naught. It won't matter if we escape with our lives, because we will have failed our duty to us and the Confederacy."
"Today we face an enemy like none before. Their ship's armor is seemingly impenetrable, and their firepower immense and terrible. But worse, they are crewed, each and every ship, from the tiniest Starfighter to the largest Star Destroyer, by terrorists who would see you and everyone you love all dead before they're through. They have murdered our friends, our brothers, our sisters, and gloried in the carnage of those we are entrusted to protect. They seek the destruction of everything we stand for, everything we have fought for day after day. They are relentless. They will not stop. If we do not beat them here, they will be back again, for more bloodshed and more violence."
"When I joined the Defense Force, I swore to defend the Confederacy to my dying breath. There may be a day when my brothers and sisters of the Confederate Defense Force falter. There may come a time when we fail, and this disease spreads over the galaxy like a plague. But today will not be that day. I'm prepared to lie down my life so that we may stop these terrorists here and now. I know it is a lot of me to ask, but I ask that you do the same nonetheless. Although our flames may go out today, the fire of the Confederacy will never stop burning."
He closed his speech with a cry that he had first uttered against the Golden Crusaders on Rugosa, now uttered softly, but with far more weight and emotion behind it.
"Glory to the victorious dead."
"Aye," came a voice, and Kiff turned to see Jol standing proudly. "Glory to the victorious dead."
"Glory to the victorious dead," Verryk repeated, his voice swelling with pride, honor, and duty. Others began to mutter the cry as well, standing up and giving their own proclamation of glory and sacrifice.
Then, like a sudden rush of a waterfall came a single cry in unison fro the rest of the bridge. "Glory to the victorious dead!" the Confederates exclaimed before moving to their stations with a new purpose and sense of duty. Jol slowly made his way to Kiff's side, putting a reassuring hand on Kiff's shoulder as the two looked out at the great starry beyond.
Then the stars faded to blue as the Victator accelerated into hyperspace one final time.
The reversion to realspace was even shorter this time, but all the more jarring. Klaxons blared and the ship was torn with seismic energy as the whirl of hyperspace was replaced by the massive frame of the terrorist flagship, the Justice. The bright white lights of the bridge went off before being replaced by red emergency lights, as a pre-programmed announcement blared over the ship's speaker systems. "The ship is internally compromised. All personnel is advised to evacuate immediately," repeated over and over again in the distance, but the non-essential personnel had already made their way to their escape pods, the bridge slowly clearing out as each officer finished their job before evacuating.
The reversion to realspace so close had done irreparable damage to the Victator, eliminating it's shield systems and doing a great amount of damage to the superstructure of the ship. Entire sections of the hull gave way to the immense amount of pressure and caved in or flew off as the internal bracing of the ship strained to hold the battlecruiser together. It had been suicidal, but Kiff's goal had been achieved -- they were now pointing directly at the Justice, close enough to be virtually at point-blank range.
The Victator's entire arsenal opened fire, pouring everything the massive battlecruiser had at the Justice even as entire batteries imploded on themselves from the damage they had taken from the microjump. Even then, the sheer amount of firepower from the Victator was insurmountable, unmatched by anything Kiff had ever seen.
But, as he slowly realized with a sinking heart, it just wasn't enough.
The broken holoprojectors were monitoring the damage output to Justice's shield and structure systems, and it just wasn't enough. The Victator would be destroyed itself well before it had any chance of destroying its opponent, and Kiff realized that they had only one option left.
Ramming the Justice.
And Kiff would have to be the one at the helm to make sure it kept on course.
Kiff turned around to see that the rest of the bridge had been evacuated -- Verryk was already gone, and only Jol stood. A quick glance at the subsystem notifications showed that all escape pods save a single pod next to the bridge had been evacuated, meaning that the rest of the crew had been safely evacuated well. "Jol, I think it's time for you to go. I need to do this." Kiff slowly realized that this was the end of the line for him. It would be his last greatest play, his final card trick. He closed his eyes as he slowly began to accelerate the ship, accepting his fate.
Kiff's eyes snapped open as he felt a warm hand on his, gently removing Kiff's hand from the acceleration controls of the battlecruiser. He looked in surprise to see Jol, still standing there, his gaze firm. "Jol? I told you to go. That's an order."
"I'm sorry, High Marshal. But you need to go. I'll handle it from here."
"What?" Kiff's voice raised higher in anger, in frustration. What was Jol doing? Why wouldn't he let Kiff make the sacrifice that needed to be made? "Jol. I can't -- this is my duty. My fate. I need to do this, you don't have to sacrifice yourself, you can still escape and leave, you can still live--"
"High Marshal. Kiff." Jol said, putting his wrinkled hand on Kiff's shoulder. "I am old. I have seen so many battles, watched so many that I love die, that I can't keep track anymore. My time has come."
"Jol, no. . . you can't." Kiff's voice began to crack from the emotion. Jol had been the closest thing that Kiff had ever had to a father; he'd been the guiding hand in Kiff's life ever since he'd left the Naval Academy on Arkanis. Kiff would give up his life for the Confederacy, but going on without Jol -- his constant companion, his closet friend -- he couldn't. That just wasn't possible.
"Kiff," Jol said softly, looking into the High Marshal's eyes, but Kiff couldn't return the gaze and looked away, afraid that he'd break down. Jol continued nonetheless. "You have a bright future ahead, and you are destined to enjoy peace after all you have done. My time has come, but yours has yet to."
"Kiff, you are going to come marching home."
Kiff looked one last time in his friends eyes before he suddenly grabbed him in a fierce hug. Jol returned it, hugging Kiff tightly in return. No words passed between them. There were no words needed to convey what they were feeling. Slowly, they broke off as the battlecruiser grew larger and larger in the viewport of the bridge. "Now," Jol said, pointing towards the remaining escape pod, "Go. I promise, when all of this is over, when everything is over and we meet again, we will finish our game of Sabacc."
Kiff silently obeyed and climbed into the escape pod, giving one last look at the man who had been the greatest father figure in his life. Jol stood now proud, his back straight and his clothing immaculate as ever, staring with resolution and resolve as the Victator began to accelerate faster and faster. It was the final glimpse that Kiff would have of his best friend before the hatch closed and the pod jettisoned into space.
As the escape pod tumbled away from the what remained of Kiff's flagship as it began to hurtle ever faster towards the Justice, the song that Jol had sung came to his head.
"Leaves, from the vine,
falling so slow.
Like tiny, fragile shells,
drifting in the foam."
The Victator had now closed the gap, and as the battlecruiser began to slowly implode and ram into the Justice, Kiff closed his eyes and turned away from the viewport of the escape pod. He refused to accept that the man who'd been a father to him was now dead. But even in the dead of space, the force of the collision rocked the tiny escape pod that the High Marshal now sat in, all alone.
A single tear rolled down Kiff's cheek.
The escape pod continued through the great expanse of stars.
"Little soldier boy,
come marching home.
Little soldier boy
comes marching home."
- Flagship:
- Invictus-class Battlecruiser
- Invictus-class Battlecruiser
- 513th Heavy Attack Line:
- x5 Grievous-class Star Destroyers
- CNS Exigent [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Carrhae White [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Ikelos [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Apotheosis [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Iron Lord [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- x2 Argente-class Assault Cruisers
- CNS Last Disciple [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Shadowrun [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- x4 Terrus-class Flak Frigates
- CNS Akelia [38% Shields, 100% Structure]
CNSForethought[Destroyed]- CNS Pedestal [0% Shields, 23% Structure]
CNS Rock Elder[Destroyed]
- x5 Grievous-class Star Destroyers
- 531st Carrier Line:
- x1 Lucrehulk III-class Supercarrier
- CNS Arkham Nights [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- x2 Murkhana-class Escort Frigates
- CNS Silver Wings [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Destined Call [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- x4 Terrus-class Flak Corvettes
- CNS Ormano [90% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Carrion [89% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Xalion [97% Shields, 100% Structure]
- CNS Moondark [100% Shields, 100% Structure]
- x1 Lucrehulk III-class Supercarrier
- The Victator has microjumped to point-blank range of the Justice, unleashed its full arsenal, and is proceeding to ram the battlecruiser, destroying the Victator in the process.
- Remaining starfighter squadrons and ships from Dimitri's fleet have been destroyed or are being quickly taken care of.
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