Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay

Objective/Location: Seek and Destroy - Hangar Bay of Justice, Hyperspace En Route to Talay
Fighter: Phase I “Ballerina” Star Interceptor - Aurora Seven
Onboard Equipment: Phase IX Anti-G Suit, X-8 Night Sniper
Allies: AoC ( Willam Forlon Willam Forlon Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Dimitri Lindzinsky)
Enemies: CIS

Bella had been extremely confused when she was informed that she would be flying under a different squadron for the operation above Talay. Aurora Squadron had been formed quickly, for reasons that she still barely understood. However, after only a single acclimation session in the simulator, Bella could already tell that the squadron was composed of many of the best pilots in the Armada. However, that had only left her with more questions, since she had no idea why someone like her would have been selected for it. She had only a couple sorties to her name, and while she was technically an ace starpilot, she had achieved that fabled status against malfunctioning droids.

In addition, upon seeing that Salem Norongachi, the stranger who she had quite literally ran into during the grand opening of the Red Lady, was also in the squadron, Bella couldn’t help but to wonder if the man had somehow vouched on her behalf. Surely, there were better pilots out there who could have taken her place, had Salem not done what she immediately suspected, perhaps in return for her "rescuing" him from an awkward situation at the Red Lady.

Regardless, within a few hours of hearing of her assignment to Aurora Squadron, she found herself in the cockpit of a Ballerina, an advanced, semi-experimental interceptor which flew just as gracefully as its namesake danced. To say the least, Bella’s piloting style and the Ballerina’s handling was like a match made in heaven. To top it off, the Ballerina had an integrated Class One hyperdrive and a more advanced sensor suite, which she had been told was more resistant to jamming than the systems in the sensor systems on the Needle.

Unfortunately, in her experience, technicians were liable to talking everything up. However, the Ballerina had yet to prove to them wrong.

She hoped that wouldn’t happen during whatever transpired in the coming hours.

With the fleet set on course for Talay, the hangar bay of the Justice was a disciplined, yet cacophonous flurry of activity as technicians, pilots, gunners, and hangar crew worked to ready the small craft squadrons for immediate deployment upon translation into the Talay system. Nodding to the technician on duty, Bella climbed into the cockpit of her designated craft, which was painted a clean, factory-standard white. Moments later, after the canopy sealed shut, Bella went through the first stage of her portion of the pre-flight checklist.

Now, it wouldn’t be long before the Agents of Chaos returned to Talay to finish what they had started only weeks before.

Location: Landing on Rodia
Gear: xxx - standard armor, Lightsaber
CIS: Muad Dib Muad Dib | open
AoC: open --

Blue eyes fixed their gaze on holoimage containing three people. Daegon Corvinus was the tall one in the center, on left was his best friend Derek Dib Derek Dib , and on his right, always his right, his beautiful Angel, @Serpahina Corvinus. He replaced the holo to the inner pocket of his jacket. Even in the armor he wore, Daegon still insisted on looking like the noble business man he was. His eyes moved to the live feed from Thyferra he kept constant vigilance over. There were two tanks, the one on his left containing his best friend, and the other on the right, always his right, containing his bride, his Seraphina.​
Anger had worked diligently to overtake the Demon of Thyferra. Without his Angel to calm him, to hold the vile emotion at bay, Daegon found it all too easy to give in to the passion which boiled in his veins.​
It should not have happened. Daegon should have protected her, protected him. It had been that wolf, the one that liked to run her mouth with senseless drivel. She twisted everything she witnessed in order to only see one outcome, and one possibility, the one she wanted. When she had not convinced Derek to secede in the end, she aimed to kill. They had promised peace, SHE had promised it, yet she had been the one to attempt taking lives.​
And none so innocent as Seraphina.​
Thyferra would not forget.
Olanet and Siskeen would not forget.
Daegon would not forget, and he would never forgive.
< “We have reached Rodia, Viceroy Corvinus,” > a voice came out over the comms.​
Interplanetary travel had been severely restricted. The Viceroyalty was to be relocated, but Daegon did not care. He had ensured his private vessel was equipped with the proper IFF codes, and called in every favor he needed to ensure he would find himself on Rodia. The ones responsible for shooting his best friend and wife were coming. Daegon could only hope that meant Alwine Daye Alwine Daye would be there. Even if she would not be there, the Demon of Thyferra was determined. All of them would pay. He would kill as many as he could. One crystal clear message would be sent. No one touched what belonged to him, what he loved, without being forced to pay.​
Watching from the observation deck, Daegon could see all the ships which had been leaving Rodia as the order to evacuate them had been given. The Agents of Chaos had said they were coming. This time there would be no delay in doing what needed to be done, and while there were those who left the planet, others were arriving.​
They were preparing for war.​
Daegon did not respond to the verbal notice. He was focused on the task at hand, the object of his rage. As he looked over Rodia, The Demon of Thyferra could only see the place he would exact his revenge. His thumb did press on the comm device which was on the wall to the right of the door, but it was to inform another of their arrival.​
“Master Dib, we have arrived, and should be on the surface shortly. Meet me at the boarding ramp.”
A hand waved and the door opened with a woosh. Determined steps carried Daegon toward his destination as his crew handled all the details needed to secure passage past the blockade of ships designed to keep the Agents of Chaos out. The Viceroy had faith all the arrangements made ahead of time would play out exactly as they were supposed to, and in a matter of several moments he would find his boots on the ground.​
Teeth clenched as a hand reached to ensure the lightsaber he carried was still at his side. Hatred burned deep within him, the rage building to a slow crescendo. The Demon of Thyferra would not be stopped today by the gentle touch of a porcelain hand. He would not be stayed by the powerful gaze of doe like eyes. His fury would not be held back by a calm song coming from his beloved.​
Today Daegon would let the Demon free.​
Today, Daegon would kill anyone who carried the banner of those he held responsible for the condition of his friend and wife.​
Today, there would be no mercy.
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LOCATION: Covenstead of Rodia, Rodia
WEARING: Red Wolf Armour | Jacket | Taozin Amulet
EQUIPMENT: Obsidian Lightsaber | Hidden Wrist Blade | Generic Throwing Knives
ALLIES: Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Effie | Alluria Ivalice Alluria Ivalice | Viana Morreth | Julra Repraj Julra Repraj | @CIS and Friends
ENEMIES: The Agents of Chaos

Shalita was never one to turn down a battle, but it always seemed like these people were becoming a greater problem than she had initially thought. Her hands had been tied last time when she had been evacuating Ryloth elders. The woman even had to carry her own brother off the damn planet while being chased by a heatwave. This time, she wasn’t hindered by civilians, because this time the AoC had given them ample amount of time for the Viceroyalty to issue an evacuation order. As icy blue eyes watched the preparations being made amongst the others that were gathered, she couldn’t help but think about the AoC. All they cared about was their own agenda, one that tried to slander a faction that had only ever thought about the lives of the people within their borders.

The AoC had tried to paint them as the villains on Ryloth and Siskeen and yet how many civilians lives had been lost because of their recklessness? Who was it that tried to make sure that the civilians didn’t die when the AoC incited a terrorist organization to rise up and cause destruction and mayhem? The Confederacy. They had prioritized the lives of the civilians that had been under their care, because that was what they did. CIS looked after their own and although they didn’t win on Ryloth or Siskeen, at least they proved to themselves and those under their cloud, that they cared about those that would reside within their borders; even if it meant that they would lose the war.

This time however, there would be no civilians. This time, they could unleash their fury at full strength.

She quietly took note of the calm before the storm and a sense of inner calm rolled over the woman as the comms suddenly flared to life with reports of enemy contact on the ground already. The assassin didn’t really expect it to be any less different and she rocked back upon her heels while she clasped her gloved hands behind her back. She knew that although they had somehow made it into the citadel, on a planet that was on high alert, that this time the AoC had pushed them too far and the Confederacy wanted blood. Two members had been injured and one of them had been a Viceroy. Moreover, others had been severely injured, while history that was sacred to the witches on Ryloth had been destroyed. If Shalita felt anything about the facts given, she didn’t show it to anyone.

Did she feel anything about it? To her, it was just another job, another war to be had and she didn’t place any emotional value upon it. As an assassin, emotions were a weakness and she had long ago managed to maintain control over her own. That didn’t mean though that she didn’t care or understand the emotions of her fellow comrades. It just meant that she’d rather play the game with a cooler head and preferred to be able to make rash decisions based on logic instead of fear or anger.

Quietly, like the observer that she was, the woman took note of Shamira and Julra as Vytal addressed them in regards to the seeds that had been brought. She listened when Vytal began to talk about the reports that she herself had listened to over the comm systems and her gaze shifted back to the seed that Shamira held. Observant eyes paid attention to how the other woman held it within her hands and appraised it as if she was looking at it for the first time, but if what Vytal had said was true, then the other woman already had a comprehensive understanding of the seed. Except… There was something else about the woman, something that didn’t seem like the rest that were joining them on this. It was almost as if she lacked the same drive that most of the others had, the need for revenge.

After requests for final words, her gaze slipped back to Vytal. What was one supposed to say at a time like this? ”May the spirits and gods protect those of us that go into battle today.” Shalita finally said after a moment’s silence..
Location: Weapons Factory District, Iskaayuma, Rodia
Goal: Scout the factory district for the ideal target
Equipment: Phase I Powderpunk Armor, Phase I Powderpunk Facemask, Raven Knife, 434 Blaster Pistol, Dissuader KD-30 (Loaded with Glitter Bullets), Deactivator Hold-Out Blaster, JH-70 Glitter Grenades, Vita Stones, View Masker, Interference Box, Holojournal
Allies Nearby: Nighthaunter Nighthaunter , Agents of Chaos
Enemies Nearby: CIS, No One in Particular (Dance Partners Welcome)

"So, it was just down to me and her sister, right? Just the two of us, alone against the Quacklord of Doom and his evil worm minions!"

The girl's hands were splayed in a dramatic fashion before her, eyes wide at the tension of the tale she spun. Daiya drew close to the Rodian peace patrol officer, whom she seemed to have transfixed by her story. It was a good thing, the Rodian woman had caught her sneaking through the weapons factory district of Iskaayuma, and the Darkwire agent didn't have a Confederate ident beyond the forged replica of Srina Talon's signature to show along with a fictitious letter of passage on her datapad.

Which, naturally, prompted the need for an explanation of why she had that. "Now remember, Exarch Talon's sister is her double and bodyguard, right? So she puts on the best imitation of her sister's voice, and since she and her twenty sisters all sound alike this is pretty hard to do mind you, and said, 'You won't be going any further!'"

"So, the Quacklord was pretty confused by this. He'd sent us clew after clew of worm minions at us, but between my glitter bullets and her sister's valiant sword, we drove them back in the most colorful way possible. A bunch of worms lay dead at our feet, all writhing and squirming like worms do when you pick them up." The teen demonstrated with her shoulders, rolling them and wiggling her body in an approximation of a worm. She nearly stopped for a moment at a sound from the Rodian officer. Was that a laugh? If it was, it earned the grin she now sported as she carried on. "Well, His Quackness let out a huge squawk, like the sound of a thousand terrible things coming this way. But all his worm minions were gone, and there was nothing left to come except for our fiercely feathered friend."

"And then, just when her sister and I thought it was all over for us, because the Quacklord of Doom didn't get his name by being a cute and fuzzy little duckling, you see," she said, pausing for effect. Even knowing just how tall her tale was, Daiya's heart thumped loudly with each word of suspense. "She and I, we looked at each other and we knew. We just knew, without even saying anything. At the very same time, both of us—"

The pressure behind her eyes offered a familiar warning to the girl, but her vision was as clear as the sight before her as the teen looked up. Down the street, she could see another peace patrol officer approaching, rounding this part of his beat in the neighborhood. Chit. Her heart pounded louder under her skin. The girl had hoped for more time, but the enthralled Rodian had only been under her banal spell for as long as the story would allow. As it was, the pause was slowly shaking the woman from her pseudo-trance, forcing Daiya to ask, "Is that your friend?"

It only took a moment for the officer to glance down before she pulled her eyes back to the girl in front of her. Too quick to make her exit, she would have to wait for another opportunity. With two of them, in a district so heavily patrolled at the moment, Daiya's chances were looking dim.

"Is it close to midnight already?" the Rodian woman remarked, completely disengaged from her story again. Chit. Daiya could already see the peace officer's glimmering eyes considering her once again with suspicious intent. It looked like her story was at an end.

"Ah'chu apenkee?" the other Rodian called as he drew near. This one spoke Huttese, and its harsh sounds played discordantly upon her ears. It was not an unfamiliar language to the Denon native, though, nor were her own words difficult to shoot back.

"Jee eesgoo nechaska Commenor," Daiya said, trying her best to look like the youngest Arenais sibling and giving the Rodian a smile that was truly royal. Sure, she was far blonder and shorter than Lori, but these goons probably didn't know that. The girl was just counting on them wanting to avoid the Common punishment that would arise from harming a princess.

She didn't have to depend on her own bluffing skills for very long, as a shock of bright lights erupted from the sky, with a clap of their explosive presentation. The Rodians jerked up from the conversation, their antennae pressing flat on their heads at the shock of the noise. For her part, Daiya didn't even flinch. She gave the fireworks a passing glance, then turned back to the guards to flip them a small grin before her parting words, "Well, I think that's my cue. Gotta run, but enjoy the show!"

Laughing gaily to herself, the teen skipped off, turning around a corner before the Rodians could make sense of what had happened. She only managed that much before she heard the patter of their feet behind her, shouting at the wind behind her back.


"Hey, stop!"

As highly as the girl thought about orders from authority before, and that wasn't much, she wasn't about to change her mind now and comply. Daiya didn't need a real vision to tell her what would happen if the two Rodian officers caught up to her. A forged identity and pretty story probably wasn't going to cut it anymore. And as if the Darkwire teen needed more proof of her prediction's accuracy, a round of blaster bolts ricocheted off the nearby wall, narrowly escaping her legs.

The Rodian officers had just become the enemy. Daiya grinned to herself, freed from her own self-restraint by their actions. Donning her facemask at laast, she plucked one of the objects from her utility belt and primed it with a thumb. The triggered bundle of glitter sailed over her head as she tossed it, landing well shy of the patrol pair. It deterred their shooting for only a second as it landed, and a glance told her that they were still running into the glitter grenade's path.

A second later, the device burst in a shock of non-lethal, but nonetheless disorienting, pink-colored glitter. The eye-catching pieces of tiny, colored plastic would have looked far more dazzling in the sunlight, but even in the fading glow of the fireworks they appeared magical.

Daiya didn't wait around to watch the show or gaze at the now-enpinked officers. The Rodians were occupied by the fiendishly persistent glitter, and she'd found a particularly sad weapons factory that was in desperate need of a similarly colorful makeover. Now to get back and deliver the news...
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Objective: Bring a gift to Endelaan
Location: Outside the Dome
Armor: Dragia M1 Light Infantry Armor, Generic Breathable Mask
Equipment: R91 Assault Riffle, Whimsy Witch Knives (2), Coin Comm Badge, Generic Breathable Mask, Gills of Destiny (several), Small empty containers
Tags: (AoC) N/A (CIS) N/A

Ryloth... Rodia... the wars were not for the people of Endelaan. Fallon sometimes didn't understand why Scherezade and Madalena couldn't come home, far from this fighting where they could both achieve their destiny and remain safe from the chaos but in all honesty, she knew they would not. They were Nessarose's children, her heirs in more ways than Fallon could accept. They were fighters, leaders, fighters for justice. They would not fold tails and leave the galaxy until the galaxy was safe. She understood. She didn't want to accept but she understood. It was why her role of the Protector of the Realm was so important in the present days. Where no King or Queen would be crowned in her niece's place, her calling and her vocation were to serve, to protect, to ensure peace.​

And yet, she'd come to Rodia. For Endelaan. For Nessarose.​

A candy to match their eyes. Her favorite cousin would love that, for herself, for others. It would be a symbol of the bright future again and perhaps even, the tool that would help the Protector to achieve the return. Time would only tell on the matter, Fallon had decided as she traveled to Rodia, in the company of her niece's allies, parting ways with them before midnight had struck and traveled far beyond the dome where most of the fighting would take place.​

Multiple sources had acquired her a location, a source of the plant; confirmed by the Seers that the sight existed. So, Fallon ventured into the not so pleasant environment of the planet, beyond the protection of the dome where the fighting would follow, looking back as she moved, part of her wishing to come back and help her nieces. This was their war, their fight. They needn't someone to hold their hand anymore, they had long past that while Fallon lived a life beyond understanding. Now, they were both strong, both capable. They would be fine, capable of surviving and overcoming obstacles. Fallon believed that will all heart as she refocused back on her path, the map of her journey embedded into her mind.​

Location: Unknown Space ~ The Veil
Objectives: Fire
Crimson Dread, Comlink, Sword, Lightsaber
Tags: Srina Talon Srina Talon

It was quiet.

That was something that Adron prized about the shallow moments before battle and war, how quiet it was. It was a strange experience that few knew how to truly enjoy. Adron thrived in these moments. Moments when his mind was his own and the deepest contemplations that had plagued him for years came to him like so many drops of rain in the center of a storm. Moments like these he not only had questions, but answers. On the bride of The Veil, the droid teams moved about silently, but none talked, none made a clamour. If not for the few metallic feet striking the surface of the deck it would have been perfect.

Adron stood in the center of the bridge, his eyes closed yet his mind wide open to the galaxy around him. He could see it all. The battle, the coming of chaos, and even the lives that would be expended from what was to come. He had, for a brief moment, dipped his hands into the depths of the Force and pulled from it something he often hunted,


His eyes slowly came open as one of the Tactical Droids approached him, speaking in the same borish, metallic tone that all of the advisor droids had. "Exarch, reports have come in from Rodia."


Adron held a hand up to the droid, not caring to hear what he already knew. "Chaos has appeared on Rodia and now our soldiers move to intercept them...What of Talay?" He demanded, his eyes yet locked on the viewport before him. "No significant reports, sir." The droid reported, before Adron waved his hand in dismissal.

Now that the trap on Rodia had been sprung it meant that the days of Chaos were numbered. They were like the final grains of sand flowing into the bottom of an hourglass. The thought did not bring Adron comfort. No, it brought him rage. Rage that swelled from every pore of his body and dripped into the material of the galaxy. They'd allowed terrorists to push them so far, to the point where they had to evacuate not one, but two of their worlds because of what? Adron crossed his arms over his chest, allowing the Dark Side of the Force to seethe from him in droves, focusing his power into something more controlled, more powerful.

He turned away from the bridge that was before him. He moved in the essence of the Force, not just the physical realm. What was behind him was like a split image. Where the rear deck of
The Veil should have been was a dark room, a meditation chamber of sorts. The darkness in the room melded unnaturally with the bright, pristine halls of the decking that Adron stood on. It was obvious this was an unnatural melding of two locations, causing the Force to shimmer in protest at the Sith Lord's tampering in the physical realm.

This was a type of temporary realm, born from the connection between Adron and another. All that surrounded her, now surrounded him and all that had surrounded him, now surrounded her.

Her pristine white hair caused the man's shoulders to relax ever so slightly in recognition of something more familiar than battle droids and warships.

A friend.

Srina. It's nearly time." His voice was a simple melody in the night, the same melody that had called out to her so many years ago when they had first met in the same manner that they spoke now. The Force had connected their minds then, as it did now. It was a powerful bond. Adron stepped forward, causing the two worlds to meld into one, creating a freak mixture of the veil's deck and Srina's chambers. It was a beautiful abomination. He stepped around the woman, speaking lowly as he did. "It's been a long time since we fought together and now we can bring an end to this ridiculous organization." His hand reached out as if to brush against Srina's cheek.

He remembered years ago when his hand would phase through her skin, because their meeting had been nothing more than an illusion cast over the starts.

That was a long time ago.

As Adron's hand pressed into the cool pale skin of Srina's cheek, he ripped her from her reality and pulled her elsewhere, onto the deck of the Veil. He looked to his partner in the light of the Veil and offered her a knowing smile before stepping past her. "Rodia has reported sightings of Chaos on the world. This means Talay will not be far behind. It matters not where they show themselves. Talay, Rodia, Ryloth, we will hunt them down and destroy them."

As the Exarch spoke the battle droids began to move to their battle stations, preparing the ship for a jump to hyperspace along with the rest of Adron's hidden fleet.

He looked back to Srina, a brow arched in mock curiosity. "You are with me mi ami?" He asked her.


WEARING: A fur coat ;)
ALLIES: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | BX-72967-RAZOR
ENEMIES: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Larentia Larentia

When the invasion had started, the wolf had become fearful because she was afraid of the flashbacks that would transport her back into the past, but instead, she held onto the words of her long dead parents. This pack was her new pack and although she struggled to fully understand her place amongst it, the red wolf continued to strive to learn new things every day. Today they were on Rodia that was under siege by the AoC. Once more they felt the bite of their enemies and paws padded alongside Gerwald in quiet thought. Quiet because she kept most of her original thoughts to herself, unless of course she felt that there was something to be learned by asking a question. Often, she had felt like she was drawing more and more into herself at times and continued to struggle on a daily basis to find the human form at all appealing in nature.

Fighting was simple to the wolf, at least it used to be. One had to either fight or die. Such was the natural order of the world. However, humans and other two-leggers often had a way of complicating matters. Of starting fights for things that they want rather than what they need. Of creating mayhem for no other reason than because they enjoyed hurting others and that confused the wolf. Why would Gerwald wish for her to be more human when it seemed as if humans wanted nothing more than the complete destruction of the universe if only to sate their egos? Whatever the reasoning that was behind this attack, Redd wasn’t completely sure that she fully understood the logic behind it all. However, she was slowly becoming accustomed to occasionally being in human form if only not right now.


The sounds had Redd dropping to the ground at the sudden explosion that sounded as if it had exploded right next to her, but as she looked to Gerwald who motioned with his head, the wolf rose back onto her four paws only to follow the male once more. With paws moving in quick motion until they reached the point where Gerwald stopped to talk, her ears perked forwards. Gerwald was stopping two women from moving away from their spot with a debris wall. Two women of whom she thought that she recognised. Well, she thought that she recognised at least one of them anyway. Lifting her nose just slightly she scented the air and sure enough it was exactly the woman of whom she thought it was. It was the woman she had met right before she had met Gerwald! A whine was issued forth as the wolf sat back upon her haunches and looked to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter with confusion colouring her golden eyes.

Wasn’t this the woman who had basically set her free from the slavers initially? This was the traitor that many talked about? Her nose lifted to look to Gerwald, only to look back to Scherazade once more. Had her recovery been such a long period, that things had changed so suddenly since her initial release? Redd didn’t know whether she was supposed to growl or stay silent; either way, the wolf felt slightly conflicted about the situation at hand.

This woman before her; who her fellow lupine had called Scherazade, had been the reason why she had finally escaped after so many years of fighting in a ring. Yet Gerwald was the one who had comforted her and helped her come back from starvation and death, only to bring her under his wing as an apprentice and sibling. Were the two women before her the very faces behind AoC and the reason that her world was being disrupted once again? Why would a woman who had sent Gerwald to find her, suddenly betray the cause she had once stood for?

Redd whined again as she looked up to the man who stood beside her, only to look back to the two women before her once again. Was this the true face of humanity?


Isalor Grathan



LOCATION: Rodia Orbit, The Hope, Boarding Pod
TASK: Board the AoC Flagship: Destroy the ship from within, and kill any hostile forces encountered.
WEAPONS: TDW-HARM Rifle, DEX Satchel Charges, Knight Obsidian Sword, Damocles Launcher, KO Sidearm
ARMOUR: Apprentice Armor Mk-I, Knights Obsidian Travelling Cloak
CIS: Felurian Malvern | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn | The Monster The Monster | Rann Thress Rann Thress
AOC: Acquiring Targets…


An average sized man of average proportions. That was Isalor's outward appearance. As he had learned early on in his life, before the years of manhood, before pubescence, appearances were deceiving. It was a lesson most claimed to know, few claimed to practise, and even fewer actually took into consideration. To look beyond one's outward appearances and discern the truth within, is a lesson that is hard taught and seldom done so effectively, if at all.

It was a lesson that Isalor had learnt through blood, sweat and pain. A lesson taught to him by the Dark Lord who had taken him under their wing while he had been nothing more than a whelp who struggled to raise a pebble. It was one of many, many lessons intended to improve his chances of survival in the cruel, damning Galaxy they lived in. It was the second lesson, preceded by the most vital lesson of all... dispelling the preconception that the Dark Side would sustain him and give him power, with no outside help or effort from himself.

Though... that was all in the past, a past he would remember well, even though it held no place on the battlefield. His body shone in the simple white and black armour given to all the apprentices of Lord Commander Voph. He had masked the... in his opinion, ugly and symbolically misleading... armour under the more simple and practical cloak of baffleweave, wool and... undescribed waterproof material.

On his right hip he carried the standard sidearm of the Knights Obsidian, on his left he carried a sword of Knights Obsidian design, forgotten and unused by most for quite a while. However, on his back, he carried the Damocles Launcher. A fine piece of Vylmiran Firepower, a recoiless, extremely long-range, rocket launcher that could fire force-controlled rockets. Accompanying the Damocles Launcher was an equally fine piece of technology, a HARM Rifle, manufactured by Freebird Industries, in the slugthrower combat-rifle configuration. On his belt he carried three DEX Satchel Charges.

Some of the soldiers and crew he had assembled with were more than... taken aback, to say the least... by his choice of weaponry, particularly for a Knights Obsidian. After all, were the Knights Obsidian not more than the Confederacy's take on the Jedi and Sith? Destined to wield lightsabers and protect the weak with hokey-pokey space magic? Hell No. Wars weren't won with glowswords and magic tricks, they were won with explosives, songsteel and lead.

His master's orders were delivered in a quick and concise manner, much to Isalor's liking. This was the briefing room of a battleground, not the courtroom of a King's court. The idea was simple. Get in the droppods, get launched, land, and shoot... or otherwise brutally maim and injure... all of the dissidents and terrorists who called themselves the Agents of Chaos.

In other words... have fun. It would be stupid to not be well-prepared for such an occasion. Though admittedly... Isalor struggled to fit all of his tools of freedom into his allocated drop pod. Though, he accomplished it in the end, and bunched himself up into the very, very oh so extremely tight and small drop pod, pulling himself into a most undignified ball.

So Uncivilised...



Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde


Saram Kote, building across the Flip of the Credit casino's roof, Equator City
Objective: Play the waiting game.
Ally Tags: Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | Darth Miseria
Uncategorized Tags: K Kaine Australis
Friendly Forces: 7 Vuhyr'yalilyr Rammikade of Davaab squad.
Post 1
Most of the commandos that Shuklaar had brought with him were still currently stationed at the capital city, but apparently they had a special assignment. Darth Miseria herself had come to the city and while Saram had no doubt that she could more than take care of herself, they'd been requested as security. Seeing as following her around like a bunch of lost looking pups was not quite how Saram saw this working remotely well. Instead, she'd elected for all eight of them to take up positions outside and wait for if they were needed. Not the most entertaining of jobs, but she knew how important it was.

They'd sweeped the area around the casino early that morning when they'd got here while still maintaining several pairs of eyes on the casino. Currently, four R/IS-01 'Nuhaatyc' Reconnaissance/Infantry Support Droids that they'd brought with them silently and subtly moved through the area around the casino, watching and waiting, for any sign that the Agents of Chaos were about to try something incredibly stupid. Thanks to the link they all shared via the Manda tactical battlenet, she was kept apprised of anything important they might have 'seen'.

She'd split her eight man squad to cover all four cardinal approaches. She had Janar Kyrr with her. The heavy weapons expert was watching the main approach to the casino from behind his A-02 Verpine Shatter Autocannon. She'd been watching the casino itself from behind her AMR-4M Verpine Shatter Anti-Materiel Rifle a meter or two from Aselia Verd Aselia Verd . She hadn't really dealt with Aselia before, but she recognized the attachments on her armor and the jump pack on her back as made by Breshig War Forge Consolidated. In fact, it seemed they had similar taste in attachments. Which would have been a fantastic point of conversation, if it hadn't been for the fact that they had to be alert for even the slightest sign of trouble. Though she likened the conversation to what aruetii might have about the latest fashions...or whatever other osik they talked about.

"I hate waiting" she heard Aselia say. She nodded seemingly absentmindedly at first. She recognized the rifle in her fellow Mando'ad's hands as a marksman's weapon. Generally people like them had higher reserves of patience, which was one of the many tools in their arsenal. She was vaguely aware of the fact that Aselia and Darth Miseria were related, though to what extent, she didn't entirely know. That she understood, concern for one's loved ones could eat away at the most patient person in the galaxy. She empathized. ​

"You know how the old saying goes, right vod? Hurry up and wait," asked Saram, glancing in her direction momentarily before returning her attention to her rifle. Udesii, I'm sure she's fine. And I know she'll give us a heads-up in case trouble finds her. Till then, it's our job to make sure she doesn't have to." It wasn't meant as a slight, but rather meant to help assuage her concerns and give her something to focus on to take her mind off any concerns she might have.

Saram and her commandos have set up outside the casino and there are recon droids patrolling as well (that are also staying out of sight as best they can).


Darth Miseria


L O C A T I O N | Equator City - Flip Credit Casino
E Q U I P M E N T | Armour - Lightsaber - Boots - Wrist Saber x1 [One Destroyed in Invasion of Ryloth] - Water of Life x5 - Raxus Relief Gas x5
A L L I E S | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd - Saram Kote Saram Kote - The Confederacy & Friends
E N E M I E S | K Kaine Australis - Agents of Chaos

Truthfully, she hadn’t expected an answer, less so from a voice that didn’t exactly sound Rodian. Thinking back it might have been a wise idea to attempt detecting life in the casino, but the evacuations had been going on for long enough. They’d done several sweeps of the city in the hours leading up to the attack. Miseria herself had attempted to detect any remaining life forms, as had many others. The lack of signature when they first checked wouldn’t have been surprising in the slightest, if she still couldn’t detect one. But now…

As tendrils of dark force lashed out and wound themselves down corridors and through all the rooms, there it was. An undeniable, rather confident, signature.

Her helmet clinked softly against her thigh as she strode through the casino. Even for a casino and especially for this one, the Flip Credit was in disarray. Half played games of sabacc and Dantooine double-hand sat readily abandoned on tables covered in faded green felt. Chairs had been pushed out from under them randomly, forming the walls to a maze that didn’t seem to have a path that was right or wrong. Boot prints had been pressed so often into the tacky coloured rugs over the floors that they could barely be considered carpet anymore. Miseria turned her nose up.

Not her usual haunt, but there were worse places to be before the start of a war. Maybe once she found someone to take whoever was waiting for her at the end of the corridor to safety, she’d stop and indulge in a drink or two. A little bit of Corellian courage.

Partly following the signature, and partly following the still present baritone that echoed in her ears, Miseria rounded a corner that had turned off the corridor linking the entrance to the main room. In here. The voice had said, like it was expecting her. “The last evacuation ships left almost an hour ago…” She spoke, a little louder now that the music had picked up in volume and was no longer dulled by walls. The outline of a figure stretched out at one of the back tables came into view. Miseria narrowed her eyes at it. Not an it, a him. Unrecognizable, at least in her eyes. “What are you still doing here?”

Her footsteps carried her cautiously closer, just enough to begin to pick his features out. But instead, the first thing her gaze landed on was the drink clutched in his hand. He had beaten her to it. She couldn’t help but smirk. Whoever he was, he was Miseria’s kind of guy.

Location: Rodia Orbit/The Hope
Objective: Stop the AoC
Allies: Kyyrk Kyyrk , Felurian Malvern , Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn , Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée , Isalor Grathan , Rann Thress Rann Thress , The Monster The Monster
Enemies: AoC, Open
Weapons: Vaela Layne's Lightsaber, KO sidearms
Attire: Voph's Apprentice Armor

Millu was not sure of what use she would be in this battle. But she was ready to try her best, since there was no way she would ever let those terrorists run free. A few weeks ago, in Ryloth? That had been a massacre. She had not participated in any of the battles herself, as she had unknowingly evaded them by following her master around and then heading to the castle after she had a vision from the Force. But she had watched the beheading that was broadcast everywhere, had seen the destruction in the BioDome when she was on her way to the castle, and after everything was over, she had heard of all the unspeakable things that had happened that day.

There was no kriffing way that she would let the AoC destroy yet another planet with their terrorist acts as they did in Ryloth. That was out of question. That was the sole reason why she volunteered for this mission, even though her master hadn't been able to come. That actually made her a little nervous. Millu had never actually fought anyone, at least not for real. And she had never been on a mission without Beric by her side.

Her thoughts were stopped by Lord Commander Voph's speech. It was a really motivating speech, and for a few moments it made Millu forget her doubts. As she listened to the orders, Millu fidgeted a bit inside her armor, it was bulky and a bit big for her small frame, and she had never worn anything quite like it, so it was a bit difficult to get used to.

As the orders were given to move, and the room became frantic with all the soldiers and knights obsidian moving to their pods, Millu moved as fast as she could to the boarding pod closest to her, and got in. It was quite easy to arrange herself inside the pod since she was quite small, but it probably would have been easier if not for the armor wheighing her down.

It was time. She had to get there and do what she was told- help free Rodia from those horrible Agents of Chaos. The girl was still a bit scared that she wouldn't be able to deal with the enemy, but at least for now, she couldn't let those fears surface. She had armor to protect her, even if it was not the most comfortable thing, it would do its job very well. She had the lightsaber Beric had given her in Ryloth- albeit she had never really used it in combat- and she had that blaster. It would have to do.

And with that thought, Millu closed the door to her boarding pod. It was game time.

Location: Weapons Factory District, Iskaayuma, Rodia - CDC Command Post
Callsign: Alpha [Squad] Actual
Equipment: Project Xiphos Armor | Modular Tri-Blaster | Micro Light Shield | Bayonet | Cryo Grenades | Fragmentation Grenades | Thermal Detonators | Comlink | Raxus Relief

Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile Command: Agents of Chaos

Alpha Squad had been on Siskeen when everything went done earlier. Unfortunately, their squad couldn't mobilize fast enough from where they'd been forced to bunker down before the damage had been done. Seeing how a military presence hadn't been formally requested to a diplomatic function -- and how such a presence might be misconstrued as a prelude to invasion -- they'd been forced to keep an extra low profile the entire time. At least they manage to keep the entire building from building down and taking the survivors with it. Things could have gone better if politics hadn't gotten in the way.

So it was a bit of a surprise, politically, when the government actually issued an evacuation of Rodia ahead of the Agents of Chaos' expanded reign of terror. Planetary evacuations were no trivial matter, and certainly not done lightly. The logistics involved in relocating the population of a planet were considerable; though the Confederacy had an equally breath-taking capability when it came to vessels and droids. The droids -- such as they were -- actually helped maintain order and issue directions so people were not lost in the sea of bodies. Tiria even imagined they could forge through a crowd to help reunite children with parents.

Thankfully, the streets would be free of civilians today as the enemy began to move. It would relieve the Commandos of concern about collateral casualties. Nothing worse in a battle than for the men and women to be preoccupied with what they could or couldn't do.

As for the enemy's 'signal,' the Colonel didn't bother to so much as lift her head. It was either a distraction, or a display of the enemy's lack of seriousness; and for the later Tiria and the HIve had nothing but contempt. How many warriors and soldiers had she Joined now? The Agents of Chaos must have thought civilians occupied the city and would be 'shocked' or 'awed' at the display. Unfortunate for them none remain that cared. A waste of time, effort, and strategic advantage.

Orders: "Move to intercept all enemy contacts in the area, cut em down."

Safiria was the first to respond to acting Grand Marshal Haastal's orders while Grand War Marshal Luna Terrik occupied a special position overseeing the war effort. Tiria turned her helmet to the side to regard to woman for a moment. "We do not kick. We annihilate," Tiria responded to Safira Varad as eager to set upon the enemy as she was.

"Bakers, Chef, status."

"Chef, Baker One, Oscar Five."

"Chef, Baker Two, Oscar Five."

"Chef, Baker Three, Oscar Five."

"Bakers, Chef, stay frosty." Tiria didn't reach out to another unit just yet. They had their assignment, and it wasn't time to conjure up their own form of 'magic' for the intruders that'd come to Rodia looking for a fight. They needn't worry, however, because they would get one.

The Colonel strode forward and lay a hand atop one of the senior Rodian present. A slight nod signaled the intent for this unit of Alpha Squad to move out. It was time to hunt.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz | Safira Varad | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red


Attire: This
Location: Orbit of Rodia
Equipment: Lightsaber, Mask, Ring of Splinters
Enemies: AOC
Allies: CIS
Ally Tag: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Enemy Tag: Rashae Rashae

With Sabine’s focus fully on the planet below she had almost missed the subtle chirp of her comm before. Her amber eyes opened ever so slightly before she answered. The battle meditation would be lessened for a moment but being essentially in two places at once was considerably difficult even for the most talented force user.​

“What is it now?” she began “Ma-“ he caught himself before continuing “Darth Phral, more ships have entered the system. They broke through our lines and landed on the surface. They seem to be setting up a base. Grand Marshall von Sorenn has opened fire on that position.” Sabine listened quietly as her options were weighed, the simplest solution was sometimes the most expedient. “How far is the base from the capital and is it in range of our port guns?” Her words hung a moment before he responded to her query.​

“Ten clicks from the dome and all our port guns can hit it.”

She thought a moment before giving a resolute nod, “Very well, fire a full volley on that position then continue to monitor it, if anything is still alive and moving continue to fire until everything is dead. These are your standing orders unless firing would damage the capital dome. And Lieutenant, allow me to reiterate, kill all enemies with extreme prejudice there are no civilians here,” at her words the comm fell silent once again.​

Sabine simply closed as the first shutters of weapons fire went out from the Resolve, the order of battle was clear and concise and within the confines, she would happily work, everyone and everything not flying under the flag of the Confederacy will die. While she was not able to go to the extent she would under the Sith Empire of old there would be no hesitation and no remorse.​
Wordlessly she returned to bolster the battle meditation and refocus upon the Confederate forces below.​

As for the ships that had landed without authorization or clearing themselves to the blockade, they would soon find why you don’t land in a military zone without clearance no matter how noble their objectives may have been; it now would cost them their lives Rashae Rashae . Those camped out around those ships and the ships would only need to look up to realize their mistake as blaster bolts split the sky and began to fall like rain upon their heads one after another, and as long as they drew breath it would not cease.​

CDF Resolve firing on the landed medical ships and surrounding encampment


  • Objective / Location - Iskaayuma Seeking Targets
  • Gear and Equipment - Armor, LMG, Sidearm, knife, rock, candle, twin lightsabers, various grenades, demolition charges.
  • Allies - Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell
  • Post 2
Tags - Sasmay Cull Ivixa Nera'kas

Someone in the CIS began broadcasting a rejoinder to Madalena's transmission and Domino flicked her comm control to stop playing it. Her companion hadn't even finished replying before another started playing and Domino ended that one as well. As much as these highly titled people liked to talk, Domino was pretty sure she already knew what they were going to say and didn't want the distraction.

"I'm not too sure what all went down on Ryloth Cull," she admitted. "I joined up after all that. Hearing about that madman blowing the hell out of about a million innocents." She didn't feel the need to say more, they'd all likely seen the video of the Confederacy diplomat's brother doing cartwheels and cracking jokes, broadcasting the slaughter to various networks. That they now denied it all... It just went to show how diseased the Confederacy had truly become. "Really puts the resolve in you to just take it all down."

She didn't ignore the rest of the chatter, she just wasn't feeling the banter. The CIS had flooded the city with troops and droids they'd have to work their way through, anybody would be daunted by that and this was probably her way of coping. Domino's was information, a ping of her suit's radar returned nothing in the immediate vicinity of the building. With the range dialed down to help avoid detection she could just barely get the streets outside and maybe a bit of the building directly across from them as well. "Still clear, though we need to get moving. We'll stick to buildings so patrols aren't as likely to spot us." Flicking the safety off her own R12, Domino made her way into the interior corridor that ran the length of the building. From there she'd try to lead the team to the next building over, then the next. Always moving inside or down alleys that provided cover. The Force gathered around her as they went, sharpening her senses and preventing fatigue. Still she pulled it in tighter, starting her focused precog as her sense of self began to drift. This was going to be one for the books if she had anything to say about it.

"Eyes open for ambushes, and lets find a place to make our own, draw them in piecemeal."
will you sink down to me?



Location: Talay atmosphere > gunship nearing station | Form: Humanoid | Theme: Seaward |
Allies: CIS + company; Immediate Tags: Ciri Jade Ciri Jade , Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque |
Objective: Water { protect aquatic approaches to the relay } | Equipment: Siren skin, electrotrident, saberdarts, dartgun { lookalike }, SCUBA blaster pistols |
Companions: Squish; Flotsam and Jetsam | Post: 01

Her skin stung with salt filtering through the gunship's external air system and getting stronger with every mile they descended through atmosphere. But this type of sting never caused her any pain. On the contrary, it was pleasure, excitement. She could almost see the rolling waves, feel the temperature just below the surface. Minute mineral traces was all that her anatomy needed to anticipate the sea. Her skin, as always, began to feel taut, too tight to contain her shark. Atmospheric pressure was too low when compared to the weight of water. She needed that.

But the other sting was not as benevolent. The eyes of Master Sergeant Ulinesque bore into her, and she knew there was a stigma against her among those commandos and agents present. Damsy had been listed on the gunship's passenger manifest as Damsy Callat rather than Niobe Crowe, so she knew all aboard at the very least had questions. Whether they were to some degree hostile, as Luna, or more or less indifferent, as Tien, to the major's deception was yet to be seen.

Everyone knew this was not the time to pick bones, unless of course they were pink. That made it that much worse, though: an abyssal pressure she could just bare and left her hoping nothing gave during this offensive defense. It was hard enough to fightfell backwards for one's faction unhampered by strong emotions. In that way, the revenge on every Confederate combatant's mind of late, was both a blessing and a boon, though hopefully more of the former. But with added preoccupation regarding her stance among the CDF, Damsy wouldn't be able to tread militaristic water.

She had to let in go. If she lived through Talay, she could have an identity crisis, as well as many words with many people.

As the gunship shuttered to a stop over a stretch of sea, Damsy fit her yellow sunbonnet over her waves and braids. It was unlike her to not holler some aquatic one-liner over the swishing blast doors. Instead, she stooped to grab hold of twin Riptides on her either side under their broad, semicircular heads. She half-dragged, half-carried the assault droid over to the ledge and then let go to heave first Flotsam and then Jetsam into the water below. As the last splashed sounded, Damsy's ID-10 seeker drone awoke from the docking port on her back and floated out and above the vessel - Squish, her eyes and ears in the air, on the land.

Slightly breathless from lugging one hundred and twenty kilos altogether, she took a moment to recenter herself before diving off deck in a perfect arc. Praying hands parted a way into her element, which she would have too eagerly took even if not for gravity's momentum. It took only change of a minute to transform, both in body and armor. Then, with a flick of her tail and contortion of her body, she was off, propelling down through the sunlight zone ever towards twilight. Flotsam and Jetsam floated alongside, whirring silently and leaving a short but bubbly wake.

For but a moment, her armored tail broke the water and flicked the cool air above.

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LOCATION: Rodia Orbit, The Hope, Boarding Pod (Traveling towards Rodia’s Surface)
TASK: Board the AoC Flagship: Destroy the ship from within, and kill any hostile forces encountered. Seek and Destroy terrorist assets and operatives on Rodia’s surface.
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm
CIS: Felurian Malvern | Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée | Isalor Grathan | Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn | The Monster The Monster | Rann Thress Rann Thress
AOC: Acquiring Targets…

Tell me, when you last stood among the ashes of your nation, did you for a moment contemplate mercy? Neither did I.

Voph felt the pod lurch into motion as it cycled up to the cannon’s end. The hour was almost upon them. Voph drew a breath in anticipation, but it caught in his throat. The Hope was turning. Before Voph could open his mouth, Darcy was already in his ear. “Agents have been detected on the ground, boss. Fleet presence is minimal. Looks like their sleeper cell is carrying the brunt of the attack.” Voph smiled. Madalena had well and truly fallen for their trap. He would admit, he was surprised that the Agents did not attempt to land more forces, but then again, that just made their job all the easier.​

Darcy’s voice chirped in his ear again, continuing to feed him information. “Four Medical-class corvettes have punched through the blockade and are descending to the planet’s surface. There also seem to be a number of humanitarian structures being erected on the surface. Strange, given the current civilian population, don’t you think boss?” Voph turned his head to look at the planet below them, clearly visible to him even through the walls of his pod and the ship surrounding it. There was one thing Madelena had failed to account for, it would seem: Voph knew where she was. At any time. He had known she was on Rodia from the moment she set foot upon the planet’s surface. The same was true for any of the Agents that had set fire to Ryloth. Thousands had died to make the point that the Agents believed in freedom, and believed that the Confederacy was evil. Voph reached down, and tapped out a simple message on his wrist-com. Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix would receive this text message in mere moments, posing a simple question: “Medical Frigates when the fighting hasn’t even started. Does the phrase ‘Fish in a barrel’ still mean anything to you?”

As the Hope leveled out into a burn across Rodia’s surface, Voph called out across the coms once again. “Attention all forces, we’re being redirected to the surface of Rodia. What precious few ships the terrorists have brought will be easily handled by the blockade. We’re diving straight into the capital. Needless to say, this will be somewhat more uncomfortable than the original destination, so be ready. This side of the planet has experienced nightfall, switch optics to low-light if necessary.” Voph gripped the sides of the pod as it lurched forward into the barrel of the cannon. And for all the anticipation of what was about to happen, Voph found himself wondering: Were the agents succumbing to a pattern? He would have to have a word with CDF command about placing lockdowns on certain sectors after this. Civilian evacuations might not be a bad idea either. But soon those thoughts flew from Voph’s mind, same as his heart flew from his chest.​

The pod was airborne, and hurtling through space towards the planet below. Voph looked to his left, and then his right at the other pods falling alongside him. He could feel the blood pounding in his head as the G-forces pressed him into the top of his restraints. The pod began to shake as it entered the atmosphere, plunging towards the capital city far below. Darcy began chiming his altitude in his ear at each thousand meters. The chute deployed, and yet his pod still slammed into the ground with a significant amount of force. Voph exhaled sharply as the breath was driven from him, and he attempted to push the door of the pod open. It was jammed. Voph drew a deep breath to fill his lungs, and picked his leg up. The door flew free of the pod as his leg extended, forcing the sheet of metal from its harness. Voph’s lightsaber was in his hand, and his attention was turning towards the City. Madalena and Scherezade were both here. Once again, they led the attack against those they had once sworn to protect. As the pods continued to fall around him, Voph pulled his wrist to his facemask. “Knights. Form up. Let’s hunt some terrorists.”


Location: Iskaayuma
Wearing: Merc Armor.
Wielding: I.M.D Axe Blaster | Heklorkok R-2 Assault Rifle | Glitter Grenades | Basic Breathing Mask |
Allies: Agents of Chaos +AoC Allies | Nerium Nerium , Madalena Antares Madalena Antares , Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat , +Open
Enemies: Confederacy +CIS Allies

Zaldros kept his head down, this was going to be fun, especially after what they did to H.O.P.E and all the innocents. It seemed they had no major objective either, well for the group he was riding with at least, the woman merely told them to shoot as soon as Confederate was in sight, which was good, considering the equipment he brought. Regardless, it was going to be exciting and when he began to look around he noticed his teammates seemed to feel the same way, maybe they all had the same reasons to be excited or each reason they had was different. Well, that might be foolish, every one them was probably excited to just kill things and get their revenge.

The comm announcement only amped up that feeling, nobody had time for speeches now. Instead, it was the beginning of a bloodbath labelled an invasion. It caused Zaldros to think of those taking shelter, how once upon a time they may have wandered the now deserted, empty streets. Hopefully, the invasion would be won and the innocents who have survived could wander the streets again without great fear. However, they had to get on with the battle before that would be a possibility, so he watched, he didn't know what he was looking for exactly, yet it seemed that as soon as he did, they were met with gunfire. That's what he was looking for, soldiers, enemy soldiers, just not those in aircraft, yet that's what they had the grenades for, right?​
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Objective: Do you really want to hurt me

Where: A. Fleet – outside of Rodia and Talay system
B. forward base – 10k from capital city.

Allies: Agents of Chaos

Post 2

The medical fleet just hovered in their present location. They sent out general communications so any citizens of Rodia and Talay could come to them if they had a need. Inevitably, transports would start towards the location of the medical fleet. Most of them Rodian vessels and Talaian vessels. It was not for anything more than wanting to get away from the fighting for the most part. There was not too many wounded at the moment.

Commander Stephen would engage communications as this usually became space control logistics to the maximum. Those that would make it to the fleet would be allowed to land, disembark their load of people and leave. Some would not return and just would hover with the fleet after they departed the docking bay. Social services would be the most busy while medical provided clinic type services to them. Mostly rodians but there was a sprinkle of other races.

On the surface of Rodia, 10k from the capital city. A string of rodians would make it to their mobile hospital. They were not fleeing anything just seeing a chance to get medical services. No one knew that eyes were upon their mobile hospital. One Corvette gets hit before anyone could do anything as the impact blast would toss everything on all sides away. Shrapnel would fly and hit citizens, nurses and security personnel alike. Doctors and nurses would try to run to deal with the wounded but more fire would come down from the sky. It was like lambs to a slaughter.

Rashae had her mouth gapped open. They dared to fire on a non-combat situation. She had heard a number of things around the galaxy about the Confederacy but didn't believe them due to lack of evidence but there it was. She was about to run towards them but in that split second one of the Godkillers picked her up and carried her fireman style hoofing it double time into the jungle. The woman was beating on the back of the beskar hurting her bunched up hands as she was carried away from the danger. She was screaming and voicing expletives that should not be in a lady's mouth. The Godkillers heeded none of it as they had their orders. The spray of swamp and jungle mud would hit her hair, face and white armor. Everything seemed to be as if in slow motion as she watched the few seconds it took to destroy the camp.

bodies littered across the ground and in the swamp. Pieces of Rodians, humans, and other races would be scattered around the swamp and that piece of jungle that was above the swamp waters. There was little blood as the heat of the blast would render blood to be charred in place. Burnt skin and flesh replaced the putrid smell of the jungle. The insects would feast tonight. The echo of the screams would resound through the forest floor, echoing off of the trees.

Another blast came out of the sky as by this time the corvettes were up in the air enough to get to the air. This was what corvettes were made for as speed was on their side in this regard. Not sitting ducks on the surface. The blast winged a corvette rendering it inoperable an d unable to fly. The impact blast sent another spray of debris and people 360 in every direction. It truly looked like a war zone. No one had any time to cry. Additional fire power started raining down that completely destroyed the disabled corvette.

There were screams. Yes.

There was death. Yes

There was great anguish. Yes.

A handful that saw the Godkillers taking their Minister to the relative safety of the jungle. These would comprise of a few Rodians, nurses, medical assistants, communications and security. These would join up with the Godkillers and keep on the run helping each other. If there was anyone else left, they scattered to the jungle. it would be highly unlikely as they were caught completely by surprise.

The two remaining corvettes would make it to the sky as more fire from the sky rained down rendering the mobile hospital completely destroyed, These medical corvettes were light with shields fully up. They would weave and bob as these two would stay low to the tree tops till they made it to the oceans. They entered the oceans and started propelled expulsion type movement. They shut everything down but life support and those simple propelled expulsion basic engines.

Meanwhile the Godkillers would run with the handful of crew and Rodians that survived as Rashae just watched the smoke eddy upwards from the hospital base camp till the jungle canopy rendered that impossible. After 2 clicks they stopped to rest for a few minutes. It was then that they had time to cry. It wouldn't be long as they had to keep moving.

Sabine Delacroix Sabine Delacroix Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Location: Weapons Factory District, Iskaayuma, Rodia
Objective: Find a suitable target for his blade and generally cause chaos and fear within the enemy.
Equipment: MK I Nightsuit, Willbreaker, Throwing stars, Silent Blades, Collapsible sniper rifle.
Allies Nearby: Daiya Daiya
Enemies: CIS (Combat partners welcome!)

To say that the Nighthaunter was well aware of his surroundings would be an understatement. Long before any of the invasion fleet had arrived he had been sent to the surface of Rodia provide intel on the Confederate forces on the planet. He was also tasked with causing as much havoc as possible by taking out key commanders and bombing supply lines. He had also been given free reign to act out Discordia's judgement on those faithless heretics that did not follow her ways. He had been stationed in Iskaayuma in the Weapons Factory District for two weeks. They had decided that the this would be the area of most importance as it was the main supply line to all CIS forces and was the primary area where the majority of their weapons were created. In the two weeks he had been on Rodia prior to the invasion the Nighthaunter had been committing actions that many would find absolutely terrifying and inhumane. Those that lived within the Weapons Factory District had began to become fearful of the night as that was the time that the Nighthaunter would pick his victims. The Silencer's targets were often Rodian guardsmen, or those involved in the Rodian military's command structure. He would then display his work to the people of Rodia by hanging the dead mutilated, and tortured bodies from buildings. In order to instill a sense of fear within the Rodian people. While all the bodies were badly mutilated they all had one thing in common... The victims faces were completely removed. The Nighthaunter would remove the eyes, noses, mouths, and ears of his victims making them completely unidentifiable for authorities.

While he enjoyed sneaking around the district and inflicting fear on those that lived there, he was beginning to get a bit bored of the whole routine. So when the first ships of the AoC invasion fleet arrived he felt renewed with a fresh energy to exact Discordia's will on those that would oppose her. After hearing the transmission from Madalena over his own comms he immediately began suiting up in his small hideout. He put on his MK I Nightsuit, the armour clinging to his body like a second skin. The dark armour was his creation and the standard issue for any and all Silencers. The material of the armour was made to help with stealth, especially at night. The suit look to suck all the light from around it and into it's dark material. Giving the impression that the suit itself was exuding a darkness that surrounded the wearer. He then put on his Silent Blade gauntlets, he flicked his wrist and the two Kyber crystal blades flicked out from the gauntlets. He then sheathed Willbreaker by his side. The humming blue Kyber crystal infused blade begging for blood. He stepped out the window of his small apartment that he had used as a hideout while he was on Rodia. He could hear the sounds explosions and fighting in the distance as he climbed the building all the way to the roof.

Upon reaching the roof he crouched over the ledge observing the Weapons Factory District in front of him. He then looked up at the sky knowing that there was an ongoing fleet battle within the orbit of the planet. He knew that somewhere up there was his former apprentice Kyrinov sitting on the Apocalypse class battlecruiser Discordia's Vengeance. He knew that he could count on Kyrinov to reap the souls of those that would dare oppose Discordia's will. Looking back down at the streets of the Factory District his thoughts returned to battle at hand. He had been told to try and rendevous with as Many Agents of Chaos as possible when the assault started. That had to be his primary objective. While a formidable individual, he was just that, an individual. He looked over the ledge and saw two Rodian guards below him patrolling the street below. Nighthaunter dropped from the ledge he was crouched on, he flicked his wrist and both silent blades appeared out of his gauntlets in midair. He landed on one of the Rodians using it to break his fall. The Rodian fell flat to the floor due to the sudden impact, Nighthaunter then pierced the Rodian through the neck, blodd splattering the floor in front of the Rodian. The other Rodian was in the middle of training his sights on Nighthaunter, when Nighthaunter quickly jumped up from being crouched over the dead Rodian and sliced guardsmen's jugular with his other blade. Blood spraying all over the street floor. The Nighthaunter quietly admired his work for a second before running off into a dark alley, leaving the scene of the crime hoping to find his next victim...

Location: The Hope, Dire Wolf Class Star Destroyer
Task: Rain fire and death from the sky
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Millu Lee Millu Lee Rann Thress Rann Thress Felurian Malvern Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn Valeria de la Vallée Valeria de la Vallée Isalor Grathan
TDW Gen-3 Armor System, TDW HARM, TDW L-7, EBFAK, 30lbs of DEX and 6 DEX Satchel Charges, Various specialty munitions including two magazines of High Explosive Rounds, and two magazines of Smoke rounds (No non-lethal rounds), regular magazines are stacked with 1:1 Armor Piercing/Anti-Shield rounds, SYC Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs, 1 Dire Wolf's Fang blade
Theme: The Dire Wolves are unleashed
The various crews of Hope were scanning for targets when a large reading came across their sensors. A massive ship was coming out of hyperspace directly on top of them inside the gravity well. Emergency orders went out across the ship as they all braced for a possible collision and the ship banked hard to port. Orders went out to gunnery crews to redirect their boarding pods and shoot them planet side. The various Mjolnir cannons would aim towards the capital dome, and fired. With this salvo after salvo of drop pods would fly from the cannons as they went to the planet on their new assignment. While this was happening, the ship began targeting the massive vessel that had decided to fly right past it and head directly for the command ship. It wouldn't take long as the Eagle Eye and Hawk Eye targeting systems began collecting targeting data on the ship, from its size, magnetic signature, physical position, and every other possible reading from the ship. Down to what the ship looked like on its cameras, it would feed this data through to the systems on Hope, and suddenly the missile bays would open. A massive barrage of missiles would be unleashed as Archer and Dominus missiles flew out of their berths and the Lightstorm Turbolasers with Ionstorm Ion Cannons would turn their guns on the ship as well. But that, wasn't the main event that was charging, as various deuterium tanks were unsealed and pushed forth and began energizing from the many Isotope-5A Micro-Reactors housed aboard the beast. As Hope was coming around it was prepping to turn its Mjolnir Cannons on the enemy vessel as well, cycling in Ion rounds and Armor Piercing rounds as they would prepare to unleash hell upon the vessel. The fighters they had launched also arced around, cycling their payloads and selecting their SIM-02 Archers as well and firing them as they made their own attack runs. Hope would not be ignored, and she wouldn't just sit idly by as some wannabe contender just jumped in and picked a fight with the largest ship in the system.

Meanwhile in the pods Sergei could feel his pod rocking as it was buffeted through the various weapons fire having been unleashed by Hope. He could feel each explosion as the various pods were rocketing to the capital dome and his holographic projection of his flight path and intended target were playing out before him. He could feel the heat as the pods entered atmosphere and started up their re-entry, making final approach his drag chute would deploy with a forceful yank, forcefully slowing down his pod significantly before all the maneuvering jets would fire just before impact. And when his pod slammed into the ground Sergei didn't even try the manual door opening, simply slamming his fist on the emergency deploy button and in seconds the emergency release charges would blow the door clear. Sergei would step out of his pod and survey their surroundings, noting more pods coming down and quickly finding one of his men moving to him to support. He would issue orders quickly to establish a RV just outside of the drop zone, but any able bodies were to push immediately into the dome. His hulking frame would be pushing forward of the zone as he lumbered across with several of his commandos behind him and even a few of his newer TCD-1D and TCD-2D combat droids as they would begin their movement. And aside from Sergei's initial orders, not a word would be said from any of Sergei's men. And aside from their footfalls as they trotted across the open ground, not a sound would come from any of them. They were the harbingers of death, the heralds of destruction. And people would soon find out how violent a vengeful 'Wolf could be.

Hope has fired all of the drop pods to the surface to engage AoC at the capital, while also beginning a turn to bring its guns to bear on the enemy vessel that just dropped inside the fleet. While its swapping its ammo types for the Mjolnir Cannons and charging its primary weapon, it has fired a massive barrage of missiles alongside firing any Light Storm Turbolasers and Ion storm Ion Cannons that it can to engage the enemy vessel. All of the fighters on the ship have also fired their missile payloads onto the ship as well.
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