Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Great Balls of Fire | Agents of Chaos invasion of CIS-held Rodia and Talay


Location: Rodia System, AoC Carrier task force, Impellor-class Battle Carrier Bullseye
Objective: Engage Confed forces above Rodia.
Allies: Any AoC forces
Enemies: CIS Forces
Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Sabine Delacroix

Commodore Token Fodder stood on the command deck of the Bullseye watching the dim lights of hyperspace. The Bullseye and her crew had been sitting in deep space now for thirty hours waiting for the order to be given to jump into the system He and his care were ready for the battle ahead. They had missed the action at Rothana much to his chagrin. He had wanted to face the CIS and beat them in combat. He had trained so long and fought many miscreants and pirate to get to the position he was now. It was not easy moving up in the Agents of Chaos fleet. The rank of Commodore was one of the highest ranks available to the candidates who had joined the AoC when it was founded. The Admiralty has a group of hardened veterans who had fought many battles and were generally positions taken by primadonna ex imperials or some other veteran from some other power. He had come up the hard way and was proud of his position and rank.

"one minute to reversion sir," said an officer standing in the lower console pit. The bridge of the ship was much like the standard Imperial bridge with a raised walkway in the center and an officer pit on each flank with consoles and equipment for controlling the vessel. Token stood and waited for the countdown to end. The flash of light then a gentle nudge in the deck plating let him know they were there.

Before him, the world of Rodia sat surrounded by a fleet the likes of which he had never seen. Fleet command had given him a large fleet and told him that it would be enough to deal with whatever force he might encounter at Rodia. They had lied.

"Battlestations, Target the large vessel in the center of their formation, Guns free." Ordered Commador Fodder. The time for battle was upon them.

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Location: Iskaayuma, Rodia; Road leading to the CDC Command Post
Post: 1
Equipment: Wide brim Fringer Hat and duster, Lightsaber, Thermal Detonators (2)
Tags: Madalena Antares Madalena Antares , Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , + Anyone I may have missed

The streets of Iskaayuma were as dark and deserted as any Gabriel had walked down. It was enough to make him fondly compare the scene to one from one of those cheesy horror holodramas. No doubt for anyone that survived the night they too would go on to tell the tale of the horror they'd witnessed. It was alright for Gabriel. After Siskeen, then after seeing what the Confederacy did to the innocent on the Scintilla, the Force Master made a decision he'd vowed ever to make again. He joined the Agents of Chaos and vowed to unleash the full weight of his power on the galaxy. It hadn't been so bad in the end. His distaste for Witches was tempered by the respect he'd formed for Madalena Antares Madalena Antares . Of all the factions he'd been associated with in the past AoC had become the one place where restrictions didn't choke his ambition. Though he would have desired more structure strangely enough, it was enough that he was trusted to forward the factions goals. For this one though the leash had been let off him and the Confederacy would quiver at the mere mention of his name after tonight.

The street was dark as he approached the command post, save for what forces the CIS used to protect it. He could make out some droids along with soldiers and perhaps rodian conscripts. None of it mattered as he approached. He was here for bigger game. Gabriel continued his approach even as the first voice of the night rang out. "You there, stop. This area is restricted. Please provide identification." A group of security droids approached, blocking his way.

Gabriel lifted his head, dark eyes reflecting light from various sources and a wicked grin on his lips. "ID, sure thing. Its just right here on my belt." Gabriel reached into the duster he wore and grasped the cylindrical weapon hanging just out of sight. The next few seconds were just a a pale green blur. The four droids that stood before him collapsed into pieces as he began to move the lightsaber in a defensive pattern blocking blaster bolts from those close enough and fast enough to react. With a snap clinch of his free hand several of the droids still on the perimeter crumpled as if a great pressure suddenly overcame their metal frames. With another flick of his free hand the light sources exploded into a shower of sparks which quickly turned into blue flames engulfing the living soldiers.

The whole encounter took only a minute at the most, but at the end dozens laid dismembered or burned to death at his feet. Safe for one young looking Rodian who sat shaking behind a barricade. Gabriel circled the block of stone and knelt before the boy, reaching out his hand in a request for the rifle the Rodian clutched. When he slowly gave it over Gabriel tossed it to the side. "That was smart of you. There is no shame in hiding. You are what? Seventeen years old. You should be with the evacuees trying to woo a pretty Rodian girl, but fighting a foreign power's war. Now here is what I want you to do. Get on the comlink and inform your superiors I desire the Confederacy officers in charge out here. Then you will take off that disgraceful uniform and find the nearest evacuation ship. Nod your head if you understand."

The young Rodian nodded before lifting a comlink to his alien mouth and spoke a few words in Rodian. When it was done he unsteadily stood on both foot and took off done the street. This was indeed going to be a night to remember. Standing himself once more Gabriel sat a simple datapad on the barricade once more and hit play. Slowly a Alderaanian opera began to play and Gabriel walked back out onto the streets, waving his hands as if directing the movement. Definitely a night they would sing about later.



Objective: Coordinate the killbox
Time: 2110
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Ally tags: | Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Maeve Archeron Maeve Archeron | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Jrurki Liz Jrurki Liz | The Monster The Monster | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | Safira Varad | Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red | BX-72967-RAZOR | Ishmael Verd | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 |
Enemy tags: | Daiya Daiya | Nighthaunter Nighthaunter | Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | Madalena Antares Madalena Antares | Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Domino Domino | Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi |
Post: #2

With the flimsy fireworks and rousing speeches out of the way, it seemed as though it was time to get down to business. The dome had exploded into battle much, much quicker than originally would have been thought. Luna would have to have a talk with the naval captains and how apparent it was that current blockade techniques didn’t exactly work. Perhaps not their fault, but a force of this size was way too large for her tastes. That did not mean the Confederate forces were not outnumbering them ten to one, but it was still quite a few hostiles within the confines of their dome.

But this had been the ultimate goal at the end anyway. Drawing them into a place that would make it much, much easier to kill them. Part of the reason it was so important that all of the civilians were moved out of harms way. It would mean that open weapon’s fire wouldn’t have any danger. There wouldn’t be any hiding behind civilians this time for these scum, and the only thing that would be meeting them here would be the piercing light of blaster bolts and hot lead of bolt rifles.

Now, however, was the time to start protecting the highest priority targets and move what little forces these terrorists thought would be sufficient into a kill box. That first job would be a job of her boys. They were the ones she knew that could be trusted for something of this nature. As the battle raged on the holotable, Luna turned to plug in a direct connection to Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , letting his figure pull up on the table so she could continue to focus on both.

“Grand Marshal..” For the moment, she pulled her attention away from where the main battle was progressing, instead focusing on where the Dauntless had been headquartered for this mess, the Factory district. From the reports and general indications of their forces, that’s where they would be headed, if not already there. “I need you to lock down the factories. Hard. I know you already should have patrols, but your area looks as though it’s the enemies priority targets as we suspected it would be. Lock it down, eliminate anyone in that area that is not authorized to be there. And if you can’t…remove them from the equation.” Those factories were important in the scope of this battle, but didn’t hold much relevancy moving forward. If they could not hold them, they would be wiped off the map and a new one would replace it. When they moved the Rodian’s back to the planet after this conflict had died down, there would be a new factory there to replace it.

Those would be handled. She had faith in her men and the man commanding them. Now, her attention turned back to the battle at hand. To this point, with the troops moving to engage with what terrorist forces had already walked out onto the street, the next phase of the plan was to cut them off from all angles. Part of that would be The Monster The Monster and Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol ‘s jobs, but Luna had a roll to play in this as well. Her head turned to one of the comms officers, tasked with communicating with the armor divisions of the CDC, and called out to get his attention. “Tell captain Maxiulis to begin operation Able Security.

Operation Able Security was only one of the many that were prepped to be deployed for this invasion. If the BWFC and SLDF forces were on schedule, they would already be starting to engage with this as well. Fast moving tanks from the CDC and SLDF would move to begin cutting off routes that the enemy might use to get to the factories or any other high priority target. This would turn their advance into little more than a killbox. BWFC would spend the time establishing the aerospace superiorty that they were known for. Gunships, HATS, and SMDS would rain fire on their heads, making them regret ever stepping foot on this world. If things were going to schedule, and Luna had no reason to believe that things had not gone that way so far, any enemy force that had exposed themselves ( Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat , Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte , Madalena Antares Madalena Antares ) would already be experiencing some sort of areospace or gunship fire. Justice would be delivered onto these fools. Justice for the lives they stole on Ryloth and Siskeen. Justice that they would never forget.

This wasn’t the only operation starting to be put into motion at this point in the battle. Another comm was opened, this time personally, speaking to The Monster The Monster ‘s men in the First Marine regimental combat team. “This is the War Marshal. I want confirmation that Operation Nightfall is ready to be put into play on my command.” If the tides needed turning even more in their favor, this operation would give it to them. All there was to do now was wait, watch as the terrorists were pushed back, and have the ace ready to play if it was needed.

Captain Maxiulis’s POV

Objective: Create the Killbox – Get the 2nd Rancor Platoon of LAPW’s in position
Time: 2110
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, XIPHOS Armor
Ally tags: | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | The Monster The Monster | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | BX-72967-RAZOR |
Enemy Tags: | Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | Madalena Antares Madalena Antares | Domino Domino | Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi |


Maxiulis had been waiting for this moment. For as long as they had been deployed to this hellhole of a planet, he had been itching to blow the head’s off some terrorists for attacking those they deemed slaveholders. But all he had been met with was increasing boredom and the possibility that this would blow over without a single round being fired.

That, of course, until the fireworks started. The moment those went off, even without the orders given, the scarred man moved to get his Scorpion crews ready to go. Three man teams, piled into those six legged machines, ready to engage as soon as the starting gun was popped.

“Word just came in! Operation Able Security is a go!!”

And the gun was sounded.

With the comm officer’s word, Maxiulis pulled the comm off his armored belt, opening a frequency to all the Scorpion crews involved with the operation. “Lets ride! You know your cutoff zones! Move to them and secure those streets. The enemy force’s location will be located on your navigational data consoles.” With a nod to his navigational officer, the walker jerked forward before moving at a breakneck speed toward where they had been designated to go. “And watch out for any strafing runs to not get yourself caught up in them. No need to take unnecessary damage that isn’t from the fleeing enemies blasters!”

Maxiulis was a rambunctious, prideful man, but who could blame them? Within minutes, their forces would be surrounded, and the antipersonal weapons on these things would be lighting them up. It was a good day to defend, and, if the time came for it, it would be an even better day to die!



Location: Talay, Aboard Dropship
Objective: Shut down signal
Allies: CIS
Hostiles: AoC
Tags: Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque , Damsy Callat Damsy Callat


The feeling of eyes burning holes into her skin with stares of curious intent was nothing new to her as she sat among those who had boarded the transport heading for the facility. By her attire, she couldn't be mistaken for military by those who didn't know any better. Despite working alongside the CDF on occasion in different situations, the Master Sergeant had been one unfamiliar to her, and judging by the glances he gave her, he wasn't too sure of her. Though he was the least interesting among those gathered. No, a name from the manifest had grasped her attention. Damsy Callat. Some time before, the slicer had provided cover for Damsy during possible unrest on Vondarc. However, news of an incident involving her during the outbreak of the Blackwing Virus had not gone unnoticed by her. Though among the members of this crew, none of them matched the ID of Damsy. Had the manifest been incorrect? She'd say no. As a woman of many aliases, others using different names was not a new concept to her.. but, questions still hung within her mind. However, they had to wait.
Warnings of a return of those who call themselves the 'Agents of Chaos' had kept her busy as she took part in the evacuation Rodia, though her attention had been turned to Talay when the signal from the old base had been detected. As eager as she was to bring the fight to those traitors of the Confederacy, her attention was better spent here.. even if it meant dealing with CDF to keep her covered. Glancing at the MSgt from the corner of her eye, she knew he was truly unaware of her true task here. The less that knew, the better. Her hands rested within her lap as she waited patiently for them to arrive at their destination. Shifting her gaze, she glanced at the other woman with a curious look of her own as a brow slightly arched before feeling the vessel slow to a hover. Taking a look through the open door, the great expanse of cerulean surface stretched far into the distance. She had to fight to keep from appearing completely in awe.
The spectacle of an endless sea held her attention for a moment before she watched Damsy Callat Damsy Callat preparing to depart. This was her stop. Though as she jumped, even as the slicer leaned over slightly to observe, she could feel the ocean air brush against her skin more clearly and her eyes followed the woman as she disappeared beneath the surface, catching a glimpse of the tail that breached the surface shortly after. It was then that something clicked in her mind and her lips curled to a smirk as she spoke under her breath.
"I see."
Leaning back in, she glanced to Tien Ulinesque Tien Ulinesque . "Tell me we have a possible LZ on this place. Can't say all of my gear can survive a long swim."


Location: Talay System
Objective: Engage Confed forces above Talay
Allies: AoC Forces
Enemies: CIS Forces John Locke John Locke Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde

Willam Forlon had seen to it the forces of his battlegroup had fallen into formation before they had jumped to hyperspace. He had no place in his fleet for mistakes or misfortations. everything would run just as he wanted it or not at all. He knew once he dropped out he would be facing a bantha stampede of a storm and wanted to be ready for it. He would have fewer forces he was sure and he needed every single shit to play their part in his plan.

"general Reversion in one minute" announced the drop commander as the timer on the wall began to count down in double digits. Forlon looked at the clock then at the forward screen.

"Commander, cancel the timer," said Forlon not worried about the look the jump commander had given him. Forlon did not break his gaze and continued to watch the forward viewscreen which had a video feed from the forward beige camera showing the blurred lines of hyperspace. Three seconds went by and Forlons order had not been carried out. He turned from the monitor and eyed the watch commander. "COmmander, I gave you an order. Let the gravity of the planet well pull us out," barked Forlon with a flame of disgust in his eyes for the man and his insubordination. The officer nodded and disabled the countdown and jump lock on the control. he looked forward and not at the General and said. "The com is your's general."

Space above Talay exploded as the formation of ships reverted from hyperspace. The massive form of the Justice sat at the front of the formation. Her massive forward prow standing four kilometers high, her heavy fore guns charging up. Behind the massive vessel hiding in her shadow was the entirety of the rest of the fleet. The formation had shot out of hyperspace as the planet's gravity well had triggered their motivator's safeties. Spread out over nearly fifty kilometers the vessels of Forlons group lined up one by one in a single long formation.

"Warning klaxons went off as proximity alarms sounded throughout the fleet. The formation had come out of hyperspace and now sat fifty kilometers away from the massive Corporate defense formation. The massive heavy battlecruiser Justice stood as a beacon for right, a harbinger for tyranny, and a sword for freedom. behind her, the vessels of Forlons fleet readied for their part in the choreographed show Forlon was to put on. Each with their orders, each with their resolve unbroken and each with faith that Willam Forlon would lead them to victory.

"Captain, Be so kind as to open a channel," ordered General Forlon. the officer nodded and Forlon began to speak.

"Forces of the Confederacy, I am here at the behest of the Agents of Chaos to ask for your surrender. No man woman or child needs to die today. I besiege you to lay down your arms and peacefully depart the system so that no further actions need be taken to expel your forces from this world. I am not here to fight, My mission here is to alleviate tensions between the confederacy and the AoC factions. Lay down your arms, leave peacefully on friendly terms and let this world be free. I beseech you, I implore you, please give this world the freedom they deserve. Let the mon calamari residents of this world live without taxes, without oppression, without any intervention by your government our ours so that they can thrive. I would ask the same of the AoC forces, cease-fire, let these good people of the CIS look into their hearts and see that leaving this world is the right thing to do. Not at the end of a gun but at the sound of silence as we too lay down our weapons and let this world be and all leave together in peace. " Forlon pause a moment to look at the image of the water world below. Its blue hues and white swirling clouds lay before them an image of calm azure peace. He looked back at the camera which was transmitting his image and words across every frequency available. "Your forces have fifteen minutes to decide. I will wait here stationary until you have made your decision." Florlon said then closed the channel.

An offer standing behind him spoke. "General do you think they will actually listen," asked the man as Forlon walked away from the camera and back to the command station. "No captain, I do not think they will," he said then waved the man's next question away. He did not want to fight, he did not want to take the lives of the Confed forces. War was always the wrong answer. Battle was something he had always been good at. Fighting was something he did when there was no choice. Every race in the Corsica galaxy fought. They had to fight for their lives against insurmountable odd just to evolve. They had to fight for centuries to become the masters of their worlds. They had to fight for nearly three millennia to find a place in the galaxy. War was something he refused to be so. It was a needless word, a word without any real meaning. It was just what it was, War, and it was never good.

Forlon knew what the answer would be. They had already fired on the ships which had entered the system previously. He entered in a command on the command console and spoke. "Launch all attack wings. Have them hold position until ordered otherwise. If any of the attack craft break formation before ordered fire on it" ordered Forlon. He had no doubt he would have to fight but in the back of his mind, he hoped the Confed forces had listened and would leave peacefully.

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Location: SLDF Expeditionary High Command Center (located away from major cities)
Objective: Ruin the AoC's day
Tags: Madalena Antares Madalena Antares Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Larentia Larentia Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Safira Varad BX-72967-RAZOR Haastal Haran Haastal Haran Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Domino Domino Ishmael Verd Nighthaunter Nighthaunter Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Daiya Daiya
Standard Confederate Battle Armor Overlay/Undersuit, M-47C, EBFAK, L-7 pistol,
Friendly forces: 1.3 Million SLDF Expeditionary Forces
Theme: Opening gambits, the Marines make their entrance
Draconis would smile as he received orders from the Commander and would turn to the captain simply nodding. The officer would call out over comms to the first Marine Regimental Combat Team.

"Colonel, make final preparations, you shall receive the order shortly,"

Draconis would look down onto the map as the icons for the 1st Marine RCT was stationed just outside of the capital, with a few smaller icons denoting teams they had inside the city. They had been holding position, awaiting the orders from their commander for the operation. And on the outskirts, the Icons for the 1st Armored Division and 2nd Hover Cavalry Division were moving to encircle the dome. Their tanks and infantry would ensure that the entire capital was about to be encircled and none would be allowed to leave. Air Assualt Battalions and the rest of the Marine Regiments from the 1st Marine Division were also converging, preparing for a major assault where they would throw themselves upon the enemy. The Agents of Chaos were about to see what real chaos looked like. What total war, really looked like.

Draconis would see that everything was going according to plan, and would speak quickly. "Captain, get me a dropship to the city, my place is with my men,"

"Yes sir!"

-------Capital City-------
Colonel Nash was in a good mood, as he'd just received word that the operation would soon commence. He walked outside to look at the Infantry battalion that he'd had assembled with another Air Assault Battalion's infantry companies to support them. The streets of the city were about to become a hellish landscape as they'd taken every step possible to ensure every last Rodian had been evacuated. There were no civilians for the Agents to hide behind this time. And he'd heard his aide call out to the various Combat Engineer teams across the city. All teams confirmed that everything was set, and their own little fireworks show was more than ready. Darkness would soon reign in the city, and unlike most conventional forces in the galaxy, SLDF Marines trained to not only survive and fight in every environment, but excel. Theirs was a popular saying that they owned the night, as none could hope to match their coordination, ferocity, and tactics when it came to night battles. And with their training, the planet of Atin's much more unforgiving environment, and leadership like Colonel Nash or gods help the enemy Commander Draconis, the enemy wouldn't stand a chance. They would have vengeance. They would see all debts paid. They would have the Agents of Chaos bleed for all the damage they did and innocents they killed on Ryloth and Siskeen. And while some would say that the fighting men and women of Dauntless were the best the Confederacy had to offer, Colonel Nash smiled at the thought of having to correct a lot of people's viewpoints on that. After all, Colonel Nash's Regiment wasn't called the "Devil Dogs" for nothing.


S P I R I T S . A N D . G O D S . P R O T E C T . U S

Equipment: The Blood of Dathomir Armor | Nightmother's Ward | Water of Life Potions |
Raxus Relief Gas | Rings X X X X | Circlet | Jam Buster
Stored: Seed, Conduit of Souls, Nesmite Tree Seed Pods, Cryo Grenades,
Grapple, Rope, Survival Gear, Knives

Location: Covenstead of Rodia -> Iskaayuma, Rodia
Allied: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hostile: Agents of Chaos
Vytal's green eyes looked to Shamira and noted the other woman still seemed deeply wounded by what had happened at the Altar of Spirits. The Nightmother had spent time speaking with the young Witch; she sought to reassure and counsel that she bore no fault at all. Why the Risen Boars were a tremendous aid, placed under subpar conditions upon a mountain and against those that seemed to have eyes for only one thing -- the altar itself -- and nothing else. It pained the Nightmother to see Shamira suffer still. The Castle's repairs were swiftly completed and a new Altar was erected. It would not bring back what had been, but they could not hold on to remnants of the past forever. If only there were a way to reach her...​
The sound of Shalita's voice drew Vytal's attention then at its suddenness. Even the content of what she'd said was unexpected. Nevertheless, after a moment Vytal's dark lips softened into a shadow of a smile. Whether there was a mote of genuine belief behind her words or not, that Shalita had said them was enough.​
"You do not need to follow me to battle," Vytal looked between the women present. "Those at the Covenstead could use your guidance as well." Which was truly, though the Nightmother always enjoyed the company of her Sisters and Brothers.​
Then a pale hand gently placed atop Shamira's shoulder preceded her next words, "What happens today is not about revenge. Do not let the sorrows of yesterday sap your strength and your resolve. What we do here is for tomorrow -- to protect this world and the next from these Living monsters." A moment passed before she lifted her hand with a slight nod.​
"Now, I will open a portal to the Capital Dome where we will set loose the Rage of the Ages. It is time these creatures reap the whirlwind of what they sowed on Ryloth." With that said, the Nightmother stepped aside and conjured a gateway between the Covenstead and the Capital.​
The other end of the gateway led to a place on the opposite side of Iskaayuma from the weapons factories and the Industrial district, and a fair distance from any Entertainment district. Through it, Vytal traversed the distance to where she would begin her work. Here, in a place of seemingly no import.​
Rodia was a swampy, jungle world with domes designed for comfort and protection. It was not a land made for giant swathes of land to be taken up for ceremonial purpose; nor a place to lay those to rest where their corpses would be dredged up by weather or beast. Even using furnaces, a people were only capable of respectfully, but efficiently dealing with their losses so far -- for how much power and resources could be spent on those that could no longer complain, and for those whose eyes would never lay sight on the act committing a loved one back to the planet?​
"The people of Rodia deposit the remains of their dead in underground vaults after cremation," Vytal described to those that followed her to this place and time. "A sanitary process that preserves the bones of their ancestors so as to avoid the thought of one's loved ones being ground up, if they do not wish it. You cannot, however, access these vaults -- they are deep underground within isolated chambers."
Vytal turned slightly and extended one hand out before her toward the ground. "Ancient ones that slumber below. Spirits of those recent and long departed. Unseen councilors of the Living. Your sons and daughters have been taken from their homes while insurgents sought to use them as living shields to lay claim to the world you left behind for them. The sons and daughters of your children clutch to their parents, unable to understand why they must abandon their homes -- not knowing the danger that would come from the skies. Innocent of such things they beseech you now, shall they feel safe in their homes once again? Shall they know peace through unity of strength, or languish in exploitable isolation. For divided, we will surely fall."
Despite being an enclosed space, the air around the Nightmother began to pick up speed. The soft rustle of loose direct cast upon the weather floor and decking of the dome plinked and scuttled about in the wind's wake. The plating and ground in the local area trembled. Soon the plating began to crack and bend inward while the ground began to collapse inward forming a hole in the ground, which continued to sink deeper and deeper into the flesh of Rodia. Down it went until nothing, but a black void could be seen.​
"Rise, People of Rodia. Rise, People of Rodia. Rise, People of Rodia," the Nightmother quietly charted as her green eyes bore into the newly formed abyss.​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)
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Location: Rodia {Iskaayuma} - Weapons Factory District - CDC Command Post
Objective: Spring the Trap - Earth
Equipment: Armor, Assault Rifle
Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik , Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart , Jasmille Kavos, Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz , Safira Varad, Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
800,000 Dauntless Commando Infantry Units
4, 990 Rodian Peace Patrol Officers
Supporting Armor Units
Supporting Air Divisions

The Command center was busy.

Tactical droids and B1 Battle droids moved about the room while Haastal looked down to the holotable in front of him. He'd pulled his helmet off once again and held an unlit cigarra in between his fingers. The scouting teams had identified a number of contacts and because of that the Command center had begun receiving updates. As the updates came in, one of the tactical droids would update the holoboard to show the number of confirmed enemies in the area. Haastal's eyes danced from one to another before finally the whole room went still, looking to him in anticipation. "Kark ya'll lookin' at?" He growled out, pushing one of the B1's out of the way while he moved around the table. "Ok, we got multiple contacts at multiple points. Low numbers, no armament, no air support, right?" He asked the tactical droids. Each of the droids nodded in unison.

"Bet." He said, before pulling a lighter from his pocket and lighting his cigarra. He took a deep hit from the cigarra before exhaling the smoke cloud into the air.

"Ok, let's start with the targets closest to us. Tag and bag."

"Sir." One of the Dauntless communicastions officers approached Haastal, raising a hand in a crisp salute as he spoke. "We had two patrol officers near the inner factory district report a disturbance. Some little girl ( Daiya Daiya ) got the best of our officers, seemed like a spy."

Haastal glanced at the holoboard before tapping a part of the table, causing it to illuminate in a god-awful pink tone. "Around here?" He asked the man, before being met with a prompt. "Yes, sir."

"Ok, contact Alpha Actual ( Tiria Reinhart Tiria Reinhart ) and have them move to intercept the girl. Little or not I want a blaster round in her skull in the next ten minutes." He said, before the communications officer contacted the Dauntless Colonel.

"What else we got?" Haasstal asked, causing the tactical droids to pause and rescan their databanks.

"A patrol team is down sir, two of the peace officers helping us with the operation. Seemed to be precise sniper fire from the investigating unit's report." Haastal paused before nodding. "A sniper, huh?"

"Ok, contact one of our field snipers ( Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 ) and have them rendezvous with Safira Varad 's squad. Find that goddamn sniper ( Nighthaunter Nighthaunter ) and take him out." He ordered. Once again the communications team saw to the dispatching of the orders.

"Sir, there was a disturbance on the main road. One of our check point units was taken out." An officer reported. Now Haastal nodded at the man to step forward. "How many?" He asked.

"Nearby team couldn't get a hard number, couldn't be anything large." He said.

"Anyone stupid enough to move down our main road is up to something I don't want to happen. Have Typhan Berrezz Typhan Berrezz move to intercept ( Gabriel Volturi Gabriel Volturi ) with air support from our Vulture bombers, also have Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red move to support!" He ordered.

Taking a step back from the table, Haastal inhaled a bit from his cigarra before blowing another smoke cloud into the air. Just then the holotable shimmered as the War Marshal's voice came through. As the woman spoke Haastal flicked a few ashes onto the ground. "Already makin' it happen. We've got a few contacts and some scouting teams unaccounted for, but nothing worth shaking a knife at. Teams are being dispatched to send these bastards to hillbilly hell." He bit onto the end of his cigarra as the War Marshal signed off. He sighed, "Worrisome queen, aint she?" He muttered before looking back to the holotable. "Ok, let's keep it rolling."

"I want all units in the vicinity of these contacts to be read to lend support. We're going to start bringing the fire on these bastards pretty soon. I want all artillery battles in the rear yard prepped for fire." He ordered, watching as two of his staff officers ran off to see the job done.
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☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Location: Rodia, Iskaayuma > Yesosko Cabaret Theater }
{ Equipment: Robes + scrubs, meditation amulet, diagnostic gauntlet / headset, basic medkit, sidearm }
{ Allies: Confederates; Enemies: Agents Terrorists; Immediate Tags: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik , open }
{ Objective: Earth - set up a field hospital for grounders }
{ Post: 01 } { Post Theme: Preparing for Casualties }​
~ ~
Major déjà vu.

Prennis kept reliving past events in the present.

This time, however, unlike on Ryloth, she hadn't evacuated with the civilians; she had only seen them off. Though her evacuation work as a Confederate medical representative, not as some random Vylmiran citizen, had ended earlier that night - or, at this juncture, last night - as soon as that last freighter ferry took from the Iskaayuma spaceport, that didn't mean she was finished all in all. But she was just about finished with her second job on Rodian soil:

She had occupied the capital's grand theater, erected to pay homage to a band of Rodian thespians, and, with her own troupe of combat medics, had all but converted the entertainment center into a field hospital. Most of the equipment now housed throughout the lobby, in the audience galley, and on stage was sourced from the Resplendent Dawn or brought in from CDF supply depots. For a city built on the backs of many a factory, Iskaayuma was lacking in proper medical infrastructure. They likely outsourced their injured rather than deal with them directly, in the name of productivity.

Prenn knocked out the last armrest segmenting a trio of theater chairs cushioned red with a grunt. Passing the holosaw from her right hand to left, she sat back on the one knee tucked underneath her, and brushed loosed waves of hair behind an ear. Prennis kept up better with news of the budding medical technological kind, rather than its political cousin, but she ran quickly enough to be aware of whatever it was that passed for Chaotic propaganda. Its largest vein seemed to be Confederate apathy, exemplified by such as their misquote of the Science Minister.

"It's okay, they're just slaves! And it is better they died free!"

Though she lacked belief in such callousness, espoused either by the Minister or any other Confederate ranked otherwise, her stomach churned whenever she thought on the terrorist's tactics of parsing purple words. She saw it now: the seats were upholstered an almost First Order red, all the better to hide bloodstains with, a coincidence one Nurse Keeoli took full advantage of to hide biological hazards from the next wave of Rodian theater-goes.

No. She wouldn't let that come to be. When Rodia was protected, Prenn wouldn't leave until she had repaired, scrubbed every last ghost out of the walls - assuming the wounded found their way here, droves or none.

Confederate wounded, that was. They would be welcomed with the arms of living angels, while the Agents could breathe their last at her doorstep. No longer would she play the all-benevolent humanitarian's game.

She stood from the makeshift bed and began to walk away. Raising her gauntleted forearm, she spoke into the command frequency she had kept programmed, "Nurse Keeoli for the War Marshal. I have established a field hospital in the Yesosko Cabaret Theater. Should our troops require aid, goodness forbid, we're at these coordinates." With ungloved fingers, she sent them out. Many more were tuned into this channel than Terrik, so Prenn offered them what would, hopefully, the only time she spoke to any of them today - she loved her work, and was damned good at it, but didn't want to have to work on any of them:

"Carry a big stick, all. Forget the speaking softly bit."
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Dasmi Lindervale




ALLIED TAGS: Bella Bella Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi Willam Forlon Willam Forlon
OBJECTIVE: Talay Space
ENEMIES: John Locke John Locke Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde


Lo-Notar watched William drop into the system, the long formation intimidating sure, but then the man's words came forward.

“Intend to disrupt my hunt? Or simply waiting for the blame of firing first to be dispensed with?” The Trandoshan hissed. "Prepare to charge the cannons. Gunners, do not fixate, but acquire any targets possible...other than Willam's fleet." He added with a soft snap. He did not like the parlay talk, had not intended to come here to speak with their enemy. They had attacked their home like cowards. They had hid away upon a refugee ship, planted bombs in a civilian area with deliberate intent to harm people not involved in fighting. And he wished to speak with them as though they were willing to simply, leave?

The power cores waited for the signal to begin charging, gunners allowing the guns to remain on a swivel without pointing at anyone in particular just yet. Targeting data was confirmed, firing arcs projected as the engine room prepared to divert power.

Lo-Notar paced, knowing full well that the only order he had to follow was Dimitiri's in accordance to a possible cease fire. He hated the man for making him agree to it, and he was tempted to vent his rage. Clawed hands flexed, pondering if the Fleet Admiral would court martial him for direct disobedience of such an order. The soft continual snarling of the Admiral made a few watch him, not truly scared, but wanting to make sure they did not catch whatever he directed his anger towards.

His mouth opened, a drawn out hiss emerging as he stormed to the communications officer before stopping and watching the screen once more. No, he did not want another fight when he returned. He was also certain Dimitri would be receiving live updates, and a direct contradicting order from the man could halt whatever he put into motion. He allowed the chance for the moment, casting eyes over the intervening fleet. Had the other fully intended to come here to parlay? The smile that was once upon his face turned to a sneer.

"I did not realize another soft heart as our own Fleet Admiral existed in the galaxy." Lo huffed, watching the scene play out before him. "Check bulkheads, do whatever to ensure safety. But be prepared to fire as soon as they do. I doubt they have the want or care to listen to words."

The crews went to work, sealing additional bulkheads that were no longer needed. The coordinates of enemy ships that were visible gathered as the encryption of their communications began. A ping from the trio of sentinels was sent along subspace transmission heavily encrypted in an arc behind the Agents fleet. Nothing replied to the transmission, but well outside the bounds twelve vessels adjusted their firing lanes. Red lights switched to yellow in the ammunition hold as eyes were cast to it for a brief moment.

A number of heavy sighs and sounds of shifting happened as the groups prepared for the intricate dance of chaos they were about to partake in. The communications officers aboard the LRAS Darts were working directly with the pilot's of the vessel as the signal passed over them, their sensors pulling the needed data as baffle covered adjustment thrusters fired. The nose of the ships adjusting slightly as eight of them targeted the Subjugator II, the other four targeting a pair of Terrus-class Flak Corvette.

Once settled, they remained in blackout, the entirety of their ships silent as the grave while they waited for the broadcast to fire.

The starships remained, pilots becoming agitated and occasionally firing an engine to maneuver for a slightly better position. The Needle Interceptors stationary and waiting as the Prowlers hung behind everything, the Disruptors were in an arc behind the starships, the Misery Spheres finally emerging en-masse now as their pilots settled in for the coming storm.



Solana Arasne


Location: Rodia
Equipment: Water of Life Potions || Weapon of Choice || Ring of Splinters || Ring of Affliction
Tags: Fellow Solanaceae


There had been quite the upset for Solana when she had learned the news about Ryloth. A place she had only just begun to get acquainted with as home, a place she had given her living breath to, sworn to protect, to serve where she was needed. So to have been off world, distanced by personal mission, when literal hell had broken loose? It had enraged her in a way that Sol had only felt a time or two in her life. It had taken quite a lot of effort from the other members of the Solanaceae to talk her down from such a fitful rage, and even then she had been huffy, grumpy, and hard to approach.

The days that had passed since helped to calm the woman, though the color of her eyes had yet to return to their natural color even now. Too many emotions were on high, and it reflected vividly in her irises. And so, when word had come that there would be a chance to enact retaliation against these chaotic agents, there had been no hesitation from Solana at all. She had signed up, willingly throwing her lot in with the Nightmother and whichever other sisters had decided to do the same. It mattered little to her, who went and who didn't, but Sol was a creature of habit; a huntress by nature, and oh how the tune of battle sang loudly through her veins.

She had paid little attention to preparations, save for when Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura would speak up. The Nightmother seemed to have an ability to pierce through Sol's thick skull and demand her attention without even having to try. So when things were finally ready to roll, Solana flipped her beloved weapon around so that the top blade touched the ground where the bottom had done so moments before. She was ready for this, so ready, and when that portal bloomed into existence, she did not hesitate to follow the others and step through.

It was always a little strange though, being transported from one place to another in such a way. It did strange things to her stomach and made her legs feel a little unstable for only a moment, something she hoped would fade or she would at least become used to given time. Whatever the case, the very smell of Rodia made Sol's whole face wrinkle up in distaste. The heat, the jungle, the whole mess of it was unappealing to her. "Why would anyone want to live here?" she questioned in complaint, though was quick to fall silent when the Nightmother spoke. The other woman's words made Sol's gaze shift to the ground at her feet, and she took a step or two to the side as if it would help her not to be standing upon dead people so far below the surface.

But, she remained quiet, and as Vytal chanted for the dead to rise, the irises of Solana's eyes shifted to a sharp, stark red color. It was not the same red they would turn when she was angry, no. This was a color specifically meant for her battle hungry nature. A color that would be burnt into the minds of her prey as she stalked ever closer to them for the killing blow. It was a bold, but unforgiving color.

The Solanaceae were here, and Solana herself was ready. to. hunt.
Objective/Location: Seek and Destroy - Hangar Bay of Justice, Talay System
Fighter: Phase I “Ballerina” Star Interceptor - Aurora Seven
Onboard Equipment: Phase IX Anti-G Suit, X-8 Night Sniper
Allies: AoC ( Willam Forlon Willam Forlon Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Dimitri Lindzinsky)
Enemies: CIS ( Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde John Locke John Locke )

“Hyperspace translation confirmed! All pilots, prepare for imminent launch! Repeat, prepare for imminent launch!” The voice of the wing commander boomed out over the comms as she went through the final step of her pre-flight checklist. Upon receiving the signal from the ground crew, Bella warmed up the twin turbo ion sunlight drives of her interceptor. A looming hum, like the low, rumbling growl of a predatory animal echoed within her montrals as the drives slowly came to life. Nevertheless, the low hum eventually became background noise as she moved to toggle a few more switches in order to activate the Ballerina’s systems.

Within a few minutes, the first attack craft groups were launched from the hangar bay into the void of space, before moving directly behind the massive form of the Justice. Just as Bella was beginning to grow impatient, she received the signal from the ground crew and in the next moment, a powerful sensation of hard Gs came over her as her interceptor was accelerated into space. The Ballerina’s inertial compensators quickly made up the difference, but Bella still opted to turn the power down on them slightly so that she could better perceive the movements of her craft.

“Standing orders are to hold position behind the Justice. They shouldn’t be able to hit us with the rest of the fleet covering our position.” Aurora One spoke out over the comms. “Do not break formation or engage. Aurora One, out.” The woman abruptly ended the transmission, as Bella moved her interceptor into the front of a three-craft Vic formation with two other fighters flanking her sides.

Having seen the faces of the dead firsthand after returning to the Scintilla from Ryloth on the day of the explosions, Bella couldn’t help but to feel extremely frustrated at the commander’s insistence on asking for peace. The self-righteous Confederates had, in their view, freed “slaves” through the act of killing millions of refugees. There was no negotiating with such evil, even if they arrogantly thought themselves to be liberators. Hearing Commander Forlon’s pleading voice was tantamount to an insult, an expression of careless disregard for the heavy sacrifices that had been made in the battles to free Ryloth and Siskeen. However, her frustration only manifested in a deep sigh which briefly tinted the glass of her helmet before being cleared by the anti-fog system.

Now, was the worst time to let anger color her emotions. If there was one thing she had learned at the Fleet Academy of Scintilla, it was that anger caused stupid pilots, and stupid pilots died. The woman who had given her that advice was a former TIE pilot in the Sith-Imperial Starfighter Corps, who had joined that force after being kicked from the house by her parents and turned out into the streets with nothing to her name but the clothes on her back. Lacking even the experience of piloting a swoop bike, she had nevertheless worked her way up from piloting unshielded coffins to flying TIE Defenders with some of the most elite pilots in the Tingel Arm.

When she spoke, Bella listened.

As for this Willam Forlon, her first impressions of the man were that of distaste.

Tien Ulinesque

Emotions are odd things.



Objective: Hit the station
Time: 2110 Hours
Equipment: Star Anvil heavy blaster, XIPHOS Armor
Tags: | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat |

Once they broke through the rough atmosphere, the rest of the journey to the major’s dropoff point was not nearly as troublesome. During that time, Tien busied himself with checking over what equipment he had brought with him, making sure the rest of Tau squad did the same. The last thing the was needed was for them to make it to the abandoned base, actually encounter some sort of resistance, and not be able to effectively protect the agent because they failed to run through the final checks. “Chance, make sure your blaster clip is all the way in this time. I know you have trouble figuring that out sometimes, but let’s not get a replay of what happened on Atrisia, huh?” The commando in question turned to give the master sergeant an annoyed look, followed by a flipping off while the rest of the squad chuckled as result of the ribbing.

Tau squad wasn’t who Tien typically worked with. During the reshuffling after a number of new promotions, Luna had given Omega squad to the adjunct, who, of course, eventually turned out to be Damsy. After it had been revealed that Damsy was alive, the thought began was planted in his mind that Luna knew all along and gave her Omega squad as her way of making a sign. He dwelled on it, rolling it over in his mind, only to ultimately dismiss it. If the Grand Marshal…well, War Marshal had known, then there would’ve been something said sooner. She loved the Omegas as far as Tien knew. Tau weren’t bad men by any means, they just worked…differently than the old squad. Even Tien could see that.

That didn’t mean they weren’t good to work with. The hulking master sergeant had learned how to push some of the men’s buttons. He felt as though it was good to alleviate pressure that way. If the squad wasn’t comfortable enough to call each other out on their mistakes and make fun of it a bit, they were much too tight. And if a squad was too tight, mistakes began to become more and more frequent. More mistakes meant more injuries and more deaths. Q’ares probably would’ve told him to shape them up better. She never did fully agree with his leadership tactics. But maybe that was why Luna kept them both so close. The angel and devil tactic, it seemed sometimes.

The momentum of moving forward carried over once as the ship came to a hover. Tien watched as one of the side doors was opened and the major maneuvered her way to the opening. It dawned on him that this would be the first time he watched the solider do any sort of diving or underwater operation. Dauntless weren’t deployed to places like this normally. He took it as a treat to watch as Damsy folded herself up and dove off the ship, hitting the water as gracefully as possible. “She makes it look a bit easier than any of us could imagine, huh boys?” There were slight murmurs and chuckles of agreement from the squad as the shuttle began to move forward once again.

Their target landing was only a few clicks away at this point. For what seemed like the first time they took off, the agent spoke up, addressing the hulking master sergeant. Her question earned a curt nod from him followed by a response just loud enough to hear over the shuttle’s engines. “Yes ma’am. LZ is a landing pad at the south of the base. Should provide us the shortest route to the command center. We’ll enter the base and exfil from the same platform if all goes according to plan.” His head turned away from the woman and to the squad, whom had all joined him by this point in standing and gripping onto the handholds dangling from the ceiling of the craft.

“Standard protection pattern when we land. Twelve meter circle, and make sure you’re all spaced out, understood?” Nods and hasty affirmations was the response Tien was looking for, and the squad didn’t disappoint. While they were less experienced and a bit less skilled than the Omega’s, when it was time to go to work, it seemed as though they were more than ready for the challenge.

It wasn’t long after that the shuttle shuddered as it came to a stop, hovering only a meter or two off the landing pad’s ground. Both sides of the shuttle’s doors opened this time and out poured a dozen armored men, spreading out in a semicircle around the landing craft. Tien was one of the last out, moving to take his position at the head of the group near the shuttle’s nose. His blaster, considered to be massive by some, smoothly made it’s way back and forth while the Kishiri scanned the area.

The intel hadn’t been wrong. Turned over crates and strewn papers, damp from the ocean’s surrounding the base, served as clear indicators this place had not been used for quite a while. Why the Confederacy, much less an agent of the ministry, had interest in this place was beyond him. Apparently there was a job to do in this place, and despite all the trust shared between Luna and Tien, the woman hadn’t deemed it necessary to share their full objective. That worked fine with him, but he knew the members of the squad might get antsy. Better to give them something to do, then.

“Donn, Granny, take point. Get that door open.” Tien stayed in the same knelt position while two commandos, apparently Donn and Granny, respectively, stood and began double timing it to the sealed platform’s door. “On it boss.” “We’ll get it open for you, old man.” Their responses were music to the Kishiri’s ears. While they knelt in front of the door, Granny pulling apart the access panel and Donn moving to watch the man’s back, Tien made a quick motion with his free hand. In unison, the squad began to slowly move up to form a protective line between the door and the shuttle.

This was it. With luck and good tides, the major would be here in the water’s below them soon enough. The mission was proceeding on schedule. No resistance had been a nice bonus so far, but who knew what would meet the squad once they made their way into the decrepit structure.

First in.

Last out.


Location: Iskaayuma, Rodia
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemy Command: Agents of Chaos

Equipment: Jackal Sniper Rifle | TDW L-7 Pistol | Cyberwarfare Defense Platform | Jam Buster Comlink | Thermal Detonators | Smoke Canisters
In Control of: NulCom Mini-Satellites

Nyx monitored transmissions made to and from the planet as she stood monitoring the city from her perch. It was honestly a trivial matter for an advanced electronic intelligence such as her self. She often wondered why there were not more of her model in the galaxy. Surely if the Confederacy had such effective units they could secure every planet and annihilate these so-called liberators before they took root. On the other hand, Nyx did not enjoy the thought of being disassembled so they could replicate her. Nor the thought of the anti-tamper auxiliary activating.

As ground and naval forces kicked into gear, as the organics put it, Nyx made certain they did so along established, coded frequencies. It was important to identify any outliers, though she had found none so far. Wonderful. She appreciated it when the organics managed to operate so efficiently; it allowed her to free up that thread dedicated to observing 'things organics could do better.'

Catalogue complete, Nyx established a connection with the orbiting satellite network. A rather sensible electronic intelligence, really. It lacked the full capabilities of her own chassis, but such did not seem to impede the other units. A sophisticated and obscenely long authorization string was soon transmitted establishing Nyx's identity and access. Restrict communication to Confederate frequencies between planetary and interstellar sources and destinations. Engage communication stream analytics. Monitor and deny unauthorized and indecipherable encrypted communication. Deny holonet access by planetary sources. Notify the War Marshal of abnormalities related to allied or enemy communication attempts. Notify the War Marshal of these protocols. Notify Intelligence Command of these protocols.

Given sufficient time, Nyx had utilized the scientific and technological superiority of the Confederacy to assist in the design, development, and production of these satellites given a thorough analysis of Agents of Chaos activity regarding Ryloth and Siskeen. It seemed prudent to proactively manage the situation from the start this time rather than having slicers play whack-a-mole, and ultimately resorting to 'pulling the plug.'

With that matter handled for the moment, the droid noted one field promoted Grand Marshal Haastal Haran Haastal Haran asserting that Nyx -- and a squad led by Safira Varad -- should locate a 'sniper' ( Nighthaunter Nighthaunter ) in the nearby vicinity. Strange. While her audio-pickups could not hear a pin drop five miles away, the echoes of a sniper rifle within the domed city should have registered. A quick analysis of recent history didn't indicate such a sharp spike, but it was possible they could have a silencer or be in a location that otherwise muffled the sound. Whatever the case may be, however, Nyx pivoted away from the wall, but far enough back so the barrel of her own rifle didn't show, and began a careful scan of the city heights. Her search would begin in the area where a patrol had been slain and the various elevated locations with probable lines of sight to that area.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Anakwor Farlorn Anakwor Farlorn | Ciri Jade Ciri Jade


LOCATION: Inside Boarding Pod, Launching towards Rodia
OBJECTIVE: Assault AoC Positions on Rodia
WEAPONS: Lightsaber
ENEMIES: Agents of Chaos and their Allies, Open

Rann closed his eyes as he felt the pods being pulled back into position, ready to be launched at the nearest AoC ship in orbit. Suddenly the thought of being annihilated in the cold dark vacuum of space came to his mind. The fear of his pod being destroyed, but him surviving only to flail, directionless and powerless in space, regardless of the abilities and EVA capabilities of his suit. The irrational, or maybe rational, fear set in now, during the eleventh hour. When the time for complaints or concerns had long passed.
He breathed shakily, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to steel himself. The flight would take seconds, at best. Just a couple seconds, and he’d be cutting through the Terrorists with nary a care in the world. Exit strategy? That came later. Just a short flight through space, then an endless amount of carnage and revenge would be his.
He opened his eyes and pondered a moment, as the Pod clicked into position. These guys weren’t the Twi’lek insurgents who took his arm on Ryloth. These were just some poor fools duped into believing ‘Chaos’ was a valid answer to the problems of the galaxy. Rann didn’t blame them. All the same, however, he wouldn’t hesitate. They picked their side, misled or not. And he wouldn’t delight in taking their lives in particular, but he would delight in throwing as many wrenches and taking out as many gears as he could of the AoC war machine, the leaders of which he would hold responsible for the loss of his arm and, if he could, would make them pay for every drop of blood he lost on that planet.
Limb from Limb. Blood by the pound in exchange for my embarrassment. He thought, the rush of the inevitable conflict filling him with exhilaration. Every possible aspect of a fearful personality Rann once had was melting away, being supplanted by this new, bloodthirsty vengeful one, his rage given form. A more subtle reminder of Ryloth. One he owed the AoC and Darth Metus Darth Metus in equal measure.
As rage and excitement continued to overwhelm his mind, his comlink beeped and Kyyrk Kyyrk 's voice came over it.
“Attention all forces, we’re being redirected to the surface of Rodia. What precious few ships the terrorists have brought will be easily handled by the blockade. We’re diving straight into the capital. Needless to say, this will be somewhat more uncomfortable than the original destination, so be ready. This side of the planet has experienced nightfall, switch optics to low-light if necessary.”
Rann recoiled, a bit of fear and apprehension returning.
He screamed in the solitude of his Pod as he was launched out from the ship, firing straight down onto Rodia.
Rann grit his teeth, suppressing his yelling as he started to acclimate to the sudden acceleration and rapid descent into the planet's Atmosphere. The sudden change in plan from the straightforward launch through space into other ships to firing down into the planet, albeit still incredibly straightforward, just an express elevator to hell, caught him extremely off guard.
As he regained as much of his composure as he was able to, he lifted his head as much as he could and started laughing.
He felt bad for the AoC ground forces he’d work his anger out on.
His mania grew as his altitude decreased, fueled by adrenaline.
He exclaimed in shock once the chute deployed, suddenly and sharply decelerating. When the Pod crashed into the terrain of Rodia, Rann almost shouted with glee. He drew his lightsaber from his waist and ignited it. The Yellow blade cut through the Pod door with ease, and when the path was cut, almost absent mindedly Rann pushed on it, causing it to fall away. He stepped out and looked around. The nearest pods were at least several hundred feet away. The rendezvous order from Voph came over the comms, and Rann answered in an affirmative.
They made it to the ground, and the battle would commence soon. Now Rann didn’t have to worry about the possibility of dying in space. And the worst of the battle by far was over.
Everything else is child’s play.


  • Objective / Location - Iskaayuma Moving on dome gate
  • Gear and Equipment - Armor, LMG, Sidearm, knife, rock, candle, twin lightsabers, various grenades, demolition charges.
  • Allies - Agents of Chaos, Strike Team Bluebell (Third member couldn't make it, just me and Sasmay now)
  • Post 3
Tags - Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Luna Terrik Luna Terrik

It was growing increasingly difficult to navigate the city without running into patrols and twice now the team had been forced to double back and circle past manned barricades that seemed to be up at every choke-point and street intersection larger than two lanes. Several times Domino had to use her sidearm to quietly dispatch a patrol that couldn't be avoided. Fortunately the shatter pistol hit hard and was dang quiet, all the same though, the Twi'lek feared she was leaving a trail of bio-monitors and unanswered comms pointing right towards the team.

Peering down a lane with her helmet's magnifier and seeing several of Captain Maxiulis’s walkers scuttle by several streets up just cinched it. "Walkers, maybe three hundred meters out, couldn't see if they were passing by or setting up a perimeter." She said deactivating the zoom and pulling back around the corner to share the info with Sasmay. Pushing on to the factories was looking more and more unlikely, they'd given too much warning. She could do it but, she looked at Sasmay. The woman was fit and a warrior, no questions there, and Domino thought she was force sensitive but wasn't sure of her training level. Tch! She should have made sure they both had jetpacks, not just herself. A failure in planning.

A few minutes ago her helmet had beeped at her, drawing her attention to the display's notification field. Comms were being jammed. They couldn't even call in. Instead Domino pulled the flimsy map of the city out and spread it between the two of them hunkered down behind some poor sod's privacy fence. They both had digital maps but Domino wanted the visual communication. "We're here I think," she pointed it out and checked against said digital map. "Yeah. Those urban recon walkers things were up here," the same finger marked out the road. "Way I see it, we can keep pushing deeper towards the factories and into heavier resistance, or..." Her voice trailed as she pointed a new path perpendicular to the one they were taking. "We do something unexpected, hit this transformer and then the West gate is only three quarters of a click beyond that. We can cut off escape and delay reinforcement." Domino wasn't telling, she was asking for a vote.


Location: Unknown Space ~ The Veil [Preparing to enter Hyperspace by End of Post]
Allies: CIS
Enemy: AoC
Tags: Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

“All is as it should be, Master ( Darth Metus Darth Metus ). The evacuations are proceeding as the Viceroyalty required though we may have an imbalance of naval power due to the sheer volume. I will be retrieved from Geonosis by Exarch Malvern shortly.”

She wanted to say something else. Something…Something that would promise the sable-skinned Vicelord that they would indeed succeed. Her voice caught in her throat. He deserved so much more than she could ever articulate, though, she suspected that he would feel it. There was nothing else she could add. Not good luck. Not, good hunting. Nothing.

Anything more would sound like the one thing she did not want to say.


The Exarch was haunted.

Images flickered rapidly from the Holo-Net while she awaited retrieval. Reporters and Journalists droned on and on with misinformation or a misplaced sense of nationalism. They provided coverage to the galaxy at large that detailed the events that had taken place between the Ryloth and Siskeen Systems. Srina envied the way they could twist words to turn a brutal failure into a rallying cry. The Agents excelled at muddying the truth, just enough, to place themselves into the role of the victim. The Confederacy, on the whole, would not claim the same. Not because it wasn’t applicable, but because no one, not even the Mandalorian Empire—Had ever managed to debase the Southern Systems in such a way.

They were wounded. Not beaten.

An animal that was injured would never strike back more ferociously than when death or destruction was imminently near. With their backs to the wall, every broadcast, every insult, every mockery of the lives lost in the last incursion—Chaos would be met with strength. Unity. The enemy would continue to taunt the Confederacy and her children by placing inflammatory statements. Gaslighting. They were buzz words combined with shock value designed for psychological warfare. The Agents aimed to weaken them before they ever raised a blade. To place themselves into the position where they could claim righteous superiority. The Agents of Chaos and their supporters wanted their people to believe that what they were doing was right and good. That—Their actions were true. Noble.

They were, of course, liberating planets from the big bad empire.

Only, the Confederacy wasn’t an Empire. Their citizens were already free in every sense of the word. All of them.

They were merely a nation that had chosen, for the first time, to strictly place their own welfare above the needs of outside influences. They had been attacked in the heart of the nation. Blindsided on Atrisia. It was a direct result of being stretched too thin from engaging in battles they felt objectively obligated to fight. They weren’t turning away the tired, the poor, nor were they turning to attack those that had once held official alliances. They were taking care of their own. Securing a future for those who made their very existence possible.

If that choice demonized them? Created a convenient monster for lesser powers to hate?

So be it.

Silver eyes followed every image that passed from network to network. Every story. Every clip of the attempts made to safeguard that which they had pledged to caretake. Evacuations. Burials. Attempts to reunite family units. The movement of entire fleets and armies while they snapped an and out of hyperspace in a plume of cronau radiation. The propaganda pieces that painted the Confederacy as hard-hearted, despotic, overlords simply to invoke a reason to fight. Her gaze was hard. Unsettling. They fought a group that could not own up to their own accountability. That shifted blame and wove the tallest of tales in order to maintain power and control while leaving their sufferers in silence. Silence, because they were dead. They took a heady rush in the atrocities committed. In so-called victory, while standing ever so proudly on the corpses of free people. They aimed to make their enemy feel ashamed and worthless. Ignorant and discredited. They were left to feel as if no one would believe them—Even if they spoke the truth.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems would not be blinded by such cowardly, infantile, tactics. Those who could stand and fight—Would stand and fight. They would fight for themselves, their friends, and their families. They would never, ever, give in. Never give up. Never surrender.

The space around her began to ripple and change. Iridescent waves caused the dimness of her chambers on Geonosis to fade and crumble while a new reality made itself present. Last-minute preparations left her with an unconventional method of travel. There was a momentary sense of queasiness that was accompanied by a familiar voice. The Force moved. As gentle as an ocean, though, it didn’t change the fact that what her friend did broke the bindings of traditional use. Were the circumstances different she would have cast her visitor a pale, ghostly smile. A gentle reward, for being close to her heart. Ever loyal.

Adron Malvern said:

The wintry woman lifted glacier orbs from the screens that covered the walls to meet the amethyst orbs of her fellow Exarch. Between herself, John Locke John Locke , and Adron Malvern Adron Malvern —They made three. A triumvirate that were uniquely positioned to stem the tide. His presence tugged at her soul and the spartan walls of her quarters were replaced with the interior of The Veil. Everything blended and melded together until she couldn’t tell where either location ended or began.

It was a bridge.

“…I know…”

The simple, soft words, words conveyed all that she felt in one fell swoop. They were soft, yet sharper than any blade. Grim. Srina was Echani. She longed for the fight. But, longing for a fight was a far cry than wishing for the death they would soon bring. She took no joy in it. No pleasure. War did not determine who was right. Only, who was left. The dark circles beneath star-filled eyes would tell her friend that she had spent one too many sleepless nights coordinating and working the problem. Defense, offense, and the high probability of scorched earth.

She drew up from her seated position on the bed, surprisingly, clad in the armor of one whom she could no longer stand the sight of. It caused a significant amount of pain. In her own way, she had loved Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe . There had never been any discussion. Simply, the swift expulsion of his people from their space. The revelation that the death of her unborn rest on the ink of his orders was unforgivable. If he had words? An excuse? He would have come to her before now.

In times such as these—Against her better judgment, she missed him. The compassion that only a fair few would ever come to know. His calmness.

Not for the first time she chastised herself. The man she knew was gone. Just like those of their ranks that had turned from them, striking deep, in favor of the Agents of Chaos. They were all gone.

They were never coming back.

Soft blue fabric wrapped around her person while she settled at her full height. It wasn’t much. A full head shorter than the man who circled so easily. Some might have been perturbed. The Head of the Malvern line was nothing to scoff at. A predator. She should have felt like a mouse. Only, she did not. The pale-skinned woman felt the opposite. Protected. She was safe in his sight. “They have had their moment in the sun. I agree, that this must end. The footage that has erupted from Ryloth is tearing at the very fiber of our people, while the damage, is nigh impossible to begin repairing without discerning the truth of the unknown. We cannot promise safety when it is very clear—It is not safe.”

Her eyes closed when his hand touched her cheek. Warm, steadying. The petite creature closed the distance between them and gun-metal blue eyes lingered whilst her hand rose to cover his. He would see the steel that lingered within, regardless, her feelings about what was to come. The connected spaces, pockets in time, began to pull. For a brief moment, she felt weightless while her power pooled into him. Providing fuel. There was a galaxy of infinite might in his grasp, bright, and burning—While the world around them stretched.

Until it snapped.

When Srina opened her eyes once more, she found herself standing on the bridge of the Veil. She inhaled, briefly, and allowed herself to adjust to the abrupt change of scenery. The sight of droid units working in unison was somehow comforting. The distant and familiar hum of a starship gliding smoothly through space gave her a context. Steadiness. Adron released her and began to provide the real-time details of the battle that would soon unfold. “We do what we must…”, her voice carried softly, almost sweet, were it not for the chilling emptiness that dehumanized her tones.

She could not feel this. Would not, feel this.

To feel was to stumble. To have mercy, restraint, and pity was to court failure. They could not afford to raise their morals, their ideals, over the lives of their people. To destroy the Agents of Chaos now would free the citizens of the Southern Systems from infinite pain.

Elegant footsteps carried her near soundlessly across the Veil. She found her place beside the King of Illyria, a beloved friend, and a devoted member of the Confederacy. A soft hand fell to his shoulder when Adron asked if she would stand with him. Words were not necessary. It was a rhetorical question that he posed, not because he didn’t know the answer, but simply because he wished to hear it.

They all needed something before the conflict began. Soon, they would only hear screams. Bloody shrieks that would tear their souls asunder whilst they paid the price for the citizens of the Southern Systems so they didn’t have to. It would be a whirlwind of violence from start to finish. Srina was tired. So, very tired. She wished to rest. But the Exarch in her knew the truth. There would be no rest, no peace, until their enemy was returned to dust and blown from the face of the galaxy.

No. Adron would never need to question her loyalty. Even, if the answer he sought would suffice in one word.

Would she be with him?


Till the end—And ever onward.


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nightmare guised as daydream
Location: Iskaayuma
Armor (various colours)
Wielding: Standard lightsaber | Pouch of buttons and fabric flowers | Generic breathing mask
Allies: Agents of Chaos +AoC Allies | Madalena Antares Madalena Antares | Zaldros Sabolte Zaldros Sabolte | Eldoc Quasat Eldoc Quasat + open
Enemies: Confederacy +CIS Allies

"But I like the nice gloves." The words were innocent enough from the girl, mismatched eyes staring up at Madalena with a curious gaze. She said this, of course, whilst picking at the lace fabric that clung to her wrists and fingers. They'd been custom made once, by a seamstress Nerium had long since forgotten the name of, though never the face. In fact she'd worn that face, though altered, of course, only a couple days ago. But that was neither here nor there. No, the fact of the matter was, the gloves were nice indeed and Nerium was quite attached to them.

Those gloves meant little in terms of actual combatant ability, however. And as much as Nerium was content to spectate from the sidelines, or sit near apparent allies and murder remarks while under the sanctuary of a 'not currently a combatant', she figured such a sign would be lost in translation, if not ignored entirely. And so when their small band came under fire, she slipped into cover then away (hopefully) from the notice of would-be enemies, though careful to keep an eye and mind on her allies in the process.

"These really were nice gloves," she hissed, both aloud and telepathically to the compatriots which she'd established such a mental connection. Once a beautiful alabaster, they'd since yellowed over the years, and now found themselves dirtied by debris and the overall fuss of the situation. "What a shame. Someone will have to pay for them now."
Location: the surface of Rodia
Objective: Vengeance
Allies: CIS, Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus
Enemies: AoC, open


“That’s not a real thing. You made that up.”

“No, it’s real! Well, realish. Err, maybe as real as my imagination. But that doesn’t mean it won’t become real. I mean, I’ve done stranger things brother.”

Muad smirked from where he sat upon the roof of one of the towers of Golbah City. His legs dangled over the ledge while he drank from a bottle of Whyren’s Reserve. The city below never slept. Hovercraft zoomed through garishly lit streets as a muted din echoed to his perch. You’d never know that it was in the early morning hours, so active were the streets of the capital of Geonosis. Leaning his torso out over empty space, he spat phlegm from the heights knowing that in roughly sixty seconds someone would be hit and assume it was rain. At least until they went to wipe the spittle off in stringy mucus. And then they would most likely curse as they look about for the perpetrator.

“Seriously, tell me that I will never get a report across my desk where a calvary charged the enemy while riding massive porg steeds into battle. I don’t think I would be able to express my utter resignation that we are related.”

Muad tossed his head back, taking a deep drag from the whiskey but nearly choked at his brother’s words. A hoarse, coughing laugh escaped the mad man as he flopped onto his back to stare at the light pollution blocking his view of the stars. His feet kicked freely as he turned his head to see Derek sitting on the roof’s gravel with his back against a climate control unit.

The dark haired Dib shook his head lightly. His attire was his normal suit and tie yet both jacket and neck noose were absent. A rare moment of frivolous relaxation away from prying eyes allowed the men a long needed relaxation. As Muad watched, his brother leaned his head back against the warm steel and closed his eyes. Slow and steady breathing could have been taken as the Siskeeni Viceroy having fallen into slumber, but Muad knew different. Just one of the famous moments of introspection his brother rarely enjoyed.

“What do you want in this life Muad? Truely, what do you want?”

Several moments passed as the mad man continued kicking his feet to a musical tune only he heard in his head. The blue eyed monster knew what troubled his brother. And his response would bring him no peace.

“I have no aspirations. I’ve done that which I felt needing doing. I have Tobias and Hannibal. We have the twins. Our sister and uncle. I’ve fought the wars that needed fighting, started a company, and found a home. What I want in this life is what I’ve always wanted. To have fun. Freedom to enjoy life rather than be shackled to a miserable existence. I listen to what others have to say, but I follow my own path. Always have. What else is there to desire? Family and friends and enjoying life.”

He didn’t ask Derek what he wanted in return. He never had to ask. Derek was a deeply faceted man with layers upon layers, but what drove him was easily seen by Muad. His brother wanted to make a difference, wanted to leave the galaxy a better place than how he came into it. And Derek accomplished his goals. Yet he was always buried in his work, outreach programs, and endeavors of humanitarian aid. The man lived, but didn’t live. His excuse was he just didn’t have time. But Muad knew the truth. Derek Dib was afraid of losing those he loved. So he walled himself off to separate his personal life from outsiders.

Rolling over Muad leapt lightly to his feet before finishing off the bottle and chucking it into one of the hover lanes that ran through the streets. A distant crystal shattering followed by blaring alarms and then collision below. Laughter escaped as he reached down and pulled his brother upon his legs.

“You have to live ner vod. Life doesn’t ever slow down and she doesn’t give second chances. Don’t miss out on living life, because when it’s gone, it’s gone.”

Derek looked at his brother calmly.

“When did you get so wise brother?”

Muad laughed and through an arm around his brother’s neck.

“I read that in a huttese fortune cookie once. And your lucky numbers are five, seven, thirteen, and ninety six.”

Derek shook his head as the men headed back inside as Muad laughed and laughed.


He blinked against the harsh light from the illumination above. Most all ships had the same fixtures that washed sharp colors away. Always the same. Where he sat on the flooring was a giant patch of stubbed out deathsticks from where he chain smoked while waiting. Such small, fragile things that could easily be snuffed out. Even if it wasn’t, there was only a small finite amount of time before the deathstick was gone forever. His hand slapped the pile away as he rose to his feet in response to the call over intercoms.

Heading into the bay he saw his reflection in the glass. Dark patches under his eyes and hollow, unshaven cheeks made him appear as a ghastly ghoul. He felt how he looked. His hand lashed out, shattering the glass into a shower of broken shards. And as he stared down upon dozens of fractured reflections of himself, he couldn’t help but wear a death head’s grin. There was a kind of beauty in being broken. Then the somber thought echoed within. You could never put the pieces back together to make it as it once was. It would remain marred. Just like in life.

His strides took him toward the ramp, a group of Aegis Knights falling into step behind him as he moved forward, the tired and drained expression gone from his face. Steps grew into the steady, graceful gait of a predator as his eyes emptied of all but rage and death. His buy’ce swayed in the netting at his side. That was where he came upon Daegon waiting as the ramp began lowering. Hands absently began patting equipment and pockets to ensure he was fully loaded out.

"I am ready to gut these heathens. Skin them. Feast on their flesh as they yet live. I want to crack their bones with my teeth and suck the marrow free. I want them to see my face and know that hell pales in comparison with the pain I shall deliver them. I want them to think back to random times in their life. I want them to remember intimate moments shared with loved ones, remember the nerve wracking chills that claimed their body. They will know … it was me. I haunted their private moments when they thought they were safe. I floated in the nightmares of their mind or moved with super force speed that had them jerking at visions at the edge of their sight. It was me. I am the thing they fear."

He turned rage filled eyes to meet Daegon's own gaze of fury.

"I want them to see death coming for them. To know without a doubt … that it was me."

His look at Daegon said this as he waited for the ramp to fully open.


Location: Rodian Space ~ The Veil
Objectives: Support Rodia's defense
Equipment: Crimson Dread, Comlink, Sword, Lightsaber
Tags: Srina Talon Srina Talon Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Willam Forlon Willam Forlon


He did not need to meet her eyes to the know the truth of her words. No, their relationship was something that transcended a shared look or a few vibrations of the vocal cord. In the thickest mass of the Force, he knew that Srina Talon would never turn away from him, never betray him, and most importantly she would never allow him to fail as he had in the past. The thought caused his lips to curl into a smile. Something content that made the battle to come something a bit more bearable.

"When it is over. Return to Illyria with me. Aries has missed you." He said simply, his words no more a request than they were a demand. Aries Vailyn Malvern. His middle name had been plucked from Srina's own middle name and given a more masculine taste to it. It had been quite a conversation with Alessandra, who never could understand the closeness of the friendship between Srina and Adron, but in the end even she knew that Srina was someone who would keep Adron safe in the reaches of war, perhaps that was why she consented to Aries' naming?

The Veil was certainly a majestic ship. It was created with a most curious purpose, one that Adron would be able to utilize today more than any other.

One of the Droids spoke, tapping into his console. "All stealth systems coming online. Stygium-Generator operating at full capacity. Stealth measures activating in" In a brief flicker, the deck's lights would flash from a pristine white to a pale, icy blue. Adron glanced around the deck to be sure none of the sensors were clamouring in protest.

"Stealth mode: complete. Moving into hyperspace." With nothing more for the crews to tend to the Veil shot into Hyperspace, followed by a number of it's own escort ships.

They had been lingering in a system not far from Rodia. Their stealthed systems and baffle-coating would keep them safe from detection.

The stars seemed to accelerate past the ships as they flew into Hyperspace. Adron looked to Srina, his amethyst eyes washing over the woman, taking subtle notes just before he spoke. "We haven't had any significant reports from Talay yet, but Locke is a competent man. He'll handle the front there and we will handle Rodia."

The stars sped past the ships until there was finally a significant shift.

"Re-entering real space now, sir."

The vessels that entered into the edge of Rodia were massive. The Veil was a colossus in its own right, nearly ten thousand meters in length. Yet four equally massive Battlecruisers fell into formation directly behind it. The most amazing thing about this fleet? Not a single person would see it enter the system.

The droid crews on the deck of the Vail spoke out loudly as they saw to the stealth systems. "The Veil, Harbinger, Upbringer, Justice, and Maximum all came out of hyperspace with no disruption to their stealth sensors, sir!" One of the droids reported. Even this far out at the edge of the system, Adron's eyes locked onto the massive fleet that was approaching Rodia. From where they were, they could slam into the fleet's right flank and cause calamity.

"Sir, an enemy fleet is engaging Grand Marshal Sorenn, shall we move to intercept?" One of the tactical droids advised.

For a shallow moment Adron stared at the fleet before nodding. "Move the fleet forward, keep all ships cloaked. All ships full ahead towards the enemies flank. Hold fire until my command."

With that, the fleet began it's slow drift towards the enemy fleet.

Fleet Action: The Assault Fleet has come into the edge of the Rodia system while cloaked. It is now moving towards Willam Forlon Willam Forlon at a slow pace.

1x - The Veil
4x -
Whitestar Battlecruiser

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