Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings and a Few Questions

Hello to one and all. I have been a writer/role-player before in the Star Wars universe but have not really done anything like this for a few years now. I have been wanting to get back into it and this seemed the best place to do so. In the past I have always written on the Imperial side of things and always been a Stormtrooper/Soldier getting blown up or a Starfighter pilot also getting blown up. So I am looking to play on the Republic/Rebel/"good guy" side of things this time ad preferably as an Officer or Tactician or even a a Politician that does not have to get blown up quite so much.

To put things slightly more concisely, is there a Faction that anyone could recommend that might be able to guide me in these early days?
I shall of course be putting up a Character Profile a little later on but I just wanted to get a feel for things first.

If you have read this far in then thank you and I look forward to seeing you around.
[member="Thaaros Klopp"]

I believe you would be looking at the Galactic Alliance, the Outer Rim Coalition, or The Republic... (I think they are shooting for major, but I could be wrong.)

If Minor if more your style, that meaning you are in smaller conflicts but a tighter knit group, The Resistance is pretty neat group, good bunch of people.

Sadly I cannot say that I am in them myself, but thats because im one of those scrubs that likes using battle droids.

If there is anything else I can suggest or explain, happy to help.

Edit: Extra two would be the Commenor Systems Alliance and the Free Worlds Coalition, didn't mention them initially because they aren't too big on conflict which I figured was your intent, conflict being IC wars and what not.

Ever Dawnracer

[member="Thaaros Klopp"]
Hi there. I'm the faction owner of the Republic Remnant faction (why we are a Remnant is a long story). We would love to have you. We just started, but we are getting up to speed slowly but surely. We'd love to have you and help you out. If you click the banner in my signature it will take you to our faction portal.
Hi. To clarify:
- The Galactic Alliance is our big "good guy" faction right now. It's legit military + Force users, to contrast the Imperial legit military + Force users factions.
- The Outer Rim Coalition is a vaguely-north-of-neutral collection of outlaws and degenerates in the middle of nowhere. It's more Firefly than good guys, but we aren't jerks, normally.
- I know little about the Resistance, but I think they're meant to be a recreation of the faction from TFA/TLJ.

Hope that helps. Welcome to the board. <3
[member="Thaaros Klopp"]

Hello, and welcome to Chaos!

I believe your initial questions have all been answered, but if you have any further questions or require any assistance please don't hesitate to ask!

I look forward to seeing you around the site.


Well-Known Member
Thaaros Klopp said:
Hello to one and all. I have been a writer/role-player before in the Star Wars universe but have not really done anything like this for a few years now. I have been wanting to get back into it and this seemed the best place to do so. In the past I have always written on the Imperial side of things and always been a Stormtrooper/Soldier getting blown up or a Starfighter pilot also getting blown up. So I am looking to play on the Republic/Rebel/"good guy" side of things this time ad preferably as an Officer or Tactician or even a a Politician that does not have to get blown up quite so much.

To put things slightly more concisely, is there a Faction that anyone could recommend that might be able to guide me in these early days?
I shall of course be putting up a Character Profile a little later on but I just wanted to get a feel for things first.

If you have read this far in then thank you and I look forward to seeing you around.
Well, greetings and welcome [member="Thaaros Klopp"] and guess reading thru your question may i suggest the Silver JedI Order which is sort of a version of the Jedi Order during the clone wars in the movie. Where although they do follow the main Jedi tenant their not shy away from engaging the enemy and do have a good mix of both lightside force user of different belief or origin and non-force user make up the rest of their numbers.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan

Thaaros Klopp said:
Hello to one and all. I have been a writer/role-player before in the Star Wars universe but have not really done anything like this for a few years now. I have been wanting to get back into it and this seemed the best place to do so. In the past I have always written on the Imperial side of things and always been a Stormtrooper/Soldier getting blown up or a Starfighter pilot also getting blown up. So I am looking to play on the Republic/Rebel/"good guy" side of things this time ad preferably as an Officer or Tactician or even a a Politician that does not have to get blown up quite so much.

To put things slightly more concisely, is there a Faction that anyone could recommend that might be able to guide me in these early days?
I shall of course be putting up a Character Profile a little later on but I just wanted to get a feel for things first.

If you have read this far in then thank you and I look forward to seeing you around.
Well, greetings and welcome [member="Thaaros Klopp"] and guess reading thru your question regarding possible I'll suggest as [member="Edric Vanyan"] Free Wold Coalition (FWC) which is sort like the republic with a separatist type of set up in the movies. Which although they do engage in some conflict and skirmishes are relatively more inclined strive for peace within all the coalition autonomous planet members.

Stephanie Swail

[member="Thaaros Klopp"] Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here!

I would jump on the bandwagon and promote the Silver Jedi Order to you, always looking for politicians, leaders and commanders for our Light Side Faction, but the others above are also perfect for you.

Bar [member="Natasi Fortan"] and her First Order brutes.

Have fun out there!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Greetings and welcome to Chaos

I'd have to back Count Teraan here and recommend joining the FWC (Free World Coalition).

It is a growing faction and as we hold to Alderaan's core values of peace without blood shed, that is constantly put to trial. Yes, there are conflicts, but not as frequent as with most other factions I believe.
If you are looking for more character development rather than acquiring one medal after another to fill your coffers of conquests, then FWC is the place for you. We have an Explorer Corp that seeks out new civilizations-... er, Ok, something along that trek... er track, rather. Something along those lines, only in this Universe.

What ever your choice, enjoy writing your adventures here on Chaos. :)
Wow, I was not expecting so many responses but thank you all very much, you have all been very helpful.

I think I shall finish my character profile and then make a decision.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan

Thaaros Klopp said:
Wow, I was not expecting so many responses but thank you all very much, you have all been very helpful.

I think I shall finish my character profile and then make a decision.

No problem man glad we all could help and good hear things seem be going along well. At any rate don't hesitate ask and am sure someone here will be more than happy help you out.

And guess happy hunting as be hope see you round the board one these days.

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