Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hear Me Roar; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Bogden

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Allies: UCM, [member="Kay Arenais"] , [member="Adara Raxis"] , [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Enemies: CIC, CIS, Scherezade deWinter
Post 2
Equipment: Trayc'kad Lightsaber, "Slick," Armor, Echani Vibrosword

As Mig was looking up, he heard some voices. He turned to see Kay Arenais, Yasha's aunt, and Adara walking around the area with a collection of... Porgs? Well. He never though Adara was one who'd like Porgs, but hey, it was cute to watch. He soon walked up and began to follow them to talk, waving and attempting to hide his worries from the young girl. She was Force sensitive, so there was the chance she'd sense his hint of fear if he wasn't careful.

"Adara, Mrs. Arenais. Good to see you two. So what are doing with all those Porgs?"

As he smiled, the pair walked to a door and Sanya Val Lerium was on the other side. He hadn't seen the woman since... Eshan. Hold it in for now. At least not around Adara. He gave a small nod, deciding to just stay quiet and let Sanya and Adara have their moment.
Location: Kohlma
Objective: Defend communications array on Kohlma
Tags: [member="Lynda Dorn"]
Weapons: Under weapons always with Venandi
Allies: UCM, defenders
Enemies: CIC, CIS, attackers


Bogden, it was a mess of a planet, too many moons, too much gravity, and not enough of something worthwhile. At least, that's the normal thought line from what Venandi had heard. However, Venandi had found something interesting, just not on Bogden, but on the moon of Kohlma. He had heard a rumor that there was a communications array on the planet, an array for the Mandalorians. Thanks to a tip from [member="Voska Naudir"], Venandi had decided to help out the Mandos so that he could gain some allies and friends. Why? So he could finish what had been started during the Clone War, end the CIS. That, and he also wanted to prove the superiority of Fett clones over every other clone and wannabe soldier that the Imperials had.

That is why Venandi was on this moon of Bogden. He and his brothers had arrived only an hour or two before near the communications array, already having broadcasted peaceful intents. When they had landed, it had been done quickly and efficiently, with them leaving their Raider in orbit while traveling down in a small shuttle.

Walking on Kohlma was interesting, there were a lot of gravestones, and Venandi remembered having read it was a graveworld. Well, that hardly mattered to Venandi and his brothers, they were more concerned about the communications array. So they went to it, not bothering to hide their presence. They were greeted by a group of Mandalorians, each somewhat unique, but clearly aligned with the UCM. From first glance, Venandi saw around 65 Mandalorians outside, and he couldn't see how many were inside the array itself. Then he didn't have time to observe the area because he was right in front of the Mando, and the Mando spoke first.
"Halt. Who are you and what is your purpose here?"
"We're ARC troopers and we're here to talk with the boss."
"ARCs? You CIC or something." At that, the Mandos trained their weapons on the ARCs, but received no reaction from them in turn.
"Nah vod, we're the real deal. ARCs from the Clone War."
There was a scoff from the Mando before he spoke again. "Yeah right, prove it."

At that, the 4 ARCs took of their helmets to reveal they were all Fett clones. Venandi was smirking while bserving the shocked reactions of the Mandalorians.
"I bet you never expected to see this now did you?"
"You got that right, vod."

Shaking his head in confusion, the Mandalorian decided to lead the 4 ARCs inside. So that's what he did, while Venandi and his brothers followed along behind, showing as little hostility as possible.
Location: Bogden-Kohlma Sensor Array
Allies: UCM [member="Venandi"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] @Mid Gred [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Enemies: CIC [member="Khonsu Amon"] @Scherezade de Winter [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] [member="Valery"] [member="Ves Fett"]


Kanta Tukka was important Akalenedat’ike. Kanta Tukka got trusted by the Metal Coconuts with sitting in a chair and watching ‘scanner chatter’ on Bogden outpost. So important was Kanta Tukka that other Akalenedat’ike stationed on Bogden got to bring him his daily supply of chocolate ration bars he loved so, so much. It felt good to know the Metal Coconuts found Kanta in that moss-filled cave, and in appreciation for not swatting him into the stalagtites, Kanta Tukka decided it was best to let the Metal Coconuts take him in as a warrior for the Clans. Think of all the songs he would learn and bring back to Noasis, to add to the Big Really Important Big Song! Why, Kanta Tukka was going to be the most important Akalenedat'ike that ever lived!

Spinning in his very important chair, with an old hand-me-down booster seat placed on it by a humouring [member="Yasha Cadera"], Kanta strummed his lyre and began thinking up a song about the long long loooong wait till lunch.


… the long range sensors picked up… massive metal boats in the big black wibbley-wobbley of space! Oh hark! It was time for the little Akalenedat’ike to be…. important!

If only he had seen that [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] beat him to it.

"Aaachem hem hem hem..." Clearing his mighty throat, the three foot tall coconut-armour wearing marsupial pushed the big red button with the words ‘Open All Communications’ taped underneath it. Sadly incapable of reading, Kanta went more with the sticker of a megaphone and a set of lips someone else taped to the button to help the little guy feel useful.

And then, in the way all Akalenedat’ike functioned… he began to sing for all Mandalorians, and anyone who could intercept his open comm channel.

“I packed my coconut pre-flight
Zero hour nine AM
And I'm gonna be high on a ship by then
I miss Noasis so much I miss my boat
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless shift
And I think it's gonna be a battle time
'Till scanning brings me round again to find
I'm not the pet they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a Mando, man
Mando man blasting into space up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a battle time
'Till boarding brings me round again to find
I'm not the pet they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a Mando, man
Mando man blasting into space up here alone
Bogden’s the kind of place to raise your shields
In fact a fleet’s coming in
And there's a call to raise shields if you did
And all these buttons I don't understand
It's just a coconut in space
A Mando man, a Mando man
And I think it's gonna be a battle scene
Please bring me chocolate again oh my,
I'm hungry for my lunch I left at home
Oh no no no I'm a lookout man
Lookout man calling all the Mandos up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till someone brings me my chocolate bar
I should’a eaten before I left my home
Oh woa woa woa I'm a Sensors man
Mando man blasting into space up here alone
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
But now my shields are up and alarms sound
Prepare for fleets coming hot and fast
And I think it's gonna be a battle time
And I think it's gonna be a battle time”

With a flourish, Kanta hopped off his booster-seated chair and took a bow for the whooping and hawing Akalenedat’ike who accompanied him out from Noasis to the big black wibbley wobbley of space.

“Haah haaah haaah haaaah.” Kanta chuffed, setting down his lyre. “Boomboom sticks!! We fiiiiight!”

With that, the whole legion of coconut-clad ‘Mandalorians’ raced around to find the first Metal Coconut who looked like he knew what he was doing.


All the lot of them bowed with a flourish, although none quite in time with the other.

“We fiiiiiight!” Kanta called out. It was time to fight for the Metal Coconuts!
Location: Bogden Surface, Temporary Scientific Outpost Kyr’ta
Allies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Valdus Bral"]
Enemies: CIC [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Lynda Dorn"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] @Scherezade de Winter [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] [member="Valery"] [member="Ves Fett"]
Equipment: Armour | Lightsabers
NPC's: Militibus ex Infernis, Porgs (Mugsy, Bugsy, Tugsy, Hugsy, Bert, Geneveve & Talulah), Mr. Wimple, Mandalorian Scientific Expeditionary Team


“My goodness, I think you’re right! We shall.” Adara trotted out of the tent with the gaggle of Porg toddling out around her. They flapped their wings and chittered, sniffing and investigating this and that. The growing child remained unaware of her great-aunt’s investigative nature, instead chatting wildly about the hopeful hypothesis of her experiment.

“… and Milicent is the most dreadful of girls! She keeps attempting to have dodgeball games during recess, and brings in the most ghastly other girls and I desperately hate every moment of gym class, and I do only want to read my books in the fresh air during recess, but then Daddy spoke to Mr. Fiff and now I am contact sports exempt. So that is why I must defeat Milicent in the Science Fair! I must!

I MUST!!Adara hopped onto a boulder, raising both spindly arms into the air before hopping back down. The scanners on her brand new helmet’s HUD flicked with a colour coded warning of gravitic forces, red for heavy, green for light. She chased the middling line between yellow and green, tip toeing around patches as they began to drift away from the scientific camp. The porgs chased around her, some getting caught up in a red-zone, and flopping onto their backs, with sordid little caws.

“Oh you little dear.” Adara scooped Mugsy up, propping the porg to her chest as Adara slugged away from the gravitational spike, panting as she went. Walking in the green spots was deucedly simpler. “There, now you scamper where you can, Mugsy. Off you go.”

A short cuddle and pet of Mugsy’s feathers, and Adara let the porg down. Mugsy scampered off to its’ fellows, cawing and hopping about. It wasn’t until Adara went to turn around that she noticed a curious glimpse in her Great-Aunt’s eyes.

Farther from other sapient beings, Adara shook off the coils of fledgeling restraint. She breathed and let her natural aura loose. Dark, an abyssal plane of future horrors chased around the girl, down her braided hair and the freshly crafted armour she wore. The ground seeped with a pulsing origin point of Darkness. Familiar, but elusive in design.

“… is it something about my Science project, Great-Aunt Kay?” Would Kay turn into a second Baiko? Before Adara could look at Kay more closely, [member="Vanessa Vantai"] moseyed up to them.

“Oh! Hello, again. Great-Aunt Kay, this is a scientist Buir met once.” Adara said, in introduction. Sadly, the child didn’t quite remember Vanessa’s name. Adara turned to go through the next tent’s door.

“Sanya!” Adara rushed to the Force Master, throwing her arms around Sanya’s waist. “You came! You came to see my experiment, thank you! Oh? What… what’s this?”

Taking the box carefully, Adara looked between the three women around her. The Militibus ex Infernis remained near, as did two women in nondescript armour, covered by burgundy cloaks with large hoods.

“May I open it?” In the back of her comm, Adara heard the singing of a certain [member="Kanta Tukka"] calling for shields. Was there something happening? Adara lifted the box’s lid…

“Oh… Oh my gooses… Oh my gooses!! OH MY GOOSES!!! Inside the box, two curved cylindrical objects, which hummed of Dark power.


Location: Research Station 6, Bogden
Allies: UCM & Allies
Enemies: CIC & Allies
Mandalorian Guard Uniform (Captain)
Mandalorian Guard Blaster Resistant Shield
WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
Stun Baton
5 Steel Restraints

Ruus and his small contingent of Guards were stationed at a remote UCM outpost dubbed Research Station 6 which was tasked with geological and gravitational discovery. The Mandalorian Guard made up a very small portion of the occupants, the majority were scientists from Mandalore. The station itself was a small, double floor, square, metal, building with a glass dome held up by a web-work of hexagons. Each of the cardinal directions had a sliding airlock door. A single starship pad lay next to the modest two floor building with an Aka'jor-Class Shuttle. It was unarmed and mostly used for sub-light speed transport and law enforcement.

Overall the research station was unprepared for an armed assault of any large size. Ruus and his men's presence were meant to ensure the safety of the scientist from wildlife, natural disasters, and each other.

Recently the scientists had been hard at work and made several discoveries. The information was currently being stored on their internal servers, and since the infrastructure of Bogden was limited, the information would require physical movement to be utilized else where in form of data disks.
Arash Garshasp
Location: Nebula II - Class Star Destroyer, “Spear of Thyrsus.”
Objective: Defeat All Mandalorian Enemies
Status: Prepared
Engaging: None
Allies: [member="[/FONT]Khonsu Amon"] | [member="[/FONT]Vindicta"]


Arash the. . . Arash the. . . the young Thyrsian legionnaire walked quietly as he brooded more of his title, the future of his name laid heavily with his actions on the field of battle. And yet I’ve mostly collected. . . inaction. . . There were far too many obstacles that had slowed the prospect of fighting enemies and worst yet many feared the banner wielded by his very kinsmen.

He could not say he was suffering from success, per say, but more so he suffered to find opponents due to his father’s and the older Thyrsian warrior’s success. Youthful vigor and the passionate urge raced through his veins, Arash was sure if he were to receive a cut anywhere on his person it would bleed gold as armor worn by so many of the veteran warriors.

For the fire that ragged within Arash was kept in check for the moment, the rest of his comrades had already shed their blood and coloured their armor appropriately with weathered scorched marks, dents and near misses that would have ended any other warrior but not the Sun Guard Warrior.

Others would have called what Arash felt as pride, but for the young boy that ached for battle, he could it fact and a fact he sorely wished to prove to the rest of the galaxy filled with these “others”. Arash smiled as he knew that whatever questions remained would be answered throug-

“Arash the Dancer.” One of his legionnaire mates called out to the young Arash, to which Arash narrowed his eyes and raised a single eyebrow in response. “-Your weapons are ready for you to pick up and we are to be on stand-by.” The older warrior explained, his skin that of a dark complexion to Arash’s own but what really set the two apart was the sheer size of the older man’s shoulders, chest and height. Truly for Arash were the eyes, the real difference were what those eyes had seen and experienced, all Arash wanted to explore and finally find himself within those battles.

Arash the Dancer again. The title he had wanted to change for sometime had returned, and returned with a vengeance but it wasn’t a terrible ordeal and by far Arash was still bemused by his title. He nodded to the older Thyrsian and quickly increased his walking pace to retrieve his weapons from the armory and ready himself. Either he was to be launched into boarding actions through space or land in an ongoing battle towards the planet’s surface, both suited the young Thyrsian perfectly and thoroughly.

At least I’m not Arash the long red hair boy, or something that was too demeaning. . .
Location: Moving from the Titanic to planet-side
Objective: Pass time until we get there
Allies: CIC & friends
Enemies: UCM
Specific Tags: [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="Prime"] | [member="Mig Gred"] +Feel free to join!
Post: Two

She didn't do it? Scherezade blinked, and then laughed. Whoever had installed the personality chip on that B1 droid had done a wonderful job by giving that droid a personality that at least somewhat was kind of like Scherezade herself. Grinning, she motioned for the droid to join the group of organics that was playing.

The purple tinted B1 pauses, and then claimed that Exarch Talon had banned the game. This brought on a look from Scherezade, as she wondered just what files the B1 had accessed that she thought that. The word banned had never actually been uttered by [member="Srina Talon"]. Neither had the word forbidden. Should she explain how matters on the subject of the lovely game were to the droid?

"Well actually," Scherezade said with an impish grin, "if your datafiles state that, they are corrupted. What the Exarch had truly said, and I quote, is Please, burn this game at your earliest convenience. You may also toss it out of an airlock. So I have taken the liberty of checking my schedule to see when the earliest convenience is and I found a lovely afternoon about twelve hundred years from now, and penciled it in. Unless any weather anomalies occur by then, there should be a cool breeze that day. . I assure you, I have every intention of fulfilling the Exarch's demands on the matter down to the very letter."

But hey –the droid, now joined by an orange-tinted one, was joining! Even though they thought the game was banned? Confusing. Still, Scherezade was not about to deny more players. The more the better, right? Except for- "Hey don't tell them!" she laughed, "we don't reveal what cards we have. Surprise is a major component of the game. Now have a seat and join us. You're not going to assist me purple B, you're going to assist you. Way more fun this way!"

The round had returned to her and she was the card Tzar, so she quickly dealt the other two droids in before pulling another black card out.

"If laughter is the best medicine, the second best is _____________________"

The sound of someone saying ROGER ROGER behind her made her jump though; much as attuned as the Sithling was to the Force, the droids did not show when using the senses granted or enhanced by it, and suddenly there was a cold metallic hand on her shoulder.

Scherezade looked up and blinked in visible confusion as a yellow-tinted B1 asked her if she was lonely and needed… Male companionship? "Uhhh…. Ummm…" the blush on her face was as real as it got. "B1 Droids have genders?" was the only question that she managed to ask, her voice dry, her eyes traveling of their own accord to between the B1's... Yeah, that area. Suffice to say, small talk or flirting in public with people (or droids) she did not know wasn't anywhere on her skill set.

Thankfully, the sound overhead saved her. It was time to get into drop pods and get to the ground.

Clearing her throat, Scherezade rose from her chair and collected the cards. "You!" she pointed at one of the organics at the table, "you win. Congratulations! You get to give the three droids an oil bath when we finish winning this war for the Core people!"

Flashing a charming smile at the B1 that had flirted with her, Scherezade waited a few more moments to make sure everyone was on their way to the hangar bay to prepare for launch. The B1's would end up being deployed as a group together with others. Scherezade herself, both as a member of the Ministry of Secrets and an organic, was going to go down in an individual drop pod. She hated the damn things, but you did what you had to do.

Making sure all her weapons were in place and in check, the Crow entered one of the assigned dropships. Moments later, it was flying through the air. She was going to see everyone planet-side.
Location: Corsin Run - Bodgen Intra-System Gulf; Closing on Bodgen Proper.
Objective: Draw out the Mandalorian Forces.
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation.
Enemies: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis I, and Aurek Security Echelon.


When the first of the automated recon drones reached their destinations and began devouring what information they could find, their directives saw fit to transmit that data across secured, tight-beam transmissions across the Thyrsian BattleNet. Their lifeless eyes peered out into the infinite void and saw a world bereft of a standing military, with scant defences - save for the various skyhooks and stations fixed in the heavens above the score of orbiting moons. From their sensor profiles, they were immediately determined as non-combatants who posed little threat to the Thyrsian Armada. There was also a magnetic anomaly that appeared on their sensitive scopes, which heralded the possibility of a cloaked vessel prowling nearby. However, as their minds were stunted fragments of true artificial intelligence, those droid brains would be incapable of drawing such conclusions. Instead, they simply marked that transmitted information out as a possible threat, and washed their mechanical hands of such knowledge; electing to carry on with their designated task.

In addition to the various non-combatant craft and stations that found themselves populating a formerly war-torn world that became a haven for scum and villainy - there was a single ship that stood out amongst the rest. The collectively stunted minds of the automated drones recognized that warship as the Ablution - who heralded from the Void Irregular Fleet and the Sith Empire thereafter. To say that the automated drones were surprised would be an understatement, as they felt nothing save the cold, lifeless embrace of logic. What transpired within their integrated circuits was a thin line of coding that brought about a momentary error - which was quickly amended and replaced. They believed that the vessel was friendly, at first, due to the contractual relationship between the Golden Company and the Sith Empire. Yet, when the re-written code was implemented - the vessel was marked as a possible hostile that might pose a marginal threat to the Guerdon and her Thyrsian armada.

As their initial sweep came to an end, several of the recon droids began to focus their lifeless eyes towards the encircling rim of the sector; searching for signs of the enemy. With the nearest star system, and their entry vector marked as friendly - due to the lack of opposition found along the breadth of the Corsin Run - they turned towards the system’s secondary jump-point which lead to Corsin itself. They would scan the bespeckled expanse for cronau radiation spikes; which heralded the arrival of a starship translating from the azure dimension of hyperspace to reality proper. The process wasn’t as precise as a gemcutter module, but it would readily alert the mustering Thyrsian Armada to the arrival of hostile forces - rather than allowing them to be taken by surprise when their network actively swept the star system again. While it was possible that the amassed gathering would be more than capable to handle whatever the Mandalorians brought to bear - the Gilded Warhost sought to deprive them of every conceivable advantage before ensnaring their forces with a proverbial noose.

Through their actions, the Thyrsians would once again prove those old words true. That Knowledge equalled Power.


As the beautiful diurnal insect appeared in the corner of his helmet’s combat visor, Khonsu felt a small smile spread across his darkened lips. Vindicta and her assembled fleet had finally translated into the system and took up their assigned position - acting as the Myrmidon’s rearguard. It wasn’t the most glorious of tasks, the Thyrsian admitted, but it was an assignment that would prove the worth of her artificial consciousness. If this bequeathed labour proved to be a success - regardless of what transpired in the heavens above the moons of Bogden - then perhaps there was a chance other warships would find themselves housing, and subsequently being commanded by digital constructs. Tearing away his darkened eyes from the aureate butterfly and turning his visor towards the holographic manifestation of his warship’s heart and soul; Khonsu beamed with nigh-paternal pride.

The man expected the digital construct to adopt their usual manifestation, which was nothing more than a featureless hololithic representation of a sphere. When the central computer core was outfitted with the artificial consciousness - there was a plethora of subroutines and processes integrated into her core that allowed the synthetic mind to choose how they presented themselves to their newfound comrades. Despite having participated in the Reclamation Crusade of their homeworld, and the Sith-Imperial strike at Pantora - the virtual being hadn’t made their decision. However, it seemed that the choice was finally made and Khonsu was pleased. Not because Vindicta elected to adopt a feminine personality and appearance, but because in more ways than one - she remained true to her namesake. For in the High Galactic tongue, Vindicta translated into Vengeance.

She - as he would ensure to describe her from here on out - embodied the very spirit of his people’s collective desire to avenge the unjustly slain, and reclaim that bright, beautiful future that awaited them just beyond the horizon.

“Thank you for your report, Vindicta,” Astari Saren replied, as the hololithic construct relayed the details of her fleet’s status. “I know it’s not the most glamorous or exciting assignment, but I assume - if not hope - that the Clans will rise to meet our violation of their space. If they don’t? I fear we’ll push too far ahead and leave nothing behind us but ash.” The Hapan offered a dismissive shrug, as there was nothing more that she could say and there was a soft chime on her command throne’s terminal that demanded her attention.

When Vindicta finally turned her gaze towards Khonsu - the Supreme Sun Guardian tipped his helmet forwards, letting tendrils of dyed-hair spill across his gilded warplate.

“You honour us with your new form, Vindicta,” the man began, before retracting a portion of his faceplate to reveal the darkened, weathered face beneath. “I was dreading the thought of having to grow accustomed to that lifeless sphere.”

Before the man was able to carry the conversation forward with idle banter in the hopes of passing the time, Astarii Saren interrupted - rapidly relaying the gathered information from their continually establishing network. Doubtlessly, this information was transferred by Vindicta’s hands - so the words weren’t meant for her - as she would already know what transpired in the system’s limit before her organic compatriots could comprehend the complexities of the truth.

“Nothing but non-combatants, research stations, and an ugly Sith-Imperial vessel,” Khonsu said with yet another heavy sigh slipping through his lips. “Absolutely wonderful.”

“I suppose you could say that their defensive pact with the Sith Empire was out of desperation, Sire,” Astarii said, half-distracted by the screed of data dancing across her personal terminal. “Which perhaps have led a majority of the Clans to adopt a more peaceful mindset in the hopes of clinging to whatever territory they have left.”

“Idle speculation,” Khonsu retorted. “They’re not as Unified as they’d like people to believe, nor as warlike as they should be. Whatever transpires here today will stand as a testament to their bond. While I respect the Sith for funding our resurgence, and my inevitable reclamation of Thyrsus - I will give them no quarter if they seek to deny me vengeance for those slain, and left to rot on Eshan’s cursed soil.”

“Very well,” Astarii agreed. She - like everyone else in the Golden Company, understood that their public relations with the Sith Empire was based solely on how deep their pocketbook was. As they stretched across the stars and built an impressive economy based around conquest and sustainability; their wealth was vast and incalculable. Therefore, no matter what enemy the Sith Empire faced, who tried to purchase the services of the Thyrsian Mercenaries, often found themselves beaten by access to the funds digitally delivered from the Sith Emperor’s Imperial Treasury. “If they engage us, the Guerdon’s wroth shall be terrible and swift.”

Before returning to her tactical projections, the Hapan Navarch cast her gaze towards the digital representation of Bogden, and the score of moons.

“What of the Research Outposts and Stations littering the heavens and surface of the planet - Shall I order the Armada to strike them with mass-drivers? Or shall I send word to the Legions to mobilize for atmospheric insertion?”

Khonsu frowned, partially. “Whatever data these dregs collected is of little value to me and mine. Destroy their stations from Orbit, and let the Sun Guard run down the survivors."

"We could use more fresh Mandalorian slaves on the menial decks.”
| [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vindicta"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Kay Arenais"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Ruus"] | [member="Kanta Tukka"] | [member="Venandi"] | [member="Mig Gred"] |





The Prime droid was an older unit, but the engineers behind its upkeep constantly ensured it was merged with the latest technology, advanced weaponry and runtimes, systems with more processing power and capability. The engineers also took the time to ensure that more and more units were provided the hardware to allow Prime to interface with them, controlling the droids like its own limbs.

Prime and its units had stepped aboard the landing craft. It had a magnetic containment shield that allowed droids to drop the final distance to the ground. There was no talking. These were droids. Prime was not some lesser unit that required talking. It was given programming. It was given weapons.

The ship lurched from its holding aboard the combat transport. Moving for the landing zones.

And it was given one final command as the ship came closer to the landing zone.



Vindicta; Artificial Intelligence
Location: Corsin Run, Bogden Space
Objective: Support Thrysian Classis I "The Myrmidons"
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation
Enemies: The United Clans of Mandalore
Naval Complement: Thrysian Classis II "Psyche"


Even as the Myrmidon’s reconnaissance droids began to move onwards, towards the edge of the system, Vindicta took note of the coordinates of the anomaly, assigning V-F2-#013 to take the place of its brethren. With <her> will overriding its programming and subroutines, the lone droid began to move away from its vigil over one of the larger moons and turned its scope towards the probability, leaving V-F2-#014 alone. At the same time, the second wave of automated droids began their own advance, leaving the safety of Psyche’s flock.

It was akin to a ripple. As the foremost ripple continued to gently surge outwards in an ever widening circle, the subsequent ripple trailed behind it. Even as Aurek’s drones were traversing along the rim, The Black Swallowtaildirected them towards Bogden, with a pair of them setting their scopes upon the inert form of the Ablution. <She> confirmed and asserted to the rest of the shards of their current Associatesand rearranged the Sith Empire codes to Neutral and Possible Hostiles so that there would not be any confusion or even a millisecond of a pause if the situation became terse.

Even as <she> executed <her> own set of orders, Vindictacontinued to converse with Designation: Astarii Saren and Designation: Khonsu Amon.





Vindictaanalysed the two words, turning them around in <her> consciousness. And then, <she> decided that while ‘bored’ was not a word that <she> had yet to fully comprehend, the being did Aspirefor more.

<She> learned from observing, after all. And this desire only reflected the legacy bequeathed upon <her>. The sentients that The Black Swallowtail watched over were fierce and proud and fearless, and from them, <she> based <her> values and made it part of <her> own guiding principles. It also roused <her> inherent curiousity to learn more about war and its many facets. It was a flow and ebb of interstellar powers rising and falling. A neverending cycle of conflict, for so long as sentients possessed emotions. <She> observed, slowly gathering tactics and strategies with every victory and failure.

You are welcome, Designation: Astarii Saren,” <she> acknowledged. “If we do, then they would have no choice but to take heed.” <Her> eyes glowed as a stream of data traversed through the feelers <she> had cast. The moment Vindictacaught the fourth word of the Noise/Verse from their targeted world, <she> silenced it from reaching the twin fleet. ↳Superfluous.

As a being who was one with the vessel and had access to every piece of technology utilised by Myrmidon and Psyche, <she> still found it strange whenever the sentients treated <her> as though <she> was present. The phantasm of the form The Black Swallowtailfolded into a graceful curtsey as <she> regarded the man. “It is said that one cannot rush perfection,” the being quipped, the neutral set of <her> features and the colourless shade of <her> voice making it hard to discern the nuance behind the uttered words.

<She> fell silent as the Navarch and Supreme Sun Guardian conversed, more than content to listen and use their conjectures as the basis of <her> future interactions and behavioural analysis. It was not until Designation: Khonsu Amongave his assent that the mass-drivers turrets of Myrmidon and Psyche began to swivel once more under the invisible guidance of <her> consciousness, her calculations aiming them at the research outposts and stations that was scattered throughout the myriad moons of the system with enviable precision.

Almost as an afterthought, the automated bays began to rouse as Vindictaselected and loaded the magpulse torpedoes. A holographic projection outlining <her> suggestion and recommendations appeared before them. “On your word.

[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Cynthia Alucard"] | [member="Lynda Dorn"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] | [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] | [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"]​
[member="Prime"] | [member="Valery"] | [member="Ves Fett"] | [member="Erik Morkshna"]

[member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Adara Raxis"] | | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
[member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Flash Australis"] | [member="Kay Arenais"]
[member="Venandi"] | [member="Kanta Tukka"] | [member="Ruus"]
K O R _ V E X E N

Location | Approaching Bogden System
Objective | Assess the Situation
The UCM | Allies
The CIC | Adversaries
[member="Flash Australis"] | Direct Interaction

Vexen continued to stare out into the void of hyperspace as an officer approached him and the Vice Admiral, informing them that he Gehenna Fleet would soon find itself coming within range of scanners to the Bogden system. They were finalizing preparations as communications were sent out to the Mandalorians in charge of defenses. Vexen and his fleet came under the guise of investigating a disturbance that had set off the Sith Imperial battlenet, playing it off as allies coming to the aid of their allies. Mission parameters had already been given to his subordinates, namely the Red Legion who followed his commands without question for their arrival, though their use in the coming battle would be largely set to information and intelligence gathering from the shadows.

The Vice Admiral at his side would look over to Vexen before speaking, " Hmm...The Bogden system. From what the officer informed me, it appears that a hostile fleet is on approach. I'd say our arrival would be greatly appreciated. " The Vice Admiral offered a small smirk as he returned to glancing at the datapad given to him. Vexen merely responded with a subtle nod, before speaking, " And so the gears are set in motion Vice Admiral. We will be keeping our hostilities to a minimum till we have fully ascertained the situation. None of our own are to fire unless fired upon, lest they suffer my wrath. We will provide supplementary aid where required, not our military power unless all other options have been exhausted. Is that understood? " Vexen would turn his head to look down at the Vice Admiral, who was calm despite being in the presence of one of the most daunting Sith in the Imperial Military. The Vice Admiral simply smiled and nodded, " Of course Lord General. "

With that, a direct line of communication would be opened to Obroa-Skai, the planet regarded as the most defended in the system, and Vexen's ghostly hologram appearing to the young Australis who had taken it upon himself to take charge of the defenses that were not fully operational, " This is Lord General Kor Vexen of the Imperial Legion, coming to investigate a disturbance within the space of our allies in the United Clans of Mandalore. We are approaching the Bogden system and will be arriving shortly. For your sake, I hope you will fully inform us of the situation so that we may be of assistance in dealing with this issue swiftly. "
Objective: Right some wrongs.
Allies: Arguably everyone but UCM, [member="Ves Fett"], [member="Kad Munin"], [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: UCM


It had been...awhile. Time became relative the older she became, but it had been years since she’d participated in a battle of this scale, and truth be told, she missed them less and less as time passed on. War never really changed no matter your side, but at least this time Keira could say she was fighting for a cause that felt just, and at the end of the day that was all she could hold onto that made all of it any easier. The killing, the bodies lying piled, it was always the same.

Unlike Fett, her clan hadn’t been exiled. Before taking her new name she had pulled Verd from the Mandalorian Empire, unwilling to stand behind a Sole Ruler that worked so closely with the Sith and defiled everything her people stood for, refusing to heed every warning she’d given. They were a people better than that, stronger than it. Mandalorians were allies of no one and nothing, least of all those that had brought them ruin dozens of times over.

Maybe that was why she was here. Or maybe it was to smooth over the fact that she’d one pledged allegiance to Yasha’s empire, once stood side-by-side with the other woman as they took planet after planet. It wasn’t something she necessarily regretted, those battles. But it saddened her to see how misguided Yasha became. The Young Wolf had potential, and yet squandered it at the feet of the Sith. For that she had to pay.

When Ves spoke she looked to her from beneath her helmet, shaking her head with a glance to Munin. “Kid, I’ve been doing this nearly longer than you’ve been alive. I don’t know about Munin, but this is a fight I’m ready for. It’s been a long time coming.”
Deius Koman'na, The Slave
Location: Resurgent - Class Battlecruiser, “Guerdon.”
Status: Enslaved, tired
Allies/Enemies: A Slave only has a Master, [member="Khonsu Amon"]


News of their movements were hardly told to the majority of the slaves, those with the experience and tenure managed to get a hold of more information as they were valued higher than the rest. Even gaining a glimpse of an idea where they were heading was a luxury none could afford for the majority in the slave decks. Worse were those that were considered valued less of who they were before captured by the Sun Guard.

The rustling sounds of limbs echoed in the hallways as a larger slave shoved the once upon-a-time warrior to the ground, his golden hair darkened from lack of proper care and his body appeared none the better. Bruised marks and jagged lines of poorly healed wounds adorned his arms and legs, more of the worst bruises remained hidden beneath his shirt hidden from sight. Pained eyes though showed that no matter if covered by cloth, they were still there and reminded Deius who and what he was; nothing but living pain.

They were all captured by the Golden Company and many felt their freedoms robbed deserved to be compensated by the abuse of those considered lower than them, and Mandalorians were placed far below the caste system of slaves that had evolved within the ships of the Golden Armada.

Deius toddled along once he stood back up, his own punishment from a different slave already inflicted. The older slave had took offense to Deius’s past as a Mandalorian and here defeated warrior of Mandalore stood before them. . . Deius held barely the strength to stand and walk back to the sleep chambers given to them.

Deius clenched his teeth as he laid against an open space by one of the walls, his bruises protested against being pressed against but the coolness of the wall subsided much of the burning pain slightly. His hands pressed against his forehead, it felt too hot for it to be mere over-exhaustion but a fever this week would spell death if he slacked further with his job.

The guards that monitored them cared little for what becomes of the Mandalorian slaves they had captured, even less so now as Deius heard chatter and jokes of new influx of the barbarians being tossed into the slave holding dens.

They’re attacking the Mandalorians again? Deius thought, already his tired mind wished to shut down and sleep but memories surged into the front of his mind and once again the young slave bashed the back of his head against the wall. He knew he couldn’t shake these memories away, countless sleepless nights had proved to him that his past would never leave, his past would stay to forever haunt him.

Deius then let his head fall to be caught by his hands and cradled above his knees as his body tightened in hopes of becoming small enough to disappear. The Mandalorian had thought he was proud enough to remain unbroken, he had thought he could remain taut even when enslaved, but it all fell apart, just as the day he had lost his brother years ago. Lost just as how I am lost here as a slave, by another war and fighting for our Mand’alor.

The blame of his slavery belonged to the Golden Company, Deius would never say otherwise, but those who placed him in position to be captured solely laid in the hands of his once military leaders of Mandalore. Eshan burned as bright as Deius’s spirit, and in the end both withered into nothing significant like the ashes that followed the fires. Deius cared little of where they were heading or who the Golden Company fought, he only cared that perhaps another slave would take his place of being the punching bag here in his section of the ship.

. . .Or maybe something tears a whole in this side of the ship and sends me into the vacuum of space. . . perhaps then I can finally cool within the clutches of the cold void and join my brother in the darkness. . .

They were all captured by the Golden Company and many felt their freedoms robbed deserved to be compensated by the abuse of those considered lower than them, and Mandalorians were placed far below the caste system of slaves that had evolved within the ships of the Golden Armada.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Bogden surface, scientific outpost
Allies: UCM
Enemies: CIC and their allies

Kay followed along [member="Adara Raxis"] and her Porgs. She didn't have her helmet on, instead just keeping it clipped to her belt. So it was up to her grand-niece to lead the way through through the gravitational anomolies. "We all have to deal with bullies from time to time. It's just how things are. That doesn't make it right though and I'm glad that you are choosing this perfect way to beat her." It was far better than beating the girl up.

And then it hit. The wave of Darkness cause Kay to stop walking as the cold chill brought the hairs up on the back of her neck while the pit of her stomach sank. When did she get so Dark? She wasn't like that....before?

"I'm alright, dear. I just hit one of those bad pockets, I think. Maybe you could include me in your experiment as a bonus." She gave her a small smile.

But that soon faded as [member="Vanessa Vantai"] approached. The last time that Kay had seen her, it was while she was breaking the Sith blockade of Commenor's trade routes. What was she doing here??? Kay couldn't say anything about that situation at the momrnt. Not while her grand-niece was around. All that she allowed herself to say was "Hello."

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] approached the bunch of them next. And with a present to boot! Kay watched as Adara opened it. Two lightsabers were tucked inside, similar to the ones that [member="The Amalgam"] had gifted herself with not so long ago. She chewed onto her lip for a moment, doing her best to keep herself in check and under control, but there was so much Darkness around that she was starting to feel a little sick. Maybe it was all inside of her head?

And then there it was. A flash in the sky! Kay looked up and saw the reflection of multiple ships in the air above them. Uh oh....Perhaps this was why she felt so ill. They were going to be under attack!

"Adara...take hold of my hand, NOW! We have to go!" She didn't leave room for argument. Instead she grabbed hold of the girl's hand and held it firmly, looking to her guards. "RUN! We need to get back to the ships!!" Let the guards fight. It was their job. She needed to get her grand-niece out of danger.
Location: Bogden Surface, Temporary Scientific Outpost Kyr’ta
Allies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Valdus Bral"]
Enemies: CIC [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Lynda Dorn"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] @Scherezade de Winter [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] Valery [member="Ves Fett"] [member="Vindicta"] [member="Khonsu Amon"]
Equipment: Is in the bio

The Dentes Dracones emerged from hyperspace to a very much active battle in space as the enemies of the Clans of Mandalore had come to take a dieing world from there territories and began firing upon the civilian stations in orbit, He knew [member="Adara Raxis"] was there to try some of her experiments . He knew he had to get to them first before debris from any damage the stations suffer crash onto the planet or stray fire from the enemy ships strikes the surface. Using the brain power of the C1 Tactical droid to handle the quickest and safest path to the surface having the engines kick into max speed and shields, He had one goal in mind at the moment and that was to get down to the surface and get as many people off the planet as possible.

He sent a message to [member="Adara Raxis"] and her guards as well as [member="Kay Arenais"] and [member="Mig Gred"] as well as [member="Vanessa Vantai"] and [member="Valdus Bral"] and [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] to head towards his location as he landed as closely as he could to them and put as much power as he can into the shields in case of stray debris or ship fire it might not last against many shots but he hoped it would be enough for everyone to get on board so he can get them to safety before they become the next target of the enemy ships in orbit. He waited at the bottom of the ramp for them to show up, The ship should have enough space to hold them and get out of the line of fire other wise this will be a very very short trip back into space.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Aboard the Orar'buir en route to Research Facility 6 ( [member="Ruus"] )
Objective: Retrieve the personnel of Research Facility 6 while broadcasting a continuous planetary emergency broadcast to the rest of the surface facilities.
Allies: [member="Skorvek"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Ruus"] and all Clans of Mandalore or defenders.
Enemies: CIS, CIC, and their allies.

The banter about conquests on Nar Shadaa continued on for several minutes before it was interrupted by one of the communication officers speaking up, " Al'verde. There's a transmission from one of ours." Valdus turned away from the combat officers who now fell silent. The heavy foot steps came down one after the other as Valdus crossed the chamber and picked up the audio transmission receiver. The voice of Skorvek came through the receiver delivering his message for nearby research stations to be evacuated and something about an enemy fleet emerging above Bogden.

Meanwhile, the combat control officer who was near one of the large transparisteel windows looked up and saw the glint and shimmering of large metallic surfaces catching light in near orbit. " Al'verde...I think a fleet just jumped into planetary space..." The soldier's voice wasn't terrified, but fascinated and cautious. Valdus turned around and spoke calmly in his gruff voice, " Combat stations, verde. Shields at full, engage lock-down protocol, and get us to these coordinates." Valdus typed a series of coordinates into a navigational computer before walking over to the large throne like seat that was placed in the middle of the command chamber.

As Valdus took his seat the transpirsteel windows were slowly covered by segmented shutters meanwhile in the interior of the chamber several holographic and standard visual displays lined up giving everyone in the chamber a clear view of everything in their surrounding as if the windows were never blocked. A loud roar and a lurch ensued as the massive engines of the Orar'buir came to life and began to move the large command center forward.

Valdus issued another order, " Relay this information to all of the facilities we can on the emergency channel." As a mobile command center the Orar'buir was capable of sending, receiving, and relaying transmissions on a planetary scale or into orbit. Within moments any facility with access to the emergency frequency would be replayed this message in an infinite loop: " An unknown hostile force has appeared over Bogden. Find cover within designated safe zones such as bunkers or subterranean facilities."

Several minutes passed as the Orar'buir crashed through swamp vegetation and digging large trenches with its pair of wide treads. Unlike most Juggernaut Class transports, the Orar'buir's movement mechanism was not tires but treads, which provided a large combat advantage over tires in a variety of scenarios such as a swamp plant's surface.

" Which research facility are closest to?" Asked Valdus.

" Research Station Six, Al'verde, about three minutes out." Replied the chief communication officer.

"Tell them to meet us outside in three minutes, bring everyone they can."


" Take us to Research Station Six." Valdus commanded the pilot of the Orar'buir, who responded with the typical affirmation and did as he was ordered.

"Research Station Six, this is the Orar'buir under command of Alor Valdus Bral of the Bral Clan. We are en route to your location for immediate evacuation. Bring all those that you can. Estimated time of arrival is three minutes." The chief communication officer's voice would pour out of any comm units or links that were monitoring the emergency frequencies.

Valdus knew that the indiscriminate bombardment of the surface would likely begin before he was able to reach the evacuation point after stopping to pick up the personnel of Research Facility Six, however the Orar'buir was a tough beast of a machine, fully capable of taking several direct hits from conventional ship-mounted artillery due to it's incredible durability. Either Valdus would be able to get everyone onto the ship or they would have to try and dodge mass driver and/or turbolaser volleys as much as possible while staying within the Orar'buir, which was not a particularly agile vehicle. They were in a tough situation and their best hope was for someone to take the attention off the surface by engaging the enemy fleet in space.



Location: Research Station 6, Bogden
Allies: UCM & Allies, [member='Valdus Bral']
Enemies: CIC & Allies
Mandalorian Guard Uniform (Captain)
Mandalorian Guard Blaster Resistant Shield
WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
Stun Baton
5 Steel Restraints

Ruus was manning his office, which was really just a table with a holocomm fixed to it, which lay in a corner of the first floor. It soon rustled to light and an image of the UCM sigil appeared. The transmission was that of Clan Bral announcing to the research stations scattered over the planet that they were in danger. Immediately following the sigil reappeared and a the direct message from Clan Bral was received by Ruus "I understand. We'll be ready when you arrive."

The Captain stood up quickly from his desk and turned behind him to what essentially was the fire alarm, and pulled it. Flashing red lights lit up the interior of the station as claxons sounded. Ruus made his way into one of the labs "Gather your research. We are evacuating this station. You have three minutes." as he turned to walk away one of the worried geologists asked "Why? What's happened?" to which Ruus responded shortly "We are being attacked, sir." and walked of the lab. He was greeted by the other Guards to who he explained the situation. After which the Guards including Ruus began to move crates of test gear and other necessaries out of the labs in a form of a human conveyor belt, stacking the crates neatly in front of the door.

It was not all so simple however. A particular scientist was adamant about continuing her research "Let go! I'm on the verge of a new breakthrough! I've been working on this one project for six months!" to which Ruus replied "Your well being is more important than this boulder, miss." This was not what she wanted to hear "Boulder?! This 'boulder'-" she made air quotes "Captain is harboring what very well be sentient life! Previously undiscovered!" Ruus folded his arms in skepticism "What's sentient, miss?" she quickly gestured around the five foot round stone "The.. The!" her fingers wiggled feverishly over the surface, and Ruus interrupted "The moss?" she balled her fists while looking down at the boulder "Yes! The moss! Its not moss, its more like a lichen but it can probably hear us right now, I saw it move! It knows shapes like this datapad!" when she turned around Ruus grabbed both of her wrists and cuffed them "Its for your own good." and began dragging her across the floor as she frantically tried to resist "No! Let me go!" Ruus passed another Guard who he whispered to "Get a dish or something with some of that moss on the boulder, this one has been around too much swamp gas I think."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Allies: [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Mig Gred"]
Enemies: ???

"Vanessa Vantai. I'm a Sith Lord." Vanessa was mildly perturbed that Yasha had never told her daughter exactly who she was. "A scientist Buir met once" was very much something that frustrated her. Besides, how was she to achieve her future aims if Adara had no clue who she was? The sight of Kay, however, did make her smile. "Don't worry, Kay. You're not Commenori anymore and I have no quarrel with you. Assuming you're here to assist the research we're working on..." She paused for a moment, noticing the overhead flashes of ships exiting hyperspace. Something felt wrong - it wasn't in the Force sense of 'feeling,' but in the gut sense of something appearing to be wrong. Vanessa looked at Kay and immediately began to practically bore a hole through the overly nervous woman.

"Kay... no, just no." She said. "Firstly, going back to the ships is a terrible idea given I'm almost certain whatever those hostiles are will be dropping dropships and fighters on us. They will also gun us down the moment we try to return to space. What we need to do is stay here and guard the facility from attack, perhaps shore up the defenses while we can." As she spoke, without removing her eyes from Kay, she sent a brief message to her crew aboard the Ablution, telling them to send word to the Maldrood ships at the rallying point about their being needed at Bogdan. "Besides, have more faith in Adara. The Smolstralis can definitely take care of herself - and if not, well... she has me." Vanessa said. "That said... we need to get one of the nebular torpedo prototypes up there." She pointed to space.


Allies: ???
Enemies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Vindicta"]

The captain of the Ablution would receive Vanessa's message and immediately retransmit it to the ships at the nearby rallying point within the sector. It would take a few minutes for them to arrive, and in the meantime, he would need to stall. A hail would immediately be sent to the Thyrsian vessels.

"Thyrsian vessels, this is the Sith battleship Ablution, Void Irregular Fleet. This planet is currently under protection by forces of the Sith Empire. We are currently testing new weapon prototypes on the world's surface. Any fire opened upon the planet or its installations, as well as this ship, will be recorded as an attack against Sith infrastructure. If such an attack occurs, we will be forced to defend the Sith assets on this planet and will classify you as hostile. Transmission of your attack on Sith infrastructure will be sent to Bastion, any contracts you have with the Empire will be terminated, and you will be deemed enemies of the state by the Sith Empire, hunted wherever you are encountered. Power down your weapons and leave the sector." The Ablution itself was fully armed and ready to fire, its shields up and fighters ready to launch, but would likely be unable to defend against any incurring hostile fleet on its own. Hopefully, the Thyrsians would see reason instead of making the brash decision.
Location: Planet Side Obora-Skai
Objective: Do stuff
Allies: UMC & Friends & [member="Cardinam"]
Enemies: CIS, CIC, anything else that is a C acronym


There was some sort of argument happening in the background. Fiore didn’t bother to listen in. The likely suspects were some of the more colorful of the crew she had found herself to be a part of. Leaning back against one of the walls of the hanger they had been stationed in, the Eldorai woman peered towards a man who looked to be in his twenties, but grey was already ‘settling’ in. His hands waved in a grand gesture and she signed softly. Those grand gestures only meant that he was being challenged.

“No!” A voice echoed trying to be louder than the smaller female he was arguing with. Light laughter came from the woman as her silken white hair was twisted up into a ponytail as she retorted. “It’s in the energy source you moron. Just think about it, it’s how it works so just accept it” Following her statement, Kirkland stomped his feet in a tantrum. Fiore decided to walk away at that point. It was already embarrassing they were so loud and drawing attention to themselves. Though as she walked by, she smiled and headed towards the food stalls that were setting up, preparation for the lunch or dinner rush.

Admiring the booths, Fiore mentally organized which ones she would visit. A thought occurred to her that she should probably ask the locals about what they had come to this planet for. It was a fabled and famous cookbook that only had one copy. This was a library world, so it had to be here. Her stomach growled as she thought about the book and what it was rumored to contain.

As her stomach growled and the Eldorai daydreamed, a stocky older man came up to her. His frown said everything he wanted to say. Fiore sighed and nodded. “I know, they never stop till one agrees the other is right. Which…” she paused with a sigh. “Is never.” A light chuckle and she decided it was best to head back. As she began walking back with the strong and silent navigator, sirens alerted the hanger and its inhabitants. People began to scramble, yelling and screaming shattered the business of the area. “Uh oh.” As the pair ran towards the other’s Fiore opened a comm line to the one that was missing.

[Hey! Is it a possibility that there are others looking for what we are looking for? Is this lasagna stuff really that ground breaking, earth shattering good?! Because something or someone is coming so you should finish up whatever you’re doing and get back!]
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Allies: UCM, Kay Arenais , Adara Raxis , Sanya Val Lerium , [member="Skorvek"] , [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: CIC, CIS, Scherezade deWinter , [member="Khonsu Amon"]
Post 2
Equipment: Trayc'kad Lightsaber, "Slick," Armor, Echani Vibrosword

Mig finally felt the same darkness that had plagued Kay, and looked up to see the small glints she did. Osik! He instictually pulled his Trayc'kad and ignited the lightsaber blades. They were coming. They were.... Bombarding.... He couldn't see the bolts, but the flashes of explosions were visible. After the storm that came to Mandalore because of Eshan someone dared to orbitally bombard anything?! This scared him. It honestly scared him. It was then that he got a message from Skorvek. Skor was a vod Mig had a lot of trust in, so he turn to the others, yelling "Skorvek has a ship coming in! Enigma-class. I'm heading that way if anyone else would like to join me." And with that he ran.

Ever since Eshan, Mig had developed a fear of dying like Ordan did. By an explosion. A bombardment was close enough to that. He ran for the Dentes, checking everyone else running that way. He waited. He wasn't leaving anyone that was coming. He motioned for everyone to hurry, and once they were on board, he followed. "Skor, thanks every kinda higher power and force there is."

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