Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hear Me Roar; Imperial Confederation Invasion of Bogden


Location: Aboard Lady Raaf's Vessel
Objective: Board the Titanic

  • [member="Flash Australis"]
  • [member="Kaine Australis"]
  • [member="Mig Gred"]
  • [member="Cardinam"]
  • [member="Fiore de Noir"]
  • [member="Taeli Raaf"]
  • [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
  • [member="Tanomas Graf"]
  • [member="Valery"]
  • [member="Haastal Verd"]
  • [member="Vilaz Munin"]
  • [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"]
  • [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"]
  • [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"]

"Your will is my command, Lady of Secrets."

Gilad rose and curtly turned away from Sith Lady, his pack falling in behind him as they swept from the bridge. Silently they stalked down the corridors of the HIMS Dosuun, dampeners in their armor muffling their footfalls despite the speed at which they moved. Couriers and other non-combat personnel were well-reasoned to stay out of there way, moving to the side or ducking into an adjacent corridor and waiting out there passing.

They would not cease in their implacable advance until they reached one of the Resurgent's ancillary hangar bays, where a multitude of boarding pods had been arrayed for their transference to the Lucrehulk battlecruiser. Numbering twenty-four in all, each pod could carry ten soldiers comfortably. That meant that two-hundred-and-forty soldiers would be dispatched, including the Iron Wolves, to knock out the enemy battleship. Sixty of the soldiers would be the Iron Wolves themselves, while specially chosen Imperial Legionnaires would make up the remaining one-hundred-and-eighty; an entire company led by a Captain wearing a striped shoulder-pauldron.

Nothing needed to be said to the Legionnaires, they had received their instructions separately over their helmet communications. The Iron Wolves possessed no such technology in their own helmets, their Gurlanin physiology allowed them to communicate telepathically with each other. Hand signals would be sufficient enough to relay information between the two groups if need be, but Gilad doubted the Iron Wolves would need much aid from the Legionnaires.

Each team entered their pods and strapped themselves in, counting down the seconds as each pod was launched from the warship's bay and zoomed through empty space toward the Titanic.



Armor: Auxila Combat Suit
Weapons: Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade
Status: Confident yet Hesitant
Allies: [member="Khonsu Amon"]| [member="Vindicta"] | The Golden Company & Core Imperial Confederation
Enemies: [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] | The United Clans of Mandalore

Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis III "Gladius"

"I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find my place, a new place to call home. Among all...all of this karking crap. Then, at least...I will know if I deserved to live."
Illyria Syresh


<>[Alert; {Unknown object} approaching {Bogden System} through hyperspace]<>

Digital lettering of red broke out across a computer display, to the right of the screen laid a secondary screen of an overhead, radar view of the system. The vessels of Classis I, Classis II, and Classis III were represented as golden triangles on the screen and all vessels marked as ‘potentially hostile’ were displayed as orange triangles. At the edge of the circular ring that the radar was scanning outwards from the Athenian, a large red triangle popped up, blinking in and out as though it was difficult to detect traveling through hyperspace. The individual at the computer station looked over the settings for less than a second, his mind abuzz with the recent information from the scanners. The vessels could land anywhere truly, though the officer approximated that whatever was approaching, that it would enter close to the edge of the system, if not, somewhere close to Classis III. The thyrsian male assumed what was approaching their gravity well was an enemy fleet of some sort, what else could it be after all? A purrgil was unlikely, they were creatures that were rarely seen...they wouldn’t be here. Right?

Hyperspace rupture detected...unknown vessels entering our gravity well. Approximated location, above us or to our aft.

Tag them as hostiles, hold-fire until my say-so. Officer, notify Classis I and Classis II of the sudden hyperspace rupture and it’s approximated location within our gravity well. I want to snuff out any Mandalorian mongrels as quickly as possible.

The officer gave a simple ‘Acknowledged, mam,’ before following suit after her orders. The comms officer from earlier relayed a message to the command vessels of Classis I and Classis II, utilizing a rudimentary binary communication channel which was encrypted to try and ensure the safeguarding of communication channels. Though such a thing may not have been the most secure option at hand, it was the fastest available. The spread of information quickly was needed, such a thing was a necessity when fighting. Time could not be wasted with little things, as any waste of time could cause errors and lapses in judgment...failures that could stop everything they’ve fought for. He had been aboard plenty of vessels before the Athenian, the officer knew which was the wisest option. Security and solace in what was being done, while something that was undeniably a good opportunity to take, speed and the call to action better within tense situations where things were not known.

As soon as the message had been sent, an unknown conglomerate of vessels appeared in front of Classis III. What few reconnaissance drones that were in place close to the fleet began to scan the vessels. The readings were instantly transferred to the Athenian where they were identified. The vessels...were of Sith-Imperial design. The finding of this ‘Crimson Command’ was transferred to the HUD of Illyria’s golden faceplate, allowing her to process the information independently.

The Sith Empire is here? But we’re allies, aren’t we? At least, the Sith utilize the Golden Company for many encounters so they do have need of us. They wouldn’t dare threaten us, threaten Khonsu, would they?

Illyria wasn’t allowed to think on the matter any longer as Vindicta connected all vessels on the same network...just as the vessels of Classis II, or ‘Psyche,’ began to open fire on the sith vessels. The woman did not know what to do, yet she followed suit after her ally.

Bring our port-side to face these Sith-Imperial vessels, then open broadsides and fire at their Star Destroyers. Don’t let up until I give the order.

The vessels of Gladius began to turn in position, angling their port-side towards the Sith vessels which sat in space, flanked in front by Classis I and Classis II and behind by Classis III. Even though Illyria was no tactical genius, she knew this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. And it was a foolish thing for the Sith to do, she questioned the resolve and tactical prowess of the admiral, whomever he or she was, that was in command of this fleet of hostile vessels. Magpulse warheads unloaded from their launchers, firing off in a billow of liquid, white vapor that dissipated within seconds of leaving the exhaust of the warheads. Warhead after warhead was launched, glazing the broadside of Gladius in dozens of white lines, all heading towards the aft of the Star Destroyers of the Crimson Command. From the warheads came the unbillowing of missile octlets, intruder missiles launched out from their housings...flying towards the larger vessels of Crimson Command. They were linked to hit shield generators, at least, the supposed areas where shield generators were. Without the schematics of the enemy vessels readily available, the design schematic fro the previous versions were used to try and increase accuracy instead of firing blindly. At least, that was the hope that it would work.

<>[Alert; {Hostile Fighters} approaching {Classis I, Golden Company Dropships}]<>

The message was relayed to Illyria. She paused for a moment, before relaying that any nearby reconnaissance drones provide a view of the area. After doing so, Ion Cannons were primed and their aiming trajectories fixed and angled. The drones helped to predict the flight-path of the hostile fighters and to calculate where to aim to hit the fighters. Blue jets of ionic energy shot forthwith from the ion cannons, following live calculations of projected flight paths to lead the ion shots. Even if the shots missed the fighters, they were still ionic shots nonetheless...a small burst of EMP energy would emit from a missed shot, hopefully disabling everything close to it in a spherical area.

Activate the Interdiction field, we can’t allow anyone to escape.

After a few moments, the interdiction field generator in the Perysian began to whirl to life, the interior of the metal cocoon of a vessel echoing with the sound of whirling machinery and the whining and humming of artificial gravity generators.

| Actions Taken |
1. 'Crimson Command' marked as hostile

2. 'Gladius' vessels turned at an angle, port-side facing 'Crimson Command'

3. Mag-pulse Warheads and Intruder Missiles fired at Crimson Command

4. Reconnaissance Drones moved to give live-feedback of hostile fighters intercepting Golden Company dropships

5. Ion bolts fired at enemy fighters with leading shots

6. Interdiction field of the 'Perysian' activated
Location: Corsin Run - Bodgen Intra-System Gulf; Bogden’s High Orbit.
Objective: Draw out the Mandalorian Forces, and Secure the System.
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation.
Enemies: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis I, and Aurek Security Echelon.


Whilst the Supreme Sun Guardian removed himself from the Guerdon's command deck, Astarii Saren found her eyes flicking back towards the terminal implanted in her throne. Several curious anomalies begged for her attention. The first was a low-band transmission from the planet, that speared out into the darkness, doubtlessly calling for aid. Though the attempt was made to bypass their detection, such an act would've worked if their drone network wasn't previously established. In layman's terms, the transmission was akin to a conversation overheard through flimsiplast walls. Where you could barely hear what was said - but you know something was spoken. The Navarch didn't know the contents of that message, but as it was sent out from the planet's broken surface? Well, it wasn't hard to guess. She was just glad that someone finally went about calling for reinforcements. The significant lack of opposition was taking its toll on her psyche, but that was now slated to change.

The other anomaly was more of a surprise than anything. It seemed that the Mandalorians had starships on the surface of the twenty moons, and the planet proper. That was curious. Did they seek to play the innocent bystander card in this bout? To stand idly by while their attackers despoiled the planet below? She wasn't sure. In fact, everything about this incursion was starting to feel wrong. The Mandalorians were acting uncharacteristically passive in regards to the breach of their territory, and the unauthorized bombardment afterwards. Perhaps, there had been a massive cultural shift in the aftermath of Eshan; one that wasn't publicly addressed and happened behind the intergalactic scenes. Astarii couldn't say, nor would she bother spending the time to divine the truth for there were better things to focus on.

Those better things came mere moments after a build-up of Cronau radiation was detected. Nearly fifteen ships suddenly flickered back into reality within a mockery of pseudomotion, and each of them bore the markings of the Sith Empire. Usually, such an arrival would be met with fear and panic - ships scattering off into the dark in the hopes of living another day. However, the Thyrsian fleet simply began to shift, orienting themselves with maneuvering thrusters to face their newfound enemies. As their combined weapons began tracking through the darkness and aiming at the Guerdon - the combined might of nearly three fleets turned towards the collection of warships sworn to the Crimson Command. They were outnumbered, and they were outgunned.

In addition to those two points, they were also outmaneuvered by their own actions, which placed them amidst a deadly crossfire.

As they took their places atop the board and readied themselves for the first move, the massive battlecruiser known as the Heresiarch issued yet another ultimatum. It seemed this… offshoot of Sith-Imperial forces relished flaunting their alleged authority in territory that wasn't theirs. They also revelled in making impossible demands and hoping that their enemies were cowed by their adherence to the ancient Tarkin doctrine. "If I had a credit for every person that issued an ultimatum to me and mine, I'd be wealthier than I already am." Astarii's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she spoke those words.

"Comms," she commanded. "Open a channel to the Heresiarch. They've annoyed me enough to offer a rebuttal."

The Officer stationed at the primary Communication terminal looked at his Navarach and nodded, signalling that the connection was established. Doubtlessly they were looking for an immediate response and one that involved the immediate cessation of hostilities. They were likely to be surprised by what came next.

"To the Cur commanding the Heresiarch. I hate to point out the inaccuracies of your newest ultimatum, but we are not in breach of our contract with the Sith Empire. As this world - until moments ago - was not designated as a secure facility, let alone an advanced weapons research installation." She smiled then, slightly disappointed that the nameless Sith-Imperial Officer couldn't see her scarred face. "A competent commander would think about updating such information in Sith-Imperial records and informing the Clans of this territory's political shift. Your claims of treason and traitorous rancour are also unfounded. Perhaps I should give you a brief lesson in what a Mercenary is? We are paid to fight, and our only Loyalties are to our own - as well as the highest bidder."

She laughed then. "So, go ahead and transmit your message to Bastion. Your comrades will mock what's left of your cold corpse before they even have a chance to leave you with a read receipt."

Soon after those words eclipsed her lips, the connection was terminated.

As the curtain of muted silence began to creep in, it was swiftly banished by the soft pulses of the warning klaxons that echoed throughout the command deck. The sound wasn't loud enough to drown out the shouted commands of the various Officers that populated the bridge, nor the voices speaking in compliance after that. However, it was partially distracting to the Thychani Navarach, as she tried to focus on the continually updating details of the holographically rendered battlefield. The woman blinked, and nearly missed the arrival of something that she couldn't place. There wasn't a cronau radiation spike near the planet's surface, but a battlecruiser suddenly appeared from nowhere. From their drone's readings, both from the visual spectrum and digital one - it seemed to be nothing more than a wreck; a warship slain in another age and given life.

While it was considered impossible, by most conventional schools of thoughts, the infinite mysteries of the Force tended to eschew such conventions. So, through means unknown, a warship of the damned roused itself from the ashes of whatever hell the Mandalorian people ascribed too, to defend their people. That was an exciting notion. Especially since the living Scions of Mandalore seemingly refused to stand and fight. Thus, they must've called upon their ancestors to do it for them - showing them how real warriors defended their hearth and home. Astarii chuckled, silently. If they were to go down, at least they could say that they went down fighting those worthy of calling themselves Mandalorian - even if they were the spectral dead.

Location: Hangar Deck, “Guerdon” Resurgent - Class Battlecruiser -> Bogden, Orbital Transit Corridor.
Transport: TTH/CCS-002 "Vahakn" - Class Dropship; Loadout Aurek.

In the time it had taken the Master of the Sun Guard to reach the hangar deck, the man’s dropship was prepared for departure. Its raptorial stature thrummed with activity, as weapon systems were cycled live, and the automated systems within readied themselves to dust off the flight deck. When the Thyrsian Warlord reached the boarding ramp, his eyes - shrouded now by the false-firelight of his visor - found themselves dancing across the wretched faces of the gathered slaves. Every one of them had been Mandalorian in another life; serving their ill-fated Empire in some manner or another. However, they had been bested by his Sun Guards and were taken into their custody. Some claimed that the Mandalorian soul was akin to beskar, that it was firm and unyielding. Yet, when the Thyrsian looked into the eyes of the cowering, wretched beings before him - he saw nothing but fear. They were nothing without their armour.

He scoffed at that notion. While the Sun Guard themselves relished and revered their battle armour, they were still a capable fighting force without it. They, like their Mandalorian rivals, were trained for what seemed like a lifetime in the myriad arts of war. However, while the Thyrsians were weaned on stories of glories yet unearned, it appeared these alleged warriors were spoon-fed stories of their ancestors; making them soft. They were given everything they needed to succeed and were without fear of what life would’ve been like without struggling against the odds. Khonsu himself heard the stories about the Mandalorians once. He heard about how fearsome they were in battle, and how awestruck he was when he saw the holovids as a child; before being enslaved months later. By the Suns, were they strong then.

“Secure these wretches,” Khonsu ordered. “I don’t want to break the merchandise before I make it to the surface.”

By his command, the Sun Guards set about carrying out his will. It wasn’t long after they were stowed away that the dropship was sealed for flight. Khonsu himself grabbing hold of overhanging bars, and magnetically sealing himself to the deck. He, along with the dropship, was prepared. In recognition of their collective readiness, the voidcraft dusted off from the once-polished surface of the flight deck and speared out into the darkness beyond with engines roaring into the silence of space. As soon as they broke past the atmospheric shielding that protected the myriad deckhands from void exposure, the military transport was surrounded by an entire squadron of Thyrsian Interceptors.

It was there, out in the nothingness of the void, that the dropship - along with the established combat air patrols - found themselves assailed by pilots with a deathwish. While many bystanders would believe that what stunts the Sith-Imperial strike craft pulled wouldn’t put the Thyrsian pilots in danger - they’d be incorrect. Discharging weapons along projected flight paths, and attempting to cause collisions between voidcraft was justifiably considered a hostile gesture. Therefore, the Thyrsians would respond in kind. The assembled mercenary starfighters cycled their starfighters arms live, and began engaging their targets with mounted disruptors, or solar ionization armament. With their close proximity and advantage in speed, and technical systems, rather than maneuverability - it was only a matter of time until the gathered host of Sith-Imperial strike craft were scattered to the solar wind.

The vessels that sought to harass the dropships - of which there were only a handful found themselves outpaced by the nimble Thyrsian craft. As they were left behind in the celestial dust, the weapon systems integrated into the dropships cycled into an active state; shooting at their would-be attackers with their laser cannons and the integrated nano missile pods. Whatever starships that followed after the Thyrsian dropships that made planetfall, or were in the process of doing so, would be harassed by squadron after squadron of Thyrsian Interceptors. Those strike craft would be primarily armed with matter-destroying disruptor cannons and fuselage-mounted solar ionization cannons, which would render the advantages bequeathed by shields and armour-plating inert.

Khonsu saw all of this, at least in a text-based format, roll across the surface of his visor. He watched as the starfighters of the Golden Company, and their Sith-Imperial counterparts danced in the heavens above Bogden. He also saw how the ‘Myrmidon’s and ‘Psyche’ were poised to launch their own strikes against the newly arrived Crimson Command. With the latter stitching the stars with highly ionized plasma; seeking to disable the proverbial swarm of Sith-Imperial starfighters filling the stars. Those ionnic shots were soon joined by the might of several Starships from ‘Gladius.’ He also noted that the warships of the Crimson Command were locking their collective, energetic fury onto the Guerdon. It seemed they paid little heed to what transpired over the moon of Pantora, as that barrage would do little more than wound themselves - rather than the Thyrsian Battlecruiser.

Much like the venom expelled by Astarii, perhaps they would finally learn just how deadly the Guerdon was when their own weapons were turned against them.

When the dropship, and it’s escorting starfighters, struck the atmosphere, Khonsu heard the voice of Vindicta echo through his helmet. It seemed that she decided to send a shard of her consciousness alongside the Supreme Sun Guardian after all. Her words were that of surprise - flecked with confusion. She, alongside a majority of the fleet, bore witness to the Mandalorian Battlecruiser suddenly appearing from the darkness of space. By all conventional rights, that ship should’ve been dead. With his knowledge and occult practices of the Sith, it probably was slain in some long-forgotten battle. Animated by the ancient will of a warrior people seeking to defend their descendants. “A ship of the dead,” Khonsu began, as his dark eyes devoured the information dancing across his visor. “I’d wager the ship’s systems are still running hot, even if it’s crewed by the damned and filled with holes.”

“Vindicta,” He called out, knowing that she would hear what he had to say. “Order the fleet to engage that Ghost Ship if those spirits decide to attack our formation. If this is all the Mandalorian’s can muster to defend their worlds - then so be it. We’ll kill their ancestors and descendants alike.”

“Oh, and do inform our paymasters that the Sun has risen, they’ll likely relish the chance for Glory.”
| [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vindicta"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | @Deius Koman’na | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Kay Arenais"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]| [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Ruus"] | [member="Kanta Tukka"] | [member="Venandi"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] |​





The droid, with its attending units had stepped from the landing craft. Having selected its own long range blaster, Prime was moving through the local area to the shuttle. Taking notice of where it was, Prime was moving and heading towards where enemies were identified. It didn’t know nor care what was ahead. If it moved, shots would be fired. If they returned shots, the Prime and Hydra War Droids would remove it from the field. The units were very effective in coordination of their attack. When a leader Hydra was around, the smaller droids would act as an extension, a networked unit of droids.

But currently? Their destination was set for the starport.

A message was sent out to its human controllers and the likes of [member="Scherezade deWinter"] as to where the CIS hardware was moving. Simple and programmed.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Evacuation Point on Bogden
Objective: Get the researchers off the surface or into a secure location. Receive new objectives.
Enemies: CIS Allies
Allies: [member="Skorvek"] , [member="Ruus"] , [member="Adara Raxis"] , [member="Kay Arenais"] , UCM Allies


One may think driving through a heavily wooded swamp planet would be a rather bumpy and unpleasant ride, this was not the case however. Due to the Orar'buir's immense weight and power, the ride was fairly smooth, an almost serene atmosphere lingered within the mighty vehicle. When [member="Ruus"] asked his question Valdus replied after a second of silence, " From the brief reports I recieved there is a large fleet of Confederate ships above us. There are also other ships that are working alongside of them, likely mercenaries of some sort. What they want with this sty of a planet, I'm not sure."

As [member="Ruus"] began to talk about the signal Valdus' cheif communication officer spoke up, "Alor, we're being questioned on how long until we arrive at the evacuation point." Valdus turned to his cheif comms officer, unable to turn his head and really see anything due to his cumbersome neckplating. He addressed his pilot, "How long?" The pilot responded quickly, " We're just about there, not more than another minute, Alor." Valdus then spoke to the communication officer, "Relay that. We'll be there shortly." The communication officer then began to respond to the C1-Tactical droid with their estimated time of arrival being roughly now.

A few seconds later the Orar'bur burst out of the swampy forests and into the clearing within eyesight of [member="Skorvek"] 's ship. Mud, wood debris, and rocks sprayed forward as the Orar'buir mounted the slightly more firm and less densely wooded area. The sound of the engines heralded it's arrival as well as the sounds of forest being crushed under the massive treads. As the Orar'buir got closer to the ship Valdus spoke over his own local commlink to [member="Skorvek"] , " There's non-combatants in here. [member="Ruus"] will escort them out." Valdus looked towards Ruus. Unless Ruus protested the same Sergeant would show him the way back to his guard squad and assets. "Are we abandoning the surface? That's no skirmish, it's a blockade - even I can see that from here." With so many ships in near orbit, it was impossible not to see the star's reflection being reflected off the ships and presenting a shimmering field in the sky.

Valdus had to wonder if the galaxy had become so dull for the rest of the factions that they would send what seemed like their full force at worthless frontier planet. One could only imagine that Obroa-Skai , a place of actual strategic value, had been hit worse. However, that planet was heavily defended, a veritable fortress planet. Could a fleet wasting this many assets truly muster enough additional ships and infantry to take such a world? He had no way to tell what the battles in space were like or who the siege of Obroa-skai had been favoring, all he could do was wait. This had not been like the invasion of Eshan where their enemies came down to meet him and his soldiers in combat, but a different sort of warfare, one of more strength through volume tactics rather than displays of battlefield strength through skill. Their enemies would choose to surprise their forces on an agricultural planet and then try to overwhelm will excessive numbers. These thoughts boiled over and materialized as, " Hut'uun." The word for cowards in Mando'a.

Location: Bogden, Low Orbit > Approaching Thrysian Fleet
Allies: UCM; [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Sanya Val Lerium"], [member="Flash Australis"], [member="Taeli Raaf"],
Enemies: CIS; [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Vindicta"], [member="Illyria Syresh"], [member="Arash Garshasp"], [member="Cynthia Alucard"],
Objective: Establish Dominance
Forces: 1x Alor-class Ghost Ship

Upon his throne, in the heart of his Mausoleum, surrounded by dead that do not lay still, Rygel Larraq willed his ship forward. Spectral light filled the conical shape of long silent ion drives and the great vessel began a smooth and silent acceleration. No ion trail polluted the heavens in its wake, nor did any gravitic anomaly spawn ahead of the vessel to move its bulk through the void. It simply... moved. Within the heart of the Mausoleum (yes, that is the name of the ship. Yes I know I'm being extra.), Rygel Larraq was dissatisfied with the performance of his vessel. "More." He said as he clanked the tip of his sword against the deck plating once more. Lightning flowed from the blade, scattering through the metal plating of the floor. Sparks leaped from the long dead control stations about the bridge and lights in the ceiling sputtered to life, those of them that were still intact anyway. Elsewhere within the ship, a partially melted reactor flared to life, sans proper containment fields, flooding the ship's void-touched corridors with fire and toxic death.

As the fiery light filled the vessel and toxic radiation flooded the sensors of nearby ships, so too did the Ion Drives of the long dead ship roar to life. As the three fully functional ion drives spat forth ionized plasma into the void, the Mausoleum increased the rate of its acceleration towards the enemy fleet. <Not enough.> Larraq thought to himself. He knew the Alor-class like he would have known his own children, had he ever had any. She could do better. And dead or otherwise, he would not accept an inferior performance from the ship now. "More." Rygel Larraq said again, this time focusing his attention and otherworldly senses not upon the ship itself, but upon the sword he held in his hands. His will, fueled by the Manda that gave his soul form, enhanced by the emotional scars that infused the very ship he sat upon, and by the various force-rich trinkets that surrounded him, was channeled through the sword in his hands, just as his runi'verd sister had taught him... The Mausoleum shuttered as her insides twisted and contorted. Every nut and bolt of the ship had a place it belonged. A place that Rygel Larraq knew by heart. And all at once, what bits and pieces still remained, were dragged back into their proper place. Collapsed hallways reformed, with Mandalorian Steel beams bending back in place as crushed ducts and conduits snaked back to their assorted positions and ballooned out to their intended dimensions. Nuts and bolts lifted from the floor and drifted back to their rightful places. Huge sheets of metal lifted from where they had been embedded in walls and drifted through the raging fire of the exposed reactor, reforming the containment shell as mechanical and electronic components churned and twisted and reformed themselves. The reactor containment field sputtered to life once again and the fires at the heart of the Mausoleum raged in protest at being restrained once again.

The remaining ion drive sputtered to life as the last of its component parts slid into place, and the great hulk assumed its proper rate of acceleration as it raced towards those who would threaten the Mando'ade. Upon its hull, ragged holes filled from within as twisted and contorted metal plating rolled itself flat once again. Gaping wounds still remained upon the hull of the ship, but these too were slowly filling in as material from deeper within the Mausoleum rose up to reform a protective exterior.

"Sensors are picking up ultraviolet distortions around hostile ships." Reported one of the spectral figures to Larraq's left. The regeneration of the vessel halted as Larraq's attention shifted from the sword in his hands to the crewmember on his bridge. "Show me." Larraq said, taking in the sight of his partially restored bridge, cracked display screens fluttering with activity once again. On one such display, one of the enemy ships was highlighted and magnified to fill the screen. The ship was shiny and gold, the light of the stars glittering upon its skin. Instantly, Larraq knew that Solar Ionization Weapons must have become popular in the time he had been gone. But around the ship, impossibly fast pulses of light seemed to sparkle and radiate from numerous directions all at once. Larraq paused for a moment, taking in the sight before a single sound escaped his airless lips. "Oh." He said simply as he continued to stare at the screen, doing the sort of quick mental calculations that had allowed him to build an industrial empire and dominate the stars during his lifetime.

"They're using tight-beam laser pulses to communicate." Larraq said flatly. "Either someone in their design team wasn't communicating with the rest, or the reflective plating was an afterthought. Or the commanders didn't understand the tactical limitations of their own fleet. Either way... They may have no idea that their ships are broadcasting data." Larraq said as he continued to stare at the twittering light that surrounded the ship. Pressing a newly functional button, Larraq zoomed out the display and took in the sight of the entire enemy fleet, strung wide in a blockading formation. "Get the computers working on these pulses. I want the messages decoded and decrypted as soon as possible."

As his ship raced towards the enemy fleet, Larraq's mind worked as quick as it ever had, and did so without a crippling dependency upon stimcaf. His own fleet had made heavy use of tight-beam laser comms when he was alive. More so, his fleet had relied upon a central network node to process targeting data for the entire fleet. The intense demand this centralization was measured in the volume of data required to transmit back and forth between ships. So, to Larraq's trained eyes, it was obvious that these ships were sharing telemetry and targeting data. But... it felt wrong. The volume was too high and the flow of traffic was too... decentralized. <Oh.> Larraq thought as the ball dropped. <They have an AI. A true, decentralized AI.> Larraq's eyes danced back and forth as he analysed the twittering fleet displayed before him. It took only a moment to discern which of the ships had the heaviest flow of information coming and going. And, true to form for Imperial designs, it happened to be the largest of the ships. The twittering fleet's AI may be decentralized, but there was sure to be an enhanced databank built into the flagship. "Towards the biggest ship." Larraq said aloud to his ethereal command crew. "She's the spine we'll have to break."


Location: Bogden
Allies: UCM & Allies, [member='Valdus Bral'] , [member='Skorvek']
Enemies: CIC & Allies
Mandalorian Guard Uniform (Captain)
Mandalorian Guard Blaster Resistant Shield
WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
Stun Baton
5 Steel Restraints

Once Ruus was shown out he convened with the former denizens of Research Station 6 "We'll be heading to a new vehicle shortly." he informed them "This needs to be orderly and swift. No more antics." he looked towards the still handcuffed scientist then back towards the group in general "Grab as much as you can carry. If we are told we are leaving,and you are not on the ship, you will be left behind. Is that clear?" there was a moment of silence, a silence Ruus took as an affirmation of the gravity of their situation "Good." the Captain took a breath "If we follow protocol we'll be fine." he assured them firmly.
Arash Garshasp
Location: Near Evacuation Point, Temporary Scientific Outpost Kyr’ta
Objective: Defeat All Mandalorian Enemies
Status: Engaging Enemy Vehicles
Engaging: [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Ruus"]
Allies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Vindicta"]

Nearby Enemies: [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Kay Arenais"] | [member="Skorvek"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Ruus"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Valdus Bral"]

Arash felt the rush of his Anhur swell within, the power of the engine erupted into another fierce bursts of speed. The young Thyrsian warrior continued to grin wildly as he was thrust through the dizzyingly maze-like forest, the swamp below that blurred beneath his vision easily traversed over. The rest of his squad continued to hold a loose formation, the swamps proved little hindrance to their mobility but what truly affected their combat ability were the trees and other large swamp plants that would not allow a standard formation of Anhur swoop bikes to be used at their most effective in battle.

Arash though figured that since they were not going to be fighting large swaths of infantry it mattered little, they were needed to catch and cut down the remaining resistance by the Research Outpost. As far as the swamp and forested areas, it provided cover for their approach and Arash intended to use the advantage of their speed and maneuverability. Several of the other Sun Guard Legionnaires began to spread further apart as the clearing to the Outpost grew ever closer and their prize within reach.

“Cut off the Evac point, hinder retreat path.” The orders were short and to the point, to the two squadrons worth of Anhur riders it would simply mean to delay until the main thrust of their forces arrived to completely encircle those caught here before proceeding to their next objective.

The rumble of their engines pushed their vehicles forward, the screech of their engines grew ever louder as all sixteen of the Anhur riders reached the clearing. Instead of bursting straight out of the swamp forest thickets, they moved along the edges and began to circle around the Outpost. For good reason, their HUD had picked up a massive enemy vehicle and the rest of the Sun Guard understood the fool hardy nature of a frontal assault.

Instead Arash and the rest of the Sun Guard resorted to delaying attacks and harassment fire of their homing nanomissle pod. Each Anhur rider kept their distance within the edge of clearing and with the sounds of the screeching engines they intended to confuse the enemy. They were to be a pack of Nexu, stalking their prey until their neck were to be exposed and only then would they strike, and strike viciously.

Arash heard his order and continued his path, the large tread vehicle appeared more fortress command base than vehicle proper, but regardless he trusted his Anhur and locked on to the behemoth of vehicle and fired several of his nanomissles from their pod before accelerating and keeping himself hidden behind the foliage and using the swamp much to his benefit.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko


Location: Bogden Orbit
IN SYSTEM: Libita , x2 Hammerhead Destroyer, , x3 Ireth-Cruiser, x2 Udarnik Assault Frigates, x6 Tuitio Support Boat, Starfighter compliments, Inquisition Gunship
NPC's: Ancoran Guard (On board Libita), Maria

Enemies [member="Illyria Syresh"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] @Vindicta
Allies: Mandalorians
Neutral: Sith

NPC - Fleet Admiral Syl'era
In unison the fleet emerged from hyperspace a quarter of the way around the planet. "Attention all pilots and hanger support crews, please report to the main hanger. I repeat all pilots and hanger support crews, please report to the main hanger." The voice said over internal com's. Mean while the fleet kept a tight formation covering the Ancoran flagship. No ship in the fleet had mandalorian tags only the allies of Ancora would recognise them since this fleet had been absent for a long time to the known galaxy. Yet in mandalorian space the fleet thrives stretching its legs once more.

Admiral Syl'era stood tall over the command table as by each second it updated with every ship in the area displaying. Holograms of the allied fleets showed up in blue while the unknown ships displayed as red. There was a moment of one of the officers manually setting sith fleets to orange signifying as non intimidate hostiles. Although this was due to that fact Ancoran's hated the sith and their fanatical religion. Syl'era looked hard at the command table table thinking strategically. The fleet was close to the world but a long distance from the fighting. "Bring the Libita about into long range defence any enemy ships come into range bring it down. Now give me a moment while I reach the Queen's holocom." The table quickly shrunk down making room for a holo image to appear "Queen Val Lerium come in, first fleet is in orbit. We are holding off engaging and keeping our distance. If you are able to get to us I can get an escort to meet you along the way."

Location: Bogden surface > to orbit
Allies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: CIC and Allies [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Equipment: Amos Amor, Royal Circlet, Sekallien Grand Master Robes, Shield Saber, Exemplar-class Personal Energy Shield

Sanya climbed into the ship and looked around her to see Adara, Kay and Maria safely on board as the ramp closed up. Her holocom bleeped for a moment and she was quick to answer. "Right I'll pass that on send me the coordinates." Sanya hung up just as Skorvek grabbed her attention. "No need. Go to these coordinates. Although the sith will have to go else where. My people have a hate for sith. speaking of, I am sorry but I will need you to to prick your finger on this for me then close the cap, I'll need to add people to my ships security system." She said moving off to the others.

"How is everyone doing?" Sanya looked around at each of them as she paused. "Mig, Adara, Kay I need you three to do me a favour, take one of these and prick your fingers for me then pass them back to me." The woman stood up handing out the small capsule. "Sith, I'm sorry but I cannot grant you permission aboard the first fleet. My people are not big fans of your kind. You might have to work out with the pilot your options."

Fleet heath + Actions
Fleet is in defensive formation ready to take fire against approaching enemy vessels
Fleet is a long distance from the fighting
Star fighters are in the hanger ready to deploy given the order.
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Hammerhead SD 1
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Hammerhead SD 2
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Ireth 1
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Ireth 2
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Ireth 3
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Udarnik 1
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Udarnik 2
Shield ██████████
Health ██████████
Location: Bogden Surface, Board his Enigma-Class Ship
Allies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: CIC [member="Lynda Dorn"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] [member="Valery"] @Deius Koman’na [member="Arash Garshasp"] [member="Illyria Syresh"] [member="Kor Vexen"]

As he looked to the coordinates he nodded and went to the C1 droid to get ready for one interesting trip to these coordinates, The mention of the sith having to head to a different ship gave him a suggestion for the matter in question but it'd be a risky investment.

He was given one of the devices sanya gave to Mig,Lady Kay and Adara and did exactly what they did before handing it back to her.

Perhaps we can drop her off to her ship before we reach yours, or i can drop off adara and those that wish too no your ship Sanya and still drop off our sith guest to her vessel.''

What ever needed to be done they had to move quick and immediately, He kept the engines on because this was going to be a quick pick up and go to begin with he sent a message to Valdus and Ruus telling them of their situation and that they would need to leave as the shields where given an extra dose of energy to handle the chance of being shot at as they began lifting off.

''C1, Keep the weapons at the ready we will no doubt need to fight our way to the meeting point.''

The ship when it was high enough started heading full speed to the coordinates in question, He had the boosters active during this trip to get their as quickly as possible. He went over to Sanya for a moment for a suggestion. Perhaps it'd be a wise idea when we get there to atleast give the sith a fighter so she can get to her ship once we get there, While the crew wont appreciate her presence surely its not unreasonable for one fighter to be given so she can get to her ship as I intend to land at your ship i wont be leaving Adara after that as her bodyguard I will stay with her as long as I can.''

There wasn't much else they could do now that they took off now was the journey of getting there in one piece through this blockade, here's hoping Sanya and Vanessa's fleet can distract enough of them to make their journey easier and simpler other wise this will be a short lived flight. But he meant what he said to Sanya earlier if he can stay around with Adara he will for that child there is very little Skor will and will not do. For now as the C1 kept and eye on the sensors he went over to check on Adara and see if she was allright.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Allies: [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member=Skorvek] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Captain Larraq"]
Enemies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member=Vindicta] [member="Illyria Syresh"] [member="Erik Morkshna"]

Vanessa looked over at Adara for a moment. "Adara, what do you know about how to use the Force?" She asked. "If we can get Adara to hide her Force signature, it may prove more difficult for Khonsu and his minions to locate her. As for you, Kay..." She reached beneath her attire, revealing a hint of the helmetless bloodtrooper armor she was wearing beneath it, and threw a lightsaber to Kay. "For your and Adara's sake, I hope you know how to use this if it comes down to it."

She looked over at Skorvek and the rest of the defenders. "I certainly hope he's ready for what's coming."


Erik's dropship would be followed by the fighters, attempting to deviate him from the course he was on. When combat actions began, he would find a group of four fighters, two Forge-class interceptors and two Eightgun-class assault fighters, strafing the gunship and their position. The Eightguns fired their eight xaser cannons, while the Forges fired their heavy laser cannons as well, attempting to bathe the target in seemingly ceaseless fire in order to drive it and those on board it out of the region.


"So be it." the Heresiarch's commander said. While they were going to open fire on the Guerdon, the second group of Thyrsian ships under Vindicta's control would engage them initially, with the other vessels in the third still being at range and fired upon. The firepower of Crimson Command would instead change and focus upon the warships within there. In the meantime, the Ablution would distract the Guerdon for as long as it reasonably could. The vessel's solar ionization cannons were unleashed, as well as its super-heavy beam cannons, energy torpedoes, and other weaponry. The composite beam lasers would open fire on incoming hostile missiles - the captain was thankful that there were not any incoming bomber swarms.

The fighters in pursuit of Khonsu's own shuttle were Forge-class interceptors and Eightgun-class assault fighters. The Forges, being designed for extreme maneuverability, were being tested to their limits, outmaneuvering the Thyrsian guardian vessels and keeping them occupied, while their heavier counterparts, the Eightguns, would unload upon them in longer passes with their eight xaser cannons and seeker cluster missiles before turning about and swooping in for another pass.

A pair of Eightguns, backed by a pair of Forges, headed on a pass towards Khonsu's dropship. Both vessels would begin firing before a group of nanomissiles struck one of the Eightguns' wings. The vessel, critically damaged, would continue firing with its remaining functional weapons, increasing its speed drastically before attempting to collide with the dropship. The Forge would fire upon the offending interceptor, attempting to eliminate it from the galaxy. Given that these were some of the Sith's best pilots, their skills in engaging these enemies would hopefully allow them to at least in part counterbalance the opposing numbers.

And of course a transmission would be sent to Bastion detailing the entire goings-on. After all, Vanessa did keep him updated.

Allied Fleet Units
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Pluton-class Battleship | Ablution​ | 2000m | 75 | 98 (Drawing fire from Guerdon, engaging with all weapons)
Sovereign Elite-class Battlecruiser | Heresiarch | 5000m | 85 | 100 (Opening fire on Titania)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Sceltor | 1000m | 73 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Corrupter | 1000m | 72 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Achilles | 1000m | 69 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Harrow​ | 1000m | 72 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Titan​ | 1000m | 81 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Red Harvest | 1000m | 73 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Crimson Sunrise | 1000m | 67 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Firewind​ | 1000m | 68 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Exsanguinator​ | 1000m | 82 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Wachtor​ | 1000m | 84 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Judgement | 2000m | 81 | 100 (Bombarding Athenian with baradium missile barrage)
Voracitos-class Bombardment Sphere | Doomgiver | 2000m | 84 | 100 (Bombarding Guerdon with baradium missile barrage)
Exterminator-class Heavy Corvette | Artemis | 200m | 69 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Exterminator-class Heavy Corvette | Halifax | 200m | 68 | 100 (Engaging incoming Thyrsian ships)
Location: Obroa-Skai, in the city that holds the Celebratus Archive
Objective: Pass time until we get there
Allies: CIC & friends [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="Prime"] [member="Haastal Verd"] [member="Theodore Royce-Clarke"]
Enemies: UCM [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Fiore de Noir"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Gilad-Abim"] [member="Cardinam"]
Post: Four
Scherezade had to admit to herself that she was somewhat disappointed. Alongside her battalions of B1's (was she allowed to even call them hers now? It was so weird. And cool! She was used to leading small squads, not… Hundreds!) the march onto the city had been… Lackluster. No one came to stop them. The Mandalorians did not care that they were there. The handful of locals they had come across preferred to run rather than fight. There had been one instance of a B1 almost shooting an old dude, but Scherezade had stopped that one. They didn't need the PR headache.

And here they were now. In the city. Her lovely droids were doing just as they were commanded to, and things around them - setting things on fire and emptying their weapons on their surroundings. By the Force, they were bad shots. Screams were heard mostly in the distance; B1's were not notorious for being fast walkers and the last miles to get from their landing zone to the city had taken a wee bit. Some of of the B1's, Scherezade thought, seemed to be taking personal pleasure. She even found one of them jumping up and down a destroyed bench making sounds that she could only interpret as pure ecstasy.

From the distance, she could already see the top of the Archive – her own goal. Petting the hidden pocket within her armor, she knew her little device was there. She was told that it could hold a large number of Yodabytes, though when it came to the memory size of machinery, Scherezade was more or less among the last person to approach for such things. She knew how to build stuff, create things, and get the people she needed to create the things she wanted faster than she could do it on her own. But thongs like optimization and the sort… Not her territory. She had to take the Ministry of Secrets' word for it.

"Come on," she motioned for those who were near her. They didn't need an entire battalion for the archives. A handful of people would me more than enough. And then… Abroa-skai would fall.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Allies: UCM, [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: CIC, CIS, [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Illyria Syresh"] [member="Vindicta"]
Equipment: Trayc'kad Lightsaber, "Slick," Armor, Echani Vibrosword

Mig looked at Sanya, then Skorvek. He gave Sanya a nod before pricking his finger with the device before handing it back to her. This was definitely doing to be interesting. He also noted that Sanya's clan weren't fond of Sith. That'd be something to remember, since Gred's weren't the most friendly with them either. It was odd to see though. It showed just how tense this alliance honestly could be at times. He then looked to Skor before heading to the comm.

"I'll help however I can guys, starting with a little surprise. Can't think they'd know what these old boys are. And if we can't get out yet, I'll fight to the last."


Soon, ten Torrent-type vessels emerged from hyperspace, already cloaked and ready to fight. The lead vessel could pick up on one thing right away. The captain recognized the ships. Some had gravity well generators. The stealth wolfpack had their targets now, and they zeroed in on one. Stalking up like wolfs catching hunting wounded prey. There were ten of them, and they could fire four torpedoes each in a barrage of forty individual warheads. Forty. Your point defense may be able to stop a lot, but forty... Something was bound to hit. Plus, there was no way to know it was coming. The vessels broke away to surround the ship, careful to no impact any nearby vessels. The pack was ready, and it was time to attack. One by one the Torrent-types decloaked and unleashed their hail of four torpedoes, and disappeared back into the black, quick to pull away in ways that wouldn't necessarily make sense. They weren't tactical ways to break of an engagement, but when your opponent couldn't see you any every move they couldn't judge was tactical. As each ship broke away, they would eventually try to go to the outside of the fleet. Ready to stalk their next target.

  • Emerged from hyperspace cloaked.
  • Targeted hit and fade assault on the Perysian ( [member="Illyria Syresh"] )


Vindicta; Artificial Intelligence
Location: Corsin Run, Bogden Space, Orbit
Objective: Support Thrysian Classis I "The Myrmidons" & Classis III "The Gladius"
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation
Enemies: The United Clans of Mandalore
Naval Complement: Thrysian Classis II "Psyche"


The shard that remained by the side of 「Designation: Astarii Saren」 observed the Thychani Navarch as she opened communications with the Heresiarch. Her words and insights were something that never failed to captivate and somehow end up focus of <her> notice, more so when the Hapan was conferring with the Supreme Sun Guardian. The artificial consciousness had learned much in the early days of <her> inception by following and evaluating the logical trails of their conversations. And so, it was as an eager student that 「Vindicta」 continued <her> silent vigil over the command deck even as yet another splice of <her> being pierced through the atmosphere of Bogden.

Even as that rebuttal was taking place onboard the Guerdon, and the collective fleet of the Golden Armada were beginning to unleash their wrath onto the Crimson Command and the estranged Ablution, the hololithic butterflies that represented <her> presence fluttered throughout the vessels assigned under Psyche. 「The Black Swallowtail」 paused onboard the Titania even as it took the honours of weathering the dedicated volleys of plasma beams of the Heresiarch, the toxic green dissipating against the shields of the Bellerophontes. And perhaps were <she> sentient, the consciousness would have found <herself> concerned over being its focus. But <she> merely flickered over the calculations and projections… and found it acceptable.

As the warships of the Classis II fleet moved along the paths <she> had laid out for them, the artificial consciousness listened to the words shared by the Supreme Sun Guardian, <her> subroutines collating any and all information that was within reach. While <she> may not be able to resolve the incongruent existence that was the Force, 「Vindicta」 examined the spectral dreadnought with acute interest as it began to heal from its previous battle wounds and its form began to flare brightly across all sensors. Even as the damned ship began to advance across the expanse, <she> assigned its code to assigning it as 「Hostile」 and transmitted the orders throughout the Golden Armada, as from its current approach, it seemed as though it was seeking to engage the Guerdon directly.

Several vessels of Psyche began to shift their attention towards their new target under <her> guidance, the starfighters speeding ahead to intercept the ghostly form. “Your order regarding Unit: Ghost Ship has been relayed, Designation: Khonsu Amon,” <she> informed him evenly, even as more reports began to scroll through his visor to inform him of the latest developments in the orbit. With a trace of <her> consciousness, the synthetic mind overwrote the coding within V-F2-#70 to V-F2-#72, sending the automated drones from their positions close by hurling towards the phantom battlecruiser in as a trial of sorts.

Even as her network notified <her> of the third entrance to the system, 「The Black Swallowtail」 nudged the second wave of reconnaissance droids that she had speckled across the planet’s orbit observe their movements, and to intervene as and if <she> required for them to do so. And with these tasks being carried out, only one final request from the Supreme Sun Guardian remained. The shards that she had left behind on the terminals of each and every vessel of the Open Circle Fleet, as well as the High Chancellor’s display vanished. The aureate butterflies that has been gracing their various systems would dissipate into nothingness as even as the agreed upon code replaced them:

The 「Sun has risen」.

[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | [member="Illyria Syresh"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Gromm Cardan"] | [member="Cynthia Alucard"]​
[member="Erik Morkshna"]

[member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Captain Larraq"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
[member="Skorvek"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Adara Raxis"]
[member="Kay Arenais"] | [member="Venandi"] | [member="Kanta Tukka"] | [member="Ruus"]
Location: Bogden, Orbital Transit Corridor -> Atmospheric Entry.
Transport: TTH/CCS-002 "Vahakn" - Class Dropship; Loadout Aurek.


While the vessels' extreme maneuverability was begrudgingly impressive, their lacking advantage of speed was inherently detrimental to their lethality. Though the Sith-Imperial starships were capable of pulling off amazing feats of dexterity in the void - they did so at a marginally mediocre rate. Admittedly, they were significantly slower than their Thyrsian counterparts. The same could be said of the sole Thyrsian Dropship that lanced towards the surface, as it kept pace with its Interceptor escort. Yet, those hostile strike vessels were somehow able to keep pace with their superior foes. The reasons behind such a drastic change, in reality, behooved the Supreme Sun Guardian. Nevertheless, the man grinned. In some, dark sadistic way the man felt honoured that a single drop ship with a fighter escort managed to draw so much attention from amidst his gathered armada.

So, he mused, it seemed they were watching his exploits in previous Sith-Imperial campaigns. It was the only explanation as to how these fighters, outpaced but surprisingly agile, were capable of keeping his taskforce within their collective sights. Even the rear-mounted or dorsal plasmatic turrets were having trouble intercepting their foes, or their discharged munitions. That was, however, of little concern. They just needed to hold out a little longer. With how tumultuous the battle was - and how widespread the Thyrsian Fleet had become in the attempt to blockade the system - they'd inevitably intersect one, or perhaps two of his bonded warbands. If that eventuality came to pass, these insects that dogged them as they speared down towards the surface would be swatted down by superior firepower. However, that was holding out for something that held equal measures of occurring, or not.

Khonsu wasn't keen on taking such chances on faith alone. Thus, the Warlord tapped the exterior of his helmet; forcing the internal mechanisms to whirr to life and open an encrypted channel to the squadron of Interceptors forming the core of his escort. When the static faded, only to be replaced soon after, by the voice of the squadron's leader, the Warlord issued his decree.

:: So ordered. ::

With those words, the connection was severed and the escorting Interceptors peeled off to take on their would-be pursuers. Their maneuvering thrusters fired in unison, as they launched their newest salvo of particulate chaff and flares. Both of those countermeasures, as mentioned earlier, would intercept the seeking cluster missiles, and forcibly pulling apart the magnetic sheath that contained the twinned variants of plasmatic-based weaponry. Fiery flowers of metallic debris blossomed in the darkness of space, before scattering across the invisible sea of solarized winds. The twelve Thyrsian Interceptors, having peeled away from their escort as ordered, whipped about to engage their pursuers head-on. From a myriad of angles of approach, the squadron of Avalerions' cycled their disruptor cannons live, before adding their undeniable lethality to the fray.

As the stars that surrounded the dropship were already saturated with plasmatic cannonade and discharged missiles, it wasn't surprising that casualties would begin to mount. The first came from the Sith Empire - as one of their ponderous assault craft was struck by Thyrsian Nanomissiles. Instead of becoming a ball of fire, the pilots within somehow managed to pour more of the strike craft's power into their engines; pushing the ship far beyond its operational parameters. It was clear that they intended to spear into the dropship and sever the head from the serpent in the hopes of letting the body wither and die. If the ship were unescorted and unable to engage hostile targets of their own volition, then such a branching future would've become a reality. Instead, a twinned bolt of energy spat forth by one of the Thyrsian Interceptors connected with the suicidal craft.

Khonsu watched, with laughter building within his breast, as the deadly craft was torn apart at the molecular level. His dark eyes widened in delight, as the long dart of metallic flesh instantaneously flaked away to nothingness. What would've been a fatal collision turned into nothing more than celestial dust impacting the hull, not even triggering the concussion shields that were built into the dropship's frame. With their immediate crisis adverted, the Warlord ordered that the dropship should commit itself to their descent towards the planet's surface. As the supposedly, and suddenly outnumbered Sith-Imperial starfighters would be busy dealing with the single squadron of Thyrsian Interceptors -- the dropship would effectively be able to slip the noose without further opposition.

Should those allegedly Elite pilots make a move to follow after their intended target? They'd be engaged and subsequently shot down from behind, as the Interceptors lined up their disruptor cannons. Sure, they've already proven their unmatched maneuverability by surviving the incoming fire from the Thyrsian weapons capable of shooting at their pursuers whilst soaring forward. However, that advantage was lost when they were flanked by an agile enemy and began setting up a predictable pass to fire off their deadly payloads. What one of the Thyrsian pilots didn't expect, was the sudden reversal of an enemy Interceptor - who then unleashed their plasmatic payload in the attempt to destroy his craft. He was able to react but wasn't able to save his vessel from being struck.

His flight stick was reactively thrown forward, which threw his vessel along a descending plane. The twinned laser cannon bolts scored glancing blows, rather than direct hits, and forcibly collapsed his deflector shields. It was then that the automated process of the Integrated droid consciousness began working towards restoring that protective barrier; saving both itself and the Mercenary Pilot.

Well. At least for the moment. With the man's fighters' shields depleted, who was to say that he would be so lucky next time?

Khonsu blinked, returning his focus back to the troop compartment of the dropship, and the figures that populated its grated deck. He trusted that the Pilots in his escorting squadron, veterans of nearly a dozen battles themselves, would be more than capable of handling the three vessels that tailed their transport. While he wasn't concerned, due to the factors of outnumbering and outgunning the Sith-Imperial starfighters in pursuit, the Warlord was starting to grow increasingly annoyed with their presence. The man was still tempted to call in an overwhelming force to remove those pieces from the gameboard but, ultimately decided to let his escort do their duty. It was, after all, what he was paying them to do. In addition to this, if he ordered any of the nearby warbands to come to his aid - it would've weakened the Thyrsian position amongst the Stars.

So, the Warlord stayed his tongue and watched as his dropship was embraced by the planet's fiery atmosphere.


Location: Corsin Run - Bodgen Intra-System Gulf; Bogden’s High Orbit.
Objective: Draw out the Mandalorian Forces, and Secure the System.
Allies: The Golden Company, Core Imperial Confederation.
Enemies: The United Clans of Mandalore.
Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis I, and Aurek Security Echelon.

It seemed that the Commanding Officer of the Heresiarch was less than impressed with Astarii's message. For as soon as the connection was terminated, the hideously structured Battleship that held claim to the name of the Ablution opened fire. While it was unclear where it's primary armaments were clustered, much of the weaponry that the Ablution could've brought to bear was limited by its spatial framework. The long-range Solar Ionization cannons were the first of the discharged weapons to strike the Guerdon. If the Battlecruiser were equipped with conventional shields, the weaponized light would've hit the hull plating without triggering the projected, plasmatic barrier to activate. However, such wasn't the case. Ever since the Battleship was taken as war spoil from the formerly First Order-held territory of the Ison Corridor, it was remade from the ground up with bleeding-edge technology. Thus, to the untrained eye, all that would be seen was the ostentatious enamel coating, and the gilded mirror plating seamlessly blended in.

So, when those beams of weaponized radiation on the visible spectrum were cast out into the sea of infinite black, the Guerdon's primary shields flared to life; scattering the solarized wavelengths across the projected surface. Harmlessly, that radiation was absorbed and subsequently vented into the darkness of space - momentarily flash-frying any particulate debris that had the unfortunate circumstance of being within direct proximity of the formerly Imperial Battlecruiser. A similar process occurred when the Ablution unleashed its super-heavy beam weaponry; albeit there would be some significant differences due to the exotic nature of the Guerdon's enhanced shields. While ordinarily, such precise weaponry would destabilize a warships deflector screen, effectively punching through that projected barrier by brute force, the discharged energy was instead absorbed by the Battlecruiser with little effect. However, the primary barrier wasn't merely a molecular shield - which seemed to become more prevalent in various designs amongst the stars.

That collected energy, through arcane and ancient means, was not only absorbed by the Guerdon -- but it was reflected back to whence it came. Those super-heavy beams were greedily brought into the enhanced barrier before they were instantaneously expelled along the same vector; in an arcane and ancient process that brought the impossibility of sound to the nothingness of the void. It remained to be seen how the Ablution would be affected by its own arsenal of weapons, but those who experienced the Guerdon's might before knew that the hostile Battleship wouldn't limp away from the encounter unscathed.

The twinned assault of energy torpedoes, and the baradium missiles that streaked across the stars - intent on spearing through the combined Thyrsian warships - found themselves intercepted by a multitude of means. Were the skies not populated by Thyrsian starfighters, corvettes, frigates, and cruisers - the Guerdon would've been hard-pressed to intercept those discharged munitions. As the reality was the opposite, several of the discharged torpedoes were simply shot out of the void by automated turrets or various passersby nearby. The others were taken out by the anti-ordnance probes that were previously deployed by the Thyrsian fleet, as they began establishing their blockade. Guidance systems were rendered null and void by the targetted electromagnetic pulses, allowing nearby Interceptors to chase down and eliminate their newfound targets with relative ease. Those that managed to burst through the collective defensive screens were shredded by the expansive point defence network that was integrated into the Guerdon's armour and hull plating.

Not wanting to take the assault unanswered, the Guerdon accelerated to combat speed. The various capital-grade weapons that dotted the dorsal surface, alongside what ventral arms could draw a bead, swivelled towards the Ablution. Solarized plasma built within the myriad lances, accruing lethality alongside the hundreds of railguns, quad-turreted ion cannons and kyber-enhanced quad-turreted turbolasers. It was enough firepower - in addition to the returned super-heavy beams - to likely burst the hostile Battleship's shields, and crack open the armour beneath. When the targeting solutions were aligned, and it's predicted position calculated - as the Vessel had yet to engage it's primary drive clusters - the Guerdon opened fire. Near a thousand kinetic kill-rounds, beams of weaponized energy streaked across the stars. The sight alone was enough to blind any that stared directly into the jaws of impending death unless witnessed behind a polarized viewscreen.

In addition to the firepower that held the possibility of glassing an entire continent, magpulse warheads were automatically loaded into the Guerdon's turreted missile tubes. Yet, they weren't cast out into the void as the enemy expected. They - along with the Battlecruiser's dedicated complement of starfighter-bombers, and ejectable mines were kept within their respective housings until the time was right.

It was with those actions and items, compressed into lines of data that Astarii devoured as she glanced across the holographic terminal of her command throne. In that momentary pause, the woman noted several items that were worthy of note. The first was the sudden reversal of the Crimson Command's weapons, that now spread themselves out amongst the combined Thyrsian fleets - rather than focusing on the solitary figure of the Guerdon like they had been moments before. That was intriguing, Astarii thought. If they stayed true to their original set of orders, it was likely that the Battlecruiser would've been in serious trouble as they duelled the Ablution in Bogden's heavens. However, such a decision was made through reasons that the Navarch couldn't possibly explain, nor could be bothered to chase. She had far better things to focus on.

The second was the varied responses from Classis I, Classis II, and Classis III. Each warship assigned to those fleets began to proverbial swarm around their stationary foes, utilizing their diminutive stature, speed, and maneuverability to outpace their newfound opponents. Sure, some were struck - either by poor decisions made by commanding officers, or sheer luck - but their shields held in one manner or another. They responded, of course. Solarized plasma; Missiles; Kinetic Kill-rods from Railguns; and Highly Ionized energy stabbed out into the void -- seeking to rip and tear the very shields from the multitude of Sith-Imperial Star Destroyers. Also, starfighters and interceptors would try to engage their erstwhile counterparts; as the Thyrsian bombers - deployed by the rest of Classis I began setting up bombing runs against the XoXaan II's. The twinned Interdictors that were assigned to Classis I were also spinning up their complement of gravity wells - seeking to further reinforce their kin from Classis III - and keep the arrayed Mandalorian and Sith-Imperial forces contained within the system, either until they were destroyed or the Thyrsians were.

Thirdly, the collective warships of the Aurek Security Echelon - who'd been slowly establishing themselves as the primary Thyrsian-allied forces manning the proverbial parapets of Bogden's blockade - carried on with their assigned duties. Defender II starfighters were launched as soon as their respective carriers reached their designated coordinates; performing combat air patrols in addition to adding more eyes in the dark. While it wasn't a secret that a Mandalorian taskforce reverted from hyperspace on the opposite side of the planet - far enough away from the fighting, but close enough to be detected - there was a possibility of more starships suddenly appearing in Bogden's skies. In addition to that chance, there was also the likelihood of more Mandalorian craft streaking away from the surface of the planet. With more eyes and starships out in the black, the odds were high that the Thyrsian Fleet would intercept the vessels rising from the surface.

"Ma'am!" one of Astarii's Officers called out from their terminals. "We've got reports that the Heresiarch is opening fire on the Titania. What are our Orders?"

"Assign several squadrons to intercept that Vessel and take some pressure off Classis II. I don't want Vinditca's flagship to be crippled this early into the campaign. Starfighters, Interceptors, Bombers - All of it. Preliminary scans show that beast is light on point defence weapons, and our Pilots should be more than capable of weaving through their defence grid. If those Corvettes move into position to defend their Battlecruiser, I want to counter their approach with Frigates and Cruisers. We have the advantage here, let's not get careless and lose it by meeting fire with fire, when water shall do."

"Aye ma'am!" the Officer replied. "Shall I relay that order to Classis II and Classis III?"

"Do it, and make sure to align the mirror plating this time. I don't want to use conventional and hackable channels unless we need too, lest the enemy gets wise."

"What about the Ghostship, ma'am!" another Officer bellowed from a station further away from the command dais before the other person was able to respond in compliance. Astarii risked a moment to glance at the tactical display, scouring the holographic image in search of the corporealizing warship. When it was found, and she divined it's predicted trajectory, the woman rolled her eyes. Yet another combatant sought to tackle the Guerdon in battle. "It's doubtlessly coming for us." She retorted with a frustrated sneer.

"Have the ship charge it's broadside cannons, prepare for boarders, and run out the lateral thrust vents. If they are intent on battling this warship, I intend to give them a fight they'll remember when we send them back to whatever hell they came from."

| [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Vindicta"] | [member="Arash Garshasp"] | @Deius Koman’na | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Kay Arenais"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Ruus"] | [member="Kanta Tukka"] | [member="Mig Gred"] |​
Post Summary:

- Khonsu's Dropship continues towards the surface, while the Escorting Squadron suffers minor damage from the Four (Three) Sith-Imperial Starfighters in pursuit.
- Using their numbers, and advantage in speed, the Escorting Squadron seeks to eliminate the remaining Three Pursuit Fighters.
- The Guerdon takes the Ablution's opening barrage with ease, utilizing the Kyber-enhanced Xythan Shields to return the Super-heavy beams back at the enemy battleship. In addition to this, the PDC network, Starfighter/Interceptor CAP, and previously deployed EM probes - disables all of the incoming energy torpedoes and baradium missiles.
- Not wanting to receive a volley unanswered, the Guerdon utilizes it's Hyperion Solar Lances, Kyber-Enhanced Quad Turbolasers, Quad Ion Cannons, and Dual Railgun turrets to fire alongside the returned volley of Super-heavy beam weapons.
- Bombers, Missiles, and Mines remain within the Guerdon to be ejected at a later time.
-Thyrsian Fleet responds to the sudden target reversal from Crimson Command, using the previously established EM probes and their own dedicated PDC networks to intercept any missiles and torpedoes fired against Classis I. In addition, they return fire with whatever weapons that have target-lock - including standard concussion missiles of their own. Minor damage is sustained by several ships, but the advantage of numbers and agility is firmly in the hands of the Thyrsian warfleet.
- In addition to the gravity wells that were activated from Classis III - the two Interdictors from Classis I begin spooling up their collective gravity wells to lockdown any ships seeking to flee the system through hyperspace.
- Aurek Security Echelon remains in Orbit around Bogden, forming the bulk of the Thyrsian Blockade. Starfighters are deployed, and the entire taskforce is cognizant of the Mandalorian force reverting, and deploying themselves away from the battle.
- The Guerdon prepares itself for a close encounter with the Mandalorian Ghostship.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Evacuation Point on Bogden
Objective: Elminate hostile enemy forces controlled by [member="Arash Garshasp"]
Enemies: [member="Arash Garshasp"]
Allies: @Skorvek , @Ruus


The Alor turned to his pilot after Ruus left. He was just about to give orders when suddenly several of the Quad-Laser Cannons that adorned the Orar’buir began to fire, almost instantly there were sounds of several dozen small explosions. The automated defenses controlled by the INTERCESSOR V.I had performed it’s role admirably. The INTERCESSOR was one of the first landmark creations of the Bral Metal & Engineering corporation that Valdus headed. It’s ability to lock onto enemy ordinance and respond with interception fire was almost perfect with its potency only limited by the amount of weapon systems it controlled.

There were still a minority of nanomissiles that made it through the blanket of laser cannon bolts and impacted the reinforced Particle shielding, doing negligible damage to Juggernaut class transport. “Report.” Valdus barked out, the chief combat officer responded, “ Light enemy ordinance barrages from our flanks. Counter measures were partially successful. Shields holding at 90%.” Valdus marched over to his command chair and took a seat. Activating the shipwide intercom he spoke, “ All hands to battle stations! We’re under attack. All non-combat personnel to the cargo rooms.” Orange strobes flashed in the corridors, but there were no audible cues, the bright lights were enough to get the point across. Quickly the Mandalorian Advance Guard began to usher the standard Mandalorian Guards, captained by [member="Ruus"] , as well as the civilians to the interior most cargo holds which were deep within the armored behemoth.

Do we have a lock on those launchers?” Valdus continued, waiting for the officers to respond. The officer responded, “ Yes, Alor. There are numerous vehicles. Ready to fire when ready.

Fire at will!” Valdus declared.

At his command the B.R.R.T weapon systems, which used armor piercing tipped thermal imploders for its ammunition, as well as the laser cannons, to pepper [member="Arash Garshasp"] with explosions that would begin to carpet the area around the Orar’buir. The laser cannon bolts broke through the smoke rising off the battlefield in a light show normally reserved for several vehicles worth of firepower. The Orar’buir was built as a mobile forward command base, it had to be able to stand up to enemy pressure potentially on its own. The opposition would need more powerful weapons than light ordinance to break through the Orar’buir’s shields and anti-ordinance counter measure.




Armor: Auxila Combat Suit
Weapons: Helius BR | Xiphos Vibroblade
Status: Confident yet Hesitant
Allies: [member="Vindictia"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | The Golden Company & Core Imperial Confederation
Enemies: [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Captin Larraq"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | The United Clans of Mandalore

Naval Complement: Thyrsian Classis III "Gladius"
[Damage & Targets outlined in Fleet Doc Above]

"I'm nobody anymore. The Mandalorians took that from me, my identity, my belonging. I need to find my place, a new place to call home. Among all...all of this karking crap. Then, at least...I will know if I deserved to live."
Illyria Syresh

[SIZE=9pt]“Brace for Impact,” one of the deck officers yelled aloud, his red-skinned fingers clenching against the railing which lined either side of the narrow, silver bridge which ran vertically down the bridge, over-looking those officers and crewmen who were busy at work. The Zabraki man kept his eyes open...even as the...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Athenian was rocked as baradium missiles, masses of orange and white sulfuric gas billowing out from explosion after explosion which rocked the vessel. The explosions and missiles fell wave after wave against the exterior shielding of the flagship of Thyrsian Classis III, the particle shield doing to the best of if’s technical and technological capability to absorb the shock and power of the explosive missiles into itself, the shockwaves of the missiles absorbing into the particle shield and being reverberated outwards until the chemical and kinetic energy of the missiles were fully decimated. Despite the absorbing power of the particle shield which was fixated into the deflector shield, not everything could be held back. The majority of the missiles were absorbed into nothingness, yet a few were able to cut through the protective barrier, the blue energy wrapping around the missiles as it cut through. The explosive power of what few missiles that made it through becoming trapped within the shield, scorching the hull as it waxed in a bath of baradium and fiery might.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Illyria’s whole body shook when the missiles made contact with the shield, her golden eyes fell down momentarily as she tried to keep her balance. Her right hand fell to the railing closest to her being, her fingers barely being able to clasp around the cool metal of the railing in time. Yet, she was able to despite the initial struggle from the sudden shockwave that emitted through the starship. The blue-skinned Zabrak held herself up, the waxy fingers of her gloved right hand clenched the railing tightly in hand. She watched as more projectiles approached her flagship, trying to remember what Khonsu had taught her. She...she needed to use everything that she had available to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Launch anti-missile countermeasures...Now!” Illyria said aloud, her voice coming out louder than she had meant for it. “I want those damn mirror shields up, at least we will have extra protection and more secure communication channels then.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She was nervous now and worried. The capacity of the shield of the Athenian was dropping steadily, with no sign of stopping. Flares, chaffs, and anti-missiles were launched, stopping the remainder of the least all that she could see. Despite such things, the shaking of the vessel did not stop. Her eyes frantically looked between the digital viewport and a digital display of the current statistics of the vessel. Fifty-percent. Forty-nine percent...forty-seven percent, forty-six percent. Fort-five percent. stopped. Illyria’s gaze shifted from the statistical display to the zabrak deck officer. He was her second if she perished or had to make planetside...he would be in command. He would be good at relaying orders. Though, that was if she was forced to leave of course.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Have the Athenian fire its hypervelocity cannon at the Ablution, and focus all of its secondary weapon systems towards the Judgment. Launch and scramble fighters. Have all other vessels focus fire on the Crimson Command,” Illyria spoke plainly, trying to keep her voice steady and her gait balanced as she struggled to stand from all of the sudden explosions that had rocked through the vessel. “Launch fighters and bombers towards the Judgment, keep bombers obscured above the fighters to act as a screen…Have Vindicta override the firewalls of the recon drones, and then use recon drones numeral one through numeral six to kamikaze strike the deflector shield of the Judgment. Ask Vindicta for control of drones numeral thirty-seven through numeral forty-one to utilize for a kamikaze strike."[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]<>[Alert; {Unknown Object} approaching {Bogden System} through hyperspace]<>[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hyperspace rupture detected...unknown vessels entering our gravity well. Approximated location, to our aft or directly across our portside. An approximated distance of five kilometers from our vessel which is closest to the edge of the system.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Tag as hostile immediately, I don’t recall being informed of the Golden Company receiving reinforcements of any sort. Keep fighters to our exterior to screen against potential attacks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The screen at the radar technician’s station began to show a different alert of some sort. A grey circle showed itself blinking in and out of the darkness of the screen, the circle itself overlayed with a thin barrier of glowing red as words were readout on a screen in front of the brown-skinned man’s grey eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Magnetic anomaly detected, mam. To our aft, surrounding the Perysian.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]As if the vessel had read her mind, a snapshot of the current digital schematic of the Perysian was sent to her HUD alongside the view of the vessel. Ships of some make and design were materializing before her eyes, and they were firing at the Perysian...trying to, destroy it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Lock onto that magnetic signature and relay it to all of the vessels within Classis III. I want our fighters alongside the Perysian to fire at those signatures, and allow the fighters to follow said signatures to destroy them…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Mass-driver cannons shot into the black of space, their weapons approaching the Judgment, towards that deflector shield...alongside overridden drones. Within their wake came a wave of fighters alongside few bombers, meant to wreak havoc and let slip the fires of war among the Crimson Command. From those attacks, came many others...all of which were aimed at the Crimson Command. The vessels, it appeared, had not maneuvered themselves into proper firing position...leaving their engines wide open for attack...Illyria was acting quickly and hastily now, trying to keep both herself and the situation under best as she could.[/SIZE]

| Actions Taken |
Shields of all vessels took damage from attack by the Crimson Command, damage varies by ship position and size

Shields of the Athenian took major damage from bombardment, with the hull receiving very minor damage. The Athenian activated mirror shields exclusively

All vessels within Gladius launched fighters

The Athenian fired it's Hypervelocity Gun at the Abultion.

The Athenian fired it's mass drivers alongside solar-ionization guns at the Judgment, alongside a fighter-bomber swarm being sent towards it for a bombing & strafing run

Recon drones sent on a kamikaze run towards the Judgment

The Perysian took significant shield damage from Mig Gred's torpedo attack

Magnetic signature of stygium cloaking device honed in to

Perysian began to fire upon Mig Gred's fleet alongside some fighters and interceptors

[Specifics in Fleet Google Document]

| OOC Note: I have permission from Vindicta's writer to allow usage of the drones as as a kamikaze device along with some of her very own kamikaze drones.
K O R _ V E X E N

Location | Bogden System
Objective | Observe
The UCM | Allies
The CIC | Adversaries
N/A | Direct Interaction

The Gehenna Fleet continued to maintain its neutrality in the conflict despite the hostilities rising between the opposition and vessels of the Sith Empire. Knowing this however, no one aboard any of the ships under the command of Vexen dared to fire upon anyone without his orders. Such was the power and fear that the Anzati commanded even amongst the veteran elite of both the Imperial Armada and Legion. With that being said, Vexen had continued to observe the situation from his own quarters after having concluded his little message to those who aided the Core Imperial Confederation in their attack against the Mandalorians. Did it move him into any course of action after the ships of Vanessa Vantai as well as herself had attempted to speak on behalf of the Empire with authority that she had none to persuade the Golden Company? Not in the slightest. If she or her own were to die in the conflict, it would be of no consequence to him or the Empire, merely a weak link weeded out and cast into the void. The Sith had no need for the weak or the foolish, and it was especially the case for Vexen's vision of the future. The Galaxy had fostered a false era of peace, one that bred and cultivated weak individuals that were of little use to Vexen, and made for poor sustenance.

The one true thing that the Lord of Assimilation desired above all else, was strong and worthy prey that could whet his appetite and let the centuries old Anzati enjoy something in its purest form. One must adapt and evolve in order to overcome and survive, and feeding off weak prey was the quickest route to becoming weak; like a blade left unsharpened, it would not suit the wielder when conflict came to them.

The Anzati General folded his arms across his chest as he observed the large holotable in his room that served as his theater of war, monitoring the situation in space while keeping a close eye of the situation with his so-called allies. How it intrigued the Sith that the warrior culture he had known and respected for hundreds of years had come to this...A flock of weary sheep, unable to fight for their own beliefs without expecting their hands to be held. They were infants compared to the warriors he once knew in ages past. They lacked the ferocity one would expect from a Mandalorian warrior, the cries for blood of those who dared to threaten their core beliefs and people. This did make Vexen question for quite some time now, why they were even allies at all. There was little if any strategic value in keeping sheep as either the sword or shield in the hands of the vastly larger and superior Sith Empire. As he monitored the flow of communications it was all just a panic and mess. Then again it was to be expected. Expose the queen, in this case the daughter of Mand'alor and the insects scatter in a frenzy of panic. It also made determining the wereabouts and position of her all too simple to determine. Vexen's fleet was positioned conveniently to the rear of the Mandalorians under the pretenses of arriving to aid, putting them square between the Golden Company's fleet and his own.

One word was all it took for his ships to turn and open fire and trap the Mandalorians, but alas he would bide his time. Centuries of existence had tempered the Anzati's patience, what more was either a few months or years before plunging the entire Galaxy into war and turmoil? The pawns at play had their roles, and were executing them in every manner he intended them to. Even the ones whom he had no influence over such as the CIS and SJO were playing right into his plans. It was just a matter of time before there would be no further moves to make and the eventuality of his vision came into fruition. He was already several moves ahead and waiting once this conflict had ended, ready to set off the next series of events when the time came.

Soon the gates would be thrown wide, and the inevitable ushered in.

Location: Obroa-Skai
Allies: UCM [member="Venandi"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] @Mid Gred [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Fiore de Noir"] [member="Cardinam"] [member="Captain Larraq"]
Enemies: CIC @Scherezade de Winter [member="OOM-001-JELLYBEAN"] [member="OOM-003-CUPCAKE"] [member="OOM-002-HONEYCOMB"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] @Valery [member="Ves Fett"] [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Theodore Royce-Clarke"]

The brigade of Akalenedat’ike charged forth with Venandi less for revenge on some unbegotten slight, and more for the joy of being taken as ‘real Coconuts’, just like the larger ‘Metal Coconut’ wearing Mandalorians. A simple culture with few loves beyond a splendid song and dance, hunting for crustaceans & fish, and that feeling one gets when they dig their toes through hot sand to the cool sand beneath, the Akalenedat’ike only ever wanted the chance to learn more songs.

Songs of life! Songs of destiny! Songs of socks in laundry baskets, and the fascinating smells discovered by curious noses. All the Metal Coconuts and their Aru-spaghetiise companions made for songs that filled Kanta’s little fuzzy toes all the way up to his happy fuzzy hands with glee.

Glee like sticking your hot toes in cool, shady sand.

He hopped along, wielding his lyre aloft as he sang a little ditty about Obroa-Skai and its’ repository of ‘big all funky knowy-bits’. When Venandi asked Kanta to plug in the access codes for Obroa-Skai’s defences, so they could get down to the surface, Kanta even played a merry madrigal of all those numbers he remembered.

And as an Akalenedat’ike, Kanta Tukka remembered everything.

Down on the surface, Kanta and his scurrying coconut-clad companions launched into the HVAC systems, the engineering tubes and hidey-holes all over the campus. He set away his lyre for a fishy-whacker, which for some stroke of luck was a metal club. He attached the club to his side, grinning toothily up at Venandi.

“Kanta suppooort. Kanta warrior! Akalenedat’ike Coconut-Mandos!” Venandi asked for support from the host of the little guys, and support he and his fighters would get. The coconuts ravaged the place, turning over tables, chairs, and setting up stations with…

… water bottles, ration bars, little packages of neon coloured bandages. Everything a growing coconut thought Venandi meant by ‘support’. They scurried around, naturally harder to see and quiet when they did not burst into song.

If they were silent much longer, Kanta knew in his brainy-bits the Akalenedat’ike would start a four act opera of silly dances to commemorate saving…. The repository of ‘big all funky knowy-bits’.
Location: Bogden Surface, Skorvek’s Ship
Allies: UCM [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kay Arenais"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: CIC [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Khonsu Amon"] [member="Erik Morkshna"] [member="Vindicta"] @Valery [member="Ves Fett"] @Deius Koman’na [member="Arash Garshasp"] [member="Illyria Syresh"]
Post: 4

For one magical collection of seconds, Skorvek had Adara in his arms, and the little girl believed her Uncle Sloobieboo would fix everything. Yet, the comfort was bypassed for preparations of take-off and potential battle. Senses pulsing with the curious panic and oppression of the oncoming drop pods, Adara covered her ears and shut her eyes.

No listening. No listening!

All she wanted was to do a science fair project worthy of beating Millie. It wasn’t fair! Adara prepared for over a month training her Porgs and Mr. Wimple! She got to be grown up for a whole day, trotting around with Great-Aunt Kay and seeing Sanya. Finally something Adara could achieve!

Finally a reason to say she could wear her armour proudly. Alas, the scientific endeavour was waylaid by misbegotten information from the Thyrsians.

If they thought orbitally bombarding a planet with no sense of permanence, and no permanent population was going to elicit a response from those on the upper echelons, they were woefully misguided. As misguided as an eleven year old girl thinking she could succeed at beating Millie with gravity-chasing Porgs.

Adara huddled in the back of the ship with her Great-Aunt, cuddling Mugsy, Tugsy and Bert in her lap. Eyes wide under her new helmet, Adara stuttered out a cry.

“But Sanya! I’m… I’m Dark just like Vanessa! Why do we have to be separated!?” She cuddled the Porgs closer, their little lungs squawking in alarm shared by their mutual affection for Adara… and the little treats she fed them perpetually.

“I… I can cloak. I can move a couple of things, and… and…” When Vanessa asked Adara what she could do in the Force, Adara shut her mouth. Her wide eyes looked between Mig, Kay, her Sloobieboo… If she told them… would they get mad? Like Baba got mad?

“I can do a couple of things. But if I try hard and I concentrate, I can disappear! For seconds! Maybe even more than seconds if I keep trying.” What the girl didn’t speak of was the energy exchange needed to fuel her powers. [member="Mig Gred"] saw first-hand how Adara’s powers worked, yet to Adara’s knowledge the man had yet to share that precious information.

What would they think of her, when they saw what it took? Would the ship take off now? How many bad guys were coming to ruin their science day? Did Geneveve the Porg get to safety?

“Wait…” Mugsy… Bugsy…. Bert…. Adara counted the Porgs around her. She stuttered and rocketed to her feet. “GENEVEVE!”

The child attempted to bound away from Great-Aunt [member="Kay Arenais"], crying her Porg’s name.

“Geneve! Geneveve where are you!?”

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