Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hear. Me. Roar. [ ME Dominion of Cademimu Hex ]

Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Krest"]
Enemies: Everyone Else
Post: V

Adriel too felt her body instantaneously react to the Boost. Most people took these drugs and hallucinated, though not all, the rest felt a temporal effect, as if time slowed. In reality it was their minds speeding up as cognizant motions became near instant. Some were lucky, taking the literal cocktail of heavy drugs allowed them boosts of other kind; some felt super strength, others got closer connections to the Force, and some like she felt so light that she might fly away in the barest of breezes.

Looking to the side in a drug induced haze, Adriel watched as an explosive went off in the distance. To her mind though it was as if a camera captured the whole event and played it back a frame a second and a half. Returning her eyes forward, she grinned. It would be interesting to see how this drug really worked. She had read about it in her fathers manuscripts of MSI and JAC tech alongside the etceteras.

Catching the wink of the man just before he rocketed ahead, surprisingly fast even for her enhanced mind, Addy lurched to motion to keep up with him. Racing across the body strewn battlefield could easily be clumsy filled nightmares, but she had all the time in the world to pick a placement during each long stride. As they neared the next squad approaching, Adriel jumped to the side in a powerful motion, flipping so that her feet landed parallel with the vertical wall. Letting her momentum push her into the wall, more so into a crouch, she then lurched back off at a nearby street sign. Gripping it she swung her body like the head of a mace around.

Her feet connected with such impact into the light armor of the leader, that she felt the mans chest cave in. Landing on her back, she planted her hands above her head then moved feet upward in a moderate flip back.
As she moved she made sure to let her combat boots connect with another mans chin as she did so.

These were not as armored as the last, but they seemed more trained than the last as already guns were being raised. The whole ordeal had been hardly a second, maybe a little more.
Location: Garqi, Northern Hemisphere
[member="James Mathison"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Sakri"]
Post 3

Giving a friendly as she could as the one that seem to be in charger of this temple building was in some kind of meditation. Even then she being fulling in the force herself could feel the light coming from her be all around that was beaming with life. Even then she would be welling to help where every one like her own powers laid. That was the healing arts but so much more as she was a healer of all things even the plant life even the planet itself in some way or another always needed her healing touch. Then there was something else about this place as she spoke again.

"I"m Master Carrick the Mandalorian Empire sent me though that could use more Master to help build your temple."

Giving her a look over with Sakri and James those she would know in time for now she was just happy to met them and get to know who they are called what the force had called them to be with in the force itself.
Objective I
Location: Garqi
Kindred: [member="Corvus Detta"]
Goal: Harvest Bafforr pollen from Garaqi for use against neutralzing Yuzhan Vong agent, technology and armor. Process and militarize for deployment.


Wondering now through the stalks as she begin to understand this was going to be a short proecess of the harvest that had begin for the pollen of these very plants. Wondering now as she look over at the very eager Young vod that seem to be taking his work very serous. Even so there was still time for a bit of small talk after all it would be a great way to work on my mando.

"I"m Freyia, you are Vod.
Objective III
Location: Heck if I know anymore honestly
Post: (3/20)

The battlefield was strewn with the dead, they reached up to the heavens to touch the gods of old. The war in front of him came in flashes of screams, echoes, and blood. A blaster bolt to a man's chest here, flash to black, another man takes a beskad to the chest, flash to back, on repeat until there was nothing left but broken bodies and the adrenaline coursing through the warrior's veins. He was intoxicated, his mind, high on the rush, the slaughter, he had entered a realm of murder that his depression could not reach him. Nicair loved every minute of it, down in the mud and the blood, blasters and artillery shaking the very planet itself at his feet. He wanted to scream, sing his praise to the gods, shout his very name to the heavens of Kad Ha'rangir. A man rushed him, a roundhouse kick dropped him, he couldn't be touched, he was invincible. He had met the aspect of killing before but never on this scale, never to such a... glorious extent. It was in this moment that he began to understand why his culture did what it did, why his kin killed and constantly waged war, it was... beautiful. The rain of blood echoed in his mind, his breath shook his body, tremors of his heartbeat racked his skin, his very soul aching to be released into the realm of war around him. In that moment, he looked into the face of the gods.


Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Tempist"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Nolan Detta"]
Enemies: FO @Hunter-157
Post: 6

This high, that was impressive. Powerful. Maybe a bit overwhelming, but as he set down upon the unsuspecting stormtroopers with his ally, the lust for blood took over. He didn't bother with a blade, instead imbuing the Force directly into his hands, mechanical and not. Brutal blows smashed into the body armor and helms, breaking and shattering the bones underneath with blasts of the Force itself. Guns couldn't focus on his body, he was too quick on this drug, to clear of thought.

It was then that he noticed the troopers aiming for his partner. He wasn't gonna let her be taken down in such a fashion. As a blur he moved, smashing into the first of pair aiming for her back with a punch right for his gut. A blast erupted, rupturing his insides as the shockwave went through the soldier. Blood splattered his helm, covering his view as he simply doubled over. He collapsed, dead.

His buddy had a similar fate, except the cybernetic fist of the Zabrak slammed into his skull. It turned his head right around, snapping his neck and dropping him dead in an instant. "Gotta watch your back eh? Lets teach em why they don't mess with the Mandalorians!"
[member="Satine Detta"] [member="Krest"] [member="Tempist"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Location: Cademmimu
Obj 3
Gear in Bio

Nolan was indeed plowing his way through the lines of the First Order. His Kath Hound Scatterblaster making minced meat of the ranks of rookie FO meatbags. After spending his last shell. Nolan switched to the Rhyno revolver and his bare cybernetic hand. One shot from the Rhyno shattered Stormtrooper armor and fell even a pair at once in a lucky shot( not for them) to the dome. Feeding a new cylinder into the chamber, Nolan felt Satine enter the area. Two other strong so stores showed up nearby. One he'd felt before, another was entirely new.

"This is Wreckingball, does anybody need assistance? I've finished with these jokers here and am beginning to get bored."

Nolan started to run for the Force Signatures ahead and had some fun along the way. Flying around on his jet pack, he rained hell from above in the form of bullets and grenades and a flamethrower he forgot he had. Nolan came down on a pair of bunkered Stormtroopers and activated the weapon in his hand. The micro-repulsor generators fired and splintered the bones and shattered the armor of the pair as he connected with them from above. Metal fist to visor, blood showered the area and repainted the iconic white armor a runny crimson.
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Final preparations

The scoundrel stepped into the Jai'galaar or what he would always know as - The Corellian Bolt - and a wave of nostalgy struck the depths of his hear despite all the modifications it had gonr through thankd to Rohlan Verd. Taking his helmet off, Zef made his way towards the cockpit of the freighter only to find a woman in Mandalorian armor on the co-pilot seat.

"Um. What the hell you doin' on my ship, kid ?" Zef raised an eyebrow.

"Rohlan sent me. Said to guide you through the new things he put in this old j- freighter." The woman replied not even looking at the ex-smuggler.

"Where is that old crook ?"

"I've got no idea, now are you gonna sit so i could run through the things that have been changed. Somethings a lot."

"Like what ?"

"The installation of an AI for you."

"An AI?"


"I know what it is, kid. Just been wondering on how much it can help me rather than being a disadvantage." Zef tapped his chins before the woman spoke again.

"Just sit and we'll start from there." The Mando woman said and impatiently the ex-smuggler sat down on the seat where more than half of his life was at.
Location: Cademimu
Objective: III
Allies: [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Krest"], [member="Tempist"], [member="Anastasia Verd"], [member="Nicair Claden"]
Enemies: First Order - [member="Hunter-157"]

At his touch did the War Droid kneel.

Isley did not take his time in leaping aboard the back of his reliable steed. Time and time again had the Cin Bes'uliik been a trusted ferry to the fields of battle, and this day would be no different. Before urging his mount forward, the Mand'alor gazed upon the troubled world below...and from this view did it seem contrary to the reality raging on its surface. It seemed at peace...but Isley knew better. Peace was a sin devised to give Arasuum room to grow. And they, the Empire and its warriors, were a wildfire of change.


The valiant roar sang from his lips, prompting the War Droid to take off in a sprint. It clawed its way out of the hangar, before unfolding and engaging its high-boost engines. Down did they propel beast and rider through the atmosphere of Cademimu. Ever swift did they fly to the epicenter of the combat. Amidst blaster fire and raging comms did the Cin Bes'uliik crash down, creating a thunderous boom and shuddering the earth. It's arrival was coupled with a roar: terrifying and metallic.

"I need an update." Isley breathed, addressing his nearest vod. At a glance he saw enemies – admittedly startled by his entrance. But the element of sheer shock would not last long. In fact, it didn't, and they began to open fire at the new target. With but a click of his teeth did Isley command the beast, and thus was its shield erected in response. In the meantime, he awaited a sitrep on what he had missed on the way down – and from there, a new plan forward would be born.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Objective 6: Custom (Podracing)
Location: Cademimu Autodrome
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Mandalorian Crusaders
Post: 2/38

After the Cademimu Classic was over, with Prax winning and Po Nulnik coming in second, there was another race being thrown the Autodrome's way. Dunames had no intention of leaving Cademimu empty-handed, even though she knew that the Beaches of the Dark Side plan fell apart in the end: the Mandalorian Crusader dignitaries were a no-show on that day. She knew that Po Nulnik would be celebrated across the First Order for him being the runner-up in that race: usually podracers would not amount to much when they are newcomers to a new tier. So she went to the podracer dealership located just outside the Cademimu Autodrome, which claimed to be the only podracer shop on the planet. And man the showing room was roomy: it could house three squadrons of fighters per floor. It was that big since it housed the planet's entire stock of podracers on three floors. Several models caught her attention: X-40, KV9T9-B Wasp, Chandrila DataTech's 3457-89-01, FG-20T20, FXBB-01, Gyaban 787, RS 557, Plug-3 Leviathan, to name those on the first floor that she found of interest.

"How much for the Gyaban 787?"

"I have three in stock, 50,000 credits each"

"I'll take it!"

"You look like one that should enter the drag race" the podracer vendor told Dunames. "What it is, it is a straight-line race. In the context of podracing it is a kilometer long, with the same finish line as with the main podrace that was held earlier today"

Dunames was a little nervous: her pod wasn't designed for drag racing so she installed a parachute to her brand new podracer, another Gyaban 787, the very same that earned Prax victory here on Cademimu, thinking that, if a particular podracer model could win a gold-level race, then surely she could use it, even if she didn't amount to much as a podracer pilot. She had some skill maneuvering a TIE Reaver at strafing, so surely she could put these skills to use in podracing, too. But from what she learned about in podracing, racers run in pairs even though it's essentially a time trial.
Objective: III
Allies: ME
Post: (4/20)

Nicair was shaken from his anxiety filled bloodlust by a Bes'uliik slamming into the earth nearby. Mand'alor he thought to himself, he did what he could to advance towards the great war droid, clearing out what stormtroopers got in his way as he did so. By now his original blaster rifle was broken from being used in such close combat so he made due with whatever weapons he could scavenge from the troopers, he made sure if he collected any from Mandalorians that he kept them tied to his body, as a result he didn't take many for practicality purposes. The man heavily favored his beskad and his martial arts for the brutal fighting that was ensuing. It only took him a few moments to reach the large war droid.

"Mand'alor, we're making an advance but the battle is bloody, the enemy would rather die than give ground. We're giving them death with every inch."

[member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Tempist"]
Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Krest"]
Enemies: Everyone Else
Post: VI

The man had nearly killed Adriel whom was focused on catching the barrel of another mans gun. This she brought about face to let shots fired go into the nearest enemies stomach point blank range. Immediately following, she lifted up, ducked under while pulling it back around toward her right side now. Next she used her free hand to push against the aft of the gun, hard enough to free it from his grip. Then she swung the large gun, slamming it like a bat into her opponents helm.

As she dropped the newest weapon, she watched her could be attacker die by the hand of an ally, she smiled and nodded her thanks. Taking up the rifle she had grabbed before, she opened fire at close range. Bolts of plasma energy shredded through several enemies at once. But it was then another of them charged her side, slamming her to the nearby wall. The pressure against her torso did nothing thanks to her Bodyglove, but the slam of her head on concrete certainly did.

Groaning aloud was her quickest reaction the rest was a tad slower. Her right arm came up then around, wrapping the mans head into the crook of her elbow. Then the muzzle of the rifle met the underside of his chin... then he was dead. Releasing the body, she reached back to just above her neck along the base of her skull, feeling the blood flowing there.

Clearly she had some skill, thanks to lessons her father had aloud, but she was by no means able to truly be a threat. She was a child in a grown woman's body. Strength, intuition, and some other skills were definitely more progressed than others, but along this route was the issue that being able to survive in the wilderness for a long time. She was able to be useful but in total that was it, facing unintelligent predators was much simpler than sentient minds.
Location: Arriving groundside
Objective: IV - The suicidal one
Allies: [member="Goran"], [member="Kai Arias"], [member="Darian Beviin"], [member="Josiah Denko"]
Enemies: Probably everyone else

His response only earned a crooked smile beneath her helmet, accompanied by a quiet laugh. "Kih'parjai. I'd be more concerned with what we're going to face when we hit groundside. They're not exactly welcoming down there." The words weren't meant to unnerve or intimidate, perhaps what some would consider a rarity for her. This was simply the reality of war Keira was verbalizing, and it was one this newcomer would have to quickly adjust to, lest he be swept up in the undertow. "You'll be fine. My brother wouldn't have assigned you to our merry band if he didn't see something in you when you spoke with him. This'll all be over in no time." Not exactly a pep talk, but it would work.

The ship shuddered as they neared their destination, the sensation only seeming to increase as the seconds ticked by. It was a sensation she had experienced many a time before, but that didn't make it any more bearable. She set her jaw, gripping firmly the nearest handhold and simply hanging on for the ride. Just as quickly as it began everything came to an abrupt halt, and all was silent. After a moment or two had passed she dared to stand, remaining in one place for a moment as if making certain everything was still attached and functioning properly as it had before. Violent reentry into an atmosphere and a nigh reckless landing always took a bit to shake off.

Wordlessly she stepped over to the exit, pressing the button that would release the landing ramp and allow them to set foot on the planet they would soon enough bring under their dominion. "I'd give us a half hour to forty five minutes at the most before they notice something's up and dispatch military personnel to take a look. We don't have much time, so let's leave them in the dark. Oya, vode." And then she was on the surface, instantly stretching out with the Force to be certain they hadn't been noticed, her HUD lighting up with all available information now that they were groundside. A small map of their surroundings manifested in the lower left corner of her vision, their immediate objectives highlighted in red.

"Nothing seems out of place thus far. I would slice their communications to give you further insight if that wouldn't attract their immediate attention. There isn't much sensitive information I'm able to acquire this soon, so you'll be playing this one in the dark for a little while. I've taken the liberty of locating the primary and secondary power grid for ease of access." When everything else was chaos, at the very least Thalia was levelheaded as always. "If they raise the alarm, do what you can to raise hell on their channels. I want it damn near impossible to find us until we finish this first step." "Understood." Now the fun began.


Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Tempist"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Nicair Claden"]
Enemies: FO [member="Hunter-157"]
Post: 7

When the last of the troopers in the immediate area fell, Krest stared around in sadness. He didn't want it to end so soon, even though he knew it would start up again shortly. What was this drug doing to him? He liked it. With the appearance of Isley however, such thoughts were crushed. The once Templar couldn't help but stiffen in sight of the once Grandmaster of the order. Hell, he even went so far as to offer a quick Templar salute.

"My dropship was cut down almost immediately. I was the only survivor. There must be anti air encampments nearby. By your leave I'll take care of them so the rest of the troops can land in safety." Ever formal. It seems even after the decades the training never truly faded. He cast a glance to his ally in this, Tempist, and nodded once. The pair could deal with a couple of these stations, right? Especially with the high they were both experiencing.

Ardasz Verd


Location: Hot Landing Zone
Allies: @Goran. [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Kai Arias"], [member="Josiah Denko"], [member="Driel Beroya"]
Objective: IV- Slaughter.
Enemies: Anade aru'e.


Orbital reentry was already a monstrous event. The phenomenon of gravity's sudden existence tugged at the stomachs of everyone and drew the already shifting fluids in their system downward. People trained for fast drops knew to evacuate their bladders before the ordeal- Darian learned that young, when he was still Artus' child. The embarrassment of pissing his armor in front of three other blooded verd was nothing in comparison to the battle that followed. The memory was one surrounded more with hollow laughter than bitterness or sorrow, but it was one of significance. Everything a Mando did in his life, every swing of his weapon, every scream of his throat, was done in defense of his people. To extend the will of the Clan, and of the Culture, Darian mastered weapons one after the other and passed his knowledge on to others.

The others spoke around him, but Darian Beviin, son of Artus, heard nothing. One voice amidst the chaos spoke to him. It told him to savage this world and so many others. It told him to reave the old that the new might come forth. He could naught but comply.

Now, it was time to use that knowledge. His hands folded in prayer and head bowed in reverence, the High Priest shivered. The only sign that he was alive at all were droplets of sweat from his forehead and ragged breaths that escaped him every minute or so. His eyes opened glassy and stared at the floor. Opaque green irises and dilated pupils indicated heavy dosages of stimulants that wreaked havoc on his system, but provided a hellish battle high. His hands trembled as he brought them in front of his face.

Spasms ripped through every finger. He brought both hands to his cheeks and fingernails dug into flesh. A shaky gasp rattled from his lips as he drew blood, then continued to rake digits across his face. Numbness battled against agony and twisted his mind into madness. Bloodshot eyes focused and flicked one way, then the other as Darian shrugged off his cloak of chains and stood upright.

The doors split open and ahead of him, the Verd Clan's Team of Murderous Psychopaths flooded out into combat. Darian slowly placed the buy'ce over his head, and the face of a madman turned to cold iron. His armor was lighter weight than most beskar'gam, flecked with animal furs and hide on the outer layer to denote his rank as a hunter. Strongly forged plates of green and black protected his body as he strode out onto the killing fields of Borosk.

He gripped the tomahawk that hung at his hip and ripped it free of the strap that bound it. The weapon hung at his side and swung back and forth, keeping pace with him.

Gorehound was as hungry as its master.

As Ticon sent the objectives to their HUDs, Darian snarled. It was time to destroy. It was time to burn everything.

"Parjai par Kad," his mechanical voice hissed, "Kyr val'an."
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Commence departure procedures

"Looks too new to my taste." Zef commented as his eyes went all over the cockpit. The Mandalorian's hand then went on the headlights switch, putting it up then down again. No weird noises. "Hell, this cracked every time I moved it. How would I know I hit the headlight button and not the first fuel pump activator ?"

The Mandalorian woman just crossed her arms and the scoudrel knew that under that helmet was a grimace that implied she was getting tired of his complaints. Complaints that he had been throwing the last two minutes.

"Okay, okay. Thank Rohlan for getting The Corellian Bolt up for me."




The ex-smuggler sighed as he shook his head just before he sat down on the captain's seat. Come to think of it, it was the first time Zef Halo had seen this ship When he had first bought it so many years ago, it was not even 10% close to its current status. Of course over the years the smuggler had upgraded it making it a great smuggling ship. A well known one as well.

Until the Mandos impounded it and made it a blockade runner for their purpose. And renamed it to Jai'galaar, which was the notorious shriek-hawk in Mando'a.

Now, once again, it had been touched by the Mandos. This time with a much gentler and precise touch, the touch of the genius Rohlan Verd.

"<< Warmarshal, preparations are complete. We're waiting for your call.>>" The scoundrel's com rang in the cockpit washing away his memories.

"<< Order all ships to begin flight departure procedures. We'll be leaving in approximately 11 minutes.>>" Zef replied then turned to his co-pilot.

"You got 10 minutes to go through all that has been done to the Corellian Bolt. "


The Original Robot Space Ninja
Objective IV
Location- Landing
Allies: [member="Darian Beviin"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Kai Arias"] [member="Josiah Denko"] [member="Driel Beroya"]
Enemies: And for my next trick...
3 of 37

Goran was getting a bad vibe off that priest dude.

Unlike most Shards, the little astromech was able to readily read the emotions of organic beings, something most attributed to mild insanity. It simply operated on a different wavelength than most of its crystalline brethren, one close enough to the organic spectrum that, after a few centuries of practice, allowed it to get a surface read off just about anyone that wasn't actively trying to stop it. In many ways, that made life so much easier; Goran was one of the only Shards who was any good at tracking large numbers of organic minds in a fight. That skill was one of the reasons it was so effective as an assassin, and it kept the Shard out of trouble on many occasions.

That was a cold comfort in the face of the prospect of going dirtside with this guy. The dude practically oozed fanaticism. It clung to him like stink to a Hutt, and that made Goran nervous. It didn't like fanatics. No one fought harder than a fanatic. No one was so quick to lay down their life as a fanatic. No one was as willing to commit atrocity after atrocity as a fanatic.

On the whole, the Shard didn't object to mass murder, but it preferred that the victims be assholes. It could kill verified assholes all day and call it fun. There was no more noble a cause than shooting an nerf herder in the face, and it was a hobby Goran indulged in whenever possible. Leave it in an area long enough, and the local population would begin to select for good manners in just a few generations.

Fanatics didn't care if they were killing assholes. They killed heretics and nonbelievers. They also had a bad habit of ruining stealth ops by killing heretics and nonbelievers. Goran had no illusions that they would make it out of this without bringing the wrath of the planet's defense forces down on their heads, but it was at least hoping to make it to the power grid before the shooting started.

And so, as soon as the shuttle's landing ramp touched down, the little Shard scurried off into the darkness towards its objective: a nearby transformer station that controlled power to the local neighborhood. It stayed in shadow as much as possible, and gave any organic minds a wide berth. The shuttle had landed close enough by that the trip only took a few minutes. A quick burst from its arc welder popped the lock on the station's access panel. It extended its probe and jacked it into the appropriate port.

"Once I get started," it said, addressing the priest, "It won't take long for them to find the source of the slice. bringing the grid down shouldn't be too hard, but on a system like this, they'll know exactly where to look. Any police or soldiers you see heading our way, shoot 'em. I suspect they're gonna take offense to what I'm about to do to their power grid."

And with that, it dove into the data streams, leaving the real world behind.
Allies: [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Tempest"] [member="Krest"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Enemies: ?
Post 3

She stopped adjusted her frequency and smiled, "Nol'ika" she whispered so he as here on the surface, good. She sent a message, "Let's join up Wreckingball and see if we can create a bit more havoc" She was not always the one to lead the charge she was one of stealth of being hidden.

This fighting where anyone could see her made her feel exposed but then she had to learn to fight in this environment rather than always from the shadows. She would begin today as she started truding towards where her husband was located.

Along the way she saw dead bodies laying everywhere states of fear and death etched on their face. Death had not come as a friend it had come as a force of Vengeance and fury and the dead knew it. War was not easy, but it was at times necessary to gain resources this was necessary.
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Deploy I

The departure procedures were masterfully executed by all pilots of the four Mandalorian ships that were to head down to the surface of Sol'nega. Not a minute after the procedures were completed did the Mandalorian ships disembark from the hangar of space station one by one. Quickly they regrouped into a wedge formation spearheaded by The Corellian Bolt piloted by Zef.

Slowly the absolutely dark planet began engulfing the viewport, the dark blue and purple light of the neutron star were certainly not enough to shed any light on the ships or the planet that was renown for its almost complete darkness. Fortunately for the Mandalorians, Zef had once passed by one of the space stations above Sol'Nega during his smuggling career. He absolutely despised this place but during his one day stay on the space station he learned quite a bit, more myths than truths, and he also forged a few connections which kept the criminals away from the Mandalorians' preparations. The scoundrel was also able to negotiate a good price on the super-powered lights that each of the Mandalorian ships had currently attached on their hull.

"<< Super lights. Check.>>" The ex-smuggler tapped a new button and a ray of light pierced the space ahead for a moment before Zef turned it off. Another three lights could be seen slightly seen around him after which followed a barrage of 'checks' on the intercom.

"<<ETA to atmosphere is 6 minutes. Super lights after 5 minutes. Keep your eyes on the scanners for now and don't forget surface scans are close to impossible due to the ore found beneath the ground. Results will be quite distorted. Zef, over and out.>>"

Three confirmations followed and soon the task force would enter the complete darkness of Sol'Nega's atmosphere.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Objective 6: Custom (Podracing)
Location: Cademimu Autodrome
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Mandalorian Crusaders
Post: 3/38

Because the First Order was highly despised on this world, she made herself no friends among the local podracers. After all, when rumors of First Order activity in the sector abound, the Mandalorian Crusaders (or Empire) most of the locals see Dunames as a hostile, especially since her Neimoidian Yacht is registered under the First Order flag. As per the podracer vendor's suggestion she enters the Cademimu Drift. Despite what people claim, and especially Vulptereen or Collor Pondrat, any podracer model is going to be limited production at best, and often semi-unique is the norm for serial podracers. Unique podracers like Marianne Kwyjibo's Madi-Wisc were present as well. And, while Dunames installs the parachute, she goes out and rent a racing suit so that she can race in safety. Inertial compensators are often absent from podracers and even the Gyaban 787 is no exception. But because Mrs. Kwyjibo, renowned in the First Order starfighter academy as being a reckless pilot, had a track record, she goes in earlier. She is up against a pilot with a Plug-3 Leviathan.

"Start your engines!" the referee told the racers.

And, off they are, with both runners reaching about 1000 kph in three seconds flat. To naked eye, they appear to have been in a dead-heat. I wouldn't like to be the one racing against her, Dunames thought, thinking of whether she would race against Marianne at some point.
Location: Somewheres on Cademmimu
Obj 3
Allies: [member="Satine Detta"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Krest"] [member="Tempist"] [member="Nicair Claden"]
Gear in Bio
Post 5

Nolan turned as the velvet voice of his beloved entered his head. Words flowed like silver, shining in the brilliance of battle. They cut through the Wreckingball's bloodlust like a Lightsaber through...well anything.

"My love, I'm near your position, I know this open style isn't your preference, but I will be your shield." Nolan launched with the aid of his jump-pack and landed meters away from Satine. Turning so his back was to her he unslung his L3 River Rifle and began to cut a swath through the ranks of First Order meat puppets. The occasional few who got too close were met with a stock strike and a double tab to the dome.

"Oh, the good 'ole days eh my love?" Nolan jested, "It would appear our fearless leader has joined us. I can feel him a klick out. How do you supposed Corvus is doing?"

If ever the time to be a worrisome parent, it was during combat.

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