Good Ol' Scoundrel
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Deploy II
As the Mandalorian ships entered the atmosphere of Sol'Nega the viewports of the ship were engulfed with complete darkness, only the ray of light gave the picture a different color than black. It was safe to say they were completely blind with scans of their surroundings become more and more distorted the closer they became to the surface. Silence had taken over the cockpit, only the rummage of the engines could be heard.
"<<Well, the clouds are full with Tibanna.>>" A small holoprojection of a young woman appeared from absolutely nowhere on the control panel of the cockpit.
"Holy hell, what the hell are you?" The Mandalorian almost jumped off his seat startled.
"It's the A.I, I thought you knew what that is." His co-pilot mockingly asked, her gloomy attitude at the Sol'nega situation.
"<< Ahem, I have a name. J.A.N.E at your services.>>"
"Ugh, that old man Rohlan." Zef shook his head at what was happening then tried to drive this conversation into something that mattered. "You sayin' the clouds are full with Tibanna."
"That's good, that's actually really good. Remind me about this when all this is over, I think I know someone who can give us some discounted equipment."
"<<Noted. ETA to surface coordinates is 8 minutes and 43 seconds.>>
"So far, so good." Zef nodded curtly as he put his helmet on.
"So far, so good." The co-pilot replied with a slight worry in her tone.
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Deploy II
As the Mandalorian ships entered the atmosphere of Sol'Nega the viewports of the ship were engulfed with complete darkness, only the ray of light gave the picture a different color than black. It was safe to say they were completely blind with scans of their surroundings become more and more distorted the closer they became to the surface. Silence had taken over the cockpit, only the rummage of the engines could be heard.
"<<Well, the clouds are full with Tibanna.>>" A small holoprojection of a young woman appeared from absolutely nowhere on the control panel of the cockpit.
"Holy hell, what the hell are you?" The Mandalorian almost jumped off his seat startled.
"It's the A.I, I thought you knew what that is." His co-pilot mockingly asked, her gloomy attitude at the Sol'nega situation.
"<< Ahem, I have a name. J.A.N.E at your services.>>"
"Ugh, that old man Rohlan." Zef shook his head at what was happening then tried to drive this conversation into something that mattered. "You sayin' the clouds are full with Tibanna."
"That's good, that's actually really good. Remind me about this when all this is over, I think I know someone who can give us some discounted equipment."
"<<Noted. ETA to surface coordinates is 8 minutes and 43 seconds.>>
"So far, so good." Zef nodded curtly as he put his helmet on.
"So far, so good." The co-pilot replied with a slight worry in her tone.