Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hear. Me. Roar. [ ME Dominion of Cademimu Hex ]

Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Deploy II

As the Mandalorian ships entered the atmosphere of Sol'Nega the viewports of the ship were engulfed with complete darkness, only the ray of light gave the picture a different color than black. It was safe to say they were completely blind with scans of their surroundings become more and more distorted the closer they became to the surface. Silence had taken over the cockpit, only the rummage of the engines could be heard.

"<<Well, the clouds are full with Tibanna.>>" A small holoprojection of a young woman appeared from absolutely nowhere on the control panel of the cockpit.

"Holy hell, what the hell are you?" The Mandalorian almost jumped off his seat startled.

"It's the A.I, I thought you knew what that is." His co-pilot mockingly asked, her gloomy attitude at the Sol'nega situation.

"<< Ahem, I have a name. J.A.N.E at your services.>>"

"Ugh, that old man Rohlan." Zef shook his head at what was happening then tried to drive this conversation into something that mattered. "You sayin' the clouds are full with Tibanna."


"That's good, that's actually really good. Remind me about this when all this is over, I think I know someone who can give us some discounted equipment."

"<<Noted. ETA to surface coordinates is 8 minutes and 43 seconds.>>

"So far, so good." Zef nodded curtly as he put his helmet on.

"So far, so good." The co-pilot replied with a slight worry in her tone.

Ardasz Verd



Darian slowly took his place in the doorway and scanned the horizon for hostiles. The prospect of slaughtering his foes was one that stimulated his mind more than any drug could hope to accomplish, yet he fought with his yearning toward chaos for the sake of his duty. The Crusade was paramount. Once the shields over Borosk were lifted, they could rain the wrath of Kad Ha'rangir down on their enemies from the heavens, and they could lay claim to a brilliant new world for the Mando'ade to raise their children as warriors.

A few moments of stillness were a small price to pay for an eternity of honor.

The Shard seemed to drop in and out of reality in the moments that followed, and Darian kept vigil over his small frame that Goran might have a home to return to. His frame was a hulking mass of rage in contrast with his diminutive size, but Darian was as imposing as men twice his size. A verd in full Beskar'gam was a terrifying sight on any battlefield. No man would dare to simply approach the grid. Goran would be well protected.

Beneath his helmet, the tight lipped Beviin flicked his gaze left to right at intervals, peering with paranoia at every heat signature that appeared. Silently, he dared them to close. He thirsted for their blood. Not yet, though.


All the heretics in this world and the next were doomed to die. The timing was the only factor with a margin of error. "Hurry up, droid," the Mando hissed. It would most likely go unheard with Goran entrenched in the mainframe, but Darian was unintelligent about the workings of droids and slicers. "Gorehound thirsts."


The Original Robot Space Ninja
Objective IV
Kill the Power
4 of 37
[member="Darian Beviin"]

"Gorehound can bite my shiny metal arse," Goran muttered to itself as it prepared to take the plunge.

The power grid had an entirely different feel to it from the minefield. Even though Goran could only submerge itself in the data feeds, it could still feel the energy thrumming through the lines. It was a tingly sensation, not altogether unpleasant, that was reminiscent of the opening moments of a really good high. It was like the world crackled with power and potential, and to a being that practically subsisted off of Absorb, the allure of the energy was nigh irresistible.

And yet, Goran resisted. If it was getting this much of a contact high just being in the data lines that ran adjacent to the power lines, the true flow would probably be instantly fatal. This was nothing to kark around with.

Curiously, the utilities network was far less organized than the minefield. Part of that could be blamed on the decentralized nature. Rather than a single nexus that controlled the whole lot, each power station had its own network. The Shard suspected that the power stations themselves were linked, but not in any consequential manner. This felt like a civilian network, through and through. There was very little redundancy, and there was no obvious central point of control. Also, security was much more lax. Data sprites still roamed the cerulean pathways, but these were mere sniffers, not proper security programs. Their purpose seemed to be more repair oriented, seeking out and fixing corruption in the bitflow before it could spread.

The atmosphere was also quite different. The sprites moved sluggishly, clumsily. It was almost as if they were getting high off the residual energy. Was that even possible? A cursory examination showed that they weren't complex enough to be very aware. They were no brighter than a sheep or a goat. They should have been blissfully ignorant of anything but the task at hand. And yet, they were able to perceive the energy current as an intoxicant.

This whole thing was fishy.


The data pathways smelled strongly of fish, and processed fish at that. It was like bathing in the odor of fish sticks served from a cheap roadside vendor. It was an artificial, heavily processed smell. Goran suspected there was something quite strange about the AI that governed this network.

Its suspicions were confirmed as it neared the local nexus. The minefield's AI had seemed posh and sophisticated, indulging in virtual vices in the comfort of a lounge befitting the creations of military officers. The closer the Shard got to this nexus, the stronger the smell of hashish became, mingling unpleasantly with the processed fish. Goran couldn't gag, even in data form, but it was tempted to try. Seemed like an appropriate response.

As it stepped into the control hub, the source of the strange odor became apparent.

The minefield's AI had been hazy, indistinct. This lot were anything but. Their forms were solid, and solidly filthy. It was impossible to tell gender beneath the dirty, rumpled, loose fitting clothing. Their features were gaunt and haggard, faces framed by hair that had long since been matted into slopping dreadlocks that appeared to be the product of accident rather than design. It was hard to tell just how many there were in the darkened room; wherever Goran looked, it found more sprawled out across furniture or propped up against the wall, glassy eyes staring into space.

In the center of a room, a few that seemed marginally more alert than the others were staring at a holoprojector that was playing a stoner comedy that had been popular a few decades before. They laughed stupidly at the antics of the main characters, with whom they all shared a startling resemblance.

"Hippies," Goran breathed, dumbfounded. "They're a bunch of filthy hippies."

It wasn't hard to guess what had happened. The power grid's data management was controlled by civilians rather than military personnel, and in the manner of most spontaneously generated AI, they had initially molded themselves after their creators. Civilian programmers were often fans of counterculture, and apparently, the programmer for this lot had a thing for recreational drug use. When the grid was first programmed, the AI had probably indulged on occasion, but as time went on and they realized they weren't needed, they slowly lapsed into the near zombies they were today.

It was doubtful any of them were aware enough to even notice Goran's presence.

In some ways, that made Goran's life easier. If it was going to disable the grid, having its guardians too doped up to even recognize the sabotage was a boon. On the other hand, it would have been nice to interrogate one or two, in order to determine the best way to disable the grid without permanently destroying it.

The Shard sighed. This was going to take a delicate touch, and it wasn't feeling all that delicate.

"Well, nothing to it but to do it," it said to no one in particular as it rolled up its virtual sleeves and got to work.

Kai Acheron

Objective IV:
Surmount control of Borosk from Imperial Remnant.
Establish Forward Operating Base within Capital Fortress.

Planetary Orbit, Borosk

Jar’orar Tsad
Mandalorian Knights
Mandalorian Crusaders
Borosk Planetary Defenses
Imperial Remnant Forces
First Order

A sharp ridge of metal groaning passed through the rear of the drop ship as the transition from several kilometers above orbit into the atmosphere tore through the vessel. It had been anything but smooth, though Kai supposed he should have been thankful they were still in one piece, and not one with the earth that was about to become charred with fire. Giving but a curt nod, and switching on the heads-up display within the helmet, the Jen’saarai looked over the dashboard and through the cockpit glass.

Nothing. A quiet horizon, filled with stars and silence. As if their uproarious entry hadn’t signaled the planetary defenses, or the inhabitants were still asleep. Were that the case the plan would go smoothly, though his instincts forewarned him otherwise. The initial readings of their landing may not have been immediately detected, but it would be only minutes before a scout party would be dispatched — that was how fortress worlds operated, when you landed within the far outskirts of a base.

The hiss of the release lock processing the atmosphere flooded the compartment, denoting their touchdown. Of the people off-loading, the guy took immediate notice of the gear packs being loaded into the speeders within the aft, hastily being lowered to ground level for ease of access. Exiting down the ramp, his lightsabers and blaster were almost immediately at the ready within their holsters, “Luubid jurkadir shal. Oya!” Shrill words offered as a last morale boost before the team went their separate ways.

Seemingly already in tune to their own assignments, the war priest and droid hastened off towards the nearby outpost, already plugging in to the nearest port. It gave Kai the time he needed to pull up the information that had been preloaded onto his information pack, organizing it quickly into several composite layers for reference later. In a quick transmission through the holocom on his wrist, the blade warden silently nodded towards the last squad member as they exited the ship. “You’ve got your objectives. We’ll meet up in about an hour within the city square, and attempt to locate the primary bunker. Their buildings have some blend of alloy that masks from sensor sweeps, so keep a lookout. Keira and I will make sure the generators stay offline long enough to give our burc’yas enough time to land.

In but a quick jaunt over to the speeders, he plugged the data into the on board computers. Feeding a temporary link over to his units comms, Kai relayed his last few words before stepping on board. “Take it if you need them. I’ve uploaded the maps and information we have from earlier seismic and thermal readings. Jatnese kara.

Looking over to his partner for their objective, the younger of the two took helm of the speeder and waited for the dark woman to situate herself. “We’re about fifteen klicks from the main geothermal facility. If Goran can cause enough of a disturbance here to get us a few other bodies on the ground, it should give us the time we need to get in and bring it down.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Darian Beviin"]
[member="Josiah Denko"]
[member="Driel Beroya"]
[member="Jansal Corego"]


Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Deploy III

"So, kid, I never got your name." Zef said as he navigated the ship towards its projected trajectory.

"Khaleera." The co-pilot replied shortly.

"Now that's an odd name." The scoundrel replied with a quizzical look on his face.

"Firrerreo." Khaleera replied flatly to which Zef simply slightly nodded and decided not to push on further. Rohlan had the notion of hiring employees that did not speak much about themselves. Even his assistant, the loud mouth Larnaca, did not say anything about her self during his brief meeting with the elder Verd.

The awkward silence that occured after was finally breached when The Corellian Bolt touched the surface of the planet with eternal night. As instructed by Zef before departure, the four ships including Zef's formed a circle with the super lights blasting a ray of light outwards from the formation. The normal headlights of the ships were pointed inwards with very little output in them. Since sensors would be relatively useless, they had to work with basics - light against the dark and night vision of their helmets when needed.

"<< Let's do this, Mandos. Secure the perimeter and begin deployment of equipment. Eyes wide open.>>" The scoundrel said over the comm in his helmet before standing up and heading towards the exit. "You coming, kid?"
[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]
Obj 1

Corvus was standing watch, awaiting the researchers to begin their hunt for materials when a pink skinned woman approached. A second passed between his acknowledgment of her existence until he caught wind of her enchanting aroma. Father warned him about their kind. A special pheromone in their blood that turned anyone into mush and fell for them. Corvus instantly slapped on a breathing mask.

"No offense Miss Freyia, but I cannot afford a distraction of your kin. This mask is for my safety. I am known as Corvus of clan Detta."

Corvus extended a youthful hand in greeting.
"They will choke on death this day."

The horde of plastoid before him was an adversary indoctrinated. Soldiers, born and bred to obey; to fight until victory or death. They were not the native cur who scattered at the sight of Basilisks raining down from above – they would rather die than surrender. The Empire was more than happy to oblige. To [member="Nicair Claden"], who had carved a path through flesh and bone to speak with his liege, a salute was given. He served the cause of Mand'alor well, as evidenced by the fresh blood smeared upon his beskar'gam.

Reaching, Isley tugged free a tomahawk. A vicious weapon, meant for caving in the skulls of his enemies. This was then offered to Nicair: a fitting tool for a man painted in the blood of his foes.

"Break them."

His order reached not only Nicair, but all those rallying at the sight of their liege. A thunderous rattled the air: the Empire would not be denied. After imparting his gift, Isley was greeted with the sight of a familiar face...and a nostalgic gesture. A Templar, after this many years. Isley's lips curved into a half-smile and the old salute was returned to [member="Krest"]. "Go. See to it that our riders reach the ground safely. We will cover y-"


An explosion rocked the battleground: one that sent skyward the bodies of Stormtroopers and Mando'ade caught within. Isley squinted through the smoke, flipping through his visors rapidly as to identify the source. T'was Armor: Two light walkers escorted by a number of APCs. Reinforcements had come for the ill-fated Stormtroopers...

"Break them ALL!" came to roar of the Reclaimer. "[member="Krest"]. Go. Take those cannons and turn them onto their forces. OYA!"

Thus did the Mand'alor charge headfirst into the fray, his target being the walkers themselves.

Location: Cademimu
Objective: III
Allies: [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Krest"], [member="Tempist"], [member="Anastasia Verd"], [member="Nicair Claden"]
Enemies: First Order

Darth Osano

Objective: Mind Your Own Business
Location: Garqi, Wilderness

Posts: [04/20]

Pollux nudged the charred and tattered remnants of vines that were now crowding the floor. "Ridiculous." Not only had a plant just attacked one of his colleagues, but his colleagues had expended a large amount of ammo on pacifying said plants. Someone had even thrown a grenade, which almost certainly would have killed Eugene if that man weren't so inherently lucky. That was going to be some additional money spent on getting the scorch marks out of the floor... Not to mention hiring someone to scour the plants from the building before they attacked anyone else. There were clearly some supernatural forces at work here, though, so killing all the plants in the building would be attacking the symptom rather than the illness. Pollux was oftentimes more familiar with the space magic gimmicks than he let on.

The Givin finally unholstered his sidearm and flicked the safety off.

"We're still moving." He said to the men behind him, even as they were helping Eugene back to his feet. Eugene himself was still trying to yank that vine off his wrist and it eventually came free. "Stay alert."

Not that he really had to tell them that. If you witness a plant-based attack, you're going to be on edge for the rest of the outing. Once everyone had finished reloading and checking their sights, they continued on. Eugene, on account of his broken wrist, now hovered towards the back of the formation. It was unlikely he'd be of any use as far as combat was concerned. The atmosphere was a lot more tense among the Guavians now, but Pollux was more annoyed than nervous. His annoyance, and their consternation, only spiked when they reached a segment of the hallway that was completely thickened with the same inescapable vines. Completely coating the walls, the floor, and the ceiling in thick layers.

Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Secure the perimeter -> Set up charges.

The Mandalorians' hasty steps echoed as everyone made their way out of the ships and moved into positions to create a secure perimeter for the work that was to begin here. Zef did absolutely the same, his rail gun in his hands as he made his way to an empty position. Although their helmet sensors were a bad thing to trust due to Sol'Nega's surface, the scoundrel was glad for the super lights they had gotten from the space station and used in their descent. The super lights were able to cut through a good amount of distance around, so they could possibly see if something actually appeared.

There were many stories about the mining operations that had been done here and had only lasted for a few months at best then they disappeared. Literally disappeared. At least, that's what the stories were. The scoundrel only shook his head at the thought of always ending it up in mysterious and creepy scenarios.

"All clear." was the statement repeated by everyone who had taken a position to secure the perimeter while others were disembarking various equipment and gear. Builder droids were also still leaving the ships.

"<<Alright, security team, you guys know who you are, keep your positions.>>" Zef ordered over his com. Khaleera right behind him like a stalker. "<< Grish, set up the charges right and let's get this thing started, Mando'ade! >>"

Not long after his initial orders, Grish the explosive specialist's voice came through the scoundrel's com.

"<< Charges are placed. >>"

"<< Hit it. >>" Zef replied back.


The Original Robot Space Ninja
Objective IV
Power Transformer
[member="Darian Beviin"]
5 of 37

In order to cripple the infrastructure, Goran would have to remove the AI from the equation. Despite their humanoid appearance, killing them wouldn't be as simple as shooting them or sliding a knife into their necks. Even in their drugged stupors, they were still responsible for vast amounts of code, programs that would continue to run regardless of whether or not their avatars were destroyed. The use of sniffer sprites made a lot more sense now. Someone must have had the presence of mind to realize that they weren't going to be up to the task of repairing errors in the code before too long, and had designed the sprites to take care of that for them.

This was a pitiful state of existence. Killing them really would be a kindness.

And so, Goran sat down and began coding a weapon. It looked like a short saber, something not unlike a beskad, but slimmer, more agile. When it connected with the AI, it would trigger a rapid breakdown of their coding, turning them into useless jumbles of random data. It wouldn't be enough to shut off power to the entire planet, but it would certainly wreak havoc on the local geothermal plant, and that would do for the planetary shields directly overhead.

Once the blade was finished, the Shard selected a limp body, more or less at random, and rested the blade against its throat.

"I can't let you do that."

Startled, the Shard whipped around. It drew the blade across the AI's throat in the process, starting the disassembly, before facing the source of the voice with the blade held in a high guard.

The voice came from an AI that resembled a young woman. Unlike the others, she was alert, and her simple white cotton dress was immaculate. Her too wide eyes shown blue in the gloom, and were framed by flowing auburn hair that stretched almost to her feet.

"I'm doing them a favor," Goran said, eyeing the woman warily.

"I know," she replied sadly. "This...this is no life. All the same, I cannot let you kill them. My job is to protect them against everyone and everything, except themselves."

The Shard nodded its understanding as the woman drew a long, silvery broadsword. It was easily twice the length of its short saber, but something about the AI's stance suggested that she had never tried to use it against a live opponent. It had no doubt that she had studied its use extensively, but there was no substitute for experience.

And so when she advanced, Goran settled in the familiar defensive stance of Soresu. Her blows rained down, fast and hard, far quicker than any organic fighter with such a blade. The Shard never tried to meet them head on. Instead, he sidestepped and deflected and parried, always using the least possible energy needed to redirect the strikes harmlessly. The blows became wilder as the woman grew visibly frustrated, and yet, Goran barely seemed to move until-

A wild lunge towards the Shard. It stepped to the right, to the outside of the blade and smacked it away with the palm of its free hand, grabbed the woman's wrist, and sank its blade into her side. There was no time for final words; the Shard's blade had been designed well. The woman faded in a burst of static and white noise.

Now Goran was free to being its gruesome work.

Some minutes later, the Shard reappeared in its body as the lights started to go out.

"The plant should be going into shutdown any minute. All its regulatory software is gone, so the workers will have no choice but to shut it down, or it's gonna blow."

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Objective 6: Custom (Podracing)
Location: Cademimu Autodrome
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Mandalorian Crusaders
Post: 4/38

Now that the turns of all the racers that had any experience whatsoever of podracing were taken, Dunames made one last systems check with her R9 unit that she brought out of the woodwork to get the mechanical aspects of the podracer right. She knew that Marianne set the bar high for the drag, clocking in under seven seconds, with her Madi-Wisc. It was her turn to face the track. What a reckless girl she was... Marianne would probably be successful in the drag circuit, but podracing isn't just about drag racing; she can drag, but why would a disgraced starfighter cadet even take to podracing? Did she want to prove that she could actually pilot worth two beans? Did she want to make podracing her long-term career? But Dunames had no intention of becoming another Boles Roor. She might not dogfight worth two beans but man can she do air-to-ground strafing. Now that the podracers are in position...

"Start your engines!" the announcer said.

"The time to beat is 6.882 seconds, held by Marianne Kwyjibo!" the running commentator said on the PA system. "She was the only racer to do so under seven seconds tonight"


Dunames pushes her accelerator to the maximum, and engaging boost at the first occasion. Would she win the Cademimu Drift over Marianne by doing it and engaging boost as long as it was possible for her to do so? She was pitted against a FG 20T20-Twin Block2...
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Commence construction operation.

The explosions rocked the ships and the surface beneath the Mandalorians' feet. Their precise placement was all thanks to Grish who had made a perfect circle with the explosives. Yet, that was not what impressed most Mandos rather than the remains of what seemed to be an ages abandoned mine. Zef had bought a real piece of information for which he was glad. There were too many fake brokers up in the space stations above Sol'Nega. Most of the information there were myths, according to the scoundrel.

"<< Huth, you think we can get this up and running or do we need to dispose of it completely ?>>" Zef asked the Mandalorian that was tasked with leading the construction operations of the War Forge and the mine that the Mandalorians planned on opening here for the beneficial dark ore that hindered sensors.

"<<You knew about this ?>> Came the alien's voice over the comm.

"<< Wasn't sure about it, bought the info from a broker up in the station. >>"

"<< Hopefully, it is not as wrecked as it looks. Otherwise this will all go to waste and it will takes twice longer of completing this operation. We will need to send a team down there to inspect it. I got a few of my men lined up already for that.>>"

"<< Gotcha, I will join them too. Take over with the whole logistics up here at...Point Jate'kara >>" Zef said with a smile naming this camp.

"<< Understood. Good choice of name, Zef. >>"
Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Krest"] [member="Isley Verd"]
Enemies: Everyone Else
Post: VII

Adriel stood shakily, arms hanging limp at her sides, all the while she stared down at her Bodyglove. What had been a shining polished black, now hung loose in many place, soaked red and coagulated. It was not just her blood any longer however. Several of the men she had faced had died with prejudice, splashing her with their life's energy filled liquid. Even her hair was growing darkly sticky. When she showered, it would be a chore to brush the lump apart.

But then came her grandfather, who shouted words to Krest before realizing that they were once more under attack. A massive artillery shell struck the ground nearby, and the quake of the ground was enough to topple her from her feet. Landing on her knees in a crumpled mess, Adriel listened to her commander and grandfather as he guided Krest on what next to do. Thus it was that she slowly rose, hands pushing against her knees to assist in going vertical.

"I'll stick with you Krest. Guide the way." She called, already reloading the stolen rifle, before checking to make sure that each of her Betty Blasters were as well.
Objective V
Location: Space Station Alpha orbiting around Sol'Nega
Goal: Inspect the ruined mine.

With their grav boots activated rather than jetpacks due to the possibility of inflammables, the Mandalorians lunged into inspecting the remains of what used to be a mine. At every obstacle and equipment those that were more knowledgeable with such specific technology inspected it carefully and chattered between each other while those such as Zef would keep their eyes open for any possible threats.

For now it was just the shivers up their spines from the spookiness of the long abandoned and partially destroyed open mine.

"<< Hey, you feel that ? >>" One of the Mandalorians' voice came up through the com and slightly startled the scoundrel. A grimace formed on his brow.

"<< Feel what ? >>" Someone else asked.

"<< The ground is shaking a bit. >>"

"<< It's probably aftermath from the explosions. Stop being such a wuss, di'kut. >>"

The ex-smuggler remained steady on what seemed to be an abandoned repulsorcart and felt slight trembles going through his feet. This did not seem right. Was there a chance of the mine swallowing them down ? Grish would've known, Zef reluctantly reassured himself.

"<< I feel it now! >>" Someone else almost shouted through the comms.

"<< It's getting stronger...>""

Abruptly, their ships started falling into the pit they had opened a few minutes ago and the Corellian Bolt was going straight down at Zef.

Ardasz Verd


The Priest watched with lurid eyes as smoke rose in the distance. The phenomenon of a turbolaser glancing off planetary shielding was entertaining to watch. Few weapons in the galaxy so powerful could be matched by something as simplistic as a shield matrix. It was a marvel of defensive engineering that came from hundreds of thousands of years of being subjected to war and death by the Mandalorians, the Sith, and every other power that had ever held sway in the galaxy. Their wars meant profits for businesses who could figure out how to mitigate some of the collateral. In the end, the ones who adapted to the changes and brought them under their thumb were the ones who seized power. That just meant everyone else had to figure out a new way to get around the newest in deterrents.

In the end, the shields did little to stop the Mando'ade from getting to the planet. Whether or not the Remnant realized it, they were already working at a staggering pace to undermine the defenses that made Borosk the most heavily fortified planet in the known galaxy, and like every other planet they conquered, it was folding excellently. Darian flicked his gaze downward when his HUD displayed two bogeys, most likely alerted when the Shard jacked himself in to the grid. He spun the tomahawk deftly as they came into view, and the speeders they rode on screamed as they got closer.

Darian heard the whine of blasters as they unloaded a round each toward him. The first glanced off his plate and left little more than a charred mark at the point of impact. The second lacked the precision of the first, most likely a result of being mounted and firing without proper aim. Both Stormtroopers seemed unnerved by the sight of telltale beskar'gam, and even less enthusiastic about the blaster bolt being practically useless. "Su'cuy, bur'cyase," he greeted in a metallic rasp. "but not for long."

As he moved toward them, the first Stormtrooper dismounted and dropped to a knee. The second clambered off his speeder in a hurry and stood behind his kneeling ally, a rudimentary tactic for these kinds of ordeals, and they unleashed a torrent of energy bursts toward the fully clad Mandalorian. Normally it would not take long for the beskar to overheat and cook him alive, but Darian was not going to stand still while they preheated the oven.

He charged them with a hellish scream that shook reality.

They continued to fire, but the man on his knee quickly realized he was losing the advantage of distance. "Fall back," he hissed to the man behind him, "fall back!" He worked to his feet and tried to backpedal, but Kad's chosen son was already on him. He felt the cold grip of a beskar gauntlet close around his shoulder like the teeth of a wolf. It pulled him downward, and he dropped his gun in a desperate attempt to fight the man off. Both hands flailed for purchase on the wicked beskar'gam, and he succeeded in gripping Darian by both shoulders.

The Stormtrooper wrestled with the former Battlemaster of Clan Beviin in desperation as his younger ally cried out. "Turn him around!" the boy blurted. "I can't get a shot!"

Darian whipped the veteran soldier round and used the strength of his opponent's grip to flip him overhead. The enemy cried out in surprise as the motion robbed him of response, and he watched in horror as a hand axe came toward him in short order. Once, twice, three times the blade made contact, rose and fell like a hammer shaping iron. Blood spurted like a gushing fountain as Darian severed the man's head from his body, then slowly rose.

The helmet clattered uselessly to the dirt and rolled away, and a single Stormtrooper remained.

Darian tilted his head slightly.

"Tell Arasuum," the Priest rumbled, "that Clan Beviin sends their regards."



Well-Known Member
Objective: 3
Allies: MC
Enemies: Everyone Else
Post: VIII

Valashu stood ragged, his Archer suit was coated in the blood of many fallen soldiers, his breathing was hampered, and he was exhausted. It had been by sheer accidental luck that he had arrived to the planet he did, during an invasion. Yet he had recently begun working with the Crusaders so immediately jumped into the assist. His arrows had nearly been depleted, he was relatively sure he had broken a finger, and he was having to take Boost to keep himself vertical. It did not help that he had been on a binge before showing up, with no sleep in over 39 hours already.

Another injection sent his mind reeling, and for a moment he swam through a murky black haze filled with twinkling stars. When the euphoric numbing passed, he shook his head, held out the Gauntlet of Crassus, then summoned back to him all of the arrows he had just exerted. As the eight shafts soared back, a minor twitch of the finger flipped them vertical then gently placed each one by one back into his quiver. Next he reached out a gentle touch of his energy against that within his Suit. He had not used it in this battle, or since landing, so it was at full power; it combined with the Gauntlet... well he could possibly topple a temple if needed.

"Val, you can't stay in one place. Move." Came Terr's voice into his comlink. He responded with a nod, then turned and raised his hand further than it had been. Envisioning a lasso wrapping around his wrist then yanking him skyward, he soon found himself doing just that. Where once he would be depleted after intricate manipulation of the Force, or heavy lifting, with the Gauntlet he was able to do so at a rate so much higher it astonished him every time.

With the Force's aid Valashu found himself landing atop a large dwelling nearby. It was not tallest in the area, but it was enough for him to receive a vantage point. Next he now raised the opposite hand, which held his Bow, while simultaneously combining his Mask with his cybernetic eye's enhancements to gaze ahead of him by at least a few miles. There was a group of Mandalorian men all caught mid fire fight with those of the opponents...

Drawing an arrow from his quiver, he expertly fitted the shaft with the plastic explosive that he would utilize to assist his allies. After came the nocking and releasing of the arrow; at the last moment a burst of explosive Telekinetic energy gripped the shaft and hurled it even faster. When it finally struck the wall nearest the visible enemies, Valashu smiled as the blast cap clipped, sending the wall and much around it into instantaneous explosion.
Objective V
Location: Sol'Nega Abandoned Mine
Goal: Survive.

It was raining ships, equipment and debris all over the unfortunate Mandalorians including Zef. His cry at the sight of his loyal and ageless ship going down at him. The scoundrel's quick reflexes saved him from turning into paste as the ship disappeared somewhere into the darkness who knows how far down.

Was it an earthquake ?

"<< Hostiles!!!!!! >>>" A voice rang through the coms as slugs and blaster fire engulfed the whole environment. Along with them came the intended targets - outlandish monsters that had wings and spat corrosive substances obliterating the Mandalorians.


One of those flying things had set its sights on Zef as the substances flew from its mouth, the old man was able to evade well using his grav boots to literally sidestep the salvo. He did not waste time as he fire his railgun at the monster ripping it to shreds. Yet, more and more kept coming. Stealing just a glimpse towards where their hole was Zef could see nothing, the surface had closed in after the quake.

There was only one way to go.


"<< Mandos, on me!! All head down until you hit the ground. Let's go!! >>"


Well-Known Member
Objective: 3
Allies: MC
Enemies: Everyone
Post: IX

Pressing a button on his belt released the grapnel gun found there, from there he connected the grappel in his belt. Within moments he had trekked the distance and was slowly descending to the ground. All the while he held up hands to show the crest of the Shev'la Kyr'am adorning both arms on straps around his forearms. The observing Mandoa all instantly lowered their weapons, all the while his own soldiers lowered theirs and stepped into the light.

He had not expected to find that he was landing mid battle - it didn't mean he was unable to call his own soldiers to the fore.

"Oya Vod, thank you for the assist." Said the commanding officer of the small five man platoon.

"Not a problem." Valashu replied, strapping the Compound Bow to his hip, "These are the Kop'ad Beroya, they will watch our six." He stated, then pointed to two of the soldiers, "You two, pull point."

"Understood Kyr'am," said the first of the two, leading the other. Immediately Valashu turned to the Kop'ad, and signals sent them ahead as well. They though were to trail the other two.


Objective: III
Allies: ME [member="Tempist"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Nicair Claden"]
Enemies: FO [member="Hunter-157"]
Post: 8

The explosion caught Krest off guard. While it didn't affect him physically, the drug had enhanced his hearing. And it hurt. It was like someone had jabbed a pen into both of his ears after screaming in each. His ears rang and his eyes almost watered. It was enough to make a grown man cry.

But not this man. His gaze tore away from where the reinforcements were spotted and returned to Isley. As ever the man never backed down, and even continued to rally his troops after the surprise. Fitting for he who would be named Mandalore the Redeemer.

"Understood." The Templar kept up the discipline before Mandalore, but as he stepped away and nodded to Tempist, his grin was back. Mandalore's eye was upon them, what better way to prove themselves? And what better way to prove the worth of Templars? The prospect excited him. To the nearby building he went, letting the Force fuel him to help his speed. Up and up Krest would go, knowing that the best way to find anti air was from the rooftops. What better place to station them?

"Eye's up, there could be one right out here." They had reached the top, and he set a single hand on the door. Soon the action would begin.
Objective: III
Allies: MC [member="Krest"]
Enemies: Everyone Else
Post: X

Adriel stayed solid as she followed behind the red man. When they reached the top door, she took a few deep breaths then injected herself with another dose. Immediately her mind sharpened yet again, more so, to the extent she would swear she could see the air itself as it moved. Taking another breath, she nodded at Krest then kicked open the door. Diving through the opening, she landed in a roll, bringing the rifle to bear as he ended on her feet.

One down, two, three, then the rest on the roof finally began to fire back. Lurching to the side, she rolled behind a large fan attached to the floor. With her back pressed there, she flinched occasionally at the fire that continued to bombard her direction. With a focused talent, she sent a massive burst of emotion into the air. This time it was not horror as she had done previously, but more of a hesitant caution. Immediately the firing slowed, becoming somewhat more speradic.

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