Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
[member="Reine Bisset"]'s expedition had been cleared far above Ashin's pay grade, but Ashin paid attention to unaccompanied expeditions, in part because she knew Rekali and Merrill would have checked on them if they hadn't run into two Masters of the One Sith. And in part because unaccompanied expeditions never went well. Legitimate or not -- and right now Ashin's money was on 'genuine but naive' - the holodocumentary crew could easily fall afoul of k'lor'slugs, tuk'ata, Watchers, even the odd terentatek. That right there was Ashin's job: pest control. With a Mandalorian sniper rifle.
She had a small sniper nest on the temple, a good spot for overwatch, a home away from home. Most access involved climbing; most egress involved rappelling. Reaching the base of the temple, she set off down the valley toward the last place she'd spotted Bisset's expedition, sniper rifle over one shoulder but heavy blaster in hand. It would take her a good half hour to get there, at a guess, at which point she could only hope that the holocrew hadn't transformed into sausage meat.
[member="Reine Bisset"]'s expedition had been cleared far above Ashin's pay grade, but Ashin paid attention to unaccompanied expeditions, in part because she knew Rekali and Merrill would have checked on them if they hadn't run into two Masters of the One Sith. And in part because unaccompanied expeditions never went well. Legitimate or not -- and right now Ashin's money was on 'genuine but naive' - the holodocumentary crew could easily fall afoul of k'lor'slugs, tuk'ata, Watchers, even the odd terentatek. That right there was Ashin's job: pest control. With a Mandalorian sniper rifle.
She had a small sniper nest on the temple, a good spot for overwatch, a home away from home. Most access involved climbing; most egress involved rappelling. Reaching the base of the temple, she set off down the valley toward the last place she'd spotted Bisset's expedition, sniper rifle over one shoulder but heavy blaster in hand. It would take her a good half hour to get there, at a guess, at which point she could only hope that the holocrew hadn't transformed into sausage meat.