Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heemkomm

They were going to find him.

The boy's small frame shuddered with each hitched breath as he tried to draw in the slightest amount of oxygen possible: anything he could do to make less noise. He'd been fortunate enough to sneak aboard the freighter leaving Illyria in the early hours of the night, and hadn't planned much further than that. The Sith Lord had given Wilhelm and offer, and the boy had made a choice. That being said, he was bound to no oaths, and the voices kept whispering to him.

It was not so much disloyalty that led him to his decision to flee as much as it was the throbbing pain at the base of his skull. No one had taught him to close his mind to those around him, and their thoughts had grown unbearable. It was in the midst of one such unfortunate time, when his palms were glued to his ears, and his eyes were squeezed shut to the darkness, that a far more clear voice whispered.

It told him of freedom. It told him of liberation. It told him of destiny.

At first he'd ignored it, but overtime the voice became his sole companion. He would ask questions, and occasionally he would receive answers. They weren't the sort he liked, but they gave him direction, and that was more than he had previously.

The Illyrian soldiers meandered about the transport aimlessly. They'd been told to patrol, but there was little to pay attention to in the depths of the void. They were unfocused, uncaring, and most importantly, not a danger.

Until they were.

A slip of his foot was all it took. Wilhelm couldn't help but shout as he collapsed from the precarious spot he'd taken amidst all the ordnance casings onto the cold metal floor. The shouting of the soldiers and the sound of blaster packs being charged told him he'd been seen.

"Hold it!" One of the men snapped. Wilhelm thrust his hands into the air.

"I-I was just-"

"Is it a kid? Could be a shapeshifter? Infiltrator?"

"I don't know. Check him."

One of the armored men approached. Wilhelm grit his teeth. He'd be going back to his prison now: back to the voices, the visions, the whispers. His life would be a living hell, and whatever dreams he might have allowed himself would be lost to the void.

"You are no slave boy," the voice whispered with far more clarity than ever before. Wilhelm froze. "No puppet for greater men. There is a path yet forward. A choice to be made. Will you die on your feet as a man, or live as little more than a whipping dog?"

"I wanna live," Wilhelm muttered. The soldiers froze in turn, weapons pointed at him now.

"What was that?" One asked.

"Listen to the winds of change boy. Do not run from them, embrace them." The voice thundered in his skull.

"You have anything on you kid? You really a kid?"

"Zerstéiert se." The words were foreign, yet familiar. Wilhelm understood them intimately, and then not at all. He acted all the same.

Invisible tendrils gathered at his fingertips. He thrust his hands forward on instinct, and the tendrils followed at his touch. The men screamed as they wrapped themselves about their forms, the armor cracking as they pressed in.

For a long moment, Wilhelm simply stood there, transfixed as he choked the life out of those that would name him a slave, and then he stopped. The men collapsed to the floor, hurt, but not dead. He wasn't a murderer.

It was around that time that one of the shells crashed into the bulkhead of the ship. Wilhelm only registered a dull pop as it exploded from the impact, sheering a hole through the durasteel, and allowing a billow of snow to surge through. The ship began to scream as it lurched forward violently, and it was all Wilhelm could do to keep himself from being thrown clear of the artificial meteorite by yanking himself beneath a bolted down desk and holding on for dear life.

The last thing he saw before the impact was a snowy canyon approaching rapidly. The moment they touched down on Hoth's surface, Wilhelm lost consciousness, and began to drift into the abyss.
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Cedric was dead. She could feel it in the force, the strings of fate that bound them together were suddenly and unceremoniously cut by the cruel galaxy abroad. He died alone. It was fitting, they had been betrayed once more, once more Cedric vanished into the ether. The boy she had raised died before she did.

Her work was not yet done. She swore an oath to him and his family, and there must be someone out there. Somewhere. There would always be an heir to the throne. She knew that for certain. She would search for them, the force would guide her.

A spirit she had not seen in many years came to her one night, many months later. The Spirit of the Lord. He resided in the crystal from her reforged lightsaber. He managed to remain one even within the force.

"There is a boy." He said.

"Is he the one?" She asked.

"Yes, it is certain. He is in much danger. The sith got to the boy first. He had the sense to run away, he will be on Hoth, the planet named for my battle-brother and commander. By the time you arrive he will be near death. It is certain."

"Then I must go."

Alyson took her armor, her blade, and the bare minimum provisions. This boy needed guidance, he needed training. His brain would be filled with doubt and regret. She would have to guide him.

Her shuttle made its way to the remote world in the outer rim. The force guided her shuttle. By luck he crashed near the livable equator. It was for the best, his risk of death was much lower. She had to move quickly.

The shuttle landed near the wreckage, as close as she could. She could see the intertwined strings of the dying, and one which danced to a different tune. One who was attuned to the strings around him. She put her hood up, and began to approach the wreckage. What she would find here was up to the force.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
The droid had been asleep for a while, He was more of a trophy than anything else to them. To them he was a freak, an amaglimation of different droid parts, but to himself he was art. They brought him online only to help in dire situations, a hole in the hull, or someone was shooting at them. And now he was tipped over in a closet.

He could tell something was off, they were on a planet, which one he couldn't tell. Using his single arm he managed to push off the wall and stabilise. "Hello?" He called out. 'Did we crash?" No response

"Fantastic, everyones dead" He then picked up a curious abnormal heat signature. Opening up the door he could see a child laying on the floor of the downed ship, grasping to a desk for dear life. He could see the child was still breathing. Still no other signs of life. He wheeled off and grabbed a blinket off one of the crewmates bedding. He dropped it on top of the child in a heap.

He detected someone approaching and prepaired his weapons
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Crane Baxa

There was an uncomfortable silence on Hoth, the old Chadra-Fan himself slowly pushing away an old storage wall as it fell to the side. He had only a few years left to live and almost nothing left...perhaps save for what he can do best. Before him was an old relic from a time even before he was born, a Pod Racer. To him, he did not have any more meaning in life...he only knew one thing he will always be good at. If he could not steal, he can go faster. If he can go faster, he can never be caught. He needed to feel the wind in his face, he needed to feel every inch of pressure on his body, to remind him what was real and what was not anymore. Getting into the pilots seat, he would flick a few switches and focusing on the started to turn on.


The classical hum of electrical arcs could be heard, the entire pod racer lifted up. He had only a one ticket to Hoth, he did not care if today was his death kneel...he wanted to live how he wanted. If he was to die out here, then he will die doing what he loves. Racing. Then he pushed both sticks forward as the huge whine of the engines would screech out, as if pushing all the old gas out at once and while being pressured with new electrical pulses from the Chadra-Fan himself. Flicking a switch, he got the music to play as he shot forward.

Having the old music blast into his ears, he just kept pressing the sticks forward till they could not anymore. Screw all of those that wanted to argue out in these wastes, he was racing against his own age, his own time. He could still hear the faint changes in the air, he could hear the crowds still cheer him on...then he heard something overhead go over him. Seeing a starship start to plummet towards the ground so quickly, his eyes started to light up as the music changed to go with it. He was going to win this race...he was going to beat this starship and he was going to get there in time! Then...

The Music Changed.

Flicking several switches to the side, he felt himself launch even faster forward. Diverting all power into just making a straight line, no maneuvering thrusters, he just shot forward. The loud whine of the engine was almost deafening if not for the starship in front of him plummeting from the atmosphere. The Chadra-Fan gave a strange grin, he was having a challenge...he felt ALIVE! The snow behind him would fly upwards every second, making a very large trail to follow that was impossible to miss. Even from afar, one could see as if a herd of Bantha was charging towards them...except it was a single pod racer.

His eyes widened for a brief moment, seeing multiple possibilities as he switched one of the plugs nearby into another socket and shoved the sticks back hard. At that moment, he would fly directly into the air violently, going over a small cervine and flicked one of the sticks to the left hard, going sideways as he started to literally ride onto the cliff wall with near expert skill. For a brief moment in his mind, he felt himself back on Nar Shadda on the track, he felt the crowd screaming as he overtook Silva Milink at the last lap all over again. He smiled even wider as the starship even started to crash, making a huge amount of snow shoot up as he kept riding the wall along it till it finally ended, flicking the stick hard to the right as the pod racer finally overheated and started to shut off.

Skidding onto the snow very hard without much harm as it finally stopped with the snow hissing all around it, the pod racer actually melting the snow around him from running that hard and fast. The Chadra-Fan though...could only grin, he went beyond his limits just like last time and envoked memories he indeed enjoyed so much. there was a crashed starship and he needed to check for survivors. Hopping off the pilots seat, he would make the slow trek towards the starship, unaware from the other side a Shuttle had just arrived as well...who knows what can be run into here as he entered from the right side first through a rather obvious giant hole.

R1-3G R1-3G Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
R1 quickly swivled his head to face the intruder. "State your buisness" It said. It curiously enough had the voice of a protocal droid. It eyed Ben down.
The snow filled wind blew through the wreckage. While R1 was focused on the intruder he couldn't help but notice the gorgeus Pod Racer in the distance. He knew that when the first figure he detected arrived, things would get much more difficult.
Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
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"You are no slave boy."

He whispered as he always had, creeping in from the darkest corners of the boy's mind. His presence was unmistakable, the cold voice echoing crystal clear to the child. "No puppet for greater men. There is a path yet forward. A choice to be made. Will die on your feet as a man, or live as little more than a whipping dog?"

The boy replied with an answer that set a wicked smile across face. He spoke aloud to himself, "Good." He made no attempt to seem invasive, always coming to the boy in his darkest times. Always coming to him as a 'friend's, even if the boy did not like what he had to say. The Elder whispered of things to come, freedom, reclamation, and most of all destiny.

"Listen to the winds of change boy. Do not run from them, embrace them." He let his voice thunder forth. "Zerstéiert se."

Lightning struck off in the pitch black horizon, momentarily illuminating his hooded form in the dark as rain poured down on him. The Elder basked in the rain, opening himself up. Arms stretched outward, his head tilted back.

He felt the boy lash out, he felt the raw untamed power unleashed. He delighted in the suffering of the would be captors, in their pain he felt rejuvenated.

"Show the galaxy, who you are."

For the briefest of moments he could see the boy as if he was there, and the boy could see him. As the ship hit the surface, the Elder faded away into the dark. His voice drifting away, only to return hours later.

"Wake up."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

Why in all the Galaxy am I in Hoth?

Well... after the greatest pod racing circuit in the galaxy announced its grand prix many of the more prominent racers placed a lot of money in specific parts. Pod racer parts are sometimes more expensive than entire ships, through the visor of my scanner i saw Ben Acrax quite literally flying through the snow.

"That's an integral cycling system with a Nabooian hydrocoolant" He said to the men around him, all races and genders idyllic to the area. They were up in a massive dune of snow and packed more heat than a Mandalorian wedding.

"That engine alone is enough to send us on a one way trip to Nubia. You know the dri-" He choked, his visor followed the thing to a downed spaceship and there was a movement down there, a russle of snow.... A disturbance in the force.

His Taun Taun made a scared sound, His men shuffled around in uncertainty, it rather bothered him. Alejandro stood up, grabbed his rapier, pistol and explosives and mounted his beast.

"Ok listen, I'mma go check it out while you nerf herders keep an eye on the situation. Imma get the Hydrocoolant, take their wallet and you park the ship outside"

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis R1-3G R1-3G Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
"Wake up."

The words stirred him from his dreamless slumber. Dazed and quite confused, Wilhelm struggled even to open his eyes as he tumbled back into a sitting position. The first thing he noticed was the freezing cold that rushed through the hole in the hull like a torrent. The next was the accompanying shrill howl of the wind screeching all around him, and a myriad of other things. It sounded like there was an engine whining over the storm, though that might have just been the ship's own instruments, and a mechanical voice that Wilhelm was uncertain as to whether or not it was real or a hallucination.

Fierfek," the youth grumbled as he rubbed at tired eyes. He was surprised to find dull crimson reflecting back at him from his palms when he pulled away. The moment he noticed the blood, he felt the gash throbbing dully at the top of his skull. It didn't feel big, just a deep gash as far as Wilhelm knew. He'd dealt with such wounds working back on the farm many times.

The youth stared out through hooded eyes at his shattered surroundings. His mind was still groggy from his unintended slumber, and he was having to fight to make proper sense of the situation. He recalled the fight, the whispers, the ordnance canister exploding against the ship's outer walls...

Wilhelm very quickly realized that no one else aboard the ship was alive, and that the cold outside would be unbearable. Once night fell, he'd be dead for certain if what he knew of snowy climate was correct.

"Oh no," the youth mumbled as he struggled to his feet on shaky legs. "Not good, not good," the boy forced himself to squeeze his eyes shut. He had no real control over his connection to the magics, but he had the connection nonetheless. With little more than a vague inclination to guide him, Wilhelm tried his best to extend his sense outward, and felt only a handful of approaching minds at the extent of his internal visualization. No one aboard aside from him had lived, but others were coming.

"Uh," he blinked, finally noticing the blanket now strewn across the floor that had covered him. His gaze shot toward the sole mechanical voice rising above the howling of the snow, one R1-3G R1-3G . Some kind of droid from the looks of it.

"Uhm," Wilhelm's voice sounded alien, even to himself, "Who are you?" His gaze drifted toward an approaching hooded figure, and another stranger. "Whose that? Where is this?" Hints of panic laced the boy's words.

He'd only just escaped captivity: going back to it again was not an option.

Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Ben Acrax
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Obvious giant hole... Obvious.

The massive ship had been bolted starboard so hard he was sure nothing survived. The force however... told him otherwise. What was this guy doing here? Why was the force making Him uncomfortable? The cold was unnatural, His beast was silent and camouflaged with the snow. Making excellent time He arrived next to the beautiful Podracer... chrome, perfect paint job.

"This guy rides in style! Shame to rob him"

Smash and grab, go find the guy, put a blaster in His face, take his credits and steal the ride. The plan seemed solid enough until he heard another voice from inside the ship.... the voice of a child.

Things were officially strange, He got the strange feeling that something else was in there. Something that seemed to call him inwards.

Alejandro took out his communicator and informed his crew. "I'm going in to take a look..."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Ben Acrax Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Crane Baxa

"Relax, there is no harm here."

The Chadra-Fan appeared to most around him as a human being, holding up both hands with a rather unique outfit with snow in his hair and beard. Gently though, he would touch his own beard with his left hand and scratch it as he examined the droid and the small boy before him. The idea of business being shot towards him, he was trying to think of a way to explain it as he spoke out carefully with a wily grin on his face.

"To my dear fellows, I am Ben Acrax, my business here is of rescue and help. I saw your drop ship coming down and raced here fast as I could with my ride to give any form of help necessary. As for where you are, you are on the planet of Hoth, named after the great Jedi general Hoth himself! Now...I am going to ask that everyone be friendly in here as right now, Hoth while still in bright early afternoon, can go to hell in a hand basket after several hours."

He would lower his hands carefully, those that followed them could see on the right hand side was a blaster pistol that looked old and a lightsaber on the front of his belt that was tied up very well. It does not look like it could easily be pulled out meaning he had very little use of it though it was very oriental looking. Looking to the side at the other approaching cloaked figure, he would speak out as his eyes would slowly trail back towards the R1 droid.

"As for who that person is...I do not know. I do not feel a threat approaching the Force guiding us all here for a singular moment? No...that should not be possible."

Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson R1-3G R1-3G Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
"And I am the feared and legendary pirate Alejandro here to rob you"

His smile shined from under the massive snow coat of fine furs and leather. Blaster pistol in one hand and purple rapier in the other. He had done this a million times and usually He would shoot one of them in the leg rob the rest and go on his merry way. This time... it was different.

The fancy looking man with the fancier ride had a point, they were all called here by the force and that chit just wasn't normal. Alejandro was a religious man, not just religious but downright superstitious about things. He believed in bad omens and in things you could not explain because he himself was a thing you could not explain.

He closed the shaft door behind him to keep the merciless cold out and sat beside R1-3G R1-3G . He handed his blade and holsters his weapon. There was an unusual and outright supernatural aura inside this ship, Alejandro said a short prayer.

"Or at least I was..." He said as he realized it was the child, from Him a shaking presence emanated, this was what truly called all of them here.

"I think we have to start redefining our concept of possible my good man. Nice ride by the way, I was going to rob that Nabooian Hydrocoolant. How did you get that all the way out here?'

He shook his head and nodded at the child, knowing that the cold would kill them all soon. Before he got carried away he followed his gut.

"Need a ship?"

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Ben Acrax
"My name is R1-3G and you could at least thank me for the blanket." He said to Wilhelm.

The droid turned to Alejandro, seeming to ignore the others.

"And why should I trust you? I have killed pirates like you hundreds of times before. I hope you pick your words and choices carefully. "

through the droids loose panelling, miscilaneus parts could be seen moving around. Many dont seem to belong at all.

"I would also suggest you remove yourselves from the ship, as due to a fluid leak, it will explode within a matter of minuites." He pointed at a sparking heavily damaged part of the ship and began to move twards the exit.

Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
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Alyson made her way towards the wreckage. It appeared the strings of fate had drawn others here, from all walks of life. A pod racer, a pirate, a child, a droid, and an old Jedi. Quite the group. One would find something like this in a cheap holovid, they would probably go and rob a bank or something, maybe save the world along the way. Reality was rarely so clean cut.

First, there was the problem of the flamboyant pirate. She could see from the way his strings were pulled that he might not be the brightest tool in the shed. That would be useful if it came to confrontation, but she could probably get off here with a simple threat. She looked to the pirate.

"Touch me and you lose your hand. Understood?" She said,subtly revealing the light saber on her belt from under her cloak.

Her greatest focus was the boy. It seemed the old pod racer had a similar idea. She approached the kid, kneeling down to his level. The way his strings pulled were mystifying. They intertwined with everything around them, feeling the vibrations of the force. It reminded her of her own abilities, however his were much more intuitive and much less refined than hers. She could tell that it caused him great pain.

"I am Empress Alyson Halle. I was the right hand to your father. I practically raised him..." She said.

It hadn't sunk in fully until now. Cedric died before she did. She always intended to go down with him, one final battle against the forces that had so stood against them. A glorious and honorable death if there ever was one. Cedric however, died alone, humiliated. She was left to once again raise somebody to take the throne of Ession.

She was older now, wiser, but much changed from the naive girl of just 18 all those years ago. Now this boy sat before her, most likely unaware of his blood, his heritage, his purpose, or his destiny. It seemed that it was up to her to guide him.

"But that's in the past. Right now i must get to know you. What is your name, heir of House Grayson, Son of Cedric."

R1-3G R1-3G Ben Acrax Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
"The stick up your collective asses is so rigid I could conceivably write a Helmsman's Guide around it" He smiled and tilted his head, regarding the Droid who warned of the ship blowing to all hell. Not good.

"Before it all blows to unknown space, given that its a brand new ship..." Alejandro left his weapons and explosives behind while He stormed to the cockpit ripping out wires and cables until He arrived at the digicom mastercomputer. A few pulls on the hinges here and there and he ripped the thing out, a Navicomputer.

"Ok boys, I got what we came for and a little bit more"

As he spoke the crew of Jubelina's Revenant parked outside with the chromium ship. A Massive one hundred and fifty meter luxury ship 'commandeered' from a rather unlucky merchant. She had fifty guns split between broadside and starboard and held in her no fewer than fifty men each themselves packing heat.

They came here for the Hydrocoolant but the navicom was three times the prize, by the looks of it the stragglers could make up new additions to the Revenant.

He came back, gave the Navicom a swing over his shoulder and tipped his hat to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle . "I am the Capitan and Dread Pirate of the Revenant. Mi casa es tu Casa preciosa" He winked and shot her blowed kiss.

He turned to Ben Acrax and gestured to the bottom of the ship. "The Racer fits in the cargo bay quite comfy, I got Tibanna Gas for weeks. "

Finally he turned to the child Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and the Droid R1-3G R1-3G . "You can trust me or trust the cold. When night falls Hoth becomes, quite literally, a death trap for most carbon based lifeforms."

He let the severity of his words mingle with the gold hue of dusk as to prove his point, Then shrugged.

"We also have margaritas and Balmorrean Whisky in the commanders bay, Twilek private shows and a grand Opera."

He smiled as his men joined him, bringing with them furs, bacta, medicine and whatever else the survivors could need.

"Welcome to the Crew of the Jubelina's Revenant"

Confusion was Wilhelm's greatest friend at the moment.

He'd spent very little time around people that weren't from his home village, and those people had always been of a more homely sort. They were simple farmers with ambitions that only extended to the next harvest season - not pirates, or empresses, droids, or fancily dressed men. Wilhelm was struggling to come to terms with his new company.

"Uh," he stuttered, "Thank you for the blanket," he mumbled apologetically to R1-3G R1-3G . He'd never actually spoken to a droid before. The few that he'd come across were all busy minding their own business: fulfilling whatever tasks were required of them by their masters. How was one supposed to talk to a droid anyway? Did they think like humans did? Did they have souls?

So many questions.

"Oh," he paused, turning to the well-dressed man that spoke of being no threat, and of their imminent demise if they remained. Wilhelm had somewhat come to that conclusion on his own, but to have it confirmed sent a small shock of terror down the boy's spine. He didn't know these people - they could be lying. Perhaps this would turn out to be a cruel joke by his captors, and he would be abandoned in the drifts.

Then came the woman. She lowered herself down to his level, and her words brought him some sense of comfort. She was far older than his mother had been, but there was still a maternal aura about her. If anyone here was to truly care for his safety, it would probably be her.

Her words soared right over his head, and he just nodded along enthusiastically. "I'm Wilhelm," he parted his lips to speak further, bit it was around that time that Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya 's crew came filtering into the ship. Wilhelm had never seen some of the creatures that Alejandro called companions, and he had no idea what a Twi'lek was. Some kind of holomovie?

The boy coughed into his fist, "Uh, I'm Wilhelm." His mother had always taught him to be polite. "Nice to meet you Mister Ben, Mister Alejandro, Miss Empress," he paused, staring at R1-3G R1-3G as he tried to figure out what to call him. "Uh, Mister Ar-Wun." He gestured wildly toward the strangers that accompanied Alejandro. "Misters and Missus other people."

Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , R1-3G R1-3G , Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Ben Acrax, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Crane Baxa

The person that snuck up behind him did have a small edge but his training kicked into overdrive nearly at an instant, displaying an usually fast speed as he drew the blaster pistol at his side and aimed in less than a second. That kind of speed could not even be taught, only shown and more so, is not possible for those less than mortal. Seeing that he was already beaten and was of no harm, he would lower it very carefully but the male was very cautious. Hearing he was about to rob him made him perk an eyebrow, speaking out loud as he made a snide comment.

"Jack my ride? What are you, the next Starblade?"

That reference would most likely go over everyones heads unless that lived in his time period or even knew of that infamous pirate scoundrel that swindled hundreds of thousands of people with just a smirk and a sword. Of course he would then notice the older lady nearby though the definition of older may not even apply here for either one of them. His illusion as a human still kept up for now though slowly he felt time waning, as if something was in the air. The idea that the ship was going to explode soon actually made him a bit concerned as he felt a lot of possibilites open up in a hurry yet no one wanted to move.

The Empress? The child of Cedric? None of this made sense though he felt something increase in the Force....time being lost. Looking over towards the hull of the ship, he started to realize that time was rapidly coming to an end. The Force gave him many looks into the future and if one starts to become more and more means the end is near. This...R1, the Empress, the Pirate...The Child known as Wilhelm was in danger. Looking forward still towards the hull, he was very silent as the Pirate went to rip out the conduits yet...

The Force called Upon Him.

Stretching out his right hand on instinct, he could hear every spark, every single motion of data being spout all around him. Every inch of metal was under his grasp, this entire broken down dropship...spoke through him. The Force for those who were sensitive enough to feel it, could feel an immense increase in power and intensity. Rather quickly, the sounds of tubing slamming into different sections would be heard, the entire ship before them...was being repaired. Entire circuits would be turned on and off, the lights would flicker as the generator would go into overdrive nearby as it cycled through quickly all the available fuel that it had available. The ship itself would be powering on, something that was impossible to do and yet... just at the right moment, Ben would pull back with his right hand as something shot through a small hole directly into his right hand with all the electricity going out again.

There was no longer a human standing there, only a Chadra-Fan as he stood there quietly and as he slowly raised in his right hand the master control unit of the generator power unit for the entire drop ship, effectively crippling the whole ship of electrical power. Very slowly, he would open his black eyes as he carefully looked over his left shoulder over towards the boy and the Empress. His Force Signature at this very moment was radiant, almost impossible to ignore as his own being was coated in the Force. To Alyson Halle Alyson Halle though, the Force Signature was all to familiar and was almost striking similar to one Sullustan she met long ago. Very slowly he spoke out as his voice was a lot...higher pitched by still as gentle with a strange hospitality.

"Empress and Heir of Grayson...the Force has led me through strange tidings and now...I see a purpose."

When the pirate crew filtered in around that moment, he tossed the control unit a bit skillfully at one of the pirates as if tipping someone and grabbed a nearby cigarra off someones belt. Apparently he was also a rather skillful sleight of hand, going over towards the boy as he carefully kneeled over, as if examining him for a brief moment with his black eyes. The Chadra-Fan looked very aged, as if in a few years, he may no longer exist in this world. He was almost the same height as the boy, maybe a bit shorter though as he looked right at the boys face, speaking gently yet humbly.

"We are not so and I. If the Empress agrees, I want to help you."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson R1-3G R1-3G Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
"And who put this so called empress In charge? I believe I was the first one here to not only find but also to aid him?" the droid said while examining the fixed ship. "I believe you can understand where I am going with this. And I say we go with the pirate, and by we I mean me and Wilhelm" He tosses a piece of armor from one of his former captives infront of Wilhelm. "And besides a 3 in 1 droid would be a better mentor over spoiled royalty and a womprat any day" he swiftly turned his head to Ben "Don't take that personally" he whispered. "I've calculated the best course of action and trust me when I say that the likelyhood of all of us ending up dead is suprisingly high"
Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Ben Acrax , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson


"You are afraid."

The Elder snickered, his voice creeping back in from the recesses of the boy's mind. Like before, the clarity of his voice was heightened, it was as if he stood beside the adolescent. Whispering again, his image could almost be felt in the Force. His voice projecting softly into the boy's ear.

"And you should be."

The Elder exhaled deeply, his arm stretched out in tandem. He slowly opened his palm out and spoke out to the void, out to his audience all the way on Hoth.

"I see a great eagle hover over you, if you let your fear rule you.. it will devour you. If you stand and turn fear into fuel, you will tame it. The throne lays vacant, broken, and cold. You are not the ideals of dead men, deal not with answers but truths. My boy, what is your truths?"

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
More secrets unravelled, all as the force willed it appeared. The man was in fact a rat, the pirate was in fact helpful, the droid was in fact a smartass, and the Empress was in fact, for the first time in perhaps a long time, completely at a loss. So many things happening so rapidly caused her to take a moment to realign herself.

The pirate spoke first. "If you are offering I am not one to turn it down, however do note I am no fool. If you wish to cross me, you will meet your end."

The man being a rat was a new occurance. She had somehow not sensed it, the veil was painfully obvious in retrospect but somehow she had missed it. She was getting old it seemed. Luckily, they were here to help, they quickly got to work stabilizing the ship. It was best the boy not move for now, so it the lack of imminent explosion helped a lot.

"Your strings remind me of a Sullustan I once knew... Jegy I think. He wouldn't have happened to be a rat too? Would he?" She asked.

Next, the droid. "I had to fight for everything I have droid. Hold your tongue before i remove it."

Now, the boy. She had much to explain. The child was kept in the dark of his blood and destiny. It was probably for the best, if she was to be entirely honest.

"Do you know what a Jedi is Wilhelm?" She asked, opening up the conversation.

However, there was another presence here, one which emitted the foul energy of the dark side. It was a foul presence, one which she would banish if she knew from whence it came. It entwined itself with Wilhelm's strings, speaking to him.

"Ignore the voices child. They will lead you to ruin."

She would have to find where that presence was coming from. Then she could work towards blocking them out.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Ben Acrax R1-3G R1-3G Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
"Oh my entire soul and life is at your disposition mademoiselle." Charm was this thing he developed to its absolute extreme mostly out of necessity. "However droids do not have tongues, you cannot have his as he does not posses one." He replied entierly serious, not detecting any sign of play on words from Alyson Halle Alyson Halle . She looked fine, aged like Sullustan tater pie, was armed to hell and back and people were calling her 'Empress'. He would have attempted to kidnapp her and sell her for ransom but by the looks of it she would take half his crew down with her and then who was going to make the Margaritas then? Surely not Alejandro.

And then they started to speak Mumbo Jumbo Space Wizard Talk. His eyes widened, His Men stopped working and stared at Ben Acrax and Alyson. This kind of space, Hoth in general had been severely affected throughout the decades by a ceaseless war that never ended. From the Omega Protectorate to now Hoth had been bombed, seiged, fought over and become a battleground a dozen times or more and the helm Jedi, Sith and force weilding, rampaging lunatics galaxy round.

Their hands went to their blasters.

"Calm down boys..."

It was tense. Every force user they had ever come across had attempted in one way or another to shoot them with lighting, choke them with an invisible noose, crush their skulls, manipulate their minds or some other horrific, physics defying attack. Alejandro was the only force user in the crew, as he held his hand up his men visibly calmed down. She mentioned the Jedi by name and the crew knew them as 'The Good Guys'. Force users that used their powers for good, apparently this planet was named after one of them, apparently this Empress lady was one of em.

"So youre a Jedi?" He asked, for the first time they got to hear the actual, non-theatrical tone of his voice. He didint actually sport an accent of the Outer Rim, He was from the core, in fact attuned ears would notice the unmistakable accent of Naboo. "Please excuse my crew and myself but we dont get force users of the non-murdering kind out here."

He nodded to R1-3G R1-3G and Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson then gestured his crew to part the way, a path to the landing ramp to the ship cleared for them.

"Please, be my guests. It is our pleasure to host the Good Guys"
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