Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heemkomm

It was time to go, she knew it, everyone else but the kid and the droid knew it, and she certainly wasn't going to leave the kid here to die. He was too important. She knew that for certain. She ran to the back of the ship, and picked up Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , carrying him like a small child.

"Come on we have to go." She said.

Hopefully the droid wouldn't follow. It wasn't that important either way but the droids arrogance grated her in a very particular way. However there were more pressing matters. This captain had multiple dark siders on his crew, there would have to be a discussion had about this, their corruption was painfully obvious from where she was standing.

Off they would go however. There was too much to do, not much time to think about it. She would figure everything out. Hopefully.

Before anyone had any time to think she was already halfway to the ship, not really talking much to anyone or having time to do anything. Force speed was a hell of a drug as they said.

R1-3G R1-3G Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Ben Acrax
Hot cocoa...

Alejandro stood by the ramp of the ship and sat down beside some mass of pelts they kept at the bay. There was a bunch of exotic furs and leathers collected there for the crew to sit on and lounge at their offtime.

Alejandro sat there and bundled up, drank hot cocoa and waited for them to come up. Come hell or high water he was getting off this planet in two minutes. If they weren't here, they were leaving them stranded. Not man was above the survival of the crew or himself, or droid or child or power.

"Start the engines, power to all life support. Get the boys back inside and whatever it is you brought with you!"

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen R1-3G R1-3G Ben Acrax Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
"A bad feeling, huh?" The odd mix of the group caught his attention before anything else. They seemed to be a mix of strangers trying to get off world. It made sense, planet was freezing. But there was something with Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson that really caught his attention. The seriousness behind the child's voice made it pretty obvious there was something more going on. But before he had a chance to ask further Alyson Halle Alyson Halle scooped the boy up and ran off. He chuckled a little as he looked to R1-3G R1-3G .

".. Yeah. Thanks." He took up the bar, eating it pretty quick before taking the bag R1 needed someone's help with. "You mind filling me in with what's goin on exactly?"
There were few things Wilhelm hated more than perceiving himself as powerless. He'd always swung back at authority, be it his mother, his teachers, or Sith Lords seeking to make him their successor. That being said, there were some situations where he had no option other than to submit. Now was definitely one of those times.

One moment he was trying to warn the giant white haired man and talking with R1, the next he was in the arms of the Empress woman, and try as he might, he could not get free. He only stopped struggling once they were outside in the open air: the negative temperature was such a jump from the still-warm cargo hold that Wilhelm's entire body stiffened instinctively.

Whatever words of complaint he might have prepared for the woman died in his throat as snow carried on violent winds caked his face and made certain he was well aware of just how cold Hoth truly was. He'd seen several winters on Dantooine, but never anything close to this.

The boy's teeth were chattering loudly by the time Alyson marched him up the ship. He wriggled out of the woman's arms, and dove into the furs that Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya was sitting on in hopes of finding some kind of warmth.

"I know how to walk you know," Wilhelm snapped a bit more harshly than he'd intended. "Don't have to carry me around," he paused, eyes narrowing as he glanced around Alejandro's ship. The crew reminded him of the spacers that would stop in his home town; those spacers had almost always been the violent sort. Uncertain of the situation, Wilhelm kept close to Alejandro for the moment, his eyes remaining locked on the crashed ship as if he could simply will everyone to get aboard with his gaze alone.

The dim light of the afternoon sun suddenly winked out, as if someone had thrown a blanket over the entire planet. Wilhelm stared up toward the sky in search of the source, and found it in the form of massive black clouds that seemed to be crashing down from the very heavens. A veritable wall of snow, ice shards, rain, and wind was approaching the ship rapidly. It would engulf them any moment now.

This was the storm. This was the source of the unpleasant feeling in his gut. Wilhelm was hard pressed not to panic and start shouting. Instead, he pointed toward the mass of cloud and tried his best to speak with a level voice. "S-storm coming."


The bones would not give. He rolled them around in his mouth, trying to wear away at the material to access the marrow within to little avail. He tried to chew for another minute or so, realized his folly, and spat the femur fragment into the snow. There would be far better bones to chew on here shortly.

The Stormcaller looked over at his pack mates. When he had found his mate in the early months of his adulthood, they had only been two. Now they numbered nearly forty, and had driven out the other tribes. The gods had blessed him with the great magics, and he had become the first Stormcaller in nearly forty summers. He'd quickly taken the title as his new name, and in the many summers that had passed since his coming into adulthood, he had mastered the art: so much so that his tribe could even crack open sky demons to consume the offspring within.

Now was one such time.

They had seen the sky demon crash, and had wasted no time in waking up the Tauntauns. The entirety of the tribe rode with him today, their Tauntaun mounts braying wildly as they charged through the heart of the storm. The Stormcaller held his taloned hands high as he willed the wall of air, snow, and ice toward the wounded sky demon.

Tonight, the Skel would feast, and once more the tribe would be reminded just how valuable he was to their existence.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , R1-3G R1-3G , Ben Acrax, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Location: The Black Crystal.

I stand at the edge of the ramp to make sure the crew makes it in. With only two minutes left there wasn't much time and I did not want to leave any of the boyz or gal's from the crew out here. I turn and look inwards to the ship as the Empress had just used force speed to make it in and she had the boy with her. It then hit me like a blaster on a squirik.

I think she left that white haired guy and the droid he thought to him self. Well Jakes had just made it back after screaming at that ship that we are leaving. If they don't care about leaving, then I don't care about them staying he thought to him self.

Young Turbo and his buddy had just made it back with a crate of food and spices "Nothing much of value but we grabbed what we could" Said Turbo. Mordok " No warries BOY! You done good, now drop that to the side for now and get your selves wormed up with some hoy cocoa" he said to young Turbo and his buddy who felt accomplished and went to do just as they were told. Mordok had a reputation for a sarcastic lunatic and only the Captain and the first mate Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart seemed to get along with him, but deep down the crew knew that Mordok looked out for as he fondly referred to them as his Boyz and Gals.

Mordok then looked at the his friend and Captain Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya "Well it would seem that pretty hair over there likes the real-estate in this fun summer time" He said with a sarcastic smirk as he tilted his head slightly and shrugged his shoulders and then he too grabbed him self two hot cocoa.

One for him self and one for the kid he felt so drawn to. I don't understand why yet but it feels as if the force it self is pushing me towards him. Is he part of my destiny or is our path aligned some how? He though to him self. He then walked towards the boy that was next to the Empress. As he walked towards them he noticed this rat like alien that seemed looked so lost and nervous. The loss in its eyes reminded Mordok of his painful past and remembered when he him self was also lost.

Mordok shuck his head and stood before the boy and empress " Hey there! My name is Mordok kid. You are lucky we found you I suppose and that Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya changed this raid to a rescue. I suppose we still have 2 minutes left before we leave and I feel like some asset denial is in order here. Would you like to learn how to use a an Ion cannon or two?" As he extends his left hand offering the cold looking boy a cup of hot cocoa. "I am thinking we blow up these crashed ships to deny any loot to any undesirables that may stubble upon it" he said with a glee of enthusiasm.

Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Ben Acrax
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They were coming up in short order, crew and stragglers alike. Alejandro helped cozy up the kid with furs and blankets and made sure Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen also passed some hot cocoa. It wasn't every day they did the humanitarian thing but it was worth it every time, the crew wasn't at all a bunch of evil people and more like opportunists with vague moral compasses. "It does seem like the droid likes things more than he likes warmth. The other feller I haven't caught a glimpse of..."

He looked over the shoulder of Mordok to see... a tribe? Natives. It really was time to scooter on out of here as the old guard would have said. "I've got a better idea" Alejandro said gesturing to the things that sought to have them for lunch.

"How would you like some moving targets kid?"

He stood up and gestured to his Boyz, them smiling and eager to put him in the quad laser turret. Who knows? Maybe he was a natural!

"Now dont worry, were gonna be here to watch and show you how its done. Just aim the red dot thingy at the mass of savage cannibals and Wampas. Minus points if you hit the droid and the guy coming over here"

He figured he'd teach him how he was taught, like a game or a race. "Turbo!" Alejandro called, a smile pursing his lips as his machiavelic plan came together. "Man that other quad turret! You Vs. The kid. Whoever wipes more wampas gets a pick at my stash"

That statement drew oh's and asks from the crew and a determined nod from the rookie trooper. Alejandro's stash was a fabled little rumor in the ship, a box of lightsabers he jacked from an old republic space vessel in the outer rim dating back to the first galactic Civil War. Mordok had one of these sabers, he did, and various sabers decorated the inside of the luxury yatch turned pirate ship.

It was a real prize to be won.

"Mordok I trust you can keep count with the thermals over there right?"

In the mean time Ben Acrax would be accommodated like a prime guest and given the same courtesies. His pod racer now added to the mystique and exotic feel of the hangar bay that was already riddled with a bunch of weird stuff and ZC-37 of all things. Alyson Halle Alyson Halle would be given her own quarters of course and in the top wing reserved for the honored guests. The halls of the ship were a mess of art and weapons of old and new make as well as exotic and rare things collected from the outer rim.​
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"The shortened version is we crashed, and now an intense storm will kill us if we dont got on that ship" R1 replied to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble .

" Oh no, I love warmth." The droid had somehow, beyond all logic, managed to get up the ramp with nobody hearing or seeing him. "But I also like to plunder credits from corpses" R1 opens his locker and hundeds of credit chips fell from inside. "All they had on them was this junk, take what you want." He tosses one to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya and rolls over to where he and Wilhelm were sitting. "Are we partaking in acts of violence now? Murder perhaps?"
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After hearing Alejandro mention the natives coming to eat us. Mordok felt a quick shiver through the scar in his back. " I recon I can most uncountably keep count" he said as he turned to face the natives coming at us with hunger and speed. Mordok then turned on his Light Saber as he walks toward the top edge of the ramp.

He then turns at the crew to eco the good Captain in a way the Boyz can understand. " Well you herd the good Captain! Move your sorry butts and prepare to defend your selves." He screamed at the crew who then started grabbing their blasters and manning their posts and the ship weapons.

Mordok turns and looks at the boy with an intense yet confident smile. " Enjoy your lesson kid, I guess introductions will have to wait Empress" he said to them as he turned away to stare down the coming natives he could not help but get a good glance of her majestic beauty.

Mordok then focuses his energy for the fight to come if the quad turrets were to miss. He focuses his hatred and ravels in the dark side with exactment "We hold the line BOYZ! if any native makes it within 50 meters of the ship, its weapons free" He yelled at the crew as they manned all other weapons on the ship and formed behind Mordok. Aiming their blaster rifles towards the coming hoard.

Crane Baxa

There was a scramble around him, he was very curious on what was going on. He seemed to have been, in a better terms in his own little world as the storm approached them. There was people charging right towards the starship of theirs as people scrambled to deck ramp, ready to open fire. The Chadra-Fan would only watch for a brief moment before leaning up and slowly walking on the hard durasteel floor as his footsteps actually echoed in his silence. He felt a familiar presence in the Force...almost like his Fathers ability with the weather. Mentally, he prepared himself for the worst but also saw that this was not of normal also meant, it was to be dealt with.

Stopping behind the team, even behind Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , he merely watched the group of strange creatures charging straight towards them, his left hand very carefully at the front of his belt, pulling one string as his lightsaber was undone and ready for retrieval. Giving a deep breath, he closed his eyes putting his right foot back, breathed out. He would repeat this process as he closed his eyes, his left hand on the lightsabers hilt as the right hand was clenched into a fist. To those sensitive to the Force around them, they could feel the Chadra-Fan pooling a very large amount of the Force into his body, almost like a draining reservoir. The Chadra-Fan gathered his Force Energy as his bodys fur would slowly start to smoke, as if burning up on the inside yet he displayed no visual discomfort, nor pain. He just kept in that pose...all the while constantly gathering more and more Energy in the Force.

R1-3G R1-3G Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
"Ah, then I guess.." And the droid was gone. Kahlil let out a sigh, closing his eyes for the moment. There were a good number of people here, all talking among themselves. But not really willing to let him know what the kark was going on. But he didn't want to freeze. From the report from R6 on his com his ship would be running again in a day or so when the cells had a chance to recharge. Then R6 could pick up.

If he didn't die of course. So he followed the group, hands stuffed in his jacket pockets to keep warm.
Wilhelm couldn't help but find himself just a bit worried at the column of wind, ice, snow, and ash that was rapidly approaching them from the west and up above. He reckoned that they only had a few seconds before it arrived - fortunately for the unlikely group, the ship's drives were already spooling up. Wilhelm took the offered cocoa with a wavering, but thankful smile.

"I've never shot anything before," he mumbled, uncertainty clear in his youthful voice. "But I guess I can try. We need to let R1 and the other guy on though, I don't want them to get hurt," he added as he slowly eased himself out of the furs. The boy certainly didn't want to leave the comfort of warmth, but he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. There had to be some way he could properly contribute.

He paused as Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen introduced himself, and Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya mentioned that he should take up the cannon. Wilhelm certainly wanted to help, but manning a gun larger than he was had not been what he had in mind. Still, he wasn't one to argue with the men that effectively decided whether he would live, or freeze to death out in the snow.

"I'm Wilhelm. Thanks for helping us," he added, nodding to Mordok appreciatively. It seemed that pirates were far nicer than his mother had taught him. The youth meandered toward the open ramp, waving R1-3G R1-3G and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble aboard. "Hey! We gotta go." The boy would pause as Kahlil would board the ship, his eyes narrowing for a moment as he tried to get some measure of the man. He was a relative giant compared to the youth, and Wilhelm could not help but feel a bit intimidated in spite of himself. The man was easily larger than anyone else aboard.

"Are you a human, or a giant?" He asked with the trademark earnestness of a child. The boy paused. "Can you help me shoot the gun? These guys want me to and I'm afraid they'll leave me behind if I'm not very good at it."


The sky demon was starting to move. Stormcaller barked an order to his subordinates. The tauntauns were quick, but they could not catch a sky demon at full speed. Fortunately, Stormcaller had a solution.

As the ship began to rise from the snow, Stormcaller held out a gnarled hand. The winds responded to his gesture, and several tendrils of coalescing ice and air stretched out ahead of the approaching cloud. They would quickly envelop the bow of the ship, and tug backward in an attempt to drag the vessel toward the storm, like an octopus dragging its prey toward a beaky demise. The tendrils were not powerful enough to halt the ship entirely, but they would keep it from flying upward, and slow it down enough that his clan could catch up.

Stormcaller held his bone mace up high as he let out a whooping war cry, his frontrunners breaking out from the storm to hurl boney spears at the ship's engines. They had been blessed by the gods, the runes etched into their marrow glowing a bright blue as the spears traveled at a speed fast enough to punch through durasteel.

The Skel would eat today, they would die trying.

Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Ben Acrax
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble made it to the ship just in time for take off as the natives and the storm were approaching along with the storm. "Well look what the wind dragged in. I was beginning to think you liked the real-estate." He said sarcastically and with a menacing look at pretty hair as he made his way in to the ship. I Ben Acrax and the security detail face outward from the ship. Facing the approaching horde, ready to defend the Boyz aiming their blasters towards the enemy. As Mordok raveled in the dark side, Light Saber ignited in his right hand. Bright red and steaming due to the cold climate. He noticed Ben Acrax seemed to be focusing his power. He was a force user. This was surprising because he had not noticed it until now.

The ship rises and the storm intensifies, the horde rides with purpose and hate. Shouting in the distance. The storm intensifies. The ship turrets start to fire at the horde. That must be kid and Turbo! It's about time! He thought to him self. The red blasters hitting the mass of natives charging at us. Killing dozens and dozens every instant. Going through, separating limbs for those few wounded unlucky enough to survive, only to die of their injuries later. Tauntauns killed and maimed along with their rides.

It was as the ship rises that the bow then peaks down. Shaking the ship and keeping it leveled and off the ground. But not able to fly higher. As the storm envelops the ship. The natives begin to attack with spears some how able to penetrate and stick to durasteel. On of the spears goes in through the entry way looking for his mark. The Chadra-Fan. Mordok stops it as the point is just a mare 2 inches from Ben's face. Mordok had reached out with the force and stopped it. He then sends it back at the native below that had lunched it with such straight. Piercing it's chest, knocking the native from his mount The native looked important. As he fell the rest of the enemy element just got even more ferocious. Mordok then turns to and looks at Ben Acrax who was still distracted with focusing his powers. "Pull it together Ratlien (Rat looking alien)! Its time to make your self worthy of our help." he said arrogantly to the alien racer.

Mordok then looks outwards and screams. "Weapons free, weapons free!" With ferocity and the boys fire and every native they could see. Killing many, but they just kept coming. They continued their charge as the ship turrets and blaster rifles kept killing dozens more. Then suddenly. A native appeared on the ramp to the right of the line. A young warrior had run up an ice mound and jumped off his Tauntaun, just barely making it and holding on to the right side of the ramp. Seeking glory. He made his way up on to the ramp. He then trusts his spear aft Jaikes the crewman to the far right of the line. Jakes steps forward and grabs the speaks with her left hand as she manages to dodge the attack by also taking a quick step to the right. The native then lifts his left leg pushing the inner thigh of crewman Jaikes, knocking her off her balance, making her fall back.

It is then the native looks in her eyes, eager and hungry for the first kill of their play. But his bid for glory was put to an end. Mordok jumps acrobatically from the center of the ramp to the far right. slicing the young warriors right arm. Mordok then moved his arms back and trusted the native through with his saber. Looking eyes as the native felt the pain and horror of his failure. Mordok giving him a hateful grin and he grinds his teeth. He then pulls the saber back from the natives chest as he collapses on the ramp.

Mordok then turns hastily looking to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya still sitting with his cocoa on the crate with furs next to beautiful Alyson Halle Alyson Halle " Get us out of here Captain!!! There is too many of them!!! "
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Crane Baxa

Everything was happening very quickly, he could feel the amount of anger all around him. So those around him focused on the Dark Side, as if it was to feed their lust for power. Something came straight towards him, but the Force deemed him not to move as someone caught it for him, screaming at him with the slur of the Ratilen, hearing that he was to be worthy of their help. He merely kept his eyes closed with his hand still on the lightsaber, waiting for the right moment as the Force still swelled into his body, almost pushing it towards his limit. Then soon as Mordok made his leap, the Chadra-Fan finally opened his eyes as his fur smoked as if on fire and then...he ran, his left hand pulling back on the lightsaber extremely fast as a SNAP HISS could be heard with the blur of Orange streaking right past Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen .

The Force guided him as he ran, his speed higher than Force Speed, higher than Knight could ever go...even possibly a Master. Every step he took might as well be less than a tenth of a second, his eyes trailing as he went towards the nearest Tauntan as with extreme percision speed, slashed right at the neck of one and ran past him. Moving towards one of the ground, he would slash to the left very hard as the creature was cut in two...all this in less than a second. The ice had stopped moving, the snow was almost motionless to him as he took a few more steps and slashed at another...then another, then another. It was almost nonstop as those who could even see could only see a blur in the storm, as if a orange blur was creating a light to go through the force before him.

Grabbing onto the reins of one, he slung himself over and almost catapulted as he spun rather quickly, slashing another nearby and then threw his lightsaber with expertise, even the lightsaber itself was a blur as now there was two of them. Jumping onto another one, he would pull hard as the lightsaber would return and slice the head off of another creature, still going as he kept the momentum going by running forward, a creature to his right would get slashed at the stomach as it would soon return towards the Chadra-Fan as he gripped it with his left hand, giving a spin due to the momentum and cut forward straight at a much larger creature, a champion perhaps? Slashing through the creatures mount, he would finally slow down as he skidded through the snow with almost expertise as he was halfway hunched over, his lightsaber held in his left hand with his arm outstretched.

Time would feel as if it had reverted as suddenly more than two dozen would suddenly just fall over and perish before the crews very eyes, their creatures falling as if hit by an invisible force field, some being cut in half and falling over in the snow with some attempting to scream but it came out strange, as if suddenly stopped. The Chadra-Fan merely kept himself hunched as his body smoked a black smoke, almost visible to those in the Force as it smelled of taint and with his speed now reverted...everything was now at normal pace and it only took ten seconds. Slowly standing up, he turned to look at the champion whom he possibly dismounted with the snow blowing straight into his face, the fur catching a lot of it as his jacket flew off from the strength of the storm. Staring the creature down, he would slowly walk towards it without almost any emotion, his body still smoking as if the Nether spit out the Chadra-Fan for even attempting to exist...all the while, the Force still flowed through him with great strength...though to anyone very powerful, they could feel his power draining quickly. He will not last long...and needs to finish this now.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble R1-3G R1-3G Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
"I liked the view, honestly." He flashed a smile to Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , but he didn't dare linger with that. The dark was already filling his form. Whatever Kahlil had gotten himself into, he could only hope he wouldn't regret it. His gaze instead fell to Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson once he moved aside to let the pirates do their thing. He couldn't help but smile a bit at the question. One that quickly fell as the next question was rapidly added to the first.

He crouched down and pulled the blaster he kept from his hip. "Not a giant, but yes. I can teach you. Have you ever held a blaster before?" Kahlil held the blaster out, though not before flipping the switch to stun. Just in case.
Hell hath no fury like nature's wrath but when commanded by some sort of sorcerer there was little if anything he could really do but kee the bird flying. Shots began to ring out and the world itself appeared to rise up against them. The fiery pirate was hardly phased, he wasnt scared of tribes with sticks even if these sticks were piercing durasteel.

"Man the guns! Fire on everything that moves that is not on this ship!"

Alejandro himself got into the fray of action taking his spot between Ben Acrax and Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen but with a beautiful and exotic weapon in his hands. This rail gun was earthshaking when it fired, thundering their lines to pulp in face of the barrage. It's recoil was nearly impossible to manage without pacing himself, so he also commanded his soldiers.

"Left flank! Pin their mounted guys and for Ashla's sake bring those turbolasers online!"

The ship was flying midway, unable to take off entierly and bring her entire arsenal to bare. They were picking them off but it was taking a bit too long. Off of the ship's bridge Alejandro's men opened fire on the savages with small arms and detonators, yet the savages held their chase.
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson R1-3G R1-3G Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Keep firing!"
Location: Inside the ship
Allies: Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen

Aaron was piloting the ship drinking his booze carefree. Suddenly there was a snow storm building up that seemed unnormal and violent. Aaron had to book it before this storm started circulating fully around the ship and bringing the whole crew down. There was extreme cold, the heating system in the ship were lessened thanks to that and it seemed like the ship was going to freeze over if not something to be done soon. Aaron with one last sip of his bottle, slammed it into the gound and looked back at Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya and Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen


Aaron pushed the lever forward to increase the power to not only try and escape the storm but to heat up ship enough to avoid it from freezing. The ship was fighting the storm on its way out as the turbulence of the wind rattled it. They finally made it out and were getting ready to leave the area, drinking the strongest booze in his arsenal to keep him warm and... happy.

"Potatoes make great drinks! Hey where to next yarr green gilled biscuit weevil!!"

Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Ben Acrax Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
"Not ever," Wilhelm muttered. He knew how they were supposed to be used, at least on a theoretical level. People certainly shot them at him before too, but he'd never actually held one before. The boy took the blaster with clumsy, tentative hands, his eyes narrowing as if he could pick the device apart just by staring at it alone.

He parted his lips to ask more questions, but it seemed hell had exploded around them. Wilhelm's eyes were drawn to Ben Acrax and his endeavors. Just as the storm reached out to draw them in, so too did the rat-man push back. The pirates rushed to their guns, and frantically fired at any of the natives that dared to come too close.

Wilhelm could only watch with childish terror and astoundment. He'd never seen the effects of a turbolaser on living flesh before - he could only guffaw as several of the tauntaun mounted natives were turned into naught but pink mist. It seemed these pirates were just as effective as they said they were.

Wil grabbed onto Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's coat as the ship suddenly sped forward, the tendrils of wind breaking beneath the combined efforts of Ben and an overactive set of engines. The gangplank of the ship hastily closed behind them, just before Wilhelm's grip on the man was broken and he was sent out tumbling into the wastes.

The ship began to climb, and all at once, the chaos became peace.

The youth just stared down at the blaster in his hands, and found them to be trembling.

"That was...a lot," the boy mumbled, "Thank you," he added as he turned from the white haired man to the group. "I...I think we're safe. Safer anyway. These people are all pirates, but they seem good. I can probably get them to drop you off at your ship if you want once the storm's died."

The boy paused as he looked from Ben Acrax, to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , R1-3G R1-3G , Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , and then finally Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya . "So...what now?"

He was still gripping Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's blaster in his hand with white knuckles.

"Wait!" Wilhelm demanded, "We have to stop. Ben's still out there, we gotta get him!" The boy pointed out through one of the viewports at the rat-man's figure in the dirfts.

Stormcaller roared his dismay. He struggled to his feet, mumbling curses in his native tongue as his warriors were cut down around him. He'd been thrown from his mount by that damnable beast - it didn't have enough meat on its bones to justify all this death.

The chieftain stared daggers at Ben Acrax. His focus had broken from the impact, and the storm ceased chasing the ship almost immediately. Rage was all Stormcaller could process as he stared at the light sword the little wretch carried.

Light sword or not, Stormcaller would kill it. The chieftain gurgled a warcry as he charged the smaller thing, his war club waving wildly in the air with intent to smash the little rodent's skull in. His people had been robbed of a good meal, and many of them their lives - the wretch would pay for its thievery.
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Crane Baxa

The ship...took off without him. Part of him wondered if that was destiny or if perhaps it was just another long line for ways the Force was punishing him. Slowly the Chadra-Fan walked along the snow as the storm had long since quit, half of the chiefs own kind laid dead around him. There was a brief moment where he feared what would happen next...but then, the Force had comforted him as many times it had before. The end will either happen now...or later. Holding his lightsaber near his side, he deactivated it as the Chieftain charged at him, crouching slightly to the left once more as he held the lightsaber in his right hand this time, waiting for the right moment.

Keeping a hold on his concentration in the Force, he would make an after illusion of himself for a brief time, letting it remain in his spot right as the Chieftain got to close, in the moment to attack and made a quick dash forward, making it look like there was now two of him to which he activated the lightsaber and made one slash towards the abdominal area and with a quick turn after passing under the right arm, slash down the spinal area to sever and disable. Standing there, he awaited to see if that was enough as he kept himself focused on the creature before him...whether it died or not or if it was all for naught.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Mordok looks to Jakes after shouting at Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya . " On your feet lass! Can't save you every time someone gets to hand to hand range." He said to Crewman Jakes as he extended his left hand to help her stand. She returns to the line and opens fire. Mordok then looks at the native laying on the ramp before them. "Poor savage. He reached to far beyond his station." He mumbled as he raveled in the dark side. Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya continued to lay fire along with the crew. Another native made it's way to the ramp but Ben dashed with an attack so fast and stylish that Mordok could barely keep up with his eyes.

the ship began to rise. The boy was right Ben Acrax was left behind. After seeing such skill. The SGT at Arms would rather take the pod racer in to the crew, rather than just leaving him to be cut down or to simply freeze. Mordok looks towards the navigations " Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart bring the ship around and grab us with a tractor beam!" Mordok then turns and jumps of the ramp and on to the endless hoard now surrounding Ben Acrax.

As he fell he used the force to hasten his fall. Landing with an attack that not only sent a small shock wave knocking dozens of native of their feet, but also slicing the charging Chieftain that was going to stick the Chadra-Fan. Mordok turned and looked towards the serine and calm Chadra-Fan. "That will me second time I save you rat man. Like I said. Keep it together and don't be so quick to let the force take you". Mordok screamed at Ben in an effort to motivate him to keep up the fight.

Mordok then turned to face the natives. Dozens trying to get back up but many more that were behind them still charging forward. 4 spears are sent towards mordok. As he jumps avoiding them and while 12 feet in the hair he puts away his light saber in to his belt and extends his arms. Sending a burst of force lighting towards the charging horde, killing many and horribly scaring many more. The burst ends and he falls back down. as he reaches his light saber with his right hand. Igniting in it. Mordok lands and force pushes 3 natives coming at us both from the left. 2 landing hard and the 3rd landing on one of their own spears impaling it.

Mordok then dashes forward using the 7th form to cut down many natives. Many arms, legs, mangles torsos falling to the ground. Blasters from the claiming ship still shooting many natives around them. "They just keep coming. How many glory seekers do I have to kill for them to turn tail!?." He said to Ben as he doges a spear attack from a young warrior aiming for his head. Then turns his attack to the left, slicing off both of the natives arms and as it screamed in agony. Mordok force pushed him 20 feet and he landed at the feet of the last Chieftain. It looks up to wards it's Chieftain as it creams in pain. Kicking the snow and moving his newly formed stubs that were once arms.

The Chieftain looks with grate anger towards the warriors that brought such death to his army. The Chieftain creams the command to attack " hfehgrhgk" It then grabs his spear and points towards the rising ship, that continued to rain automatic turret and blaster fire at the remaining and dwindling army.

Mordok holds up his light saber. Bright red, steaming in the cold and hissing as it melts snow being wiped around by the storm. "I really hope the boys don't leave us!"

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