Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heemkomm

Crane Baxa

There was an unexpected slash after he had clearly walked forward, almost losing his other ear due to some reckless morons attempt at making an attack on the Chieftain as well. There was only maybe two to three dozen at the most, the snow had died down and yet this person, this black haired, scruffy looking human had jumped down from the starship above and started to slaughter what most he could. Second time he saved his ass? The Chadra-Fan was honestly quite pissed off at this and merely stood there to watch his work. The man just kept killing and when a spear came close to the Chadra-Fan, he merely moved his left hand up as the entire native would flip backwards and fall into the same, the Chadra-Fan throwing his lightsaber like a javelin as impaled the creature in an instant, killing it before it zipped back into his hand.

"And here I thought half the morons I knew back then were dead. Shut your hole and focus on your feet. Use the Force and jump, act like air, not water."

Looking around him as the person decided to fight like hell, he would grip his lightsaber in a strange way and throw it hard like a boomerang, slashing one after another of enemy creatures as it circled around the Chadra-Fan and then as he crouched down. When it spun back into his hand, which he made sure of else someone would lose their arm, he would make a tremendous leap into the air and in a few seconds, land directly onto the ramp of the dropship. Deactivating his lightsaber, he merely would walk back and go find a place to sit before he would pass out.

"Even in eight hundred years...still people think everything can be solved swinging a lightsaber around."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
R1 watched stunned as Ben performed miracle after violent miracle. when Ben Made it back onto the ship he spoke in amazement.

'Wow! That was truly impressive! In fact I hereby change your title from Womprat face to the glamorus title of Nyork Legs!" He turned to Wilhelm and whispered "It's actually more insulting than it sounds"

He paused again. "Wait.... We forgot something" He paused again and moved over to the open ramp, looking down at the battle below. "Something loud and egotisical"
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After the small incident which lead to the rat being nearly abandoned, the crew was now mostly free of Hoth's chilling embrace. It was for the best that it stayed that way, for the path ahead would be fraught with danger at every turn. The whole galaxy wanted her and the boy. Even powers they had built from the ground up had little love left to give for House Grayson.

Alyson knew exactly what must be done, and exactly when it must happen. Now that they had gotten off the hellhole ice world, it was time to get to business. Legally, she was now his legal guardian. At least by the laws of a long dead nation, and several oaths she had taken for said nation. It was her duty to keep him safe.

She spoke up to the crowd in front of him. "By several oaths I took to house Grayson, I am the child's legal guardian." She said, pulling out a datapad, and pulling up a few documents. "If anyone has any questions on the legality of this action, this data pad should answer them. The boy's father met an unfortunate end, and it is my duty to raise him in his stead."

She cleared her throat looking to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya "I wish to secure passage to the rim world of Merides in the Tingel arm. I have it's galactic coordinates also on this datapad, including several hyperspace routes which should avoid powers hostile to both me and the young Wilhelm's family. Upon arrival you will be paid 1.5 million credits in aurodium. Is that amenable?"

Any sense of playfulness was bled out of her for this moment. This was critical, it was life and death. She needed to get this boy to Merides. The world that had survived unnoticed in the far reaches of the galaxy for so long. It was there she would teach the boy the ways of the force.

The fate of her life's work hanged in the balance. She had failed to protect Cedric. She would not fail to protect his last remaining heir.

Ben Acrax R1-3G R1-3G Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
Kahlil watched in silence, his gaze traveling to the group before settling on Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson once more. So Alyson Halle Alyson Halle was his guardian? She was a bit too focused on that fact though. The boy was just that, a boy. Scared. Kahlil offered a smile to the child as he reached out to gently take the blaster from his shaking hands. Last thing they needed was an accidental shooting on a ship of pirates. "How about, instead of shooting people, I teach you how to repair a ship? That'd be far more useful. But I don't think you're in any danger of being kicked off. Not if that guardian of yours has anything to say about it at least."

He took a breath, glancing over to watch Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen jump out to save Ben Acrax . At least, for all his open hostility, this pirate was a decent enough person. "I think I'll stick around a little while longer, kid, if that's alright with you. You can call me Kahlil."
Decimated, that would be the word to describe the tribe of heathens and savagaes now. Those who tried to so brutally attack them now were routed by the power of turbolaser batteries and concentrated small arms fire. Ben Acrax and Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen fought down in the snow much to the dismay of Alejandro who just wanted to get the hell off of this frozen planet.

Alejandro nodded to Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart as he turned the thing around, this time the frontal point defence cannon began ripping apart the fleeing savages like a scavenger bird. They circled back to Mordok and Alejandro shot the ground with one of his grappling hooks, creating a single hoist for him to get back up.

"Next time dont be a Hero chief! And can ya grab me the bone looking cudgel thing that angry bastard has in his hands? I want it for a thing" Although He was glad everyone was back on the ship, no one needed to have jumped off to begin with. The bird was on overwatch and now only a few pot shots could be heard rumbling in the background from a stray pirate or two out there. They were picking off routed survivors one by one, maybe just for fun or maybe just for making us freeze out here.

First he attended the boy and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with a tip of his hat. "You did absolutley fantastic kid!" He was truly impressed by the accuracy of the kid, he turned the things to paste! What else could he be good at?

"You're a chip off the ol' block kid! After we pick this guy back up we're gonna get some hot food, you won't beleive what our cooks can do and the things they're probably already making." He closed his eyes and imagined already what the servings of the day was, with all the fancy hardware and raw materials they made feasts almost daily. He pointed down the hall way were you could already make out people going in am out with pots, pans and the like.

He turned to Kahlil and patted him on the elbow, he would have on his shoulder but the man was massive. "Thanks for your help with the kid but shooting People and murdering vast amounts of life is literally the only way to survive in this galaxy." He said matter of factly, gesturing to the field of carnage they had to inflict on an entire tribe just not to die. They didint call this conflict, they didint go looking for it yet we had to take vast amounts of life.

He shrugged and smiled, oblivious to the blue blood on his face and the stench of death in the force. "Even the starships you will repair have guns in them, He said you needed some help with the ship?"

He looked down to the thing that now wasnt too far, night was coming but they could hoist a single starfighter in without much trouble. "Me and the Boyz will take care if it, you guys get some food in you, get warm and get some rest"

He turned to the rest and placed the golden rifle by his side, finally allowing himself to fully relax and command the crew. He turned to Ben Acrax and Alyson Halle Alyson Halle and gestured to the hall as well.

"You guys too. There's hot food served and ready, the rest of ya get ready to take that starfighter into the hangar. Drop us down Aaron, let's make this quick so we can go eat and get out of here"

He was ready to go get it done before Alyson, the Empress lady came before him and took legal custody of the child, proof and all as if pirates would understand, then made a proposal.

One and a half million credits for transport to the tingel arm. Yes the Tingel arm was at literally the other side side of the galaxy but even the most luxurious yatch in the galaxy wasn't going to charge you that kind of money for passage. There was a catch and she wasn't telling him, or maybe she was on the count of the fact she mentioned entities Hostile to the boy and her.

He put his hat back on again, clicked his tongue and raised his eyebrow as if to tell her that he was no fool. No one paid that much for just travel, but they were pirates and incredibly heavily armed and densely staffed ones at that.

Also, one and a half million credits is a ridiculous amount of money. Alejandro loves money, He loves money more than anything in the world, He loves money enough to ignore obvious shadyness.

"For one and a half million credit mademoiselle I'll take you to the Firemane galaxy with half a ship"
Mordok felt as Ben Acrax jumped in to the ship. Abandoning Mordok to face the natives. He was relived to see the good captain came about and picked him up with his grappling hook. "Thank you Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya . I appreciate the lift" Said Mordok as he puts his left arm around him for a quick survival hug and hands him the native item. "Here is that bone looking cudgel thing you wanted you mad dog." Said Mordok with a grining smile, which quickly turned to anger as he looked on Ben Acrax comfortably sitting down. This filled Mordok with much anger and irritation as he holds him self from withing and puts his light saber a way. "Well, well! Nice to see you confy rat man! Its good to know I can count on you to look out for those who look out for you" Said Mordok to Ben. With much sarcasm.

He then grabs a cup of hot cocao as he hears the ridiculous claims by Alyson Halle Alyson Halle of being a guardian. Mordok then turns and walkes towards the conversation and noticed Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble take back a blaster from the boys hand. Mordok then pats the boy Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson in the back. " I agree with good captain boy! I saw first hand the awesome slaughter you unlashed. Thank you for laying down support and the law of these savages. Many a widow and mother will cry tonight. And know that you did nothing WRONG! They attacked unprovoked. You did the right thing and you saves of our own by doing so." He said to the boy with a genuine smile. Almost proud of the lads skill.

Mordok then took a blaster from a passing crewman and handed it to the boy as a gift for his help and victory over Turbo, who he clearly beat hin their little competition. "No offence Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble but the boy should learn all possible skills. The galaxy is dangorus as Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya just said." Said Mordok to pretty hair.

He then turns to the left and looks at the data pad Alyson Halle Alyson Halle gave to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya . Mordok reads the data as they all walk towards the food. "HA HA HA" Mordok laughing mockingly at this document's. "Are you kidding me so called empress! These are documents of a nation long gone. Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart , Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya look at this madness." Yelling out as Mordok points out the seals and dates on the documents. He then looks to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle . " I respect that you may have power somewhere in the galaxy. BUT NOT HERE! Not in our ship" Says Mordok with an angry grin and showing his teeth as he looks at her with newly found distain, at the notion that she thinks she can control the boy who clearly had never seen her up until today. "I say the boy is a free man, able to make his own choices and he doesn't need some self proclaimed bureaucrat with a pretty face. Telling him what to do or taking him who knows where." Says Mordok as he finishes looking over the data pad and hands it back to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya .

The mood turned sour in the ship as they stand in the mess hall. looking eyes with threats in their eyes. The crew is standing around them. Looking anxious as they look at the tension building. Mordok looks at the boy and smiles. He is filled with questions and concern. He felt as if the force was pushing him towards the boy. He looked scared. Confused. Perhaps taking him in as an apprentice was the best hope for his future. He would be safe with the crew and he would learn to make a living in many trades as he grows. " Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson ! Would you and your droid friend R1-3G R1-3G rathen stay with us? Will look after ya lad. You don't have to go with these people if you don't want to." Said Mordok as he puts his puts his hand on the boys should. attempting to comfort the boy as he kneels to his level eye level.

"Captain! I don't like some of these people. I agree. If they pay up DOUBLE the amount! Then we drop them off half way. I think Ben Acrax should be invited to join up too! He has much skill. Even though he lacks loyalty for those who try to help." Says Mordok as he looks up at Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya with intensity in his eyes. Right hand on the light saber ready to act if needed. He did not trust these light side users. Who clearly had some kind of agenda with the lad. "This so cold Empress comes here! Gets our help! And then presumes to dictate whats gonna happen! Nah!" Said Mordok as the crew starts getting their blasters ready.
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There was a lot going on, and Wilhelm was ignoring nearly all of it.

For but a moment, the great sea opened itself to him, and its waters were a deep shade of crimson from all the blood that had been spilled. Wilhelm pressed a hand to his temple as he felt the despair of the surviving Skel below, even as the ship darted off and they became little more than dots in the snow.

He experienced their feelings if they were his very own. The natives were primitive things, but they still carried the spark of intelligence about them. They understood loss, they understood pain, and they understood hunger just as he did. The realization that the surviving tribals would likely starve now that their numbers had been culled weighed heavily upon the boy.

He saw the world through the eyes of one of the Skel for a fleeting moment, one that measured to be only half a second or so, but it was enough to understand her in entirety. She was looking upon the mangled corpse of her first born - he'd been ripped in half by a turbolaser round, his torso and his legs strewn several meters apart, and connected only by his intestines. The mother dragged the torso to its lower half, as if she could reattach his legs and undo the fatal wound.

What she experienced was so similar to the anguish he had felt at holding his father's lifeless body that Wilhelm nearly collapsed. Once again he clung to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble 's coat for some sort of stability - it was all the boy could do to keep himself standing.

And worse yet, he'd had a hand in the slaughter. Several of those left dead below had been slain at his own hands: they had wanted to kill him of course, but the wholesale slaughter that followed still felt wrong.

"I-" the boy stuttered as it felt like half the room had their eyes on him. He drew in a deep breath, and willed his mind to close itself from the great ocean and all the terrors that lurked beneath its depths.

"Thank you Mister Ben," he muttered to Ben Acrax, his tiny voice heavy with an emotion he couldn't quite name. He turned to R1-3G R1-3G and offered the droid a weak smile. "Nyork legs," the boy forced himself to snicker, desperate for his mind to escape the oblivion they had physically left behind. "I like it. Better than rat man."

Then came the woman. Wilhelm peered up at Alyson Halle Alyson Halle with confusion and quiet admiration. He did not know of the empress, but she felt familiar, like the soldiers that had always come with his father during his rare visits to the homestead. It seemed she was keen to take up the role of his protector, and Wilhelm was not in the right mind to deny her. He didn't understand the talks of oaths or houses, but he would in time.

So many things, in time.

Then the giant man gave a name. Wilhelm glanced up, offered that same feeble smile, and nodded. "Nice to meet you Mister Kahlil," he did his best to preserve his manners. "I've never fixed a ship before, but it sounds fun." Under normal circumstances he would have jumped at the opportunity. As things were, all he could do was agree. He was glad to have the man aboard for the time being - he reminded Wilhelm of his father.

"We have to get your ship too don't we?" He mumbled, his brow creasing with concern.

The approval Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya and Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen showered him with left the boy confused, and the lesson they each tried to impart him with left a sour taste in his mouth. He couldn't rightly say they were wrong. The tribal aliens had intended to kill them, and likely to eat them if his senses were as keen as he though they were. Even still, Wilhelm had never ended another life before, and it left him feeling sick in his stomach.

"Thank you both," he muttered, his eyes darting to the floor. He was pleased that the captain seemed serious about retrieving Mister Kahlil's ship though, and they had stuck out their necks to rescue the scattered group. They didn't seem like bad people: even if what they believed made the boy uncomfortable, perhaps there was a grain of truth in their words.

The deal was made, and then it wasn't. A thick tension filled the air as Mordok challenged Alyson, and Wilhelm found himself feeling very, very small. The pirates offered him a choice, just as the Sith Lord had offered him a choice. He wanted to stay with them, at least for the time being, but he also wanted Miss Alyson to remain as well. She clearly cared for him, and if she knew his father, there was so much she could tell him, so much to learn.

Frustration with the situation quickly overwhelmed Wil's growing sense of anxiety as the ship would move to retrieve Kahlil's own. He made his choice, and he doubted either party would like it.

"Hey!" He tried to shout, but his voice barely carried over the bickering pirates. The youth stepped out of Kahlil's shadow to take a place at the center of the group, and folding tight around his chest in an attempt to make himself look bigger. "Look, I-" he stuttered, "I appreciate you all. I would have died out there without you. All of you," he forced himself to meet the eyes of the adults despite the monstrous feeling in his chest that told him to stare at the floor and be quiet.

"Miss Alyson says she can pay you. I dunno how many credits a million is but I think it's a lot. If she knows my family I have to go with her. I don't know anything about them and I think I need to, but...I would feel a lot safer if we went wherever she says we need to go with all of you. I don't wanna have to rely on strangers that might want to hurt us."

The boy paused, took in a deep breath, and opted for honesty. "There are Sith hunting us. They came for my ma and they came for my dad, but they were looking for me. I don't know what they want and they scare me."

Another pause.

"So...please, can we all just go together?"
"It's good to meet you too, though, what should I call you?" He grimaced for a moment as he listened to Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen praise Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson for killing people. Savages or not. It was eerily similar to his own upbringing. The praise for ending the life of his would be assassin at an age similar to the boy before him now. He kept his attention away from the growing trouble of who had the right to own him or such. It seemed to be getting to the boy too.

"My ships fine. R6'll get it running once the storm passes and can meet me wherever I end up. I'll stick with you, yeah?"

Between the stranger Alyson Halle Alyson Halle claiming she had a right to make decisions for Wilhelm and the pirate crew being.. Pirates, he couldn't just leave the child alone with them. What kind of Jedi would that make him? He watched the boy speak up, mildly impressed by how he was able to stand up for himself. It was good he could.

And the Sith are hunting him? Like he needed another reason to remain, but that certainly made Kahlil that much more determined to make sure the boy stayed safe. He stood up, stepping by the boys side with a smile.
"Yeah, I think I'll stick with ya for a bit. Least I can do is make it so you don't have to fight."
The crew made the round, dropped down and made the hinges to get back Khalil's ship. Meanwhile Alejandro went inside, warmed up and sat down at the mess hall where his cooks brought them all kinds of meats and fruits from all over the galacy. From fresh juice to ale to crystaline water all purified using state of the art equipment. He listened and smiled, sitting down on his throne of shiny baubles and trinkets.

First was Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen making an impassioned speech on behalf of the boy, good that they got that sorted. He opened a bottle of Correlian Rum, this one was a commemorative, limited edition bottle to celebrate the anniversary of the Omega Protectorate. It was so old that the bite it had was almost gone, but these ancient bottles were the sneaky ones. They brought him an entire cooked Oxibeast, the thing was so massive that it reached both sides of the table.

The Sith were hunting Him.

Alejandro looked at Alyson Halle Alyson Halle with that remark as to say he understood the price now. Still it shouldn't be too much trouble, The Sith were beset on all sides.

"Aaron take us some place warm, I don't want to see snow for a while" Alejandro remarked, not yet knowing what that would entail. He picked up some meat, fruits and veggies and placed them in his chromium plate to eat with his phrik and songsteel utensils. Nothing if not extra.

"Wil you should not worry, I shall let no harm come to a child of the force. It is the force that has brought us all here, one way or another. Now we need some downtime"

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