Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Heemkomm

Many things happened at once, and Wilhelm felt himself being somewhat left behind. The discussion shifted to his wellbeing of all things: it seemed those present were prepared to fight over him, though for what reason he had no idea. The Alyson woman had spoken of legacy and him being an heir to...something. He wasn't quite sure. She'd known the name of his father at least, so perhaps he owed her some level of credence.

"Yeah I don't think he has a tongue," Wilhelm mumbled, echoing Alejandro's musing. "Unless...droids actually do have tongues. I always figured it was just metal bits in there," he peered at R1-3G R1-3G curiously, as if simply staring at the droid hard enough would reveal whether there were organs beneath all that metal. Unfortunately such dutiful staring had very little by way of results.

The boy's eyes went wide as Ben Acrax willed the ship into some semblance of stability. He continued to stare as the man that had stood before him shifted into the form of some kind of rodent - more particularly a creature he'd never seen before. Some sort of alien probably.

"You're about as tall as me," a hint of good humor found its way into the boy's words. He parted his lips to speak further, but the disembodied voice rumbled in the back of his mind once again.

"I see a great eagle hover over you, if you let your fear rule you.. it will devour you. If you stand and turn fear into fuel, you will tame it. The throne lays vacant, broken, and cold. You are not the ideals of dead men, deal not with answers but truths. My boy, what is your truths?"

An eagle. Eagles were birds, weren't they? How was he going to tame an eagle? What did they even eat?

"I dunno. How do I tame an eagle, and I've only ever met one Jedi. Didn't seem very magic to me." he replied in turn to both Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and Alyson Halle Alyson Halle 's question of the Jedi. He'd only ever met one - well, two now - and the stories he had heard sounded more like mythical tales than anything based in truth.

"But-" his voice was cut off by a violent howling of the winds outside. The storm that had seen the shuttle crash was picking up in intensity. Soon it would be too violent to fly, and they would be trapped with the wreck.

"That doesn't sound good," Wilhelm mumbled as he wrapped his arms about his chest, worry plain in his wide eyes. The screeching of the wind reminded him of the howls of Voxyn on the hunt, so much so that he found himself frozen with fears. The beasts had been on his heels since his earliest days.

The youth shifted his gaze from one person (and droid) to the next, looking to the adults for guidance on what was to be done.

Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya , Ben Acrax, R1-3G R1-3G , Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Crane Baxa

The R1 droid did make a tangent remark as he merely looked to the side at the droid. While if he was younger, he be slightly insulted by the comment, he merely gave a slow smile, speaking out his mind.

"I assure you as a womp rat look alike, I can still move better than an old R1 droid can in this weather. Your sensors should note that...and I have worked on your kind as well, it is not safe to travel to far."

So the Chadra-Fan was also a bit of a mechanic, something that should been obvious if he could will the starship into being fixed. However when Wilhelm spoke of his height, he turned quick but grinned a bit. The boy was young, he had a bit of humor and was innocent in his words as he spoke.

"Oh I know, we are all so short. Be glad soon you will grow even taller than me, like a good tree and your body turns more into durasteel for strength."

He felt the rumblings of the Dark Side, it echoed near him quite easily. If it was not for previous experience...he shook his head to ignore it though heard the boy speak on how to tame an eagle. The Chadra-Fan...could only shrug, what would he need with an eagle? However when most of the men started to try and pull blasters on them, the famed pirate seemingly having to calm them, he only could stare at the pirate for a brief moment as he spoke very gently.

"Eight hundred years...and yet it looks just like when I left."

It was a puzzling response, he did not go any further as it brought up some rather painful memories. He had been once someone of great power, willingly to get rid of it all but...that all cha-then a name struck into the Chadra-Fans mind. A Sullustan....named Jegy. The head of the Chadra-Fan turned very quickly, as if given into shock for the first time.

"Wh-what did you just say?"

There was a small silence as he got up and went right over to the Empress rather quickly, going right up to her as he spoke out a bit louder.

", that is impossible! He should be DEAD! He is over eight hundred years old like I became! I WAS FROZEN!....I was frozen...he..."

There was a rather uncomfortable silence as he carefully walked over towards one of the few repaired chairs he made and sat on the side of the bulkhead. He looked as if he went through a rather dramatic post shock, his eyes wide as he tried to process that information. Shaking his head, he would grip onto his ears and gently pull as one of them on the left seemed to be partly prosthetic though it was done with high detail, possibly a bit afraid of his own looks. Speaking up, he looked over at Alyson Halle Alyson Halle and spoke directly at her with a bit of a commanding voice.

"Where...right now, is my biological father? Where is that fish head at? He left me as a child and I deserve to know all my damn answers from him RIGHT FU-"

THUM! The starship would rock a bit violently as the Chadra-Fan fell for a moment to the side. Raising both of his hands up, the starships metal components would keep smashing into different sections on the outside. Clanging metal could be heard near constant as he created a rather large shield outside from just thinking about it to stop it from buffeting the storm outside the broken down dropship.

"We will finish that talk later! Pirate Lord Thingy Man, is that starship ready to fly? We will need to go sooner rather than later!"

R1-3G R1-3G Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
"I fear the storm may be dangerous for flight. I suggest waiting it out inside the ship. Better safe than sorry." He pasues "Before we go we should loot this place. Wilhelm, follow me."

The droid slowly wheeled twards the back of the ship, hoping that Wilhelm was following. He knew almost every corner of the ship and in reality the ship didn't have much supplise of much worth, but there was someone he had met while on board that he wanted to bring with him. He also knew that if he didn't have a good excuse for staying they would leave him behind. He also knew they probably wanted to leave him behind. He also knew that the boy was his best chance of not being left behind, but he also liked the kid. When the child began to speak beck when first woke up he could tell that Wilhelm was a good person, a rareity in a galaxy like this.
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The droid was quite impatient. If they stayed in this wreck they would die, there wasn't a heating system in the galaxy which could deal with the massive hole in the side of the ship. They had to find a better place to stay that was certain.

"Yes, Sir Alejandro, how far is your ship? It is rather important we be able to reach it within..." She said, closing her eyes. "30 minutes to an hour."

Next, the boy. "Falconry is a lost art in most of the galaxy, however my people know much of it. If you wish to tame an eagle I can find you a teacher." She said, however, given as it was unprompted, it probably had something to do with the dark presence. She would have to purge it. She was lucky the kid was as innocent as he was. It would get him a long way.

"Jedi come in many shapes and sizes, some prefer to use a lot of "magic", others prefer to keep its use to a minimum." She said.

The rat seemed to be having a bit of a tizzy. "He is in fact alive. I have fallen out of touch with him it has been... a few years I reckon since we last met. I would need to find him. He was powerful in the force however, it shouldn't be hard."

Finally, the plan.

"We need to get out of this ship as soon as possible, unless we all want to become frozen solid."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Ben Acrax R1-3G R1-3G Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Loot the place? Sounds simple enough but it better take little time. On cue, in response to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle His ship docked about one hundred meters away with a loud rumble. She was quite large for a corvette, roughly three hundred meters wide and fifty across. His men followed R1-3G R1-3G into the ship to escord and scavenge, many an experienced spacer was with them.

He curled his moustache and gestured to the ship. "It would be my honor to escort you" He spoke, gently and seductively. "Empress" He laid on the charm like thick cream, accent in toe to add that extra flair of romantic desire and closed in the distance between them offering his arm in a chivalrous manner.

He would begin to make His way to the ship regardless, as He walked his men passed him by, each more different and exotic than the last. To be perfectly honest there were races and species in his crew that he could not readily identify nor find someone who could. He regarded Ben Acrax and gestured to two massive Mandalorian brutes that were at the ramp. The Lad seemed to be having a legitimate existential crisis, eight hundred years? Frozen? That must all be quite a lot to take in... Alejandro offered a distraction.

"That's Ordo and Mordo my good lad! They will gladly help you with the podracer and if they so much as dent or scratch the paint job on that masterpiece I will deduct it from their grog ration"
He jested, but he was entierly serious, though they would never fail at such a simple task.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson was the enigma here, what emanated from him, the aura and the force that surrounded him brought all of them here. Again, Alejandro was a religious man, downright superstitious, He believed in things like destiny and prophecies and God to go even further. He prayed, and many times he had been delivered from the jaws of doom by the power of faith alone or so it would seem.

He gave a few commands to some crew members to keep an eye on the boy and stick close, keep him safe. He didint know that droid or why he wanted the boy to come with him inside the ship, alone, or for what purpose but He wasn't about to let soulless steel and A.I. alone with the child. They brought with them guns, anti-explosive suits similar to explosive ordenance disposal and scanners to detect any radioactive or explosives.

While the dilly dally out of the way Alejandro focused on the most important thing in this entire planet right now, wooing the pretty lady.

"So... Is there a Mr. Emperor?"
Why'd it have to be Hoth? Of all the planets he could find his ship stalling out over, this had to be the worst. Well, no. Anywhere in Sith space would be the worst. But the desolate, frozen world this was certainly wasn't going to make getting his ship running again any easier. And that's if he could make sure this drop into atmosphere had a landing that didn't involve it splattering like a pancake. Turned out R6 had the plan for that one. The little red R unit had proven far more capable a pilot than Kahlil could ever hope to be.

Thankfully this was one of those times the droid out shined him.

A last minute boost, draining from the remaining systems that'd keep the man warm (that was later him issues), sent him from falling straight to gliding. Falling with style. Either way the landing wasn't going to be pretty. Hoth was thankfully a planet of snow, so as his ship tore into the ground there was some cushion. Not much, but some. Kept the ship from tearing itself apart as it slid across the ground. When it finally did come to a stop Kahlil let out the breath he'd been holding.

They survived.

Then the cold hit. With no power in the ship and his own lack of warm clothing it was pretty quickly obvious just how cold it was getting outside. He couldn't stay here. Who knows, maybe there'd be a Tauntaun close enough that he might be able to hunker down.He saw that in a holofilm, maybe it'd work. R6 thankfully didn't need to worry about the cold as much.

"Alright buddy. Stay with the ship. I'll get a quick look around. Maybe there's a cave close by or something." He looked back from the hatch he was about to exit from, giving the droid a thumbs up. Kahlil had no idea how right he was that there was something close by. Almost in disbelief he stared at the other ship that seemed to have crashed here. And in much worse condition. "Uh, nevermind. I'm gonna look for survivors. You check and see if we still have any bacta."

[Sarcastic beeps]

"What do you mean I forgot to buy any? We don't go through the-"

[Accusatory beeps and boops]

"Wait, really?"

[Conformation trill]

".. Alright. Uh. Nevermind then. Still. I'll go look for survivors. Check and see if we have a secret stash somewhere."

There was more sarcastic beeps behind him as he finished climbing out of the ship and closed the hatch. By the Force it was absolutely freezing. How far below zero this had gotten he really, really didn't want to know. Bundling up what coats he could scavenge that had any amount of warmth he trudged his way through the snow. "Hey! Uh. Anyone alive in there?!?"
(Phone post. Excuse errors)

The best way Wilhelm could describe the sensation was what one might feel if, theoretically, one were to have a large rat materialize in the center of his brain stem, and then anger this particular rat to such a degree that it proceeded to burrow its way out of one’s skull.
He not experienced an episode in quite some time, but all the shouting was starting to get to him. With pronounced emotion came pronounced shifts within the great ocean, and Wilhelm could not help but see himself as a small ship about to face off with a tidal wave. Images flashed in his mind’s eye: the face of a Sullustan with deep set tired eyes, the sensation of a sudden and foreign righteous anger flooding through his small frame, and then a picture of a decaying field decorated with swords impaled just beneath the dirt.
“Falconry,” he mumbled as he did his very best to cling to the living moment, and not drift off too far into the depths of the ether. “Y-yeah sure, fun.” He mumbled as the waves began to recede. The ocean in his mind calmed as quickly as the storm had come.
“I think I’ve had enough of magic,” Wilhelm grumbled with a shake of his head. The less visions, the better.

The boy welcomed the distraction R1 provided. The encroaching storm remained on his mind, but Miss Empress Woman has said they had at least half an hour. More than enough time to explore, and more importantly, get away from all the noise.
“Lead the way,” he’d follow after R1, the escorts Alejandro provided following shortly thereafter.

“Is there something cool back here?” he asked the droid, eyes wide as he scanned the room for anything of value. As far as he was concerned, the adults would come get him if he didn’t need to be there.

He was almost out of view of the hole in the entry when the white haired man stepped through. “Another one,” Wilhelm mumbled, “Probably not one of the pirates. He smells like the Sith that came for my mom,” the boy’s nose scrunched up in distaste as he looked to R1 for the automaton’s opinion.
As Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya schmoozes as usual to on the best looking lass in the area. I barked out orders to the security detail to pull security around the ship as the new lucky guests walk towards the ramp. ''Alright you bunch of nerf herders! Get a 360 goin NOW! The last thing we need is some scavenger group lighting us up in the open! I don't care if it's freezing! Get your ass out there and keep your eyes open! You never know who's watching and get the Turbel Laser cannons aimed at that crashed ship to our left! I don't trust it.'' Mordok turns to his right and sees young Turbo looking egger but lost as usual.

''Turbo! get a buddy and check out that crashed ship to our left. Be cautious and friendly if there are any live people. Clearly Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya just changed the plan and we will be saving folk instead of raiding them. Keep communications open. If it's empty then the goods and weapons are ours.'' Mordok barked these orders in his angered tone sense he hates a change of plans. He walks down the ramp with his hand on his light saber as usual due to his paranoid nature. He is interested by the kid Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson as he goes in the ship after feeling that he is force sensitive but Mordok ignored him and though. ''It has been so long sense I passed on my knowledge of the dark side. Perhaps it's time to instruct again.''

Mordok then walks towards Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya ''Whats the plan Captain!''

Crane Baxa

"He...he is alive...that..."

The Chadra-Fan had no words and very slowly, just walked outside. He was lost once more for words...his father was alive. Eight hundred years and he was still alive?! How is that even possible...after a short time though, he would slowly snap out of it and was coming onto the pirates corvette as he really had no good words to say. The pirate lord person said they would help load his pod racer and with a nod, he would assist in that endeavor all he could. The Chadra-Fan was growing older so pushing something was getting harder and with it overheated, it probably be much harder to wench it inside. However in the back of his mind, he felt something nag him...looking back towards the crashed starship, he merely paused for a moment.

"The Force has brought many around us...what is the real reason? Did my father...know all of these people? Did he know of the boys father? Am I...selected?"

The question seemed to linger in the air as the air around him blew very hard for a brief moment as he looked to the side and wondered...but then it came back to his senses when he felt the presence of another human strolling towards the ever growing Pirate Lord. Listening, he would merely start strapping down his pod racer from any further damage.

Morgoth Morgoth Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G
The cold wind air would blow around group that was in the crashed drop ship, as if something had walked past them without a second thought. His presence was barely felt, it had been greatly diminished over the last couple of years though...he still had some of his abilities. Slowly that could air would be centered in the room with Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and R1-3G R1-3G with possibly being felt by the newcomer, Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . What the old sullustan planned for would not concern the rest of them as Ashla had wished to guide towards this very moment. The Force was strong here, in this one particular instance of gathering, this one precise moment in time. Very quietly, Wilhelm could hear a whisper in his ear, a kind gentleman like voice though it had a tiny bit of grain in it, as if aged.

"Son of Cedric Grayson, Heir to the Throne. I believed in your Father and protected him with my life till I could not give it anymore. I seen him in his worst times and also in his best of times. Wilhelm, your thoughts can be of poison but also of greatness. I sense great strife but also of great strength, a good trait yet also a terrible curse. You are young yet thrusted into a position of man...unfair it is in life. Whenever you are fearful, whenever you are losing control, when all hope is lost, or when you need the power of a hundred men...all you have to do, is wield my scepter."


Before Wilhelm, just more tucked into the corner away from all prying eyes was a scepter...more of a cane in anyone eyes eyes. It was four feet tall, slim and slightly heavy, made of oriental metals and wood. It felt as if it had aged more than a few millennia, as if many great men had held onto this scepter before even those that are alive in the last two thousand years. If wielded, the scepter would bring a wash of calming waves, a peace in ones mind. It also gave the feeling of great power, as if every person that had wielded it before can use the same as the ones before them. Quietly, the voice near his ear would speak again, still gentle even if he did not take the scepter.

"Almost every one of us...has wielded this scepter, one of four created to with hold and control our own power. There been times...where we have given them to great people, that needed this in their most dire of times. They wielded the same power we had, all the while allowing themselves to train with this scepter. Never feel abandoned dear Wilhelm...for this, is my gift to you. Use it well Wilhelm...I shall be waiting to see what you will become."

With that, the voice had vanished with another gush of cold wind. To anyone Force Sensitive, it may felt like a slight twinge in the Force had moved around them. The Sullustan himself had never appeared once, nor could he be seen. Why was it though? There was no real answer to it...all that remained, was that scepter, one of four created during the end times of the Brotherhood of the Sith. The Scepter of the Lorekeepers.
The droid turned to respond to Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson .

"Sounds like you may be worried. I am sure we are in good hands, however that doesn't mean to let your guard down. "

Did he all ways have that cane?

R1 looked around him. He began to get worried. They aren't here... he thought to himself.

"Wilhelm, take that sack over there. Lets start grabbing what we can, while we can"

Most of the boxes and crates had spilled from the crash. R1 grabbed a bag of his own, sat it next to him, and began to fill it.

Np-Units? Yes

Guards armor? damaged but good.

Blasters? Even better

He could hear the snow getting worse by the moment

The disembodied voice had left Willhelm alone to his newfound companions after asking him of his truths, his answer to the question was left at just that. The familiar voice which had guided the young man to act on the ship against his captors, the same voice that comforted him in his past times of need had silenced once more. Despite this, his presence remained. The very feeling of a cold, empty, and hate filled aura still lingered within the recesses of his mind as if waiting for something to happen.

He found the Jedi Empress to be amusing, she had seemed to be aware of his presence and tried to sway the boy from his influence. Ah, but the young were so impressionable, and he had wormed his way in early on. There would be no contest, so he thought, the boy would seize his destiny or fall into obscurity. Regardless of the scenario, he would remain. He had foreseen the things to come, and would allow no Jedi to interfere..

"My boy."

The voice spoke admirably to the boy, "Look how they flock to you, observe carefully how each of them interact with you. It is the nature of individuals to gather around someone who can give to them. They sense your strength.. the same strength you used to free yourself. It is not magic, it is the Force. Your grandfather had it, your father had it, and now you as well.

Already you have power over them.

They need you, others will too. The woman speaks the truth, you are royalty. Use that power, that leverage or you will just fall back into being a slave. A pet. Is that what you want? Or do you still want to truly live?

I will teach you, and never again will you be a slave."

It was in that following moment, mere seconds later that Laevus felt something through the boy. A disturbance in the Force, something he had not anticipated, something he had not foreseen. He waited, and focused himself with the intent on discovering what had transpired.

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
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"There is not, nor will there ever be." She said to Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya "Give me a moment, there is a cockroach in the force I need to squash."

As the others moved around, Alyson worked tirelessly to wrap her own strings around that which were invading Wilhelm. She followed them back in the great ocean, following them light years away. She entangled herself in the dark strings. Listening in on the words he was trying to give to the boy.

She could not get the complete words that were spoken, they came in bits and pieces to her, but it was enough to know of the true motiviations of this voice. He spoke the dark teachings of the sith. Almost exactly from a textbook, he recounted the way Sith attack the weak minded, the young, and the foolhardy. She could not know where he was, or what he wanted, but it was clear to her what he was.

A plague. A monster. A foul corruption. She would not let him take the boy.

Using the force she would dig a spike of her mind into the foul presence Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . She need not do much more.

All he would hear was one sentence.


She had sworn an oath to Wilhelm's father, an oath of loyalty until death. Until she died she would serve him and his family, and that meant most of all keeping them on the right path, the path of justice, honor, and dignity.

She knew Cedric watched her from the afterlife. She had her ancestors to answer to as well.

She turned to Ben Acrax "We are all selected, the strings of the force lead us down the correct path. It is impossible to understand how the force pulls on those strings, but to deny that destiny is to act as a fool."

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Morgoth Morgoth @Kahil Zambrano R1-3G R1-3G



A deep hiss emerged from the lips of the dark prophet, he rose from his seated position and scurried through the darkened chamber he resided in. His robes fell to the floor as he moved, his stride filled with anger. Laevus could feel the hate build, he would not allow the Jedi Empress to interfere any further. Descending down a set of duracrete stairs into a large domed chamber, the Elder stepped forth centerfold. He was encircled by lit candles, nearly melted wax with wicks, and a single cauldron before him. Pressing his hands onto the cauldron he scowled,

"Woyunoks hadzuska koshûjontû kaskata vounoka tashari.. tashari..."
Lightning emerged from his fingertips, raining down onto the bowl of the cauldron. His eyes glowing with anger, his words foreign almost ancient in tone.

"..koshka koshka Jidai!"

Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
Oh she liked him, He could tell, or it was the hypothermia speaking slowly shutting down different body functions. A cockaroach in the force? What was this lady talking about? Before He could ask she stared into the nether like she just got hit with some good spice. Oh she was crazy... He wasn't sure if he liked that or not.

"Are... you ok?" He asked hesitantly and before he could elaborate He heard the legendary voice of Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen thundering out in bellows. "Here we go..."

Change the plan a mile and nobody bats an eye, stop murdering everything in sight and everyone loses their minds. "Yes I was indeed hoping you would be ok with not stabbing everything in sight for a single day and help these people not die in the cold."

They kept talking and time kept rolling, it was starting to get dark and he wasn't about to stay out here for more than a few more minutes.

"Allright people! Let's go! She ship leaves in five minutes! If you're not inside you will be left out here!"

Alejandro turned around, grabbed some hot cocoa from one of his men and stepped inside. Whether you were in or out, in five the ship was gone and with it the chance of hot food.

Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Ben Acrax
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(Another phone post, excuse bad spelling)

Wilhelm’s fingers dug into his scalp as the voices whispered to him once more. At first he thought this new voice was one of the pirates, but a quick look around revealed the back room of the shuttle to be empty aside from himself and R1. This one was unalike the raspy murmurings of the usual speaker, but Wilhelm was not immediately opposed to it. Many new voices had presented themselves in the past, and none of them had been hostile yet.

Just as the Jedi Empress spoke of ties to his father, so too did this one. It spoke of a throne as the woman had, and Wilhelm once again found himself confused. What throne were they talking about? His father had been a Jedi - Wilhelm had seen the lightsaber himself. Thrones were not what he associated them with.

The boy’s confusion quietly gave way to acceptance as the strange spirit offered him a gift. The other voice’s words had guided Wilhelm from captivity, and it was for that reason alone that he cast aside any suspicions when his eyes fell upon the scepter. There was something strange about it; he felt a buzzing in the air as he drew close to it - it was almost like abc electric charge.

The scepter was nearly as tall as he was. Wilhelm had little hope of hiding it, so he simply took it into his hands, tried to ignore how heavy it was, and turned to R1 as if all was well and voices from the beyond weren’t mumbling in his head.

“Worries? Maybe a little,” Wilhelm lied in response to R1. Truth be told the boy was terrified at what his near future held, but he wasn’t about to put his fear to words. R1 seemed like he could be a good friend at least - someone he could trust out of this confusing bunch. Miss Alyson seemed nice enough, and she claimed to have known his father, but it would be unwise to trust her on her word alone. The same could be said of Mister Alejandro - he offered a means of escape from the storm, but what would he want in return? What about the Rat Man?

Uncertainty clouded the youth’s mind as he complied with R1’s suggestion, filling the sack with his new cain and several power packs fitted for various different rifles. It was during that brief time that the original voice, the old one, spoke again. Wilhelm didn’t even try to close his mind anymore - anything he did so, the voices just forced their way in. Why resist?
This time the old one’s words made him uncomfortable. It asked for his loyalty in a sense, to teach him as the Lord Malvern has offered to teach. What did it mean he was royalty? All Wilhelm had ever known was a life back on the farm, and that had been all he was ever keen to know in the future too. He wasn’t sure where he stood on things now that he was walking a different path, but royalty just seemed like too much.

“The Force,” Wilhelm mumbled as he scooped another power pack into the bag. “Like the Ashla,” he paused, “I don’t understand why they would need me. I can just move things with my mind sometimes. Jedi can move entire starships. I’m not important, I’m nobody.” He insisted, mumble-whispering to himself in the corner as he finished up his duty. With the bag full, Wilhelm meandered back toward the main room, waving for R1 to follow.

“We’re leaving?” A brow was raised. “Okay. That’s probably smart. It’s just gonna get colder.” Wilhelm carefully tied the blanket R1 had found for him around his small shoulders, pinned his bag under his arm, and headed for the hole in the hull.

He found himself face to face with the white haired man as the cold crashed into him. The boy’s nose turned up with displeasure for a moment - there was that smell again, that coppery something-something in the air. Perhaps it was not a smell, but something else. Either way Wilhelm didn’t care for it, and it permeated off this stranger. “Maybe,” he answered the man, as if he had any authority to do so.

The boy peered at he man through narrowed eyes, lips pressed into a thin frown as he seemed to have some kind of internal debate. He had a strange feeling in his gut: like when he’d lied to his mother about stealing a few credits off the counter to buy candy, only he’d not done anything wrong.

Wilhelm recognized the feeling in his belly as a primal dread, like that of a prey animal right as it sees the claws of a leaping predator. This place wasn’t safe, they needed to go, and despite the odd man’s weird ‘smell’ or whatever it was, they couldn’t just leave him here. Not with whatever it was that gave him that sense of panic so close.

“We need to go,” he finally muttered, “You have to come with us Mister,” He stared Khalil dead in the eye, his meek voice somehow managing to sound resolute despite its high pitch. Wilhelm would look to the other adults for guidance, “I have a really bad feeling.”
Wilhelm waves him over " R1 sees Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . "Your ship crashed? I would suggest getting what you can and return here. By M- OuR -y calculations it will be covered in snow soon and we will be taking off shortly. If you do not make it you will likely die."

R1-3G's body locker was stuffed full of supplies. He moves slowly as he pulled the small bag behind him as his stolen C1 arm was too small to carry its entire weight.

where ever my old owner is, I hope she's all right He thought to himself.

"Hey, can one of you grab this? I was already slow before. " He called out to nobody in particular

(Bag contents:

- 3 NP droid units.

- 4 DH-17 Blaster Pistols

- 1 Hullcutter

- 2 A-15 Searing Blaster Rifles

- 1 KUP24 messanger droid

and several miscilaneus guard armor peices)

He returns his focus to Kahil. "you also appear in need of medical attention, or at the very least, nutrient intake"

A single military ration poped out of a hole in the droids casing.

Crane Baxa

"You are right on that front...been a long time though since-"

Then he heard the comment, Five Minutes then they were pulling out! Giving a long sigh, he would slowly pull the cigarra he nicked off one of the pirates and light it, taking a small smoke as he looked outside. He grunted a bit as he looked over at the Empress known as Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , almost pondering a few oddball questions but decided not to ask.

"I will be honest...I came here to ride till I died. I had no purpose in life after I woke up...betrayed by my lover, eight hundred years passed me on by, my only real companions all perished or destroyed and only a few years left before I am stuck with a crutch or worse."

Looking over at the Empress a bit seriously, the smoke would linger in front of his eyes as he apparently practiced this numerous times...what differed between his Jegy and Ben was becoming more and more obvious. While Jegy was reserved, Ben was more open about his life. Jegy was a fighter, displaying his weaponry but ready to avoid a fight. Ben was reserved in his weaponry but appeared ready to fight at any time. They were almost polar opposites in some aspects...but their power, was still very similar. Speaking now, he would take the cigarra out and blow the smoke out of his nose, making a very strange kind of multi-ring out of it.

"Whatever this leads to...count me in. I want to know where this goes...and more so, I want to know more about my father and find him. He has some answers he needs to give...starting with why my entire mothers side was killed by him. Plus...if I do not keep company soon, my hearts may go into organ failure so I am somewhat stuck with all of you."

R1-3G R1-3G Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis @
Mordok looked at Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya with a smirk as he heeded the new plan " OH I get ya brother! Instead of killing a bunch of broke people for no reason, we might as well try to recruit who is willing and drop of the rest in the nearest port, I see!" he said jokingly sense these people don't look in the best of shape.

"I don't know how I feel about taking on a bunch of light side users. But who knows? The force works in mysteries ways right!? as he looked at the smashing empress next to Alejandro "But I suppose I can be fine with this for now" he said with a sarcastic tone but with a seductive glance as he admired this rare yet random sight.

He then turned and walked back to the ship with Alejandro and the Empress. He then parked at the salvage crew and security detail " Alright lets wrap it up! Grab what you have and get your behind back in the ship, YOU DON'T WANT TO BE STUCK HERE!" Mordok then grabbed his communicator from his cloak to reach out to the young guys he sent to check out that crashed ship. " Turbo stop what you are doing and get your selves back to the ship. We are leaving, grab what's in front of you and run back NOW." He said to young Turbo who replied with got it.

He continued walking to the ship when he felt a small sting in his head, not painful but a sting. He looked back and noticed the other ship. He then remembered the boy and his droid that had gone in to that crashed ship. Mordok then looked to his right and saw Jakar " Hey go yell at those folk on the ship to grab what they have in front of them and get back to the ship, 2 minutes." She then gave mordok her blaster so she can run faster and made it close enough to where she thought they could hear her. She then yelled to grab and go or they will get left behind in 2 minutes. She then ran to Mordok who was casually walking back with Alejandro and the Empress. As he thought to him self if he had a shot with her and why he kept thinking about the boy. Who was he? Why do I feel drawn towards him? I haven't felt the need to instruct sense he left the Sith.

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