Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here Is What I See

Okay. Beer.

Beer is the answer.

The question doesn't matter.

That said, [member="Ra Vizsla"] any time you wanna write buddy, I'll write with you. (As soon as I catch up on posts I may or may not owe to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and co.)


Well-Known Member
[member="Ridist Dracko"] my two pence [member="Ra Vizsla"] made a good fa of the os when he was a member. Also it's not really fast tracking as he was nominated and seconded and took part in fair vote. As for the tittle mandalore, yes he won a duel for it.
Alkor Centaris said:
Okay. Beer.

Beer is the answer.

The question doesn't matter.

That said, [member="Ra Vizsla"] any time you wanna write buddy, I'll write with you. (As soon as I catch up on posts I may or may not owe to [member="Jorus Merrill"] and co.)

Depending on me and Isley's thread, we might be punching each other in the near future. But I'd totally be down for having all the Mandalorians get together and having a post-match, salt-free beer.
Ra Vizsla said:
Depending on me and Isley's thread, we might be punching each other in the near future. But I'd totally be down for having all the Mandalorians get together and having a post-match, salt-free beer.
I will happily punch you in the face and then proceed share drinks with you, bur'cya. It's the Mando way!
[member="Ra Vizsla"]

Now I feel sad people stealing all the attention from the pirate king but na in all honesty the only reason I have seen [member="Tefka"] take over a faction is one of two reasons 1.) To unite people against a seemingly unbeatable foe or 2.) To try and save a faction from going under I know that I will still be around if to save the UCM from going under that means they will pick a fight with the ME will we lose probably but will I have fun writing hopefully a much better fleeting engagement than any so far on the site I hope so it will be a lot of fun to do something like this and I look forward to it either way. It is not fair to judge the man who keeps this site up and running to harshly after all if he really wanted to be an evil dictator he could just swing the mighty Ban Hammer of Tefka at those he dislikes. Some would say that after his comment during the Rebellion vs the Republic I am just biased cause he "Saved my arse" from reports but I am not I was confident even though people were reporting me nothing would happen after all I was writing my character to the most extreme method and having a blast being a Pirate King.
Why are we arguing over Star Wars roleplay, again?

All of this aside, [member="Ra Vizsla"], you do your thing with the Clans as Mand'alor, and the Empire will do our thing. We're all gonna have fun, and no one is getting hurt. It's a game. All we are is a bunch of nerds that come together to write Star Wars together. Nothing more, and nothing less. All of this squabbling and taking things so personally is significantly out of proportion to what is supposed to be for fun.


Well-Known Member
Ra Vizsla said:
Depending on me and Isley's thread, we might be punching each other in the near future. But I'd totally be down for having all the Mandalorians get together and having a post-match, salt-free beer.
But but but I like red wine

(this is James J's alt I just didn't feel like changing accounts)

I know you OOC-ly and know you mean well so let me help put your worries to rest.

First, the Mando culture has been broken a long time. A long LONG time. I think we can all agree on that. There is and has been a lot of unfairness, powergaming, metagaming, and people making mandos something they aren't. A few players who are/were considered grand members of the UMC walk around like they are gods and can say who can and cannot have besgar. When actually anyone can if they put the work in. There is a lot of elitism. You got to do a lot of toe kissing for a long time to even be considered mildly worthy of not being a piss-on. Eg: clan Raxis left after we did a a QUARTER of a dim by ourself ([member="Gray Raxis"] says half me thinks) and got told "Nice.... Try harder next time child."

Second it's not surprise in light of this that the UMC has been going down. It's good, a chance to change.

Third I'm glad [member="Tefka"] is going in as Mand"alor. If anyone can fix what is wrong with the mandos here it's him. He is literally the ONLY writer who has a chance at bringing the "man" back to "mando". I love mandolorian lore and hope we can get back to this on the board. I hope tef brings us back to the resole'nare and what it really means to be a mando; family, unity, and closeness not division, elitism, and clanwars.

As for the other people you mention, Victor earned it. And Cheshire..... Don't know anything about 'im.

Aight, I'm about to head into work so I'll make this brief.

Prior to [member="Ra Vizsla"] taking the reins, there's been a mountain of salt behind the scenes. Some of it is the fault of me and mine, some of it is the fault of our peers. Regardless, that's no excuse for the way I've acted towards a number of you guys.

So Tef, Chris, Andy, Dorito, and Josh, I was hella outta line. You guys know the other things that were going on concurrently to the salt fest, but even so, the way I responded was piss poor. It was bad as a person, it was bad as a faction owner.

And to my folks, I'm also sorry. It's been a roller coaster and I appreciate your patience and understanding with the ride.

But from here on out, let's just squash the bullcrap, aight? Keira's got a point, we've (I have) been getting hella salty over a SW board. Let's take a step back and just play nice, at least OOC. Yes, crap has been silly OOC for months now, but let's squash it here. No more angst, no more salt, no more pointing fingers.

Just "Cut the crap and write."
-Captain Ginyu
In Umbris Potestas Est
All I can say regarding the past is that it was in fact Operation Weedkiller that proved to me no one, regardless of their position in site staff, factions, etc. will ever be truly biased against you if they feel it serves their own interests. I've had my company destroyed, had threats thrown my way by individuals who feel as though they are untouchable IC and OOC, was at one point pariahed to the degree that neither I nor my company were even considered to have any valid point of input in any faction with any character, and ended up over time losing contact with people I once considered to be friends.

I went overboard with my constant nagging of "Subach Subach Subach" and "Circe being overkill lewd". I ended up losing my fleet, my company(twice over), my main's life(multiple times), the assistance of people who said they would help me rebuild, my dignity as a site member, any credibility in a faction I may have had, and most important of all, any desire to legitimately sink more effort into this site.

I won't hold back(mainly because I have nothing to lose, obviously) - I hated typing out every single sentence in the threads I RPed in. I have hated RPing here for almost the last year. The only reason I even bothered staying on this site was because there were people I considered friends, and, in order to ensure they got to enjoy their stories with me, I continued to RP for their enjoyment, not for mine. As long as they were happy, I was happy.

Then something happened. Something that, to be frank, exposed the truth to me. I won't go into it, if only for the respect I still have towards the individuals involved, but it made me realize I needed to care more about my own personal enjoyment. My friends were perfectly capable of starting new storylines without me, and in most cases had already completely forgotten about me. So I did the SWRP apprentice challenge and walked out. Emeritus is in the hands of [member="Cerita Sarova"], someone far more competent than me in business affairs, and [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] has what's left of Vitor's legacy.

Are there cliques? Absolutely. Are there people who will do anything to ruin you if they dislike you OOC? Certainly. Are there people 'above the law' on SWRP? Probably. All I know is that I've experienced less than enjoyable circumstances on this site during my RPing tenure, and hope that in the end, you use my time here - what happened to me and my IC assets - as a lesson to help you find the site more enjoyable than I ultimately did.
Nobody is above the rules. Not even me. We can all be held accountable.

The fact that a member just put the site owner on full blast, publically, and this thread isn't closed should be evidence enough.

Oh great one bless me with the power to defeat thy foes and I shall go forth into the world. By the way could that power be in the form of a SSD? <w<
Ok, so I'm new and inexperienced and everything, but what I see is all the creative, brilliant, and influential writers trying to do the right thing. They're all trying to help and cooperate. And from what I've heard as a new member, they are all good people. I don't like the fact that people are accusing each and I'm glad the issue is being addressed. We should all sit down, have a cup of tea, eat scones, and talk. If we share our opinions and cooperate these issues can be fixed. Like I said, I'm new and have only been here a few weeks. I don't know all the history or people. That's just my view. Some of these people have helped me, and I've seen them help others. I hope everyone continues to do the right thing and make the world and this website a better place. Unleash your creativity and Star Wars nerd!

Also, [member="Tefka"], I think what you've done is great. By reading posts and things I have found these stories quite inspiring. Especially yours. You seem like a very righteous person. (Blushes) Don't stop what you're doing.

Again, I'm just new. I haven't been here for years like some of you. That's my opinion and what I see and think.

I hope things get better from here.

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