All I can say regarding the past is that it was in fact Operation Weedkiller that proved to me no one, regardless of their position in site staff, factions, etc. will ever be truly biased against you if they feel it serves their own interests. I've had my company destroyed, had threats thrown my way by individuals who feel as though they are untouchable IC and OOC, was at one point pariahed to the degree that neither I nor my company were even considered to have any valid point of input in any faction with any character, and ended up over time losing contact with people I once considered to be friends.
I went overboard with my constant nagging of "Subach Subach Subach" and "Circe being overkill lewd". I ended up losing my fleet, my company(twice over), my main's life(multiple times), the assistance of people who said they would help me rebuild, my dignity as a site member, any credibility in a faction I may have had, and most important of all, any desire to legitimately sink more effort into this site.
I won't hold back(mainly because I have nothing to lose, obviously) - I hated typing out every single sentence in the threads I RPed in. I have hated RPing here for almost the last year. The only reason I even bothered staying on this site was because there were people I considered friends, and, in order to ensure they got to enjoy their stories with me, I continued to RP for their enjoyment, not for mine. As long as they were happy, I was happy.
Then something happened. Something that, to be frank, exposed the truth to me. I won't go into it, if only for the respect I still have towards the individuals involved, but it made me realize I needed to care more about my own personal enjoyment. My friends were perfectly capable of starting new storylines without me, and in most cases had already completely forgotten about me. So I did the SWRP apprentice challenge and walked out. Emeritus is in the hands of [member="Cerita Sarova"], someone far more competent than me in business affairs, and [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] has what's left of Vitor's legacy.
Are there cliques? Absolutely. Are there people who will do anything to ruin you if they dislike you OOC? Certainly. Are there people 'above the law' on SWRP? Probably. All I know is that I've experienced less than enjoyable circumstances on this site during my RPing tenure, and hope that in the end, you use my time here - what happened to me and my IC assets - as a lesson to help you find the site more enjoyable than I ultimately did.