Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Homecoming


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She knew that he wasn't alright.

Even as he pulled her into a hug, Valery could feel some tension linger after what happened. So for once, she tightened the hug and hoped to reassure him just a little bit. "I'm okay," she said softly. Valery was definitely a little shaken up, but the injuries were minimal, and wouldn't even require the healers to do anything. Her augmented Self-healing would have her patched up in no time.

"Thank you for having my back there, and it's alright..." She knew what it was like to see loved ones get hurt, so she understood his reaction. Especially after how much they had already suffered.

But there was still something she felt she needed to tell him. "I just-" she let out a soft sigh and tightened their embrace further. "I've been forced down to my knees by people like this once before, back when I was a Padawan. I try to not make any of this personal, but every time I see that symbol and hear the crack of their whips, I just..." she stopped again, this time because she felt a presence approaching them.

There was more she wanted to say.

"You two alright? We'll be heading out soon," Eleya said, having no idea what happened. But it was clear her presence frustrated Valery even further.



Kahlil gave a slow nod as he.. Didn't let her go. Just kept her close the whole time, refusing to let her go. Right now he just wanted to hold her. Then let out a sigh as he, too, felt someone else approaching. His gaze shifted, his calm smile back as he nodded his head. Still held onto Valery the whole time, though.

"We'll be fine. Just some old wounds that got picked at. Your people?"

As annoyed as she felt, they were here to help the Keshain. Her people. They could talk more when they were safe.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Shaken and a little beaten up, but they will get through this," Eleya replied while she looked at the Jedi Couple. Valery had the side of her head resting against Kahlil's chest and wasn't even really looking at the other woman. There was a lot to process, and she felt it was time to tell him more about it all. That way, they could enjoy the rest of their trip on Keshi with Vera, not worrying about these things.

"I'm going to guide everybody back to camp. We'll see you two there..." she paused for a moment. "Thank you for your help." with that, Eleya hopped on the back of her Ayda again and took off. Once she left, Valery sighed softly and leaned back, so she could look up into his eyes.

"Let's head back and I can either tell you more about what happened... or even show you?" He could still access her memories, after all, and this dark memory was defining for how she now viewed slavery and freedom as opposites. Perhaps he wanted to see. "Then, let's just explore more with Vera and have some fun?"

Valery leaned back in for another hug to seek his comfort and waited for him to release her before she'd even consider getting back on their Ayda.



Kahlil tightened his grip around Valery for a moment. The memory, he knew what she meant. To see it first hand, to see whatever it was that set her off on the slavers. Well, he'd be lying if it wasn't already on his mind. So.. He smiled. Broke the hug enough to glance down at her before leaning his head against hers gently.

"I think that's a good idea. If you don't want this hovering over you."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I haven't shared this memory with anybody because it not only hurt, but it... embarrassed me," she admitted while she took comfort in his embrace and rested her head against his. Even though the memory she was already pulling on was so dark, this connection with him allowed her to smile a little.

The memory of being taken captive by slavers still embarrassed her, as a large fraction of what slavers did was humiliate and dehumanize their targets, but she stood very differently in life now. She was older, more experienced and most importantly, she had the support of family.

"It has been hovering over me for too long, so I'd like to show you." She pulled back and brought her hands up to cup his cheeks. Just to hold him and look him in the eyes.
Valery then pulled back and gestured to the Ayda, which she climbed on top of again so they could begin the return journey.

"We'll catch up with Vera first. think she has shown off even more while we were here?" She smirked, hoping to distract herself a little with thoughts about their little star.



He reached out to take her hand as she tried to climb up on the Ayda. To stop her, keep her beside him. All he had was concern in his eyes as he watched her. Going back to Vera now, they should. Eventually. But she was safe, and there was no hurry. More importantly, right now-

"Show me now, Valery. While we fly. So we can face this before we see Vera."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery stopped and blinked when he took her hand and looked back down at him. She seemed a little surprised but after thinking about it, she had to agree. If they saw Vera now, their little star would undoubtedly be able to notice that something was off about her mother, and she didn't want to put her daughter through that.

What if she saw something in a vision?

"Alright, we'll fly slow and steady, and I'll show you." Once they were up on the beast, she waited until they were at a steady altitude and turned around like she had when she wanted to kiss him. She then reached for his hand, closed her eyes and pulled him straight into the part of her mind he needed access to.

"No..." a young Padawan Valery said. She looked about 18 or 19 years old, with the scar over her eye still fresh. She was crouched over the dead body of a Jedi Knight who she had joined for an assignment, and a large group of armed thugs stood around her. All of them were wearing the Hutt symbol.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, as she accepted the death of this mentor. But her faith was going to be far worse.

From all sides, more thugs appeared, wielding shock whips they had already activated. One after another, they struck her body and wrapped their whips around Valery's limbs and neck, until she couldn't move anymore. The pain was so unbearable that she cried out in agony, but they didn't stop.

The memory shifted, and Kahlil now suddenly found himself in a cell, but he wasn't alone in the room. Through metal bars, he could see Valery sitting against the back wall of her cell with her knees pulled up against her chest. Her old, dirty, and ragged clothing was torn, and she was covered in cuts and blood stains.

How would she ever escape this hell?



He gave her a comforting smile as he reached out to take her hands. Squeeze them gently. try to be some level of comfort before they dove into what was surely going to be a terrible memory. Then.. They were there. Kahlil blinked slowly as he watched the beginnings of the memory. That did explain a lot of her anger towards the hutts. To watch a friend die- no, it was worse. His brow furrowed as she was lashed.

Before he could do anything, though, the memory changed. A cage? He glanced around it, reached for one of the bars. Then saw her. He set his jaw, just for a moment. Then stepped over. This was a memory. No matter what happened, he needed to face it. She needed to face it. As Jedi they needed to be able to face this kind of darkness. But it didn't mean she had to do it alone, right?

For now he'd be here as support. Silent, but present. She wouldn't have to be alone to watch what happened next.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

A door further down the hallway opened up, allowing just a little bit more light into the room. But while light in darkness usually brought relief, Kahlil could feel fear in Valery now. Her whole body tensed up, her eyes widened and her breathing turned short and erratic.

A large Trandoshan then appeared, a shock whip on his belt, and a blaster strapped to his hip. He opened her cell, stepped inside, and stood tall with a toothy grin. "Noble," he said, and without wasting a second, Valery crawled over to sit in front of him on her knees. "Yes Master?" she asked. Under normal circumstances, she would never allow anybody to treat her like this, but she was completely and utterly broken.

Afraid to be hurt again.

"What is thissss?" he held up a broken glass, and Valery's eyes widened. "I- I didn't do that! I didn't break any-" a scaly hand whacked her across the cheek, drawing blood as her teeth were forced into her lips. She fell over, and the Trandoshan immediately reached for his whip. "Did I say you could move?" he asked, and without giving her even a second to get back up, he cracked his whip and struck her side, and even her cheek.

Valery yelped in pain and forced herself back onto her knees. "I'm sorry. Please... I didn't mean to."

"As your punishment, you're going to work in the pit today." His head turned to Kahlil suddenly. "Together with you."



He clenched his jaw. There were very few things that could push him to a boiling point, but this was by far the one that could. The fact he wasn't able to affect anything here, the fact that even though he wanted to crush that Trandoshan where he stood into little more than a puddle of gore but it hadn't happened, kept him in the reality that it was just a memory. That no matter what happened, she was still alive. Still here. With her hands in his to help him see.

It was when the Trandoshan looked his way that he felt the temptation to try and really force his will into the past. He saw him, didn't he? Did that mean he could? Did that mean the Force wasn't listening?

No. Movement. He glanced from Valery for only a second, towards the other figure. And set his jaw once more.

This wasn't something he could change. Outside the memory, though, his grip tightened on her hands. Squeezed. Trying to be some comfort for Valery, who he knew was just as upset for seeing what had happened.

But she wasn't alone. Not anymore.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

In the real world, Valery's hands got much colder, and her palms were starting to sweat from having to relive all of this. As important as it was for Jedi to confront their pasts, quite literally being able to see and feel the most traumatic parts of life wasn't exactly how most did it. But given how long this had been a part of her, she felt it was the only way.

With Kahlil's hand squeezing hers, she found the comfort and strength she needed to keep watching.

"Wait, why me?!" the other slave asked in surprise.

"You tried helping her before, so you will help her again." The Trandoshian flashed another toothy grin, knowing it meant suffering for them both. The cells opened seconds later, and several more guards appeared to make sure both Valery and the human male were escorted outside.

Into the pit.

It was a huge fighting arena with walls so high, that it was impossible to tell on which planet it stood. The stands were filled with people watching, and the circular arena grounds were already littered with bodies of dead slaves. Only two were standing, armed with a club and a blunt blade. They turned to Valery and the slave who was with her, both with pain in their eyes but also a determination created by a desire to survive.

It was either them or us.

Without wasting any time, the two armed men charged in, and Valery watched with fear in her eyes. The other man, however, stepped forward. He knew this was the end for him, but he wasn't going to go down without fighting. Normally, as a Jedi, Valery would have always helped, but she just stood there and watched as he was beaten and stabbed, over and over again, until he was dead and his body left deformed.

Then they turned to her, bloodlust in their eyes, and rushed at her.

"No!" she screamed, and without intending to do so, she tapped into the Force and sent them flying across the arena. Their bodies smashed into the walls and were completely crushed on impact. The crowd fell silent, but only for a moment. Loud cheering echoed through the entire dueling grounds, but Valery just fell to her knees and cried.


"Get up." The Trandoshan said after carving a deep cut into her back. "You know the rulessss."

In the real world, Valery's body started to tremble.

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There it was.

Kahlil's grip on her hands was as tight as he could get them without actually hurting her. Watching the fight, watching everything that happened. She'd gone through hell. An actual hell. The kind that had him be a Sith. How in the world did she survive this as a Jedi? Come back to the Order and be the Jedi he knew her to be?

That was the only question he could think of as he continued to watch.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

His grip tightened on her hands, and slowly, Valery's breathing calmed down and steadied again. This was the past, not the present. She survived, lived through many more difficult things in life, and in the end, she became the Jedi she was today. She found true love in him and had the pleasure of watching her daughter grow up.

This was the past.

The image of the arena flickered, and suddenly they stood in the same place, but at night, and everything was on fire. A huge hole had been blown into the empty stands to carve a way outside, and Valery stood in the center of it all, breathing heavily with an intense fire in her eyes. Broken chains still dangled from her wrists and ankles, and blood ran down her back.

They had pushed her too far.

The Trandoshan was dead on the floor in front of her feet with his own blade still stuck in his chest. His eyes were wide open, showing the fear he felt during his last few moments.

How in the world did she survive this as a Jedi?

From the skies above, a shuttle slowly descended with bright lights focusing on Valery like they were spotlights searching for a missing person. It landed, a ramp lowered and out came a very familiar man.

"Master?" she cried, but the man didn't speak and closed the distance to pull her into a hug. Seeing this, Valery once again realized that much of her life had revolved around terrible things happening, but she had never been alone. In the days of the Old Republic, she had her Master who helped her through the most challenging of times.

Now? She had someone else.

Valery's eyes opened, and for a few seconds, she quietly looked at her husband. She never let go of his hands, and when he finally met her gaze, she softly smiled. "Thank you for going through this with me. I love you."



Kahlil let out a breath as the vision faded. Confliction filled his expression. Memory as it was, he still wished he could've done something. In the back of his mind he knew he couldn't have, couldn't change her path less he ruined her future. But still, he felt that desire to none the less. When they returned, when smiled, it was only then he let those emotions go. His own smile returned before he just pulled her into a firm hug.

"I'm glad you survived that, Val. I really am."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Heyyy," Valery chuckled when he pulled her over and into a firm hug. She was barely able to get her own arms around him, so she just sat there in his embrace, and rested her head against his chest. It was as comfortable as always — perhaps even more so, after what they had just gone through.

"I'm glad I did too. At the time, I thought that was it. But my Master got me through it in the end." She paused and looked up into his silver eyes. "Now I have you." And as much as she loved and respected her Master like he was a father, the feelings she had for Kahlil were far stronger.

Leaning up just a little, Valery pressed a gentle kiss against his lips and pulled back with a smirk. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It's... such a relief." That energetic and somewhat chaotic sparkle appeared in her eyes, and she began to smile brightly. "I really can't wait to be back and check in with the other Keshians. And of course, take Vera out to explore more of Keshi."

"What do you think?"



"I imagine it is."

He smiled softly, leaning into the kiss a little more. She was back. The smiles, the joy. Valery was back. He set a hand on her cheek, just letting his thumb drift over her skin as he watched her. Then nodded, quickly.

"I think that's a great idea. This is supposed to be a vacation after all, right?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

With her eyes closed, Valery leaned into the warmth of his hand and held him in a gentle, loving kiss. After everything that happened, she just felt amazing now, and she was not afraid to show it. "I could get used to this..." she said once the kiss broke, and her eyes opened to look into his. "Being all romantic high up in the air." She smirked and flipped back around so she could start focusing on getting them back down.

Of course, she made sure to sit back against him, and searched for his arms to wrap around her again.

"It's a vacation I never thought I'd take, but I'm really glad I did with you two." It would never be the same without her family. To have his support, to see Vera smile and enjoy herself. This family meant everything to her.

Soon enough, the family was reunited again, as Valery brought down the Ayda in the Keshian camp. There were a lot more Faedra moving around than before, now that so many had been rescued, but Valery was focused on only one person. She spotted Vera waving at them down below, but their little girl did not stand alone.

Yvaine was there as well.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Vera called out before sprinting over to her father, so he could lift her up for a family hug. "You did it!" Vera continued, and Valery just smiled while she stepped close to hug them both. But as she did, her eyes wandered off to Yvaine again. Why had she come?



"You're just proving me right about that helpless romantic."

He teased, but he again wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her close to his chest as they flew. Right now, this was enough. And sooner than later, they'd be back with Vera. The whole family of Nobles. The ones that mattered, anyway, together and happy. When they landed, it wasn't a surprise that she came running towards him for a hug. He lifted her right up, giving a bit grin as he cradled them both close to his chest.

"We did, little star. Of course we did."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Keshian Armor
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Yeah yeah, I knowww. I've always been a hopeless romantic," Valery admitted, as she enjoyed his embrace and brought them back to their beloved little star. "I've always wanted to really feel loved, and I believed that someone out there could be the one for me. And well..." She looked over her shoulder and grinned.

She had found the one.

Once they returned, Vera was lifted up into his arms and squealed happily. There was no doubt in her that her parents would be able to complete the mission, but she was still happy and a little relieved to see them. "I did well in the training! And now we're going to have more fun, right?!" she was bouncing a little, clearly still full of energy somehow.

"Oh, and I talked to.. uhm..." She had forgotten the woman's name and pointed at Yvaine. "She wants to say sorry."

Yvaine took the opportunity to walk over. She was holding a book of some kind in her arms and looked at Kahlil once she got close enough. "I know this might not be an apology you're willing to accept, but my husb-" she stopped. "We were wrong about you."




The other Nobles.

Kahlil blinked slowly, glancing between Valery, Vera, and Yvaine. Then blinked slowly. She was apologizing to.. Him? He laughed nervously, holding up a hand. "Perhaps, but it's not your fault your world is under such assault. I'm not sure who you and your husband lost, but you don't have to apologize. I understand more than you might think." Then he turned his gaze to Valery. Watched her for a second before reaching over, picking her up, and putting her between him and Yvaine.

"But, if there is someone who needs an apology, you should be talking to Valery. She might be some years removed, but she is still family. Your family."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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