Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoth-er Than the Gates of Hell (Rima)

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
"Why don't you put your shorts on so I can look for it without covering my eye? I've only got the one," Celty shot back as he, contrary to his words, started looking for the skirt. It was under the bed, a little bit too far for him to reach with the Force. So, the evil 'do-stupid-stuff' part of his brain won out, and he climbed under the bed.

He tossed the skirt out from next to him, tried to slide out of the tight space, and failed. Another try only got his head and arms unstuck. Wonderful. Celty made a sort of shrugging motion as a sheepish grin spread across his face and he chuckled, "Think you can help me out a little, Filly? Seems like I got stuck."

[member="Rima Filenko"]
Rima finished dressing, and then stood and stared at Celty's feet sticking out from under the bed.​
"Oh, I don't know. You look pretty good down there."
She began to braid the back of her hair. It was a little mean of her to just leave him squirming like a bug trapped in a jar, but it was also fun. So she just looked in the mirror and smiled. A little while under the bed wouldn't hurt him.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
((Integrating dialogue in paragraphs is getting annoying... Back to writing the way I used to :p ))​
"Well, I can see up the half of your skirt that's not there. It's even an okay view."​
Celty squirmed around a bit more and managed to get almost all the way out. Enough to reach out and poke Rima in the back of her knee. Teasing her was too much fun.​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
"Must be the best pair of denim shorts you've ever seen in your life..."
Rima retorted. She began tightly wrapping a long red ribbon around her braid, just as she felt something clod poke the back of her knee. It made her stumble a little. Really? He was going to do that in his position?​
Rima brought her heel down swiftly, making sure to crush Celty's had before returning to her braid-wrapping.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
"Maybe not the nicest..."​
Celty winced at the feeling of her heel on his hand, but finally managed to push hard enough against the bed to get his legs out... Just at the right angle to make him pop out hard enough to crash into Rima.​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
The next thing she knew, Rima was on her back staring up at the ceiling. Her head and her back started throbbing.​
"Seriously, Cyclops? I'm gonna have a headache for the rest of the day now!"
She managed to scramble off of Celty, but not before accidentally touching his butt. She stood up and finished wrapping up her braid. She grabbed Moon and Star, placing them in their holsters.​
"Let's get going before you kill us."
[member="Celty Ikon"]

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
"Oh, it wasn't that bad, Filly... Not like I wasn't here for you to fall onto."​
As he untangled himself from Rima, Celty felt a hand on his butt and quickly moved out of the way as his face turned red again. By the time he'd gotten up and dusted himself off, Rima was done braiding her hair and was staring at him like he was an idiot.​
"Well, I've gotta take a shower... And probably find you warmer clothes."​
He smirked as he looked up and down her clothes.​
"You don't have warmer clothes, do you?"​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
Rima rolled her eyes.​
"I'll pick some up on the way out, okay? Now hurry up and do what you're gonna do!"
She sat down in the chair, turning it so she wouldn't see Celty when he walked out.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty picked up his holo and walked towards the door, before turning around and popping his head over the back of the chair Rima was in. He'd forgotten the disc with the recording of the job on it in his room.​
"Filly, if you wanna see the recording of the guy who gave me the job, it's in the other room."​
He pulled away and started walking towards the door.​
"I've probably got extra gear if you want it, too. I'm sure some of it will fit you."​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
Rima sighed and walked out into the hall. She entered Celty's room. Damn... It was a pigsty! Did he have no sense of cleanliness whatsoever??!! She picked her way to the nightstand and looked at the holo he'd mentioned. Wow. Whoever this guy was, he sounded like a prick. She brought the holo back to her room and sat back down, listening to it again.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty watched as Rima walked into his room, glared at him, took the holo, and walked back out. He figured that she'd probably be watching it in her room, so he simply shrugged and got into the shower. The music playing in the background was pretty decent, so he sang along loudly enough that people half a mile away probably heard him.​
When he got out of the shower, he pulled on a long coat that was way warmer than it looked, and let his hair down so that it covered his blind eye completely. Add jeans and knee-high combat boots, and he looked damn good. He stepped back into Rima's room and tapped her on the nose from behind the chair.​
"Well... Let's go find you some cold-weather stuff."​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
Rima had to cover her ears from Celty's singing. God, he was off-key. It was like listening to a tauntaun trying to mate with a sarlac...​
When he came back in and poked her nose from behind, she turned her head up to look at him, and had to keep herself from blushing.​
"Wow.... Well, at least you can clean yourself up better than your room."
She gave the holo back to him and headed for the door.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
When Rima looked at him, Celty grinned back as he followed her out of the room. It was seriously rare for her to compliment him in any way that wasn't sarcastic. Of course, this time had been a little sarcastic, but it was close enough. He looked at her again and raised an eyebrow.​
"So, do you actually have any warm clothes at all?"​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
"I have mittens....."
She hadn't worn them since she was fourteen, but she was pretty sure they'd still fit. Rima made her way down the two flights of stairs to the lobby, where she checked herself and Celty out of the hotel. On the way out, she grabbed a clothing catalog and began flipping through it to get a better idea of some warmer items she could look for.​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty happily lead the way to the garage that he'd parked the bike in. His hammer was leaning against a wall, and he locked it into place on the side of his bike. He hummed happily to himself as he tossed little bits of tech and knick knacks into the bag on his bike and then looked at Rima when he was done.​
"As much as mittens are wonderful at keeping your fingers warm, I don't think your magic butt-cape will keep the rest of you from freezing to death. I'd honestly prefer if you didn't freeze. Life would get boring."​
With a grin, he wrapped his scarf around his neck and jumped up to sit sideways on his bike.​
"See anything you like?"​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
Rima rolled her eyes, and continued browsing. She came up on one that did seem like it would work best. She help it up for Celty to see.​
"What do you think? I could pull that off, right?"
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty looked at the magazine, looking closely for anything that would be seriously bad about the outfit Rima was pointing at. It looked warm enough, so he shrugged and leaned back on his bike.​
"Yeah, I think you could. Just don't bury yourself in the ice or anything."​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​
Rima carefully tore the image out of the catalog and folded it, placing it in the little pouch on her belt. She'd get some earmuffs too. She then hopped onto the back of Celty's bike.​
After picking up her outfit, she waited patiently in line for the transport. She had to hold Celty's place while he was in the bathroom. Rima sighed and tapped her foot impatiently. If he didn't hurry up, they weren't going to make it!​
[member="Celty Ikon"]​

Celty Ikon

Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate
Celty had suddenly needed to go to the bathroom, and had more or less pushed his way past the line in to get there fast. Rima would probably get seriously pissed off if they missed this ride off Naboo. Like shoot-him-in-the-leg pissed off, most likely. He jumped out of the bathroom and walked back towards where she and his bike were on line.​
"Don't worry, we'll catch this one. Besides, like I said before, that prick can freeze himself to death as far as I'm concerned."​
He smiled at Rima's new clothes as he leaned on his bike, waiting for the line to get shorter.​
"You look good, Filly."​
[member="Rima Filenko"]​

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