Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How did you name your character?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
I'll list two of my characters' names here lol Popo was, contrary to popular belief, not named after Mister Popo from DBZ. I was bouncing around on a Hutt Name Generator for lulz while I was at work. Buddy of mine had made a Hutt character on another board, and I was bebopping around the idea of making on, too. I figured if I found a good name that I like, might as well make a character off of it. The name "Popo" popped up and cracked me up majorly. The thought of a Hutt named Popo amused me. I moved on and shrugged at it, but later on I kept coming back to the name and, eventually, Popo found himself an actual character behind the name. So, I made him a character and that's all she wrote.

My other character, the Mandalorian Arrbi Betna, has a name derived from a weird game thing I found. A sort of star wars name trick. See, you jumble stuff around like your name and other things to get the new name. For example.

For the First name, you take the first three letters of your first name and put them with the first two of your last name.

My first name starts with 'Arr' (No, I'm not a pirate) and my last name starts with 'Bi'. Put those together and you get 'Arrbi'. The last name is made up of the first two letter of your mother's maiden name and the last three letters of your place of birth. My mother's maiden name is Bell and I was born in Gretna, Louisiana, so it came out 'Be' and 'Tna' which amounted to 'Betna'.

Simplified, it'll look like this:

Arr + Bi = Arrbi
Be + Tna = Betna

Arrbi Betna

I liked it enough that I rolled with it and I still use it today :p
Kiskla Grayson said:
I feel like those that also take on Darth names have an additional consideration. How many of you go for Latin roots?
Typically any darth name I use comes from either late Latin or Byzantium Greek, the later being the Anglicization of course, I don't spell them out in the greek alphabet. I've actually complied a list for my use if I need to make one of on the fly.
While my current main character has the name of Bright Stars. The 4th brightest star seen from earth: Arcturus, and the 8th: Procyon. Typically I generate my names from Roman-Greek mythology , bright stars, or if I'm feeling exotic Hungarian or Turkish.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Darth Immortus was made years ago in the typical Sith style of giving Darth names. No explanation really, I just thought it up.

Aretine is a play on the name Palpatine, one of the original inspirations behind the character.
Ivy is a character from a very old and long-running chat RP I have with @[member="Vascious Relens"] and another friend. She was one of my kinder characters in that instance, but was sadly underused and retired from our story early, having not been part of the main plot. Her original name was Tyronica Ivy Morrinix, and I couldn't tell you how I came up with the name then. I just know I always liked the name Ivy, the rest of the name seemed to fit well with her Guyver Protector origins.

So when I decided I wanted a Merc char here, I spent a long time figuring out what I wanted the character to be. After some thought I felt it was time to get Ivy back out again, but I definitely needed to change some things up.

Ivy Egris Lasranae became her new name. Egris originates from a ship name in the Matrix trilogy that I always liked, and the name Ygritte from GoT. Lasranae was a name that Vas and I came up with after four hours of trying to come up with a last name.

"It shouldn't be this hard to figure out a last name."
"Last name....lasname....lasrane....larane.....lasranae!"

"Hazel Scheler," Ivy's alias on the forums, is actually the name of the character in that same chat RP that Ivy was created to replace after Hazel was killed.

This isn't complicated at all.
Started out as an NPC for Ti'Cira... originally based off Kurz Weber from FMP... and Mao ( from Melissa Mao from FMP) reaaaaally needed a kurz weber kinda guy... and "Hunt" just seemed perfect.

And my writer likes Irish names ;)
Dranok Lussk: Dranok is a bounty hunter and Rance Lussk is a Sith Apprentice, both names are from a Star Wars novel.
Darth Arcis: Arcis means "Citadel, Fortress, or Stronghold' in Latin so I thought it was fitting.

Kinn Xarjast

I think a character who develops into Lady Haunt or Master/Mistress Haunt has a good sound for a Sith. Byekiss I came up with because it sounds like a farewell.

Connor Harrison

Well using the Arnold Schwarzengger look for Trasker, I moulded some Arnie character names...

Ben from Ben Richards in 'The Running Man'

Trasker from Harry Tasker in 'True Lies', but added an R for variety!
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Simon Tregessar is a character from the novel 'The Dragon Never Sleeps' by Glen Cook. He's a borderline genius who masterminds a plot to bring down the established regime enforced by pseudo-immortal worldship legions (who are exactly as cool as they sound). He's not a good guy, but not strictly a bad guy either.

The last name is particularly awesome, so I definitely wanted to use that, but 'Simon' just didn't have the right ring to it. Cyrus sounds reasonably close, but has a much better tone, if you catch my meaning.
Barrett Haskins was a thief my friend rolled in a D&D game and I used to sit in on the game (didn't make a character for it) but that name always stuck with me and here I am, playing my own Barrett Haskins :D The one from D&D was a pretty silly character, once burning down an entire Inn in the red light district just to kill a crime boss.

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