Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you feel about a map reset?

How do you feel about a Map Reset?

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I hate resets, they are always the default answer to problems. I have loved this site because I didn't think I would ever have to worry about it. To worry about work being reset, So I have a few questions, would this just reset faction's territory. Would companies have to restart too? What about their deals with factions that suddenly don't have much land at all. Doesn't this alter my characters story lines quite more than should be. Cause you know I swear Admiral Jonathan Walsh dominion this world with the Omega Protectorate already. Were the people on Druckenwell still massacred by an fight between the CIS and OP? What does this mean for the past in all of our story lines? Or are we just going to pretend it all never happened. Resetting a map is more than just clearing a graphic... The planets factions control are more than just that, they are a foundation for storylines and drama that covers all levels of characters. Yes it sounds simple but what happpens to our stories.. our characters, our companies? What happens to the established histories that have been made on this board? Did the Artisian Empire invade the op and then merge with the fringe? well no apperantly. If you do this, you need to either reset everything, or nothing because a map is not just a picture that shows what is what. It is the way it is because of characters and factions, and factions not suddenly owning land without some sort of explanation means that we lose the epic story that is this site. Oh *waves hand* we just don't own that anymore.. even though I swear my character got charged with war crimes over an invasion of that very planet. So did that never happen is Alli Wren not a war criminal.. Did [member="Matsu Ike"] never kill all those people in republic dominions? I mean they don't own the land anymore.
Dredge said:
Ah sorry I just assumed it was coming from the top brass and what with a few scattered skimmed comments here and there. My bad
No, you hit on a good point, because you "agreed" with me. This thread is rife with people thinking they're in opposition to me.

Leading people to jump to conclusions.

But the votes are publicly viewable, and if you view who voted for Option 3, you'll see my name. Staff is aware of where I stand and what angle I'm going to take in the Voice Conference which will heavily focus on this discussion. In turn, I'm aware of where some of Staff stands, and we'll be taking a vote.

For transparency sake, the community should know I hold the right to veto a Staff decision, a right that has not been exercised in the last 2 years.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

And whether or not I will accept I will know tomorrow or Monday, I have a job interview tomorrow morning and the job starts on Friday so I just need to know the hours I will be working.

However I do want to attend if my job allows me
Tefka said:
They are difficult to plan and execute, and we haven't done one in almost a year.
I'd like to take part in planning.

I have some deliciously evil ideas I'd like to make people responsible for the downfall of nearly every major government in the Galaxy.

I mean, hell we can always blame [member="Darth Vornskr"] and his droves of children.
Tefka said:
I'm going to go ahead and re-iterate, in a way, what I just told the Staff team tonight.

The map pales in comparison to what this community is. This community survives without the map. The map is a bonus.

We don't do what we do for the people who will leave. We do what we do for the people who remain behind.

So if anyone's part in this negotiation is "Well, if X happens, I will leave" - show 'em the door.
Do people forget that he updates the map on his personal time? I mean, sorry, Tefka is who he is and I am not trying to kiss his ass but let's point out fact here...

He has the PSD file (Jon might have it as well if I recall correctly) and it's Tefka who essentially has devoted his time to do the map. (Could be speaking out of turn but that is what I recall.)

I mean, really I get both sides but I think it's just alot of exciting chances with some massive event that brings about a huge change. The map just represents the change visually beyond the writing.

Valiens Nantaris said:
[member="Renato Sarkin"]
It's a type of video card.

In any case, you seem to forget that every one of these 'veterans' were newbies once. When I started OP with Cira back in May '13 we had 3 planets and that's it.

Don't despise veterans because they have worked for and achieved something, else someone will pull the same accusation on you in 6 months.

I am against a map reset, certainly against a full one. I can see the reasons of all sides here, but I think it's far too early to start with the big sweeping changes. I favour overhauling the Rebellion and other rules first to break the stalemate before resorting to anything too dramatic.
Then why can't we do a Galactic Event that brings about a slow drainage of influence on all sides of government territories? Begins to erode their influences, shift them...ect?

I think someone else has mentioned a virus or invasion as I did earlier, it's a popular

Kix Tal'Verda

Kixi - Tal'Verda Aliit'buir - Cereal Box Clone
Okay- I can agree entirely with Strider, as much as a map reset sounds like fun. Its not a real fix, the fact of the matter is that within several months or half a year it will end up the same way it is now, certain factions will reign supreme and RP will be restricted within their pseudo-political spheres. It doesn't sound worth it to throw away hundreds of days of work only for a temporary solution, because with the board's forumla the same will happen again. It seems more of a punishment to the long-running factions than a boon to younger ones as the the positions will merely reverse again.

My suggestions are as follows:

1.) Edit the scale of the map, make it larger, add more worlds, and include larger sub sectors and sectors themselves and create planets to fill in gaps left by canon. Surely new worlds would be viable for population since the timeline of Chaos and the Old Rep.

2.) Revamp invasions, an invasion should be more than a back and forth duel between players, it should be a long-term, grueling campaign over supply lines, cities, and even entire continents of a world. If Medieval sieges lasted a year than Intergalatic sieges could go on for years, look at the Battle of Salucami in the Clone Wars for example. Have so that entire sectors come under threat and make it so its more than one battle or a thread that decides invasions, RP and direct entire campaigns between opposing forces. Yes, it would take longer and more work but the experiences would be grander and the rewards more fulfilling then three days of back and forth posting.

3.) Follow HK's original idea of a new Galactic Frontier.

This one is going to be really unpopular,

4.) If a reset is entirely needed that characters and tech should be filtered too, as particular characters and their cadres would use their old standing to form pocket Empires in days and would force new factions and players out again. No offence, Vets, but its inevitable. The old Powerful characters would just be able to field marshal over everything on their own if all semblance of galactic society collapses both ICly and OOCly.

-Repost from Strider's thread.
You know I always liked the idea of a Killik invasion of the galaxy, fun with joiners.
Or a full blown galactic revolution, all the plebs rise up against the greater galactic government at large.
I think a complete wipe would be... well not a very good idea. But the board could benefit from a pruning.

The map IS saturated right now. Not necessarily a bad thing, Earth is kind of in the same boat. If there is territory, it stands to reason someone has claimed it. In the case of SWRP though when the old factions become stagnant and become placeholders that occasionally stretch their arms outside their border, the board as a whole starts to stagnate a little.

Instead of just wiping the wipe clean, do a round of check ins. Characters must have at least one post to check in for their faction that was made between December 10 to January 9 (to prevent a wave of alts spamming out one post) to check in. Then the most active factions keep more (but still not all) of their territory. Those that make the minimum get reset back to three planets. Then let the planets choose, so OP can for instance still have its story critical planets spread along a thing, more lean faction. They can continue their RPs, while still allowing new factions to rise, new dominions to be run, and the board to continue.

Most importantly though do not wipe companies. That more even than a complete map wipe would drive a lot of members away. There is literally no harm in letting large corporations remain large, they do not take up map presence but they do fuel a lot of characters and their stories. A decision like this should be intended to fuel more board activity. Not drive away members and stifle the community.
Kix Tal'Verda said:
Okay- I can agree entirely with Strider, as much as a map reset sounds like fun. Its not a real fix, the fact of the matter is that within several months or half a year it will end up the same way it is now, certain factions will reign supreme and RP will be restricted within their pseudo-political spheres. It doesn't sound worth it to throw away hundreds of days of work only for a temporary solution, because with the board's forumla the same will happen again. It seems more of a punishment to the long-running factions than a boon to younger ones as the the positions will merely reverse again.

3.) Follow HK's original idea of a new Galactic Frontier.

This one is going to be really unpopular,

4.) If a reset is entirely needed that characters and tech should be filtered too, as particular characters and their cadres would use their old standing to form pocket Empires in days and would force new factions and players out again. No offence, Vets, but its inevitable. The old Powerful characters would just be able to field marshal over everything on their own if all semblance of galactic society collapses both ICly and OOCly.
3. Was killed off.

4. However true that may be, how does that effect transfer characters? Does that mean we change website rules too? I mean a massive temporal Galactic based event that reverts things to such an extent that the Galactic scales shift...I could see that effecting people as a whole.
Let me start by saying, Patches has never been a member of any of the factions. Thus, he as a character, and myself as a writer, have less invested in the map, dominions and territories than many of those here.

Part of this is due to as a character, it helps in maintaining his neutrality, and the other is that as a writer, I dislike factions that are driven or measure their worth in take overs, territory or dominions. I find most if not all of these threads generally stale; they hold little interest to non-combat focused characters like Patches (whom relies on Sarcasm as much as his fist or blaster), and often result in characters making contradictory choices and or actions to their characters original intentions.

Some have been "surprised" and wondering where all this talk of things getting stale is coming from. To me, it has been stale for quite some time, and is part of the reason for Patches absence for the past year (though let me be clear, most of this is do to lifestyle and a new job). The board is very driven by factions and their territories, and for those of us whom have little to no interest in this style of roleplaying, it does limit the open roleplaying options out there, as many of them ask that you be a member of some faction involved. Let me state though, that this is not a "reset" would make me more active; whatever is decided will have no weight on how active I am.

That being said, I can very much see the appeal of opening up further doors and opportunities. I would actually hope, that a reset would not just see a shift in territories, but actually in the style of roleplaying. There are a lot of quality writers here that I find a very entertaining read when they are doing lighter or personal threads. Faction threads I usually find less appealing to read.

I should hope a compromise can be struck. Has anyone explored a "soft" reset? Cutting the territories by 50% or 75%? Or how about if a major RP has not been conducted by that faction on that planet in the past 6 months, the people have felt neglected and started a rebellion? Some people fear that this reset is a temporary fix... then don't make it one. Put a planet limit on a faction, whether it be a number depending on their rank, or tied to their member base (i.e. one planet for every two unique writers). I don't think any territory should have more than 10 or 15% of the map. I would LOVE to see a map where a third or even half of the galaxy is neutral... I don't think the map should ever be fully divided up. As a neutral writer, it would afford more "havens", hideouts, and not have to worry about which territory I am in. You might even see a tyrant or dictator rise to enslave a single planet that was neutral, as it had little to no means to defend itself.

While I do not understand the Pokemon mentality of some when it comes to influence and territory ("gotta collect them all"), I can understand that they feel their work has been undone, and find myself wondering if a "Hard" reset is the answer. Many would perhaps feel neglected or their trouble and effort would be for nothing, but please do not fall into the category of "if this decision is made, I will leave". The strength of this place is it's community, and losing people would be a shame.

However, to those that would explore this option, I would remind you that this is a ROLE PLAYING board. Roleplaying is reacting to the plot and other events and characters around you; nothing is set in stone. Take a dungeon and dragons approach to it. You have Tefka and the staff, your dungeon master; they have led you this far, and done a fine job. They present you with a universe, and you roleplay within it. If you are incapable of this, or feel you are "losing control", then perhaps roleplaying is not for you, and you would prefer to write stories; where you, as the writer, have complete control. People often confuse the two.

Whatever decision is made, don't see it as a negative, but as an opportunity. Change scares people... should it come, don't let it, embrace it.
The Eternal Queen
This is why I say no, and I know HK and Strider and a few other already said this, but let me explain where I am coming from. My personal view.

My main character, Feena, is tied to Naboo. It's her home. She won't leave it. No matter what happens. It is essential to who she is as a character. But. There are a few factions that I can't be in, due to certain... issues. Not getting into that. Were Naboo to be taken by one of those factions, I can't really think of what I would do. I might have to put my character on hold, or just abandon her all together. I've been playing her for six years, and I really do not want to do that. And I did have several storylines going with Omega Protectorate that I would have to abandon if this reset took place. My character can't exactly do much with her new promotion (Which she just got yesterday *sigh*) if she is no longer a member of that faction.
I really like my faction. I have a lot of friends there, IC and OOC. I don't want to have to give them up. I don't want to leave OP. I've never been happier in a faction, but as I stated, my character as she is, is tied to Naboo. So, while I think it might be a good idea to downsize some factions, and as suggested, reinstate rebellion rules, a complete reset would be... Not sure how to phrase this politely. Frustrating beyond belief.
I don't want to think that everything I've done has been for nothing. And I don't want to worry that next year we'll be here again, cringing and waiting for the next reset. It almost feels like, well, why would I bother then, if this can happen again? Might as well remove the map entirely.

I don't think the problem that that the 'elite' on the site are making things impossible for the 'little guy', although I do think it might be nice for people to expand beyond their cliques. No. I think what might help is a little expansion of the map. The site is getting bigger. We have more members now than when I started here. Even if we did reset, I think it would be full again before we know it, simply because there are so many of us. It just doesn't seem like a good solution in the long run. It feels like a bandaid for a papercut that's not even bleeding.

So, err, yeah. I suck at making my points clear, but eh. There it is.

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