Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you feel about the Rebellion rules?

Do they affect you?

...Do you want them to?

I'm a stalwart defender of Dominions remaining PvE, but with Rebellions now inching their way into the game via Dominions (currently the only way for them to be initiated), it muddies the crowd. A few impatient Staff members are already perusing how members/factions are reacting to this... so how do you feel about it?

I'm making this my official outlet for Rebellion discussion with the Community, so help us get this right.

We so desperately want to get this right. :)



Plainly speaking, Rebellions are our attempt to make massive battle royales more common in Chaos while simultaneously allowing an interesting way for Minor Factions to explosively go Major without going through the proper process.

Going forward with this idea, there are things I want to accomplish:

1. Lifting the aid restrictions once a Rebellion is initiated and allowing Chaos to ensue.
2. Grant a sizeable chunk of territory on the map (entire hex) to the winner.
3. If the winner is a Minor Faction, allow them on the map without meeting the requirements of a Minor going Major.

Simultaneously, SWRP Staff is exploring these options for Rebellions in the future:

1. Rebellions to be initiated on Invasions.
2. Rebellions to be initiated on Skirmishes.
3. Rebellions to be initiated on border planets of influence clouds.

While we're looking to shake things up, a few restrictions will always remain in place:

1. Capital Planets and the hex they remain in will be immune.
2. Tier 1 Dominions will always be immune.
The primary problem I see is that it has the potential to force Minor Factions into Major Faction status whole by accident even if they're not ready for Major Faction status; or if they've decided that their Minor Faction is going to remain Minor out of aesthetics.

It essentially feels like its forcing Minor Factions to either roll over and let the Major Factions destroy what they've written and created,


The Minor Faction starts a Rebellion to save what they've been working on and gets forced into being a Major Faction.

Personally I think the whole rebellion concept of disrupting the order in a system is very cool, The only concerns that I have with this are the declarations of rebellions. I might be just thinking too far into it, but there should be a reason or buildup that incites the public order on a planet and inflames it to a certain degree to cause armed responses. I feel it might have the potential to be misused.
Amelia Sorenn-Syrush said:
The Minor Faction starts a Rebellion to save what they've been working on and gets forced into being a Major Faction.
They won't be forced to go Major. If they win the Rebellion and decline Major status, the hex will be cleared of any influence clouds.
Amelia Sorenn-Syrush said:
The Minor Faction starts a Rebellion to save what they've been working on and gets forced into being a Major Faction.
They have the choice to let go the planet, that they're doing a rebellion on, as neutral so they can preserve their minor status.

EDIT: [member="Tefka"] the sniper.
Darth Prazutis said:

Personally I think the whole rebellion concept of disrupting the order in a system is very cool, The only concerns that I have with this are the declarations of rebellions. I might be just thinking too far into it, but there should be a reason or buildup that incites the public order on a planet and inflames it to a certain degree to cause armed responses. I feel it might have the potential to be misused.

Same goes for invasions/dominions. We sacrifice story for game mechanics that can give way to more story. It's called suspension of disbelief.
Honestly, its not a Rebellion.

A Rebellion is when a lesser power, rises to fight a larger power. Not two major factions duking it out on a planet that they just capped a part of. Honestly it would be more of a Skirmish.

IE: Not a Rebellion, it's a Skirmish. Forget my rant.

The rules are just weird in my mind. Why 14 days for it to start? and why only on the tier three dom? I very much love the concept, but I guess you could say I just don't understand it.
I quite like the tier and rebellion rules (mentioning both as they are quite intertwined). However, I would like a chance to test it out a few times. Right now, I believe the community is cautious because it's a high risk - high reward matter. Yet, I know of some intended T3 dominions in planning and/or action, which may incite some rebellions. We, as a community, need some time to test the waters.

If we find we don't like it, then I am sure you will hear of it.

I also quite like rebellion as a way of approaching Major Faction status. Even though I'm equally glad for the footnote giving us the choice not to. Some, such as the Sith Assassins, need the mobility of being minor.
Akuma said:
Honestly, its not a Rebellion. A Rebellion is when a lesser power, rises to fight a larger power. Not two major factions duking it out on a planet that they just capped a part of. Honestly it would be more of a Skirmish.
The fact that a Major Faction has to start a Dominion so that a Minor Faction can declare a Rebellion on it kind of made it feel like a Rebellion to me. Though I'll admit, the name "Battle Royale" did get submitted for this ruleset.

I'm rather fond of calling it a Rebellion. Your opinion isn't without merit... I just choose to elevate my own. #murica
Tefka said:
Your opinion isn't without merit... I just choose to elevate my own.
I have a feeling that you are a politician. ;)

I get it, and I can see where you are coming from.

Cheers, and good luck with the ruleset, and how it will effect the site. (you're gonna need it)
Its making folks paranoid over dominions. Which I don't see as fun, actually makes me not want to do any. I'd like to see how these rules work though and see a Rebellion happen to see how things go before any decision is made.
I think the idea as an idea is brilliant. It gives much more the needed spotlight for minor factions and gives more interesting options for factions that work in the shadow such as the Sith Assassins. Implementation by the users/community will decide whether it can go on the long-term or not.

All in all, I really like that it gives much more options to a minor faction and more non-governmental type of factions which I think was needed in my opinion.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Tefka"] would there be a way to have the prefix changed by an rpj once it hits a rebellion status? That way people can clearly tell the difference and also it points out to admins and rpj that it is indeed a rebellion.
Do they affect me? Well. I think they will effect everyone at some point. I feel whether and individual wants them to or not is irrelevant.

Overall I find the rebellions rules to be a welcome change. The relationship models between major and minor factions will shift, and minor factions will be able to play are larger role in the events to come. While invasions have been the main avenue of waging war in the past, rebellions offer a new way to influence a faction's galactic control of the galaxy. At the same time this can earn the ire of a lot of people who stand behind major factions. I mean if a group of rebels keep rebelling over and over, and never take the hex and go major, it can become a frustrating experience for the targeted major faction. Likewise there is the limitation that minor factions don't have fleets or armies as accordance to the rules, an advantage major factions can exploit. But before we make to many assumptions let see how the new rules play out.

I'm just a lowly member and certainly not the most active, but the reason I stuck with doms and such for RP purposes was that they were purely PvE. I could just explore ruins, or take on some NPC's for fun, in a setting where I had control. If I didn't feel like combat, I didn't have to write it. I have so little faith in most PvP situations that I would rather not deal with them at all. Problem is that if I am in a dom that gets pushed to two or three then I lose the control I had going forward with my arc in that dom. Sure, it's a cyncial and self centered viewpoint, but I have reason to be a bit distrusting of those whom I do not know well. I used to be all for the big combat posts and the chaos caused by unplanned PC's popping in and having a good duel. That changed when I got my character involved with a completely planned storyline, with a set endgame that was well documented. This ended with me getting torn to shreds as a person and losing people I considered good friends in the aftermath.

I know this isn't the same site, or even the same people involved, but honestly I see plenty of threads that are nothing but drama over something that was either planned or unplanned and after the fact one person didn't like the end result. So I do my best to avoid that at all costs. I'm sure one of the responses I will get is to just ignore if a dom tier gets pushed up and just leave the thread at that point, so I will preempt that by saying no, I won't leave the thread without being given a chance to wrap up my storyline within the dom as I see fit. Problem is with a Rebellion or opposing minor faction popping into a higher tier dom, I can't just ignore the opposition in order to finish what I had started and honestly I have issue with being forced to acknowledge an attack that I had no knowledge of. I understand that people see it as a 'chance to make the story better and more interesting' but for me, stuff like that is just stressful. At this point were I to face off against someone with the same rank tag who had actually been trained, Kurayami would realistically be dead. I know it is up to the defender how much damage is taken, and I try to be fair in that sense, but so many people try to write their opponent into a corner, and for someone like me who isn't the most versed in combat descriptions or dueling, it takes the fun away and just adds stress.

I'm not saying that this is a thing that would even happen but I wanted to express my view on the whole thing, and explain why I have issue with the way that these things are set up. These are my issues with PvP in a text based environment and my opinion based on the current state of the rules for Rebellions as I understand them. Please do correct anything that is wrong. Sorry about the length here.

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