Wesa new palos!
Rebellions need to be easier to start in my opinion. I really want to start one and cause chaos
^ I'm lovin' this.Tefka said:This is not a thing. The rules stipulate *large fleets/armies.
It's my opinion that if you don't want to PvP, you should stay away from anything map-related (influence clouds, invasions, dominions). Dominions are inherently PvE but they lead towards PvP.Kurayami Bloodborn said:These are my issues with PvP in a text based environment and my opinion based on the current state of the rules for Rebellions as I understand them.
This 1000% percent.Netherworld said:Bottom line, I think Rebellions are an awesome opportunity and we should give it a go at least once before we rush to fix the possible issues we aren't even sure will exist.
An in built protection versus too much drama. One could, with a vivid imagination think that this will hit the GR and in that case I, along with the bulk of the GR writers would be watery in the eyes if it was done without a story that we can relate to.Raziel said:So the major faction owners who want to be able to force a cap at tier 1, what would make you more likely to go for a tier 3?
If people will fight an invasion for one world surely worth the risk of a rebellion for 3-10?
The major faction sets the "tone" of the dominion and the rebells will have to be creative and find their rebell support in the dominion story frame-work.Mantic Dorn said:Suggestion.
1. The rebellion initiaters have to forewarn the faction they are starting a rebellion against. Same as in an invasion.
2. Both factions are to agree with the story behind the rebellion and it should reflect the dominion story up until post 100 somehow. Ie, if a faction has a dominion about freeing slaves and having nice diplo talks the rebellion could for instance be backed by the local slave traders that want to reinstate slave markets.
This will take away loads of potential drama imo.
Or the simple sollution. Cap possibility at tier 1.