Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you feel about the Rebellion rules?

So right now it seems many individuals are concerned about their faction's well being, especially since dominions that may run over 110 anyone can post in, then it gets out of their control and reaches 150 posts and thus becomes a rebellion, then it possibly ruins the faction's influence cloud. Which means people are going to have a bad time. After talking to people on skype and discord, people like the idea and want to pursue rebellions, yet are dissuaded not to do so because it may cause drama. This all translates into the usual people getting mad because they will lose and it will ruin their map game, even though the map game and winning or losing isn't supposed to matter, its about writing. Which makes complete sense.

So do I think the rules will work, yes. But way things go around here may make rebellions more of rarity then something that shakes thing up. Will see.
Jay Scott Clark said:
PM this tangent guys. Please.
Please don't dissuade people from posting in this thread, their posts were on topic and I would like to hear what everyone has to say - regardless of your opinion. If you'd like to shoo people out of a thread, go make your own. This one's mine.

Fatty said:
In case any of you haven't seen it yet, all of those who want to see a Rebellion in action, look here: I'm looking for anyone willing to pitch in to see the first one come about on to Chaos! I'm already conversing with various faction leaders to see who would be most willing and able to help us accomplish this goal!
Staff currently has it's eye set on developing another facet of the Rebellion rules which may very well lead to the rules being tested faster than a Major Faction would allow right now, so we might not have to worry about a Rebellion being "non-canon" or "beta-tested".

I like the idea and we're currently working up the rule-set. When I first introduced this new variant of Rebellion rules, I told the team it'd be like it's "own event" and that I wanted Rebellions to find their ways into everything. We're going to slowly roll out most facets, but this current one I think is relevant to the here and now so we're focusing on it first.

Part of me says "lets take it slow", part of me says "@#$& it let's go spider monkey".
Well-Known Member
[member="Tefka"] Glad to hear it! I'll keep working on my thing though just in case :p Not like I've gotten very far anyway in the few hours I've been trying to scrape people up!
Mantic Dorn said:
1. The rebellion initiaters have to forewarn the faction they are starting a rebellion against. Same as in an invasion.
2. Both factions are to agree with the story behind the rebellion and it should reflect the dominion story up until post 100 somehow. Ie, if a faction has a dominion about freeing slaves and having nice diplo talks the rebellion could for instance be backed by the local slave traders that want to reinstate slave markets.

This will take away loads of potential drama imo.

Or the simple sollution. Cap possibility at tier 1.
This reads to me: I want Invasions 2.0.

IE: You want control of the thread, which invariably goes against the point of what the rebellion rules were introduced for: chaos.

Knowing how long, drawn out, and saturated with drama most factions make Invasion negotiations, I can only imagine what "negotiating" rebellions would turn into. How about instead of focusing on having control of every little thing, you let the story write itself and just RP it out? Not everything has to make sense, not everything has to go according to plan.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Just sharing an opinion based on what I’ve seen and read. If you’re limited to a short attention span, the answer is I’m in favour – but how I got there has a few twists and turns.

On the face of it, what’s not to like? Rebellions are, by definition, pesky. It’s no wonder that Major Factions might be wary – they turn a potential one planet gain into a whole hex loss.


But isn’t that the point? How a Major deals with this loss is a great story and can only improve the role-playing experience of those that participate. Yet, like any ‘rule’ it is open to abuse and this is where, I suspect and read, a number of writers are becoming nervous. If a Rebellion is a story waiting to happen, then what’s not to like? But if it is a way of writers spoiling a Faction’s story for no other reason than they can spoil it, then bad feeling will inevitably ensue. Does that make it a bad thing? Absolutely not, there is no such thing as a bad rule, only people applying it to the letter of the law, but breaking the spirit of it.

But given that happens already in so many other ways, there is most likely a lot of angst and too many palpitations for what will – according to the maths, only happen once a month per Faction (the limit of Tier 3 is capped, so logically there can only be one Rebellion a month).

And there is a solution. If you don’t post Dominions, you can’t be rebelled against. Those that are most map-hungry have the most to lose – and isn’t that the point of it all?

How often does abuse of rules slip through unchecked by either the Staff team or the community at large?

We usually get it right in the end. Lets focus on a fun ruleset that doesnt get bogged down in negotiations.

Half the drama in invasions happen between the faction leadership anyways. Less influence they have over Rebellions, the better, I say.
Well-Known Member
[member="Tefka"] Not sure if this is the place, but I just thought up a scenario I don't think has been mentioned:

Can a single Tier 3 dominion be targeted by more than one rebellion at the same time? If such a thing were to happen, would it become a three way contest (or whatever number contest)?

The wording of the rule seems to imply it could be done, but I'd rather it answered clearly here than have the spirit of the rule broken in the future.
An administrationality (is that even a word?) question.

Say my faction gets to a 100 posts in a dom and I request the planet as per usual. But then the creative writers keep writing and pushes it to a tier 2 or 3 tier.

I have already requested the "main" planet, do I submit a new request for each tier as the post limits are passed or do I need to handle it otherwise?

Maybe not a big issue, but I suspect this will be fairly common for staff's to handle.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

As i said in the other thread, there are a few issues i have with the imbalances that could arrise from them. The main is the ability for anyone to turn a tier two dom into a tier three without really anyone being notified of such a thing first. Thats the biggest problem i have with it and while yes, i see the purpose of it being allowed i would suggest some kind of conversation between the FAs of the two groups being affected talk before hand. (Im not saying the one being rebelled against has to agree and that the ones doing the Rebelling need their permission. But it should be set up in such a way to prevent abuse against spamming out rebellions on a new Major faction that is simply trying to expand early on.

The Other issue i have is with the time limit. Particularly the one for age of the thread.

I understand the need for an age system of a thread, though i feel that two months might be a bit of a stretch or maybe its just me thinking two months might be too long. Do not get me wrong, i actually wish that Invasions lasted as long as that sometimes because they are criminally short sometimes. But for a Rebellion as they already have no guidelines... that much time seems like alot. Thirty to forty five days even would make far more reasonable, OR even if you feel people are trustworthy enough. Why not let Factions handle the timelimit on the age of the thread be decided by themselves?

I dont know, maybe im just being picky but i hope my words have some kind of weight to them.

Otherwise, im interested to see these rules in action.
Mantic Dorn said:
The major faction sets the "tone" of the dominion and the rebels will have to be creative and find their rebel support in the dominion story frame-work.

Rather new to SWChaos still but I'm going to throw my $0.02c here - I largely agree with the statement of [member="Mantic Dorn"] above with regards to story. Below are my own personal opinions regarding the Map and Faction Dominion/Invasion play.
  • I agree with the notion that the Map's end goal will result in PvP (Invasions of course) - and that Dominions (Tier 1) are a great way for those who enjoy PvE (and not PvP) to be given a chance to help out their Factions.
  • Tier 3 Dominions should most definitely carry Risks because they grant the largest rewards (and can be used to punish greedy factions, much like a figurative Empire taking too much land without settling its newly-added/conquered citizens).
  • The main cause of all issues people mention I find stems from Tier 2 Dominions - since it is the transformation from a PvE thread to a PvP thread - and has the potential for other factions to bump it to a Tier 3 with ease. This is an RP board and world, and in the end everyone loves their story and wants a fair (and fun!) treatment of it. To be part of a story that they help create + enjoy.
My solutions/suggestions (as unwieldy as they may be since I do not know how busy this site can be at the Moderator/Judge level - and I also may still not understand certain aspects of how Dominions work) are as follows:

1) A Faction in the midst of a Dominion should have the ability to try and attempt to resolve the Dominion once it enters Tier 2. This can assessed as "Blockade the planet and try deal with all opposition before it spreads out into the Entire Sector (Tier 3 prevention)", or "Draw ships back to the singular planet(s) (Tier 1/2)". Anything that fits the story of the Dominion - which would have to be a viable reason approved by others/judges.

This choice would also have to be made early (after gauging possible rebellion risks, around post 120) as the Faction would have to make its decision whether to try and solidify its T1/T2 gains, or go for T3. The former would have to be accomplished in the gap between 110 - 150 posts, and if it reaches the 149th post before the time-limit the Faction Leaders will have to come to agreement over who won (if the retreat/action was successful) - or bring in a Judge in to set the planet forth as Claimed or set to start a Rebellion (begin 150th post). This would give those with a preference for PvE a chance to finish up their stories and attempt to end them without a Rebellion occurring. This also hopefully solves the problem of any faction being able to chain-post a Tier 2 Dominion into a Tier 3 (and thus Rebellion) without consequence and gives the initial Faction a chance to regroup and shake their losses.

2) If a Rebellion does begin in the Sector it should have a purpose. This should be set by those instigating the rebellion (which should be shaped by how the Dominion went during posts 110->150) and it should fit the story of the Dominion itself. Such as Slave-Masters wanting to reclaim their lost property - or perhaps Factions wanting to keep the vital resources on that planet - or to save a special player who got captured. The list goes on and on. Even for something as simple as revenge for the death of a noble. Faction Leaders should discuss with each other to determine a Rebellion story they both like - and if not, then a Judge should come in to advise and be the final authority.

If I missed any details that might already be done in standard Dominion practice do let me know. I definitely believe Rebellions should be a thing in the universe of SW - though I think their story should have equally as much value. Hopefully this is not too long of a post and can be read clearly.

Alexandra Feanor said:
Why not let Factions handle the timelimit on the age of the thread be decided by themselves?
Not happening. I'll look over further points tonight, this is my only for sure "no". The thread age limits are legitimate concerns but it should be noted they are maximums, not minimums. Not sure if you've stressed that point enough in your responses.

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