Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How do you feel about this?

Aran Piett said:
Lets not do this, I mean it makes working for it much more gratifying when you earn something.

Yeah this only is the case if you have a friend that would do it, for some people like me, on my Sith I like the fact that I would have to work for it, and wait for the RPJs to look into him being "ready" for this mantle
So I'm supposed to feel gratified that I earned a fictional title on a Star Wars RP board that is quite literally and figuratively meaningless? I don't know what your form of gratification is, and try not to read this as me being hostile. But I agree with what's her face up there that self regulation seems like it would be a good idea. At the very least start off as a knight level character because some folks don't like the idea of playing a 26 year old padawan and being forced into starting off at that rank despite it not fitting the character.

In summary fuck gratification and just write what makes you happy and gives you the most enjoyment and fun.
I am sure some people will RP padawans were this to come into effect. But I do believe most people would take this up and we would have an unrealistic amount of knights on the boards. For me this lowers the importance of achieving master rank and it will also remove the ability to RP training apprentices as they will become a rare thing. There is more to master rank then training I know this, but having apprentices is a big part of not only the story for the padawan character but the master as well.

Knight level is too easy to gain as it is, so I don't really see the need to change the system.

I'mma use this profile since it's actually a knight. So i feel better about it.

But being honest, I completely forgot I *was* an apprentice level when I was walking around with the title. I never particularly cared to grind my way through training or fighting an uphill battle. I just wrote pretty decently and someone was like 'hey that kid writes pretty well and he's been around a bit' and suggested my minor faction put up a vote to 'upgrade'. And honestly I've changed basically nothing outside of what I can justify OOCly with him surviving, beyond the actual growth he's started to have.

That said, I can't really say I'm for or against this 100%. Kind of how [member="Darth Abyss"] put it, I kinda learned a lot about how powerful I was when I was forced to sit and think about what I could do. I wasn't a knight, I wasn't a master. I was an informally trained, incomplete apprentice using wit over pure power. And I won't lie when I say it's kinda decided more on how I play Darlyn than I would've if I had simply given him more power and gone from there. Not to mention it was a very pleasant surprise when I woke up and got word that I was being voted on to get the little promotion.

That being said, I don't disagree that the rule is archaic and effectively meaningless when everyone and their grandma can get knighted in a day of decent work. Sure some of us are going to want to do lengthy arcs as apprentices but they won't be stopped by this. My feelings about this are all over the place...

I guess I should probably try to put it down in words. I don't think the rule is a bad thing... I learn more about my characters the more I write them in a lower-power state, how they think and how they get around their limitations. But removing the restriction wouldn't really change much outside of changing people's force level where they grow. Instead of learning their limitations as an apprentice they learn that despite being a knight they aren't a god. Personally I think it might be a much harder lesson to learn than learning their limitations and growing from down low to up high, but it isn't going to change the fact that the lessons will come.

But if knight becomes even more of candy than it already is, I would personally like to see that 'Master' ranks be scrutinized a little more, though that's a very different subject to discuss.

If I had to put a number down, I'd probably say I'm roughly 60% in favor of removing the rule and 40% against. Maybe a little more in favor than that but, meh. I'd be more happy than disappointed, though I won't deny I'm a little nervous at the inevitable influx of knights if it does go through.
I don't see the Knight rank as something that means anything in its current state. It's handed out like a piece of candy, or a participation trophy. "You joined that dominion, good work. Here have Knight."

As I stated on Discord, I'd much rather someone begin with a Knight that has a solid backstory that explains how they reached that point than someone who started out as a Padawan and gets Knighted after one or two threads. It doesn't make sense. And adding more requirements won't really work, x amount of posts? x amount of threads? x amount of words?

Those who want to write Padawans will still do so, and they'll excel at doing so. The stories will feel more organic, without a rush to climb the ranks. This is a place for writing, it's not an MMO.

So yeah, I'd be all for removing Knight rank requirements.
Just realized we can't do it. [member="Krest"] will have some kind of breakdown and then dissolve into nothingness when there aren't at least 30 acolytes around for him to train anymore.

Edit: On a more serious note. The thing that sticks out to me the most about this thread is the fact that knight rank is not taken serious by a lot of people of factions, which leads to us having this discussion. If more people would actually care about making padawan to knight as important as it is from an IC perspective the people could probably again appreciate working and gaining the rank instead of complaining that it's worthless anyway. Because if your consensus is that knight doesn't matter, why have the rank in the first place?
Darth Abyss said:
Krest will have some kind of breakdown and then dissolve into nothingness when there aren't at least 30 acolytes around for him to train anymore.
Something tells me that this rule removal would have very minimal impact on the amount of players who play acolytes/padawans. Maybe at first there'd be an influx, but when everyone has a knight/master.... what's the cool thing to do?

I have no real expectation that this will diminish the number of padawans/acolytes.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
I say nay!

By granting a writer the right to create/start out with a character as a Knight takes away from the story of progressing a character to earn that right. Afterall, isn't rping all about story and character development? If this is removed, and I'm fairly new here now, I think we will see characters running around with a rank they didn't rightfully deserve.

Eh, let a character have whatever rank they want. If you feel you deserve it without justification, I'm sure your writing skills and lack of knowledge will show it's true colors anyway.

#TSA #ByeTrainingThreads #HelloNewKnights
Exactly, though. It's about story. Right now there's no story going into the Padawan to Knight rank change. People get them for doing barely anything at all, and it hurts the character in the long run because all of their progression comes in at Knight anyway. And the Padawans/Apprentices that do have more of the experience in their earlier years?

Well... They're written by people that will continue to write characters from Padawan through to Master. And the people that won't be doing that, and will be looking for the easiest jump to Knight, can provide a more insightful journey to reaching Knight in their bios.
Remember that time a bunch of writers wrote kids and beat down a Sith Lord?

Or those numerous times folks held off on Knight (or even Master) promotions due to story reasons?

It's Knight folks. People aren't dropkicking Star destroyers, spawning stars, or eating stars at Knight.

Kill the rule. Let folks write what they want. Don't restrict the freedom of others because you feel like working for something. You want to grind to Knight? Go for it. But don't encourage keeping a rule that prevents a new writer from starting off as a well-written Knight. I guarantee killing this rule won't diminish the number of folks who start as/stay as Padawan overall either.

*unpauses Moana*

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to allow people who have already achieved Knight rank on one of their characters to make future alts Knight level right off the bat if they want, if they'd prefer a somewhat developed character instead of starting off a older character illogically as an Acolyte or Padawan.

That being said, I think it's a bit silly to allow anyone who joins to instantly achieve the rank.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
I am against it, even though I know that many players (I won't state who they are however) seem to treat Chaos as some MMO. My confidence in the community to regulate itself will take a hit for sure if this goes forward, and you'll see a lot of Starkillers going around. That is, the first FU must be subjected to a probation period before knighthood can be granted to the character.

On subsequent FUs, or even those who were fleshed out as NPCs, and then turned to PCs, then one could be granted knighthood from day one as PCs.
I say no, mostly because I'm a pessimist who thinks this will end with no more Padawans, because why write one when I can be a knight and be so much cooler? I don't know that anyone just joining the board will want to start as a padawan/equivalent rank unless they have a specific character in mind. Godawans will have even more reason to do as they do.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Malok said:
spawning stars,
I vote for this, It actually makes me want to play a padawan more honestly. I hate the grind. Well, correction. I hate the grind at the early stages.

Doing a complete story from padawan to knight is hard because it's hard to write an appropriately aged padawan and still do threads that work you up to knight. Yeah, I mean, you can Episode one it and throw and 9-year old into a war zone but lets not.

And let's be honest, Knight titles are almost an incentive to do dominions and invasions right now.

Point being, I think getting rid of the grind at Padawan would make it easier for people to play one in the long run and therefore we will see more actual story progression. Master is the only title I believe needs to be restricted.​
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
There is always gonna be people wanting to do a padawan-pack or something like that. Padawans are cool and you know whats even cooler than being a padawan? Being a padawan that has independent control over when they can rank up without others needed. ((Which is already a thing honestly. Just ask a RPJ nicely and tell them your ready for your next story arc or ask your non-existent master hehehe...)) This idea would bring more freedom "chaos" to writers and in a good way. Not all chaos is negative.

[member="Grace Darkson"]
As for Godawans that has nothin to do with a rank tag. Best way to sort that out is to talk with the writer via OOC communication. And some times that means humoring them to make a point.

"Training threads" can be anything from learning from your master or getting in a brawl in a cantina thread. Just gotta implement it as the writer and connect it to your story. Be Creative.

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