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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really? P2

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Man I'd love to be ragdolled by a force user, but ol' Jackie is nice and comfortable in space.

Now my real opinion about this is that the force is op, that is in essence what it is. But I haven't seen much stress or fatigue in some players. They whip boulders instantly, instead of taking a bit to lift it and then throw it. For heavy objects a person should be able to get in an attack or two instead of always having to be on the defence. You can't just be able to just launch powerful objects without it giving some strain on your body since the force is an extension of your body.

Now for the elemental based force abilities, I think they're a bit weird. You can't actually stop yourself from being burned to death by a fire or frozen to death if you're an NFU. Nothing will be able to prevent it especially from higher force levels. Lighting is easier to repel, due to the nature of electricity such as rubber insulation for instance. On the other hand the fire and ice are two extremes that can only be deterred by thick suits designed to prevent such extremities effecting the body.


Disney's Princess
[member="Krafurk Maris"]

*derp post*

EDIT: Wait... Are you telling a story through links about how your experiences on CHAOS and how creating a new character allowed you to feel more comfortable playing a FU in the genre? ...Or are you asking for feedback about how to create an original FU concept that would be of acceptable power within the game? ...Cause... I just realized that I have no idea what your point is and I might be overcompensating. Ish. :(
Jay Scott Clark said:
Are you telling a story through links about how your experiences on CHAOS and how creating a new character allowed you to feel more comfortable playing a FU in the genre?
Yes :(

And i just deleted my story too -_-
I do so love sequels...unless the title is Attack of the Clones (B-movie names)!

Now....after much deliberation, and needed sleep, I still stand by what I said in yesterday's post. However, some people do write their character's FP up much higher than it should be. Creativity: A+, Thread Validation: F.

There are ranks in place for a reason, and yes I'm aware anyone can beat anyone, but there is NO WAY anyone will ever sell me on the idea that an Acolyte can cast Sith Lightning and actually fry someone, crispy and well done successfully and without consequences or a Jedi Padawan can break a mind domination from a Sith Lord/Dark Jedi Master or any combination. If that was the case....then why during Invasion threads are equal ranks paired with equal ranks? Acolytes/Padawans are still in the infancy stage of their young Force lifes...don't rush to grow up...enjoy your childhood and your teen years...then go out and make something of yourselves. I'm not saying they can't use certain abilities, practice makes perfect, but they should understand the consequences from it.

Example: My Acolyte attempts to use Sith Lightning. First thing she is going to experience is a burning and painful sensation in her fingertips from the energy. Consequence. That's not hearsay...that's common fact/sense. This will hamper her ability to sustain if for long periods (or short periods) of time affecting her effectiveness. Consequence. And she will continue to feel this pain everytime she attempts it. Still A Consequence. And what people fail to realize that it requires energy, of the Force kind, to cast and maintain these powers. Overuse will eventually lead to something I like to call Force Exhaustion. The higher the ability, the more energy will be spent. And it will take time to replenish this energy....Law of Battery Recharging. Just because you see someone drive a car at a young age doesn't mean you can. Hence, Driving School.


Back to the pointe of using Sith Lightning (or any high tier power above one's pay grade) in a duel or any thread...Lightning is cast, energy is drained, need to recharge, vulnerable until then, opponent casts one heck of mind spell or something far wicked and....BLAM...time to create a new character.

In other words....use whatever power you want but respect the consequences and accept the choices you made when you used it...and for the sake of the not be afraid to have your character skin a knee.

....that is all

....thank you

....Boo to the Patriots!

....Go team OS!


Disney's Princess
[member="Krafurk Maris"]

Ah. Gotcha. I've modified my posts and thanks for the PM. I must have misunderstood what you were going for. Sorry about that.

Cheers and glad to hear you're having a blast! Enjoy! :D


Morality Policeman :)

I would argue that a Knight could possibly match a Master in ability. While Padawan/Acolyte is definitely more-or-less defining of ability, Master is not gained simply through ability (or at least it shouldn't be). Master is given to a Knight who has demonstrated maturity. This is why Anakin was considered one of the most powerful Jedi, and yet was never promoted to Master.

So a Knight who has put in a lot of effort in their RP can certainly outmatch a Master, in reality. :)


Xhexania said:
Boo to the Patriots!
I second this.


Disney's Princess
One day we will not have need for the FU Rank Titles. Everybody in the whole community will treat one another with respect and compassion enough with space magic that ranks will no longer matter.

BUT! Until that exceptionally far away day of idealist purity. Party hard and earn that baby!!! :p

I agree anyone who puts hard work into their RP should and could best a better opponent. Not denying that. I'm saying that certain abilities have consequences and thus, should be written as such in posts. And certain powers should be obtained through RP hard work and not simply added to their character sheet (higher tiers of powers). Xhexania has been granted from the powers that be that she can use Mind Shard and Taint, high level Knight powers, with regards that she understands she will struggle with their applications when using them and during her lessons with her Master. Only when she reaches the upper echelon of Knighthood would she be recognized as mastery of it. That is what makes sites like this enjoyable!

Maybe I enjoy character development to much and should just skip to a walking wookieepedia (TM) of force powers...Mastered. :)
Darth Kentarch said:
OK. Straight up and in all seriousness, I'm totally am not up date with current internet lingo, so whats a "Special Snowflake"?
Someone who tries to be separate from everyone else for the sake of being different. Like a hipster, but with - well, like a hipster.

In this case, anyone who wants to go around learning force abilities that would be unique or at least not common, and thus deemed a "special snowflake" for not complying with the average-joe mentality that a few have of an "ideal" force user.
Darth Vornskr said:
Kaine still stronkest there is.
Fight meh irl m8

Also, I enjoy the special snowflake jokes. In a galaxy of absolute trillions every PC character is a special snowflake because they are the protagonist, the protagonist even of he/she is an "every-man" is always a special snowflake.

I am a snowflake, and I am different like everybody else.

Allow me to further expand on this thought while using this character as an example.

Soliael is without a doubt the most powerful Force User that i have ever written. His origin is that he is extremely powerful and knows it. Both of his parents were/are well established, extremely famous and strong Force Users. His mother, Quietus is the greatest Beast Tamer in the galaxy and has had more development on another board than i could ever have the patience for. His father was the first Sith Emperor on this board and is still widely considered to be one of the most powerful characters that ran around(I'm like 90% sure I'm not tooting my own horn, [member="Ashin Varanin"] back me up here).

So, with that in mind its plainly obvious that Soliael was designed to be a special snowflake, and he very well knew that he was a special snowflake. He is undoubtedly one of the most overpowered Force Users running around, i mean, i've done some -stupid- things force wise with Soliael simply to see if i could get away with it. I one shot killed a PC(With writers permission), over the course of about 15 threads i altered an entire planet, hell, i even ate a Star(There were reasons, don't judge me).

To add to his theme of snowflakeyness I'll also point out Soliaels original skillset. Mechu-Deru, Sith Magic. These two powers when i began to train Soliael in them were completely dead in the water. For the longest time they simply didn't exist, with maybe five people using them and one or two Mastering them.

So yeah, Soliael is about as Special Snowflake as you can get, however most people would agree that it doesn't matters. I think most would say that Sol, along with all his powers and abilities, is also an incredibly well thought out, Charismatic, and extremely developed character.

The point that I'm trying to make is that its perfectly fine to want to be special. It's perfectly fine to make your character learn special powers, what the problem is for me is when someone tries to make their character all about those powers, which some people do.

Then again, this could all be an elaborate ruse to make you guys read about how awesome i am.

You be the judge.


Active Member
I'd argue masters are also nto all made equal in all places. Depends where and what they studied mostt. Somebody may be a awesome master light saber duelist of all forms and a powerful force user. But may have preferences that leave weaknesses. or may have hated light saber combat and so did not study it as heavily. {some notable sith were this way making them less good with a saber but stronger with the force.] others may rely on boosting their physical abilities with the force but like [member="Xhexania"] said that uses up stamina. Eventually your gonna wear out.


Active Member
To tack on to [member="Darth Vitium"] basically a special snowflake is somebody being different to be different and say look at me I am different. Instead of doing it to make a good character.

Issue is that it has become a commonplace derogatory remark for those who genuinely wish to have a character that is interested in those fields. It is not uncommon, for example, for people who are interested in Sith Magic to be called "special snowflakes" because there's a certain distaste people have for those who seek to be the lowest common denominator of force users.


My character's strengths do not lie within lightsaber lies in mastering the force....mainly mind affecting Force powers and eventually Sith Magik.. She rather reach into your mind and pull from its files whatever you hold dear to your heart and twist, wring, and corrupt until its a vision of horror and broken dreams then press the little pink button that says "return to sender." She is not going to win every duel..she knows it...I know it. As [member="Tellos"] pointed out, no character regardless of rank is equal. Every character has its strengths to play up and weakness to defend against.

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