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How Powerful Is Your Force User Really? P2


Active Member
[member="Xhexania"] to add to this loo katm y thread again, my padawans fighting a dark jedi master. Notable points. He sucks with a light saber doesint even own his own. My padawan is notable for being more skilled than most padawans with hers. But he has a force advante being stronger and more learned in it. So shes having to pull every trick she can get to match up to him and he still hasint even unleashed his bag of tricks really. So he's using his logner greater combat experience and force knowledge to competently off balance my better armed and armored padawan. Who is struggling to match him.


Morality Policeman :)
Xhexania said:
Maybe I enjoy character development to much and should just skip to a walking wookieepedia ™ of force powers...Mastered. :)
I feel you there. I'm very hesitant to list my detailed 'Force abilities' in character profiles because people who build up 'mastery' in all these Force powers are more often than not focusing on winning and not contributing to themselves or others in story, and they're quick to point a finger at your short list of abilities.

Overall, I find that to be the most disappointing thing about many of the players here, and is what I classify as OP. They seem to work to make themselves good at absolutely everything. But take it from me, a trilingual musician IRL--no one can master everything. You can master a few things, or you can spread yourself thin and be somewhat competent at all the things. The applicable phrase is, "Jack of all trades; master of none."

But I agree with your whole post, [member="Xhexania"], as well as [member="Jack Rand"]'s. Some Jedi can throw a boulder. Some Sith can zap five guys with lightning. But don't pretend that you can do that and brush it all off. Especially don't pretend you can magic high-five a couple troopers and simultaneously defend yourself from that commando who has a scattergun to your back. :p

I write her powers in "story-like" form rather than like this:

Force Whatever Power: ++++

That drives me crazy to see that. In fact, my powers are there for my benefit only...nobody else's. No offense to anyone who does that.

They seem to work to make themselves good at absolutely everything.

Xhexania doesn't need I don't want her to be Mrs. I Know All FP. I have a small....very small list of powers I want her to learn and Master and nothing else.

I leave a list of abilities so that if someone asks why/how I can perform said abilities it does not appear as though I am simply hand-waving them into existence. I mean sure, lists are pretty and it helps with OCD, but I feel like it benefits both myself and others when I have a list that is always available to me to remember what abilities I have learned and how I should be performing them to what varying level of skill. I suppose I could do away with the skill part, but it just looks pretty to look at. That's really the only reason it is there - to look pretty.
It's okay if you don't like it, that's your opinion. I don't necessarily like having this list, it's just a necessary thing so I don't forget what I can do and such, otherwise I'd have a bookmarked text file or something with the same stuff there. I only made such a list because I realized other people had done so, and figured I should as well.
I have a simple rule. I fight against a higher ranked FU, I lose.

Acolytes/apprentices/Padawans should not be a match for Masters imho.

I am against the mentality "my apprentice is more powerful than others/prodigy/chosen one, so he/she can fight against Sith Lords no problem".


Active Member
[member="Alaki"] In my case it's not me beating them it's her just happening to have skill sets and equipment disparities *ones I didint plan on as the player jumped into a public rp* that favored her not dying instantly. Against most dark jedi masters or sith I suspect she'd get beaten badly. So shes holding her own but only just so far. And he's kinda holding back atm. So again circumstances and various factors go into a combat.


The Second Seal, broken.
I'm probably parroting stuff that's already been said in this thread at one point, but I just couldn't resist adding my opinion. :p

I wouldn't go so far as to say that master > apprentice forever and always. I'm not going to quote any movie fights because I honestly don't remember them all that well, but I can easily quote from experience with real swordsmanship. 95% of the time if you're fighting someone who could be considered a "master" level swordsman/woman, you'll get your ass kicked. Like, real bad. Doesn't matter if you're a 'prodigy' or 'the chosen one' or whatnot. That person has had more real life experience with fights, they have more duels under their belt. You'll most probably end up dead/maimed/unconscious pretty quickly.

That being said, cunning and wit can give you the advantage even over the most powerful of fighters, because you essentially bypass their venue of attack completely. So it's not impossible, but it's certainly hard and probably dependent on luck quite a bit as well.

As for overpowered FUs... idk. I'm all for those who decide to specialize in the Force and really learn a wide range of powers and are above-average with most of them. That is awesome and cool and really shouldn't be a reason for derogatory remarks. But as [member="Xhexania"] has pointed out already, even the most badass and trained of FUs are going to get tired when they do a lot of powerful stuff. Also like she said, if people started writing about consequences of their Force usage (on their level or not), it would be awesome. It would dissuade many from spawning high-tier stuff w/o pause, imho. It could also provide a window of opportunity for the opponents who aren't as skilled in the Force.

As for NFUs against FUs... either go Order 66 on them ('cause no-one can deflect that many bolts at the same time) or listen to the friendly advice of our favorite non-meatbag. :p

Lord Ghoul

Jay Scott Clark said:
How powerful is your Force User really?

More thn u

Jay Scott Clark said:
This might be a good time for a wake up call to everyone out there who has ever complained about this communities FU's as being "Too powerful". Because our force users are awesome!
Yeah, I try not to have my characters use the Force unless necessary. My biggest pet-peeve with the Harry Potter franchise is how everyone is using magic to do even the most basic things like cleaning the house or doing the dishes. It's just ridiculously lazy and lame.

In battle, sure I'll use the Force to increase my odds of winning, but I still don't go for flash over efficiency. All these fancy Force Storms and Supernovas are just taxing and time consuming when you can just stab someone with your sword made out of pure plasma, in my book.

My point is that just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
I am the most powahful special snowflake eva. I don't melt, I persist, even through the heat of summer. And my lattice structure is the shape of Devils horns...

Edit: disregard my comment, haven't had my morning coffee yet.


Well-Known Member
I am guessing sabrina, does fall into special snowflake scenario to an extent.

As she does have phasing, though she learned out of boredom doing a Dev thread
thread. Rational for learning is she is an assassin/operative, and idea being able to walk through walls makes the job easier.

Also once with my opponents permission, I crushed a starfighter thruster port. I was not in combat at time, so I could just concentrate on this. Though I felt something had to go wrong, so the know crashing starfighter, nearly killed me.

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