Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Skies above bank
Objective: Land on roof of reserve
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"]

Patricia blushed at her husband's words and giggled a bit at them, she always loved hearing the more adult things her husband had planned in their love life after the kids were put to bed. It was a fair assumption that the wedded couple had a very good love life and they loved each other quite a bit. With that added boost of confidence she nodded her head and moved to the rope, quickly sliding down it to have her phrik boots hit the ground. So first thing first, evacuate the bank. It would be very hard seeing how they would have to go in with their guns trained on security guards. But that's when her husband decided to go with a decent plan of using a PSA to get the people out.

She looked over to the side of the building to see that people were leaving in a orderly fashion and were carrying out the instructions provided to them by Jarven's ploy. Patricia smiled at that then radioed her husband.

"Aww thank you hun, we are moving in." Patricia looked over to the door that lead inside the planetary reserve.

Patricia ordered her men to put a breaching charge on the door as it could only be opened from the inside. The men placed a plastic explosive putty on the door and Patricia waited off to the side until she gave a thumbs up. With the push of a button the door let out a loud bang and swung open hard. The team of mercenaries proceeded to move inside slowly.

"Organics have evacuated, but droid security will be here still. Prepare for a fight Patricia said as she shouldered her blaster rifle.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

The lights of hyperspace twisted and danced in the viewport of her ship, mesmerising the pilot inside for a moment before she once again dimmed the window. Sitting back, the Chiss closed her eyes and once again questioned her sanity. After all, the bodyguard had worked for Mr. Bane, and had not lifted a finger to assist the others in hunting him down.

And yet, here she was, about to assist the Madame President with her latest project. Well, "project" in the loosest sense. It was, from what she understood, more like raining hell on a planet.

The dashboard beeped, alerting her that the ship was about to exit hyperspace. Drawing her attention back to the task at hand, Dryzl squared her shoulders and gripped her steering handles with a determined set of her jaw. If I die, I die. I cannot control the universe.

Finally, her ship entered near one of the larger ships ((OOC: The Red Dress)) and the woman quickly flipped her identifying beacon back on. Opening the channel she knew the Red Ravens used, she then hailed the bridge of the ship closest to her. "This is Erud'ryz'ladre, piloting a Nssis-class Clawcraft Designation: Icy Horizons. I am a friendly. Repeat. I am a friendly. I wish to be put in touch with the Madame President of the Red Ravens, over."

She sat back in her seat as she waited for an answer, her heart beating faster than it normally did. I take back my earlier sentiments. I'd rather not die today.
Location: Main ventilation shafts of Bank.
Objective: Clear bank of all security.
Allies: Open for help.

Break had already made his way inside the building. Less shock and awe more spider in the corner tactics. He noted the PSA from the bank was clearing out the Civilian clatter and he was thankful. He had no drive to destroy families today. That put the already annoying task of moving through these small shafts (that barely supposed his weight) a lot easier. Slowly he crawled his way down and silently landed on the floor. He landed in a room with a large desk and about 20 chairs. "Hm...this must be the meeting room...good just where I wanted to be." He thought to himself. He surveyed the room making sure they were very lax on the security measures in this room. Probably thinking nobody would penetrate the walls this far. He turned on his comm silently sifting through channels until he heard a female tone giving a play by of the raid.
He didn't expect that he would be the only one to enter the bank but he was sure he would have been the first to make it.

He hesitated...would it be wise to try and contact her? After all he didn't know this person... at any rate he needed this Job done. Both organizations he worked for were all in for this heist and he'd be dammed if this was going to stop him.
Quickly he spoke.

"Is this party for only for the birds? Or are Jackals invited too?" Break smiled as the words left his lips. It had been a while since his last heist.

Unaware he was contacting [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] he was wary to give out his own name in return.

"Need any help? Or do your men have this locked down?"
The Red Ravens had made a mistake. They had betrayed the One Sith. Originally, the One Sith only had one target, that being the republic and the Jedi, but by betraying the Sith they had painted themselves quite literally red. Now, the entire group was marked for death, and there was no way to turn that around. But they were still comfortable, as nothing but bounties had been thrown up in response. Such was the way of things in the galaxy. People who did bad things were marked with a bounty, and the bounty was never claimed.
Until now.
Dropping out from hyperspace was none other than Darth Ferus, leader of the Sith Assassins. Aboard his fully stealthed Phasma Infiltraitor, the Red Assassin had come completely alone. It was on short notice that the Sith learned of the Red Ravens activities on Drogheda, and he had left in quite a hurry to get to the system. He was armed from head to toe, having grabbed all of the gear he could hold on his person, including the new Adder Dart Shooter loaded with Force Inhibitor Darts. Naturally, he had his hidden blade, as that was sure to come to use, and his lightsabers. One last thing he had however was an Iridonian Revolver. These powerful pistols had yet to see real use, and the Zabrak wanted to give them a real field test.
Just outside of normal sensor range the Darth could see with his own much more advanced sensor relay to scan out ahead. His droid pilot, dubbed 'Droid' by Ferus, kept this distance. They were searching for one person, [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] , but with the sheer number of ships it wasn't going to be easy.
"Master Ferus, there seems to be a fleet up ahead. One has the signature of the.. 'Red Dress'? It comes up as Red Raven." The droid, whose only use was to fly the ship Ferus couldn't do himself, spoke up in a rather flat tone. Despite being a droid, it wasn't exactly pleased to have the master it did. The red man wasn't exactly the nicest person to droids after all.
"Does it? Start scanning for open channels and logs. I'm not even sure if this Madame President is here, but we're going to find her." Ferus's own tone was level, and with a flick of his wrist he let the alchemised hidden blade slide forth. Slowly he would clean the blade, waiting to get out of the ship. He had his mark, and he had no intention of letting the woman get away. Meanwhile, Droid would begin to scan any and all channels he could. There were some about evacuations, others about what the droid assumed was Red Raven troopers coming aground.
But then there was something else the droid noted. The pirates, lead by an unknown ([member="Flannigan Mcnash"] ), had requested a meeting with the president on a rather out of the way location. Hidden deep within the chatter, the droid only barely managed to see it in time. Piping up, Droid would call out to it's master once more. "I have a possible lead master, want me to bring you there?" This lead, if fragile and always possible to change, was something. Ferus would give the command to descend to the planet, still stealthed. He himself kept his signature within the Force minuscule, so on the off chance there were any powerful force users he would still be invisible.
People had assumed allying with the Red Ravens meant freedom from groups such as the One Sith. Waiting rather impatiently for his ship to get to that hidden hanger, the Zabrak could only think of the aftermath of the Presidents death. Perhaps then the groups would learn not to go against the Sith, less they have the same fate of the Ravens.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Landing on streets around the Bank
Objective: Provide distraction while bank is stolen / Provide demolition charges for heist
Allies: [member="Foebacca"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Zenva turned to the Wookie, laughing, "Your on. Try to keep up fur face."

She turned away listening to her comm. Her voice filled the interior of the landing craft, "Lock and Load Vrotoa! Thirty seconds! Remember, demolition team moves on the bank to assist in breaking the foundation. The rest group up and spread out. Nothing gets within two blocks of the bank."

The Lambda touched down and the loading ramp slammed onto the street. In moments thirty five clan warriors flooded the area outside the bank. Panicked citizens were already leaving the bank only to be marshalled out of the area by armed Zabrak.

The ten man demolition team began their work right away. Pre-assigned pairs wasted no time moving to circle the building. Small shaped charges were placed and detonated, leaving two or even three foot deep holes in the duracrete. A larger demolition charge was lowered into each hole and the pair would move on, slowly working on encompassing the entire building.

The remaining twenty five warriors broke into teams and started moving way from the target building. Chaos was sure to follow.

Zenva gathered the four man team, big Orluk, Renesri Aylia and her big "brother" Foehammer. "Let's go see what we can blow up shall we?"
The View Point of Drogheda Citizen

He stood in agony and semi-blindness amid chaos. Then as he began to recover his consciousness, he found himself standing by a pillar some distance from where he had been sitting: he saw a place where tables and chairs were all upside down, legs in the air, amid debris of glass and breakage: he saw the cafe almost empty, nearly everybody gone: he saw the owner, or the manager, advancing aghast to the place of debris: he saw a friend standing not far off, white as a sheet, and as if unconscious. And still he had no idea of what had happened. He thought perhaps something had broken down. He could not understand. But than he saw them, dressed in aged attired caked with dirt and debri looking much older than the event, than he understood Droghedas was under attack by raiders.

suddenly there was a noise of two shots, fired in rapid succession. It was than that chaos fell around them, brilliant colours ripped from barrels dancing across the open space to make contact. The Pirates were shooting through the street, burning buildings and throwing detonators and other hand held explosives. It was hell.​
Tag bag
Patricia Susan Garter Xalus Jarven Zexxel Lurcano Car'dann Jen Keira Ticon Zenva Vrotoa Kezeroth the Malevolent Alexandria FraytalGrug Genu Kudd Amelia Deathman Bazette Royalblaze Break Bryn Vash Daiya Dakita Calfur Davik Tren Erud'ryz'ladre Glim Jasem WardonMir Nehrahn Tora Mirkew Wes Redtree Xander-Clyde Gage [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Break"] [member="Orn'komad "][member="Paislee Armandé"] [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] [member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Chiasa moved back onto her Washburne class shuttle, comm beeping once more as one of the crew above the Red Dress sent a message to let her know she was being hailed by [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"]. That was interesting. She hadn't seen much of the Chiss since. Well since Cryax. She approved the request to have the Clawcraft marked as friendly.

"We still doing this boss?"

Henbeddestr asked, looking over from the controls.


"The pirates and everyone else seems to be doing a fine enough job, I'm not sure y'need-"

"We're doing it. Everything else hinges on this getting done. Everything."

"All right, you got it... wish you'd let me bring something with a little more firepower..."

This exchange done, she opened a line to the Icy Horizons.

"I wasn't sure you'd be here Dryzl. What do you need?"

And unspoken in this, If you are loyal still, I have not renounced you. It was an interesting situation. She had been Cryax's personal bodyguard. Where did her loyalties lie, with the man, or the organization? Where should they lie?

While this was going on, the shuttle rose, making for one of the more populated downtown cores. Away from the bank, towards the largest holonet tower on the planet. This was likely not a coincidence. While she spoke, Chiasa began to gear up. Before she'd been wearing only the glistaweb bodyglove and black leather boots. Now she began pulling on her Shot Caller armour, oh how she hated to wear armour, but it was necessary for what was to come.
Drogheda News

It was the kind of brightness that sears into your retinas making you close them for fear of going blind; brightness that danced across the dark grey screen, each colour slowly fading into another. And than the report came, if [member="Darth Ferus"], had payed any attention to the planet the news that now broadcasted would surely be no surprise.

"Pirates attack, b-7 thunderclap had been seen shortly entering the residential area and not long after brigades attacked calling themselves the Jackals, local law enforcement is having a rough time keeping things under control. Military action is expected." It was their ship, it hadn't be cloaked and could be tracked.


Great pillars of smoke climbing higher and higher into the sky, bombed out wreckage of a once peaceful area. Homes and stores under siege, it was a blasted hell scape and its new lords calling themselves the Jackals, they had taken hostages and burned homes with wild abandoned.

| [member="Darth Ferus"] |​

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Land on roof of reserve
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"]

Patricia entered the planetary reserve by walking down the long stair well shrouded in darkness. Step by step she descended until her boots touched down on level ground. The five foot two woman kept her eyes peeled down the sights of her rifle as she had an Incoming message from one of the Jackals [member="Break"] it was a pretty standard message asking where the guy was needed.

"Hook up with us and proceed forward." Patricia said calmly as she wired the man their location inside the reserve.

As she walked down the halls Patricia came into contact with the first squad of security droids coming to see what the explosion was upstairs was, there were about six of them and Patricia and her crew wasted no time lighting them up in a hail of blaster fire. Then the fight was on, they were on the upper levels of the reserve and bellow them they could see straight down to the bottom floor. Across the large gap there were a few more squads of droids rushing at them shooting their blasters.

"Take cover!" Patricia barked out then jumped down to put her back against the marble wall to the walkway.
Break quickly made his way to the woman's coordinates shadows were plenty and the security Droids were stupid it took him less time to take out the 2 Droids barring his way to their position than to actually walk there.

He smiled as he replayed it in his mind.
A dodge to the shadowy corner of the halls then a well placed plasma shot swiftly to the head of the bot on the left and before the 2nd could respond he sliced it's head off and smashed it's Droid brain with his boot he swiftly hid there bodies and continued on his way.

He now faced 6 dead security Droids as he made his way to her position Break finally caught up to [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Just to be careful he warned her on his comm

"Coming up on your position, I'm on your 6 don't fire."

He warned the lady.

He stayed to the shadows
Thraxis would begin to bark orders at the men, making sure they were under his control when small groups of rebels would ban together to deal with him, they were all quickly disposed off, wether by simply being massacred, or by being swarmed by his comrades. "Listen men! Remember your duty to the Jackals! Your morals right now are absolute, kill, plunder or eviscerate I don't care! Just do you duty and stay alive!" he would bark at the men, who would be scattered about with their miss matched equipment, though he knew the chance of getting a response would be unlikely, chaos had erupted and to being order to chaos was a fools goal.
Blood slowly leaked from a small cut upon Cadan's chin. One of the citizens just got lucky that's all, he told himself. But now the body of the villager layed there in front of him, a large hole shot through the mans chest.

Cadan wore his ever present trench brown trench coat, at one stage it would have been quite a nice piece of clothing, but now it was severely burnt and had holes scattered through it, the trench coat tightly wrapped itself around his durasteel armor. A DL-18 blaster was holstered at his right thigh, on closer inspection one would notice the words 'Sunshine' roughly scribed into the handle. On his left wrist, a MM9 Rocket System was mounted, along with a comm link. On his right wrist he wore a CZ Wrist-Mounted Flame Projector. A Raven Gauss Rifle was strapped around his shoulders with a leather strap, equipped onto the sight was an Augmented Shooting Tool.

He pointed his right wrist towards the nearest building, letting loose a flow of gas, followed by tongues of fire. The fire danced towards the building, lick and igniting the building. The flames began to grow as the fire spread throughout the building. The smoke flew into the sky, yet another pillar amongst the chaos.

A small projectile would fly across the sky and hit Cadan in the arm, taking out a small chunk of his armor. Cadan would turn and face the officer who had attempted to take off his arms.
Fiar Sets up his Valken 38 blaster rife On top of a tall roof top looking down his scope scanning the area For any major potential threats to his comrades. He occasionally sips from his blue milk next to him, He breaths steadily finger on the trigger ready for anything.
"We're about a minute out Boss.."

"I hear you."

Bracers on. ARCs in. Check that the Outlaw was loaded. Check ammo. Double check armour.

"I really don't like this."

"I know."

"Boss.. Chiasa. You don't gotta you know? We have this."

"Right now the tugs are moving from their jobs, they're heading at a legal speed on approved routes towards the bank. Patricia is likely saving puppies. The explosives are being laid. The Jackals are pulling heavy fire."


"If the Jackals don't do their job well enough, Patricia and our other teams fail. If they do too well they pull too much heat and they could die. If people aren't distracted they might notice the bunch of fairly shiny tugs heading the same way. Someone with long range sensors might pick something up."

"I know but.."

"No buts. This is my plan. This is my responsibility. Every Raven here is my responsibility. I don't get to sit back in a safe room. That's not how this works."

"I-.. Just you don't have to is all. We.. we don't expect it. What happens if anything happens to you?"

"The Ravens go on. We always go on."

"Would we? Patricia.. She's a scary broad, don't get me wrong but.. It's like you said. Saving puppies. I been hearing about a new gang, and I don't like it. Dark as anything you know? Didn't just kill their old Mums, but did it to sell her organs, smuggled drugs in the casket. That kinda thing. I don't want no part in that but.. Puppies aren't my style."

The Twi'lek laughed.

"I know."

She moved up to the cockpit, and gave the Togruta a friendly shoulder squeeze.

"We would go on. And I don't intend to die just yet. I still have things to do."


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Foebacca laughed and stood to get his gear situated. The power pack went on first, straps situated so he could still put his hammer on his back with its maglocks. He made his way to the door just as it started to drop. As soon as it thudded to the ground he let out a blood curdling roar of a challenge to any who cared to accept it. None did however, who in their right mind would have? As he jogged down the ramp he swept the front of the reserve with the muzzle of his Reaver and grimaced behind his respirator. No targets...yet. If he didn't find any soon he would make some and start shooting the citizens. They weren't Raven's citizens. He could slaughter them. Zenva sent him and her team to blow things up and ge was included in the team. Off they went to destroy. Foehammer reached back and grabbed his hammer as he slung the Reaver to his back and litterally chased a "cop" down and smashed him into the ground.

"Thats one for me Little Sister."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"][member="Zenva Vrotoa"][member="Zenva Vrotoa"][member="Chiasa Kritivaas"][member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

A breath she had not known she was holding escaped through Dryzl's lips as she saw her own craft designated "friendly". At the same time, she heard Chiasa's voice over the coms.

"I wasn't sure you'd be here Dryzl. What do you need?"

Quickly reopening her com, the Chiss replied, "I simply need to know how I may assist you, Madame President. My schedule had recently...ah...been rearranged, and I figured it would be best for me to do something reproductive."

The Chiss species were renowned for their ability to manipulate words, saying one thing but meaning another, and finding loopholes in phrases. While Erud'ryz'ladre wasn't that devious, it still came in handy. Like now, for instance.

Chiasa's question told the woman that the Twi'lek had not put her on the blacklist. At least, not yet. This was good, very good -- it also meant that Dryzl might've yet been able to get another (paying) job. Hey, she might not be as bad as some of those hired guns, but a woman had to eat.

Her own response, too, was designed to show the Ravens that the Chiss was not their enemy, nor did she want to be enemies with the orange President and her brood; Cryax could be intimidating when he wanted to be, but Chiasa...was downright csecehn. But what Dryzl did not say was that, while she was willing to prove her loyalty to the Ravens, a part of her also remained loyal to Cryax. Not enough that she would commit espionage. Rather, it was more like she would not betray one to the other unless absolutely necessary.

Well, let us just hope it does not come to that, she thought, as she waited to recieve orders.
"Master, pirates seem to be attacking the civilians."

"And? These are not One Sith civilians, why should I care?" Still on their decent to the concealed bunker, Ferus's droid had noticed something rather odd. Here, deep in Red Raven space, there was no move on the Ravens part to go against the pirates. Piece by piece Droid had been putting it all together.

"Master, I believe we should go to the pirates. They will have information on the targets location." Yellow mechanical eyes would slowly turn to look at the Zabrak, nothing worth noting emotionwise visible. He was a droid after all. Ferus would, however, stare down the droid. Where the droid was suggesting they'd go was the other side, and it was just as likely that [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] was still at the docks that [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and his crew would know her location. IF they didn't go to the pirates, they may miss their chance. If they do, Chiasa might get away.

With an annoyed sigh Ferus would wave a hand and give the order.

"Very well, find me the pirate's leader."

"Yes, master." It wasn't hard for the Droid to find the uncloaked ship, and both the Zabrak and the droid were beginning to understand why. The advance sensor relay had picked up on the tug tugs, and with a frown Ferus would stare at the radar itself.

"So, how are we going to get to chat with the leader anyway? Do you have a plan droid?"

"Yes master. I plan to hail them."

"You wha-"

"Already have."

By now, the pirate lord Flannigan would most likely see the beeping light of a holocall on the dashboard. Who it was from, was anonymous. That would change rather quickly however.
A.D.A.M. remained silent within the wreckage of a burning home, his droid body standing among the flames. He slowly steps out of the burning building and looks about, spotting his comrades. His bronze-coated body shimmered in the firelight, his cloak fluttered around his body, revealing his two blasters, a Mandalorian Ripper on his right hip and a Genoharadan Blaster on his left. At his waist, before his back was his Vibro-Blade and on the right side of his waist was a Personal Energy Shield, on the left was his personal cloaking device. He had prepared the medium-range rockets and his wrist-mounted flame thrower, his energy levels were stooping at around 86%.

He stepped out of the building and into the world, immediately his right hand moved to his blaster, he drew it and began firing, shooting down anyone who would flee with deadly precision. He walked, the hollowing noises of droid legs thumping against the ground his calling card. His sensors scanned the area, making sure no viable threats were surrounding him. His droid-like voice echoed "Fifty Five.. Fifty Six..." A man would run up to him and without a moment's hesitation ADAM allow his hand to prop up for a gout of flame to erupt from the wrist, setting the man ablaze and into a panic. He continued on his way. "Fifty seven."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: Darth Ferus

Patricia kept her back to the marble cover and heard a small shriek of pain as a fellow raven mercenary hit the ground and died next to her, her heart hurt at the loss of the man's life but she had to keep fighting. Lifting up her data logger she went to check out what was going on with the distraction force going on outside the reserve. And to her shock the woman's eyes widened to see the pirates that Chiasa kept on retainer were burning down houses and killing innocent civilians. A red hot burning rage filled Patricia's body and she let out a scream of frustration. Those bloody god damn savages, there was to be no civilian casualties on this mission, maybe someone getting caught in the crossfire between police and them yes but outright targeting civilians was not going to fly at all. So Patricia raised up her comm unit and spoke in a deadly cold tone on [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] radio.

"Order your men to stop, if you so much as touch another hair on a civilians head I'm going to put a bullet in you and every member of your crew. This is a direct order, switch to non lethal methods now. This was not supposed to happen, things were not supposed to go down like this. She was going to have a very short talk with Chiasa when this was over.

"This is a message to all Red Raven staff and affiliates, do not harm the civilians. Further actions taken against them will result in disciplinary actions such as me coming to your house at night slitting your throat." Patricia said and looked back over to the droids advancing, they had since grown in number.

Another blaster bolt flew over head and another Raven hit he ground dead, gritting her teeth she used her augmented shooting tool and stuck the rifle out of cover with her hands barely exposed and opened fire in three round bursts of accurate fire at the droids thanks to the camera system installed on the sight. Patricia then looked to the man who had come to help her, he was a jackal. One of the monsters that was butchering civilians, but maybe he didn't know what was going on out there. So she would use him and have him attack, and if she crossed her she would put a bullet in his back.

"Push up the left side, our men are stuck here I need you to hit the droids coming around to flank!" Patricia said and fired another three shots from cover.
VV7-Q0Z wandered through the rubble of a burning home, finding an A.I in the room. He'd look around, finding the name [member="A.D.A.M."] on the one droid in the room. The droid would come to life, then walking out and burns a man alive with a flamethrower, as it counts up from 55 to 56 to 57 and so on. "Um...Adam, you alright big guy?"

VV7-Q0Z follows behind A.D.A.M, keeping an eye on him and watches back, shooting down a few security droids here and there, and leaving anyone else for A.D.A.M [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Break"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

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