Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to Win Friends and Influence People


"What's happening-" It was something strange to say the least [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], needing help. The plan was golden it couldn't be anyone from Drogheda, they were incompetent to say the least, so a third element unknown. "-we're on our way."


The dust clouds bursting from the neighbouring ground, forming under the weight and pull of the ship engines. The multi-hued fire that leapt and danced in intricate patterns as it left the engines. The ship was coming and it would be at [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], soon.
Jarven knew he'd done a good job thus far, but he also knew that they all needed more time. He unlinked from the electronics suite, hopped in his car, and signaled the pilot to drop him off. The pilot knew better than to question his orders. He switched the driving mode from wheels to hover mode. The hangar door came open and he drove off the ramp backwards. The car jostled as he fell a short ways and dipped towards the ground before stabilizing. He flew fast through the streets of Drogheda. He keyed for the convertible top to come down so that the roof would shrink back and down into the car.

He activated auto pilot and carefully stood up. Before he stood to his full height, he grabbed a couple of spare seat belt buckles and tied them around his waist. He turned into the back seat and hoisted up his HOB heavy repeating blaster. He stood up, the hefty repeater in his hands, and his body secured to the car. He quickly got the tripod ends emplaced into the ground below him. Now, he wouldn't have to worry about calibrating the weight in with his aim. He took back control from the auto pilot...with his mind. Before he had arrived, Jarven had taken the liberty to have a Neuromachine Interface implanted.

He drove into the thick of combat, mowing down droids with the heavy armor bumper plating and spraying any who were raising a weapon. He was speeding down a straight-away when he saw members of Vrotoa clan. He was able to make out...A girl with a ridiculously large sniper rifle, a cloaked woman, and a wookie attached to a heavy repeating blaster of his own. His car slid to a stop to their right. He yelled to Foebacca, "Hey, Foe! Don't hit Lola! You tend to make things go boom!" He looked up at Zenva and Ren. "Ladies" he said as he winked and saluted two fingers. He turned and faced forwards, re-positioned his HOB and his footing, and yelled "Hyaa!" as though he was spurring on a horse. The speeder jolted forward in a hasty acceleration and his body jostled inside the restraints.

Soon after he took off, the street ahead of them was filling with bad...well, technically, good guys. He activated a repulsor shift and drove onto the wall. Although his fire wasn't accurate from his position, speed, and the nature of his gun, he scattered their organized formation and managed to land lethal and non-lethal hits around the area. He power slid off the wall, repulsor shifted back onto the street, and ran over 2 droids and a human before he left Vrotoa clan's view.

Jarven found his way over to his wife's position. He could see the transport ship that was to take his wife and men away from this place. He could also see droids with heavy pistols harassing them. With the element of surprise and flank positioning, he quickly gunned them down. That should give them enough breathing room to get the frell out of here. He drove over to the ramp and saw his wonderful wife standing there.

"Hey, babe. Good to see you in one piece. I need you to get out of here, though. The heat's comin' and this planet isn't safe. I've got to go make sure everyone else pulls out okay, but we'll talk about it later, okay?" He waited for a few moments for a response. If she responded curtly, he'd smile and drive off. If she tried to start a conversation, he'd cut her off and say that he really needed to go.

The car was once again in auto pilot when he crouched down, undid the straps, and sat back in his seat to take the wheel. The HOB was back in the back seat. He slid and glided through the streets, making his way back to the Vrotoa skirmish site. He was coming from behind them on their right hand side once more. He saw an enemy lift something onto their shoulder and aim. Is that...A mother karking RPG!?! There was no time to think, just act. He saw the flash of light from the barrel. The RPG was coming towards the center line of Vrotoa's current destination appeared to put Zenva in the lethal zone.

Once he passed Ren, Zenva, and Foebacca again, he jerked his car to the left and slid into the pathway of the RPG. The explosion tore open his left door and sent shrapnel at his phrik armor. The car was now tipped sideways as it crashed through a nearby bridal store. After the tremendous crash, Jarven was slightly aware that he was still sitting in his car...but it was settled at a 90 degree angle (vertical). His left arm slumped over the left car door and hung down, blood dripping off of his arm and soaking the white wedding gown beneath him. He couldn't focus. Everything was hazy and he was only half conscious.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Foebacca"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
At the call for extraction, Davik grabbed one of the wounded men and had dragged him up the stairs of the bank to one of the awaiting transports and managed to shove him inside onto the floor. As other assault troops poured into the ship, blaster fire sparked up all around the remains of the bank at the invaders who were now suddenly less inclined to fight. A lot of the blaster fire was focused on the dropships and the landing area was becoming hotter than any pilot would like. After the last of the assault troops had boarded the ship that the young spacer was embarked on as well, the doors closed with a mechanical hiss and then the sudden lift of the craft threw some of the unprepared troops off their feet, but they soon struggled into their seats.

At least they were off that damned bank. With some interest, Davik found himself looking at the structure, waiting for the moment when the immense amount of duracrete would be pushed outward by the explosives that were set during the raid.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Location: Planetary Reserve
Objective: Get out Alive
Allies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"][member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]@Break@Flannigan Mcnash[member="Zenva Vrotoa"][member="Foebacca"]

Genu rushed aboard the transport and sighed, the fighting was getting fierce around the reserve building. He hadn't been involved in anything that compared to the type of action he had seen today, but he knew that he had come through when he was needed and the Raven's had finished the mission with very few casualties. He could hear the pinging of the pullets and lasers on the hull of the dropship, he saw other Raven's shooting out of one of the doors and he crept forward to add his fire to the group. He saw a small collection of droids moving forward and he studied his rifle for a second, He knew there was grenade launcher attached, he just didn't know how to use it. He finally found the safety and the trigger for the launcher and with only a slight look and a prayer, he launched a grenade into the group of droids.
As the call for evacuation ran over the comm Break was already on his way out quickly he ran to catch Patricia he ran faster than normal, the threat of explosives threatening your life tends to do that. Finally the squad was in sight and he met up with [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"Got room for one more?!" He said from about 10 paces away

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Streets around the Bank
Objective: Evacuation
Allies: [member="Break"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Enemies: Planet Security Forces

Jarven buzzed in, creating a panic among the security team Zenva and her clan had been fighting. Seems he was just stopping by to say hello as the Gank speed away.

Big Orluk made a fine use of the distraction. Setting his FC-1 Flechette launcher to his shoulder and quickly firing four explosives into what remained of the enemy. The area around the Planet Security team filled with a hail of deadly razors and when the smoke cleared none remained standing.

Zenva nodded her approval. Content that if she had not won the contest against [member="Foebacca"] then at least he had not won either. She turned away from the ruin down the road and opened a comm channel to the rest of her clan ordering them to start moving on their extraction point.

Zenva turned back to Foehammer, "Looks like Orluk or Jarven won this round. The bank team is done. You take point. Let's get out of here."

Meanwhile, back at the Bank.

The Zabrak demolition team had finished their work. Presently they were busy moving away from the blast zone. All except one Sargent, who casually walked up to [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and her landing craft. The man snapped a crisp salute as he called up the ramp, "Lady Garter, I have a gift for you. My matron, lady Zenva Vrotoa, sends her regards. She asked me to give you this once your team exited the reserve."

The Zabrak Sargent offered up a hand held detonator.

"Once your off the ground give my men thirty seconds to clear the blast zone. Then the reserve is all yours."

He snapped another salute. Once Patricia had the detonator the Zabrak fell back to rejoin his men.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: The Red Tide
Objective: Orbiting the Planet

Lurcano opened his eyes as the heavy footfalls of Jennifer resounded across the hallway. Rubbing his groggy eyes, Lurcano cursed. 'Chit. I knew it was a bad idea to stay up all night. Must have dozed off. Whatever it's fine, Jennifer woke me up so we should be good. Time to head down to the ground. Wait, why is?' Jennifer had entered the room looking rather guilty, and as soon as she opened her mouth Lurcano knew he was definitely karked.

Jennifer McKenzie: "Sorry I'm late boss. I was busy taking a chite. So what's this thing we're supposed to be doing? It's not to late right? I mean really. What could happen in 20 minutes?"

Lurcano Car'dann: Lurcano stared at her, and he blinked a few times. He put on his helmet, and flicked on the HUD screen. 'Great. I was asleep for twenty minutes, and no one said chite. What the kark was Jim doing in the cock pit? Beating himself off? He didn't even mention that we missed our timing window?' He let out a long winded breath before speaking. "The only thing you're good for is a kark Jessica. Ridiculous." Ignoring the middle finger Jessica shot at him, he shouldered his way past her. Lurcano jogged down the hallway, unsure where he was headed. All he knew was that he wanted some time alone.

Jim Hawkins: Yet it was not to be. Static was heard over Lurcano's comm link and then Jim's voice resounded across his helmet. "Hey! Chithead! Come in chithead! I'm getting reports off the ground that someone is trying to kill that sexy Twi'lek broad. She's was supposed to be on the planet giving some kind of speech or rally. What should we do?"

Lurcano Car'dann: Slowing his pace down to a walk, Lurcano considered what he'd just been told. 'This actually isn't a bad development. Maybe we WILL get some action today. And who knows. If I help deal with whoever was stupid enough to make an attempt on Chiasa' life in broad daylight; maybe everyone will forget me conveniently missing the whole heist?' His decision was made. "Alright then, active our guns and head over to the planet now. If this karker isn't dead yet, we'll make sure that he won't make it off planet."

Cutting the comm feed before Jim could add in another snarky comment, Lurcano turned and ran to the weapons system room. A few seconds after their link had been terminated, the entire ship began to pulsate with red lights and an alarm sounded. It was meant to call everyone to their stations. Jessica and him would man the weapon systems while Pozh had the engines. Flynn was at the shields though he had no idea what he was doing for the most part.

Lurcano entered the room and took a seat at one of the four Laser Cannons. They had three other preset droids that would automatically fire using their targeting systems. Jessica and one other droid would handle the missile cannons. 'She better get here on time this time or I swear...' He gripped the handles of the Laser cannon nervously and prepared for combat as their ship sped towards the planet surface.

Patricia Susan Garter
Location: Davik's Bridal Shop
Objective: Stay Alive

"Aaahhh..." a weak groan escaped Jarven's lips. His eyes fluttered open and he tried to shake out his hanging arm, which had gone numb. He fumbled for the seat belt release and grabbed a hold of it. Pulling on it, he then limply fell out of the car and landed in a pile of white and ruined dresses. "AGH!" He felt something stab into him on impact. Likely a piece of shrapnel that had been embedded into a weak spot on his suit. He clawed for his commputer and tried to say something over all Raven comm channels. The commputer had taken damage, though, so the message came out garbled, like this "If an---vens are---area, please send h---I---in need of---ical evac and as---tance. I repeat. Anyone who is---currently about to be---, please send help to---."

He dropped the commputer and tried to relax. Help was one the way...He hoped.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="VV7-0QZ"]
Location: outside Davik's Bridal Shop
Objective: repay Jarven for finding him

VV7-Q0Z is roaming around, trying to find someone, still going through several communique channels, until he picks up a familiar voice.[member="Jarven Zexxel"], Calling for help from the near by rubble of a bridal shop. VV7-Q0Z immediately rolls into the rubble and finds him leaning on a wrecked computer. He'd roll up to him, and send out a Red Raven distress call to @Patrica Susan Garter, and any other Ravens. "Don't worry sir, you saved my I get to return the favor." He'd take the shrapnel in Jarven that he could easily reach, as the rest requires true medical attention. [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Break"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Drop ship
Objective: Blow up
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Patricia nodded at the person who handed her the detonator and waved them off, it was time to go. So with her little gang of thugs and criminals the drop ship lifted up into the air and up to above the city skyline. Patricia sat back with her legs dangling off the sides and let out a sigh of relief as the ground got smaller and smaller. Looking down Patricia stared at the bank smiled at it then pushed down on both detonators.


There was another chain of explosives and the building came loose of it's foundation. The tugs began to move into position and start to warm up their tractor beams, it was just a matter of a minute or two until the bank would be theirs. But that's when Patricia received a very frightening distress call from her husband [member="Jarven Zexxel"] and a droid that he had found in the jungles of some backwater planet. Her eyes went wide and she quickly stood up and commanded the drop ship to turn back around to pick up the two ravens, no one was getting left behind.

"We're coming to get you baby!" Patricia said and had the pilot gun it.

The ship hovered down in front of the bridal shop and Patricia quickly jumped the side to have her and a few other enforcers come and help her husband.

She quickly walked through the door and looked at the droid and Jarven and even though her face couldn't be seen there was a look of worry and concern on it.

"Let's go! No more time!" she said and quickly ran to Jarven to help get him up
[member="VV7-0QZ"] pulled on an inconspicuous piece of shrapnel out of Jarven. This piece of metal, much to Jarven's chagrin, was embedded more than Quzy could see. As it was pulled out, pain entered Jarven's mind. "Fffffrell, Q! I know you're not a medical droid so PLEASE...please...." His words petered out into silence as he lost more blood. He couldn't think straight and his muscles started to go limp. He faintly registered the stomping of feet and the color of his wife's ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"]) armor.

As he was pulled up, he turned and saw his wife on his left side. His legs hung limp and useless to his carriers. His head slumped and they both tapped helmets as he told her, "Honey...I think it'll have to be YOU taking off my armor for me, tonight."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] @Everyone else in space

In a galaxy this big, this complex, it was easy to forget how many people and power structures were invested in any one place. One unaligned world couldn't possibly have anywhere to turn.

Unless that one unaligned world happened to be the headquarters of one of the galaxy's largest corporations, and located dead center in that corporation's territory.

That territory comprised the super-hyperlane which Silk had created and still controlled. It took a little while for the Silk Holdings fleet to gather from up and down the Mara Corridor. During that time, the Red Ravens and their allies wreaked all manner of havoc, made all manner of identifying transmissions both audio and holographic, and implemented all manner of orbital presence. That orbital presence registered a large, unscheduled hyperspace reversion, then another and another. And so on, and so forth, all centered around the Silk Holdings orbital shipyard, with overwatch on the Silk surface facility in the wasteland.

A broadband transmission went out to the system -- a dry, cold voice.

"Your attention please.

"This is Selka Ventus of the Silk Holdings Board of Directors, speaking for D'Lessio Fleet. All raider forces are ordered to leave the Drogheda system immediately or face punitive retribution. Tentative requests for aid have been sent to the other corporations of the Tion Hegemony. These requests will only be confirmed and acted upon if you fail to comply. You have committed aggression against the headquarters world of a Tionese member corporation. You have sixty seconds to send a return transmission acknowledging your intention to leave the Drogheda system immediately and without further hostilities."

MC220 Bel Iblis-class star cruiser Progenitor's Wake (1750m)
14x MC70 Ackbar-class star cruisers (13300m)
7x Peregrine-class armed freighters (2800m)
2x Haytham-class TAG LAW tactical interdictors (cloaked) (132m)
It was than that they appeared, hovering above the open space tossing opake clouds wildly out and towards the adjacent crowds of militants and combatants. It was something of a hizz or a low heavy hum but the gang way stretch out and opened towards [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], pirates stepped out and onto it holding aloft their long and cylindrical barrels to the crowd letting shots ring out with the addition of the cannons, "Get in!" called a voice. It was her escape her salvation from the botched mess.

[member="Selka Ventus"], message hit the open communication and it ran through the crew like a wave, they weren't told of any D'Lessio Fleet, and nor did they want to be this was a hit and run for them. "Chiasa, what are we going to do. It's your call but I don't want to be stuck here if the skyline explodes with ships."

| [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] |​
The Twi'lek and her current bodyguard were up the ramp the moment it was lowered. As soon as she had a moments respite from the stupidly heavy blasterfire she was on her comm unit, shooting a grin to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"].

"No idea who this joker is, but they're far too late. They weren't watching us closely enough! Maybe if they'd shown up twenty or even ten minutes ago.."

And this was so. As soon as the explosions had gone off, the tugs had started their tractor beams, protected by folks like [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] with the signal being sent out to the Hades classes est all to move in. The reserve was already hitting the skies.

"But sure, let's humour them."

A laugh escaped her. These people. They honestly thought they could stop her? They couldn't even slow her down. How many seconds were left, fifteen? Silk Holdings. she made a mental note. She'd not targeted any of their companies, but she certainly could next time..

Comm link opened to whatever twit thought they could enforce their will on her. Hades classes were already activating their tractor beams, tugs were docking in safety, a swarm of droids was being sent to empty the bank and pull any useful systems.

"We would so hate to see this punitive action [member="Selka Ventus"], I'm sure it would be all sorts of distressing. Raiders will be withdrawing, you and the Tionese have a good day, say hello to the Queen for me."

Have fun putting your planet back together..

Too bad the Ravens had planned this all to happen with absolute speed and precision, fleet or not, by the time they maneuvered into position the Ravens would be done and gone, and all they'd have left would be burning buildings, corpses, and the Planetary Reserve floating through space. Oh heroes, they never did get there in time.

"McNash, I'm sending your main terminal jump coordinates, same ones the rest of the Ravens have, you pull something like this, you don't use the major lanes."

She switched the comm back on to Raven channels.

"All right my clever Unkindness, Stage One is done and done, jump out! Fleet battles aren't on my list of things to do today, Captains, take note of whats against us, I'm sure we'll meet this Ventus again. When we don't have such pressing matter to attend elsewhere and other more important people to bloody she can have her turn."

The first of the Hades classes designated as a carrier was already jumping, the other was picking up a few more independents, guarded by the Krakanas, it's course already plotted and hyperdrive engine warming up. It would be gone in moments as well.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

There was no question that the Silk fleet had arrived too late to stop the Ravens from pulling off what was now revealed to be a hit-and-run. There was also, however, no question as to who was responsible. The name 'Red Ravens' had been bandied about the airwaves, faces had been televised, all manner of indicators had been deployed.

The Haytham-class tactical interdictors -- incredibly fast little stealth craft -- could have surged ahead and snared the last of the Ravens' ships while the Progenitor's Wake disabled them at extreme range. But the Ravens were complying with the letter of her demand, and it suited her to honor that. Silk had an image to maintain, after all.

"Find out what was taken. Secure the system as you see fit, Commodore. Contact the Droghedan government and offer support in restoring order and rebuilding. If they agree, contact [member="Gerion Ardik"]. I'm sure he'll be able to supply all the labor and law enforcement droids they need in short order."

"Wouldn't that call be better coming from you, Ms. Ventus?"

"You do fine with these sorts of things." Far away, the last of the Red Raven ships flitted into hyperspace. "Bring one of the Haythams alongside. I have some...errands to run."

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Spaaaaaace the not so final frontier
Objective: Get to stepping
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Patricia got herself, her husband, and the droid loaded up in the ship. Things were getting a little hot and it was time to get to going, so that's what they did. The dropship door closed behind them and the ship quickly shot up into the atmosphere, Patricia sat back against the wall of the ship with her legs spread and the back of Jarven's head rested against her hips. Removing his helmet the woman gently brushed her husbands thick black hair as a medical droid worked on him to stop the bleeding.

"I love you Jarven." Patricia said as she leaned down to kiss his sweaty and cut forehead, her sweet soft lips tasting the filth on Jarven. But she didn't care, that was her husband and he was hurt.

"Make the jump we have the money let's go!" Patricia hailed the Red Dress and docked inside.

The rest of the loot was secured in the Hades and they had made their jump to hyperspace. The Red Dress made one last transmission to the silk holdings fleet and [member="Selka Ventus"] it was a simple picture of someone flipping them the bird, and imbedded in that image was a song just for them.

The Red Dress made it's jump with the other Hades and left the Heroes eating their metaphorical space dust, having just robbed an entire planet of their federal reserve.
Silk Holdings. It wasn't as if the Twi'lek had targeted them. Hells, who cared what companies operated on a planet you were working a job on? That fleet had been ridiculously large for a single company however, and that made her suspicious all by itself. That was going to see some digging. She'd have this [member="Selka Ventus"] looked in to. Convenient the woman had supplied her with a name.

Still, as the Jackals made the first in a series of short hyperspace jumps designed to make sure their end point couldn't be calculated and any pursuit was thrown off, Chiasa did some quick digging. Oh they'd made her own personal ship, that was a cute twist of fate. One name listed as a shareholder did earn a frown however.

[member="Danger Arceneau"].

Whoops. Well that was awkward. Still, the woman had her fingers in almost everything business related, it was likely to be expected that the Ravens were going to impact her occasionally. She was a businesswoman though, as long as they made sure she came out ahead, their mutually beneficial relationship ought to continue. If Silk Holdings had left the majority of their money in a bank they were idiots, but you never knew, the galaxy was full of them. Danger owned 5% of the shares, so give her 5% of the take. The credits weren't counted yet, but since they were surely in the billions who cared?

The Ravens next project was well and proper funded.

She sent a quick message all the same.

///begin transmission...

To: [member="Danger Arceneau"]
From: Chiasa Kritivaas

Ms Arceneau, I do believe I may owe you some credits. If you happen to pass by Antecedent, do drop in and see me.

...end transmission///

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
That particular bank, one favored by local nobility, hadn't held much in the way of Silk assets - local groundside labour payroll, mainly. Pocket change, to a company that could buy and sell the Ravens' fleet a dozen times over. What mattered was the principle of the thing. What mattered was the reports coming in from across Drogheda of one, two, five, ten Silk employees killed. What mattered was the Ravens' temerity in striking Silk's headquarters world, the jewel on the chain of the Mara Corridor. What mattered was the Tion Hegemony, and Jorus Merrill, and-

Well, that was what mattered to Silk. What mattered to Selka was something else entirely.

The Haytham-class tactical interdictor, sixty-six metres of phrik-plated stygium-cloaked unkindness, broke away from the Progenitor's Wake with Selka at the controls. The ugly little ship moved like a dream, flicking through the Silk fleet as it dispersed. These ships patrolled the Mara Corridor, singly and in flotillas. Today they'd assembled too slowly to make a difference, and the shipyards' defenses had wisely decided to hold their fire. Now just under half of D'Lessio Fleet took up stations in the Drogheda system, and the other half jumped to Dressel and Chalacta and so forth.

The Haytham TAG LAW leaped to hyperspace on its own vector, bound for Nar Shaddaa.
"[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]." he moved about his ship, his long pronged finger's wrestling an uncorked bottle of wine from the pirates grasp. "It went well did it not." he pulled the cork from the top with a 'pop' frothing at the cusp of the bottles head the shower of bubbles making their own rhythmic popping sound, he'd pour a mug and slide it towards her, the dashboard was stained in ale and less describable debri, it looked like there had been quite a few failures before this. "To another successful job, may our future be as successful as today."

| [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] |​

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Zenva turned, the sound of Jarven's car coming back toward her gaining her attention. What did the showboating Gank want now?

Hell broke loose. A rocket zipped past the Zabrak matron, "CHIT! Cover. Cover."

She threw herself to one side. Her shoulder slammed into [member="Foebacca"] carrying them both against the wall. Part luck and part physics. Her shoulder caught under the Wookie's arm and shifted his bulk off balance. Add in the weight of the Zabrak herself and the pair collided with a wall. "What the kark was that?"

She looked around frantically. Planetary security had reinforcements moving up the street toward them. One man was still carrying the smoking tube of a rocket launcher. Still Zenva kept looking around. Her nephew Orluk was no where in sight. She keyed the comm built into her Shadez, "Ren. Go loud."

That was all Renesri Aylia needed to hear. The fifty caliber Doomhammer rifle she had roared to life. The youth didn't let up. A breath was taken, held, and the weapon thundered. Breathe, hold, thunder. Ten times the weapon went off, raining ruin on the advancing forces. The magazine was ejected and the young Zabrak began reloading.

Zenva pushed herself away from the wall. Another rocket raced down the roadway, impacting the street not far from her. The concussion stole her breath and rocked her back on her heels. "Frell. Hit 'em back, Hammer."

Zenva dashed across the road, taking cover along a different building. Her LD-1 barked twice, downing another soldier. From her new vantage point she still couldn't see [member="Jarven Zexxel"]. Her attention turned back to the fighting, firing when a target presented itself.

In time a landing craft appeared, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and a group of fighters dropped out. Shortly after they returned to their ship, Jarven with them. No time to spare a sigh of relief, Zenva kept the attention off her allies as best she could.

"Foehammer. We need to move! Cut us a path."

Renesri's Doomhammer rifle began firing once more. This was getting out of hand quickly. Zenva keyed her comm one last time, "Change of plan Vrotoa. Collapse on my location. Evac is now my position. Move it."

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