Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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How to Win Friends and Influence People

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Location: Above the planet Drogheda, near the Tugs
Allies: Red Ravens & Co.
Enemies: Anyone not affiliated with the Red Ravens & Co.
Objective: Defend the Tugs

Finally. A clear, concise objective, with no confusing ties, people, connections... She could do this. After all, defense was her forte.

"Understood, Madame President. Heading into position now." With that, she clicked off her end and eased the Horizons towards the tugs, which also showed up as friendlies on her screen. Chatter coming through the various channels alerted her to the troubles the land troops were having with Dryzl frowned. I thought the Ravens had enough money? Perhaps they are not as financially well off as they seem? Another thought for the Rainy Day Jar.

The Chiss maneouvred her Clawcraft so that she was above the end of the trail of tugs. From here, she'd be able to better identify any threats to these ships. Now in position, she turned her com back on and hailed the tugs. "This is Icy Horizons, simply notifying you that I am here as a defender. I am currently positioned above and aft to your convoy, over."

That done, she then assigned blue circles to the Tugs on her dashboard, to differentiate them from the other friendlies and enemies.

Now, all she had to do was wait and watch. Just like the old days.
Location: The Bank
Objective: secure the bank
Allies: Ravens
Enemies: Not Ravens

Genu nodded as [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] told him to call the assault, He checked the rifle once again, and looked around at the Raven's near him. He knew that it would need to be fast, the assault team was counting on them to make it perfect. He grinned one final time and placed a hand on Patricia's shoulder as he stood up. " Light em up!" He shouted as he leaned over the small wall and fired down at the droids on the ground floor. As one the support group stood up and added their fire to his.

Before the droids could even react, two of their number had fallen from the massed fire from the top floor. The remaining droids began to move for a covered position as another fell before they could get back under the cover of the floor above them. " Assault team go." He said in between short bursts of fire from the rifle. " Cover team ,keep the fire up, those droids need to stay where they are at while the boss takes the team down." He e felt the pain in his arm at every pull of the trigger, but he looked past that pain and focused on the job at hand. He couldn't afford the weakness of being hurt now.

@Break @Jarven Zexxel [member="Davik Tren"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="VV7-0QZ"]
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] @A.D.A.M

Break heard over the comm what the voice was saying but he didn't care, he wasn't flirting or anything just trying to calm a fellow soldier on the field. He himself had a wife at home and he was thoroughly happy with her. (Even Being an HRD he had a friend and chose to marry her)
He prepared for the landing and separated the line from his wrist. Dropping a good 20 feet to the ground landing with a soft thud as his feet hit the ground his feet leaving cracks underneath him before spreading the force by a quick somersault.

He rose dusting himself of as he caught the sight of the Droids spinning and looking like complete morons.

"I wonder how that happened..."
he said not knowing of the drama that had just unfurled in the control room with Jarven

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"]

Patricia let that little wolfish grin stay on her face, and with the drop of a dime it was on. Her and the other ravens jumped from the ledge and began to repel down the center of the reserve. Patricia jumped down skipping floor after floor, with her pistol in hand she fired down shots striking more droids along with the covering fire from the other ravens. It was pretty badass and would most likely go on the top ten list of badass things she had done in her life, but that would have to wait. The team of ten men hit the ground and began to mow down droids that were running away. Throwing grenades at Incoming reinforcements they blew droids to scrap and a few of her men did go down but they did it, they had cleared the bottom floor in a quick fire fight. Now it was time to do what they came here for.

"CLEAR!" Patricia yelled up to Genu and looked to the droid by her side.

"It's Patricia, listen take some explosives off that dead guy over there and start placing charges on the foundation's west wing. Genu and his squad will take the south, I will split my team and take east and north. Go." Patricia said nodding and moving

Patricia moved with her team holding up both her pistols as they moved through the bank. A droid popped a corner looking to fire and Patricia quickly gunned it down putting multiple slugs in it's head and chest. They were on the move to plant those explosives
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] @Foebacca @A.D.A.M

Break took her orders, they reminded him of an old friend he had. He quickly grabbed the explosives and added them to his bag.
Quickly he made his way west and snuck his way passed 6 or 7 Droids along the way.... not that he didn't take them out he just waited to be behind them before taking them out with plasma.
As soon as he cleared them out he started planting explosives.
Chiasa heard [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"]s response come in and nodded internally. Good. The female Chiss had always struck her as solid and unflappable. Dependable. A rarity in the criminal world. The level she could be trusted was still suspect but.. It was certainly enough for this. She would just have to watch and judge her on a case by case basis. She had yet to decide if she was going to try to use the woman's previous closeness with Cryax or not.

This was about the time she realized that one [member="Solan Charr"] had seen fit to accompany her. Good. He was very capable, and his current visage would only make them more memorable and draw more attention. Holocams were focusing on them like eyes, or dark open mouths that would never be sated. Some of the more enterprising were already doing their homework it seemed. Bits and pieces could be picked out of the roar of the crowd. Ravens, Bounty.. Between the shotgun to the politicians head, the Reaper and all the security personnel, lots of weapons were being pointed, but a stand-off had largely been achieved.

She awkwardly switched her comm unit on without releasing her hold, hailing [member="Patricia Susan Garter"].

"How're those explosives coming? Since you decided to send our friends away things are getting rather tense... If you could perhaps hurry it a little.."


Whimpered the politician.

"Oh not here, the worst that will happen to you is a slug through the brain."

This apparently did not make him feel much better. He was breaking out in fear sweat. It was pretty gross really.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
As the captain call the fall back, Cadan would begin to run towards the ship, passing the burning buildings and the prone figures, some moving and other laying still. As he was fleeing, he would begin to hear the arriaval of the officers and law enforcement, this encouraged him to sprint faster. Opening up his comm while he ran he contact Flannigan "Cap'n this is Cadan, will be at the ship in a moments time.".

Upon reaching the ship, he launch himself up and into the safety of its metallic carcass. "Get me a bloody tissue, this damned cut won't stop bleeding!" With that said, it was obviously to Flannigan that he was on board.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Another droid turned a corner and opened fire on Patricia, quickly side stepping the women barely missed a bolt to her chest and opened fire on the droid with her two pistols. The weapons barked loudly and the droid's upper torso flailed as the rounds impacted it. Falling over to the side the droid spat a few sparks before it's eyes died out and turned black. They had to keep moving, more trouble was on it's way fast. Patricia still taking point made her way to the north wing of the reserve and with her five man team she began to have her men plant explosives along the foundation of the building.

"Not much time gents, let's hurry this one up and get home." Patricia said with a confident that was laced with a hint of fear.

The teams set the explosives and Patricia had the only detonator to them on her side, she made damn sure Chiasa couldn't blow the site from orbit with them inside. And speaking of the orange skinned devil that queen [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] had just hailed her on the comm, Patricia was still furious at the woman but she had to respect her rank.

"Civilians are not to be harmed Madame President, you know my policy. Please in the future set clear instructions for groups like the jackals that civilians are not to be killed, we are not terrorists. Patricia said then switched over to other comm channel for her second team.

"How are we doing boys?" Patricia asked team two quickly.

"We're pinned down! Johnson, Myers, and Sloan are dead it's just me and ARRHGG!" a death cry responded back to Patricia and it was safe to say they were dead or in the process of dying.

"HANG ON WE'RE COMING TO GET YOU!" Patricia said into her mic and her team rushed down the halls towards the west wing.

Switching back over to Chiasa she spoke into her mic

"We are almost done here! Bring in the tugs! We'll be out by the time they get here!" there were a few bangs from a pistol that echoed through the mic and the sound of a droid slamming on the marble floors. Patricia was on her way to set the explosives
Location: The Bank
Objective: secure the bank
Allies: Ravens
Enemies: Not Ravens

Genu heard the clear given by [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] and he nodded to the men around him, " Get down there fast. We need to get the explosives set and get the hell out of here very quickly. The Red Lady isn't going to be happy waiting on us." He rushed quickly back to the spot where he had dropped the explosives he was carrying and hurried back to the ropes. " No time to take the scenic road boys, we're taking the short cut." With a grin and a laugh he hoped over the edge and let gravity do the rest.

He wasn't an expert in the usage of the force, but he had the basic's of how to use ti to sloe his decent. He held onto the rope as he fell, mostly to stabilize his decent so that he could focus on calling on the force to slow his fall so that he would land softly on the balls of his feet. It only took seconds for the ground to rush up to meet him and as soon as his feet touched the ground he was moving. The rifle slung across his back was now in his hands, searching for targets as he moved towards the sounds of gunfire near where team two was at.

He dropped a droid before it realized it was even there, and he quickly found himself standing next to Patricia as she shot the last droid left. He let the rifle hang by it's strap on his arm as he began to pull the pack off of his back. " I'll finish setting the explosives, you take care of the wounded. Shouldn't be more than a minute and then we're out of here." He said to her as he moved towards the outer walls of the bank. He wondered if she would give him hell for just taking over like that, but he couldn't worry about that now. She seemed concerned about the loss of life they would cause before the fighting even began, so it was obvious that she would care about the safety of her men as well.

He set about placing the last of the charges and hoping that there would be enough time to get out of there before any more fighting was needed. the assault team had taken quite a bit of damage securing the bank, and he wasn't sure how effective they would be if they took too many more causalities. Setting the explosives wasn't the hard part, it was getting them placed on the right spot to break up the foundation without bringing the entire thing down around the vault. He was done without any hassle and he stood and looked around to make sure that everyone else had the devices in place. " sector two is done."

@Break @Davik Tren [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Location: Streets around the Bank
Objective: Support Heist and Provide Distractions
Allies Red Ravens
Enemies: [member="Darth Ferus"]

Zenva had missed the first target, some poor security personnel caught out of position. [member="Foebacca"] found the unfortunate bastard and claimed an early kill.

"That's Bantha chit and you know it. I'm coordinating over here. No one said go yet."

Zenva took her hand away from her comm and readied her Marr-Sonn LD-1 rifle. She checked her niece's Doomhammer sniper rifle as she moved past the younger Zabrak.

"Let's move. Renesri your on over watch. Find some high ground. Orluk your with Foehammer."

With a gesture the group moved off intent on causing their fair share of chaos and discord. The sounds of weapons fire and explosions echoed across the city. The warriors of Vrotoa clan already adding their own shots to the clamor raging through the streets.

It didn't take long for the four to encounter the first group of security moving to assist the bank. A hearty band of roughly a dozen well armed personnel running through the street, attempting to clear citizens and reestablish a sense of order.

Zenva smiled a shark toothed grin, put her rifle to her shoulder and put two shots into the chest of the first officer. "One."

She laughed as she took cover at the corner of a building. Twice more her rifle barked as another officer was gunned down, "Two!"

The comm built into her Shadez chirped as she received a report for her demolition team. Pulling herself out of view, Zenva opened a channel to Ravens leadership, "This is Vrotoa. Sixty seconds before the last of the exterior charges are ready. Those tugs need to get here quickly."

She closed the channel, not wanting to wait for a reply, only to open another to the group of Yavin Interceptors that had escorted her landing craft. The six fighters were sent to join up with the tugs and the comm was closed again.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Foehammer growled a laugh as Zenva complained about the first kill. Who said there had to be a ready set go? He saw the enemy he killed the enemy. That is what he was paid for, bloodshed. As they rounded the corner and Zenva fired off four rounds downing two more enemies he laughed again as he hit the corner of the building with his shoulder. His hamner went back to its holstered position and he swung the Repeating blaster into position. Another roar as he turned around the corner, planted his feet squarely and pressed the firing stud firmly. This was only the second time he had fired the hulking peice of equipment. The rate of fire still suprized him. It didn't throw his aim off bit gained an elated sound as a litteral wall of bolts flew towards the security personel. Most of the ten 'soldiers' made it to cover, but three did not as they were ripped to shreds by the super heated gas of the deadly stream.

"Puny chit sucking cubs. Cower before clan Vrotoa!"

As he completed his challenge a slug shattered against his durasteel chest. This only enraged the Wookie and gained another burst of fire from his weapon before he took cover once more.

" That's four. Keep up dulltoothed cub."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
Location: Floating Around
Allies: None
Enemies: Everyone else ([member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Break"] [member="Erud'ryz'ladre"] )

"Police? No no, we're nothing of the sort good sir. We just want to sit down and chat about Chi-" Droid cut himself off before finishing the sentence. If droids could look shocked, he would. News reports about the Red Raven president holding someone hostage on public television flooded into his mind. He had kept an eye on the rest of the world news just in case there was a glimpse, but this was something far more. The com to the Jackles would suddenly be cut as the droid maneuvered the ship to go to Chiasa's location.

​"Master, I've found Chiasa. She's currently broadcasting herself on the news and holding a hostage. It seems she's being flanked by a.. Skeleton creature of some kind." The last part was spoken in a rather confused tone. The droid, built on hard facts, had no idea how anything could survive as just a skeleton. [member="Solan Charr"] , unknown to Ferus or the Droid, just looked like a heap of dead bones playing the roll of a puppet. This however did not matter as the Red Man pushed himself up in his seat. The stealthed ship would be seen if they got close enough to attack, leaving that out of the options. Here on the planet it could be heard, meaning he couldn't exactly get close, jump out, and do his business. He'd have to get out a distance farther, too far away to risk anything.

But as ever, an idea struck. With a grin, the red man would cast a glance to his droid. "You got yourself strapped in?"

"Yes, why ma-"

"When you get above her, flip the ship and open the cockpit."

The droid seemed to want to respond, but it knew far better than to speak out against it's master. So instead, it merely nodded. The Sith was a crazy one after all. It wouldn't take long for the stealth ship, far enough above the orange woman not to be heard among the crowds, to position itself directly above her form. And with a reluctant twist, the droid would flip the ship over and open the cockpit as ordered.

"Be ready to pick me up!" Ferus's voice called out even as he began to descend towards the ground itself. There would be no response from the droid, as it closed the cockpit and flew off, but the Sith knew full well that the droid would listen. Blue eyes would begin to look downwards, and the red man, having completely shrunk his presence to that only one who completely mastered the ability to sense and was actively searching could find, would rapidly fall. Gravity was the highlight now, and the now skydiving Zabrak couldn't help but grin.

This was exhilarating.

Of course, the smudge that was him on the sky could be seen, but by the time he was large enough to be made out, it would be disastrous. Then again, he was falling at a rather fast speed. Aimed like a bullet, the Zabrak purposely made himself dive faster and faster down through the air, the sickening grin only growing wider. He could see her now, the orange Twi'lek, his target and mark. And now that he could see her, she could see him with just a tilt upwards of her head.

His fall, sped to a point where he'd die upon impact with the ground, would be stopped as he brought his hands around for her. The Force beckoned at his call, and a wave of the Force would fly out for her, and those around her. The purpose, throw her off her footing and slow himself. He was just above her as he let the blast go, his shadow full on her form.

Now, and only now, he would be upon her. The sound of sliding metal would fill the air as the shocked and dazed crowed look onward. The Red Assassin came from the sky, and his blade was quickly thrust for her throat, his killing intent palpable. She was a fool to let herself be seen so publicly, and the galaxy would learn to fear bounties as they were meant to be this day.

All thanks to her.
Location: Center Stage

Objective: Some revenge for the Vitae

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] @Anyone else important.

Solan's mind had been on alert, the events happening around him a joy to see as at times there was the girl promising to put a bullet into the back of the spineless welp that stood infront of him and whimpered. Why the creature thought it would be able to leave here in the same state that it had arrived in was... amazing but that didn't bother him. He was here for one reason and that was to protect the president of the Red Ravens from being killed for her... public showing.

HE was curious when he heard about the bombs, he would need to ask where these bombs were being kept because otherwise there was a clear problem in his thought process of helping the ravens if they were doing something that would put those not involved in danger. That was not his immediate concern so much as he suddenly felt a pang, something different, something that should not be there and he looked around with his eyes closed and sight reaching out to study everyone around him. Flows of the force, they generate towards those with greater intents and power, the flows even moving through him for a moment but someone else was generating a greater pull.

His head turned and followed the flows, one going to Chiasa, a few through him, some though others in the area, but a scar was what he found above him. Opening his eyes he moved without a word and pushed out with the force into Chiasa's and the politician's side. The force behind the blast was meant to send them skirting away and onto the ground if neither could recover. They would be safe although from the man that would land without his kill and then a smile touched Solan's face. "Well Well Well... looks like the Dog will get his revenge, if i dont kill you first."
Fiar Packs up his gear From the roof top pouring his Warm blue milk out onto the ground after hearing the retreat. Rubbing his forehead with his sleeve He picks up his rife and travels down the building to the EVAC area with his comrades and fellow soldiers. He keeps quiet the entire way also scanning the area for for any threats to himself.

It was with the last Jackal appeared the ship came to life, sure there were more comrades out there but they were dead or dying and they probably deserved nothing more. He'd have to recruit more later, but that wasn't a problem too many people were willing to make credits off the misery of others, @Flannigan Mcnash, actually made a business off it.

"Chiasa, we're moving to Drogheda barrens. There's too much military in the sky to hit orbit, we'll stake it out in the wilderness until the sky is clear. You have us until than, where do you need us."
And it was with a buzz, an almost hum that the ship broke the ground dust clouds swirling out from underneath like mini vortexes, creating miniature fields of patterns in the rubble. And than the ship flew, it was something hard to dodge and maneuver around the shell of the city, whether from broken building or the occasional police hover car, but it wasn't something too hard, they had hostages or told them they did so that kept them back and [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], stunt had pulled their eye's else where.​
Tag bag
[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Break"] [member="Orn'komad "][member="Paislee Armandé"] [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] [member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: [member="Darth Ferus"]

"Got it, once you are done get outside and set up a perimeter while the drop ship comes. I'm going to set these charges as well, team four is down" Patricia nodded her head a Genu and had her team get to moving.

Lifting up her pistols she opened fire at the position where team four had been hit. two men hid behind office cubicles, one clutched his side tight as green Rodian blood poured from it and the other clutching his head from the back with the palms of his hands clearly in shock. The droids coming in began to surround the men's position but they were quickly caught off guard by Patricia's squad and gunned down.

"Get the wounded and set the charges!We'll secure the bodies in space!" Patricia moved forward grabbing a pack off a dead man.

Taking the explosives she set the charges down on the foundation along the walls and the teams quickly fell back grabbing the two wounded men as they did so. Patricia's team moved to the center of the bank and every charge was set. She quickly raised her comm link requested evac and the drop ship on the roof was moving to the front doors.

"We are leaving! Let's go people!" Patricia shouted as her men began to form up and the dropship hovering directly outside
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security/ get out alive
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] @Foebacca @A.D.A.M
Enemy: time
Break moved fast as he planted the explosives his Droid brain processed the best places to set the charges. He heard [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] over the comm and gunfire in the background. It was time to get out now. He placed the last of the explosives and ran like a greased Hutt down a roller line at a 80° drop. He headed to Patricia and her group
Location: Planetary Reserve
Objective: Steal everything/ Get out alove
Allies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] @Break
Enemies: Some Sith guy in another location ([member="Darth Ferus"])

Genu dropped the now empty pack and he slung the rifle over his shoulder. He glanced around and saw that all of the raens were now on the ground floor, several of them were wounded and would need help out of the building. He saw [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] talking into a comlink and knew that it was time to leave.

"We are leaving! Let's go people!" he smiled as he heard the call, he ran over and grabbed one of the wounded Ravens and helped him to his feat. He wasn't letting anyone from his team get left behind in the reserve building when it blew. The dropship descended to street level and Genu could see it outside of the transparasteel doors. He would be glad for this part of the job to be over, it wasn't nearly as fun as it had sounded before they had left the Red Dress. He moved forward with the wounded man next to him and they gathered around the rest of the Ravens and the strange droid that had helped them. Phase one of the job is complete, now we just need to get the money someplace safe.

He wondered what the rest of the galaxy would think of the Raven's robbing an entire planet worth of wealth and then smiled, Who cares what they think.
Chiasa barely repressed the roll of her eyes at Patricias response. Her policy indeed. Her policy was not the Twi'leks policy. Chiasa did what needed to be done and that was that. Still, at least things were moving along. Good. This whole plan hinged on speed, efficiency and daring. As with most things the Twi'lek did, they key was to do what the galaxy thought was impossible. They'd be too busy going on about how it could not be done to realize you'd done it until it was far too late.

Suddenly instincts honed from surviving in the deserts of Ryloth and then further by the constant vigilance and hyper alertness needed to live as a Crime Lord kicked in. Maybe the Force as well, who knew. Either way, there was an immediate threat somewhere. Yellow eyes scanned her surroundings. If it hadn't been for the fact that she herself had only shortly beforehand had a laugh at the security for not thinking three dimensionally she would not have looked up, but she did.

At the same time that she became aware of the precise nature of the threat, [member="Solan Charr"] hit her and the politician with a force push, knocking them out from under the death that had intended to strike from above.

"Tislera kan't!"

She spit out as she was sent, flying away. Not that she was angry at the saving of her life of course, but it was rather undignified. While the politician went flying like a ragdoll, removing all that had been keeping the security from firing, the Twi'lek tucked and rolled after the first impact, coming up on her feet in a crouch.

It was less the red assassin and more the number of security bringing blasters to bear on the three force users exposed on the grand stand that concerned her. She was vaguely aware of [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]s voice coming in over the comm unit. Dodging and weaving through blaster fire with speed and grace from both dancing and the force, the Twi'lek shot back at attackers with her Outlaw, as she brought her comm unit to her mouth. Use whatever was available to you.

"Flannigan! I need an extract, get me out of here! Some idiots karked up the whole bloody thing!"

And of course the unspoken truth that when you pulled the Boss' nurkan out of the fire you were owed, in this case likely credits. Maybe ships or guns. It depended on if the pirate could preform and what he wanted.

[member="Darth Ferus"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Planetary reserve
Objective: Remove Security
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Genu Kudd"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="VV7-0QZ"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Break"] @A.D.A.M
Enemy: [member="Darth Ferus"]

The drop ship touched down to the steps of the building and various law enforcement droids from down the street began to fire heavy blaster pistols at the ship. Patricia quickly loaded up her wounded and shortly after her squad. Hopping on the side of the transport the woman walked across the open cabin of the LAAT type vehicle and opened fire at the droids with her pistol. They had to leave now, the tugs were hovering above and if they didn't get to stepping then enemy air forces would be lighting the place up brighter than fireworks on life day.

"Genu! Get in let's go!" Patricia said sharply and leaned out the side again to fire a few more rounds.

Taking the detonator from her side the woman palmed it then quickly and firmly grasped it in her hand. Taking another shot she sent out a message to all forces on the ground that it was time to go, they had what they had came for and that bank was about to head sky high.

"All Raven personnel it's time to go! Load up and head back to the Red Dress! Tugs are on their way!" Patricia said as she fired off a few more rounds down the street.

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